HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-9-5, Page 8r
T .7K 4 .4 X E T.W It T N1. I hi k3
A, 1:1U)SRAL OVFER,—The TIM.'Es aud L e%
Family Herald and
S"FEWAR"T"S treal, for the
with photograveurs of the Duke of; 11_fllN�u
'd ko�ovlj
..... The R. `NcKard '16LU I ililN 6 U
York. and tfi�e Duchess of 0ornwall,for:
Twogictures aloue t1re
Ths, CASH Store EXETER.Theflught Price Store onlr`L b"t'v1eie"`p- rice. This is a, spect I Exeter Hensall., In tbii line we liever carried a larger nor better stock
Offer toincrt�ase oursubscriptiou list do at the present time. We have a number of boys
Imdly. present subscribers can have than we
eipictures for 15 cexlts� suits whiell, we wou d like to �-,lear and in order to do so
1�rx.,.wxr.—On Wednesday. Rich- I NGW '600flS. 6W 6006S. will cut the price in two.
Now Fall Dress Materials, ard Robinson, south Of Rxetvr, while!
driving a, spirited horse, metwith ;� Suits flult were $4.00 for $2.00.
This Swie's Dress Goods. Trad-- bas increased each sea3on, serious accident. Mrs. Mollard and, We have jii.-�t openei.1 up a very large e0lisivillivnit Of do do $3,00 for $1.00.
her dangbte , adj ta -ia. Xew Yom:
,r,. of Grand Bend. b, Olt
and the present fall simson we are bound to have our trade bigger drivell to town ()ods wilioll tile t us direct from Bri . in, i
, , and while ta Brown
and better than ever. To know wnat is the oqrrect.dress fabrics for drug store, Mr. Robinson drove i per S. S., eknoll0i'LL Come nild see them even if you don't buy� no trouble. to
fall. wear, you must s,,e the showing of this st-Ore. For som:� tim-� ta"llorse, which was restless, around!, These goods %vere purellased by w; dir,�el; froin the Alow thein.
a, few blocks. While turnhig the col- �
we have been passing into stock Dress Goods and Silks direct from uer at Dr. Rollint? residence the anl-� immuNctureri in Britain for Sp9t CaShq weare thereby ell-
11jenils suits of the
, ve, A- 1,ea style and qu, lity t ric s
Also sorne very fine Freach Dress Goods. These gaods rual becattle unnianageable, ran awAy t1le wh le profit. Allirmg� tl
Glasgow, � -kbled to ohr onstoniers ole&%i r its
.U, and tbrew Mr. Robinson oatof the
are the latest and most approved styles for stylish up.�to.dat�a s . I that Will suit you.
buggy. He pluckily held on to the, lot nre
and dresses. We -ill be pleased to have you look in and see our lines for some di$tjtnceua
tilthe buggy
selections. Not necessary to buy. But stocks �vill never be� better collided with a telephone Pole, !vbeu WORSTE DS SILKS
the borse fived itself. Mr. Robirsow
than at the present time. ne TWEEDS SATINS
smtained a fracture of the cullar ho i 'We lit-m-,tiso a lot, of woijieies shoes that weitinxiolls to
Ilesides OtjjQr WillOr Injuries, Vdllle�SERGES two in these is well
I%MW R4tanit" Cheviot in blacl�, one NNEW black Broadcloth. one of tile tile bqggy wnts considerably daal-q-,ed. dispose of awl will vat the price ill
of the newe�st, materials; for styl- most elfeLctive suitings for this The horse wa4 vaptured oil Main st. 4. OVERCOATINGS VE LVETS
i6h sufts tie o4d Wkirbs $1.01) season. Pirle, finish, gu%ranteed ;DRESSGOODS
.., >- p. cut on the 14
not to shrink or spot, S%L $ _j TOWELINNGS1 a I V 5 U a fA Of:' I" L'
ana si.4o. r,
Zmw Howispna Suitings, 5t inell, VF.vr11 or MRS. L. GLOVES TABLE LINEN,
extra heavv weight, skirt Can be Sarah -,Vice Of Leonard 'V , TABLIE NAPK:#
-NEW Venetian cloth$ in black, navy, c-, VELVET a11113ONS
made 1tr,,thZiut Uning, goaa selec- Taggart. Exeter Nortli, died on Von- f,
t lan oc colors �7t5 royi]. car in. Al. sea , castor day'last at the age of M years. jje_� FLOOR OIL CLOTHS ROMAX SATEENS�
and grey -one of our lealing kao"A RL I N U` BROA�_/q
line.,;,pui�e oul and good weight ce"'d bad been ill for sonte time. Iser . LJNEOLR UMS FLAX NBLETTES,
(_ cents. trouble being dropsy. She hor4k her;, ART SATER'4\ZS 1:,\�MERWEAR
NEW ('ktawl" lr�vv freiz.�s in dark UlAOSS With great fOrtitUdO And full
lrdanil lij,�;Jhjla g sty ate. 8ar;%TAIA.XDKRRC1IIF_FS E TC., ETC.
resigned herself to her f
lish g a $1.03 NNEW Venetian Worsteil Ullison was barn near St. T ol
of tilt-, best, valut.,; we ever' olrt�v. Elgin 01., in. tile Vear She was' The'se goods are hVilig r4kpidly urtmed oft' tind plved in _U-4
ed, ijS inches wide. beavy wt4gbi, twice ill.
-k 4 lit - re A0k
3toc I will kv. -adr for in qw�etion by rd, S
all wool $1.25 log, L. Wbite, of N�.w York, bF which Ll
NEW fine luake dari; wwr� I Itu I
ml Illedium grey. plain
she leaves two sons, williain, of Tor
onto�aud John of Toledo. Her speond'
twill and b3Sket Wk-,VVe, -713 S', $1 �NEW blael, and navy aradford sorge. warviage was to L, MvTaggarr, Exeter,
lent value at 75,7. 'Wetre wak. North, who sluvives be She Was .3 71 r FICS. I
46 in., this linf; Nvalild hi- excel- N _Alk
cinsistent, member of the PresbyterNnVUA661111084 6,0060m, -4
VRW clotlk s in blaw"L, ls-;,vy iug;-4 qwelalry of Oniq kzaod-l. and, �lnd and spil Mile- U M
.N cluirch. and. a L have E m p
brawn. CAqto-r wvl f.%wn, 4 i-nell: Xindly aRk ta,4 ev th:sp,kt0mltr tie lie hbcr.
sp9clat line- Ail goods, our pri, -
Bring, your I
wi.h; nergetic and niethodic i 11, j), fall sto,'k of ptir') vilvgw-s. pare Apieei, 4 -
he tin ertakln�-s. and was tin I
If vOu want to see the clioiceit awl most so!;..-vt rairgv of respected by.l. large circle of rile s, 1, receipts to us and grot the hast t lie ni irket afffords.
Her r0inaius were laterrea in the�'.
tv, per During ]lot %ren flier we, are hiclined to look for eoolest
Exetoreemetery on Tuesday. Pure, e.xtrastrowr white wine pickling 'yinegm
1)resss 00a�l,, ever Alown. ill Exeter, hvpevt our -.nwk. Come 'alid illost conlrottzible Zea posAble. NV®r would Sligrg"e'st
gallon 4
Snaviers. - Tile,. gallon vou vvant eointbrt and vall gret t1w at ;�,lllall eost
ft t h(�v, for Vour inspei�t lon. Anuive-miry and Harvest, ThanLa. XXX pur'. white witle, Villegur 1),-r 3
1,�.Vou Would lie Wi-',P to
gaviligserviceslicId In Trivitt inetu.' dozeii . 4
worial churCh On slinklav last, pasied.
jaloa!�,tntly. Tile congregam., IN;. extra, fliw wleeteij randw� for
ft BTEWFART 'tIL"'4za�it, esperially W,ge j1.wtieuUr.,. Fitio tine-olored Japin tea for
.4 torev-- 6t -;i- 4) 310, Wednesdays aud Kzturday;s escQrted. gy in the evening, when neariv Pverv.� *3 lb.;. fille sweet bi'vilit.; for
Our Rattan 0heirS, prives mm4n Imm *-100
Artlint-Murliby. 10.,%_ Wilt, i' 4 hottle.4 t-,joioe inixt,41 pjelzle.,� for
- 25c
4? �K- 1%. 1.- A. 4. Fine qu dity blat-k C Aim Tea for q est dd�.A,1111s.
earnestand fluent siumker., Invaelked, ,upwards. Mso vmuplotestovk in all linv�, in hit
For Marriage Licenses, interestingand forvible, sormonq. To:
tlit. Tito I m.ebed upoll tl Intending parebasers wfil fi�nd it totheir advaimigil, to
141,Q441SIG Foast Of TaNlPr`ua;X!s4 talting forllos�:
fn the afternooln So(,, our fine It'nek wor.sted -In(] serge sults to order
r THE �A, ART. watclics, clocics, t4.xt Lev. t1.13. :;q M11 oil 11--, bef'o'rlo, purelinAtic, elsewbere.
P.14 4M
b spoki� to the children about, sl"ing for
Jawelt-Y, $115,001,
Spectacles* Etc g, iwtq, and tbey were. so plemed that
ii any would bave IlUed hitil, to repeatq
To H &L14 O.N I sadilvesq. At tile evening service
P.- IUCKS Mr. Murp
tation of Chri-q. taking for his text
by preached upon the Inil 0
Watch Rep-dringa Specialtv. F ieral `rectors.
the Best oods Aets IV -13. Ho spoke first of the H stw d
s rialmarksof a, Christian, whichi
.-tgQ, Joy('. 1111111111ty %11(j bQjl-'
1swilat the htuiue�i8 ull�u owesillm- MrS, J. V. ert..CL Xr is Vi g in Tor. ;tr4� k dv U,--,
H 0 AL U u
onto. ness, the tralts of obaracterl which OPERA MAT'S I 111110CR.
self. Miss 11. (ridley is visiting friend.,ii in weve so promitient ill tile lite of Christ Direct Importers.
hilliself. Ilia seeonil Point was tile
It is till,- business policy of ours Toronto.
St. is tile gut,74, Jays In ilw week, ; Ili the church in the,
w1lich jnjuet�, its to clalln to be lira. D. Talt. P lleeprsity of lutitating V11riat Seven
and con hiluie, in tilt- world, that is in Our' IlenryThylor. 11tillett. ota ver
at mrs.,.Diics. g
1 8 ?e
ck frorua1iorspa few days ago. R0 *4t A'Oean till in Print, Ginghani,
Miss Mtnian. Blyth. is the gnest it daily occupation whatever it nay lie. I -
sequeutly -always t1lo best. ki
- Ir. R address lie pointed out� had it tow tvetli knocked out, heMhl-�- -n w. at'Ste.
5 - Uldlefs. Ill eloRing his Muqlin and Lit% aNts
We li-xv- in sto-t,-tz everything in the D. tY.NAI and wife spent Sit wlay tile how utterly itupossible it is for is, per- few cuts on Ids face. warVs, vout, choict- (if anv etiltir
est of 33. S. WXeil. son to uni6tte Christ unless be has bir. and llre.- John, McCartii-.. ed or White wit! t fo
Statiorery Vine -newest in Note Mi first aee(�pted Christ by falth its his Holmesville, returned home -I, fur S1.00, worth 75c, 191.00 and List of Fall I- airs. a n
ara left Friday to attend I Fall 'emn Opens Sepi. 3rd.
Will Mily. personal Saviour. Then lie must sur- daysago fron0lanitDI-a afterati all each,
Dental College, Chicago.
render hiniself to lie filled and to lie; sence of two inontlis, lQss ore day. Wester., Fair, Lnuilon 81-11t. Zi.l t
A C:omplata Una of Mis3Skinner, Ultebell. WAS visiting controlled hv Christ. tilroUgll t]L)Qt Death enteted t1i611nine of Mr. an& Stephen and V01(irve Agri.
friends in town last Week. Holy Spirit, *who imparts unto the mrs. Wes..Moorp, ('jj1jjou,1*Vedn V, Ilivist I(I-1-1
Jardinerei4. Mr. and'Mrs, Dr. Lutz were ill TA111- � Society, Bxettw
5169 Elsie Mccallum Ieft rllp"dav Christian tilt., mind Ind Spirit of and carried %way their only son, a don, Monday, I 11,11y, Zuriell- Svpt. 114 11).
Ainglisli and German Decorated in " -I. The boit:ttiou of Christis not bright littlo, fellow of soule viglt, I Northern, Ailstit Ciuig It 11) 20
orning for to attend Normal 80lool. Chri. i Frell Gillespie Is attending tile Pan- STRA7rORO. ONT.
Miss Hattie Sutherland, Hensall, anextorn-t1provess of wouldingand wout1w. S. Huron, Seaforth .141* 24-22' Never before in the history (if our
French China ttle Liver American, this week,
visited with Uis.� Alcock over Sunday. fasUivning of the life like Uhrisi. but The action of Cartm.'s LI I Fullarton-Logau, iNlitt-bell 8 --pt, '10-27 11011(191 i -ave Our graduates liven so
.1.11 unfolding or developing of Lbe Pills is pleasant ujild and natural. Mr�and Mrg. J. A. StOwl'Irt have "e-,;Turnberxy, Winglu 11 Sept. 21-27. reminailly suceessfid in becuriug ev-
Lulloge anti japaneseWare, I Miss Emil Brooks wha has been Stinjullit(" the liver. mid turned froniToronto mid Buffalo, Great
elvi.racter of Christ froul wfthin. other Tlivy gi'llitV, I
North-westeral cellent, situations huniediately on
visiting in 'Cleveland has returned features which helped to mako the ser- ri-glilate tll� howel-4, bilt do TIM JIMUP. Allan Mvilts, of London, visited� rich Oct 13) leavingtollegeas during the liresent
home. are surt w�v. rry 61.m. 11tv 8 -ou. bave a diplonia from
FANCY G310S OF ALL OESCRlp ( vice$ enjoyable were the beautiful They, - ill pre. flil-11IN ill t;wvu. during tile holiday. ! South Perth, St. NJ y Oet. 1-2). year. If 5
TIONS. R. Seldotiand daughterMiss Anna, andapprol;riate decoratiOUS, 8,11d the A bad accident hapriened;4 NV111laill
of Ingersoll, visitedat Gen. Sam N.16sT. White Ivyroturnedfrom ,,jStanley, Bayfl0%I-- 041. .1.4. (lur collt-ge " ou need 110 "political pull"
splendid, music rendered by the ttholr.: Sherward'�, Duugantion. his youti-e-t trip through tilt- 'NIaritil Uct.3 1. orinflueiith�ilfrlends to liel) Yon to
tie Provinveq Hur0u- Br"'
The ninsle wa,4 "pecially good. evvry child being '%Nrest Ni"ouri, Thornda�p
last week. drawnedbVfalling iftlo a oll tile press excillsion. Ovt Is �qlccei�s. You can stand oil your own
J 0 14 N G -'-frs- 1'% Y- Knight left last Friday to selection was very well readered. Tfi�e pail (if watku which had lit-oll sul-1, In Biv
thand'Utirri.s, 131"01 Oct. 8,1) Illevits anti 11 surely advance to the
visit friends in 'Toronto and the Pan- collection for the morning, and even-, the ground for the purpose of u,ater- 111.4sCornie L(,Tonzvl,'.aienf gannolt-00, 10-11. front. oure"Itirsesorstudyale Com -
American. in,- services aniouated to $103-31. ing their fowl. sall Public School. bas accepted -it slint- ljo,,j,k, (;(a" plete, sy-Qteniatic. valuabIL—tho best
ar position at Dashwood, woo-oct. U.
Albert Ford and Alf. Ford returned The big rain contractors intend 1. - I in Vanti4a to -day. Catalogue free.
tXSURANCEL starting to dig the big itch ill Stanley Mr. Vedlar. of Port Huron. tile W. J. ELLIOTT,
froina their trip to Winnipegand other Mrs. W. Soutbcott convillues very, I o 6 Cola -pally, T' RPM. will have
in week. They will employ about guest of his brother, John, Stephen Principal.
points. -w ueeks. ell. next dr.lt ma Fridav evenivg
twenty towsis a if tX men. The township. the Irst ft e -et,
T. H� McCall am and Miss Hattie left Mr.Fr:inkGUt is visiting his son Ewamp is now dry atil ingood c -in- wul, I)le%v Isabl t lie out a!, nimt. Every inem;wr must'he pr t
Tuesday for Buffalo to visit the Pan i e () -witi at thesf; drii-Is if dwy intend going' to AS;L $1 vasaut laxative, oi- where
Agen forthe WksTrus- ASsunmwx Cox- American. n Cleyeland. ditiou to:delve ill. after all altack of sciat(on, which `�on- Toronte, If they Lill Lo attend others fflie livell!7spleranged, with ilead.3clic
v-4xv, of Toronto; also for the PlIkENIX FIRE Robt. Rowe anti fi,mily visited ill, After all fill ess ofa vear or inore filed bial to the house for severa tillis. Sold 1)y C.
n2l Lmden, England,, will taki-lbeirplacein theri B uso Dix Little Liver Pills.
a Mr. andMrs. Gladman left Saturday Mvq. William Gibbings, blintoll, IMSS- week.4. y
C Clinton part of t �,i, w.-elr. order, J. T. WENTCOTT. Sergt.-Xaj0r1 Lutz.
and 0-Ap"'Y' 'Df Eng for & short visit in Toronto, Peterboro' 'Ur. -and Mrs. Rnbt, Hicks, and ed inLo eternal ieq, (in Ttilisday iuorn- I I
i Mr. W. 11. Moncue is in , rontb, 3 Rt-gt.
and Buffalo. daughter, 'Miss are visiting in ing laste, aged only fifty two ye,ir -. this w(.(.k, in the intere of the
Mr. Frank Willis, Forest, spent Sun- Toronto. The dec ased was it daughter of 'Mrs_ Guelph T,)Ii;tud Carriage M 1 i:V�Actur-
-ad S. Holmes, who died but a few shor S, Sanders is visiting- in Tor-, Yes you call buy a ATZILA 1�1�
TO ADVERTISERS. day, here, with his parents, Mr. 1% 'ki b ing Uo. I'S Stewat Vs for less than the VOW
Mrs Jas. Will!$. Mrs. Jas. Millar has returned honl0! wpeks ago. wito. : I
e of nlaUng. They must go 35C
from Hampton, where she was visiting While Mrs. Andrew Ginn, Clinton, Pan American visltors find gooji ac- I N. W. liandford, Lucam. spent sil n
The copy for changes must be left Dr. Homer Kinsruan, Sarnia, S"ut friends, was standing upnn it hench engaged in (formerly- of (lay it, tow1j. or 8 f&r $1.00.
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual the forepart of this week visiting training a running plBnb the ot,ber Parqaljar, Usborne,) 3.90 Michigan, I
advestisementp accepted up to noon friende lit town, Mrs. Douglas ha�,s returned from an Nelson CobbloiVek, wai ab thi, Pau-, 041
extended visit with friends in London evening, the h�-nch tipped and in fall� five blocks from depot.
Wednesdav of each -week-. Mr. and Mrs. A. Salter, LondonR and IlderL on. ing Mrs. Glun was so unfortunate n.., Young calves fed oil skiin milk Ainerican:last week.
nt the holidays. with Mr. Salter s tb bones in hould have English Stock Food mix- ills A;_
Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Treble are visit- to suitain a fracture of - bo Mt Gal -field Sbeere visited fuiez
in Clinton, ofvr Labor Day.
T El 9A#i)arents, south of Exeter. Rodger the right ankle. ed with it, they will Iteep �jeiiluvv una
URSD .,G T B:, 1 in- their daughter, Mrs.
When the hair is falling out., or AuLfrew T;tylor, Clinton, who was thrivewell. Sold ljy 0. Lum Mr. ""ill. Collinsand wife, London,
Crocker in Toronto.
were gut-ts in Lown this week
when there i., itchiness of the. scalp, or run over by a Grand Trunk train a On Thuesday 11.4 Lhe evowds I 11111d
House and two lots on Njain st., op-, few alonths ago and had hisilegs taken for the Toronto and Pav� AlnellWATI
i dandruff, then Imperial Ionic istniost Daym4u Crittenden spent 4L few
posite Molsons' M-Liak, for sale cheap. off, Ilow lool�sns cheerful as ever. He Evimsitions, weve so large t days ill Blyth the forep irt of this;
usefulreniedv. SoldbyO. Lutz. hat 01V
A ply to Mrs. Tait.
J�'o R SALn CnE,%.P.- A butcher de- Areyougoingto tbeFamAn1lerican? p takes the accident, philosophicaLky- "Ill sale of tickets had to be stopped. week.
I ivery cart, nearly new. Apply to L. , Miss Flossie McTAggart returned ordered artificial lirnbs and in a few
visitors can secure good Mv. Nelson, of London, wits among,
D�,,T, E'xetev. accoull"Oda- home Tuesday from St. Thoinaswhere weeks may be able to move about' Miss Cissy Gertrude Hooper a ?
tion atxrs. 0. Hooper's, (formerly of ud � the inany who --pent the holiday in
0. she visited friends. town. Roden Rooper, of Alina, Mien., spent I
W-4--um).-To lea, Exeter,) at 429 Front Ave., Baffal town
APPRP,NTICES Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood and Nlr.- and '&f;qs Nt-1he Medd, who is well knjwn last week in visiting relativos in Lhis 1 _ . pend- R P
wAilress making, apply to Miss Tom, over School re -opened on Tuesday. after Y Handford are visitors at the to oiintoa rs. P. L. .8isliop, Torob to, is s
Mrs. people4 and daughter of vi.inity on their rettim from the L'an.
the midsummer holidays, with the old 1 ri g t:1 fe-tv week .4 wit b A1 r. an d Mrs.
g Bros. Store.
staff of teachers, except Mist, Evel, Pan-Auierican this week. John Nledd, of the 7�h concession, Hul-! American.
Bo -z W._NTT.Ui?,-A good, smarb boy lett, had a narrow escape.from death, 11. Bishop.
ation, wanted to learn'
a 'Miss Urquhart, r
0- rling, who takes Miss Bask's depart- I eturned on Wed -
by lightning oat in the -Northwest a I A-stinny,5eptember is in order. Tbe: F, BrotlLs, St. Thoams, sromt. Uie
with tair edue. ment. esday, to resume her duties as mil- wvs I nintb month of the year is often on,e holiday ividi his Uiotlit-2', I's 13110oks
n short time ago. The bell she
the ting hasiness, at 'liner, with J. A. Stew.
Apply In connection with the list of art.
li was torn from tinder her, O� Ene linest and niosb enjoyable of the Mi.
prize sleeping i Exeter No,
31m, plZe. welve. This is likely to be the case
TL So the Exeter Fall Fair the roadster foal A number from. here took !I- the ne time bub is t Walker, 2nd con,,
Sbe was stunned for sox
In 1901. y1r. Win.
class was omitted. . As in the other baseball match at Crediton on Labor all well again, dl
C, I . Stephen, had two young cattle Idile
classes, there will be prizes given for Day, between Ailsa Craig and Oredi- But for the presenep of mind of Mrs. xOf, Many COUples li,06. to see tile by lightning dadn- the sturtu an
Misci Uly Hardy is confaned to her ton. resulting in a victory for Ailsa fiffiethanniversary of their inariiage. Friday hist.
roadster foals, ore of 12 to 4. Thos. O'Brien, of Tuckersniftb, the. I ffilatovor You Want
room with t�fph(Ad fever, John Spackman had Mr. Rumford, Omig bya so family residence would bave been con- but such was tile privilege of )jlr. and 1 N iv is the thue to select -your ex- Whether it's a suit for a formal.
Mv. N�7. J. Whfte, of Ottawa, was of Grand Betd, before Squire Snell, The Riddle farm in Hullett, contain- sumed by fire, Unknown to her, her i Mrs. Artemus Warren, when. they - hibits Por blie fair. If you have any occasion or just for business,Or for Out- .
ing 150 acres, was offered for sale at lifitle boy had obtained so celebrated their golden wedding at nice vegetMlles, frult or grhill bring it
the, gdet of bis mother, Mrs. 01. last week, -who bound him over to me matches it ought to be well made and:
tile Oommercial Hotel in Blyth, the and in playing with them up -stairs seb their bome in the West Ward, St. al(�ng Quality counts as well as In
White. keep the peace. Mr. Spackman xe- size, ong�ht to fit. We do ib that way.
MondaV Sept 2nd; was' the day for other day. The highest bid was $6 Her little Marys. last Tuesday evening. In spite in �v6hl- ze.
cently sold his Dark ab Grand Bend, $- the bed curtain on fire. , a IM
wild Duck- for the Rumford claini;d possession of a cot- 600 and it not being equal to the re- of ripening -years - The fit will be perfect; the making -
the shooting, of - I daughter going upstairs saw the smoke both Mr. and Mrs., -a_ willbe excellent;the clo0ies offl be
! tage bubwben told ttmb the property serve bid the farm was not sold. and callkl to her mother who ran up Warren ,.ire kill healthy and vigorous,
seas&n. t74, A cradib to us and toyou.
d�d not elonv to him, be threatened and bbeir friends hope the ay en- LOOK AHEAD.
Will Hawkshaw, Jr., who has for and SeiZiDg tiCRS and clothes she t.hrew y mc
Mrs. T. M. White, Windsor, spent SPI M0131111
a�the forepastof this week, the guest of r. ck man to such an extent that some weeks bee or a cigar them oub.of the window. Mrs O'Brien joy many another year of matrimol3la Thejovjng mald, and
"in - " . �j
it was necessary keep firm of London,11 M got her hands badly burned i� the act bappiness. 0M WoLl sue -
Mrs. J. White. to bind him. t16 on. ednegd'ay moved NV Noto The FflGes.
the peace. ceod in bn�inass will pre- I Black worsted suits worth $22.00 for
his household effeebs to that city, and the bedding was consumed. R. Murphy, of Exeter, was in* town 0 Tiare themselves for bus!.
Mr, Cecil Stanley, of Lucan, has left where he intends residing. Mr. and npss. A dourse in diae of $18.00.
for Germany, where he will pursue The public. schools opened Monday mr. Basteau, late of Chicago, has Wednesday on his way lip to Hullett, -- the Faucy worsted suitsvorth $20,00 for
after two long months of rest and �en. Mrs. Hawksbaw h.�ve been esteemed moved his family to St. Joseph, He to attend the f uneral. of the child of -�D Fadomted Basinosz
hie course of study. scholars residents of Exeter, andthe well wish- ynove(I h1s family into the house Mrs. Thos, Littl -10:) Colloges is a sure w6y td $16,00,
Mr. John Keddy and wife, also Miss joy-Ibent and thousands of iother es Of friends follow them to hwnierly occupledby f4r., C. Jordan. been e. Mrs. Murphy has reach this alle')ess-col- Scotch tweed suits worth $20.00 for
will resume their studies for ai ng with' bet- sister, Mrs. leges In Lbndon, Toronto, Ul:unjilton. Ottawa, $1(),00
Bull, Brandot,.ave visiting maV me. Ble, Basteau. has purchased the,proper- M ond6y but returns home 4arnia,.Berlin. G�xlt, Gulliph. St. Catharines
Exeter and vicinity. friends ha, year. The results of the several pro. their new o Little,= 'Pw�ed saits wor'th $18.00
motion examinations r4how.tbat some: H. Francis, W. 06ward, and Mrs, ty ber6 and intends erecting afine Thursday. By the way, Mr. Murphy Now term oponed8eptember3rd.' Canada
Monday being Labor Day, Most hard'. work has' been done in tho past Yno. Pletcher, Vshorne, together with residence Ae,bas.aforce of menat has been engaged for atiori write to the for 814,00.
another yQar by Fox, general inform,
places of business were closed and the year, and it is needless to say that the Sno. Francis, of L�ndon, left on. Tues- work excavating the cellar. Mr. Bas- arrig firm Corne in and look through the stock,
the Massey -H, and given a I will be pleased to meet 'ou.
towt1lia,gqueral wasvery quiet, victorious scholars will still work hard, day for Buel -Center, Sanifac Co.,Ivlich., teau. was,a'contractor in Chicago, and two hundred dollar �Wcrease of salary. Forcst GRU pusiness.16 )o1lop, y
tbrn from �vhile those who were not; so success -'I to attend the golden wedding of their baving acquired a handsome fortune This means that be has done good GOeves old stand, opposite post. office.
Rev. 0. W. Brown will re Y. M. C. A BUILDING,
his' holidays, an occupy his pulpit in ful, althoughtbey strove diligently to I parents, Air, and Mrs, H. Francis of has choseu. tbe quiet town of St. (work.for them. , Diek always endea-
ames-st church, next Sunday,� Sept. reach the head, will put forth extra that place, They were former r -I 3oseph, wherein to enjoy awell-earn- I vors to do his best. -Clinton News- LONDON, ONT.
Sib; 1601. efforts to reach the t round., dents of Exeter. pest, Record. J. W, WESTERVELT, Pt W. W. Taman.