HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-9-5, Page 7NOTE. N AND comm-A-Nrs. A uovel idea bas occurred to some persons who do not disdain, the pri- vileges which the Union.- Jack enables them to enjoy, They are asking the question "Who is the Duke of York that we should bow down to bine ?" They have merely ereaght the etho of a threa.dbare catchwerd o republieasi countries. where the real meaning of all meu came stageeeing. lo and asked, for tired hmanath ank ger to e Km imel imp are equal," is, often, so erfectly some stryctslinine. iIe got. furious Partner in a banking firm in France, 'comprehended that complacent gnor- when I refused to serve lum, insisted by whom the testator had been on he 1on y wanted it to poison 0, Wooed for upwardof thirty Years. mace and hooliganism keeps its at odew" boasted that be "didn't $5 FOR KILLING A ILAN. LIFE AS SEEN BY A MEN IS'I'S ASCISTA.NT. gO to her employer to show how much she appreciated all the kind- ness she had received in the Duke's service. The Duke was greatly touched by the simple becieest and accepted it, but he took care that those to whom the little sum should Bove He Saved a, Sailor's Zile— bave fallen were not losers by the old Narrow Esoapee From lady's manner of showing her regard f •' Poiseriing. hz One day, when. I was assistant at a small establishment near the Lon- don docks, a half drunken sailor Perhaps the most remarkable be- quest by servant to eeaster was a small estate, valued at about a20,- 000, which was bequeathed by a re - Besides his will the testator left a -on in the preeence of learning and mina what he pew eer itae and letter addressed to the beneficiary, culture under the beeression that eye wound up by holding a sovereign .eXPlaining his reasons for inaking the he i re. ngn and 7 ., .. , - , bequest, which he could not declare ery man is as good au le:s neiglebor. eoaxingly betweent ee di f• . : • re kure thumh of one bra..wey est, the while., in the wall itself enthout es ,., Mob rule and Judge I...yeek s ieteth- lie flourished the other threatening- lathile a very grave secret, an event ods are also means adopted by such ly in close proximity to iny face. . he wished to avoid. The secret was people to assert their independeece. To quiet him 1 made him up half that while in the beneficiary's ser- a drachm of Ipscun :lens .and took i vice the testator haci invented a syse his money, thinking he would return tem of petty peculation .wbich be had for his change in the morning", when practised, both as cashier and branch Britons have au entirely different lie had sobered up and discovered the conception as to the true meaning pious Iran& of this phrase. According to our un- He did return, hut not for his ,elianee. On the contrary, he came to derstanding, the equality exists in m , thane e and to ask. my acceptance all men, rich and Poor, king anu of. another sovereign for "saving his navvy, clergy and laity, all glasses life." lie had, as I suspected,. M- andl conditions of men, being subject tended committing suicide, and bad to mac code of laws. Independence consists, not in the permiseion to every Mall, tie do as he likes, whici would amen pandemonium and bed.. lam, but in the freedom of every man to go about bin business with - let or bindle -awe so long as I does not interfere with the freedom and well-being of his fellow -citizen. This is the true meaning of the equality of man; we have not yet reeched the millennium when ail men swallowed the salts to that end. With sobriety, aowever. celiac repen- , and he 'was overjoyed when he awoke from his drunken sleep and realized that his project had failed. One man 1 worked for used to keep his spirits of cninplior side by Side with his eamphorated water. kith beige' in bottles ideutical in size, ehape and appearence. One day a, man tame in for a,(Ban phoretic. and the chief—I was out at the time, und so was the senior as- sietent---after mixing together th"e or- dinary ingredieete for suck draoglit, filled up with spirits shall be equal in learning, refine- camphor thatead, at , . meat, property and power. CAMPHORATED WATER. — Now, it is the duty of the junior , ;assistant to clean all bottles, and Prince Edward should be the ola- matly I eame in I noticed that the jeet of our affection, if for ne other ',spirits of camphor bottle had been SE WS TEAT TEE BLOOD AN reason, beeause he is the grandson °so cerelessly need that the stuff had lowit the front of the gime,. leav- NERVES 1,TEED TON1110 VP, er her who 'Wrought her Pe°Ide last." ,rlilialas the fluid nortion heti (Napier - lag gond.** Our Preselit la"narelOrietiel, a broad white stain of cane - when he took up the yoke of enahpher cryetels. This COrlditiCA C3-17.,Ws ;More Ge manager. without being suspected bY anyone, and over so long a. period that when retirement came he was able to buy the little estate be- queathed and eettle down comfort- ably. This state of affairs was, however, partly due to the fact that all the concerns in which he had investea his ill-gotten gains had turned out exceediegly well, so that at the time of malting his will he found that. lbeit he bad run through all the money, the estate was worth a, sum equal to the aggregate of his steal - Ings, and, therefore, in bequeathing it free from encumbrance he felt be was doing all that could be expected of hint to undo his wrong. In addi- tion lie left an explimation of the system by which he hail been able to rob tlie Imola and showed how to de - teat aliyolie Olen atterriptieg the eame Wee'. A. Run BON System, fag the TEETH an BREAnx sew size SOZODONT LIQUID 25e New Patent Box SOMBONT POWER 25e Large IWO and POWDER 756. At 'the Stores. or by Musil, pestpaid, for the Price, A DalitiStla ()pinion: As an antiseptie and hy montli.wash, fiela Aor the care and. preservation of the teeti and gunis I cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it the ideal e t „foe for auldrews use," Dyawe of writer opine appleeetjonj HALL & R VOKEL, M ONTREAL N HEY OLB ENGLAND A• STRANGE CIRCULAR. A strange circular bas jest tee issued eignalmen on a Rsy MAIL ABOUT j0.1iIN n - - sia-- n WS B xuewaY. fer bidding them to g BUTZ AND MS PEOMB. . Asleep lying on the rails. One would enrdly imagine that the tenereation Record of oeeurreeeee iveat wellto clo so would prove overpowering. but it .appeara that the eignabe en: Interest the Sons of England. ,,feel *law' have to sleep soaseevizere„ OBYLON TEA IS UNNERSAILY AORNOWLEDGER TO B$ TE IBP, LIJJiELIA CEYLON TE _ _ IS SWUMPUR } FR011 THE EST KIK N30,tg,d5roIrer e n to. csw YOUI Wallt lavg. LtiL errees. other Marts:Ito e100001, The Daws*rt Pgrrirriisslors Oa. 44'Vte'r'st q1471;iltiltd St., . °teat°. TWO OF A KIND. Patrick O'MareS a. priva,te p th • ett, Regulars, went to the .colopel of is regiment and asked for a, two weeks* leave of absence. The eolouel ,was 0. revere disciplinarian, who did ., no; biaieve in estersling too 2,11ADY privileges to 'his ieen, and -did not hesitate to Wake use. of a subterfuge in evading- the granting of one. - Wen, Said the.eolonel, what do you want a two weeks' furlough for? Pa.trick auswered, ine woife is Very. iclt and the children are not well, and if ye didn't mind, she would like to have me home for a few weeks to give her a bit a aesistance. Tke coleeel eyed bizi. for a few minutes and Feld. Patrick.. I might grant your request, but I got. a let- ter from your wife this lame:ling say- ing that she did not want you home; that you were a nuisance, and raised a war whenever 'you were there. She hopes 1 wore; ktyieu have tuay More fuelouglis. That settles it. I suppose 1 ean't.• t the furlough then? eat' Pat. 110; I'M afraid not, Patrick. It wouldn't be well for me to do eo un- der the circiiinstancee. It was Patrieles turn now to eye the colonel, as he started for the door. Stopping suddenly, he said:— Colonel. can 1 eey sterneehiag, to yea Certainly. Patrick; what is it? - You weeti't gee mad, Colonel. if y it? Certainly not. Patrick: what is it? I want to s7ay that there are two ispierielid liars in this realm and l'ut arm of them. 1 was never married eily Lady -Hwy sewers -et outiroo to end they labor under the deetision lanuan inetnutes by employing that the tration of an approacliing, hem as gardeners. train 'will nalten them up. a Mission No orie eao be tted to the Life which it frequently faile to fulfil. • Horse Guards unless he is on the E'rince of Wales' list. The celebrated clock, erected at Do- ver Castle in 1360 is still in action at South Ketisiegtou Museum. Lord Rtieebery succeeds by the death of his mother, the Duchess of Cleveland, to a considerable fortune. 4 Regent's Park, with 472a acres, is t the biggest of London parks. it. James' Park, with 93 acres', is the steeliest. There was an increase oi Some 40,- 000 edieient Yolunteers at the end f 1900, as compared with the pre. Otte year. 'MUSICAL TOOTII EXTRACTION. In the proposed method of tooth extraetion of M. Luborde. nitrous oxide is administered, mid the night, Mare often caused by thee anaeethese e Is charmed away by lively MUSiC from0. phonograph. It is suggeeted hat the same sooththg influence May lessen the disagreeable experi- ences from. other (tea -esthetics like ether and chloroform. ;WAY F'R1JtIllT ROTEL The banking power of the 'United , • millions in 1840 to over 1,000 mil- A BLOW THAT STUNNED. Kingdom has increased from 2.32 2110PRIETOR OP TEE POPU. ees".1‘eohrneag° :11""ra' aaheid'ii,h3"4,44.11:111e41141i:gate, 11011S at present lowing in the footsteps ef his 1.,,,e..;to this. thiekitig that, it bud been the imagene—eseow a wen 1C24 MM. Queen Victoria in her nounger days 4, pire, announcea his intention of fol.. 1 called the proprietor's etteution nine Sufferang Than One Can . — LAB INIONTRE.AL TOSTEX.R.T ' work, of the eenior aeeletent en I V --- ---9—; bad quite a. taste for millieery. and, TAIIKS .A.BOIIT DODD'S aster? ete abed. ther. Who will deny the power of 1aahae,' ri:v4;d a man.'S'life.. it:alibi& Exeter Zarly Obteineci a Cure what is more. Was not atove tiling, :KIDNEY PILLS, •I. Tao. the celetgated lawyer re - heredity ? Tile Itieg's greet desire iiers hie suistalce, the proprietor rival- After She Had, Began to Be'. Ming her own teormete, is to be a coxistitutionel ruler. All i cd from the shop. and reached the " of the patient whom he gard Her Condition as Rope- L Cardiff has grown more quickly Rban any other large British town our Queen Alexandra's quick splhonee for less. spline- i '' had made up the preverip *o - of late years. From lelfil to tz91 thies, are enlisted in the interests of ti ••• - - " 31' la me to prevent lus ewullewing the um the Advocate, Exeter, Ont. its population rose from 83,000 to her people. When the son of elicit deadly draught. ' . 129,000. parents is ealled upon to ,take up i That happeried route years ago. ''.A. run down svst ral" W1 a A title has 'been extinguished b the Inirden which time evM remove Now all done few wordi4-41in- the death of Lord Wantage, einee poieon bottles must possesS world of misers! iwbat is known as a "distinctive, thr.oughout this country who are eat- landowner five midland counties. ' from his lether's shoulders, will hto„ch"—that is to suy thee Muet be rlY' a" Yet there wre th"sal"Is heirs Surymn ive 1111Th Ile'NV" a groat 11 Or Of the 8,050 guineas -which Seo- - Knee es the great respontatutyiRliall temp in a cut Ling neighbor- 1)11:::015 larom this not come to his task with a true I either fluted or rouglt.ened.' At. one poor and watery. they suf- land lies rondeed to he Wesley which will geet upon idin ? "Uneaser i eilaci.V: . iw...her(!,i1 was crPleYede for a 1 fer iilmost continuously *from 'bead,. TWO ti.ethi)Centu-ry Fund,t .ka Oh() 3 (Ian lies the head thet weers a erowne, ! w'i4isli(ielureitt14.1e,..P.r.,01'r,lp.?;,..eci2212.1Led_ ; aches; are unable to obtain restful, been received at theihad o'feee lies It will be no easy tusk whiela will ;strips ei et.apaTie'r. 's•I'nv ‘i;Yisvp"o'reV sfittsp end the least exertion I lauyiltille_s st_Isie.m._ . Nniat, is needed to gruatier London. devolve upon him, to steer the ehtiel bottles. He did not. however. keep s itiene rignedis a. toalet (UM , FOr using smoky e»gines upon ;them under lock and key, as lie I ei4e,141; their railway at West, Dulwich. the of state clear of shoals and rotate. rice as prove Dr. Williams' • tshould have done ateorditi .• to the , 3•• Itink Pills to be the only never -fait - Let us encourage him by the hearty i Poisone Act, with the result ' that • assurance of our loyalty and sup- i one dey his little gu•1 got hold of ing twain and health restorer, Mrs. Henry Parsons, a respected resident of Exeter. Ont., is one of the many who have tested end proved the value of Dr. ‘Vtuns' port. Gad save the Duke of York! the aux vonacit bottle anti pulled off the eundpaper. I found the bottle later, ori the counter behind the dis- pensing screen- and, as it was not Pink Pills. lox many months the % All sorts of men rushed to the rougliened, mistook it for the tine- was a great sufferer Irma what is golden wheat -fields of the North- , ture of gentien bottle—both tincture mainelay aa. . . weed "a. run down sys- West with the same precipitation they would display in endeavoring to reach new gold fields in search of the yellow inetal. The scenes of vest were, however, more readily ac- cessible than are the minieg camps of untrodden wilderneests, arid as a result the number of fortune-hunters has been extraordinary. So many laborers have taken advantage of the reduced rates of transportation offered by the railways that the sup- ply of labor is fully equal to the de- mand, and wages have made no ma- terial increase over those of former years. 'Those who expected to find money lying round loose, and imag- ined that they would have nothing to do but to load it on to flat cars and bring it home, are rather die - appointee. They refuse work at reasonable remuneration arid are congregatiag at the principal points along the railway where they are fed at the public expense. Between meals they hold riotous meetings and threaten the peace. Such men should be treated as 'coinraon vag- rants and gaoled. It would be quite like our tactics in South Africa, to round up a goodly number of them and employ them in some useful it work. They would have had a shadow of justification if they had been enticed away from. employment at home by false promises. 'But Many of them went up with the impression that scarcity of labor -would enable them to dictate terms se to the farmers, thereby robbing, the hard-working tiller; of the soil of much of his just profits, But, they have been circum- vented'. The stations are congested with the unemployed. The C.P.R. will take them free of charge to out- lyiug .districts where plenty of work is to be had. at frona thirty to forty dollars a month, but will not bring them home again, unless they aae se- riously ill, until they have a certifi- cate to the effect that they have helped to gather in the harvest. It is a case of the. biter bit and p the best thing that can be done. with them. The existing state of affairs • shows thee there is great room for organizing the labor involved in har- vesting,. It is e mattee which „ de- serves the ,attention of the Domin- ion Governreent. " 11" V('""L" " g tem." To a reportee of the Advo - thin, I should explain, are exactly cat° elle gave the !allowing story in alike 111 appearance—and noi ed t -- -I. the hope that other sufferers might full ounce of it into a theta mixture. be ellt fr • ' Luckily, just as X was going to send many 21101'41M lily health was in a. liar- it out. the proprietor mine funinag in from his back -parlor, where lie bad foend the vancipaper on the floor, and deunueled to look at the bottles, and so the MISTAKE WAS' DISCOVERED. Some few chemists among the many I have served under Lave been very dishonest. One of the worst offend- ers in this respect owned two large shops in 0. swell West End neighbor- hood. I verily believe that that man to regard my condition as hopeless. usea to lie awake at night thinking A neighbor called to see me one day out netv dodges for bilking the pub- lic. One winter, I remember, there arose a, great and sudden demand for it tough mixture, known as balsam of black currant and wild cherry. It is- a proprietary remedy and it very good one. It is also expensive. and, like most proprietary preparations, yields but little profit to the retailer. So the chief set to work with water, a "simple" syrup, citric acid, and li- quid cochineal, and concocted a ture which. 1 would have defied any- one but it chemist to tell from the real thing, at a cost to himself of less than a penny a bottle. This concoction answered our purpose, and may customers have since testified to the benefits they derived from it. CLERKS BEQUEATH KONEY. bad state, my constitution being greatly run down. I -was troubled with continual headaches, my aPP0- tite was poor and the least exertion greatly fatigued nie. I consulted n. physician but his treatment did not appear to benefit me and I gradually became worse, so that I could hardly attend to my household duties. I then tried several advertised reme- dies but without result, and I began Servants Give Sums of Money to Employers. It is not uncommon for wealthy employers to make testimentary be- quests in favor of their employes, but cases where the e ositions are re- versed are very rare indeed.. Never- theless we have come across a few cases of servants bequeathing con- siderable sums of money to erne ley - ors, in one or two cases under par- ticularly interesting circumstances. Twenty-three thousand francs was the amount in hard-earned cash be- queathed by a clerk to an eminent but unlucky French advocate, There was no •desire to propitiate a shal- low conscience in the motive of this bequest, only a real affection in the clerk for his master, an affection al- most like that of father for son. .To make this little fortune of, ap- proximately, 131,750, the aged clerk had regularly laid aside half his sal- ary and had underta,ken a great deal of very remunerative work in his Sparc time. The late Duke of Westminster once received a bequest from an old wo- man who was retained in his employ for many years in a laumbleposition. The bequest only amaunted to $.1.t and a few pence, but .the grateful old creature declared before slie died that the amount was what she had saved and urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. • Having tried so many medicines without receiving benefit, I was Bat easily permitted, but finally I consented to give the pills a trial. To my surprise and great joy I noticed animprovement in my condi- tion before I had finished the first box and by the time had token four boxes of the pills I was fully re- stored to health. I no longer suffer from those severe headaches, my ap- petite is good, I can go about rny household duties without the least trouble; in fact I feel like a new NV 0 - man. All this I owe to that best of all medieines, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I would strongly -urge oth- er sufferers to give them a trial." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are recog- nized the world over as the best blood and nerve tonic, and it is this power of acting' directly on the blood and nerves .which enables these pills_ to cure such diseases as locomotor ataxia, paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rhemnatism, ner- vous headache, the after effects of in grippe. palpitation of the heart, that tired feeling resulting from ner- youi•ProstratiOn; all diseases restilt- in.g from ' vitiated humors in the bloode..such asestrofula, chronic ery- sipelas, etc. -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in ineeie ciao or can be bad by mail,. post paid, at 504pents a box, or six box- es for $2,50, by addressing the' Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat. IMPOR'rANT TO KNOW. She—The fortune teller says I shall marry money. Ile—Good! Did she say how I was to make it? The London municipal trams carry 120 million passengers•a year, and make a clear profit of over £90,000. Every British parish with a popu- lation of 800 or over, is compelled by law to elect a parish council. Torn—Good gracious, Dick! Even- ing ,dress with tan shoes! That's awfully bad:form. know, but evening dress with 'stocking feet irons her wages, and she wished 11 to as worse, Them Some 'Years Ago for a, Bad Cane of Xidney Wealsnet'S. —Recommends Them 'Highly to All Those Who Jere Worded. by any 'Urinary Sediment. MYSTERY CLEARED UP. Pa--Ilave you seen with the micro- scope all the little animals that are in the water? Toramy—Yes, papa,. I saw them. A.re they in the water we drink? Certainly, ray child, Now I know What makes the singe ing the tea-ltettle wbea the Water begins to boil. The total daily .circtilation of news- papers in the United- Kingdera was only 60.000 in 3.S01; 700.000 ia 1851; arid is now Sa For over refty 'Wise UNA WI.1561,Stern.adereflie.8Yzur hos bete tea br SatitUen ritethers. kr ;heir Children wb.0 reon4c,e. Xmothes Abe 4onous itiorcnc.a elhorspenw. cores nrica reso;ates :he norAcis sod howete, sod forthe beetreece.dy tos MburlisTa. Twenty-five .oesus add ta dr -is -44 ta agppirXotO tto vor:4, sine **tee*** W.14nAcire goelSee kiviker.," That bora-boiled egg gave Ale a beadeche. You ellouldn't vat herd. boiled eggs- I didn't eat it. ,A. fele I w hit me with it behind the ear. ilinard.s Liniment -OURS 001% to Seventy thousand cochineal i$IfleCtlt go "W {L single pound of dried cociii- neal. The world's crop of cochineel is. from $00 to 500 tons. 4t00 Reward, Si01. Tao reedera thlenarer will be viletusel te hare diet there is atileast one eirettate diseeee Oftb Sf4Pece liss teen able. cere in 401 DA Ejage4 au d I bat In Catarrh, Bella geterra tetra le the only veglave euro now lg sown tg seem/Kneel treteratty. caterrn beieg a cows. Citutfeeig dImeewe. requires a cereeitutiosed treetineat. Ifelre Ceterrli CATO iiltak4n SOOT. nelir, etettr.s directly upon the blood sled avaceeetairteete at the evitede, thereby des teeeleg tite touudatioe et the discern,. RUA eivoin the eetletitoreeeth te befallen Nee vestautlea awl aieietlea newel. in (loin tea +=X. norms:404..10 have meets fenle 11. curative severe. thet they offer cue lieu- eti Ite,elara for euy came tiett it faile to eerie ea tor list et teetaxerinfals. 3. CallaiNEY,U co,. Toronse led, the only tune i ever aad that Seeltseedregaisey, eee, teel of a, &slew was once After the 13141hoSemelYPtlisattt !the test liff'iTtericrelir;74,(1 ltl4ttn wit49(*t.t thee IMP- The largest liglitning conductor in sect the world is on the Legspite Weather venial to you? Why. ,y011 .5e0. a girl that I had Stalion, in Bayarat. It rune deem leeell eisgeged tee revevia yeere before the uniantain side for three and it ney inerriage tenni into my ofilee one half miles to a. lake. day to have nte give her some ad- viee coneerning the disposition of Montreal, Aug, l.10.—Pon W. Allan, abotit $500.000 worth of property proprietor of the Way Freight Ile- eke had just inherited from an Miele tdl. here, matte a strong .•,tatenient in Austrelia that FIX' had never told about the well-known remedy Doeld's me about. Kidney Pills. Mr. A.litin's hotel is at 4:63 St. James street and en joys considerable popularity with MI Timid—Did you ever find a niart under the bed? Mrs. Bluff— railroad men. . some of the Seeler were aseusfeeg Yes; the night. We thought, there were South -Eastern and Chatham Rail- ailments peculiar tnothietoiss engineers.atiihtho tbulls'glayards gletite/IM bonseesa inaml iny way Company were recently fined) brakemen. fireman, to X.5 and £1.0 lOs costs. Among tbe magnificent historic and stately English country seats Blenheim, in Oxfordshire, the seat of the _Marlborough family, is undoubt- he edly the greatest. tfilters of the system end varm ious ost of us orio't, it, forms of Kidney Trouble result. Officers of the Midiand RailwaY, "Eve-ry man that works in an en - which has been using forty Anse&1 gine cab or . on any part of a rail- *11, train crews generally. It was ac- knowledged that the greateet dl- Mersey. said the political orator, is culty it railway limn has to contend .0. great lever, and—" That's right with is Kidney Trouble. Tho eone:reister. interrupeed a man in the gal- tinual jarring of the train weldtens lery: itee sueli it gieitt layer %hut ...••••••••• can locomotives, admit that they are good, but say they cost more to operate than the British. road train ought to use liotid's I was eiwed of acute rront dtis by Kidney Pills," said one MUM. MINAItaale I.1.11)1ENT. "Are Bodd's ' Kidney Pills what J. M. c.todrinu..L. In refusing to sanction the forma- they're cracked up to be, though ? Day of Islande. tion of it Scottish Volunteer Corps put in a, second. I was cured of racial Neuralgia b for Tyneside, the Secretary for Wm* "Yes, .sir," returned the flret em- MINARD'S 1.11115i1'NT. proposes as an alternative a new pltatically, "Dodd's 'Kidney Pills are WM. DANIELS, corps of Scottish Yeomanry. whet they're cracked up to be, and Springhill. N. S. I'll The King has Ppointed Ivan leave it to Mr. Allan." I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism a "Gebtleinen," said Mr. Allan, "I by allNARD'S LINIMENT. Campbell, late Carneroa Highlanders, nrmly believe Dodd's Kidney Pifis GEoRGE TINGLEY. to be a member of the Corps fel Gen- everything that is claimed Albert Co., N. B. tlemen-at-Arms, in the place of the w."I a° .f or them. They are a genuine media late Lieutenant-Colonel Ifolbech. 'cine. They cured me of Kidney An interesting epoch has been .Trouble, I know that. My urine marked in the history °I Vickers-- was full of a kind of red brick dust town, the urban creation of Messrs.' for years. I knew it was my Kid - Vickers, Son & Maxim, in ' Witine'Y neys but could get g to stop its first school was hid by AT". ts did the work tinnily, and I've Yez 'w in a y g NO REASON FOR IIIS CONDUCT. What I'm looking fur, said the old Island, Barrow. The foundation of it Two boxer; ofnothin1fodd's Kidney man as he got off a. train, is a law- n• rill ' '11 ke a, eertain oun F. Cross, wife of the chairman of the been all right ever since." man in my town come up to the Barrow School Board. The great Coenty Council improve- ment in the Strain] has been carried so far that the old street not be i•ecognized by the visitors, so great is the transformation in that part of it between Wellington street and Booksellers' Row. It is a change from -narrowness and dingi- ness to brightness aud spaciousness. Mrs. Thompson, better kuown as the Scottish pianist, Anna Robena Laidlaw, Who in our grandfathers' days was a most popular artist, died M London at the age of 82. Al- though born in Yorkshire,, her father was a Scotsman, and sem received her early training in the twenties under Robert Muller of Edinburgh. PRINCE IN SALVATION ARMY. Any member of the Swedish Royal family who marries outside the charmed circle of 'loyalty forfeite all rights to the throne of his country. Prince Oscar Bernadotte is the King's second 'son. Twelve years ago he fell in love with a sweet and pretty•young girl, Miss Ebba Munck. Unheeding all he had to lose, he pro- posed to her. But she, unwilling to permit such a sacrifice, slipped quiet- ly away and became a Sister of Mercy in the Stockholm Charity Hos- pital. Oscar, mad with grief, went to his mother and implored her per- mission to marry. At last it was given, and, arraed with this, he hur- ried after his beloved, and convinced bar that, he could not live without her. They were married and now ha-ve both given themselves up to the cause of religion. They are energet- ic Salvation Army workers, and the sermons of the young rriv ce draw huge audiences. GraveS average 5 feet deep in Eng- land, 5 It 6 in. in Prance, and 6 ft. 10 in. in Russia. One pound of washed wool produc- es on an average a yard of . cloth 36 ,in. wide. A. PERFECT TREASURE. Parke—I ant sorry to hear, old num, of your domestic troubles. I ought not to make you feel badly, but we really have the best servant I ever saw. Lane (sighing)—I am sure I'm glad to hear it, old fellow. She is a good one is she? Parke—Perfect! There isn't a, thing about cooking she doesn't un- derstand. Lane—That's fine. Parke—Not only that, but she un- derstands other domestic branches as well. Waits on the table beautifully. Lane—She must have some fault. Parke—Not one. It's really re - ma ridable. Lane—Perhaps she likes to go out? Parke—No, sir! That's the best part of it. She says she prefers to stay quietly at home. ' Lane—Is she respectful? Parke—Never had such a polite girl in my house. It's yes, sir, and yes, madam, all the time. She fair- ly springs to do our bidding.' Lane—Neat, I suppose? . Parke—As wax, Her kitchen! Oh, you ought to see it! ,Lane (generoasly)--Well, I con- gratulate you, old man. How long has she been with you? Parke --Since this morning. cbalk-line or go to jail. What's- it certain young man in your town been up to? asked the spe- cial policsman who had been address- ed. Courtin' my daughter. But that's no crime. Engaged to her fur two years. That's perfectly legal. Linell cnr Cnel in COS. Franel9 Joseph of Austria. now 71 ars old, lute been on the throne 52 ears, and so holds the record for length of reign. King Christian of Benmark in 82, but has Only been on the throne 37 years. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper •••••••••••• The longest horse-drawn railway in he world runs from Buenos Ayres to the town of San Martin. a dis- tauce of 50 miles. Thirteen hours is allowed for the distance, and trains leave every hour. Darn Liniment Cures Diphtheria In 1850 tho tlnited Kingdom only possessed 14 dailies, and 552 jour- nals altogether. Today there are 2,448 dailies, and 2,446 other pod- odicels. W. 1'. C. 10 91 CALVERT'S CARBOLIC • OINTMENT. For all skin ailments, L 0. Calvert & Co.. Manchester, England ins irunriente, Drums, Uniforms, Etc, EVERY TOWN GAN HAVE A BAND Lowest prices ever quoted, rine catalogue 500111ustrations, mailed free. Write us for any thing in Music dr Igulleat Instruments„ 13ut the wecidm' day was fixed, and WHALEY ROYOE 86 BO.Limited , 1 they should have bin married last week, persisted the father. Toronto, Ont, and Winnipeg, Man Ob, I see. Then be's gone back on Ifetallio SKYLIGHTS DOUGLAS acme, the girl? 124 0.6.3,101111 nriod:Q: Gone dead back on her sir, and it's _ a breach of promise case, if I know anything about the law. Unless be bad good and sufficient reasons, you know. He couldn't liev bad. Millie is one of the best, girls in the world. No; she didn't give him no reason to flip- flop. And you didn't? Not a reason, sir. On -the day be- fore they was to be married I, sent fur Sam, and asked him to lend me $500 and take my note fur three - years'. He sort of' choked up over it, and said be'd see about it, and that's the last anybody has seen of him. No, sir; 1 never gave him no reason fur throwin' my gal over, and you.' bet he'll either 'come up to the scratch, or he'll aet as it vzarnin' to other fellers who don't know their own minds. • eAt er&i of-tru)s fe/dairms .1; dAttit era .4. Alf col got n X)ettets-h kmawizt,..nagsmutzt4t 9 a ,aCk al • *It laaai mad -re& -tral. hachtZ' ate a-e-cea BLIFFACd leltiTELS CANADIAN HOUSES FON CANADIANS Ay CANAINAN PRICES AHD MANAGED -CT A CANAD/Aid. The Motel Buckingham, The Marlborough, and The Lillian. All up to -date bolldirngs ; roof -garden on the Enelr eamBi::12411:5.1,113PAae,Yil,4?ply, r. 2. "MSS' FEATHER DYEING Cleaning nod Gulling and Eld Glares °leaned, Thai can be sent by pest, 10 peros. the best place ie BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING GO, MONTREAL. metal; manes, SU PPLIZS. Asbestos coeds, Pipe Covering, Lubricating, oile, &eases, -et�. BIM. SUTTON BOP/WOUND CO., Limited, TORONTO, Dortlinien Line Steamships • Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens- town. Large and Past Steamships. Superior acoommodatlet Tor all closeee of passenger's Saloons and Stateroom are amidships. Special attention has been ghen leth Second Salo oo and l'hird-Olass IlleCorarnoitatim ratee of passage and all particulars, apply to any o(the Company, or Richards, Mills Is Ch, 0.TarrPaOs State84., Boston. Montreal and Perthne