HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-29, Page 241140.13.1.19
A Ne.tional AfIcetiorrient to the Late
DI.. Beers,
The project of perpetuating the me- INTERNATIONAL LEssoN,
mory w the lath Dr, W. George Beers
The Religion of Christ Counteracts (ext• •Alontreal, "The Father of La-
ioese," was originally proposed by
All Trouble.
spt-Rev. Dr. letimage preached fro
A, deach from Washinton says;
the following text ; IL Chronicles
1). "Of spices great abundance; nei-
Litt leo LicTer pill„„. the' was tliere atty.suc.h spice
as the.
1 V Queen of Sheba geee King Solomoui
What is that buthilug wit there
Must Boar Signattesse « glittering ia the sue ? Have you
uot heard ? It is the housi . of the
forest of Lebanon. King Solomon
Ints just taken to it his bride. the
See Pa,g44$111414 Wralver kkiew•
Teter small mad os essis
to tate as saTar..
•CARTEM'g1 rg4/:24/fIgg:
getable. "
92 LBS.
SEX'T., 1.
Ur. W. K. MeNaught at the close of Text of the Lesson, Gen, xxvi.,,, 12-
-a short sketch of Dr. Deer's career 25. ooldea ,Text, matb,, V. 9,
published in the Toronto World a
few days after his lamented death in 12', 13. "The it Isaae sowed in
Deeember last. At, the invitation of tat land and received in the some
fron and chiller...on and caSeia. and the president, Mr. MeNaught ad.- Year 4 11111,1(kedfOid, and the Lord
fraukincense and all sweet. stokes to- ,,,dressed the Annual convention of the blessed him" The previous eliaineer
gen:yr. °Oli," you say "1 have not "1144(lian Lacrosse Association told us not only of tile, death ono
looked at it, as such. Thought. a. which met at Toronto on Good Pri- burial of Abraham and his on.
was a nuisance. It had for ute 0. re- day, with the result that the project , Ishmael. hut also of the birth of
pulsiou. I held, my breath as though was unanimously end enthusiastleal- , Isaac's two sons, Jacob and Esau,
it were a malodor. 1 have been ap- ly endorsed. and it was left to the and how Esau despised his birth --
lied at its advance. 1 have said incoming Coutzeil. of the AsSociation right, preferriog a present enjoymeat
I have oleo religion at all I want te devise same plan whereby the ' to a future inhel'itance (Heb. xii, 1.(.
to have just as little of it as possi- clubs in its membership could give it 17). The begin/dug of oue- present ,
ble to get through with." Oh, what the financial assistance that its mere chupter tells of a second fen * • d
lars of the portico and. a. great tow-
Plit"ess c'l Eg'1:14" /:'"It see the Pil- tahelalls"lwheyoilelliigIviel Iti)ifatiSeiirifisity ibsr°0-- itsAlealxlia•e:eldenettt.meeting the Council de- ;Philistines at Gerer. The Lord e.p.- °
of Isaac going to sojourn among the
er, „domed with Low ,stricias of present and everlasting redolence. It c.ided, that the most effective way of peered to him and confirmed I Us
gold hung on tbe outside Of the tow- cce-ini.eeacts all l'i:iiii/le- Jut put won this would be toe vach of the promise to Abraham and gave itim
ee_500 of the emelt!, of 8.on he stand beside the faii01V of
steamit t
-clubs in the Association to play a . "the stars of heaeo•n"- portion tfl the,
. lectured at Solonton's order, 500 sickness' It catches hi the eurtaiw, ebte,endepotutulac4lcilitiati.soufalb,thilel%te pro- esuernoruniete.rugeg VI 4nifteo. ahliied f4isietoe i
new captured by Dovnl. his father,. and permutes the stifling air.
the "Ileer's Memorial Fund." tatO.eti by Ablinelech ; truly the heart ,
. battle. See how they blaze in s'eeW"s the "P (4 bitter ille41e5lie Tile matter •was also brought he- is deceitful nbove all things end,
1-* neenday eon I Mid. throws a glow on the giOont of
the turned lattiee. et is a balm foe fore the annual eonventioli of the Na- denTeratWOr wicked (Jere xvii. tot.
SolorsOn goes up thc ivory stairs the acLing side end a, soft learieliige tional 1„aerosse Asset:I:Won liy Mr. even the heart of Abraham, and the
of his throne bettrem 14 lions in tee the teweee steue. with paiu. A. W. Ratter. President of the To heart of Irtac. and your heart nail
tatuary ausi sits down '.•11 the back ronto Lacrosse Club. anti was unani- mine. 4/1 that God does Ile does
f tho golden Igili. OP.. head of the Why did you look so sad this taously
loge beatet turoeti toward the CO-I-lue"-ilig When ZAIll ezinle in ? Alas tion, eateldid"us-i:ittubtrer!ttitd (17'74-ITT14„; ofillgIrs ',411118,s1Ficitil,.s'ir:ew:lie;f'zi:Tkei.e. :ciatxtr.i.i.diel).1s:
le, Tito fatale nod the attentlents 1431. the loneliness "101 the heart. Otitis composites it have elso aqreesi
)i. liw king an.. s,;, many that the eat- ./17.,V4fIrtiout:19.,;.,:ruTisour tat .4:28:evvert to play matches for the ben.mit of mg.., 1-kalttlejorriltilcriit:elz. nt.itrgireal
r:,•rs of the palace Lave to provide i (
very day Imo elide) and 1 $ oxen, "1, go about feeling' like -liamuleLY ' "TnfuaTtilittitliissi ft?tilihis the project has people would be apt to envy one
ti;;; the toirsig mid the venison. w T.tlitti.w=rt' ti.,:i13.1s thshafi ha,artIr ittehg been warmis Wien up by Dr. Beer's ; whom Uy saw blessed anti inerea
Lear the stamping anti pawitig of svervibto,, 1 woubi be ililpat lent to old Club. the .1trattreal Atnateor A-111- ing. as Isoae was It was cornenaps:
.tele line horses in the ruyal sta-
oes. I here wen* oupertant ofileials get (Iowa ant() nly fatfe narrow ere) 4 - ,tible to 1.111 ilig Welia with enrth. hut
,...- . that was human, too, anti devilish.
a.'.1•;:cl.14:111,...ols'II,ItrTI*;oifIll....111otitr 1,:incle‘geloh; el iiii i itfil' glA'11411141:Lleirliee 1121i2N74?"1-17;:tfatCitITS: 7: . - - ..-; o - ---"' fr:u10;esiii::111,1,211,1,:itTly:ttliillift;iiiite4sente,it.ni81101:teeett.i:i.141:si ,
• Loran". Klieg Soho:ton was en ,i.114.,:%;,tlittoisetiloie,..w.,1174,I,LIX4's:1'::11,13 h‘a.417:14.1 '''. . .
tiS.,T, tredittott says, and used ,...,::ard...r:ii•b:-.1,;,:w•-",:weji to lips iiindranees was utore thatt titey
- *olee e. ride ont et tleybroak. and !would be the; duet of the valley oe
'so oe, ol! Eio aldte alTered. l.'''.1d2nd land %visited you could pull over you ° ' c‘i:eurlilli ftlalnotlf hauliligigt3IlialiT0t111.11Z;ir.!8:63
Lk' re -s of el! the rote 4 ri 1 ,' i n „..0,„. hest sluutber t he 0„verie,i, 4,/, strife is earthly, .ier.suttl. devairth
wed be- oneutted revilers in ;704;e -
and leads, to confueion and over;
°.. . , 74:ow cosaleede Li:lolled saw"; 17:rhs, °I,riot‘ly dliAeitstiut'ts,lintle-?14 tliliaile.1; r
i -4 4: 4..i; 3!. 33 Itt. 11-3, I 31113 v KifIrlIglIltikilig:
VI(70a11, 8.4 tpre
'T. 'Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, O'nt.
Dc.ar Sirs,- Some time...ago ray daughters
zo years,
* was troubled
,„ee with bad head -
;tale, nehes and lase
Sbe. tired.
nn.ilistleis most
ef the thr,e, and
was loosing
. run down,
so hearing your
kl,mrt and !Nerve
Pills highly spoken of I procured a hes.
and by the tune she had used them she
had gained el lbs. woight and is now
perfect health.
Yours truly,
Mas. I'. H. CURTiSt.
tk"..f Jerusalem I it must be in tee tomb i I WWI '
e. v,.,+,:, s.r.:!,.0!722t....?, worth get- .1 wen, ther,...„•• 1404. g
:0 eoO ot-
Seneee r..". 7.o%-` l'etize, 4 f tee jp!sti : Sakine.4,4". liiSilf4101111ifiCAlt. /,,Vr.
' '''' " I see all Ill'0223431 abOnt M."! WitiOW.
., 21002) 111324 otplittnitge 34311 Chillitei-.••• g741144:itivSes t tir.(woly 12 8400 (tAtuciltsgsr:iiztilie;
ofineo ei i ..e peeesat "-4. 484.4 plexity• lf I could eel: toll *loom; in it'pla, iv. :104121.
7::•,',,,,,4::..1 ,.,-y_ An Ile* se.,00lers of hie .nty 4e2O4e34,e' 4031 heiV.i.. fOtt no sore. I G. 17. "Go from we, for thon ort .
re*.'2e-ee %wee t!'::!!.."•'';'41 in. ' raliV 2311:44 Itc,012 b‘iii4.14, 41 by lei, 41 I- much mightier than we.'lints they
te Ie.o.011ee'eol oew.n.„ '43 )34 be .1c.1a2218d1......11 1 eintfif est; it'll euch to '-3 24t him away. as he said after-
,... -n....,°.; z„,, .°.--..-..... ,..T..r:. % -. 144.r.. Ilk. was , ri,..,„. bow 443 *3 vocinlit risr ? Net r '1ward winsa they wanted his favor
1... 4.7 ..z.-: go* ..e to' ^. er., .".. et tine weeriti %me,
**Wherefotv come ye to me. Feeing '.e
ever sew, Vern', 4'.:. " from imiLt 1 SO2411 0110 C011id 220tI32il^.1'-tmiii tate me anti have sent me away ,
Moe: l•-• e 3'•-•4 its' "o'•Iree. Ploi aPeo why au oil Gerouto Christieo 1* 0211 you ?" (verse :171. The ))re-
,*leeed. io lr.e. I 2 a , ,U1a41 deer 2-,eh3)la1 used to he a ;ways 1,0 calla sencf.k of the righte•tns is often a.
-;:!.. d ti. Oerlis, -led 1) 2'. 11Vre and happy and It‘speful when he hell grrett 103.1 .4124. to the ungodly : they
.tenteriuiee 4.'. 12 1e24,I1 .1%,:41 Wld 417i-• so many trials and siehneeeee aull 'mina Si and the high4 z it is too .
with fereioil birds. O2131 tradi"" 211i1111,.141.:ri. A man .teeretiel Itimeelf in 'Armee for their weal: twee. Te4280
lion saye 17ieee Writs w,n'e so well . the 24o8:40. IL* eititi : "I mean t 0 might have 408508041 and argued
tomed the., Seneatott ntieht walk 'watch this old scholar and Chrie-, e- ,
ieoer emeoes II.34: eity tinder the Moe' tom. And 1.,, .,„ss. the 01,1 Chris- , T11F7' LaT/4 Mt' W. C`I'':a. Zi`r3*31$. 171.11t111111112gleuNtl'it-ertonbielagisi*IlsnlisuliclaTel trite- ;'
glow 4q titeir wineo to, titer hovered , then loan go to his room and it ,
anti 11.1 t Al .21'4'.(2' i *.,a. ;(1,,rn un ill,' chair bk„sith, iht, 5112101 letie Association, the largest and tiv°ads In' owtmt 11141)3. sl:Innftil it1)1111a Ittl::1.1:1Y.; lieilu twial: i
v4 4;•0,, 1.41.,.. 3 114'- 4'$, :4,4 41/1 linfiW that -and open the Ilibie lkIlli begin to most mlluentatti athletie club in (';‚.*3', more nteltned to yield for peace sake; ,
g theoh,setes ,1;3.,),. ill nutking ieoi- read. Ho Idol tin and inn chapter ; oda. wht) aru organizing a thorough z he was a wan of p* ('40
a .
union a type of 1.212* 3. tool in mak- after ellaptina hoer after houruntil personal cenettea amongst the Lae! ese 19.
„ is . i ; of
ene„i. -w'It
ltigingthe Qthant of Shebaa type id .hface was all aglow with he erosse laYers ad business nel the mealiiig,ceietTee.01utereverytruthsvi,„1, alai 1 win take Hain4s front 248(1 when the Monreal tat behaf of this fund. 40 shall not annreciato what these
the reponsibility of eayiog thet all elock struck12 he ar(S0 Mid shut A similapersouacanvass oTowell, meantanCI the ('1404321134. of ,‘'
'11:2,k;eoselelike42%4fittlitelltautdlatf3(tisSilleA4C1:11 ,Str;111:11bk;L;1WlieS alirieble011ttitt 081(111(? (11(2 terms yet! . del°. the gireet'llin el Mr• MeNtvight-' people in India, where they° have to 1
**Blessed Lord, ,. route) has also been undertaken un-," the ton O. stopping 1110111. To many I
f brought to King Solomon R3.0 might- .0 ood night. Coo d night." Oh. you . so that a now looks es though the), ..,„.0 mile4 fet„ water, a well is oh hi -
ily suggestive of the sv:eet spiCes Of Sin P;LITill!(1 1211ti YOU trouble pound.; scheme will be brought to a success- ''est tumble boon. When in South -;
our hely telitelou. Christianity iti .ed. here is comfort. here 8-,satisfac-1' rid issue • Africa, spendiug a day at a mission
I °.
ot a collection of sharp technicali- tlou I Will you dime and gut it, e . The preposed 1,1211111.prial 'will le Natal. my wi re , hae.ing washed
les and angular facts and chrome- :I cannot tell 1
!t you what 1.110 Lord erected in tin' eli(1*)'ef ilibillrl" " at a ; .her hands. was about to throw out I
!logical -tables anti dry statistics. .offers you hereafter so well as 1, can cost of from $10,000 to $12,000, the the water, when she was greeted
.0114 religion is c0us4.12114:c1 to 'Iranian- tell you whut he offers now. ''33. 1 Construction and design of which will I with such nu exclamation of surprls
icense and to cesele, but liever to depend upon the liberality of and fear from several lady miesion- 1
(loth not yet appear what we shall ltirgelO" e '
i 2.1
1.0A -shade. It is a bundle of -00." i aries as she will not, 80011 forget '
011, lonne of the blessed 1 route,'
1 the sobecriptions.
.nlyrill. It is a dash of holy light. In order to make the monument - ,
'alley then told Ilet' that water was
, It is a spattle of cool fountains. It dations of gold ! Arches of vice ...national" in everY sin'eliselleteetti fsubn; !so scarce that they most all %duel
Sit '438 I is an opening of opaline gates. It torY 1 (.411/Stones of praiee ! And ' xeriPtiona are being
i tl
1 is a. coueetiou of spices, would God a. dome in which there are echoing i evcs'O' part of the Dominion from. the
re- I in 4.12 *t -water. To stop the wells as'. 1
; the Philistines did because of their
1 51
0.01111-'S KIDNEY iP1LLS
- 1 ' e
The original kidney specific for, Ini
tho cure of Backache, Diabetes, ;
Dright's Disease and all Urinary i 3
tat, we were 41:3 wise in taking and re-echoing the halleluiahs of °Atlantic to the Pacific. Lacrosse is I hatred was Obout equal to murder
gees to our Divine King as •Qaceu the ages 1 And around about that 'lo'.'.' beyond dispute the national i see 1 John iii, .1 5.
alkis S34.19' wise in tekime spices to ; mansion is a gatrden, the garden of retient• of Canada, and for that ren- 1
20, 21. The contention and batre
le .ettrthly Solomon, ' God, and all the epringing fountales.'son the promoters of the Deer's M.e- d ;
s I
e I
m.0 the bottled teors of the church in morial feel that it should be truly
The fac . is tat he duties and
t tl t 'manifested by these unrighteou
the wildernese and all the crimson,' 1 and wicked Philistines (see the mai
ares of this life, coming to us from national in character so that Cana- , ginal meaning of the munes Isrta
me to time, are stupid often and 1 of the flowers is the deep hue that: dians from every part of our great
gave theso wells because of the
ane and intolerable. Here are men was caught up from the carnage of Flittillinicnifts1
iall not only be able to
strife) were certainly hard to put up
, rthly in. artyr. awns and the fro- i
ho have been battering, climbing°, len ' spnotinstrateotio with 1 epr e,nbut raere hiel
itl id 1 tl
with, and only by the marvellous
a years, 5() years. One great long
ounding, hammering, for 20 yeurs, -grim" is tlle Prayer
sa nts and the aroma puts into Its etection.
of all the il.: . _ n la i g-,
grace of God could Isaac have acted
utter forgetfulness the cassia and Dr. Beers well deserves such an as he did and yielded again and
rudgery has their life been. their .
the spikenard and the frankincense .. again to these unjust people th
honor. Not only was he the •Path- e
ces nnxious. their feelings benumb -
Don't accept r.-.)raething just as f:31
good. See you get the genuine
, their days monotonous. What
necessary to brighten up that
an's life and to sweeten that acid
spoeition and to put sparkle into
te man's spirits? The spicery of
zr holy religion. Why, 11 betwe
the losees of life there dashed the'
- ---
Landlady -Will you have a piece of
pie or some rice pudding, Mr. Thyme
Boarder -It's quite immaterial to
1210, ma'am.
and the world renowned spices Veglieh;er of Lacrosse." but he eves in a , wells his servants had digged. Make
Queen Balkis of Abyssinia flung at l istrge measure responsible for the the ease your own ; put yourself as
the feet of Ring Solomon.far as you can in his place. that you
volunteer movement that swept over
Canada during the "Trent" affair of may in some raeasure appreciate it,.
REFUSE STATE CONTROL. has since become the Victoria Rifles
of llontreal on that memorable oc-
gleam of an eternal gnin, if between Derninian Alliance Rejects the "asle".
the betrayals of life there came the Proposition. - Not only slid. Dr. Beers found the
gleam of the undying friereiship of game of lacrosse, personally estab-
Christ, if in dull times in business Inior to the recent meeting of the lishing clube in many of the cities of
we found ministering spirits flying to
'Dominion Alliance at Toronto there Ontario and Quebec, but he conduct -
and fro in our office and. store and was a good deal of concern among ed two lacrosse tours through Great
the early sixties, having formed what 22, 23. "Now tbo Lord hath made
room for us, and we shall be fruit-
ful in the land." This he said when
after digging a third well they did
not strive for that one. After that
he removed to Beersheba. Submis-
sion to wrong and oppresston for
the Lord's sake is not human, but
is Christlike 'and is a strong testi-
monsr for him as we shall see. 'If we
had anointed ears, we might often
hear our Lord say to us, "Suffer it
to be so now" (Math. iii, 15), and
it would not seem so difficult if we
would consider Him who endured
such contradiction of sinners against
Himself ; who, when. He was reviled,
reviled not again (Heb. xii, 8 ;
Pet. ii, 23).
and Gothenburg systems and were would
be difficult to estimate. 24,. "And the Lord appeared unto
believed to be ready to endorse, a Dr. Beers was a staunch Britisher him the same night and said, I am
modification. of one or the other of and an:ardent an.d when- the God of Abraham, thy father ;
those plans of iiquor selling. In the ever the occasion required he gave fear not, for I am with thee, and
Provincial Alliance, however, one of forth no uncertain sound regarding will bless thee." What a reward for
shop, everyday life instead of 'being man t
y =potence people in Canada Britain and transplanted the game
0e8e advocates of state control"
a. stupid monotone would be a glor-
bus inspiration, pendulunang be -
should succeed in securp
in- the en-
tween calm. and satisfaction and high
Children Cry for
IA ei
A depth of nearly 3,000 feet has 111
been reached in 0116 of the pits (Si 5.13elle Dover collieries, but according au
to the acting engineer's remarks at e 4.11
ceent meeting of the shareholders in
Loedon, four months must elapse
aro] £10,000 more be spent before
the first coal seam, at a depth of
1,176 feet below high water mark. is
eched. At depths increasing to 2,-
O.00 feet there is a, series of seams
te be worked.
Pastures were iti prime condition
in -the early part of this season, but
fell off about the second week in
July. However, heavy tains were
falling, as correspondents wrote,
aod the prospects were that pas-
tures would soon pick up again.
Priees for both cheese and butter
Lave been most encouraging to dai-
rymen," and the balk of correspond -
cots are cheerful as to the outlook
for fall and winter supplies.
Bees and Honey -The average yield
Will not go over 50 pounds per hive.
I would say also that we need to
tt more spice and enlivenment in
.r religious teaching, whether it be
the prayer meeting or in the Sur.-
y school or in the church. We
Misters need more fresh air and
nshine in our lungs and our heart
d our'head. Do you wondet that
e world is so far frobeing et/a-
verted when you find so little viva-
city in the pulpit and in the pew?
We want, like the Lord, to plant in
oils sermons and exhortations more
lilies of the field. We want fewer
rhetorical. elaborations and feiver
sesquipedalian words, and when we
talk about shadows we do not want
to say adumbration, and when WO
mean queerness WO C10 not want to
talk about idiosyncrasies, or if a
stitch in the back we do not want to
talk about lumbago; but, in the plain
vernacular of the great masses,
preach that gospel which proposes to
make all men happy, honest, victori-
ous and free. In other words, we
want more 0124244824011 and _less
gristle. Let this be so in all the
different departments of work to
which the Lord calls us, Let us be
plain, Let us be earnest, Let us'
be commonsensical, 1Vhen we talk
to the people in a vernacular they
can understand, the3r will be very
glad to come and receive the truth
we present. Would to Gott that
Queen Dalkie would chive her spice -
laden dromedaries into all the ser -
moils and prayer meeting 07411
For Infants and Children.
Tho fac-
Of mow',
dorsement of that project by the
convention. Several prominent mem- inception and progress the team and
bees of the alliance, particularly their friends distributed throuohout
Great 1311134111 800,000 pamphlets and
500,000 illustrated books about Can-
ada and its; resources, a book the
value of -which to this country it
there. The second of these tours (in
1883) was also intended to further
emigration to Canada, and during its
some members of the Provincial Al-
liance • of Ontario, had been deceived
by the specious statistics given out
by the advocates of the dispensary
ese gentlemen who had been ex- the duty of Cariada uPon. National his meekness, a new revelation of
Noted to endorse the systena. made questions. With an intense love for God to hirer that very night .with
a vigorous speech against the theory
of state control declaring that the
only animal that never changed his
mind was a long eared beast, to
which variety he did not belong.
IIis change of mind had come about
by a careful study of the facts con -
concerning the two systems. There
was practically no effort to secure
the. endorsement of state control by
the Provinzial Alliance.
'In the Dominion Alliance, however,
there was art hour and a half of in-
teresting debate -upon tile subject,
but the opposition to the. proposi-
tion to make the Covernment a sae
loonkeeper was decidedly in the ma-
jority from the beginning and the,
Measure never had a chance to ob-
tain the ,endorsement of the Alliance.
A celebrated English ,physician as-
serts that the increased height and
weight of English and Americans in
he last half C011tUrY are chiefly- due
to the increased caesumption of 4e -
gar. He cites, in conformation of
Now, I want to impress you with Flue opinion, the fine health of the
the fact that religion is sweetness date -eating Arabs and tee sugar -
12(241 perfume and spikeeard and safe cauceeating negroes%
Canada, his native cceantry, he
nevertheless believed in Canada as
an. integral part of the British Em-
pire. His speech. at the annual meet-
ing of the American Dental Associa-
tion held at Syracuse some years ago
in. which he championed Canada
against the United States, was a
masterpiece in its way, and showed
the calibre of the man and hie utter
fearlessness when he believed himself
to be in the right. This speech woe
published in Canadian papers from
Tialifa,x to Vancouver, and was every-
where commented on as one of the
ablest and most patriotic a,ddreeses
ever delivered by any Canadian. The
lives of such. men as Dr, Beers are a,
priceless heritage to the people of
any'country, and the perpetuation of
their achievements in some public
and enduring form will -undoubtedly
act as an incentive to generations
,yet to come, to emulate their ex -
Children Cry for
His glorious l'ear not, I am with
thee." How small wefrl, _or it
dozen wells, and all one could be
called upon to bear seem in com-
parison with such a revelation and
assurance I Truly the sulTerings of
this present time are not worthy to
be compared with the glory that is
and shall be ours (Rona. viii, 18).
25. "And he buildecl an altar there
and called upon the name of the
Lord and pitched his tent there ;
and there Isaac's servants digged a
well." A tent with the -Lord is
enough ; the Lord without the tent
is enough, for a believer should be
able to say, with much assurance,
"Lord, Thou art my clwelltng place"
(Ps. xc, 1). The tent, the attar,
and the words 'from God, "Fear
not, for I am with thee and will
bless thee," are all and more than
heart can wish. It must have been
the power of the presence of God
that enabled Isaac to act so meek-
ly. See 'hi the verse 28 the sequel
and note tbo testimony of Abime-
lade and his officers, "We saw cot-
tritnly that the Lord was with thee."
The LOI'd Was seen in, Isaac i11 his
yiel di ngaess, for Oriel ding pacffieth
great offenses," and w,e are exhorted
1.-Mra'S.1.'Onte.settee.0011ieleSMOOfio. ,e-OesetttA
Melia ting the -Food andReg wa-
IfieStomathsanciDeweLs of
0 ar.
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'flees andllesmootalas nolUter
OpturT;Morphine nor utuerat
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to •
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, foe." J°P°.-,ci that Q42 I1
No.:Obsolete:nee ie AO prevelent :Intone men as Verieocele. As it interferes with
the untritioe of the newa!. drone it preottees emiseione, lora of ermen tluoueb the
tahre, decay 01 8142 organs. pains in tee loiter, achlue in the Wee, nerversnesa eau -
pendency, D1l4*:11'tones/4 palpitation of tho heart, coaativeticn, aud Want, nation re.
tite:m results in complete Ouzo el' 31nabood. Tiameantis of yoene ano 2312441442.
r04 (33034415.e4.3.12;l2)1424 with StrIeetrro. If you bave remeon to believe tie ar
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StulOttura otatt Wont. 'ttro ettnrcrateo to Cosa or No Foy.
All eexual complaiute an'ect the organs, bee ee the kidneys ore a great eource
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2Z -.11.:o /tames Unful Without 'Welt= Consent.
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The enlarged veins disappeared in
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to let our yieldedness be lenown to
all men, for the Lord 'is at hand
(Eccl. x, 4.; Phil. iv, 5). Had Isaac
stood for his rights, as we say, in
the motter of the wells, God would
not have been- seen in hino We must
conteriit earnestly for the faith
(jucle 8), but when we cao avoid
strife by a little yielding let us
yield in His name, though it may
seem a personal loss. Isaac might
have sent these Philistines away
and have refused futther interceurse
because of their former conduct, but
grace again prevails, and now we
see the sequel to this yieldeciness.
Isaac's servants were digging a well
at Beersheba and thiit same day
they came and told Isaac that they
had found water (verse 32).
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