HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-29, Page 4e tiolsons Bank •74.7-4444e744.7, (9. TUEEXETER T1MESi The Connun, ------- No doubt remains that by the opera- .00-4,P,TERTD Y P-k111,1.MNIs. :1•SarS. Mon a clause a a the 13atish /slerth .Nri, ea capital — SS,500000„„„ Arneria Act, Ontario will lose• five erve Yana — "'"'""" seats when the atetutory redistribution eseseEs rseeeoT., F..sQ., eeD606 Of legal opinion is strongly in No8 0i . 111 lid tlig wterest to ,........,... Head 04ee,Me Areal. ate r the census takes place. The con- nuselt.an MAN.ASER favor of the interpretation that sub- I'R d ti • 11116$ ea ers appeui ug saMono/ asvaecca to geed tanners ea their eeetien, 4 of section 67 necessitates that 1 erno la vice gele or wore enderser e.t 7 per there should, not he a sininkage of moats 'Per annum, mere than one -twentieth in the ratio nhseter Breach I of Outario'e population to the popula- I °Pen evert- law tel daT from 10 4, W, to a13-• 41 i WA of the whole Deliti atoll. Outeriteei Zs/MOT:WS.% /0 a. ve. to, i n, ni. I alitialsage ie population this eensus as Huron erreseerasee es iatesess waned ou damns.f conversed with last census is, .3$9, , aba ,aebn mite has purchased the setagaaN ,a °Ammo, N. ae, eampoN. ! width is more thou oncetwentietu, and res.idellce a Mr. Page, ne Blyth, who sornexeoaa nAxAeatt. the seats will have to go. No Plea laterals going on a farm. ueter, Dec. 27th,T4 'i that the census is incomplete or vicious mr A To. I_ 1- _ 0 -Cr. . karilk sere, Joule -.mg, os v ictoria ar for Augirlst 1 90 1 .F.' eart 4.ffe.Frot tollsisitei:ult ve . ila on street, Wiegbam, celebrated their gol calend- . Js 1 P 4 - , nwe t. le t - . den wedding on Wednesday, the 12th 7liv uxtariO can he eatisffed. with tlae reselts - eae. .. . • . ile ig -492a- of the eensas. Tins province is to be a ea ;;,:a , • robbed of its representation in Parlia u - ' ---v 42eseent for the aggrandizement of HURON, MINIER,PERIll in nese Gountios me an . The Whitely form, lot 31, con. 14. Godetiela toweslaip, consisting of 80 WEiaemsnA"X... . 7 14 21 r Quebec, Tne figures given are acres, was sold to Alex. Elliott last 1Yeelc. The price paid was 52,800. 1 8 15 22' 29 fllanTi*1*; wrong. TheY show all la' Robert Pringle, of Chicago, son a Fillip et A 0 10 Xs 's- --ay ,a. ., Ittl.e.•.e, ... .. a .. ease of e0,000 new dwellings, 38,000 James Pringle, formerly of Seaforth, gektuntia:n....,- - 4 Jai!' 17 21 31 more fa-131111es, and only $1,000 More ! cleaned up over $1,30,00a in cern in .--mor-,---,•••••• people! This exiliblin the gressest : ChicAgO during the past few weeks, kind of binigling. Or worse, in taking i Conrad *lemon, e ,of Zurich, bas relat- 4„lq in . the census. While the count was go- . ed the 50 -acre farm of Fred Ileeknaan, hag on it was aunoonced by the Gov- . woosea lines leers for a term aye= . "went "galls of (fuel)", Le 8e1eill and will take possession the let of , and La Patten (Mr. Torteepapern that 0 b TH URSDAY. A.1,701:S3,` 2rere 19 1 ; It was the PurRse t° eak NClaeuee Millen working in the Rex mill at , Province and to OP the Pniiickal wings 1 Crediton,on Tuesday,of lase week, Bert NOTES AND COMMENTS, ' of Ontario, The Pre-elniuence oft ogara had received a severe injury to --en—s— % French influence in Dolume couucils one of ids eyes by glass getting m the ,. es was boasted of by Arr. Terte at Paris- , erakees MY- erawfor4.1` M. Pee gellh'ssetl'a,e ne ' Ian baaquet tables, The "confident- 1 esy friend, look. here 1 you know b -ns anY mom'Y' i'mcst'm In a '"34.QT4 fat' circulars of Mr. Cote, lute "whose Mew weak and nervous your wife is, ranching enterprise. lir. Jelin Dryden, heads the whole census machluesSY 1 elle yoikt imam sbee, calorie heel pais Minister of Agriseilture, admits that he has. and delienile his right to invest . wa.s relegated by the Minister a Agri- i svill relieve her, now why not be fah. culture. atr, Fisher, suggeet that this I about ie is,, Tee Dimitae Tine B.Intier (Oritl all beast was to be Made gond at it end buy her a box ? thinks Mr. Dryden's course "a Eels- bazar& ' I Many will learn with regret of the I s'Ul the Frenvb spealsiug, peo- 1 death of 'Mrs, l‘lorris, wife of sue tnke In jrdenient," aud advises, him to Pio at "me and alm",d lye" tu be ; M. Morris, formerly II/manger et the "drop his Dal.ota isivestmeet. counted as inhabitants a Oeoebee,wbile aio couutwasof the nost1 A eroliiieent Asuericasi phyanean , slipshod fashion. Upon the showleg declares ;le? patato feinine a bles,sinvo thus obtained the representation in ha dieguise. i: Teeple will replace the the House of Coinnione will be fixed, potato wi I: sel stitutee of greater food: with the rest that Ontario will take value. Ile., thinks that there is none a long step owin and Quebec come up of the artrelee ef foca in comtuou nee with a Issued sossusuch more to the in manes- .i.ricitnis at inlloll less relas provinces have a representation shredded wt.,: at. rice, nies, cabbage and , boo as tive cost. He espeeielly names the nig the alpe relation to their popula- ) succeed er. Cooper„, who resigner" from potato, aua many others furnish more weYS fruits es meet neatishing then pot- ; Quebee. The population et that etuatams so little uutriznent as the front. l'hess case is this. Quebec al- Li *. A. Thompson, B. A., au honor has be members. and elle other ea eoes to tbe Pol?uglattleit%9i! Institute - beat." 1` University, bas been appointed to : the etaff of the Goderich Collegiate ?, graduate in uatural ecience of Toronto tees, and, in facet. ell grail) foods. new 1,02074, 60 that each member 1 A little girl wbo is visiting Miss ' divitlite? thie *mit into tbe population will mnresteat 21,93S persons. By I a,s 1 t w- ngh 1 t e. o Iamwas struc , k: by a • IO • The tioln eseedine cciusumption in loaded wagon. Her jaw bone was of an pravince its repreeentation under , broken and she was otherwise badly Oases), zt 1., wry, l'sY %be ProvsirAal ' the new order of flange may be ascer- I bruised, but good hopes are entertain- Cfriers* is at 11-44" .4?'"'1"1:1 to '4'4* '`'n " tree. There is a saving clause which ee for bar recovery. the vital tastiet:es. Durnig July J 1 f tbits yeer. niveleinalities containing c- : prevents the loss of representation in The youug lad Philip Butler,of Sea - per vent. relegation a the bind 1.,,I. , auy province which does not fall be- entetweutietla or five fortb, who was committed by Police 0I a the per i Magistrate Beattie. to taking money province rAIlsturvil only 1S2 deaths i cent., the perceotage a the increase i . trera cemeantatien, as cempared with from Mr. Dawson's store, has been : in the Dominion. But this does not i sent. to the Provincial Reformatory at XL wecolel IP 444, 1.9(39, by Inunile' ' help Ontario, New Brunswick, Acelsit el'tie era's - 97 . f Penettieguisheue for foor years, by ' i Seotie or Pullet. Edward Island, They. R copulation. A mall but noteworthyJudge Doyle. ,,,,, have not gained enough to be able to Miles Scott, of Ilowlek township, a ueellue 1132 bil°34111:17 l'allcweti la "'"." A t , ake advantage of it. nother five wake a :atprc,ved metheds of Isola- well. to-do farraer, met with a terrible thousand of increase woizicl have saved t1.911 a('''' "ai'l/litt:11g l'eZ"I'llieus' New Brunswick, As thematter stands accident on Monday, last from the effects of which he died the following li • • the representation will be rejusted as day. He was et work in bli barn, A. ritql,•criont is being inaugurated follows :— when he fell on a fork, and the by some a the railways in the United Present Next handle penetrated one of his lungs. States, whiele if suecessful, will lead Parlia'tPerlin.% A man's rife should always be the to the itting eof the half ratelor Quebec,. . .••••••.03 , 0:i 1 same especially to ber husband, but if % wft the clergymea both an the other side ' Ontario . ...'._. .... .... 02 87 and in the Dominion of Canatla.e, New theinswick 14 13 she is weak and nervous, and -uses While in the Uniteri. States all roads Nova Carter's Iron pills, she cannot be, for Ranh,. of Commerce, ,Seaforth. She. died at Toronto, on Friday last. Avrangemeuts are being completed for a church .fair and entertainment undertheauspices ef $t, Peter's March, Femach settlement, Hay town- ship, duriog the latter part of Septem- ber great the half sate to clergymee, the P. E. Island............ . 5 1 they make bei feel and act like a well person." so they all say and their bus - Ilion of effpars are not the same Manitoba. .. .. .. .7 this couutry. Here the roads have g British Columbia 6 bands say so too. Gilbert Dick, of Kippen, sold four always refeeed to great half fares ex- i Northewest .. . ... . . a pigs Bye and a half months olcl wind) cept when their lines enter into coin- l Yukon, etc ...... . . . . ....., weighed 210 pounds each. He got petition with the American roads.. -- -- seven cents per pound, thus netting .rhus at all !seal points in Ontario . 213 214 him the nice sum of 850. A berd of clergymen sire not granted the half. The population of the unorganized pigs is a better investment jost now rate privilege, but from London and 1 territories is not ascertained, and is than a Klondike gold mine. the west and in western as well as 'estimated at 75,C00. This includes Mr. I. Rattenhury, of Clinton, sold eastern Canade where American coin- 1 Lelia" on tbe reserves, who do not his pacing mare last Eriday te Mr. petition becomes n. factor, clergy-; vote, and sbould not be made it basis John Snell, of Exeter, for it hand - men are able to secure this1 hl Pn-s --eze- 1 of representation. 7 some figure. The mare was speedy to , . . . i Quebec has a vastly increased con- buggy and was good under saddle as A. valuable bulletin° on "The Graia1 trol as compared with the rest, of Bee- well, having as one of her gaits what . Rusts," prepared by Prof. Wuhan:1 tern Canada, as she holds all she has, is known as the "fox trot" or "running Lochead, of the Ontario Agricultural while Ontario and the Maritime Prov- walk." College stain, has just been issued by inces lose ...en members, It has been On Tuesday afternoon, a quiet sved- the Department of Agriculture It suggested that the Ross Goverement ding took place at the residence of states that hundreds of thousands of should take it special census of On- Peter Fisher, postmaster, Wingham. dollars damage is annually done to tario to ascertain the correctness of His eldest daughter, Miss Hattie P., the crops of Ontario by rust. Busts: the the official returns, which are at was married to our genial townsman, described as it parasitic plant. which, ' variance with its own returns from Councillor, John A. McLean. the knot while clinginto a wheat stock - the Bureau of Industries. It is un- being tied by the Rev. A. A. Cameron, g ob tains moisttne by sending tiny bran- possible that Ontario can sit down 1 of Ottawa. ehes into the tissues. They belong to contentedly under so manifest an in- Goderich town council has granted a the low class of plants called fungi, jury and disadvantage. . franchise to the Huron, Bruce & Mid *which axe disendhated b 7 spores in-, dlesex Electric Railway and other stead. of seeds. The effeet of the ' municipalities are being visited. The growth a these myriads of fungi on a I.. .3•01,,romor•••••• •••••••••••••mm. section of the proposed road will be stalk is to sap the life out of it, and STANDING OF THE HERDS. constructed between Goderieh and prevent thedevelopmene of a full-sized Dungannon, and it is confidently ex - seed. Au to ,prevention and reme- Tbe following is the standing of the Pect:d that within a year from date dies Prof. Loncead says that spraying herds in the Pan-American Model that section will be completed and the crop. although theoretically good Dairy at Buffalo, for the week ending running on Schedule time. is practically impossible, while the Aug. 15th, for tbe prize "For the herd On Wednesday afternoon, a little seed grain is useless. It is believed showing the greatest net profit, butter boy, fonr years of age, son of Robert however, that varieties of wheat with fat alone considered, as determined by Lediat, of ViTingbam, was playing neer narrow, erect leaves and a stiff skin, the Babcock test," :— Jerseys, 970; the river with his sister, a few years upon which there is marked waxy Guernseys, 8.72; Ayrshires, &57 ; Red older than himself, finding a boat at "bloom" are as a rule less easily in- Past_ PM ;_ Holstems. 7.69; French- the bank not tied up, he got into, and, fected with rust, than those with Canadians, 7.52 ; Polled Jerseys, '7.47; as it began to float out into she stream broad, soft, green leaver. In Eng- Brown Swiss, 7.22 ; Shorthorns, 8.49; he became frightened and jumped in- land Nursery, Trump and Squareheacl Dritch Belted. 5.40. to the water. Before his sister coup are highly resistant. In New- York For the last three weeks the Jerseys get belp the little fellow was drowned. and in Canada the bearded varieties have been in the lead, and are now appear to suffer least. pushing the Guernseys close for first. place. The standing of each herd in the butter fat competition, from May ist to August 13th, is as follows :— Guernseys, 147.18 ; Jerseys, 141.08 ; Ayrsbires. 140.80; Holsteins, 130.30; Red Polls, 128.40; Brown Swiss. 117.13; Sborthorns, 10S.86; French-Canadians, 108.34 ; Polled Jerseys, 108.75; Dutch Belted, 70.41. In the competition "For the herd showing the greatest net profit in total solids," the standing of each 'herd to „Inly 30th, (latest report), is as follows; —Holsteins, 149.68; Ayrshires, 136.74; Brown Swiss, 121.06 ; Shorthorns, 120.48 ; Guernseys, 120,20 ; Red Polls, 117.10; Jerseys„ 113.79 '• French Cana - diens, 103.34; Polled Jerseys, 84.45; Dutch Belted, 77.08. 10 • • • Hon. Mr. Fisher. Minister of Agri- culture at Ottawa, is about to investi- gate the census of ten years ago, to see how the census recently taken can be made to tally more favorably in comparison, He is aghast as well he might be, at the meagre showing at the present time, retrogression in- stead of progression, all tbings con- sidered. But why was he not attend- ing to his office during the important period while this work was going on, instead. of junketing all over Great Britain, proclaiming. it greatness for his country that existed only in the mind. The Citizen remarks that a ood maty jeurnals are pitching into on. J. Israel Tarte for the "special effort" in Quebec. One thing can be said about Mr. Tarte,and that is, wben nearly all the rest of the cabinet were The great harvests reaped in -Maui representing Canada in every place toba and the Territories should place but Canada, Mr. Tarte was bolding thefarmers of the West in an excellent down his portfolio and canning his position, and will do much to encour- salary. When the census was in in- age tbe cultivation of new lands., D. m copetent ministerial hands he under- R, Wilkie, of Toronto, manager or the took to see that Quebec didn't get any Imperial Bank, is in the West, and he the woi i F.t ot it, and t didn't Of told a Winnipeg reporter that it was course. tbe Got:eminent is primarly his opinion that a lowering of the rate responsinle but the country can thank of interest all over the West would be Hen. Sydney Fisher for the bungle one of tbe direct and naost beneficial whether the bungle was intentional results of this year's great crop. He or otherwise.—Lonclon Free Press. thinks InolleY vill be obtainable on real estate mort gages,af six apiearcewnitii. ft bezeacr and that farm v es The 3Iniitinie Provinces are follow. rise, it being quite evident theta farm ing Onta rio'e example and are estab. that can produce enough in one to more iishing institutes and it win. than pay for itself is it good inves.t- ter stocklair, Ili ent for any man's money. Wm. Allan, it wealthy old farmer of near lancelet, died at the residence of John Rennick, Huntingfield. He ate a hearty breakfast, went out for the cows and died in the field, a short tance from the house. Heart failure was the cause. He owned a beautiful faun there, and he and his wife, who were separated for some years, had a suit at Goderich. last winter, over the income derived from it. Be was an unostentatious, good hearted Scotch- man, and deserved a little better tha,n be got. Thomas Johnston, treasurer of the township of Hay, received a letter a few days ago from M,. S. Wambold, of E Idlest, Ind. and which coetainedapost office order for 53. The letter stated. that when the writer was a resident of the township of Hay, and a young man, he should have worked two days statute labor, which he did not do, and tbe three dollars in the letter WaS pay for the work which he had failed to perform. We venture to say that no similar occurrence has ever taken phice in this country. Mr. Wambold was under no legal obligation to pay the money and no person but himself knew anything about the matter, and his meeting the obligation nucler such circumstances is creditable to his hon- est instnts. People gene! all think that if they can shirk statute labor or poll tax, they are perfectly justified in &Ann. so, but Mr. Wambold is of a dif- ferent opinion. There are, no dotibt, many business men who would be greatly rejoiced if creditors who re- move to other countries would beconie ainsilm.ly conscience stricken, and remember in a like manner their old obligations. Miss J. Graoti the popular teacher of I S. S. No. 4, Tuckerstnith bas been re- g g d for 102. 0, Campbell, of the 2ad con,Stea- ler, is engaged es teach at the 'Beaver Meadow School, Hay. Mies May ICeinp., daughter of Mrs. T. 0, Kemp, of Seafortb, who has beets studylog masks in Lemsic, Germany, for about two years bas returned home. Mrs. E. A. Shasv of Beamiller, re- ceived the said news Wednesday last of the death, the result of accident last week, of her brother-in-law, Myles Seat, of near Fordwicb. Mn Scott eonducted the cheese factory at Bruce- ffeld Oneason. He was very highly esteemed. weit has been issued in the High Court by R. M, Toothe, at the instance Angus isuoLtuiey, of Luccoa against Peter Butner (colored), of the same place, fol. having criminal connection With his wife. It 11014settled previous- ly, the case will likely be heard at the forthcoming =lees. O. • • Perth, Last -week a fire damaged the bakery ef atr, Fass. of Sebringville. Wm, Colenhoun recently returned from Scotland and brought with hint six very fine horses. Two he left with a friend in Whitby and the other four are in his stables, Fifilarton, A womeu who ie wean, nervona and sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, caunot feel and act like a well person, Certer's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength aud rest, The White Plague claimed another victim in St, Marys, on ThuredaY lest, when Miss Lillian Maud, Irvine sue - climbed. to it After a struggle eeteutts ing over three years. Deuce -sea died at the early age of 22 years and 7 months. After being in business in Mitchell for nearly fourteen years as a whole- sale liquor dealer, Dennis O'Leary :has disposed of his stock and goodwill to Mr, John Gourley. of Hibbert, Mr, O'Leary will remove to Dublin, where he and his wife will spend their declin- ing years. 111 additiou to the five university scholarslaips whieli went to Jarsas Street Collegiate Institute in the re- cent examinations, its sister sedum', Ilarbord Collegiate lustitute, captured four, while the ("Istria and small school of St. Marys astouished and pleased its many friends by "landing" four good-sized ones. The annual report of the St, Marys Illethodiet church was recently issued and shows a steady and satisfactory growth in all departments. The pres- ent membership of the column is now 556. an increase of 41 over last year. There were 99 new members admitted. removals and deaths caused it loss of 53. The financial summary of the church's affairs shows total receipts to be 5,440.67. John Gray and Misses Lottie Sparks and Edith Hutthings of St. Marys, at- tended the Caledonian games at Sar- nia the other day, and won it lot of prizes. The followinl shows their prize winning record . ottie Sparks, lst prize for best dressed girl ; 2nd, ShaWn Trews; 2nd, Sword Dance; Edith Hutchings, 2nd prize for Scotch Reel ; 3rd for Highland Fling ; 3rd for Shawn Trews; extra prize for Sword Dance ; John Grey, lst prize for best dressed Highlander ; ist for Highland Fling ; 1st for Sailor's Hornpipe ; 1st for Reel OtTulloon ; 2nd,Sword. Dance. St. Marys' girls and boys, in the ie - cent departmental examinations, 'have done credit to their town in winning scholarship worth 5521 Miss Carrie J. jickling is ranked No. 4 in general proficiency, and is the first girl in the province not only in general pro- ficiency, but in Classics and in Biology as well. The scholarship she receives is worth 5204. Miss Kathleen C. Rice is ranked No. 6 in general pronciency, and is the second girl in the province in general proficiency, and the first girl in matbematics and in physics. Her scholarship is valued at 5166.50. Charles F. Nagle, is ranked No. 10 in general proficiency, and receives a scholarsbip valued at 5128. Miss Dorothy Switzer is ranked No. 13, in general proficiency, and is awarded a scholarship to the value of 525. A quiet a.nd select gathering of friends and relatives of the bride and groont assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George mills, Stratford, Wednesday, when their daughter, Maud May, became the wife of Max- well R. Miller, of Winnipeg. The nuptial not was tied by Rev. J. Long, Kippen. The ceremony was perform- ed in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives of the bride and groom. The groom was supported by Mr. Fred Trumber, - of Brantford, Miss E. Mills, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. The bride was gowned in Pearl silk. with a bodice of real English point lace, and carried a shower bouquet of roses. Her going - away dress was grey -Venetian whip- cord. The groom's present to the bride was a pearl crescent pin, and to the bridesmaid a turquoise rin 4. Guests from Winnipeg, Kansas City, Brant- ford, Assinaboia, Sirncoe, Seaforth, Exeter, Missouri, Mt. Morris, Mich., Pontiac, Mich., Oxford, Mich„ and other points toasted to the health of, the groonkand bride. Mr. David Nation is seeking a di- vonrce. He stood a good deal, but when Mrs. Carrie went on tbe, lecture platform that was the limit. There is a hint here for many ladies whose j ws are loosely bung, Owing to having leased my elevator to the Messrs. Hay 13ros.. of Listowel, I will not at present return to your town to do business, writes, A, J. For a delightful hair dressing and to relieve dandruff. itching of the scalp, and promote the growth of Uie bar, try; Imperial Hair tonic, sold by O. Lutz 50c per bottle, END NEURALGIA'S AGONY. Have you failed to get permanent, relief ? Are yon almost frantic with nenralgis pains? If so why not use Poison's Nerviline ? It is the only neuralgia iernedy that his never l'uiled to cure even the worst cases, and it will- surely eure you. Five tiltlt.!; the strength of other remedies it penetrates the tissues and dr.ives oat the pain instantly. "Quick )elief, stir,- cure, large bottle 25c. Exeter Muniolpal Council. Council met August 16th. A peti- tion signed by a number of ratepayers asking the Council to construct a con- crete pa,vernent in front of the Town Hall propetty, was filed. Evans--Levett—that Messrs. Ch.arn ton and Reddy be supplied with water foe the sum of 55 for the balance of this year.—Carried, Evans—Muir—that the following accounts be passed and orders drawn on Treasurer for the same:—Ed. Treble, lumber, 56,15; Sutherland Innis Co., do., 531,82; H. -Parsons, streetwatering to Aug. 10, 520; H. Spackman, account $7,70; Bell Tele- phone 0o, 90c; James Willis, wood foe fire department, 52,15; Chris. Raskerville, breaking stone, 510; The Royal Artificial Stone Paving Co., balance of SO% on contract Carried. Levett—Eva.ns —that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign contiact for culvert on Huron street with the Royal Artificial Stolle Paving Co.— Curled. Evans—Levett—that Handford and Atkinson be Paid the sum of 53 per cord for gravel delivered to order of street commissioner—they to pay for gravel.—Carried. • s• Council met at call of Reeve on Aagust 19th. Mune—Evans—that the Royal Arta Acial Stolle Paving Co's, contract price of 5173 for the coustroction a culvert on Huron ste be accepted, and that the composes, be paid an ad. ditional 52 for am extra barrel of cement to be placed on the corner of the said culvert, provided that the company face up the front and ends of the said culvert with a trowel in a thorough workmanlike manner and said work to pass the inspectien of an Iuspectorappointedby the Coun- c11.--Oerried, Levett—Muir—that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to borrow the sum of $1500 to meet current ex- penses.— • . Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, at Town Hall, August 23rd. In the absence of the Reeve it was moved by 3. Muir, seconded by L Armstrong that Councillor Levett take the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read acid =firmed. Mr. A. Cottle interveiwed the Catin- ell as to the poseibility of obtaining a ten years' fraacinse for a street rail- way from the Alansion House, along :tatain street to Metropolitan Hotel, then alongWellington st. to Grand Trunk Railway station. The Coun- cil promised to give the matter their serious consideration, Muir—.A.rxnstrong—that the tender of Messrs. Islandford and Atkinson, at 53.10 per cord, he accepted. Carried. Ariestroug—Evans— That council adjourn to meet at call of Reeve. Carried. GBO. H. HISSETT, Clerk. WHY CATA.RRHOZONE OGRES CATARRH 1•••••••••••••1 Because it is carried by the air you breathe to diseased parts, because it destroys the germ life that maintains the diseased, condition, because it powerfully stimulates the mucous membrane to its normal action, be- cause through its oxydizing power it burnes up rapidly the old tissue and stimulates the formation of new and healthy tissue. Catarrhozone is an absolute specific. for Catarrh of every form and neyeafalls to cure. Oatarr- bozone is the only remedy sold with it guarantee. At all dealers, 25c and $1.00 442) Ay Why let all your r, neigh- bors and friends I think you must be twenty y e a r. s older than you are? Yet it's impossible to look young with the color of 70 years in the hair. It's sad to see young persons look prematurely old in this way. Sad be- cause it's all unneces- sary; for gray hair may always be re- stored to its n 2 t - ural C olor by us- ing For over half a cen- • 4 tury this has been the standard hair prepara- tion. It is an elegant dressing; stops fall-, ing of the hair; makes the hair grow; and cleanses the scalp from danaruff. s1.00 a bottle. Ail druggists. I hare been using Ayer's Hair leCt.r''yforre 7ovnIgiiert.go :hnedpIulre • as tbo'bestenair tonic in existenoe.1- April 24,71;13.G. L. ALDEtsert% Tex. tI yon de netebta. AinyEauto,wethe:mainell: nruj.e you expected from the Vigor, write the fleeter about Address FOR SALE BY IT IS JUST RIGTIT. Leave it to your foot to judge the kind of shoe you ought to wear. A shoe that fits right should feel right the first time you put it on. If it is made right it ought to keep its shape till it is worn out. "Sovereign Shoes " are made right— they fit right, they look right, they are right. They sell for right prices, $3.00, $3,50 and Sesoo per pair. Littlegents' sizes, too. Stamped on the sole, "Sovereign Shoe." R. 13, SWEET, EXETER. liAWWWWWWSIAMMATAMMVIIMINNORii% The nix,d of lkonge$, "Bugle's Happy Theitght" A Rage Iwith a Record .D111 1 That's what you get when you buy a Happy Thought. TheHappy Thought Rtinge was one of the first Ranges manufactured, in Canada. More nakpy Thought IRanges are manufactured and sad each, year than, all other Canadian makes combined -150,000 being now in use. When buying buy Canada's. Favorite, "The Happy. Thought," not an experiment. : : ; : ; ; : Manufactured by The Wm. Suck. Stove Co., Limited, Brantford Write the Manufacturers for Xllustrated catalogue. &Nano Too Good forany House- keeper RAMMIMPANWMWAMIWYMINVWW SOT,D ny W. J. HEAMAN, EXETER. WESTERN FAIR, LONDON Sent. 5th to 14th, 1901. Entries Close Sept. 4th, A home exposition of genuine merit—New exhibits and leading attractions. —Lockbart's performing Elephants—The Three Graces rind "Torre Torn" the baby elephant and many other specielties of a high order—Grand Fireworks display, including representation of "Fall of China" and "Taking of Pekin." Special trains over alines each evening atter fireworks. For prize lista programmes, ete„ apply to LT. -COL V. M. GARTSHORE, President. J. A. NELLES, Secretary.. Fun For Brother. "You big briny, just wait till my big brudder sees your —New York Evening ZournaL bure s .. Novelist—Hurrab! :11.9 new book will sell 100,000 conies. Friend—Who bas accepted It? Novelist—No one yet, but it bas been rejected ten times. --Syracuse Herald. Bael, ache. rideaehe, swelling of the feet and ankles, puffwg undcr eyes, frequent thir§t. scan c;oudy, thiel:, highly colored urine, fi;:quent urination, burning Fensation when unnuine. Any or I he 7tht7Ve sinpte2ns1cad to Brighlts di-osee. drapsy, diabetes, ete, Dasn,s Kidney Pills are it sure cure for all kidney dlseas ea. cod for everything that -reins on wheels. Sold Everywhere. AIRde by IMPERIAL am co. John Gibson, London Township, re- ceived a telegram announcing the death of his mother, in the township. of Mariposa, last week. She was one - of the old residents of that place. CLEARING SALE —OF— HEAVY WAG ONS,THREE SPRING' WAGONS, LIGHT, ONE HORSE WAGONS, CARTS, BOB SLEIGHS, SECOND HAND BUGGIES, HA RR OWS, For want of loom since the fire bargains will be given. Those wanting rigs come and see - for yourselves. aOBBING AND REPAIRING DONE Aer- ITSUAL. D. BR UND. TORONTOEXHIBMW ugust 26 to September 7,'01 PREIVIIMVIS $65;000AND ATTRACTIONS 65,00(). Naval and Miliitary Displays Daily .mill••••••••••••=111.11 BRILLIANT SPECTACLES Bombardment of Taku Forts by International Eorces Greatest Live Stock Show sin tbe Con- tinent. All Our Country's Resources, Novel and High Class E 12 lett ainni eut Features Wireleaalsiareetain...,sol MILITARY TATOO, A UG LST 27th Groat Reunion of Canadian Old Bays, and Old College Stridents, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Sid Reduced Rates All Lieles of Travel,. ANDREW SMITH, IL J, - Presiderk, TORONTO I1A1) ger'