HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-29, Page 8THE EX,E'l'I R TMIES:
The CASH Store
g t Store
.. _1111 --
New Fall Dress Materials.
This Stole's Dress Goods.. Trade has increased: each season,
and the present fall season we are bound to haveour trade bigger,
and better than ever. To now what is the caarrect;dress fabrics for
fall wear, you must see the showing of this store. For soln' time
we have been passing into stock Dress Goods and Silks direct from
Glasgow , Also some very fine French Dress Goods.; These goods
are the latest and most approved styles for stylish up-to-date suits
and dresses. We will be pleased to have you look in and see our
selections. Not necessary to buy. But stocks will never be better
than at the present time,
NEW Estanune Cheviot in, black, one
of the newest materials for stye
iaah suits or oddskirts, $1.00,
NEW Homespun Sailings, 54 inch,,
extra heevy weight,
skirtt clla
made without lining,
good selee-
tion of colors •"+5
W Carrels hair frei;;es in derk
Qa;forn anal medium grey, sty-
lish goods, .75 and $1..00
Freizea, special, fine make dark
oxford and medium grey, plain
twill incl talet weave, .a5&
NE \V cloth suitiugs in. black, navy,
brown. castoe anti been, :r?,inch,
as special line .60
..NEW black Broadcloth, ono of the
latest effective euitings for this.
season. Pirie finish, guaranteed
not to shrink or spot, Si, $1:25
and $1.4.0.
VVenetian Clothsblack,
rr., a1I, eardivail. Fanta semi, caster
and grey -one o4 our. Ieaiting
lines. pure Wool and goo weight
fie cents.
W Venetian Worsted Suitinge,one
ie bestaatni tie o
of v
ed, GS inches wide, heavy weight,
all wool ;al.',a
• black and navy liradrord serge,
46 in.; this line would be excel-
lent value at 75;•, We are mak-
ing n, specialty of this goods.
Kindly ask to nee this p:icticixlar
goods, our price floc
If you want to see the choicest and most select range of
Dress Goods ever shown in EN,etee, inspect our stcn,ak. Come
and say; ; its here for your inspection.
Stores close 0.30, Wednesdays and Saturdays excepted.
nn a •n neon •: • nee• `+
To Have ��v
ha Best Cowls
is what tbe business man owes hire -
It is this business policy of ours
Which induces us to claim to. be
O3toti the cheapest and con-
sequently always tete best.
We have in stock everything in the
Stationery Line -newest in Note
A Coripate Lina of
axnglish and German Decorated
French Chinn
Limoge and Japanese Ware.
Mage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,.
Watches, Clocks,
Spectacles, Et
PAIIXSol D -John Spzcltmau,
fouudex of Greudl3end Park,. and 7vlio;
did much toward making Gr and Bead
• the popular summer resort it now
has disposed of the park Which con-
tains #iffy acres, to WV, Levitt, of
Lev -alt's Fattener the sum, of $1,004.
Mr, Levet gets possession next spring;
atADEN D$Nrix,„ -..A, few weeks ago
Mrs. Currv, who lives near P,aakinin
Lanae to visit herdaughter,Mrs, Jacobi
Exeter north, She enjoyed fairly
good health. Oa Iari ley uigllt last'
she was seen suddenly ill, and died
Saturday noon, the. cause being cholera
morlat s. Deceased was in her 5Ot'p
year, an was a. widow. The remains
were taken to Parkhill by :Beverly �UTM
Huston, for interment..
VIsIToas . r Gt,. SLOW. -The follow-
ing Huron and Perth visitors reo'istei,••
ed their names at the Canadian Venin
ion in the Glasgow International Ex-
hibition during the last week in July
and the first week in Auguste- Dr.
William 14ackney, MUcheU ;
Bristol. St. 5L ys ; J, ll. Broadfoot
and J. K. Richardson, Seaforth; David
Sproat, Belgreve ; Dr, J, Thompson,
elissThouesson. Mitchell ; John Halt,
M. J. Ball, Miss 'Hall, Dashwood; D.
C. Hegarty, P, G. Hagerty, Stratford ;
A. D. McLean, A. P. McLear, Hon. fhpu<t Gode-
Themes Ilallaatit; ,ne*, Strat,
ford ;Uritis �l, Itlingtoc. Stratford ; i:1r.
A, l:I. Naismith, J. Naismittr. Mauer•
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Next Monday wilt be Labor Day
a public holiday.
E, Christie has disposed of his driv'
ing horse to Dr, Rollins.
Mr. Martin, of the 11Zolsons' Bank
spent Sunday in Tomato.
Miss Mary Horn is visiting friends
in Chicago, for a few weeks.
Miss Maggie Ross, Brucefield, was
the guest of Alrs, J. P. Ross, Last
Chas. Graham of St. Marys, pur-
chased umber of
chs ed a army y mounts,
here last week.
Miss 111eLeod has returned to her
home in London, after spending a
pleasant visit with Mars. W, J, Ilea -
Miss Ellis, who was last year en-
gaged with 1 . J. Spackinan, as millin-
er, has accepted a, siurilar position in.
Rat Portage.
Messrs. Moses and Peter Gardiner
returned. on Saturday from a visit to
the Old Country. They had a very
pleasant voyage.
When the hair is falling out, or
_1111 _ __- when there is itchiness of the scalp, or
Agen for the WearzeN AssurAWC1e Cox -
?ANT, of Toronto; also for the PHOENIX FIRE
xsurfAxce. COMPANY, of London, England;
� L[1V�F. IV3rr iNOE COMPANY, Eng
da. T. d ff thenI ' 1Tonic is anlost
useful remedy. Sold by C. Lutz,
S. .L A. Boyd has returned. home
from Toronto, where he was assisting
in the Education department, check -
lug over the examination papers. .
Are you going to the Pan American?
Visitors can seoure good accommoda-
tion at errs. 0 Hooper's, (formerly of
Exeter,) at 429 Front Ave., Bafialo. k
Miss Cora Fowell, accompanied by
The copy chap es must be left her friend, Miss Lineham, who were
Py g n. Casual in. Windsor and Detroit visiting
not later than Tuesday neo friends, returned home Tuesdayeven-
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesdav of each week. ing
Fred J. Knight, has returned -froth
his trip to Yorkton, N. W. T., where
THURSDAY, AUGUST 29TH, 1901. he owns a farm. He reports things as
booming in the western provinces
this year.
rn , nrperla.
A fll.l±.ttn71' taN DlsTme;1JIBn P lei f-
sni.I',• "Aurratrg the Canadian seeak-
ers reported by the San Francisco
papers as distinguishing themselves at
the recent Int-ernetionel League Con,
vection, wais Ret. G, kI, Clob tledick,of
I • dthilt, who :spoke at the "Civic'
rtighteousness" ineeting, when the
Alhambra, theatre was packed.
Tire address was euthusiasti sely re-
ceived and liberally punctuated with
applause. Mr. Cobbledick was also in-
vited to preach the re-openingsermons
o!' Mount Pleasant chnreh.. in Vancou-
ver on his return journey." Rev Mr.
t'ohbleddlek is a former Exeter bay and
is skein known to rneny of our reader.%
was pastor of the Centralia M+ thn-
dist church for several years. ll.is
tnany friends will be pleased to con-
gi<tclate hilae on the distinction be
has won for himself.
m cher de-
FOE SALE C Ari.-- A but
Livery cart, nearly new. Apply to L.
f, -..DAT, Exeter.
ArrRENrICEs WANTED. -To learn
dress making, apply to Miss Tom, over
Oarling Bros. Store.
If you are suffering, from defective
eye sight call and see Prof T. P. Smith
at Hawkshaw's Commercial hotel,
Exeter, Friday or Saturday, August
30 and 3L Consultation free. -
Among those from Exeter who.
went on the excursion to Detroit were:
-Alf. Coffin, Miss Gillespie, Missida
BoY W _NTED.-A good, smart boy Johns, Mrs. A. Sheere and son Frank,
Miss Holland, Alex. Stewart; Mr.
with fair education, wanted to learn
n Mrs. Hugh Oke,
the e untin business 9. 1
baseball can of Exeter
Thee junior b b team.
Es office.
TINES drove to Lucan on Friday to play a
return match with the juniors of that
defeated.The team
lace and were a
they played against and defeated in
Exeter recently, was composed. of di£
ferent subjects to the one pitted
against them. in Lucan, Thursday.
Lucan, wanted the laurels no matter
under,wisat coliditions they are won.
Among those away on the Canadian
Press excursion to the Maritime.. pro-
vinces from this county are Mr. and
Mrs. D. McGillicuddy, of the Goderich
Signal, Miss T. White of the. Exeter
TIMER, and Mr. and Mrs.: R. Holmes of
Clinton New. Era. There are over one
hundred ladies
ed in the, party. They left Montreal
on the 15th' taking in on their travels
Moncton, St, John, Fredericton' and
Chatham junction;,; in N. B., Summer -
side and Charlottetown in P, E. I.,
Picton, Sidney, New Glasgow, Truro,
Halifax, Digby and Kentviile in N. 8,
and many other places in Quebe, in-
cluding the old city, returning to Mon-
treal on the 30th. The party from
Huron expect to reams home about the
8rd of September.
from the
haaw returned
Abe a s has re
mos. was in Toronto,on b
ness on Saturday.:
lMiise 011ie .2dci au illin had taken a
i a store in London.
Alvin Westeott, of Seaforth, s
� over Sun-
day. col2siti, Edgar Vestcott;
s d&Eli. sld a
Messrs. 13andfoi Elliott o
a P heavyhorses this ` week to
carload o
Mr. Graham ' of St. Marys.
Miss Edith. Sanders,' is attending the
millinery openni s, prior to resealing
her position as .milliner, in Strathroy.
i with the prize list of
In -connect on w
the Exeter all Fair the roadster foal
class was omitted. As in the other
classes, there will be prizes given for
roadster foals.
has been in iso-
John Cann, who.
ba for the past few years, returned
home Friday night. ' Ile has been sev-
erely afflicted with rheumatisr and
therefore could not endure the climate.
fin 600 6«.
We have just opened up a very large consignment of j
goods which dame to us direct from Britain, via. New YoiK .
er S. S. Ancboria,. Come and stye themeven if you don't buy. no trouble to
P These goods were purchased by its direct from the show them.
l thereby eu
we are li .'
till fory
111 l� ea* -• , . >
manufacturerseS Q c hien s suits of the verybest style and gw«.lit} at prices
;bled to oar customers tufa wholesaler s profit. ,41uc�n�, this will
that wll suit you.
Pickard Co.'6LOI
Hens Ll
In this line we never carried a larger nor better stock
ltharl we (lo at the present time; We have a number of boys
. suits which we wou:el like to clear and in, order to do ,,so
fin GOA. tnv 6006 !will .cut the price in two,
Suits that were $4.00 far $2,00..
do do $3,00 for $1.00.
1\OTRJra AL's! 5T WEpirING,-•- A
quiet wedding took glace et the home
of Fred Rumball, Clinton, Wednesday
last, when his daughter, Melanie, was
mauled to Andrew Pokier. son er the
late Robert, Porter, ex -M. P. The Rev.
W. G. liowsou, performed the cere-
mony in the presence of the immediate
relatives. The bride, attired lo silk
mull, was assisted by her sister, Miss
Mattie, while W. B. Rand supported
the groom. Many beautiful gifts testi-
fied to tbe Esteem in which the two
young people are held by a wide circle
of friends. ltir. "held
Porter amid
the codgratulations of friends, left for
an Eastern trip a and on tbeir return
will take up their residence on Tin
street. Mr. Porter was n former rest-
dent of Kirkton, and also an erstwhile
employe of Dlii Tykes,
Ten CENSUS Ri~rtizzrs: - According
to the recent census returns the towns
of Goderich and Wingham, in this
county, show en increase in population.
The population of Goderich is given at
4,158, being an increase of 319 since the
census of 1891. The population of
Wingham is given at 2,397, being an
increase of 230. The town of Clinton
and the village of Exeter show a de-
crease. The population of Clinton is
' •P decrease of 4?5 •
given aLt..,a,rQ, being a ectaa
while Exeter is credited with n de-
crease of 2L its present population
be -
lot are,
133E N
, ,..,
We have also a lot of women's shoes that we anxious to
dispose of and will f�ut the price in two in these as well
TOWELINGS t\E0 8 ft OftLL.
These goods are being rapidly marKed off and placed in
tock and will be ready for' nspeetiou by Saturday.
rocePies. �'� rO6erie1
We are fully re pared for the picklings• a.so:1, � + have
cell stock of pure vinegars, pure spices; etc, l riug, your
receipts to us and get the best the ni a,rket affords.
Pure, extra strong white wine pickling ',vinegar
XXX pure white wine vinegar }res* gallon
Best clothes pins per dozen
3 lbs. extra fine selected raisins for
Fine uncolored Japan tea for
3 lbs. flue sweet biscuits for
:? bottles choice mixed pickles for
Fine quality black Ceylon Tea for
See our fine black worsted and serge suits to order
H 11). Picker
Direct Importers.
Mark Hilts, of Toronto, is the guest W. Page hens returned home from
of his sister, Mrs. L. D. Vtncent. '.anitoba,
Miss Edna iticCalitim who has he>,n The village school will. re.open on
ill the past week is improving xspelar, Tuesday next.
Mrs. L, Thorne and Miss Faa+arar,r' Ed. T. Bishop is visiting his parents
Hamden, leave shortly for the Old; here for a few weeks.
Country. I Miss Louise Sweet is spending a few
Grand. Bend.
weeks at
Edmund, Short has rented Conrad
Rubins farm, con. 4, Stephen. for .a 1 J. 1• I. Grieve is visiting friends id
CALIN- 1111. 1111..
Furniture r
i Ernporiu'rn
During hot weather we are inclined to look for coolest
spot and most cif►mfar•tablf seat possible. We would suggest
when you want comfort and can get. the csiv ae at small cost
you would be wise to
i 1111 -.:g" g from $?.00
Our Rattan i�'l�It'��,.lrrrc�r?s res►ir.t1►�, .r(a► ,
upwards. A1ISO (•Onll)lf'tt>. stork in all lines, in latest designs.
Intending purchasers will led it to their advantage to
11 on us before purchasing elsewhere.
Funeral Directors
Bev 11
y & Huston
List of Fall t. airs.
\Vestera Fair, London Sept. 5-14
Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 20 -Sept, 7
Stephen and Usborre Agin.
Miss Addie Holland left on Saturday
B. S. O'Neiland wife h
terns of years. Chicago ink a
few weeks. Sept 1017
rda Ohave returned Ha Zurtcil--;Sept, 1811?.
`� 1
for Oooksville, Mo., where she rvtll at -1 from their trip to Montreal. Northern, Ailsa Craig Belli 19.20
ing I, 792, The figares for tbe towns tend College and study for a M. D. 1 Mrs. Geo. Stokes, Detroit, is visiting S. Huron, Seaforttl Sept. -tar
and pillages in the county have not Alfred Glenville has porcbased the' her sister, Mrs. Eliza Sanders. I`ullarton-Lo sn, 11iitabellSept 20-27
ret been published. In the county o£ 50 acres of hand south ohis farm, nn , Turnberry, Wingham-- Sept. 2327.
Perth. Listowel shows an increase of HissBorga n, Forest, is spending a
concession 4, Stephen, from August Great North-western, Gode-
IO6, its present population being ?,fi#3. gaist, i few days visiting Mrs. James Willis. rich Oct 1.2
Mite'lell, on the other band, shows a a ai _ . Mrs. Sweet, Huron St., is visiting South Perth, St. Marys- Oct. 1-2.
decrease of 153 its present o utaation Alex. Martin, anile leas been as at her daughter, Mrs. Glanville, London. Stanley, Bayfield- Oct. 8 4.
being 1951 and St.Marysshows a de- -----rl t cat Tor- UrsTr1,a Hunf�anof hasE. Huon. Brssereseneftvtoownassweek. i Blyth and Mor sac Bluth 8.9
.x ter
�anciet LeY,
• onto or seine , is-}returnedi 't is -Oct. 3.-4.
crease of 21. itspresent population b- been visiting i 7 t forth Loudon, past West Nissouri Thornclale Oct 8
home.r Oct..
3 'F 1myer are teeing $2.00 pee Ashfield, Duiigaannon-Oct. 1041.
to attend the millinery openings in Pp t T S P Howi -k, Gori le -Oct, 12.
intent has secured H. M. Bennett, orchard. - "
Misses Horne and Miller Ieft Tuesday
ENTERTAINMENT l'IGI IT. --M, wl ' h the barrel for fall and winter apples in the
London and Toronto after which y
will visit the Paan -American.
tod humorous
concert in Gidle 's Young calces fed oat skim nillk Lyman aaud David 11eCord, London Potatoes are selling lar $2 per bag
Open nen giveY townshi >, s eat Sunda with friends in Ripest).
Opera House. on Tuesday evening, should have English Stock Food mix- ill town, p y pP
17th. Don't for et ' to attend, ed with it, they will keep healthy and T. Fitton's new block is 'rapidly
Sept. g thrive well. Sold by C. Lutz.
Wilbur (.'•udmor•e lies returned to nearing rclurpletion,
i notices stow hoiv Mr. Ben-
chile Mr. J, AfeCulloch, of Sunshine, has $,arrow,'after a pleasant visit with Plums are said to have yielded
lett pleases the lfriends h
tFollow ng
H. M. Benueta, showed himself a re.ztecl his furan, the old homestead twell in this immediate vicinity t
Port is the
re ,
Miss Fraz^r, n . Po t Huron
r .ainer Hissons a ,
capable l�le ante t
free from coarseness and his by-play
nes quite funny. -Daily Spectator,
Harry M. .Bennett appeared at great
advantage in selections, which delight-
ed the large and appreciative audience.
-Daily Globe.
H, M. Bennett rendered his comic
songs with spirit and humor, the
audience insisted on enchoring pini
again and again. -Free Press, London.
Plums 1 Plums .1 For sale. T. Dear-
+ ing,: Exeter.
J. G. Stanbury. attended Division
Court, at Zarich,. on Monday.
Miss Arny.Johns.leeves Saturday for
Toronto to attend the Conservatory of
and daughter er
John McKinley
Jo g 1111
Stanley, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Ft
Dignan this week. •
Will Ryndman, left last week for
his home, in Winnipeg, visiting the
Pan American en -route.
Miss Susie Tait, who has been visit-
ing friends in St. Paul for some time,
returned home this week:
Miss Bezel ,Dignan has returned
home after spending her holidays with
Miss Mabel McKinley and the Misses
Dowsons of Goshen Line.
As it will be' seen by the Council
proceedings on page . 4, where Mr. A.
Cottle seeks inforznatioa regarding a
franchise for an,;electric 'railway, there
is a possibilityof Exeter, at no distant
date,havingan electric. railway with-
in its borders.'
The Toronto Exposition -.
from Huron County will be well cared
for bythe local Huron Old Boys' As-
sociation sociation during:their'stay in that
city. At a meeting of the Executive
Committee:held yesterday afternoon
it was decided to have a -tent on the
Exposition grounds which will be fitt-
ed. ixp and will be -• the headquarters
for the people from Huron.
Mr. R Scott for the sure of two 'hun-
dred and fifty dollars. Mr. Scott is a
well-to-do and prosperous farmer and
we bops to see hien do well in this
Jos. Bawden and wife, of London,
guest of her cousins the Misses. Bag- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Spackman, left
shave, Stephen. ( Tuesday, for Toronto and the Pan
Mrs. Morris, of London, England, is 1 American.
visiting at the home of Mrs. Mc-, Mes'srs.l3awden & MoDonell axe'ex-
Gregor, Sexsrith, ; hibitine- several of their horses at the
spent a few days of this week visiting i\Iiss Minnie Graham, of St. Marys, i Toronto Exhibition.
Mr. Bawden"s parents. Mr. Bawden was the guest of Mitt. John 4'Whate the I R. 0. C. Tremaine, whohas been in
leaves for Montreal in a few days latter part of last week. a Dartmouth, N. S. for some weeks,
where he will reside, taking charge of Wm. Bawden returned home on ' has returned to town.
a branch there for the house for which. Monday from the Old Country, taring- Rev, Mr. 'Walden, formerly of the
e bas been travelling. ing several entire horses. Bemvine circuit, will preach in James
Chas. " Bayley and wife of Exeter, ; Miss Ethel Sweet, who has been St. chni•cli next Sunday.
nglancle spent a few days this week spending her holidays at her home Miss Retta Stanhury, of Bayfield,
ds in and around. Exeter. • here left for Toronto last week. ; ai -
isiting friends i accompanied by Miss \3 ebla, is . r. t
J;hey were :accompanied by their `` Messrs. Wood Bros., of Rodgerville, 'n S. G. S.tanbury, this week
nephew, Chas. Bayley, of London. 1 took several brood mares and colts to ,•
P �.As a safe pleasant laxative, ot. where 4
is muchpleased with theI
lair. Bayley
vthis we.
Yh Toronto ex osition ek
t e e 1`v • is deranged, with beetle he
P Ith liver c
ll the
Dix Little Liver Pills. Sold by C.
Fall Term wens Sept. 3rd.
•, f/r G
1� � -1141.
SramFORD, ONT.. +a
Never before in the history of aur
college have our graduates been so
remarkably successful in securing ex-
cellent situations immediately on
leaving college as during the present.
year. If you have it diploma from
our college you need no "political pull"
or influential friends to help you to
success. You can stand on your own,
rnerits and will surely advance to the
front. Our courses.of study are com-
plete, systematic.. valuable -the best
in Canada to -day. Catalogue- free.
W. W. Buchanan, who bas been em-
ployed, Inc three inonths as lecturer in
Ontario by the Royal Templar:, bas
decided to retire from the position and
return to the Northwest. The
sionary board of the organization Lias
decided to commence an aggressive
campaign. To this end. it is proposed
to employ twa or three first-elass then
as organizers and lecturers, several
names being now under consideration.
appearance of Canada. Especially
west part. Mr. and Mrs. ii. A. Ross, leave to -da
(Thn.rsey) for a holiday visiting Hamil
John Cottle, of the Themes Road, ton, ,�t• and the Pan American.
� he Editor with a
T onto ,-i
.elated t
this week pre.
boquet of dahlias, containing some Dinory Braund is having his beck -
varieties, anyoneone of which Ismith shop.
recentlycent1Y injured by
would be hard to beat for size, form I re -roofed wish a fiat instead of a gable
and blending' of colors. Mr. mottle roof.
takes great interest in floriculture a and
MHenryE.Hueston and family, .P
can ride himself of having the finest Mr, Friday, returned hone, ride :, from Grand
garden in the county. Bend, afterspending .a very pleasant
A. E. Bennett, head clerk in J. A.
Stewart's store, accompanied by his Miss lda Johns left last Saturday
wife and child intends leaving town
w ,
elle will
morning for Sarnia where 1
l date,having taken a osi- ern g o n
a an early
g . P spend some weeks, and from there go
tion in the > wholesale of Robinson, to Toronto and Aurora.
Little & Co,, London. as maaager of
the silk dept. Mr. Bennett has been a John Colwill.of Centralia, has Pnr-
i.esident of Exeter for a number of chased Ira Andrew's residence- on
year and has proved himself to be a North Street, near Dr. Rollins', paying
first-class citizen in g respect. therefor $1,500, and will move to' town
t Y. p
Our loss will be London's ern, this"fall.: We welcome Mr. and Mrs.
Colwill as residents of Exeter.
u n erford the Grand Mas -
.:B. Hu
R g ,
Arthur Murphy.: M. is
The Rev. A.rt r
ter of the Grand Lode of : Masons of _ - _ A.,
0„ nada, in the Province of 'Ontario, announced to preach Anniversary and.
e two 'weeks ago stricken Harvest Thanksgiving was -sem w g a g sermons in
With a severe shock of paralysis, Trivitt Memorial church on. Sunday
him in
next, Sept. 1st. All are welcome.
which since that time, has left P
a very serious condition, He has lost The' Holy Communion will be ad
the power
ower of his right arraand right ministered at 8 a. m. instead of 11 a.
leg, and his right side is totally m. as announced on Sunday last. The
paralyized, his speech being audibly change is made iri order to shorten
affected the service at 11 o'clock.
.Defect.v a sight11 restored,
es fi(ti
glasses properly replaced, and s lisfac
i •r
t on guaranteed byT. P. Smith ti -
g P
clan. Consultation free iat Corinnercial
hotel, Exeter, on Friday snd Saturday
August 30 and 31.
Passed 15 worms. . L gave Dr. Low's Worm
eyrnp to my.little ,girl two and a lia�f years
old ; the result Meas that she passed 15 round
worms in five days.
flood Way
To'become proficient in
business ways and tneans
is' to attend one of the
schools of the Federated
Business College of On-
tario, Limited, that may.
bo found. in London, Tor-
onto, Hamilton, Ottawa,
Sarnia, Berlin, Galt, Guelph, St. Catharines.
Their teachers are men of,. ability end ex-
perience, who are aniong the most successful
men in Canada. • New terns; oaicn> SeT ember
For general information write to the:
Frost ,
Forest G{� Business Gollec e
T. W, Wnseeavnee, Pi i.ncil�al.
j Want
�VYPP�V ���ou
Whether it s a suit far a formal
occasion or just for' business or for out-
ing, itou ht : to he well made and
ought to h fit. We do it that way.
The fit will be perfect the makitlg
will be excellent ; the clothes will be
a credit to us and to you.
Note Tho PliGeS. -
1 2.
Black Worsted suits worth_ �i�2�.0 ,
" s worth
'worsted suit
Fancy w
'20 .UO
tweed worth $
suits i.
Scotch a7�ce u
4 4111.
_....Canada Tweedar suits worth $18,00
for A14,00.
Cellae in and look through,
I will be pleased to ineet you.
Gtiev 'S old stand, opposite post ost ofice.:
��T 7 .
`w� ] A.Ta