Exeter Times, 1901-9-5, Page 1feetteeie
Just. What You Now Wan
To protect your cattle and horses from being tortured
with Flies.
Portland Cement
Thorald Cement
Machine Oils
Lace Leather
Belting, Etc.
Preserving Kettles,
* Bishop 6i. Son
Two Papers -300,
We axe going to offer two papers
for the balance of this year for 30
cent.. One of these is Tun 111m1:eeyou
know the value of that. The other is
the Weekly Sun1 acknowled ed to be
the hest farm. home and tun et paper
eauada. Tell yoar Mende of this
Can. It they want to see a sautple or
our paper before subscribing ask thein
to drop us a card, giving their name
aud address and we will send endi ; it
they want a sample copy of The Sun a
card addreased to Weekly Sun, Toron-
to, asking for one will secure ivhat is
asked for. d'de your friends to sub-
eeribeetow, as the sooner they coine iU
the mare papers they will get for the
money. Send remittances to TUE
Timms office,
Bitineee-john Harwell and Mr.
Deal of Varna, spent Sunday the
tests of Weeley Harnwell. MISS
dale and Lizzie Smyth, of Toronto,
are the guests of Mrs. R. Fletcher at
present.- Mr. and Mrs. Murray is
spending a week's holidays with Mrs.
Louis Kirk. -Edwin and Louis Fletch-
er, of Senshine, spent Sundey the
.g..4ests of Nelson Fletcber.-Quite
number from here took in the honey
and bun social at Zion on Monday
ovening.-Mies Taylor retuned honie
on Saturday after pending a couple
of weeks with her friend, Miss Thomp-
son of St, Marya-George Vickers, of
thestinited States, is holidaying with
Silas Shiet-We are glad to here that
Miss Rachael Kirk is able to be out
again. --Thos. Thompson and Robeet
Tesky, of St, Marys, spent Labor Day
with friends in the village.- F. 5.
Dais is holidaying at his home here.
Bitrove.--Rev. Mr. McAuley, of Mit-
,chell, occupied the pulpit of the Pres-
byterian charth ' here and at Roy's
Sunday. -Thos. Duncan, of Farquhar,
spent Sunday at Mr. F. R Hamilton's.
-J. Hislop's sale was a euccess, every-
thing was sold. They left Monday for
Mrs. flislopis brother's, near Seaforth,
from there they purpose leaving Wed-
nesday for their new home in Toronto,
Mr. Andrewe moved his family in this
week. -Mrs. Gardiner, of Iowa; sister
of John Morgan arrived Monday on a
visit amongst her friends here. -D.
McLachlan and Alex. Campbell left
Monday to take in the sights of the
Toronto exhibition. -- Alex. Miller
'dame home Friday last after spending
• Bait:F.71. -Mr. anti UP. W. T. Amos
have retiwned from their trip to the
Old Lend. end report a. very tileeeent
ivoyage.--The direction- of the Agri-
cultural Societe 'net lait Setardity
night, They heve decided to hold
the fair on Sept. 271.h. The special at-
tractions will be speeding in the ring
and pcoitbly a game of baseball,
BittEre,.-,Tolin Taylor, of Exeter
north, reeentlet received a, severe
I kick from a colt belonging to Junes
0 Brien, of this place--Prayereneet-
lugs are to be held in Sexsinith church
on Wednesday evenings, all are
weleorne.-0. Aldwartle recentle' lost
a valuable cow. -Miss Johnston and a
friend, of London are visittog friends
in. this neiglthorhood.-Thos. Harvey
sold a fine yonng horn to R. Camp -
bele of the Satible line, a few days
to-lifiss Nellie O'Brien bas retuned
it ter an extended visit with friends in
Rochester, N. Y. and vicinity. --Misses
Smale and Moore, of Wingliain, who
were visiting friends here for soine
time, have retorned hoine,-& few
days ago a little baby girl arrived at
the home of Me. and elrs, T. N. eNorthe'
cott, Na wonder they smile.
few days at the Toronto and Buffalo ,
001MIL.-The council of the Town-
ship of Stephen, convened at the Town
Hall, Crediton, on Monday, Sept. 2nd,
at 1 p. ne All members present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
approved, Resolved that the ownee
of the wood piled on the first sideroad
opposite lot 5, con. 10, he notified to
remove the same, end that Wuerth
and McKeever attend to the ap-
proaches to Mud Creek bridge and
have the road repaired in that vicinity.
Anderson-LIVuerth-That the gravel
contracts be let at the Town Rall,
Crediton, on Monday, Sept. 23rd, at 2
p. m. The following orders were
granted :-Robert Scele lumber 57,35;
Gloderich Lumber 0o., lumber, freight
and teaming $223.20 ; Isaac Bastard,
work cm eon. 10, $1.25 ; J. B. Hodgins,
repairing culvert and material $2.00 ;
Wolfe and Eilber, work at lumber
51.50; Wm. Yearly, gravel $15.68 ;
Jos. Lawson, rep. Ford's bridge $12.00;
Jno McInnes, gravel $31.40. Council.
adjourned to meet again in Town Hall,
Orediton, on Monday, the 23rd inst.,
at 2 p. 111.
- —
exhibitions and well pleased with the Winchelsea
. eits.-Our two high school students
left Monday, T. Miller for Seeforth and
Malcolm McKellar for Mitchell. -Wil-
son Allen, who has been home for the
past few weeks, left Monday for York -
ton, N. W. T., to resume his duties as
;school teacher there,
BRIEFS. -Ed. Clark and R. Sutton
spent Sunday in St, Marys. -Mr. and
Mrs. elite Ea,sson visited friends in
Stratford this week. -Mrs. Stokes
and two children. of Detroit, are visit-
ing with R. Robinson. -J. G. Jones
i it d th Toronto E osition last
'vs e exp
week. -Mrs. Dick and daaghter, Annie
Dashwood of Buffalo, are at present guests of
"Mr. White's fitraily.--Mr. mild Mrs. W.
• nes-Rev. Mr. Morlock and wife I J. Roy, are visiting the Tomnto and
retnrned from the Pan-American on 1 Pan-Anierican Expositions, this week.
Friday. -Miss Xing, assistant teacher -Mrs A. H. Wynn, of Newry, and
in our• public school,. visited at her 1 Mrs.C. W. Herren, of Neepawa, Man.,
home inOlineoneSaturday and Sunday. lepent part of last week the gaests of
-3. K. Goetz and Jno Voelkee went the Misses Wynn.- ev, Holmes, o
to the Pan-American last week,- Granton, visited with 3. G. Jones on
Misses. Ida 0 oetz and H. Baker, at- Saturday lest. -Wilson en, o
' tended the millinery openings in Lon. Yorkton, N. W. T., paid es a flying
• don last week -Rudolph Eifert left on visit, on Saturday. Mr. Allen intends
Monday to 'resume his studies,- L. leaving on Monday for the West, to
Wiegana is seriously ill, but we hope. resume his cacl duties as teacher in a
soon to hear of his recovery. -The 1, public school there. -Rey. IV. A.
Dashwood Flax Co. shipped. a car load 1 Walden gave ns a call, on Monday.-
, er flax seed on Monday. -Dr. T. P. I Miss Ethel Godbolt returned on Mon-
-7" ' McLanghlin is at the Pan-American . day to put in her 2nd term at the St.
• this week-. Dr. Rollins, of Exeter, is ' Marys Callegiote.-Uiss Wynn still
looking after his patients during his continues very low. ,
Absence. -Last week our boy's issued a Fuca -On Friday last at the hour
challenge to the Grand Bend football
deb to play a match on Monday, but
they did not put in an appearance.
They should either pla,y or forfeit the
cup. -Last Thursday night the Y. P.
' A., of Zurich, tome charge of the meet-
ing there and rendered an excellent
program. After the meeting refresh-
inents were served on Ti'. P. Pouiin's
----- -----esee-e---- •--- Death claimed another a,ged resi
I r -
$, e„„,,,Ditto IN MANITOBA. -We take' the dent of St. Marys, last Saturday in the
thelleNving trona the Killarney Guide, person of Mrs. Wrn. Mansbridge, who
A ugnst 16th: "It was with univer- died. at the residence of her daughter,
nenet regret that the many frieuds of the Miss Emma' Mansbridge, London, at
ybd e Mr. Chas. Fowler read of his the ripe age of 79 years and 9 months.
Atli oli Tuesday, Aug etli. The late The deceasedwas anlestimable old ledy
Le Fowler was 38 years of age, hay- and was highly respected by all who
; been born in Hullett township, had the pleasare of her acquaintance.,
iron county, Ontario, in 1863. He For fully forty years she was a rest-
yle to Manitoba 19 years ago and dent of St. Marys, and at the +in/ e r,1
CD that time has been a ,constant her death was only on a short, v reit to
ide,nt of this distriete her daughter.
of 0.80 p. m., Mr. Jno. Routley's hank
barn was struck by lightning and com-
pletely destroyed with entire crop tor
the season, a waggon, fanning mill,
pulper, and several other articles. The
barn and contents were insured ha the
Usborne & Hibbert Ass. Co., for $1100.
Mr. and Mrs. Routley were both in
ER _29, 1901.
Hansa!! Sunshine 3 47Huron I was the. oungest daughter of the late
F Sellery, L. D. S„ D.D,S.,Uonor Gratin- FxRE,,,-The bank been of John Rout- ing friends at Hills. Green.
ley WAS steuelt by lightning and burn-
. extracted withoutife.in or ba..d effects. Office
MondaY.COMmencing May 30th. the seasons crop. The barn adjoining
Chas. Sh er, of Michigan. is visit -1 john Aitclaisoe. •
Petty's Bleck, moan. At Zuxich every ed to the ground on rriday with all
a. J. Sutherland, Notary' Public, ConveYttn.,- it, containing the enplernents was
eer, Commissioner, FireInsurance .A.gent, and, saved. The building was Insured.
Issurer ef Ma.rriage Lieensesi Legal documents
earefully drawn at reasoualde rates. Money
to loam. on real estate at low ratesot interest.
Odle& at the Poet Office. Denson
Barars.-A. E. Bennett, wife and
daughter visited. friends here on Mon-
day. --Prof. Bedford bee resigned the
Dagen" oFJOSI41,g PEDLAR. --A.11 es-
teemed reeident of the boundary of •
McGillivray and East 'Williams. ease -
ed away on Sept. let. in the persn of
Thos. Wood died at Dungannon last k
Saturday' at the age of 02 years.
Miss .aildel Beek, ot Hensall, is ; Wm. Box sold the Detwiller farm to
visiting Miss Aisthorp, St. Marys. 1Jas, Bolton, of Fullerton, for a good
Eph. Butt of the Base Line,StauleY, piece lest mot.
left for the Bruce Alines on Tuesday, The vvs11-drillers 'who have been drill -
going by boat. 'ing on Wm. Epplett's farro,Blanshard,
We are sorry to learn that Mr. Win. found water at the depth of two hun-
33rooles, near Whalen, has to undergo area and forty tve feet.
a. critical surgical operation. While running the waggon out of
Mrs. Harry ASorgan, a. resident of the barn, Mr. John Epplett's (Salem)
recentorship or Carmel churehe-W. Bayfield some 27 Year8 ago, is the fine collie dog became enteogled. he a
/iv.McKay,. and wife visited Mr, and Josiah Pedlar, at the age of 01 years. guest of Mrs. Dr. Staubury, of Bay-
nday.-Mayor Rumball and :family, year, Itearttrouble being the inaniedi- The golden wedding, of Mr. and Mis. wheel' which cesniteci ill Its aeatl."
W. D. Robertson in Denfield over Deeea.sedhad been ailing for over a field. Mr, Soho Cornish, a Russeldale.
i of Lendon, visited With Mrs. IL Mc- ate cause of death. Deceased was Isaac Salkeld took place at their farm has rented Ur. 31. Brook's 100 aere
; Gregor, Hay township. this eveek, on horn in eornwall, Exigland, and AVitll 011311e ItQad, Godertele toweship, on farm at Avoribanic for $300 per
annum. Ile will tate possession next
s in
Iliad a rib broken by the cow running pioneme o 1110 it I con. . nut 1 ee Stanley' and commeuced hee antlealeder leg sale. e speculator ewe head.
agaiust hint. -.A. number left here last years ago he movea to the 'town line, the 19th of Aug, I ache, and every women eiiiirde.1---Ihun 7
week to atteucl the Pauedenericau; ..VIlere he has since lived, successfully The Epwortb. League have agreed tele, only one pill a, dose, Try them.
Among the number were Jr. 5, Case conducting a farm. Mr. Pedlar was a to pay $75 on the new pipe organ for Thomas Riley. who resides with a
land wife, Miss Moir and J. 0, Stone- Man ionong men, intelligent, liberal in the Wingliam. Methodist church. relative, .Toliu Ellie, north boundary of
.1 moil,- J, Seepphere. and relatives his ideas and a, first elass neighboa The Orgite Will cost about $1500. Blanshard north of the G. T R Julie-
' spout, an eetoyahle picnic at tile lake lie leaves a wtfe and three el -Waren to Always avoid harsh pergative pills. eiore /gene wautine, aeoulre are eeere
their way •home from Ooderich,---,Tho his parents Caffle to Vanadil, 3 years August 21st.
other day while working around a coW anro. They settle,1 in Stephen LOWO• MISS Flossie SO:albino, of Bityfield, ee there, ever wee specie.° toe era,
intended for slau01 ghter, e. C. 1Petty siTip, and he was therefkwe one of the has been engaged. to teach a, school in one eomflaint, then Co.rterht Little
Market Elk o
Wehave this week placed all oar
prints on the counter and will sell all
iT Cosrr„
Ladies' vests, short sleeves, regular
price 200, 2 for 2.5e.
Ladies' colored skirts at lowest
All summer goods and nimbus at
•eat prices.
We have a falle range of canned
eaLE.o.Vs for the summer month.% All
CALL AND' .3.17"sla...0-Ovt.:0-..esft.ee9eieS:SfereENE.......„..,
Jest the •thing for warm weather.
Different prices.
All kinds of Farm Pee:doge tette- et
exchange for goeile.
I on Leber Day,--nr; Wood, of Loedon, 1 cn p e
°ern his demise. His remains wete They Arse make you sick and then renies e aura/et-1 and feIl fracturing
e- L -
Liver Pills regulate the bowels and. are gage;
leave you constipated, Cartel S ittle the small bone of the right foot near
ViSitOti With .T, Sheppherd and other interred at 'Nairn.
friends in and around, Rensall this
week. -Miss Hattie Sutherland visited Shipka make you well. Dose, oue pill. Ed Robinson, al:rived home at,
friends in Exeter. -Large numbers are Ander, T f • D
17 ten Wecinesda.y the 21st ult. Moees '
Jeaving here daily to attend the ex- i G. STAY.BURY,13. A., EXETER O. T
N t ...
wOOd boy,
Miller, th.` WderePege thruler-Y a Col., where he itas le...en etielying law
• • ,on, on nes ay, tool Denver.
I Dash- 1
I bithion at Toronto.-illiss Doan. of lel • Law cotes, peieete itemai to Lean. iege_marreed. to Mise M. ee, for over two years. He hers suces*.
week the guest of Miss Stieffer.-Work .Anet Bitoienx.-On Tueeday, while
on the new cement walks will he earn- the 13 year old. son of Henry Smith, of
Dashwooe, was engaged wor'•ing in
menced this week. -The brick work of h , 11'. •
es WAS broken in two ialaces. liad there San le. line, Ha.), WAS struck 1. 1 Zerra. was defeated on Monet:-;
1, the one destroyed by fire last s rPin
Zu h s t f f th oe sieareora, roatnerly a teacher
of our nubile schcor. fulle• passed his final examinations
end. will visit with friends here for a
On Thursday night last during a • settling down to practice,
•-• hv..it • re
0. Stewart's new ho
gevere thunder storm, a hayanstetucke The electric railway 111, st
and it is biAng reeroorea" It, re lac caught between a, belt and paler, Ana helaLiging to Ed. Denemy
use is completed
bglitmng and burnt up. The loss wzri lualQritY °I t4'7etcms tver
Anse erayme oe tea- P xirg.'"-- not been help at hitud the accident
oreneemetian., h •th t $50 coked to authorize the sithseription
anti Miss M. White. of Exeter, were in
the village on Monday everting renew-
ing acquaintanceee-J. S. tease has sold
his cottage to T. Robinson, of Tucker -
smith, for $1400. -Rev. Beverley' Ket-
Olen, of Brucefield, who Was reeentlY
ordained, conducted service in Carmel
church on Sunday morning and even-
ing with much acceptance, during the
absence of the pastor attending S. S.
Convention. --F. R. Kean, manager of
the ,Molson's bank, has returned from
, a couple week's vacation. -M. Mil-
lwood, our popular barber, who has
been laid up, is rapidly' regaining
his health.-- Rev. Jas. Walker, of
Louisville, formerly of Hensall, spent
a short time in Heitman while on his
way to Kippen to attend the wedding
UF hie sou, Harold, to Miss Ivison, of
that place. --There \VaS much competi-
tion ior the contract for the avtifleial
atone walks in Hensel'. and in come-
quence the coutract price was very
low, 10 cents par square feet. P. L.
Marden a ca., of London, are the con-
tractors. -Miss Shaw, recently with
the R. Pieltard Co., as milliner, has se-
cured a position with a. Port Elgin
firne-Mr, and Mrs. Ohms, McDonnele
and two children, returned home on
Tueeday, after a pleasant, visit with
Wends la Forest.
Wes IT A &me '-On Wednesday of
lest week two gentlemen from Exeter
were in Zurich. On their way home
they called at. one of the hotels here.
They were in joeular inoodi and
when leaving for home. they picked
up a dog on the sidewalk, pot it into
their buggy, and took it to Exeter.
They had no sooner reached home
than our alert constable. Buller, was
in their tracks, recovered the dog, and
taxed the would-be jokers $3 for the
troublethey had caused him in follow-
ing them.
Largo stock of Lumber -pine and hemlock,
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, etc.,
also shingles., laths and ce_dar posts. Prices
rectsonable.-TAS WILLIS, Yard:East side of
Main st.
BRIEPS.-On Tuesday of last week
there gathered at, the home of am
Wm. Ivison. Kippen, relatives from
all ants, The attraction heing the
marriage of Mr. Geo. Walker, travell-
er for a Berlin wholesale house, to
Mien Eunice Ivison, a most esteemed
and popular young lady of these parts.
The wedding took place at the family
tesidence at two o'clock in the after-
noon ana was witnessed only by im-
mediate relatives of the contracting
parties. Among those present from a
distance were : Wm. Ivison, brother
of the bride, of New York; Rev. Barn-
by, and wife, of Beigden, Rev. Walker
and wife, father and mother of the
groom, and many others, with im-
mediate relatives who reside here.
Revs. Long Barnby and Walker
officiated.. the happy groom
and bride with their assistants were
being ushered into the parlor where
the ceremony was performed.. Miss L.
Whiteman played the wedding march
in her masterly style, thus lending
grandeur to the scene, There in the
presence of teliteives they were made
man and wife. Shortly afterwards
tbe wedding dinner was served and
then in sociability two hours spent.
On the 4.50 express the happy couple
left for the east and thus was com-
pletecl a happy marriage a,nd family
reunion long to be remembered. -Miss
Elser, daughter of Jas. Elser, of the
Goshen Line, has returned to Chicago
after a months' visit with her • family
and friends.-blessrs. D. Cant,elon and
John Torrance have been around
sizing up the, apple crop in this part
but we have not heard. their opinion.
There will be some fruit for export
but not -nearly as much as in former
would have been much worse. The , .Malcolin Ziier, of Dasbwood, ;lost a i54.000 stock for the extenelon .of the
boy was taken to his lanue in I) tett- I line to Younei•sville. Etrilez v:llage
vatueble horse a few nights ago by ;
wood, where the limb was dressed, by banng itself It appears tl e 1 tiara ; was asked to "te 8.3•("1 tl l'e 844'
Dr. Amos, of Exeter. He is doing i b hind f 1 n ,, scribed as stock. Tee Binbeo byelaw
go oot over the halter chain., - e i
mormane....mmme......11...•• , gmor.rZoiri ett or ejoursseed: 8 I 35 x short time 1 elrgleetiagWet(le)girag Ljeir,lisY.5.nal,,,,,t,, eine.
John McLeod, of Kincardine. died I f°rd, propose removing the weeds from
IVIltohel I the lake next Oetober by draining off
' on Tuesday morning. It will be re- the 'wale* and allowing the frost to
BRIEFS. -John Coppin, Mee. wapiti membered that his wife, who was ad
lefe for
an , destroy the weeds, which for the past .
sister of Rev. J. Greene, of Olinton
d Miss Leery. Montreal on ,,e1- i Mu. or so have lien givin; the lake:a -
Weduesday in.orning to sail on the was killed in a runawa.y ccident
morn. couple of months ago. I far from sightly appearanCe. If this
steamer Numicihen on Saturday i were done the weeds would not make I
An old and most highly esteemed
ing for tbe old country where they
resident of the 1st con, Morris, passed their appearance again for a long time. !
will remain till spripg.--Fred Stuart R VT D'Il.
. SMarys,
St. .
went to Luc= on Moudev to resume away to her reward. last Tuesday, in thro.wn from om a rig hist Sunday morn- ;
his ;eaching duties. Isaac Nereie re- the person of Mrs. G. H. Batten lug while driving to Granton to preach i
a ed 7$ years, 1 months and le days'
turned to Ottawa. on the same mission. and was severely bruised. The aeci- ;
er maiden name was Matilda Pal:
-Our Public aud High Sehools resume- dent happened at Fish Creek, about
ed business on Monday last. There mer, and her birthplace was in Mist.,
ings Co.,_Outario.
are 22 new selloiars in the High school, two miles from Grautori. The horse I
became urimanageahle while going i
Mr. William Dennurione, amen -
milking a very large attendance. -
d ti i i t the PArli ts down the hill to the Creek, auto on I
Miss Dow has secured a school itt, taut an staost c an a
buildiugs, Toronto; e tuts
afternoon. Heart failure ie amen
.e. turning a, corner sharply, eta Dili pn I
.7 and hts little son, Ernst, were thrown '
di d TI • die
Crediton and left last week for there.
niseegrelYeeeneead Out on the road.
the cense of death. Mr. .................., zars. me/genial and family loft
was 70 years of age, and had been in I
1 Woodham, ou Tuesday, for Lendore
the employ of the Ontario Govera- where they will reside. They win he
mein for the past thirteen years. i inissea in the village. A nurnher of
He formerly resided at Blyth, .I. he
-v--re the members a Mt',. McKernan's
he was engaged in general busiuess. IBible elites assembled at hor beano, on
Arany of our readers will 'eerie Monday evening last, and presented
her with a fareivell atietoes <tad pre-
sentation, it being the. ere of her de-
parture to Leaden. A very enjoyable
time was spent. Mrs. Meier:um has
for four years b...?en Leacher of the
ladies' Bible class, and an adive work -
Ful tartan
lintrivs.-.T. D. Morrow, of Glencoe
High. School, went back to his work
on Sunday. -Miss Nellie Francis, of
Stites dry goods and millinery house,
Toronto, who has been spending the
summer at borne, went down to the
City on Monday to commence her fall
work.--eames Hetherington is spend-
ing a few days visiting Lis 'brother in
St. Catharines, also taking in e ne
Pan-American.- Miss Kate Wilson, er in the promotion or e meet e king -
who has been visiting friends in North connug here from the county of On -
The death occurred of Mrs. Andrew dont on earth. She will be greatly
missed by all who knew her.
Hackett of the 10th concession Gode-
rich Toweship, who came to ber Are you going to the Western
father's, John Webster's, about two THE ASTHMATIC'S AGONY.
with regret of the death of Ma John
Burdge, who resided oeer Brueefield,
on the London road. The sad event,
however, was not unexpected, as he
bad beea suffering from ill health for
over a year. He had been a resident
of that district for over 30 years,
Bay and Toronto, came home 'last
week.- Miss Victoria Bagshaw, of
Exeter, is spending a few days with
her sister, Mrs. S. Sample.- Rev. S.
Greene, of Clinton, a, fore- pester nf
this cirenit, will preach Lengue anni-
versary sermons m the Methodist
church here next Sunday morning and came she took her bed from which
eveningshe never rose. She leaves a husband
and three children to mourn their loss,
little Willie aged 0 years, Genge 5
Grand Bend years and a baby 2 weeks old.
One of the oldest residents of Me-
New areivals at Grand Bend Park Killop, passed ovez.• to the silent nat-
for week ending August 20th.
Vincent has secured H. Benetett,
the refined humorous vocalist and erg
tertainer to tri -e a concert. in Gidley'e
Pete. ouse. on Ttiesday ev g
sgtiele. onti3c3ens of7 ileotwt;fitzt;e'
uett s ie
M. 13ofnett showed heals& a
capa.ble entertainer. His songs are
free from coarseuees and his by-play
n as itatte funny. -Daily Spectator,
Harry lt.le Bennett appeared at great
adventage in selections!, which delight-
ed the large and appreciative a,udience.
-Daily Globe.
H. M. Bennett rendered his comic
songs with spirit and humor, the
audience insisted on enchoring him
again and again. -Free Press, Laudon.
Wm. Bubolz has disposed of his film
farm, Kippen road, soeth of Egmon-
dale, to Wm. Oke, of Hallett, near
Blyth. for $7,000.
iimine Dillon, of----L-e-eds, Ont., who
This ie the testimony of Mr. Ben -
says : I. feel it my duty to eroclaime
the marvellous value of Poison's
Nerviline is an infallable euro for
rheumatic pains ; it cures them every
time. Nothing I now that equals it
as a household litl:ment, and mothers
should feel it as necessary as bread it-
self. Nerviline has cured rheumatism
of 80 years standing, and Can cure
you. Intent, relief, absolute cure,
large bottle 25e.
eveeks ago, occurred last week. Not ‘Vakefal nir,edits suffocating senso-
Fair ?
f • • everv welt the dav after she tions, difficult. breathing. Who can Western Fair be darned Jack.
describe it ? Tide dietetee, partly ner-
vous portly congestive, uurtly the re- What I want is a, pair of good
suit of microbic irritation, is no longer strong boots for fall wear.
treated by nans.00ne stomach destroy-
ingdrugs, but by Catareaozone, that Well Bill if that is what you
destroys the microbe, reliee•es the want you can get them at Bob Sweet's.
congee'eee and relaxes the nervousi He has them in all styles of the best
Idylweed 3,1. Shier, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Doupe, Mr. and Mrs. W. FL Marshall,
Miss Eliza Shier, Miss Lottie Doupe,
Misses Edna Marshall, Irene Marshall,
Carrie Marshall, Pearl Marshall, and
Messrs. Fred Johnston, Fred and Ira
Marshall, Perry Doupe and Clifford
Shier, Kirkton.
Alderside : Mr. and Mrs. John Moir,
Mr. and Mr. E. Drew, Win. Blatch-
ford and Miss Myra Drew,froin Heron -
dale ,• Misses JenniaeleAreer and Mag-
gie bicAeter, Brussels; Miss Mabel
Futter and Willie Falter, and Mrs,
Fulton, from Henson and blesses.
Wm. and 0. H. Russell, from Sex-
The Oaks : Messrs. Tames Ogilvie,
Mr. Harness and W. Allen, of Wood-
Woodbine : Mrs. Thus, Coates, Mrs.
Rich. Coates and family, Mrs. Paul
Coates and daughter, Verna, Mrs. W.
Ef.. Coates and Lena Coates, Mrs. 3,
Hodgson and Miss Netia, Hodgson, of
Eden. ;
Chesney Wold :'Mr. end Mrs. John
N. Stewart and Master Alonzo Mar-
shall, of Falkirk ; Mo, and Mre. WeA.
McGallum and daughter Hall,and Miss
Essie Davis from Fernhill.
.Sleak House : Rev, Fuld Mrs, Geo, ET.
Long an*d family and Miss A.nnie
Berry, of Hensall. -
Ivanhoe.: Mrs. John E. .Monteithe
and family frem SteatOrd.
Ivy Cottage : M. netd bios. John
Dew and family, of Morrison, Iowa,
11 S.; Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter aud
Miss Flossie Hunter, blaster Warren
Elio:ter, of Usborne.
Milburn's Heart and Nerve '011'.s cure An-
aemia, Nervousness, Sleepleasnem, Weakness
Palpitation, '14hrobbing, Faltt Spells, Dizziness,
or any condition arising ttinn Lopoverished,
Elood, Disordered Nervs 4tr Weak Heart.
jority on Monday last, in the person irritability that renders breathing so French and. Canadian kip stock, care -
of Mrs. Petrick O'Bwne, after having. difficult. The medication is carried fully made by Alf. Coffin, no better
reached the 00th year of her age.
Deceased had been living with her
son John, on the 3rd concession, and it
was there she breathed her last, her
syste in having finally given way ' an- fluence upon Asthma, is simply mar -
der its weight nf years. The deceased venous. Catarrhozone prevents as
was a native of Ireland, bat came to well as cures, a,nd is the only remedy
this country abont 1852, settling fit's guaranteed to clue. Your money
in Hibbert, township. back if it faile. Two sizes ee all
What might have proved. a serious
a.ccident occurred last Sunday night. dealers, 25c and $1.00.
While oeiss Gibson and her mother, -•-•"---•
of Golerich township, Were returning
home from having a drive they en- tWi Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory.
'countereda young mau driving a horse
and buggy, retie was not gallant
enough to give them a small share of
the road. The buggies consequently
came together, scaring Miss Gibson's
horse and causing it to run away,
breaking the shafts off but Jeaving
the oacuents sitting in tete rig tie -
hue b.
by the air you breathe to the very
seat a the disease, and removes at
once tilt cause. ten great discovery
is known as Catarrhozone. Its in -
shoemaker in town.
Every pair .goaranteed to lase un-
til Worn mit.
Remember the place.
R. 1-1. SWEET.
Treble's old stand,
Another of Huron's worthy pioneers
has been removed from this life.
David millson, Kinburn, passed away
on Monday evening Mr. Millson had
been in failing health for some time,
but heart' failure induced by a weak-
ened constitution, was the immediate
cause of death. Mr. Willson was a
native. of Lincolnshire, England, and
came to Canada over 40 years ago.
He first located in Newcastle, where
he was married to his now bereaved
Wife. After a Amu residence there
they removed to Hullett, and located
neer Kinbiwn. Mr. Millson was a
brieklayer and mason by trade.
A. R. N
At very special. i'yrices to builders.
le.n.s..&42=eresweftneueetteseporzymeacM-40.11 ,ee*ftemermermszedrel
We hive
Much surprise aad deep regret was •
felt Wednesday morning on it becom-
ing known that, Miss Jane Susin Aleal „oaVnier S ‘,99,1euraieu ref k ream
chison. of Roxboro, McKillop, had died *v ,
on the previouS evening.. It bad heeu Carload in to -day.
known lately that Miss Aitchison
years. The price will be 52,50 per -------------- iimple withont regniar
Fair and bazaar at St. Joseph. Cautin's big
big block, for the benedt ot Si. Peter's Church,
tion of 'the bowels. Laxa.Liver Pins regnialte was seriouslyill, but none thought the SAMSON'S
. the bowels, mire constipation, dyspepsia. end was so near, and all hetiecrfor her
"French Settlement," Refreshments will be
served by the ladies, and good runsic provided
bywell known end m
skilled usicians." Good
prizes will be disposed of eaoh evening. A
voting contest will, be the feature, the three as-
pirants for public favor bolun Mr. Fred , Hess,
Liberal; MOIiva$issonriito, Conservative ;
Mr. N. Gamin, Independent. Thi contest, will
be lively on account of the corning election.
The four big'booths will certainly be no little
attraction. Tickets are now being sold by
the ladies. , The public are kindlA invitet to
p tronize tlie fair and bazaar -Sept. 2.1. 21
ul z.
f,k.vOitr. 50C rom bottle. Sold by 0.
, To ekieli Scalp Food is daily growing
biliousness, siek heodache and all affections ot
the organt of digestion. Price 25 cents. All
druggitts. • ,
Picktrig the nose iS 001171008 symm
worms in children. Mothers who suspect
their child is troubled with worms should ad-
minister Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm: Syrup.
It is simple safe and effectual, Pelee So cents.
The ladies of Trinity church, Blyth,
presented Mrs. John Patlanci, 'who is
about to leave that town for Ripley,
With all ad CI ['PS'S end a bieenit jar('71.
etes. l'etlerel 181.4lieee , ,elerge
eilerelt ,e,:r.eer fur roue, re'
D'earik 1 I.),t V dta,',`,
Ltrge anti et,iikeleilione t).(vri
this sizininee.
recovery. Ib seems that abeut two
weeks ago Miss Aitchison went to the
1-loepitalan London to undergo an oper
atiou for some internal complaint,with
which she 11,1,.a been troubled for a
one ,evious, bee ease was
then not considered set -weir. :The was ser
b s ements manufiketored.
e -need en=r1-1
not strong enough to under...to the
operation, and she Seems to have gone
down very rapidly. Miss Aitchison
a fine 'robust looking woman, ancl
17 /el PPOAra 711 'A 1,."1 1•111' i A "All.r11
g.i old But bees is ellIv on -
other instance (71 1.18117 that lire is, nob
assured to any, and that, 80110 08.11 tell
when the call may come The deceased
Ch.arcoal in stock.
wamemenceencramealnen7.5e.enece7sts7serreerrweecnweetooseersn.mm=xgareue- ,weweeserweeeeveogrentemweenerenene
b A ri A N95 11 RDW A