Exeter Times, 1901-9-5, Page 5A GHASTLY PICTURE.
green 'W. Heller, FresIdent of the Depart.
extent of Chenties,alut Correction. new
York city, As a specialist Tells Raw
"The NYAge5 er sin es, poem -Germ. of
weakaesses of human nature
ega condned to lite elaSS Of men.
Yttenith, s noe neeessary for the pece
that kills and poverty is no bee to
ICenevledgeis ebb a preventive
and ignerenee is only toe accelerae
&fon. Health SOIXtettlittes prompts it
aml disease is often its excuse. Gen-
tle birth and careful training oetly
Stintulate it in some iustances, while
eelninon origin and coarse breeding
are accepted by it as a welcome var.
itetiOn. In. the parlanee a the raee
treek-it rerlays no favorites." The
nee is open to an comers, and no
setteetlen is raised as to pedigreo. age and there wotild. 03$0 be fewer fools
or PrOVIOUS performance. The pond- to emulate Ms exemple.
nater can raa,ke bie own regulations., Tee rerhr aust still iVe ts
oso an go the long course or the I deed; the inebriate and the eareireart
Short course, over the fle.t or the most still come to Bellevue; Fifth,
hurdles, as he chooses. The only eon- avenue wipe aud Fret eveitee whisky
dition. imposed is thet he shell leeep must a.t41bo drunk a wQ29411"
ixt it, and la the eed, the prize ehaii more slotted agaiust than sinnolg.
be Ills, ..•04.„ to everyQne utet goes /oust_ Uheve her part in it ell.
the Oeee that kells end keepa ise It' Bett eltite went more to the root
of thinge then to the brenele, to the
there ie a prize --the prize 0! $hame,
• usee of crime and poverty than to
the effect% there would be less ot
hUhatett SUfferillg Rnd less of tempta-
tion. to go to the pace tliat kills. -
John W. Keller. President Depart-
ment of Obaritie.s aud Correction,
New York.
prevent a man from, berorabag
criminal t,hau to lock him, up after
he has committed e crim.e.
Munieipal government should not
only remove teraptetion as far as
possible from, the wean,
but it stiould werk for
clean environment of its people.
eltoeld, reform the dwelliugs of
the poor. It should regulate its
tenements, as „well as its gambling
houses and eleos of vice. Not tbet
the morels or the tenementare nee
turelly worse than the morale of
the mansion, but that in an over-
crowded tenement, there ere more
dark places in which crime end filth
can Ond loothold than In the men,
sion. Give all the people light and
air and sunshine and tneir morels
wlfl intprove with their health. 1
Crime llettee the lignt. Wit. cleaner
places to live in and cleaner eovirone
merit for all the people there would
be less use for hospitals and pri-
eous. The pace that kille would
still continue, but to the wheels el
the chariot of the fool thet goes it
there would be chabaed fewer- victims
disgrece, deraoralizetion, deeth.
There is no need of preaching
about it. For centuries good men
lan.ro inveighed. agalust it from the
pulpit and the rostrum. Zeerned
eelentists hove written endless hOtWo
st it. Saintly ween hove ute
toted their latest devout prayera
aga,inst It. And yet it give
on and will go ou. There is germ
Of degeneracy in mankind that de-
veleps under all conditions, and for
which no remedy can be found. Its
development is sometimes feet. But
unless a cheek is put on it in its
early stags the end is Always the
easmeathe madhouse or the morgue.
Tie, department et publie cliaritiee
of t'a. inns of New York is the dump-
dtdet .1 Of the refuse hulllanity Of
, • 6 ,;;.t1 greatest eity the world.
• are klepositett MOW creatures
et et no other agency will care for.
I:. • :424. the pauper. the inebriete.
the Olio*. the epileptic, the ParalOn
tie. the insane. Ilueuireds of
e these
comevery day. Tile gate of the
pabIle charities is always open, and
no one is refused. Eecli day, too, is
gathered the eity'S dead. From the
liver, from secluded corners of the
parka, from little rooms in obscure
hotels and from meager apartments
of poor tenements are gathered day
after day those to whom life was
not worth living, or whose end male
in suck poverty that their oilier
Chance of interment was the potter's
It is grewsome fruit, aud. lying
there one above the other in the
compartments of the morgue, each
corpse is the dumb witness of some
life tragedy, some driving on to
death from which in the end there
.WaS no escape. If OM WM to take
from this granary of the dea,d in-
dividual eases and trace them
through all the steps that brought
them to the morgue, one would find
that directly or indirectly the end
was due to the pace that kills. The
same is true of New York City's 10,-
000 insane people and of its count-
feebleeninded idiots and, epilep-
tics. Soniewhexo at some -time some-
body has gone the pece that kills,
and not only has plunged himself
into destruction, but has carried
otlaqrs with him, or has left seeds of
dissipation that ha.ve sprung up af-
ter him.
I never go through the morgue but
that I feel that above its door
should be written:
••••••• • .. • ... •••••••
, PS" . o• . •••••••••• ..... • . . •••••• ... . ••
I never visit the idiots, the feeble-
minded, the epileptics and the crip-
pled children in my &pertinent but
that am. reminded that the sins of
the father shall be 'visited Upon the
rand. I never see decent old women
..n192e weeping to the ahnshouso tiut
that f ain sine there is a diimtress
fate that mixet tip the lives of men
and makee, the Innocent suffer with
the guilty.
* But while the germ of degeneracy
may not be eradicated or even regu-
lated, theris is no doubt in my mind
that its effect can be minireized and
'that through the active agencies now
at work it is being minimized. There
is always the fool to be parted from
his money net' there is always that
impetuousity of teraperaMent that
must be periodically appeased Wheth-
er it manifests itself in drink or
gambling or any other form. of dissi.
Dation. But statistics will show, I
°believe, that ourban people are better
to -day than at any other period in
the World's history. The pace that
ferns is a vice that comes with civili-
zation and its accumulation of
wealth and its prevalence of poverty;
for, as the f ortunes of a feW men in-
crease the fortunes of many men de-
crease, and the fool without mOney
goes the pace quite as disastrously
to hiraself as the fool with money.
Some man go it because they are
rich and some beetles° they are
pooeLsome bees:else they are well and ••
some becuase they are sick, some be -
Cause they are happy and some be-
cause they are unhappy-, Their atti-
tude is much the same as that of the
man, who drank in cold weather to
keep himself warm and in werm
weather to keep himself cool.
As I said before, the germ of - de-
generacy works in all kinds of peo-
ple and under all kinds of condi-
tions. But with the advance of civ.
ilization there has come a convic-
tion en the part of studehts of 11.111/11-
4...ipal government that in municipal
government ati entien is given rather
to effect than ,ne cause. New York
city spends pri Lcely stuns of money
in taking care c_riminals and paup-
ers. Et should pay more attention
te the causes c f erime had poverty.
It 18 better to P.1.010Ve the cattee of
illness than to 1 ake care of a Per-
son 5,11Y, n g fro- a an illness as • the
eaoia hat. cattse. It is better to
Vettene Oolleetien of rertralti for Vic-
tor:a Uulveratty.
The portraits of the Wesley family
which bow been painted by Mr. 3•
W. 14, ereter will be e. distinct.
acquisition to Toronto art., TheY
will be finally hung in tbe Vieteria
University. The unveiling took place
ile the Metropolitan Cliurels, parlors
on ArondaYs APril 1901. There
are three portraits. representing
John Wesley. the father of Ifet110(1-
1.9M; Charlet; Wesley, the poet of life.
thodism, and Susa.zineh Wesley, the
mother of Methodism, The portraits
'aro the result of muck travel and
study by Mr. Vorater in Englardi
and he Ines am.itted no detail o,
udy which would assist in assur-
ing accuracy of detail in the pictures
and of likeness. The portrait of
John Wesley is already well knoWn.
to the art public at Toronto, as it is
now on view szt the Midway Beide
Mien. It represents John Wesley
expounding a passage. Me right
hand is held aloft, and his right foot
advanced. Pre Is robed in bla.cle. The
figure is strong, and in the teaturee
Can be eon the strength of convic-
tion and. purpose which enabled him
to carry out his great movement so
successfully. The portrait of Chitties
Wesley snows hint standing before a
table with an open book upon it. In
his left hand, is, D. 111OOD of manuscript,
and in his right hand a quill pen.
lie is robed also in black. Thu fea-
tures -aro seen to resemble strongly
th.ose of his brother, and in the eyes
and forehead is the same light Of in-
telligence and firm will. The por-
trait of Mrs. Wesley is most inter-
esting. Mrs. Wesley sits in her little
study, her back to the window,
through which is seen Epwortlt
Church, and in the middle distance
the grave of her husband, It was
from the tombstone upon this grave
or his father that John Wesloye when
refused admittance to the church.,
delivered his sermons.
Mr. Forster has devoted the min-
utest energy and skill upon this
work. Toronto will in a sense be
unique in possessing, such an excel-
lent collection of absolutely authen-
tic pictures of the Wesley family.
There is no other such collection
anywhere in the world.
what Happened to the Old Alchemist
Who First Vounii It Out.
OdtItItted td • att. alchemist one
day that it would be a fine thing to
'take sulphur, - saltpetre and dried
toads, pound then -I: all to a powder
and "sublime" Chem together in an
alembic, -which he ca.refully lute& and
set on the furnace to heat, says a,
writer. in Ainelee's Magazine. he
poked up the fire aud waited around,
thinking what he would do with all
his money if this would turn out to
be the powder of reduction that
would burn base metals into gold,
when, bangt went the alembic and
the windows blew out, and the door
ripped off its hinges and fell down,
blaze! The aleheinist scietrIed out
front under the ruins of the funittee,
shook a red-hot coal or two off out
of his shoe and the ashes oil him- -
self, and wondered what had strucic
him. He tried It again and again,
and each time with the same restate
and then it dawned on him that he
had discovered a fair article of
blasting powder..Since then about
all that has been done to his =Mile
has been. to put in a little. better
grade- of charcoal, say that of willow
twigs, inetead of toasted toads.
' Little did the old alchemist dream
otency was- in thnt 'powder
of reelection." ' For such it was. Al-
. though it _never yet has turned lead
into gold by* its mere touch yet
when a small, round piece of lead Is
put with the powder into rt round
tube of ,cturious workmanship and fire
laid thereto it is pessIble to con-
vert another man's gold into- the
possession of him that has the iron
tube of curious workmanship, and
not gold only, but all manner of
goads and chattels, houses alit
lands, messttages, easements and
hereditaments, even men's souls and
The Atmosphere.
In very dry atinospheres the dur-
ability of wood is almost incredible:
Pieces of wood, Wooden caskets and
Wooden articles have been with.
drawn from Egyptian ca,t'acomles at.
an antiquity, 2000,or 3,000 years
antedating the Christian ra.
'rens Min of the Abearti ertieltiec Pram-
tieed ia Bei eitente--Warns Hine AgaiLwt
as(/ /...ettpr
Opens With en Appeal to Reed Xt
Alone aud Allow His Own Geod. Heart
to nrompt.
In 1896 a. Russian official publica-
tion ealled The Stoteemanes hand-
book for Itussia was issued in the
English laxigua.ge from the Chencery
of the Committee of Ilinistere,
emeller in order to. acquaint the
young Empress... the granddaughter of
Queen Victoria, with the institutions
of the country which bad just be-
come Fier Majesty's new home, and
also to afferd information on the
eubject for Englishmen in general.
says the Moscow correspondent of
The London Thaes. In that book,
among ether extraordinary thugs,
there is a ehapter on the toleration
of the Ruesien Government in relig-
ious 21:lettere entitled "Freedom of
Religio" which will astonish any
reader who happens to now the reel
position of Russia in thie respect,
meiis eertainly calculated to miss
lead the Engliehmtin who takes hie
intormation from tine And other of-
ficial publications lately dietriboted
by the Ruseiae. Government with all
wepreeedeuted expenditure of Mime,
-money anti zeal. As it. contrast to
Us Wilda -II "Freedom. of Religiere"
tebieb. like many other Asiatic or
mediaeval things in Ruesia, hidden
metier Europeen nomeneleture, means
exactly the reverse or what it males
verewhere else in Europe. I send
a translation. of one of the meaty cop-
ies of Count Tolstors last. letter to
the Czar, now being privately cir-
culated. The style M Russian seems
to be very careless for so Olsten.. Decem• ber le, zoo°,
gushed a writer; but this1 ton told, -
is to be accounted for by the fact. THE GENTLE BOE
that it was written when the author
Was very ill and bedridden at the end ene creel Teeeee elm of NMI es Ri
Qt /est yeer. Its contents hew be- the sole, se teselevo. -
come so generally known here among
ttU weininforiand people that there Writing from Kurinnau, under Mae
u hardly be any doubt as tFebruary 18. a correspondent sends
efito its
borne a. terrible picture of Boer bar-
ofauthentcity, Tito request. Illade On
barity in that district.
behalf Certain IttISSian women, „es
who ask to be allowed to leave their or over eight weeks now," he
present place of eibcnle evidently re- , writes, "we /1Q.e l'"11 is°1ate40 and
fers to their wish to join their )us. knovw little of tenet is transpiriug in
bends in exile eoniewhere in the
+I the outer world. When the Boers (ell
meter parts oSiberia. re -
rebels) re -catered our district our
. natives were very anxious to fight.
Your Imperial Neje:Ay Gospodar
Nicholas Alexandroviele had very great difficulty in per -
Kindly read through the enclosed suading them to sit still, but at last
letter yourself and aeoue; it was not they saw the futility of rising.
"The Boer treatment of eatives 48
at first intended for you, and it: is moat brutal. I know of too litany
sliort. Listen to the promptings of
your own
eordingiy. good, imart and. act ac- ; eases of brutal murder done to inno-
eeot oatives ever to feel again that
Nine young women living at liber- a Boer is a kindiY, generous, end
ty, with, sufilelent for their needs, ;simplc peasant. lie is a brute, and,
and two old matrons, beg as
tiger -like, kills for the sake of kill -
a, spe-
eta favor, after selling all they have tog- One of our natives left nevi
accumulated by hard work, to be et- I for Daniel's Kuil 'with despittelies.
lowed to give up a. free and comfort- 13° has never returned. but the rebel
leader lies sent word to 0110 of our
able existence and to go to the most ;
ehiertaLus that he was captured and
horrible place of exile surrounded by ;
the inost painful conditions. What shot in cold blood. The story, as
must have been the sufferings
I told by a, supposed eye -witness, is
these.people durhsg six years et sepo-
tlitttthey tied him to a wagon, flog-
tatiou, living alone, in the most sup. • compelled him. by flogging
ilcult circumstances? And how mor- I e.to wg his own grave. end then sbot
al and strong must they bo if, in
the midst of their stilterings, they "When these same rebels atteelted
think not Of themselves, but of ono Kull the wolnen and child -
another, and of how to be true
to I ren of the village went into the
!church. for protection. A when) flog
their marriage vows. But these aro
on the building, and the enemy
not the only people 'wh,o are suiTer- was
were told that only women and
ing there. hundreds of such 'Ws-
, Lildreu were there. They neither
Mans; the best of the people, are un -
respected the white flag nor the sex
desgoIng still worse suffering from re -1
and age of the people, but fired vol-
ligious persecution, which, 'through
some astonishing misunderstanding, 1 leY
after volley into the ehUrolis
continues to 13b practised in Russia, ed a girl and wounded two other
: people." -London Daily Express.
and is even on the increase at a,
time when all enlightened persons
and Governments have lone ago re-
view. I spear -front the point of view
of your Majesty, who is able to put
an end to the crimes committed un-
der the guise of legality' and to de.
stroy the bases on which such erieues
are founded. 'Therefore, T take the
liberty of eclvisieg you as follows;
(1) To revise and abolish the con-
tradictory and shaineful laws. now
existing in regard to persecution in
the name of religion, which have
long ceased to exist in every other
country except Russia; (2) to Put an
end to all persecution and punish.
nient for departure froxn the"religious
creed of the State, and to liberate
all persons imprisoned and exiled on
account of their faith; and (3) to re-
consider the question ef how to re-
concile the refit:drone/ate of conscience
religioue matters with the de -
mends of the State -as, for example,
the refusal to take an oath and to
perform military service; net to pun.
ish such eissent as a crime, but try
to recorteile the inronsistency, as Was
done in the case of the Mennonites,
by compulsory lobor ia exelmege for
military service, ape a. solemn de-
claration, to speak the truth, in courts
of law instead of the useal oath.
Forgive me if I have not explained
my self clearly; iny only motive was
the good of tpeople in general arta
of yourself in Particular. I knew and
feel all tho weiglet end responsibility
of eneue position- , I believe that the
cruel religious oppression practised
in your mule. besides dolue barn* to
yourself la tho opinion of the people.
ie. the opinion of Europe and the
314delniellt. of historY, laYe upon you
a tormenting respeasibilty. Ily aeons
ishing title religious persecution end
by meriipo its repetition inepOSSible
yell will, not only relieve yotireelf of
Ulla responsibility, but will experi-
ence the pleasurable eonsclotssness f
having done a good work.
Goif help you to do that winch
pleaseth Than And in doing this you
will elo the greatest good for the
RuSelan people And for yourself. Your
The Heneen.
cognized the futility, absurdity and I Sester--1 don't think that a Mormon
cruel injustice of such persecution. X •
mend as a } widow feels her grief as keen y as gen-
have long had it in my 1
sacred duty before 1 die to try to i tile women do under the Same elrenin-
open your eyes to ilia senseless. and donee&
terrible cruelties which are perpetrat- almson-You don't?
ed in your earn°, The accompanying I rester -No. NOW, a 'Mormon WidOW
letter from. the Doulchotors has de- , has the comfort of knowing she is not
termited Inc to put it oil no longer. I the only vridow in the family.--Ohui
Thousands of the best Russians, sin- I State Journal.
cerely religious people, and, there-
fore, such as constitute the chief Not For Her.
Strength of every nation, have been ; "NO, indeed," said Miss Miami Brown,
already ruined or are being ruined in : "I wouldnt go to no theater."
Prison and in. banishment, or have i 4Why noon
been sent out, or are being sent out, 1
of Russia,. The flower of the popula- ' .
4/ay was one er de kin' dat ' A. german Erten! done tor me Qat make
also in Russia, proper, 10,000 Donk-
tion, not only in the Caucasus, but ; eplvls hair curl, an I bas trouble suffi-
hobors, notwithstanding all hard -
I dent dat way now."-
ships and privations, have quitted 1, -es- -ene------- - - -et - ._
fatherland forever, not only 1
twith regret, but in terror from the t c)w_To
remembrance of all they haVe had ,
to undergo there. Several thousand - t.
Molokani in the district of Kars, as
many in Erivan, whose „petition to : u ,
ain F. iesh
be allowed to emigrate 1 have al- !
ready submitted to you, the Molo- ; ..
kani of Tashkent, and some 10,000 , Persons have been known to
persons in the provinces of Kberkoff ' gain a pound a day by taking
and Kieft who are persecnted for 1 an ounce of SCOTT'S EMIL-
their , fait1T-all these wish and pray i .., .. i . ..
for one thing only, and that is the . SluN. It s strange, it
e, but often
permission to leave Russia and to happens.
go where they May safely worship : --ix -
G od as they understand IBM, and 1 Somehow the ounce produces
not as ordered liy the authorities, the pound; it seems to start the
most of whom • recognize no God .. . . i , _
• digestive macnnei y going
erly, so that the patient is able
. If you do not know of all the ab-
surd cruelties which are committed 40 digest and absorb his ordinary
in your name, then allow me tO tell L
you here that MY Wort% will be eon- food, which he could not do be,
person wmay tommission to investigate the , fore, and that is the way the gain
firmed by any pis I, hom yeel.
-- -
matter. But once knowing that your IS made.
name is used to justify -Cho ingictiOn
of suffering% upon the innecont, and ' A certainamount of flesh is
the best among the people, -and that necessary for health; if you have
you are able to, prevent it, you can not got it you can get it by
not, leave peace of mind until yell , i ,
have done this. Do not take etenusel IlliilTig
with the raen who have arranged
them, ngither with Pobiod onostzcit, - COIR'S VISION
, thi4 ill-treatment to be guided by
who is a man behind his time, , rzezragnmara=rarara
cunning, obstnin te and cruel, nor
with , sipifagln, who is ‘, a mtial of You will find It just as useiu H
Mediocre abilities, frieeel ous and km- '
enligh tend. Such people will. te-11 :you as in winter, and if you are thriving upOn
thn t , 1 alb vision a ry, an 'a narch I s t it don't stop because the weather is War1m
allct a (todieso Pcr'9'(' ' ' , and that all I soc. and Ta.00, all druggigts,
say and ad vi:,,e is iin,115 6, but what 1 ' SC.OTT st BOwNE, Torfttoi Carmd,.
say is not (rem my ett n poiet of
izh t
euma ism
. °titer disease metes. one 401 me
it stittens tbe Mote produces itemenege,
and reekea .enery metfea painful,
it Is s.oreetiates go bad as wholly to diene ,
hle, end it should never be neglected.
M. J. McDonald, Trentette Qnt., nod 4.
After e severe ettaele ot the 'gripe Mra,
Hattie Turner, Bolivar. MO, bed it. so
severely sete mid not lift sennthing and
weld scarcely get up er down stairs; W.
ii-OheperdeSaedy Boole Coar,. ws W4,
up with it, was cold .even July, tine
Alt ercii o
notto 1 e oniele voluntarily -
given, these sufferers were permanently
relieved, as etners bare been, by
Hood's Sarsaparillal
which_ corrects the acidity of the bleed
on which rbeumatisin depends geO builds
up the who,* system.
accen rntro cure eenstivatten. Prior' 2a4equiir.
senvggeg.-At Zarieb, on tee elth ulte th
wife ef ma rem. er-benek, of a daegbeer.
C0LLINOW000.-In Exeter. an the Sari last,
the wife or James Collingwoal of a datinhter.
II UNION -le L'sberna on the Pelle tan. the
wife or T1:470, leunkiteof a tcntt.
Waage et- IVISON--At The reesidenee of the
a r(de's eremitic. Kipren. on Amami: 27theby
Veva tong. Darien'nut \roam &met.,
dame etre of eir. Ivisort. t4
Walker. of 15 rile.
31-14.10.-FEPLIelt-In Sande. OS negest
by the Rev 1) At Ceenien Mr Norma
rormeriy of Exeter. to Meet Lily Ped.
etetiiiiitT-Met.,E0D- At Venter:dente. on
Auguet elst. by Rev Nen eliaw. lIA. Mr
Aettnir N Colbert to Miee Flora A Melieed.
Egnunel vale
cLEAN- FielIER-On Augeet fletb, at the
residence at Ire, bride's parent,. Wiintham,
by lter Dr Cameron. at Waite. aesieted by
ner .1.1 Pattereon. DA-, Mr John nfeleara
to Haute le insher. tent o Wingham.
Purix-In on the Nth eau, on
Sept. 3rd. the wife of Jahn F Deree. or a on
efeenuirratt on coo le, on tee
Ord last, the wife of %Om It Int"g tr.,. eta
l*FDIAR.-In McGillivray. en dm led
Jonah Pedlar. unraserly el eteehete .agni
F.eeter North, on the 2tid
tete Sarah lax.ou. wife of Lenard elerng.
ogee rd Sentra-
XT,-At Detroit. Met., en the It la
elite EMU Axt, eldeet sou at Mee Ace ef
Zurich. at the age of 49 years,
Careen. en entgest ;rale
Madam .0iittbiega aged it',2 yeAri,
MONEY TO LOAN. Sutherland tones
WebAvolinumiteaRrivato. Alodsfor ineeste ,,e3M PREPARED TO PI/11004SE
meet upon farm er village PrOpeety loWeet
retee1 hawse
I hove a Jorge amount of private funds t
ot interest,
lean on farm and villageproperties at Jaw rateS -
F. W. GLAIW,All,
Barrister Main St. Exeter.
J. 11. R17E118,111. P. TOBONTO
TElleSITY, al le C. lee %laity Vlei
CIffee-erediten, Ont.,
V„,D1401,11.ialti. C„,
(ar,p4uattP V acted:. 1: .vvrsity
Ogre ADO reuldeoop. nou..nao n Lahore.-
ttry. Exeter. Exet er
APP1F t'"
E. 0i Kessel,
FGAgMA11. EnFerina,
LEO 4.1.„
Roller Mills
Tderristere.Solieltere. Notaries. Denvereneers
-ET. is 4.
CeDnleifiiiVutri, tiGlidt0t$ for the atoisens price pa clean
Eau% Etc.
Ntley tOEtNAD ntiowestrateeof •riAltgrg5t.
OFFIeg smitfmr, rx=gn.
re eartraso, nee-, Xt. nictes....0
(eeessor to Elliott & °Uhlman).
Barristor, Solititor, Nary
:gooey to loan ou Farm and village
rties at Lowest rates of intereet
Ate Oen AND WteleTrenert Iltenteen.- Zee.
eeetneeeetegetbing syrup bee been need fer
over efiy paare by mi Inane of mothera for their
children AVIAO teethiert, with portcot Feentee.
1¢ soolhes the child, ettftens the mune. Oben al
pain. cures wind colic. and Ls the beet remedy
for Merriam. It is picatant to the taste. said
by druggists in every part of the world.
rents a bottle. Its value lo incalculable. Ile
sure awl watt far itire "Win:doves Seething ,
yrup and talte no other kind.
Exeter. Ste. 401, 1001.
enheat per bushel ...,., .., 0;1 to 07
Gate . ..... • e.,. 03 to 31
Barley... ••T ..•...• 1••• •••41, to 42
Pent„....... .... -et to 03
Sutter.. - • ••• ...11 to 15
E.91.-••. .••.. a...111 to 11
Tur rev .„ •••%.• •••••• 8 to ti
Geefie 9.4,0! 5 to -
Chickeus per lit ... ****” . ...... 5 to
Ducks.- ****
••••• ••• •••• 7 10 -
W001. . .
Dried X.pple.C. -*-. - .. .., ig/y. r it
Pork live weight ,......., ....ad *:. Vert,' to
0$7 te
4Traisa a fair day at
Approv4 a trend of
shoesafter youltaveWon
Wit your second pair.
The last pair as good
as the first,. and the first
pair as good as can te
produced for the Makers'
price. Stamped on the
soles of -
"The Slater Shoe"
I• taadyear Wtite,d,"
E. J. SPAOKMAN, Sole Loted Agent
Thomas Smale is prepared to dig wells .on
shortest notice. Old. pumps repaired and legs
rejointed at inoderate prices.
Elimville P. C.
Notice is hereby given that a court will be
held. pursuant to the Ontario 'Voters Act, by
his honor the judge of the County- Court of the
County of Huron, at tho Town Hall, Exeter. on
Thursday, the 5th day of September, 1901. at
10 o'clock, te me to hear and determine the
severalcornelaints of errors and emissions in
the Voters' Lists pf the Municipality of tbe
Village of Exeter. for1001. All persons having
business at the Court are required to attend
at the said time and place.
Dated at Exeter, ibis 26th day of August, 1.001.
Geo. H.BisseeT, Clerk
13 a rgaitt hit
As we are anxious to clean
out our stock of Bicycles we have
decided to offer the balance of
our stock
it Cost for Cash.
Our Wheels are all high
grade with the best fittings and
most of them bought at
Special Low Prices.,
If you are in need of a wheel
call and see what we offer you.
Our Pianos and Organs,Setv-
ing Machines &c., Are of the best
makes and prices reasonable.
Music and Music Books al-
ways in stock. Also all kinds of
small musical instruments on Sale,
Ind wheat.
Large stock of mill feeui on
Wood Wanted4
obiedick a Son
le D. S. AND
(1/11; rice
1m. 4. 11. SIINeeteeN.
. n„lioner Graduate
et lOrento University. Dentist.
Teeth tetracied without pain ex.
eiZionteletel'elieff!VI'ses• t Oijlce elfn
t. netter
Boner Oradnete el the Te.reatto ruivereity
Octarie, with ber.ars Atm Pe5ngratinele of
lleyel College et Dertel Surgeene of
tliticege etiteact Proeshelle Iteutletre twith
honorable mention.
Everttitng Ilinown to ;be Dental Prefeeilee
dome In lbls Brgt,!: 'work. etrewv, al-
atrolnuln, getj orxl vter.mose plases all done in
the maw,: 8ma4taver rrre.317
5500. -ll vue v.4.a pop 1olla.E.T4 mime-
tniii co one dear rctrili of Car:1+3v tht1ore
1:1101 INSiritANCeno.
lIstantlelsett ss tnea.
'stip Cciorally 12r0,1‘rent over Ttlentv.eiee
elmin aneressfut opernien in Wencre
1 mien. 11101 ValltilloO3 1,1iintireeeeinit teeter
don nee ty, 1,155. littitainee, Yiereetturlitue
Ndu memento mni 1 silhitter iksrriptioas et
i.t1.100.1r Mover!) intemitrcr 1110t1fOrls_ 113,75
11.1 (PWOO{ nienttug on Oa Premium:teem
I et ma.
Peril:a the test ten years tbis companySSI
hn 0115140'. revering, property to not
au 1ii4 $40,eneene end ram inIORMatano
A e;:i i a., te110.100.00, eonsistine or Cash
in 2etI tlevereuieut Ilepeeitned the .unarnel-
eed 3 RNixnu it.it 41; ;1104 lin tura.
J.V.V ott..14.1)...I'rtsident; 1) ,Ms 11YI.0R
rccrtiary; ;. Pn
ecas. Inseerter . 0114.9.
L. Agtiet, for le'eater end vicinity.
A good Assortment
Im lines at .enee
The:, Tettior-
We are agents for the celebrated
1Walkerville Wagons
The melte, leted cflers Lot 10, con, ,I. Town 1
elan teepbeu, tor :Qtr, at a reasonable Mice. .
1 here is re ladtd ca the 'outliers a dwelling
Read 11111k 17.1.11..cavhars -w
d. iennet
fed aud
drained, awl I rsechne clay kr the inanntne r s
lure of either 1 rit k or tile.
Fee part keine epply to i
1S-.;iy•rnt JACOB SIN' EITZE11. I
terediton p.0.1
F Russell
Two Doors South Town Ball.
Our mill has been remodell-
A GCOD INVESTMENT. ed with the Gyrator System
Fortson's ix -Ick .seloric randi dwelli:g, in BeXdetera. 1
1 = &iv agg g 1 and people tell us they now
ee e tereaaftices and halls,all lensed. make better bread than bak-
dNvellimg is brick of two storeys and coetains 10 1 t
er s when -using our flour.
uhe b :times stand in town. Tlie
roomens admirably adapted for a bearding
houte. Tee property must be disposed of.
Terrs easy, apply. to It. L. Fanson, Exeter,
The undersigned cffets ter sale his 100 acre
farm, 1o15, con, 3. utterable of Rase Tbe farm
is wed fenced, well nwlerdrained, has two
good barns, first class brick house and 11 acres
of orebard, 10 acres hardwood bush, balance
90 acres good elay loam. 'I here are two wells
of splendid water, and is convenient to Church
and school. The farm is situated ?Italics from
Exeter on a first class road. The farm =list
be sold as tbe proprietor is giving up farming
on account of 131 health.
Jotter NOVIIICOTT, Ray P,0
. -
Onelrendred acres of good clay land in the
Township of Bay, in the eaunty,of Huron. lot
7 con. 12. Good. buildings, consisting of frame
liouse, bank barn, driving shed, and all out-
side buildings necessary. All olear with the
exception of A acres of timber. Pour acres of
valuable fruit orchard. 'Well fenced and under -
drained, and under a high state of cultivation
well watered with a beautiful springbrook.
School and churches very convenient. The
propeety is 11-3. miles north of Dashwood, a
very teantifut locality, Must be sold for the
proprietor's health has failed.. Apply to
Dashevood, Ont.
Seeled tenders will be received by the under-
signed up to 7 o'olock p. rn. on the lot -clay of
September, A. D. 1901, for tee purchase et icleal
iinereernent debentures of the village of Ineetee
amounting to $162842, anti bearing interest at
the rate of 5 or cent. or annum. The de-
bentures will e pea -able in 10 equal instal- Try any :of these preparations and
ments, the amount payable on tho debentures
for principal and interest fox -the 15.rtetn year$ yoa will be astonisbed at their wonder -
at the at rate, Will be $2.553,20, ful healing and curing properties.
Dated at Exeter, this, 10t5 day of August, 1901.
Geo.11..BISSETT, Clerk, Ai Full line of Patent Medicines on
- hand,
Origin an GhOODillfi
Done Fromptill.
Dfug S(tofe
tioutooartors For
Dyspepsia, Cure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach and. Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy.
Cough Mixture
Cholera and. Diarrhoea Mix-
Chilblain Lotion.
London, Huron and Bre=
GOING NORTE- Passenger.
London, depart 815 e. X. 4.401'. m.
Centralia ..... . .. _ 5,1 5 50
Exeter -------------------980 6.0
Hensall 9.44 0.15
Bippeu 9.50 • 6.25
Bruedietd 9.58 6.33
Clintou 10.15 6 55
Wingham, arrive 11.10 8.00
GOING SoUTII- Passenger
Wing% am, depart . 683 A. ei, 8.151'. •
Clinton ........ 7.41 4.25
Bruccfield • ... . 8 05 4.40
Kippen 8.15 4.57
Hensall ..... .. .... 8.22 5 02
Exeter „.. 5.35 5.14
Centralia, 8.46 5,25
London, arrive . 9.37 tele
un,gyard's Yellow 0115. a useful remedy to
have m ally house. It is good for luau OP
beast, itolieves pain, reduces Swelling, allays
lafifvfnmadon• cures euts: burns, bruises,
Sprains, stilrjoinls, et e. Price 26 CelitS,.
Dominioo Laboratorll.
Burdock Blood Bitters is a medicine made
from roots, bark and herbs, and is' the best
known -comedy- for dviipepsia, constipation and
biliouseess and will cure all blood diseases
from a common pimple to the worst stcrof u-
lous gere.