Exeter Times, 1901-9-5, Page 3I . 1 T• lit ftor. preveinting colblision t between
lit [ig R ii, N s [1. It is said that American grain
rams on and au i s 1 5 a sea,
i " has almost disappeared from the
English market, and Russian, Ar-
gentine end Canedian.- graia lias•
taken itn place. This is owing to
ALL THR WORI,D OVER the decreased American crop and core
- " responding higher prices,
et, " A nurriber of cases of vitriol throw -
have occurred lately in the sub-
urbs Abent Our Own lag
-orbs of Melbourne. Several young
Cottatry, Crest Britain, the United ladies have had their dresses des -
States, and All Parts of the Olehet toed by acid, and one girl had a
Cendeneed and AsSerked for Rosy eponge saturated with vitriol srpteez-
Reading. eti against her face by ap unknowe
man who walked ouickly away. neate at Ottawa. •0 Brien made no ternuited to get into Nancouver No, e at 82e„ and, No. at 77c, eleare. .9-.80 to , seeond eleaxs
CANADA, confession before he died. with the Clreat Northern air an early grinding in trans. ,For Toronto $2,20. Bratte-la bullt, $14 to
The Bishop ot Carpentaria has
rgmcion's proposed, address to the On Chriettecto morning. 1899, three date. it is reported in. good anthor- .end weet tje lower, '814.5o.
started on an adventurous journey.
YUKON MURDERER HANGED Owlanes Witriceeens who left the Yuleoe
back 5,000 miles, ale MARKETS OF THE WORLD
though the narration ot his story
onertgweg pangs peewrery •wow oceupied, but five minutee. Another
rrices of Cattle, Cheese, Greta. Ece.
NIS REVOLTING GRIKE, witnees we.e. detained a year and a
half at the expense of the Crowe in
order -le sure her evidence
How Vigilance of tlio"Police Die- '
cevered Crime and Tra.ekedOiniaL
A. despatch from Ottawa saytee-The
Clovereeed-Prime, 85.90 October,
$5.80; December, $5.80,
Detroit, Sept, 3.-Olesexe-Whee:0-
No 1 white, cash, 73e; No. 2 red,
cash, August, and September. 72e ;
in the leading Alttrketee December, 7eee.
Ser,, Louie, Sept, 3.--Closed-Wheat
Toronto, September 3. -Wheat s- -Cash, 9Pte: Seletenaber, 09/e;
The market ie quiet, there being eto cember. 71te.
export demand.. New white wheat ainneaPolls, Sept. O. -Close we.
nominal at 65' to 65ee middle Wheat -Caen, 681e; SepteMben, 67.4.
Government has been notifted that Tem- Wilt Make •a BM for Trans. freight mid old NO. 2 white mid red to 67re: December, 681ec: on track,
O'Brien, the murderer, was execute0 17acioo Trade,. winter sell to Millere at 67 to 071e No 1 hard, Me; No 1 Northern
at Dawson City on August 23rti. . low freights. No. 3. spring is quieted WIC; No 2 do. 652e. Ficau...-First
The information came through the A despatch frera 'Vaneouver. B.O.. at 080 on. Blialnini. ehlanitoba wheat Patents tIrms $3.85 to $3.9q ; see -
Mounted Police to Comptroller F. says ..;-,1, J. HUI is, said to be ries unchanged" No. 3. hard sold at 84 - °Itd
, c, Patents, $3:.65 to $3,75 ; first
Duke bas been approved at Ottawa. the oveelaeci trip from Port Datwin Iwn-eilt tieeftil.41moarite•Tioswte'lle(litnitieo i''' -',0,a- liferie ond the 1.1111-hforgan interests puren.eses of /tow No. 2 for export. Toronto, Sept. 3. -At the western
Ottawa is still in doubt witere to to Adelaide. The whole of the Nor- Ito.?-ise Lk Thr net aroed-house was at lut've ' pnrehased. the right of sneer ax, eSe, noddle freight, and locally , cattle yards to da the receipts were
build. its proposed contagious dis-
Atto;c1. and there ;hey should have from West/a:meter to waneouver and at On to 340. Old. No. 2 is nominal; 70 carloads of live stock. including
tlfern territory of South Australia. T1 4 q 41
no.5V5 hospittl. comprising ati. areo of about 567,000 1 .000 cattle, 1..000 hogs, 3..654
The new mining school at Kings- square tulles, is included in the bish- turned areived that night. but they ever the charter of a railway, which, local at 35e locally.
tikaga ity that Clergue, of the Ste. Oats -The demand less active, with
d uP. Two of them, Olayson people secured On the WW1 thut they
. .2,... were going to build. to Dawson. steady. No.. 2 new or September , nozea mum cows. ,
Peas -Trade quiet, and prices sheep and. .lambs, 50 calves and
ton will cost $9Z.000 and the arts op's diocese. as well as the northern anti Iielle. had. come thus far. nnb
builtling $70.000. iports a Queensland, miles from. Dawson. intending to This right. of way was bought piecese1-.
Conductor Perry. of the C.P.D.,1 ifilneut sold at 67 t9 67le.. north; There was a good business doue in
:xport cattle t. afrom $4.60 to $ r
spend the winter with their families by piece in the ileums of other per- e
mut west,„
had two toes taken off wbile couple I in the Stats. The third. a man, sons. and the terminal the sicmarretis frm
t, with: secured for good to thotee. awl $5.15 lo
Barley -The . i
lug ears at Virdee, THE ONLY SETTLEraFigT
moo..., lamed Oleeon, belonged to Hutchiku by purchia
asg e entire Hastiegs sloes of No 2 .et 44e north and. iane.
e lots; light sbippers sold from
The eight hour day law is being eo- 6
forced the erection of Government
t Steed COrporatiOn Clothe to BRIM
sense' buildings at Nelsou; B.C.
Alacte. emps..
Winnipeg doctors located a pin fate .,
beddtel in the muscles of D. D. I 'A despatch front Pitteburg. Pa-
Deering's leg. lie doesn't know how 'sayse-The steel corporation coldly. -
it got there ,ued making, gains in this district,
where he was employed in connection • Mill property, the only water front- west. and of feed at 42c west. ' ; $$.25 to $1.5U per cwt. •
• ..
With the telegraph lifwe. He had , ago of any honsegnoneo; in. Car:e°b.•• V.Oett-.-The 'market le weatter to-,:; 'lite butcher bresinees was alech
been sent:out to repair the l•ine. and ver and owned by the '1:311'1(14m day. •W1th sales of No. O Canadian. e_"excal, and wore good to choice cat -
haring (Ione. so. was lenuridag to hiS; r.tc naiiWay • Company'. YelloW at 53te. and of mixed at 53c ' tie would hare sold. The best'
post. Ire had made an engagement • The Hastiege mill was, rueninge
, grades: fetched frout 4 to ale per lin
to be present at a Christman dinner before Vancouver eineleesti from the itye-The ittarizet is unchanged, ' with tea cents per ewt paid for fancyl
at liutchinu, for wilich Corporal; woods or before the big Canadian with sales at 4-0c. =addle fi•eight, stuff, Iiiferfor cattle zold down to.
anti on Niedriesday added enough Ryan of the Mounted Police. had : Pacific Ruilway was thonght oi. et anal elst. tree per Ile
AD Pr -dies fnrldshtng- suPPIle3 t°Imen to its fierce at the Sto.r plant provided a rore treat in the luitenn lies gob tutu the hauds tile tooth. Dueowheateemaroet tom woo prices," Good stoetteri are in better request
the post Office Department Must pay to totore the rvrking,
nn. •
of two mins natilein. a Whey, There was eon- which iti glad to sr41 the ,,;iter. Large. purely nominal, ,• at from 1.1Ze to :tiiie per
the warmed. rwte Of weges to their 4 t
double turn. night and day. frOm eitierable surprise whien lte felled to' iraete of laud have alert been bought nohoe.,Tot outooat is awe Ninety t A few good ankh cows ari.‘ wanted,. ust.
ellifiloYees and adopt the mii°11 hum's i now on. The management cluimel be on hand. and when he vas still up in North Vaxweluver, oppoz•eile per vent (mit 4-.4 in barrels . t eo ge . at from $10 to SOO each.
el labor. I that. the entire plant will be on full The blouee that closes at
Judge Sicotte. at Montreal. finetl g before the week ends. The strikers a . -..
TheopItile Geoffrion mot Joseph 0- i say thie claim comet- be made good,
potion. two emvsvendors, $50 and I and is being made merely as a bluff.
costs for selling obscene • literature, 3 In pursuauce of its unnonneed plan
mid threw in P. severe 1CetlIrb with 5 to run all of its plants absolutely
the sentence. on -union, the American Tin Plate
Ur. 3, Ae. Ruddick, Assistant Da- Company on Wednesday commenced
minion iktire Commissiotter, states advertteing for nolottnion mon to go
that owing to the drouth there will to work. AR applieante ere offered
be a shortage of butter in the Mari- the highest wages. anti permaneat
time Provinces, espeelully in Prinee
Edward Island
Anthrax has broken out among the
' % . we- e ste do end tie aethO k
absent 01), Devember 014 hiS. friend. - r ancouver proper. " 1
Ivest• snd at 452.td) middle freight for -, l'!"‘"it ° '' ar- ° • e 11 ;and is nearly luvisible as possde e
the corporal fearing that he had re- The Great Northern will tot wait t CI 'e 't -lett rollers Ole, changed o -t front 1.S3 -4o to $3,60 Per , has taken a Sr= hold on the world
expor • an e s 1.1z, .
ceived some Wirt in the performance for the big bridge acroes the newer. ,
hbiti. locally and for _Lower Prove; cwt. , of fashion and appears to guin ad-
o! his duty, started down the lines but will etin a ferry from the .c.r- thee,,,. sa.is to oin20. Manaobal Lambs are worth frota 1 to dec herons week by witelt. The cilia
tropes of contieg to his aid- if he Annuls at South Westminster across ettt 't - o,t . bags and strong balt-O per Ite or $2.50 to 83..10 each.
ded foxy. the Fraser river. n'alteis are wonted at from $2 to illraudyel ui_1413.sstraantdedinclusorlaabploopultiinr
e xx s. e in.
ersh $3.74.
CORPORAL'S :MARV BYE. - Lacui• sthehlilithTs doim that It' n 111 I t. • h .-->1 Car' 80 each, Choice vee's are *flyo3.0 effect as well as the bolted
, oatmeal-- aree is unc aloe( • ,
• ,,
Corporal Ryan had got down the!ilismantiisfl-%esrtojui.011 ttgelerrreatillaRortLiov141' lute at $3.90 in hags. and $1 in etinoly &Mend. “lishop sleeves. The original is made
wood. Drolien lots. Toronto. OW Hogs are steady and uni einged. of silk and linen batiste with trim -
trail n. good many miles when his will he in melee competition with The, best price tor -singers- is 7ic ming of bat'K
iste loco and is ora
sharp eyes observed tho traces of a:the commit...in pacific naoway on Per ,hbi• extra'.
i libalfeede-The enartee, .s, rah no, 1,
i il 1,1 ;Per lb: thick fat t.tint light hogs are! ov eel "to stilt corset cover. but
QV O• 4
jobs. but in every ease the aPigica-
, ial illnan ug aw. y 'OM JO Wahl itheu, own grounds. 3
'no ear it offering for exBra
pert. nt worth 6ee per Ile all the season's thin silk fabrics aro
tion must be made personally. mull traveled road. aPParentier into the
bush. Snow lent fallen upon it, and
the applicant declare himself free
sells in ton lots at mills here Lt Hogs to fetch the top price roust suitable.
he of prime quality', and scale not
below 160 no above 200 ihs The blouse is cut with front wed
from all non eoutrol. coin- the inexperieuced eye would him de-. CHIEF SHOOTS BRAVE $1z.:10. and shorts ae $16.50.
Ireys at, Swift, fouri.ent, N.W.1.. Pen" hes OCO- On Vet made the at- tected nothieg to dietinguish it front '
• Polloolug t rangt, quota- oohed by weans of ;410/Alder oeot
, haeho onle".. the fitting tieing excel*.
Sheep GM the tarot of Sir Coopet
and tim steep are dying at tae nett; tempt to start either its Mononga- the general expansion of the snow. -
Tiled tor latrder, HOGS AND PROVISIONS.
oander-arm eeem.e. anti is tucked in
of Otte! doy. Fourteen thousattd • helix or Demeter plants. but an- covered wilderness. - Dot tile con-, Chior of tho Room TrIbo NtIO' Bto
wired for. Po9991,, 199'05519MS on the White surface. and! Cattle.
dos.'.5 of anthrax vaccitte bave beet& notinces that both wilt be stateed stable espied two faint parallel deer groups to yoke depth. Below the
waiiiipulp in 1001 amounted te eltineey tribe. hes in the county jail ease tote. 11 elo,e; pork. wee, 08M1. tol geml. 3.50 COO' voha, one below witere it euriehes
uow be eettleil only by the men go- from the nuitu-traeeled road- Ile de-
Drer,sed Ifogs uneliaagett at 69.25.; Shippers-, per cwt ,, . ... eiee.on se en
A despateh from 3.. nut Out.. to $9,50, llog proattet% firm. We, D li I t , --e-^e„,•-• ., tucks the metered falls in soft be-
e The Jatest officio', declaration front be wondered whet. could have indtte,. - o'• - •gr -1-- - I -2-0 `e•°° leonfing folds and two appliques ot
enn9140796. exports of pulpwood ane "steel soluvivi is that the strike e•in ed anyone to make such a departure saYs iut UMW. Qin'A' Of UO: tittOte--UnC4to n, long clear, ton and 'Dutcher's, elnlie,h------ 4-Wi 4-fiD ' lace are used, oae. as a finish to tato
'1 5 6 11 I $966 920 w ' se • 1 d i i 1 awaiting ti reeult of Witn. Doe:- $20 to $20.5xnedo.. eliart eat. $21. Buteliers. inferiere. .... 2.75 8.25 O
she plain material. Tito steeree aro
$9,999 to Great Britain anti $2,302.- • to this determination on his part etatei's 1:.juties. oxe.at r ih al.
$3.18 .2 5. of w t c 9 9. 9 - ba t tl mills The posi- tin -milted to folios% t, an to s tie
.ti tl ' 1 t lgo 't is Id, is
215 to the litilted tate. The fan ° ei° s a t• 44 • ••• b
th,,.t. the straw is over, so for os that ,a tooeoeheorteo soon/too:A was eosin), lave o the hitineee-ta and a. Smoked enealse-Ifeme. 14 to
Si . i few Ai eas aeo I e elope! with the brealifast bacon. 15 to ltie; rolls.
"I'll iN au 41(3.°41w 0i S(U-6•477 "ar '/ tiar d1iWr With the strikers as a g I ' II
dred yards from the main Food he ehiers daughter. The tw heod to.. 12e: halts. 15 to 1:`41e. owl should -
scrub o' gether in primeval simplicity. de- ere. 11 to 1-1 e.
found hidden in the dome
teet. No one was about It, but it ' spite Parental Obit:CUMIN. Until tt, I ard-The market is firm. Guar-
' b son of the 0;34 visited. Doxsta tees ' aideed pure ht Ou-lb. tubs. 11 le
the exports of 1900. bode.. is concerned. They want
The fircestigatione etirried on at '; wine:men for their idle mills. and
Cate -49. No4., by the Dominion Cior' 1 men who want work, von have it. for
erament this summer lido the tooth the asking at, wages paid before the
habitat, and brimding places of tlw shut -down. They may be union men
Atlentie roust fishes are expected to or not, but the union CM/ have no
Klee valuable effect upon the fishing say as to their work or wages.
Mr. Shaffer declared that the strike
in spite of the claims ot the other
side to the contrary, is proceeding
run nest year in His itlajesky's mime satisfactorily, and his association ts
and colors. making such serious iuroads on the
Edwin Austio Abbey, R.A., an corporation.'s business that it will be
American. has been chosen to paint compelled, some or later, to come
says, aro
ee< "
G le.A.T N.
Ding Edward's race horses. evil
looleel as if the ownie might e „ A
bach any moment. It had evidently wigwam owl reMOVed SOW Of the pails 11ie d tie e 11 Cowe. each :t
, • ; an tee , C.
:Calves. eeeli 2.00 10.00
been occupied by two persons, tot- Maiden's InTsolyel belottglotOt. anal.1
there was a double bunk and, a dup., DOXStAter claim.. some of his. Last I
Sheep 494 Lambs-
einaien lr'WOR. pee ewe- 3.4t1 3.60
Dutehare eheep. eoch 2 09 3,00
mD.eeehoee 2,50 3.50
Da-. por ID.........*I2 4,56
Bucks. lee' cwt... 2.5o 8.00
Milkers and Calvee.
mate supply or table utensils of the Monday the young squaw returned to e DA IRV MARKETS. 'Togs.
YUkOlt trill•Ohn% The constenle waite' the elders tent.
Choice hogs. per cwt... 0.06 7.25
Light hogs. per ewt 6,Ote 0.75
ed over night, in the hope that the On Tuesdey evening Weeeteter eit11-! Butter -Trade Is quiet. with no ;Heavy hogs, per cwt... 0.40 6.75
eluded that. the place had been alma- 'There ivae trouble. and the chief en-. dairy tubs. 17; choice, 1-1b. rolls, „stage. per .... . . 42:00(01
owners would turn up, but soon. con- ed there and demanded hitt Properey., changes in prices. We quote selected Sows. per cwt
dotted. He reported to his com- Anced. his objections with a revol-1 18e, setond grades, in rolls. tubs, g
notes, and Constable Pennycuick and " vete One bullet struck the young and palls, 1.4 to 1508 creantery, sol -1
Detective Maguire, also of the brew* on the fate end jarred loose 0, 'ids, firm. 20 to le. et cao
. look into the matter, The manner %tee mete et , ant no amp., will lee , 4 1. •
the coronation 'SCOW next year. , ,
in 'Andel]. there is a report. of a termined to stand for their rights to t wound. The young ntaa is seriously ered), at 13e: ordinary fresh candled.
to 120 MoIlis unted Pace, were detailed to large portion of his skull. Henry prints. to 4 -
firm all along the line, and me tie- I • elti We
----- -'-- ---- in allich these men wrung her see* laid peuding the result of Doxstater's quote strictly new laid (nearby gatal- Tor
great amalgamation a the steel and fro a tb bosom ot the deeert orms
trolling Itt•ms in New South Wales, have been started are doing b---------ecords of crime. They spent weeks 'be Cheese-Vale:et is dull. We quote. A
charged with murder.
'oath a lam to economy in the use of
At Liverpoot it is stated that the
Cunard. Leyland and Dominion
otinouship lines, following the ex- be a drawback rather than a. help to
ample of the Red Stnr line, are efe their emploYers.
•1') •
e •
coal trades. embracing the con- a really marvellous chapter in the to 1.2e: seconds, 7 to Re,
injured. should he die the chief will 11 e
the end. He says the mills that
finest, 10 to 101;e: seconds, ne to
ned the Water in. a. Reserv
nto Burniag Illinois Mine,
effective work, •
ac in the neighborhood of the tent, and
I • it f •atong the private trail which had
served as a key to the whole black
mystery. They literally sifted the
MOW 10019 by inch, end front many
mute things they read the story.
They found the three patches of
blood where the yktims had given
up their Urea, not without a strug-
gle on the part of (Meson at least,.
They found the discarded shells of
the.wartridges by wifich the deed had
been done. Ulley found a bonfire
near the tent, in which their cloth-
ing had been burned to prevent iden-
tification. But from the ashes were
Picked out buttons, buckles, etc..
which wore identified. After the ash-
es had cooled, the intwderers had evi-
dently gathered the larger articles
that would not burn and thronei
them into the surrounding scrub.
But the patient officers found many
of them-Clayson's Yale keys.. which
were found. to St the drawers to
which they belonged, an electric belt
which Oleson was known to wear, al-
so his files and pliers.
daily does not worry the president,
because he believes them to be either
unskilled or poor workmen, who will
feting to carry passengers from New
York to London for $35.
The "stinging caterpillar" has
made its appearance in Philadelphia.
Two young sons- of r. L. Gilmore,
ot Afaseena, N.Y., -were probably fa-
tally stung by wasps.
Owen Bradley, a farmer at 'Hol-
land, Texas, mistook his wife for a
burglar and shot her to death.
A stage was recently held up near
'Ukiah, Cal., the express box taken.
and three persons were. robbed.
At Ashley, Ind., one person was
Oilled, another fatally hurt and a
building was wrecked by the explo-
, sten of a soda fouittain.
John Andrews, former postmaster
of Red Lodge, Montana, was mistak-
en for a bear and shot.and killed by
John Romer% with whom he was
. General Booth, founder and head
of the Salvation Army, will visit
Chicago in November for a six
montries inspection tour of the 'Un-
ited States.
The Cascade division of the Great
Northern, in Washington, is to be
equipped with electrio motors for -the
operation of trains instead of steam
One of the greatest gas wells ever
, discovered in the gas belt was struck
lot mile east of Parker City, Indiana,.
ee'tneleocirty night, by tbe Farm Land
Oil Company, which was boring for
oil in the new oil territory. The
well is estimated to be flowing. 3,-
0o0,0yo cubic feet a day.
King Leopold will bepresent with
the Czar at the French naval review.
King Alfonso of Spain will not be
present. •
. Much excitement prevails at Stock-
holm over the discovery of gold in
Lapland, where are also the coun-
try's famous iron deposite.
An international exhibition of hy-
giene, meritime security, and fish-
ing, under the patronage of hie Maj-
esty King -Leopold, hap just been op-
ened at Ostend.
The raffle, ia India are irregularly-
clistributedtt'i teed, while particularly
deficient in the rice districts, ex-
cessive rains have caused lass in the
no and central provinces.
'The Paris, Lyons, and Mediterran-
ean. • 'Railway Company has received
" ten of the ,fifty large American loco-
motives it recently ordered, and they
The steel people have nothing to
sah; but point to the mills at work,
and the product turned out. Ac-
tions. they seY, -Speak loudetthan
War Office Sends Imperative Orders
to Lord Kitchener.
A. despatch from London says: -
Under date of August 25, Lord Kit-
chener telegraphed the War Office
from Pretoria as follows: -
"Sworn evidence has been brought
to my notice by General Elliott that
on June 6 Lieut. Mahe of .the New
South Wales Artillery, and Privates
Harvey and Blunt were shot at Gras
Pan after surrendering,. I 'lave for-
warded copies of the statements to
Steyn and. Botha."
To this the War Office on Wednes-
day sent the following reply: -"We
understand that you liteve not re-
ceived saysitictory assurances re-
specting the murder of our wounded
at Vlakfontein. In view of that oc-
currence, and of your despatch of
August 25, WO are of opinion that
you should notify by proclamation
that members of any collie:tam-10 by
which such outrage was committed
who are captured will be tried, and
if proved to have been present on
such occasion will be held to be
guilty, whether they actually com-
mitted the , deed or. not, and the
leader of the commando will be sen-
tenced to death and other members
punished with death or a less sen-
tence,according to the degree of
their complicity."
A Number of Them in Circulation
in Toronto.
A despatch from Toronto says: -
Since the arrest of Sandford John-
seon, the peddler who, about a week
ago, passed a bogUS bill, several
more forgeries have turned up. The
detectives have received word of
three American $5 forgeries, one $5
Bank of Toronto hill, ancl. one $10
Molsons Bank note.- ThO latter was
detected when a' wholesale firm who
had accepted it deposited it at their
batik on Wednesday.
300,000 Russian Troops Mobilized
in Consequence.
nave •given satisfaction..
• A despatch froni Bucharest says :
Tee welisknown inventor, Sezepane The Achierul sags 300,000 Russiae
. ilr, et vininan line developeda We- ohoos havc been mobilized in Bose
let -proof bi.eastplate; arid has also seeable, and, -thee Roumania 'fears a
eedently constructed .. 2122 apparatus Balkan coup
It was evident that the men who
had occupied that tent were the
murderers, and it was equally evi-
dent that it had been erected there
as the headquarters of raurder, for
FIs occupturts bad actually cut down
27 cotton trees so as to be enabled
to see at a great distance anyone
moving along the Dawson trail.
From this eerie they had seen the
three men approaching on that
Christmas morning, and had sallied
forth and murdered them). The
bodies were stripped and thrown in-
to a parte of the river where it was
open, disappearing under the ice, to
be discovered, ghastly and grim,
many months afterward, when the
spring floods began their revelations.
But the officers had not waited for
this evidence to take action. In the
abandoned tent was an ordinary
Yukon stove, but an alteration had
been made on it that singled it, out
from all others. .That stove had
been seen in the ,possession of two
men na.med O'Brien and Graves.
O'Brien had been in Dawson prison.
and had been a great deal up and.
doem the river about that time. He
was, arrested. at "ragish as 0. suspect,
and the Pace:gradually wove a net
of circumstantial evidence about him
tliat lacked ncithing to make it abso-
lutely complete. Artielee belonging
to the murdered men were- found on
him, and aletost every step of his
journeyings before reaching and after
leaving the scene of the crime was
traced. Before Decenaber .25, 1899,
he was penniless, begging his way.
After that date he was in possession
of a roll- of bills and a pouch of nug-
gets, one of them being so remark-
able as to be well known in Daweon,
and also knowe to haV» been in pos-
session of Clayson. Graves, the oth-
er man', seems' to have utterly van-
labed, but it is suspected that 0' -
Brien subsequently. murdered the
partner of hie crime. ,
Seldom have the tirelessness and
resourcefulness of British justice.
been more remarkably desplayed. meats.
Glasgow Opens an Underground Sys-
tem, Covering 16,500 Mlles.
A despatch from Glasgow says :-
A municipal underground telephohe
system of 16,500 mike was opened
on Thursday. Provision is made for
20,000 subscribers. The service is
designed to be as perfect as possible,
affordiug the public every facility for
cneap and .onvenient eommunicae
&vetch front Belleville,
says :-The lives of 20 nutters were
Sec. saved on Tuesday by women and
oLocked over the niein portion. hue.
are allowed to fall free and form
puffs at the wrists. Both stock. and
cuffs are ot lace. lined only with the
batiste, The closing is effected io-
visibly in centre back.
To cut tnis waist for a woman of
medium. eize WI yards of material 21
inches wide, 3: yards 27 inches
wide. 8: yards 82 inches wide. or
21 yards 4,4, inehee wide, will be re-,
quire& with 31 yards of applique
Ind ,•1 yard of lace for collar oust
ffs to trine as illustrated.
ehildrea. The mine is near French
Village. The entrance to it is by a
THE STIIIi7,F,T MARKET, sloping shaft. whto descends from a
Receipts of grain on the street hillside. An ,explosiou happened at
to -day were fair and prices firm as a the lower end of this slope. It set
rule. Meat firmer for goose, 200 fire to the coal and timbers Of the
busk selling at 68 to (fine. and 300 shaft, and the flames imprisoned the
bueh of white and red at Ilk for miners.
old, and at 68 to 72c for new, Bar- Alormed by the explosion, they
ley higner, 700 bush selling at 48 ran to the slope, only to be turned
to 55e. Oats lirm. 1,200 bush 0f1beek by a Wall of names. The wo-
new selling at ntie to 37e, end 100 men azd children heard the explo-
bush of old at Itee. Rye sold at sloe and rani to the opening and
52c for one load. Hay unchanged. saw what had happened. A hundred
90 loads selliug, at $9 to $11 a ton. feet, from the shaft was a rude reser-
Straw sold at $0 to $10.50 a. ton voir in which water had been collect -
for six loads. ed for the engine. They dug a. trench
BOER GUNS FOR CANADA. Following is the range of quota- down to the shaft, opening and turn -
Will Not Be Overlooked When Tim
for Distribution Comes.
A despatch from Ottawa, seys:-
The Department of Militia, has re-
ceived tx, cable' front the Ihmerial
tions ing the water into the none. The
, ••. ...•.. • was Wheat, white, new 0.70 0-72 came out unhurt.
Wheat. red, new.- 0.68 0.72
Wheat, goose. new 0.68 0.69e -t
Oats, old... ... 0.4:14 0.00 COMMANDOES HUSTLED.,,
Oaleats, new...... ...... 0.361 0.37
t white $0• 72 80.73 fie • extingn
ielted and the men
War Office stating that when a dis- Peas.......
tributien of the guns captured dur- Rye
lug the Boer war is being made, the Barley
claims of Canada for these momen- Hay, old,
Hay, new.
Straw, pe
Dressed Ix
Butter, in
Butter, ei
Ducks, pc
Eggs, new
Eggs, hal
Beef. fore(
Deaf,, hint
Beef. moil
Beef, choi
Lamb, ye
Lamb. spi
Veal, oho
toes of the struggle in which her
sons played such a noble part will
not be overlooked.
Gang of Boys Arrested for Tam-
pering With Railixray Appliances
A despatch from Ottawa says :-
Half a dozen Ottawa boys were ar-
rested on Wednesday, -upon the ex -
rival of the Canada Atlantic train
front the west, and are held. for trial
charged with having tampered with
seals on cars, interfered with safety
appliances, and endangered the lives
of employees and railway property,
It appears that the boys, whose
ages range from 12 to 16 years, had
been stealing rides between Ottawa
and Parry lemind for a week past
and cutting up capers genuine-.
They were captured at, Madawaska
yesterday by the conciliator of a
freight train, who shipped them to
Investigation Into Smallpox Cas-
es in. French Settlements.
A. despatch from Ottawa says :-
Dr. Bn-n
'as who as sent by the
Quebec Board of Health to investi-
gate the smallpox outbreak at St.
Pierre de 'Wakefield, in the Lievre
District, made a. thorough examina-
tioni of the entire settlement. Be
found that, since June, there had
been 36 cases, all of a mild type.
Nearly all these have recovered, and
there are now only six pa,tierits in
two houses, These have been quar-
antined, and. other houses in the
neighborhood where there had been
smallpox; disinfectedB
. ut the &Octet -
is apprehensive of a further outbreak
of tee disease in eeighboring settle-
• 0.66 0.00 British Are Actively Pursuing
. 0.52 0.00 The Enemy.
0.48 °oat-,
per ton 18.00 13.50 A. despatch from. Pretoria says :-
per ton 9.00 11.00 General French has columns haras-
sing every commando in the Cape
Colony, with the exception of a few
small bands in the Kenhardt dis-
trict. A force of British will shortly
be sent after these also. Beaborn is
driving Scheeperss commando xxorth
of Willowmere, and other comman-
does are being forced north. • Thee
suffered heavily in. crossing between
the blockhouses on. the Ronmead and
Storraberg IlalIway. Se.veral col -
antes are operating against Com-
mandant Kritzinger MI the Wepener
and Rouxville districts. •-
Nearly -
r Transvaaleeeand
koawn botolgoeRiver f Bovaeres
Colony is being natively hunted.
✓ ton 0.00 10.50
ogs.. „ 9.25 9.50
ID, rolls 0.17 0.22
.exunery... 0.21 0.26
per pair0,50
• pair.. 0.65
per lb.. 0.12
laid.... . . . 0.14
• per dozen 0.12
new bush0.60
basket ------0.15
juarters 4.50
lune carcase6.50
re... ..... 7.00
arli ng... ..... 6.50
. 5.50
ice.. 7.50
Buffalo, Sept. 8.--Flotir--Triten,
good demand. Wheat -Spring, little
doing ; No 1 Northern, old, 77ec ;
do, new, 76c. Winter, easier'No 2
red, 7111c; No 1 white, 76e. Corn--
Lower and dull: No 2 yellow, 61c;
No 3 do., 60c; No 9 corn: 60ece
No 3 do, 5010, Oats -Quiet and
fairly steady; No 2 white, eSe.c;
3 do, 38,11c; No 2 mixed, $7e ; No.
3 do 36i}c. Darley--Nothing doing.
Rye -Dull; No 2, 39c on track.
Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 8.-Close--
Wheaf)`-.'-'Eo. 1 Gorthorn. 70e. to 71c;
No. 2 do, 69 to 70c; September,
69te; December, 71e to 7110. Rye --
Lower ; No 1, 51 to 55c. Barley -
Steady ; No 2,620; sample, 45 to
61c. C or a -Sep tember, 54.c; poem-
ber, e5;c.
Duluth Sept. 3,-W heat -No , 1
hard, cash, 71-1e; No. 1 Northern,
691c; No 2 do, &leo; September,
°Dec; October, 60ec; December, 69ec
May, 78e. Corn -53c. Oats -85e
to 31;c
Toledo, Sept 3. -Wheate-C ash and
September, 711.1 e; Deceliber, 73;c ;
May, 78tc. Corn --Cash, 53c ; Sep-
tember end December, 56•1c; May,
587ic. Oitts--Cash, 36c; September,
851e December, 36e, Rye-58ec,
Late Empress Fredexiek's Will
Opened. and Read.
A. despalhh front Cronherg says :-
The will of the late Empress Feeder
Oen -
Oen was opened on Wednesday in the
i Presence or her relatives and the
• lion morns to each of her six child -
lion wards to each of her six child-
ren, including Emperor William.
Ioleriedriclishof is bequeathed to . lie1201'daughter Princess Frederick gad
et Hesse.
The will was opened without ope-
icial ceremony. The Empress' for-
' tune totals eleven artillion marks.
The Dowager Empress destiroyed
only her most private papers. The
remainder were deposited in the
Friedrichshof Library.
The fortune of the Dowager Em-
press included nothing from the
late Queen Victoria, the Dowager
Empress having renoanced all claims
on her mother's estate.
- +
BOUNDARY svittvrY.
Mr. Tarte Had a Narrow Escape
From Death.
A. despatch from Ottawa says :-
Hon. 3. Israel Tarte has added a
narrowtescape from droweing to the
varied list of his exciting expe-
riences, He is at present completing
from Mattawn, eastward his tour
of iespection of the route of the
Georgian Bay waterway. On Mon-
day, while running the rapids below
Mackey's Station, owiug to low
water; ancl stranded logs, the canoe
very nearly came to grief. Dextrous
managemeat by the voyageurs alone
averted what threatened to be a
fatal accaleut, and so Mr. Tarte es-
caped with the scare and a good
Had Eeen Found Guilty by the Trea-
son Court in Cape -Colony.
A despatch from Cape Town says :
Two more rebels, who were found
guilty by tie Treason Court, have
been shot at Graaf Ileinet.,
Dominion Offietale Preparing for
the Fall Work.
A. despatch from Grand Forks, 13,
C., says: -R. W. Brock, of the D0 -
minion Geological Survey, is here for
the purpose of making a geological
auri topographical survey of the
boundary district. Last season ha
covered the region bounded on the
south by the international boundary,.
on the east by the Caltunbia River,
on the north by Fire Valley, and ou
the west by the north fork of Kettle
River. The results will be published.
in a series of colored maps showing
tbe configuration cf the country,
the watercourses, streams, trails,
and mineral belts, etc. The maps
giving the results of last season's
operations are not yet available,
owing to the death of the late Dr,
Dawson, director of the surhey.
With the boundary line as a base,
tee area to be surveyed this season
will embrace the territory lying be-
tween the north. fork of the Kettle
River on the east, and. the Okanagan
Lake, and northward one hundred
miles. There will be a good deal. of •
triangulation work,and the height
Of all the peaks and ranges will be'
determined.. Mr. Brock will also
visit the ' recently discovered coal
fields on the west fork of the north
branch of Kettle River. He will be-
gin his operations on, the peaks' near
this city. Mr. Brock ' will be ac-
companied to the Volcanic Mine by
R. A.. Brown, the owner.
Will Not Occupy Balmoran-Much
C eminent Caused. ^
A. despatch from London says: -
The King and Queen on their return
from the Continent next month wilt
go to Scotland for a few week's rest.
They will not occupy Bahnoral. the
Scottish home of the late Queen Vic-
toria, but will stay with the Duke
and Duchess of Fife, at Mar Lodge.
Much comment is caused by their
avoidance of Balmoral Castle.