HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-22, Page 8$TEWART'S ig Cash ...Store GOSH O R PiODUGE ONE PRIG OILY. PICKLING VINEGAR,. PICKLING SPICES, The best Imperial White Wine Vinegar is what we recommend for pickling. .Every gallon we sell is guaranteed absolutely pure, and of the very best quality. 40e the gallon is our price for the best extra, strong pickling vinegar. Its all right, our reputation goes with it. Our pickling spices are the best that we can buy, Cheap spices are dear at any price. Buy the best and you are safe, Are you usir g Sailor Boy and Monsoon Tea, either Buck or Green. They are satisfaction e $ re TEE t� HEAVY RAi\s, .11t;onday night we' le erenjoyed.o a heavy ac after a long= ra ! Jl drought. It was accompanied hy, high wind which did considerable 1161 damage to the orchards it the eortn- tree A silo. on the (aria of \'Frit, Ching was blown down, while Fred Green's orchard was uprooted, The rain was welcome and will do much good to the growing root crop, °•,GLOI tilN(� GLOT Exeter Iiensa11In this line we never' carried n larger nor better stock than we do at the present time. We have a number of boys suits which we would like to Blear and in order to do so AvVRTTD.- Sunday morning about' We have a number of remnants of Muslins, Lawns, will it e price In Or- 'll cut the of>e two one o'clock. the fire hell rang, but hap- andies Pi Ginghaulsr Ere, , Etc., which we will clear' prig the steamer, altktouglt out in a is Piques, Ging hams, • time with stea .w up. was not re- regardless of cost. It will repay you to inspect them. quired, the blaze, which was in Davis' blacksmith shop, opposite 'anson's block,, beiug put out with pails, The building. which is frame, is used as a, storehouse by several persons, and contained considerable material of various kinds, and was doubtless set on fire. A barrel, teround which was piled a:number of empty. sacks saturat- ed with coal oil, had been set near. a partition and the match, applied, The blaze was it large one and bad it not been noticed by persons passing along the street, the are might have been a serious one, as the largest and most important buildings in the town are ailjacent tothis property. The loss' sustained by persons whose property was stored iu the building is small. The motive fol.the are is difficult to determine. A Wisz Pae AA, suggestion has been mule that every farther should display his name on the front gate of his f.it•ni. We think this would be an exeeller►t idea, and agree with those who are tacking it up and adopting the scheme. It would be a matter oaf little expense and no trouble to every farrier to have his nameand number of his lot neatly painted on a board givers, nailed to the gate post nearest the eon- eesalen: line. The public would ap- preciate the idea ; it would be of in- ctticurobwie convenience too, if county acrd township councils wouk3. have the various roads labeled. In any pare of Ontario it is a matter of difa- culty to find your way about the country as there is no guide for those unfamilarwith the locality, and at times almost impossible to get the necessary information except calling at farm houses, many of which are situated at some distance front the road. Cities and towns have the streets labeled for the i:anvenience and benefit of strangers, and there is no reason why the reads in the count- . ft. STEWFIRT u Saturdays excepted,. :• +-1'?,+++Far Marriage e oaf THE MART. To Have the Best Goods + is what the business men owes him- self. It is this business policy of ours which induces us to claim to be Often the cheapest and con- sequently atwa•ys the best. We leave in stock everything in the Stationery Line—newest in Note Paper. A Comp tctz Llrte of. Jarcdineres, esnglish and German Decorated Vases, French China Limoge and Japanese Ware. FANCY GOf)DS OF ALL DESCRIP- TIONS. JOHN GR1GG, EXETER. INBiiti!1.NCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN AsSuRA\ CE COM- . PANr, of Toronto; also for the Pucssix Fnza itsunexce COMPANY,. ot London, England; Alia LYANCE INSTTRA. cE COMPANY, of Eng .9111•11.1.110001. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisement,' accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1901. Locals. FOR SALE CHEAP.— A butcher de- livery cart, nearly new. Apply to L. DAs, Exeter: APPRENTICES WANTED. -To learn dress , apply a 1 y to Miss Toni, over Carling Bros. Store. BUY W._NTED.—A good, smart boy with fair education, wanted to learn the printing business. Apply at • Teams office. Mr. Will Russell of Exeter has gone to Forest to work.. Mrs. Darch and daughter, May, of Chicago, are visiting Mrs. Campbell. Rich, Kessel, son of J. C. Kessel, left Tuesday to visit the Pan-American. Alfred Sheere has. accepted a situ- ation in Linton, at his trade, mason- ing. Geo. Delbridge, Winchelsea, left last n eek for Douglas, Man., where he will spenda few months. Tuttle Mills left Woodham on Mon- day for London, where he has secured a eesition with the T. E. Mara Co. Mrs. ). Johnson returned on Friday toWildwood after spending a few days attending her mother , Mrs. Kernick, who is very 111. S. Roy, and daughter, Miss Annie, Russeldale, have returned home from the Glasgow exposition, well pleased. with their trip. For a delightful hair dressing and to relieve dandruff, itching of the scalp, and " promote the growth of the hair, try Imperial Hair tonic, sold by C. itz 50c per bottle. Defective sight restored, mrs=fitting glasses, properly replaced, and satisfac- tion guaranteed by T. P Smith, Copi- lot'. Con suit'ationfree at, -Commercial otel, Exeter, on Friday and Saturday ugiist 30 and 31. Wedding Rings. Watches, Clocles,. Jcawol ry, Spectacles,, Etc PALL ON R. T-IIGKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. John Switzer has moved his family to Crediton. .T. Harrison, of Landon, spent :Sun- day with friends in town. Miss Edith Evans, of Gerrie, is spending a month in Exeter. The first Monday in September will be labor day, and a public holiday. Miss Ethel McKay, London, is the guest of her friend, Miss Ethel farmer, A. D. Holman, the energetic adver- tising agent for the Western Fete, was in towa, S tturday, advertisin g the fair. The remains of the Iate Edward Sanders were interred in the Exeter cemetery on Thursday last,. under! Masonic rites. i John Elliott, barrister, of Nelson, B C„ is visiting his mother here, for .� few weeks. Mr. Elliott tones as if the' western climate and conditions agreed with him. fi J. T. Manning, who recently cut his fingers, in the butcher shop, still cat - ries his arm in a sling. l b Owing to the bone of the finger showing evidences of decay, it will he necessary to am- putate that member. 1 A lawyer in a court room may call a , man a liar, as scoundrel, villain, or i thief, and no one will make complaint t when court adjourns. If a newspaper,? man prints such reflections on a man's;' character, there is a, libel suit or al ! dead editor. This is owing to the fac !that the people believe what an edito 1 says. Will Hyndman, of Winnipeg, after an absence of thirteen years, returned to his old home in Exeter, on Satur- day, to visit his mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Hyndman, He is much impressed with the many improvements that have taken place in town. He is en- gaged as a detective by the Manitoba government. His bachelor friends in Clinton pre- sented Andrew Porter, asst. postmas ter,with a handsome cut glass cream and sugar sett on the eye of his joining the benedicts. Andrew was at one time a member of TEE TIMES staff,and we take pleasure in extending con- gratulations, though the happy event has not yet transpired. Rev, B. L, Hutton and daughter, Miss Hutton, called on friends in town Tuesday Rev. Mr. Hutton gave Tan TIMES a call and renewed old acquaint- ance. He is much pleased with his new circuit at Centralia, and the peo- ple ought to be nleasect with Mr. Hut- ton, as he is one of .the best preachers in the • conference and an amiable sociable gentleman. William Barry, charged with mur- dering Andrew Mellen, at Milton, N. D., by cutting his throat, particulars of which appeared in the EXETER TIMES at the time, was `last week found guilty ofmurder.in the first de- gree at Langdon, The jury was only out an hour. The prosecuting counsel had addressed thein for fifteen con secative hours, This trial has created much interest in Canada on account. of accused's family connections. The Judge held that the man was quite sane, and that the murder was -pre- meditated. Mr. James Hislop, who has con- ducted a very successful mercantile business in Cromarty for several years, has disposed of his business to Mr. Ira Andrew, of Exeter, Mr. His- lop intends moving to Toronto, where he will engage in the dry goods busi- ness. The good wishes of his numer- ous friends here will go with him. Mr. Andrew took ` possession of their store in Cromarty, on Monday Iast.i.` He is an energetic young pian, and i thoroughly reliable in every respectr and the people of that vicinity are t be congratulated of having located in their midst so good and deserving a eitizen. fl61d1 111 Groceries. 3 lbs. best selected raisins for 25 Best wooden clothes pins per doz. 01 Fine uncolored Japan tea per lb 25 Gana; sardines per tin 05 Fine imported catsup hair bottle [5 2 bottles fine mixed pit,kles for 25 Cottage haat and 11111 loaf per tin 15 Ulllards prize relish per bottle 35 Cross & Blackwell's mixed pickles 35 Olark'es chipped smoked beef 17 Fancy raisin; biscuit per lb. 10 Boys print blouses, all sizes 35 Boys eottonade knickers 35 Boys brownie ovel'allr35 Boys all wool sweaters ' 75 Boys leather belts 25 Hosiery SPG6IdIS1 2 pr ladies' fine ribbed, fast lila Ladies' 33e blk easllniere hose for Ladies' fast bik cotton hose, special Men's regular 121e cotton soy., 3 for Men's cashmere Bose regular 40e, *<C on ho for + 25 220 25 30 ry should riot be labelled the same. n S861d1S etiss Kinsman is teaching sehool .•tt;y Sodom, Sam. Thomas, of St, 3Lirys is visit- ing at S. arartin's. Albert Taylor of Kippen, ie. visiting Nelson Sheere this week. J, T. 'iV esteott visited his son, Wel- lington,. in Sarnia, this week. Mr. John E. Tom, and family, Goderieb, visited friends in town, the past week. atelville ,r.trtin is teaching .school at Winehelsea, for P. Gardiner, who is visiting in the Old Country. A. E. Bennettand wife, and daugh- ter Rete, returned home from Orange- ville on Tuesday evening. There are several weddings on the tapis for September, in which young en of Exeter will take an active part As an easy, safe and sure stomach end liver regulator Mise Dix Little Liver Pills, sold by C. Lutz, 25c per box. Miss Emily Brooks, left last Satur- day for Cleveland, where she will spend a few weeks visiting her sister, 31es, Gauld. A•t the Grand Lodge of Oddtellows held in Odelp';latst week, E. J. Spack- man, of Exeter, was elected Grand nigh Priest. The :Misses Violet and at•ry Pickard, daughters of J. J. Pickard, of Drumb o are the guests ot their grandfather, J ines Pickard. Pan -Americas, visitors find good ac- commodations at Fulton's, (formed y of Farquhar, U'sborne.) 390 Michigan, five blocks from depots. The Cement sidewalk contractors left this week for Fergus. Bert Piper, Fred 3toore and Robt. Pickle, Exeter boys, accompanied them. Wilbert B. Horn left Liman last week for Spraig, near North Bay, where he will open a school. His many friends wiiee hiui success. w•' Are you going to 'lie PanAmerican? Visitors can secure good accommoda- tion at airs. C Hooper's, (formerly of ,Exeter,) at 429 Front Ave., Baffalo. Mr. Norsworthy of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. was in town on Saturday last and appointed Ernest Elliot agent for the company here. J. A, Stewart and d wife left Wednes- day evening for Toronto, Muskoka and other point's. They will also visit the Pan American, and be absent three weeks. miss Sarah Halls, daughter of Satel Halls, of Elimville, died on Monday. Deceased had been ill the pest year, and fell a victim to consumption.' She was an estimable young lady of 48 yrs. She had been a resident of Chicago for a number cf years. Two gentlemen from Exeter were in Blyth on Monday -looking at the flour mill ruins. They were favorably im- pressed with Blyth, and said if they could buy the mill site from the owner at a reasonable figure they would erect a flour mill here. Prospects are again looking very favorable for the erection of a flour mill in Blyth.-.t3lyth' Stand - Frank Bawden, of Blyth, last week received a 'cheque for $30 from the Dominion of Canada Guarantee and Accident ;Co., as payment for an in- jury to one of his fingers while 'work- ing in the Blyth handle works, Mr. Bawden had only placed an accident policy with the above company tveo weeks before the accident happened. Mr, A. Hooper, of ,Clinton, is the agent. The 33rd Regiment is amoctg tales:. Scott and Genesee Giant varieties,and ehnsan by".fha lttil;t.;a.T,an±- ,•., attend tested ,... the • Ladies' low leather slippers, clastic fronts, heel, very comfortable, special Men' patent leather bats, special Specials in children shoes at 50, 75, $1,00. Ladies' Oxfords at 85, ,$1.00, $1.25 and $i,.5O, low x O T A. Pickard Co. Direct importers. I, R. Carling was in London on lei,e; ness this week, Grain is beginning to come rote tear ket quite freely. James Pickard visited his son in Seaforth on Monday. Miss Beatrice Friend, of London, is visiting Miss Ma.y Armstrong. The choir of James St. Methodist church picn.iced at Grand Bend yester- day. Miss Gnssie Holland Ieaves for Toron to, this week. ,, Miss Edna McCallum, is confined to her room through illness. Frank Walters left Wednesday fo 'Toronto, where he swill take a situation as printer. Miss McLeod, of London; is spending a' few weeks visiting Mrs. W. J. Ilpaman. Harry Buckingham has been engag- ed as clerk by Ira Andrews in his store at Cromarty. Miss Myra Pickard has accepted the position of soprano soloist of the First ldfetboclist Church,London. Departmental examination reports on lst page, A number of - Exeter P. S. scholars figure in the lists. Jas. Bleasdale who has been visiting bis brother here the past few weeks, left Tuesday morning for Chicago. R. E. Pickard and family returned home last Friday from Grand Bend. All report having a pleasant outing. Alex Stewart, of Clinton, left last week for St. Joseph's Island, where she will take charge of a Public School. The rural schools of Ontario open " Monday, and those in the towns d cities the first Tuesday in Se t em r b the preceding on P , Monday being en Lab Y. y g Messrs. Hay Bros., of Listowel, have engaged Geo, Hayton to buy grain for them on the Exeter market. Farmers will consider their interests by bring- ing their grain to Exeter. Mr, Gregory, Principal of Yorkton, Assa., Public School, " and secretary of the Board of Trade. of the same place, who has been visiting his father here, returned to the west Monday. Being a popular young man we expect to see hire become a man of prominence and influence in the development of the prairie. Mrs. Will Hill, of Buffalo, is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hill. Mrs. Geo, Hill, who has been ill for some time, is improving slowly. Mr. Rendall, of London, who died suddenly last week, was a brother-in- law of Mrs. Janies Pickard. r Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard, and family have returned from a two weeks "outing at Grand Bend. Miss Robertson, of Goderich, 'a teacl'er in one of the departments of the Exeter public school, `spent a few days last week visiting friends here, Horace Harwood, who has been clerking in a large dry goods estab- lishment in Lansing,Bich. has scour- ed a lucrative posiin with a Sinular institution in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Roes, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Melville Martin and Miss Martin returned home Monday after spending a very pleasant two weeks at Grand Bend. The Teachers Mrs, Hooper and Mrs. A. Smith, superintendent of the Strathroy dairy school, was in town last week. He is on a tour inspecting the cheese and butter factories throughout the province, Mr. Smith thinks the outlook for the dairy indus- try in Ontario most promising, and is. of the [opinion that it will supercecle all other branches of farming, James G. Martin, who resides on the old Hannah farm. 2nd con., H.R.. S., Tackersinith, and a former resi- dent of Exeter, had phenominally good crop of wheat this season. In fall wheat he threshed 600 bushels as the product' of 15 acres. It was of the pounds to the celebration of the Duke of Yerk, was a beautiful crop on the ground. two days at Toronto, in September.- ''' ending as thick as it could grow and EXETER. The members of No.. 6 Co., Exeter, are erfectly straight. Mr. Martin also requested to muster for drill. There had 40 stooks, or 400 sheaves of red F Middleton 3 .3 Newcombe are several vacancies in the company fe spring wheat, which yielded 27 A Sheere 2,. W Milyard which/mist be filled by good men. Ap- b shels, and the grain is of a beautiful V Hardy 1 S Bobier plications are requested at once. By envie. This is the 3 R Southcott 334 ;tin has had off this farm and it shows 5 Bawden 2 first crop Mr. Mar- L Cann ,order Sergtamajor, J. T. Westcott, Regiment. lt. " that he knows how to work it. Sluts that were $4,00 for 2.00 do do $3,00 for $1.00, Come and see them even if you don't buy, no trouble to show them. Men's suits of the very best style and quality at rices that will suit you. p We have also a lot of women's.shoes that ►} a anxious to dispose of and will cut the price in two in these as well V U8LL CARLING (Furniture � +.• Ernporium During hsat weather we are inailed to look for coolest spot and most comfortable eat 1)ossilhl(�. ‘1� a� would suggest when you want comfort and ('2in get the a ,le at ;*Miall cost you would be ~rise to CAL1 AND liN I?ECT >l Our Rattan Chairs, prices ianging from t 2.Qt' upwards. Also complete stock in all lines, in latest designs. Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to call on us before purchasing elsewhere. 4k Funeral Directors OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Beverley & Huston List of Fall l" airs. Western Fair, Loudon Sept. 5-14 Industrial, Toronto, Aug. 241•Scpt, 7 Stephen and Ushorre Agrl, Society, Exeter Seeft, 1b 17 Northern, Ailsa, Craig Sept 10.20 S. Huron, Seaforth Sept 24-25 Fullerton -Logan, Mitchell Sept 20-27 Great North-western, Gode- rich Oet 1.2 Vest Nissouri, Thorodele Oct 8 Blyth and Morris, Blyth Oct, 8•9 Mrs. F. 1. Knight leaves this week to visit the Pan-American. Ohas. Graham. of St.Marys, and Dr. Carr, of Kirkton, were in town Monday purchasing army horses. T. H. McCallum and family have re- turned benne from their summer cot- ta tGrandB d ge a en , About twenty nmeinbers of the Main St Epworth League, visited the League at Crediton Oa Tuesday even- ing and spent a pleasant andprofitable tiro e. 'The custom :: utong many farmers of Blatchford, of the infant class, Main th evtiel s itegetf atlieyrthplve finishedGus• St. 5, S., entertained the children of ing them for the season is bad farming. their class to a picnic on the church A penny saved is a penny earned, and grounds last Thursday afternoon. care in the natter of providing impie- For diarrhoea, dysentery, etc, in trent sheds would form quite as profit :children or adults, use Aromatic able as any part in connection with Blackberry, or Wild' Strawberry the Agriculturists tailing. Compound. Both retneclies" are safe It is considered quite the correct and_ reliable. ,Sold at Lut. 's drug i thing when one' haquests from out - St ore. side points, to use the personal column If you are suffering from defective eye sight call and see Prof T. P. Smith i at " Eawkshaw's. Commercial hotel, Exeter, Friday or Saturday, August 30 and 31. Consultation free. Persons finding stray animals alio their premises.should be careful to "re- port same or advertise them at once. les they can be held liable for retention of same. Farmers sometimes hope !that by keeping an animal for a few I days they will save a neighbor .the cost. of advertising. The kindness is alright, and may be appreciated in many cases. but it does not relieve the person so detaining from liability. They should be advertised'in- Tun TIMES at once. Tlio Exeter and Lucan base ba teams pla,yed a match here me Friday, team, by a, score of 18 to 14. Tbe Exeter team, though getting little practise, played very goed ball. Fol- lowing is the score :-- Gibson 4 A Hodgins C McComb 2 Anderson Fox 3 2 14 3 1 1 LONDON, ONT. 18 J. W, WESTERVELT, Principal. f your local newspeper to apprise lend, and possibly acquaintances of e visitor, of the fact. Many calls nd exchanges of friendly greetings esult, and the visit is made more pleasant. THE TIKES will alwaYs be pleased to receive. for insertion in its personal colurnn such notices. and also of the departure of Exeter residents me vacation tripe. 'Please remeinber, however, that, the name of the con- tributor—if sent th Laugh the mail— must accempany notiees to insure insertion. Syrup to my little girl two and a half years worms in five days. Be Prepared. A man who goes into busines life with little or no know- ledge of business methods invites fail - ure. No man can work without the tools. Business tools are the know- ledge of business a,ffairs. A. course in the Federated Business Colleges of On- tario with schools at London, Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, Sarnia, Berlin, Galt, Guelpb, St. Ca,tharines. New terin opens Sept. 3rd. For general information write to the Forest Gitu Business Gollege, Fail Term Opens Se 3rd Cenlral STRATFORD, ONT. Never before in the history of our college have our graduates been so remarkably successful in securing ex- cellent situations immediately on leaving college as during the present year, If you have a diploma froM our college you need no "political poll" or influential friends to help yon to success. You can stand on your own merits and will surely advance to the front. Cue courses of study are com- plete, systematic. valnahle—the best. in Canada to -day. Catalogiiit:rifnrcelep.at (6,'urkish Scalp Food is daily growin favour. 50c per bottle. Sold. by 0. utz. The demand for English Stock Food s rapidly increasing. farmers from a istance are now sending in oraersgo. - W. Bertram Davis, of Cartwright, I an., third son of S. Davis, Clinton, was married in Winnipeg on- August 7th, to Miss Pomeeoy of Woodstock, this province. Note FF1GeS. Black worsted suits worth 522.00 for 518,00. Fancy worsted suits worth 520,00 for Seotcla tweed suits worth 520,00 for 516, 00 Canada Tweed salts worth 818.00 for 814.00. Come in and look through the stock, I will be pleased to meet you. Grieve's old stand, opposite post office.