HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-22, Page 6TUE NEWS IR 11 LiStifil THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. 'ttereeting Items Ahent Our Own cenittry. Creat Britain, the United Statae, and Ail Parts of elte Globe, Condeneed and Asserted for as Reading. CANADA. -;t'r. - is to have a hos- pital. A new citing factory is •to eetirbliehed• at Hamilton. ian blackwood, enamelled and decor, ated with gold and silver, from th Members of the Tasmanian Belie Force wive fought under him, Leetetocommander peke, cora mander of the turbine torpedo -boa destroyer Viper, which was totall 'reeked while taking part in the na, vat manoeusakvs, has been form guilty of negligence, and sentellae to be reprimanded. The wreck wa blown up to -day to prevent anybod securing information regarding he secret meehanisra. ; MARKETS OF THE WORLD Eriees of Cattle, Chen), Grain, In the Leading Maaats, Toronto. Aug. 20. -Wheat - Trade d was fair to -day, and prices steady. e O. 3 old white and red winter Sold v to millers ire car lots at 68 to 08ac e low freights. No. 2 new white is sold at 67e low freights. No. 1 spring is fueu, selling at 70a on the Midland. and No. g baooee quoted at 4,13e middle freight. Alenitoba, wheat is steady, with No. 1 bard selling' at reoac, grinding In transit. and No. 3 hard at Sc, g.i.t. For Toronto and west 2c lower. Milifeed-The 'market is lima, with little offeriug. Bran sold at 813 west. Shorts scarce and quoted at $16 middle freight. Corn -The tuaritet is quiet and et , retie. Sales of No. 2 Canadian yel- low i'eported atti3 to reee West. , Rye -The market is quiet, with feeling firm. It is quoted at 49 vewest. t Buck.wheat-Market dull, with prices purely nominal. , ideas -Trade quiet, With prices no- !minally unchanged. Barley -There is a. little trade, with sales of No. 3 extra. at 43e middle freight, and of Noel ee 4e. Oats-Giferings are increasing, and : feelleg weaker. Old No. a sold a for local use, and sew are :quoted at 33 to il3te middle freight for esiport. • Fiknir-The market. is firm. Ninety per cent, :,old in barrels at 32.1)5, and at $2,05 in buyers' bags, 52i4 - tile freight. for export. Straight , 'oilers in bids for Lower Proviuees, e3.23 toie3:80, memitoba patents, 84 to *1.10, and etrong bakers'., $3.75 to ele..85. Oateneal-Miureet is Vie higher. Car lots at $11.1,0 in bags. and $4 in wood. Broken lots, Toronto, 30e !per bbl eetra. UNITED STATES, Chicagois to have a, poll an's brass band. The tax rate for New York city this year is et96,929,031. Dr. Getting. of gun fame, has in - 'elated a motor plough. A new Beard of Trade Building is Mount Shasta. Califoruia. consid- to be belle et Montreal. , red an extinct volcano, is becoming A eagidar basieees coarse Is being j&tetive. tauelit in Port Hoee Moe eceool. Further large seizuras of silk by Illntenfaure,a -;zbnit of Ottawa, ;!the -customs officials are expected at hes deteeetea:d aease cif smallpox. 1New York. Sir Lonla Peviea w•LA remain in we A tlernien Lutheran church in Chi- tiovernmeet cater the visit of cage takes up collections every Sun - tee tailor ;aid iteve-ae ef Cornwell day for the Beers. oral Vocii. At Harrodsburg, Ky., Thos. Dean, roeiy sribreeenes leave ireen se.rvell a murderer of 15 years' standing, in the Silther naireiee ea -e, weich ' killed himself to avoid arrest. cranes up for vela steetly at Lou- Lae teeettee. who smoked cigar- ette' to excess, became insane anti rize PA -erre -es oI the Weeteen Hos- . shot himself at liee Moire-, In. Moterael• ore i?.•-a-e-ari-i'Latillg' Rev. W. W. Mealier. of Franklin. (t -rt iE Oi Lew eerie:ea tea ieest va., predicted that he wouid oie on ft' o. his eath and he died that herd Stratircorreas resider:ice in day. Meritreed is l2. egeampletely reno- Adolph moves. was shot cit -ad the veted for the oaanietior, of the Pulee.ealoon of J, Balinrd in South St aud Itacieee oi dee:et:el. Josepla t1o.. by robters who at - ft; sx.r.,-ovluiT,4 of tee big strike ; tempted to hold up the ealoon- ta, I. easel . . at> terP"I"11(-41tiarhartit Terlinden, of linieberg, haa seet eeerne to te"easehe10 iY 9Ptileviraa::y. 'tie-ea:eel of forgery and tA.,- otitwziontent by the (k-raran Gov., 'fee Treeiea oal Litt.41.2, remit:oat, has been captured in Mil - Ca. etera 11,-„leilene4P, cOgn.Inittee te „dai .aricia-ore Of 4,11 fa' The National Taiinsportation (,oni i&-.-:. ier reetee pans has teen orgarosel at Syrit- Dere:eta- alearay ereteinitear. that cuse. N. V-. with a capital of $2. - sae! clover ;7:2 500,00, to carry 1? -1,4+44 over the eteo, 1-4!.44.IIIISfrig a great lakes. oi Thomas Watts. a Corarehnien, for It le 'arid tar Cane ilialiens twenty years a day letorer (diont ore," eta -ea -4 4i. the tierrea rands the mines of Mk -Ligan. has Awef Zia:it the ,a ti'rgitey of 8230,000 Itiy the death of toe(' T,T11.4 4ene-roarailte .a sister in Cornwall. o C V. 4' n .;'•13.1i .4' Tat ltida T diNiZ T j Samuel Abraham. the yeuser Are - df veld...Nan who young Anthony J. , of 455vT Mulish three month's ago at Wiecita- ale woe- to I is.g. Pe- has laen located at Hines • the la- he -rig -en South Afriea. Reilroad telegraph superintendent, Railroad telegraph euperinteedent, U'7" 110"-' bee perfected an invention for the "' rian sinnaltitteerins transmission of tele-- ''''131rV;c1fil 14""arl; . Plante and telegraphie messages over avec wire. :.-11411111141AV icied Liglitzaing struck the coffin i heeitee' :el. tea te inaprieted to takewhich- e '• • ft- .., its t Of jeleurddl , Kan- opened the metallic collin and teeoeael • tlaa Ltleeet, :ri-4.,-torod the supposed -corpse to life.. Is boier4ou that the tied, was in a a Tee ate radial, etereeeel biliteLed seate. by e ettellear it; O4.:2;! eit5t pieepeee etoreee has ',tanned a tia..ieetei, V. --i of fourteen feet union of labor and tetpitei, eet-a a: ,ft ete eyeelauVed to take 140 tine aside eeverel reilltotas of clot- Ateerieee side of tia: liars of Steel Vorporation stock at eloetece: aeieteag men relieve 'diet per for purchnse by the 163.00to tee preiveot steamehip Bee from ewe employed lte• the company. DAIRY MARKETS. Buttar---There is a fair demand for , choice qualities, with receipts mod- erate. A cable reports higher prices in Liverpool. We onote as fellows: Seleeted dairy. tubs, 1.7e; choice 1 - lb rolls, 17 to ie; Fecund grades, in roll's. tube, anti peale„ ilic to 10c; 1,1e ; el4T•MaerY Prints firm. 2It to 22e ; soietie, :tote, lettea-Alereets eteatly for strictly fre'd) I-et:Lend eggs;. which sell for 12e ; inferior (totalities, 7 to Sc. CI:veer-The mallet. is firm, with quelittes itablieg at 10 to 10ec. gpimonnolk HOGS AND Pile/VISIONS. Pressed how: unchang,ed at 39.50 , to 89.75. Hog products continue firm. We quotea-liaccon, long clear, ton and eaa-t' lots, 11 to 11 e; pork. wee. 819. ti to; do.. short cut. $21. Smoked meats -Hams, 14 to 1414: breakfast. heueon. 15 to lete ; rolls. 12e ; backs, 13 to 15ec; and ehoul- dere. '11 to 11-e. 1.11.rd-Marliet. is firm. Guaranteed pure, in 50 -lb tubs. 111c; 20 -lb pails llec; tierce', 11c. f"tfeadd " Halifax- "x. tizt account of the recent expoeure """11 ti.:17'." 11-a° 1'4'411'10Y ii•'• iour 'of alleged frauds in the New York Leif easel elate aroe3bai, ere -toms service. several ,of the big it e,,,a ietei oakeled ent. out the. wioileeele dry goods firms of Chicogo' vl reri.7 fo•et azottau'e leo/vivo hs tiled claims with the Board of Geer leoee, l!it• awl Dock- Appraisers, asking sums eggregoting. tes -i 'flay will eels. ae hatntlreds of thotoends of dollers as the iereese ete City e,r 1TATO reiT4044T4. It 7a; ..1.44.411 that Mr J. Mint- Frederiek Mulls. a Brooklyn police-, Lae snatet. to 'mire. by an art of brevery mid ere- Tenittel Steve, Cr:greet seem of mind. saved a Woltinit and for ef.li.-1.1lieTioq of tee Spenian el,11(1 from death under:a tire itiver pulp ti,c-ra4y. netted 14 but in tile net was hinsetf the semi of . tea mpled down by the home!' end eleoireeen Welter. ce ig6-1 enteheal by the heavy truck.: come:Wee at ihrodif on. seat e wet He is Let ex/welt:11 to live. not ft -i' ZIT& It: tertein the tehe 'of Corriwall rind GENERAL. York. who is going to Le in that city only three Leers, - • ITot winds have been doing dem- Tiaonme Pleeet,„ Kingston ten- litre in Noma:a and swedell- ner. eged 67. lees artily suffeeed A message from Rome to Vienna. from theziarelen He went 't OW- predicts war between Austria and sician for treeneera awl 4;!,41on- i•SlaA1 to h'iira that was eiottlY At Malta someone covered the but eureiyienting tooth.. - statue of queen. Victoria with corro- le teantrol of the South Shore 'sive acid. Railway et"Iva73Ys - which runs from, Slave are still bought and sold in Lanittal: to *some parts of Ativesinia and the . St. Gregoire, on the south shore of !Soudan. the St. Lawrence. has been vh•tually secured by New, York capitalists. Two 13oer prisoners who attempteil to escape from St. Helena by ewirn- Lord Stratacona has given orders 'ming were recaptured, to have all his carriages overhauled Marquis Ito, formerly the prime and pieced at the. disposal of Ill° minister of Japan, has been ordered Duke arid Duchess of York during his physicians to take a sea vo.y- their terming visit, and he will also lap.e • supply the horses for the carriage of State which will be brought over Max Opitz, proprietor of a. large on board the steamer. private bank in Berlin, is under ar- rest, charged with heavy defalea- tarns and forgeries, GREAT BRITAIN. Count Von Waldersee is being cen- Sir William Laird, the Glasgow sured by German papers for bombast iron master, is dead. Be was born since he returned from Germany. It in 1380. is a case of swelled head. There is a great and spreading op- Extensive forest fires are raging in position to the telephone monopoly three districts of the Government of in the United Kingdom, Nijni-Novgorod, Central Russia, and -several villages have been destroyed. There are five corresporidents of English newspapers accompanying their Royal Highnesses on the Ophir. King Edward has gone to nom- in.frg for three weeks, for the cure, and Queen Alexandra is on her way to Copenhagen. The English Government will not - adopt anything of a protective me- - 'Lute in regard to South African Customs ditties. Twenty-six of •Turkey's richest • nobles are in London for the purpose of purchasing jewellery, silverware, • arid pictures for their harems.. The London papers comment in a disappointed way on the Canadian census, which &owe an. increase in population of only 503,327 ten Years. It is reported that the visit of the Crown Prince of Germany to Eng - Tana is Onrmected with a possible Below with the daughter of the Duke of .Conneagat. ' Field -Marshal: count Von Walder- -ipee lure been • gazetted a Knight Grand Cross of • the Order Of the Bath,and Prince Nicholas of Greece, a Knight Grand Cross of the Vice torian Order., Major-General Bad en -Powell is soon to receive a casket Made of, Tasaiane The official census in Friince shows a population of 38,641,338, an in- crease of 412,364 in the past five years. Paris shows an increase of 148,604, Marseilles, 47,428, and Nice 13,853. • The municipal council of St. Peters- burg will send an electrical exrert to the United States to study the telephone system with a view of re- organizing the one in use in St. Petersburg, • At Copenhagen two of the Nobel Institute's, scientific prizes, each worth $4,500, have been awarded, one to Dr. Firmer, the originator of light treatment for lupus and the other to The Pavloff, a Russian phy- siologist, for his researches in nutri- tion. GATHERING HORSES. Boers' Wives and Daughters Giving Aid to the Commandoes. - A despatch from Cape Town says: -The recent operations in Cape Col- ony have frequently shown that Doer women are riding about gathering horses for the use of the comman- does. THE STREET MARKET. The street, inerket, was quiet lee day. ()ate in fair offer, and sold to the extent of 700 bush. at 37e to ;tee foa new. and at 40 to 401e for old. nye sold at tliitc for one load, Hay continues iirm, 20 loads of new selling at $10.50 to $12 it ton, and three of old at $13.50. Straw nom - Following is the range of quota- tions ;- Wheat, white... ... $0.701, $0.71 Wheat, red..... 0.70 0.71 Wheat, goose... ... 0.69 0.70 Wheat, spring.. ... 0.70 0,00 Oats, old.. . 0.40 0.40e Oats, new 0.37e 0.38 retie 0.66 0.00 Rye . 0.491 0.00 . ..... 0.43 0.45 Hay, old, per ton... ....13.50 0.00 Hay, new, per ton... -10.50 12.00 Straw, per ton .. 10.00 0.00 Blessed hogs..... 9.50 9.75 Butter, in lb rolls... 0.17 0.22 Butter, creamery. , 0.23. 0.26 Chickens, per pair... 0.50 0.75 Docks, per pair... ... 0.65 1.00 Turkeys, per lb.. 0.12 0.15 Eggs, new laid... 0.11 0.15 Eggs, held, per doz 0;12 0.13 Potatoes, new, bush1.00 1.15 Tomatoes, basket... 0.50 0.60 Beef, forequarters-. 4.50 5.50 Beef, hindquarters.- 8.00 9.25 Beef, medium, carcase5.50 6.00 Beef, choice... ... 7.00 7.50 Lamb, yearling... ... 6.5Q '7.00 Lamb, spring._ 8.00 9.00 Muttepe. ..... . . ..... 5.50 6.50 Veal, choice., 7.50 8.50 BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Aug, 20. -The markets continue quiet, with values steady. Grain -No. 1 Ontario spring wheat,' afloat May, 74 to 75c; peas, 79th do ; No. 1 oats, 4.0c; No. 2 do, 39a,c; buckwheat, 58c; rye, 57ac, and No. bazley, 51c. Flour -Manitoba pat- ents. $4.20; strong bakers', $3,90 to 3-1; straight rollers, 83,85 to $3.45; in bags, $1.60 to $1.65; Ontario patents, $8.75 to $4. Peed -Mani- toba bran quoted at $16 ; shorts, $18; Ontario bran, in bulk, $15 to $16; shorts, in bulk, $17 to $18 ; middlings, in bulk, $17.50 to $18. Rolled oats -Millers' prices to job- bers, $4 to St. 20 per barrel, and $1.90 to $`2.05 in bags. Provisions --Heavy Canadian short cut mess pork, $20 to $20.50; selected heavy short cut mess pork, boneless, $21 to $21.50; family short cut clear pork, $19.50 to $20 ; pure Cana- iclian lard, in 875 -lb tierces, 1.1ec ; parchment lined pails, 20lbs, ; parlament lined pails, 20 -lbs, 12c ; tin pails, 11..ac; tins, 3, 5 and 10 lbs, 12 to 12ac ; compoued refined lard, in 575 -lb tierces, 7ac; parch- ment lined wood pails, 20 lbs, Sic; tin pails, 20 lbs, Sc ; hams, 124 to. tlac; and bacon, 11 to 15e per 115. Butter -Choice creamery firm at 20a to 20ac; seconds, 18 to 196; dairy, 16 to 16-ise. Cheese -Ontario., 9--e to 9ac, Quebec, 9 to 9ac; Eggs, -Goode sized lots of No. 1, 11a to 12c, sub- ject to inspection ; No. 2, Sa to 9 -ac. Arapie products -New syrup at Oae Per lb in wood- 70 to 750 per tin; sugar, 9 to .1.0'c per lb. Fota- tees-Jobbers' prices, 45 to 50c. Honey -10e per lb eectiom strained, 8 to 9c. Buffalo, Aug. W. -Flour -Pim. Wheat -Spring, quiet ; No, 1 North- ern. °Ica $1 c. Winter wbeat-Low- er; No. 2 red. 76' ae• No. 1 white, 76.1-,e. Corn -Dull butflrm ; No, 2 yellow, 68e ; NO. 3 do., 621n; No. 2 corn, datac; NO. 3 do- 02.e. Oats - Steady; No. 2 white, old, 480 ;„ new, 411e; No. mixed, 89ac; No. 3 do., 381e. Rye -Strong ; No. 1 old 05 in t ToIedo.Aug. 20.-W1:eat-NO. cash. 74ee; September, 750 ; Deem I her. 77ac. Corn -Lower ; ,Septenthe aiSac. Rye -Ole. May, 63e. Oats- eptember, SOZe: December, 383e. Eye -61c. Cloverseed-Friate, Geier bet'. 30.57;x: bid, Oil -Unchanged. Milwaukee, Aug. 20.-Wheat-TJ-.sttled ; close, No. 1 Northern, 74a to 75c; No. do., 73 to 74e: Sep.. Welber, 73e. Rye -Lower; NO. 1, •591e. Barley -Firmer ; No. 1, 03 to 64e; sample, 40 to 61e. Duluth, Aug. 20. -Closed :-Wheat • -Cash, No. 1 hard, 75ae; No. 4 Northern, eine; No. 1 Northern 72 o 724n; December, No it, 73e. Corn -571e. Oats -Not quoted. Detroit, Aug. 20,--Wheat-Closed- No 1 white, cash, ; .7 , , ash and August, 75e; September. eete, St. Louis, Aug. 20 -Wheat closed 72ee; September. 72'e ; ceinber, 75:te. Toronto, Aug. 20. -Business at the ucettin cattle market to -day was not of a very satisfactory character. There was it fair dennual AV choice cattle, hut there was very little moveineat in the common to medium r d •. 'rite offerings as a whole were not of a very high order, and trade was somewhat sluggish. There was a little aetivity in bulls, and a few cows were placed. Trade in small stuff was brisk, and no trouble was experieimed in effecting clearance. Hoge were unchaegeth The rim totalled 72 /tads. com- prising 1,088 cattle. 1.015 sheep and Iambs, 00 etthes. and 1.000 bogs. Export Cattle were quiet. with no! .FIGURES .OF Increase of 533,000 Over Returns of Ton Years Ago. A despatch: from Ottawa. says :-Vancouver - ... .... 13,709 26.196 The first official bulletin of the con-;13rantford- - ,.. ... 14,753 16,631 sits was issued on Friday. The. all ., . 11,264 13.988 population of the Dominion is given Oharlottetoivn tit 5;338,883, an increase of 505,641 -Valleylield- - „,.... 151,451753 1112:0058: over the census of 1891. The empire "Sberbroolee ..... .- 10,097 11,705 lations of ti ' Proviees are as foie byeleey„, , Provance 2 427 9,908 , lows :- Brit, Cabin:hie. 98,11841 1901,000(1)0.1BC7alniatiyill:: 7:7:::::: 335176865 152%11 - Manitoba.- .....„ 152,506 246,4641 The population by families come r New Brunswick, 321,263 331,093'pared with 1801 is follows; Nova Scotia ..- 450.805 159,116i ., 1391, 1901 Ontario-. .. 0,114,321 2,167,978' Canada... . . 901,643 1,042,782 - Pail Island ... . 108.078 103,258 'Brit. Columbia 20,718 39,000 Quebec-- - o.1,488,535 1,620,974 'Manitoba - - -, 81,786 48,590 Teiritories.„ .... C6,799 145,000 ,,New Brunswick ,58,462 62.700 Unorganized Tet'- Nova. Nova, Scotia - 33,780 89,106 't ' . ... .... , o,1 8 70,000 Ontario .., ,.,,,,.,,4j4,798 451,839 The populaiions of the cities of P. E. Island 18,601 18,746 Csaifioaidloawbsy: municipal boundaries are . quebee.... ... -. 271,991 303,301 City Territories . ,14,415 29,500 , 1891 1901 Unorganized ,.. 32,168 75;000 I ... .,. - ...... 63.090 68,884 . Canada.- 877.586 1,003.944 Montreal- ... ... -.330,181 206,826 The dwellings are as follows : "481,320 207.971 1891 1901 Ottawa- ... .- .-... 44,15/ 59.902 Brit. Cambia ,20,016 38,000 ',Hamilton , 48.980 e 52,5e0 Manitoba_ .„ „..„ 30,790 47,903 IWItinipeed- ,.. ... ,25,639 42,336 New Brunswick ... 51,718 58,337 Helifax......... . . ... .. 88.495 40,787 Nova Scotia ..• . 79,102 85.032 ,St- John.- ... ... 89,179 40.711 Ontario ... ... - -406,948 440,419 London....„ ....,.... 31.977 87.983 ' P.E. Island ..... .. 18,389 18.530 Victoria... „..,. 10.841 20,831 Quetee.. -. ea "46,044 287.533 Kingston". ... ,.. ... 19.263 18.043 Territories...". 14,129 28,300 CENSUS OR TEM COVNTI Pipelines. Dwellings, Population, Districts. 1301. 1001. 1891. 1001. 1.891 1001. Ontario..„.. -441,798 451.839 406,748 442.625 2,114,321. 3,167,900 Addiagton 4,980 5,123 4,873 4„,,..7 24,151 24,495 ..4 .4.. 7,4a2 10.450 7,270 10,150 37,570 46,500 Bothwell-. - :1,244 5.49/ 5,148 5,484 25,593 25.282 Brant 14 .........4,907 5,376 4,825 5,725 23.359 26.722 ' Brockville-, 3.288 8.411 3,211 3.362 1.5.e53 15,902 Brace 8,770 3,713 3,733 3.705 21,355 19,310 Bruce, N........., 4,028 4,331 3,897 4,282 20,771 20,803 Bruce, W 4,173 3,797 4,119 a7116 22,377 17 72.5 I Cardwell., 2,965 3,7/.3 2.806 2,701 15,383 Carleton 3,010 3,848 2,985 3,787 16,531 13,063 17.375 Cornwall aled change in prices. Space at Montreal bee been pre-empted by western deal- ers. anti Ontario shippere find H. comparetively easy to secure cattle to till the epace they !lave at their, divvied. Choice lots sold around , $5 to $3.15; while the medium grad- es are weak at $4,10 to 84.60. In butchers' cattle the offering was large and the deurenci light, a conde. tiou not conducive to activity. Buy-' Ors are after choice offerings, but the half finished cattle teem; to Le a drug on the market. Prices for picked late are firm at 84 to 31.40. In export hulls there was some trading at prices rangiug from $3.75 to $1.25 for heave. Feeders and :attackers timetable() un- changed, the dennuel being fairly" le Wady. Export ewe were firmer at. $3.4.0 to $3.60 per cwt.. mad other :hoop held steady. Lambs and calves re - audited unchanged. The run of hogs was comparatively heavy. Prices remain firm at $7.23 PC)' cwt, for selects, $7 for corn -fed, and $6.70 for lights and fats. Fallowing is the range of quota- tions: - Cattle; Shippers, per etrt $1.60 $5.15 Do, light 4.25 4.00 Butchers. . - 4.40 4.75 Butchers, ord, to good 8.50 4.00 Butchers. inferior- 2,75 3,25 Sheep amid Lambs. Choice ewes, per ewt8.40 3.60 Culled sheep. each...,,2.00 13.00 Lambs, each......-2.e0 3.50 Bucks, per 2.50 3.00 Milkers and Calves. Cows, each -80.00 50.00 Calves, each 2.00 10.00 Hogs. Choice hogs, per cwt.- 0.00 7.25 Light bogs, per cwt0.00 7.00 Heavy hogs, per cwt6.50 6.75 Stags, per cwt 0.00 2.00 NO EFFECT ON BOERS. Not Surrendering in Response to Proclamation. • A. despatch from London says: - The effect of Lord Kitchener's-or ra- ther Mr. Chamberlain's-eprodlamar -Lion is not distinctly noticeable in SouthAfrica. There are rumors of a renewal of negotiations ,between Gen. Botha arid Gen. Kitehener, but these are probably :fictitious, like the vagaries respecting Mr. Kruger's let- ters of. marque to privateer's. The number of voluntary surrenders has not increased, but possibly it is pre- mature to look for a result of this kind when the prOCIaniatiOn allows several weeks in which. the Boers' can reconcile themselves to the idea of submission. Practical military men have little confidence in the efficacy of the proclamation as a peace -mak- ing agency, but admit it Will be uSe- ful.to have .a convenient date for an- other manifesto, Withholding bellig- erent rights and changing the ciratace teae of the military operations. There has been no material change in the operations during the y ast week. The Orange River' Colony is more peace- ful than any other section, but his is because the country has been thor- oughly cleared and the combatants, have been driven north and soath for ammunition and food. Pout - Boar commanders have 'been lost re- cently in the Trapsvaal, and the bee - ghees seem thoroughly diepirited. General larenehhas the most arduous work among the Cape Rebels', but is gaining ground anti reducing the area. -rof hostile operationa. He is driving Kritziageris and other commandoes tOWaed and- across .-the Orange River into districts which have been emir-. tied- of population and There ie, indeed, ground for a larger „re- serve of optimism than is displayed• in the meagre - i•eferepce in :the King's speech to the progress of British arms in Soon Africa, , . • Tte Roumanian wheat crop for the present year is 40 per cent, -eboVe that of last year. The maize Creepis expected.t0 -exceed .prieViou,s, re- cords,: Stormont... . nune.as,.. 441 • ••4 ;S:Vtal :Ng 1)Uthan/11 1.1 3,522 3,343 Durham, W 8.241 1 ".‘0.35-5 .1, 1 Elgin, W.,,...,,,, 4.096 5,380 Eesex. North ., 6,085 6,673 137.$TieX4 SOntli .44 4.841 5.517 lerontenac 2.452 2,283 3.991 4,178 Grenville, S.- . 25:11704 25:284784 Grey, North 5.1148 5,528 Grey South4.409 4.485 Ilehlintend and Monck4.334 4,391 4.341 4,340 Hamilton-. 9.663 10,908 Ttittlng, 3.019 3,677 Hustings, N4.2j1 4,780 Hastings, W. 3,902 4,142 Huron. Best - 3,677 3.749 Huron, S... 3.062 3,814 Huron, W.., 3,056 4,027 Kent.- •0,437 0,922 Kingston 3,702 3.815 fatimbton, B.-. 4.856 5.028 1.,embton, W.-, 1,881 4,840 Lenart:, 3,472 3,581 Lanark. S... ..-3,758 4,018 Leeds and Grenville.. 2,797 3;063 Leeds, South 4,002 4.705 Lennox.- - 3,102 3,32.1 LiiiC0111 and Niagara.... 5,P0/ 6,208 Loedoe... - 4,376 5.176 Middlesex:. E 5,010 5,585 Middlesex, N .- 3.882 3,880 'Middlesex, S 3,066 4,201 Middlesex, W..... 3,590 3,601 Muskoka and Parry Sound. 5,101 6,300 Ntrissing ........ 8,268 6,000 Norfolk, N4,217 1,378 Norfolk, S... .... 4,823 4,956 • Northumberland, 4,069 4,691 4,625 4,060 21,005 20,500 Northumberland, W.-- ..-.... 2.925 3.028 Ontarioi N- 4,064 4,216 4,070 Ontario, S... 4,022 3,839 3,924 Ontario, W... 4,021 3,815 3,998 Ottawa- 7,776 10,881 7,564 Oxford, N., 5,105 5,471 5,186 Oxford, S... 4,880 5,071 4,836 PPPeeetertltil';, 3,865 3,803 8,81e 3.090 2,960 3,011 5,028 5,547 4,994 Peterboro', E.., 4,121 4,588 4,152 Peterboro', W3,108 3,522 3,069 Prescott , 4,138 4,861 4,005 Prince Edward4,446 4,589 4,420 Renfrew, N 3,878 4,121 3,708 Renfrew, S.-- 4,044 4,881 3,029 Russell. ..... 5,590 6,511. 5,408 Simcoe, E6,591 7,523 •6,507 Sbricoe, N... 5,180 5,504: 5,007 Simeoe, S... 8,965 4,082 3,899 Toronto, C 4,946 5,187 4,496 Toronto, E8,273 8,958 7:9 01565 W Toronto, ... 13,092 16,41.5 13,375 3 3,918 4,576 4.937 3,880 3,506 3.285 5.872 4,031 5,876 4,766 2.407 3,883 2,085 5,011 5,000 4.303 4.303 4.280 9,063 3,552 4,145 3,804 8,041 8.888 8,894 6.292 13.683 4,785 4,609 3,408 3,738 2,703 4,607 3,172 5,710 4,320 4,042 2,845 3,902 8,562 4.960 3,003 4,103 4,148 5,188 4,093 3.319 3.038 0.345 5.723 0.011 5,423 2.252 4,046 2.777 5,2113 5.479 4,430 4,362 4.303 10,803 3,333 4.698 3,994 3,710 3,700 1,004 0,887 3.671 4,981 4,797 3,540 3.081 2.949 4.622 2,170 61.76 5,085 5,547 2,852 1,167 3,557 6,279 5,700 4,338 4,907 27.156 30,133 17.053 15.374 20.721 23.925 31.5:13 24,023 13.445 22,417 12,929 20.223 26,341 23,672 21,463 21,982 48,080 18.1150 22.070 18.061 18,11613 18,184 20.0121 31.131 19.'203 21,269 23.140 10,260 15,8(4 13,521. 22,449 14.900 27,043 22.281 25.509 10,080 13.806 17,288 26,51.5 17,970 10,400 22,702 26.804 19.757 14,401 13.109 27,258 22.865 33,435 25,327 12.598 32.182 1%882 25,005 27.078 32,125 30.063 19,573 52.530 10,472 24.077 17.770 17.269 17,462 18.778 31,873 38.043 23,048 22.019 *18.174 19,507 13.644- 21,185 13,422 27,580 24,417 26,615 37.455 18.6139 15,847 33,722 38,500 18.658 20,889 Victoria, N,.. ... 8,202 3,282 Victoria, S.......4,000 4,314 Waterloo, 4,827 5,376 iVa,terioo, S 4.868 5,3551,821. ..,5,217 5,799 5,1.80 Wellington, C4,502 4,451 4,511 Wellington, N4,638 1,891 1,565 Wellington, S4,805 .5,020 4,692 Wentworth E . and 13eant :4,884 4,137 4,847 Wentworth S 4,851 5,234 4,888 York E 7,018 63,411 6,811 York, N .. ... 4,110 4,061 • 4,059 York, W... . 7,970 10,847 7,791 2,879 14,947 4,161 20,723 8,815 19,033 3,771 18,792 0,945 42,481 5,441 20.131 4,006 22,421 2,986 15,166 5,486 26,907 8,847 19,400 4,475 21,919 3,469 15,808 4,700 24,178 4,530 18,889 8,972 22,484 4.755 23,972 6,100 81,643 7,421 85,801 5,453 28,303 4,089 20,824 4,829 26,632 8,584 43,564 15,485 73,827 3,239 16.819 4,222 20,155. 5,211. 25,325 5,287 25,130 5,741 .25,132 4,407 23,387 4,872 24,9156 4,992 24,378 4,112 21,629 5,162 24,960 8.273 35,148 4,088 20,284 10,613 11,857 13,055 20,716 16,794: 16,695 57,614 25,858 21,797 13.686 27,147 1.7,877 , 22,213 16,840 27,035 17,864 23,201 26,677 85,206 39,257 26,963 19,272 28,744 45,707 81,574 16,274 20,357 27,167 25,430 26,090 20,563 28,800 28,767 • 18,719 24,447 .10,412 18,787 e 58,741 BOT -HA HEMMED IN. Decisive Engagement in the Next Few Days. A deepatch from Durban says: -A deei si ve engagement is expected on the Zululand border, where Gen. Botha, with 4,000 Doers, has b'een located.famine t' s command o of 300 men has reinforced the Doers at Dabango. The Leers appear to be hemmed in. , Sixty burghers on Satinday at- tempted to rush a British post, but were nepuised. Commandant Potgier has issued a warning that British soldiers cros- sing the border will not be allowed to return without molestation. The country from Ladybrand to Bloemfontein is quiet. A post cart is pow rumerig between those towns three times weekly. Cases of rinderpest have lately oc- curred in the districts near Lady - brand and Th ab N' Chu. • Large quantities of grain have been teken from these places by ox Wagons to Samia's Post, and thence -by mule wagons to Dl.oenifontein.' The sweeping movements in all iparte of .tne Orange River., Colony have resulted ire the British, columns erscapturing quantities eati teigens 0number-steekoaindpriilsoegn-a one. Tiie columns are bringing in large numbers of refugoeS; including many. natives, The Doers continue their sniping tactics, . The erection of block -houses in all parts of the country by the British cooties:es. • ' : Burghers in the Orange' River Col- ony: are surrendering in small mime 'bun It is said that the Anierican coal syndicate has ousted English coal from the Swiss market, TROPICAL STORM. Very Sever e vantageon the Gulf " A despatch fromNewOrleans eayea .,-The storm weieh has been sweep.. Mg the. gulf • coast- from Pensticela .and . moving westward during :the past two days has prostrated tele, graph and telephone wires to such an extent thee news from the outly- ing eeetions is hard to get. The house of a man named Gobtlem at Fort, Lads, half a male above the quarantine station, was swept away - by a tidal wave, and the 15 mem, hers of the family, including eine children, were drowned. The tug- boat Velasco went clown to Pass, L'Outre, whielt is the western mouth of the river, with two barges. When, Inst -seen she had her decks awash, ud is believed d her b If this d and helt47 gone down. b been lost. 20 more people have been drowned,9,1rare numerous reports of ine ilividual casualties all along the river front Beres down to the passes. All the steamers which started tot - the eea. Tuesday remained inside the passes until Wednesday evening, and. then went out safely. Not a Single vessel has passed up the ,river since the storm began, and great tears are entertained for the many 'ships ex- pected. .There is a serious eppeehen- sion concerning the Cheeire, ada. Camin- anti Grand dale sections on the Louisiana coast west of the AUSSig- SifTPI-RiVer4 where 200,000 lives were lost in 1803 by the tidal wave. No word has been received from that -sec- tion, which is largely inhabited by fiebermen, namely Chinese and Ma- lays. There hes been muck damage done at Sbelbach, a. settlement. on Lake Borgne, which is :southeast of the city, and connects with Lake Pontehertri. All the buildings there. have been swept away, and there are reports of loss of life among the lisle - mum A tidal wave swept over the land there as it did nine years ago. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT, 5 Perish in 0. Burnin' crib at Gleve1884., A despatch from Cleveland. Ohio, ays:-Fire early on Wednesday de- stroyed a temporary water works rib two miles out in the lake, re- sulting in the death of at lease ten men, while two others were probably fatally injured. In addition to a large number of workmen who were in the crih, eleven others were at Work in the tunnel leading from it two hundred feet below the bottom of the lake. The air, which was pumped from the crib to supply the men working in the tunnel, was cut off as a result of its destruction, and it was at first supPosed that these men had all perished. Subsequently, however, nine of the melt in the' tunnel were rescued. Fire and harbor tugs with rescuing par- ties on board reached the crib soon after the flames broke out, but when they arrived the structure Was a nothing now*: of flames, anti all hope of saving it was abandoned. Alen could be distinguished swim- ming and floating in the water, shouting for help. Others were cling, lug to ropes, which they bad hitched or tied to the rafters, but the flames were burning the ropes away and the men, who were naked, were falling one by one into the lake. After an hour's hard work the ilames were diminished: enough so that the firemen Could climb up the charred steps and fight the fire from the in- terior. Then the horror of the ca- lamity was first realized. Every- thing was a total wreak.. After two hours' work five charred human bodies were found burned be- yond recognition. Two . were in the attitude of prayer. TERRORIZED CAPE TOWN. Infested With Criminals and Denud ed of Pollee. A despatch from London says: - The last mail from Cape Town de- tails the terrible condition of that city, which is infested with criminals and denuded of police. The latter have largely become combatants. Desperadoes recently robbed a bank manager in the suburbs in broad daylight. Men from the font who are paid off at Cape Town, are rob- bed in saloons daily, and the thieves go unpunished. Burglaries are of nightly occtuTence in the heart of the city. The Government has decided to import hundreds of British police. MILLIONS FOR WARSHIPS. • Naval Works Bill Passes the British Commons. A despatch from London says: - The Naval Works Bill, appropriating $137,500,000 was read a second time in the House of Corm -etas on Wednesday, after amendments to strike out a large sum had been de- feated by a vote of 1.78 to 82, CANADIAN CATTLE. Conference Favors Removal of Re- strietions. -A' &snatch from London says:- A conference Wag :held at Glasgow on Tuesday to Consider Whether stepe should • be taken or not for the ree ineval of the restrictions affecting: Canadian cattle. It Was eineramoti8- ly agreed that the restrictions were no longer necessary, and ought to ae• realoved. SIXTY LIVES LOST. Terrible Disaster Reported From British Columbia. . A despatch from Victoria, D. C., sa,ysaeWoiel has been received here that. tae steamer- Islander collided ' with a huge iceberg, and that 65 of her . p as SengerS and creei. 'Were drewned.