HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-22, Page 5Hie DOG'S WELCOME.
Jt Caused the petrotter to ere Some
Lively climbing.
"I hate a client livine 16 miles onto"
Bald a Griswold street lawyer. "'Up to
within the last year he had nothing for
me to do but draw important rateeees
.elad advise him as to negotiations
anti contracts. Now he has a sort of
manta for getting out in frost of his
door, hailing the suburban car and
corningdn to consult his lawyer. It is
fair to add that he is good pay and
never haggles. I found lilue waiting
the other eaorniug when I reached the
4! 'Inn thinkine he began, 'of havin
Mangan *trost the road fru= me, 'rest- o e pa _
• harborite one of the Savageet dogs Yon Put gleams of hope and trust were his - Served Baez efiertle
ed, and 'earcereted. Hee keeples an4 'With pressing, wants Was oet in tench; the queen will fill them with eggs
ever see, tainst the Peace and. dignerty Oft trials borne treconlPilsie tide!. on short- notice, And when thuo Stuble--That Prenehman say Aneere
Alled, add them to the =delis start -
eft the neighborhood. I'll illerstrate.
A. livery servant drove la sight,
Who brought a note far him, one night. ed. With a number ut iziefi 5010. lea has more bone and filleeW than WV,
country on earth.
Bain in the eity teether day, I stela ter I tem, place Is eutuel„ "We shall itene Aloe. We can thus nearly average a .
Penn -Yee, on his bet tour be pat
frame of brood per day with each e
colony, for the purpose of buil ler- g Ilebiaetag7xeramloC4: "r °Y4144° 4°114"*-.
up these nuclei, and AS tb.0 remelt of _________
attending strictly to work, we eau Cowl Last Vorever.
attain more than double the number
f bees otherwise. iEropiey2NVInet seems to trouble youV
We can do this without weakening ball?
and thus get the leepla (WetrrIM-I suppose It trou'
he parent stock,
extra. (=Qua of brood over and bits him to think that eventeallY he'll
above what the queen would have nave to go to sleep at reghte*ngagele
Produced otherwise for want of gaga press,
room to do her best laying. Queen. --- ------ - .... - - - - ---
rearing must be kept ahead at all ,rtlin, Lawton bete;001,who
'ttiorateshisa,Ylidf twheerperioscesecr pcerloypearnlyy limit
Lektocrig?slsx°verri'en *ilifItAki 1'; oh C'eliltr,;„ . bare
the work. No trouble to at least '
been Aned 420 and wets.
make ten colonies tram one, and James Bernett. Science 11111. who
have this one 0, good one at the end
A. geoerous act IS doubly lileet,
eelps to seethe some anximis brood;
And It reacts with silent eoree
If love controls the genetems coarse.
An Incident that once, eves read
Confirms the truth of wh4t is said,
A. little maid ' with eitestuuts mine
Invites a yoatie to bey a share.
The lad was poor, but sympathized
And, banding her a cola. be sale;
"I cannot use tire, chestnuts, dear,
But take the •cola. 1 hand you here."
She eurtsiee low, and hied away
leis gift bad tiled a want that dee.
Some twenty years et life bad sped;
She hue meantime, a banker wed,
When passing by their library,
The youth, grown up, she chanced to spy,
When be had left she sought to ham'
'Why be had come-thougbes beckward
flow -
"A vacant post he wished to get
Within the bank -not filled as yet,"
"Shall it be his?" "I don't quite know."
"I hope it may," she whispered low,
With that returned, home needs that day,
And cites his generosity.
The man was poor, discouraged meth,
INCREeee OF Ce Le NIES. en ewe.
it Queen* enn ire Goren nesey IZar17. -Alfred, dear, your biscuits ere YerY
lilead of liouseholcl (in the year 1990
Thjd ap Viatiertaklik* good this morning.
It is always safe to increase your young ftushand (coloring with pleas-
eoloaies no faster than the bees are ure)-I am clad to hear you say so,
storing honey to support them, but helee.
we may increase ninth in advance 0$ Tielld. of JaCtilliabOld-Silll, they are
this, if we see proper to do So, and not quite as goad as papa -used t4
feed the required amount of stores make,--ETehange.
to 'keep them. We usually can get
What increase We want by natural Ats to Fortune.
swarming, but we can artificially iu- yes," replied the moralist, “for.
crease much ahead of natural swarm-jh
title S g e.
tug. The greatest increase depends "That's se,' replied the plodder, "Nit
upon queen rearing, and if we are
successful in getting queens ready, the deuce c)f it is Uiss Fortune Isn't.
we can increase at a rapid rote. She stle2es to Me 'with a eidelity wort4
We should begin rearing queens as of a better cause," - rbiladelphia
What is conelleteelye inherited is not
morale but the scrofulous diepoeition.
This is generally and chiefly Indented by
cutaneous eruptions: sometimes by pale-
ness, nervousness and general debility.
The disease afflictee hire, E. T. Snyder,
Union St., Tray, Ohio, when abs Was
eighteen years old, manifesting iteeit by a
hunch in her area, which =seed great pain,
was lenced, and becanie a relining sore.
It afflicted the daughter of Mrs. a. H.
7ones, Palter City, lade wesen 13 yearseld,
and developed so. rapidly that v/hen she
'was 18 she had eleven running sores on her
neck and about her ears.
These sufferers were not benefited by
early in the spring as possible, and, Press, • professional treatment, but, they
tartseach colony iron). one frame tartly say, were completely 'cured by
nucleus, but we should not begin thus cause of Their Tnoteble.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
drawing on the coloniesi until they "I bear the Pagtems are going to
are good and etrong, and most of the senaratc. What was the trolahler . • . .
awe peculiar medicine posalvely cor-
frames containing brood. When col- "Why, I Understand -that he remark-, mete the eceoettoon, disposition 444 ram.
onics thus are strong, we can ed to her that if ehe lived to 'be a•tbell+ cally met pernmeently cures the disease.
ns amount of brood sand she never would lave hew td
t aiu. mme e
from them, hr iuserting empty frames play golf.m-Town Topics,
broodin the haraber when
sea the carnerval. and that made it I
near raldnight when I got out ter ray
plitee. Jest as I got my band on ter the '
Welt of the gate I Inert]. a terrible I
ecrateldu of gravel and a rushla sound,
and, bein quick witted, I that of aim- ,
son's dog and reerlized bow everything
was depentlin on myself. I shinned up
a locus' tree jest as the dog thumped
sgalust the fence, turned, set down and
freed me,'
"'Didn't bite you?'
'Nape, but there I shivered and bol'
Iered and said pet names ter the dog,
and he jest staid there same as be was
' Me of them cast Iron critters. yelled
till Ine" wife him with re lantern. Then
got down outeu that tree like it was a
greased pole and kicked that dog all
over the premerses till I was winded.'
'Myl Wonder be didn't eat your
"'No wonder 'tall. It turned out ter
be my own ale yellow dog what's lost
his teeth and his 'voice. He was a-tryin
ter welcome me, but 'what I was
a-skeert of was that infernal man eatin
dog of Jimsou's, and I want the law on
im fur intimerdation or suthin of that
ReMarlis he to ids partuer sale.
An inside note a cheque concealed -
A. gat of many pounds revealed,
The kindly act had not been lost
Of 111M, tire sliver cola who tossed
To her, the little chestnut maid,
Soule twenty years ago -it said.
That thoughtful net of kindness shown
had left an Impress, nil its own.
Now it returned, with interest rare,
To bless a Ulnae to him was fair.
The good we do comes back again,
Afforde pleasergeuever pain;
-4. N. Straw, In Toronto star.
renegue neneatten.
"What is your name?" asked the at,
torney, preparing to open the examine-
"Ballygeo Ballygeogle," replied the
"ow do you happen th have such a
name as that?"
"Got tired of being known es john
Wesley and hearing people tell rue how
much I didn't resemble him and had
the name changed."
Countermareled Ilitt Order.
The second course of the table ti'bote
evas being served. "What is this teeth -
ere stuff?" demanded the corpulent
'Meer. "That, eir, is filet de sole," re-
plied the waiter. "Take It away," eald
the corpulent diner, "and see if you
can't get me a nice, tender piece of the
upper with the buttons reenoted."
The Instrument Teat Gives Complete
initowledze of eters° Alphabet.
It takes the ordinary telegraph pu,
pil a long time to read infallibly the
ticking of the sounder. Au instru-
meat has appeared, which is designed
to simplify instructions in tele,
graphy and to give in a, compara-
tively short time a complete know,.
ledge of the Morse alphabet. The
omnigraph, as ibis instrument is
called, consists of a base board, - on
which are an ordinary key and
sounder and a toothed disk. A. spring
contil.t; calaces.t. to the wheel en-
gages the peripherel teeth of the
disk. If the disk be rotated the
spring contact is forced outwardly
by the teeth, but drops back auto-
matically, and thus makes and
breaks the eircult. The experienced
telegraph operator deieeting these
makes and breaks of the sounder, re-
cognizes there as the dots and dashes
of the Morse alphabet. A close in-
speetion of the disk reveals the fact
that the teeth aro so erranged as to
spell the sentence "John quickly ex-
teraporizecl five tow bags."If the
disk be turned in. a forward direction
tide sentence, thus odelly worded to
Include every letter of the telphebet,
is ticked off at the sounder; if rotate
ed in the opposite direction the sea
'thrice will be telegraphed backward.
This disk, which is completely under
the control of the student, can be
turned at any desired speed, thus
giving him an admirable opportun-
ity of trying himself at all gaits. II
ho is not a quick reader the prac-
tice can be taken at a. slow rate and
gradually Worked up, until it reaches
a speed that would try the most skill-
ful operetor. Another advantage .01
this appliance is that the message is
delivered with a distinctness which
the most perfect operntor cell never
hOpe to attain, WEen the studt
s learned to receive messages at
all grales Rset:d he can teen up
the transmission of heed -has in die
regular way by means of the key
which- forms part of the apparatus,
- .
llandOln eau in the If. S.
Shoes For Ten Cents.
"Well,. if that ain't the limit!" mum -
'bled Clerk in a local. 10 cent store
as he stood rubbing his head Ina dazed
sort of way.
"What's the limit?"
"Werean Just walked up to me and
asked me to show her the shoe depart-
Willing, but Not Accomplished.
„Mistress (to cooli)-Now; Bridget, I'm
going to give a batty. I sincerely hope
you 'will make yoursele general:11Y use -
Bridget (much flattered)-Shure,mum,
OM do Trey best. But (confidentially)
-01'm so sorry' 01 can't dance, mum.
has been in 11 e St. 11( s edee In saitall
of the season. Strong 'colonies with London,
the past eight. weeks was
exceptional queens will produce two iininettor a, clay 'oat et wit, Iliebend is
frames of brood, while some will but oio,shy improving.
a reasonable increase. The grist will at Anima has been
swarming will Om the beat rest"' stetted for a term of times years ta
and be 5011-511111"rting• A• "'Aire Meests. Dennie &Tonne tl.vo gentlemen
in Ventura Voice.
Ont'DEN-In ettehen„ on the 15th hien t
-wife of Wm Bewden. of a tlaughter.
`f DEIBN'Eitaln Stephen, en the 8th inet„ the
wife of Prate; 'freilaner, of a daughter.
Bay. on Sunday. August lena.
*wife of Jobs Ban -eine of a eon
I/I:NEIN-On ii.e8ts eon lesboree on wednei-
day atigeettn.t the wife of Tien Bureau.
of a deueleer
hexeunlimited elevate feeds for Divest
(Pent upon farm or village property at lowest
eaves of interest.
I have a, large amount of private funds tel
lean on farm and villeeeproperties atlow =tee
of interest.
F•, W. OteeDMAN,
Barrister ;Kahl St Exeter.
Art In the Proper Direction.
'Agent -Don't you want an enlarged
photograph of yourself?
Stout Gentleman -Enlarged? What
Agent -That's so. But say, let us
make you one three sizes smaller.
On the Beat.
Joakley-Well, well, the greed of
these polieemen1
Coakley -'What's the matter now?
Zoakley-Why, haven't you heard
about this new copper trust?
Sterting Aap
Asparagus roots may be planted In NI, ;deer, younge4 daughter. ot MI,
spring or fall, but unless the ground and Mrs. Robeet Walker, of Thorn -
is well drained, spring is preferable. dale, to Wm. E. Brown, of Ottawa,
Good strong one year old roots are tool; place on Wedneeday evening lase
best, The soil should be made as on the lawn of the bride's home,
rich as possible. If very stony the "'Riverview," Thom:dale,
stones should be removed, as they' Edward, the five-ye:treed son of
are much in the way of cutting the Adam Sloppier, Sebringyille, fell down
stalks. In garden culture it is beet emirs ens Sunday morn= and ()isle-
t° dig trenehesgabout three or four tested his elbow joint. Or. Paul re -
feet apart and. 1.2 inches deep; then placed the bones and Ore little fellow
put in a layer of manure to fill as doing Tritely, but it will lw +Soule
about, half of the trench after it hog , time before be can use the injured
from elAstern °Mama, alio a
nivisebsion on tire 1st of September.
The nun fie ee of Mies Annie
F -111WIN-Ie Clinton. en gasman litteat
1. resider -we of the tvidenrareete, hr. Rev.
Ilentipeo, hinble C., thire daughter of
Mr It, Irwin, to man Mel. Vara allot
teleAltItIF-Ai the residence o
the bride% tether. on A tiniest fit h, by 'tee. A
McLean, Mr Aurlias Moyne D;thh. of Tee..
water, to 'elles Angie. Norway:it, dorgifter to
lir. Hugh eleteuerne, of
elAiNS--hEieliel AN -At the reeidenee of the
brido's•parente in East Wriwanoeh. on August
11th. by Bev eldeultlen, of 11 Sarah
daughter of Me Masud Lehrepan, toJeeeph
ler Mains. of Vs -necks', Ah.4.
Enfalille. thtIOIL Sarah
daaghtar of Same Bella aged le e sore
WEI11.-.In Turaterry, on Anguef Jane
Johnston. wife of Robert Vu err. el, years.
IRWIN-In Seaforth. on Auguetinle Welling.
Sutherland lanes Co, LTD
B. 3, B. DIVERS, AL ea, TOBOliTo,17 TINT I
-vEnsi.TY, 1:Araity Vnivery
kir Calice-Crediton, Ont.
tJ s, Grinteete Ceieereity
eft:co awe residence. Domino e Laborre
toy, Exeter.
Striking Home.
"If you bad a prosperous debtor who
Wouldn't pay you a cent, what would
you do to get ^even with JAM?"
• "I'd kidnap his cook."
.Cruelty to Animals.
Tirst Scientist --I hear that your dog
went mad and hit Professor Stutgroots,
Any serious results?
Secoud Scientis t-Zes, the peer dog is
barking in Lath) and C1reekl
been packed down. On this put two inelubm%
or three inches of soil on which idessrs 'Weir & Wtetr,St, Matryseeave
place the roots, spreading them out Pet, ebipped out the Islet of their flax
in all directional, and -cover with fine "r 10iA which winds amp the hueiness
soil, packing dewn all around. The for that year and daring the year they
ovule 0, sale which the valves Mks
plants should not stand closer than is believed to be the
two lot in the rows, and as they • 8 t3.°-44' Tbit3
Bannisters. Sceicitore. Notaries. Convey e
Commiseireers.S.olicitore for tire eleltrfee
lcney lianZ Erg.
telema at loweee rates of interest
0.41:1.1NO. s- PicaSOIN
ale to Elliott
Barrister, Solicitor,
Conveyancert Eto,
Money to loen (=Farm and village
13e0Perties at Lowest. eetes of interest
onlm Autn; STREW L=Tgil
TT n17,..:5111A.N. L. R. s. Alsc
nor Or.aAUate'
DTC1C et I. IPe( 7reP tl )s• s e 1.1 fe title t tee .or
bad after effects, ()Tee in
block.'West eele or AMOlt
E. kessell
oiler 1V1
Iiighest price paid cleao
red wheat,.
Large stock of mill ed oo.
Wood Wante
ick a Son
TitteWIN-In Miliett. en Angara 1n:., liar. ,
ortgoliTt-ter,aitlItd.L.eftweeit Burr -a'. ,,,n „3,.a. ulltieemiOrettalege eet %hp Sumec
..tanw e........gee, ......._1? en, met mou'li and 0
earet Leiper. wife or Mr Albert Tree in, agee i
end, Janet Morrison. relict. of the Ian; amen i'interte, Nom honors Ate peeegre a
Bre:4W% or Brig Rad. TeleTeeremit41. l',01. chivego ere.col of Prosthetie lientletee t
et years awl 6 mentba nor/arable mention.
levcreelaug Menne to tine rent a ProieEsion
07-...e:1;t:t3";y.v4aNnit'b,I:in'ut,utrioln'ts:72071eliir•efroor"-133,vi 1111:::te :V Cat rov1,cr yinetele. A nerfertlY 71
I. nie*rhe'e eeeleung s P bee been land for trainee, -, ereartletie vste fee laialtee extrac. •
It soothes the child, eoftenetheguniaalkeye at li Easet'ver:oOlowledol'r, “.44111 or C°1.121. I".1"4.'
children while tectifleg. with perfecteueneo.
for Dlarrhtea. III.' pleasant to the ta4e. tsel7pi 1 '''''''.• --ere-- -" eee"""*.-. - e"---77---4---7*-----'-tr"*-7. - - - ----- --
pain. curer, wind colic, end Le the bee rentede 0
days. 6treet.
et reale end u months D A. ANDERSON, (D. D.
Coleerre, et; Tutetley Aimee! *
eth. Rubel Petten. wife of I 1.:tan'51.
It THE NEXT:111DE41.S.
,nanermmler.410,. -
A gooa Asaormera,
Air cowl%
"%Ye want to
- Ay)
elear these lines a.
of 94.1011tN51
Thy; Tonal"
For.Ovi.r. FIFTY YEAlti ilcue in nee cillea Driege wort. crone% et'
velleairite Flares an dem, in .
start to grow more soil Should be large°. arncinnt' cir En"Ufaetuted gQadS
a St. elfirys firm.
surface is level again. AIX that is
dratea into the trenches unta the ever sold at core time to one party by
necessary during the season Is -to ' John A iketah ead,who was so seriou.s-
keep the ground loose and free from , IT ineured in a street car accident In
weeds. To raise a first-class crop London a couple of weeks ago, and
the bed has to be =enured every who is still dangerously ill, is a con of
year by scattering manure over the 3ausee Aikenbea (1, near Brucelieldeurd
plants in the fall. If white or 0. nephew of 'Malcolm eleEtven, of the
;lad concession of Stanley. Sir. Aiken -
blanched asparagus le desired, the Iwo is e very premising young man,
roWS have to be hilled up. similar to 27 years of age, and was head hook -
roots have to be sot deeper and the
what is done with celery. i An agent of the 13. S. Government
keeper for Mayor Burn ball.
A Honk Trap. : has been in Windsor engaged in spot -
In many parts of the country 'lug Detroit, women smugglers, and the
• •
find in use an ingenious and verel. 1, roil" ado cal him out of town. It
effective hawk trap, says a valued 4 get the bargains offered in Windsor
eeenis Detroit women come over to
correspondent. It consists of an or- , eeeps, ninth 4ebold be a wholesale
i leE,Eon to Cenadian women 'who visit
' Detroit:thinking to get better bargains
there tham they can at home. No
wonder the Windsor storekeepers oh-
. i ject to the espionage practiced on this
;aide of the line.
Several papeee ale complaining of
the present dearth of horse flesh, due
''''*'' to the wars of the past three years,
and whet is celled the "electric scare,"
- I which seized horse breeders all over
I the laud, Such is the scarcity at the
paesent time that it is almost impos-
sible to buy a horse at anything like
ithe price knell erly asked, and some
1 classes of horses, such as good coach
' horses. for instance, cannot he had at
any price. Concerns iu the 'United
States, which require a large number
1 of horses, are contracting for animals,
in 100 lots, an year or two ahead.
Horses that three yeaks ago could not
I have been sold for $6 a bead are quick-
ly bought up by the large stables, and
tter a few weeks of rest and care are
by druggiste 10 every pert et tbe world. tei WATERLOO 111:1TUAL
cents abaft Its value incalculable. Ile
sure rind aek for h're Winslow's ereertie,e Flitn letelltANO e (50.
Syrup and take iso other kind.
Unglislesvorean who has been
spending the winter in New "York
tells this story in an English paper.
One day she took refuge in a Fifth
avenue drug stoie during a rain-
storm, and going up to the young
man who presided at the soda water
counter she asked him: "Do you
think I could possibly get a . han-
som cab?" "He looked at me," she
said, "and seizing a tumbler in his
hand, `No, ma'am,' he said, 'but I
can mix you a horse's neck!' He
thought I was mad, 'and I thought
he was rude, but after all it wen
nothing, for one of the,, most famous
drinks in Anaer;ca. is literally called
a 'horse's neck,' and, as I sub-
sequently, found, it is extremely
good. It IS composed of ginger ale,
with the entire rind of a lemon and
well iced, and as the man thought
my 'hansom cab' was a drinlc, lee im-
agined a 'horse's neck' would do
quite as well!"
Siad Then' to Spare. .
Kinn Edward accomp
ents duriag their historic visit
Paris, in the August of 1855, and
he and the Princess Royal had • a
most delightf time. Indeed it was
said at the French court that the
young prince so rauch enjoyed him-
self that he actually implered the
beautiful Empress Eugenic, whs had
been so kind a hostess to et g
guests, to ask permission for them
A RED 110T .91:Ar.•0:s
During the hot summer seastma the bleed
gets overheated, the drain On the sestens
I' -
severe and the upperite Is often lost Bur-
dock 'Blood Bitters peril -lee and invigoratee
the blood. tonee up the ersiern restores
lost appetite,
raffni14.4",,A.4"' -
go, 4itt
Seeled tenders will be received by the under-
signed ap to 7 ()clock p.m. on • u
September, a. 'EL 12h1, -Partite purchase of local
Wapner -nem debentereeof the village ofleter
amououng Melanie. and bearing interest AL
the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, The de-
bentures will be payable in 15 equal Metal -
meats. the amount payable on the debentures
for priecipal and interest for the Menu years
at, the said rate, will be ;2:Mete
Dated at Exeter, tbis, leth day of August, leen
..............h......=„.„........,-....--st•nwnale Clerk.
Exeter, Ara Sltf.t,1901.
Wisest per 'bestial ...... a OS to 67
Oats-. ...... ...... . ea
Barley. a .,. 1.0.00 • . • • •• 40 to 45
Peas . ..... lie to G3
Butter.. , . .- ..... alt to 15
1:0 :to: 10
5 to 5,
Dried Apples.. . _ _
Pork live weight 27.CO to *7 tu
Faneon's trick lerek awl dwelling, in Exeter,
Chick:as. per.ti,..
a -v, o - .... • -
ittrtniOgned t ot 1.4103.
ltas ("weepy has hen ever Iltrent.r.e4 4
tpai in eeeressful opernion nnrWostere
veierieneercoeditors to insurearninst loser
dee tar hy Vire. Deletion. Mersin:reek
Der e
eteeneirs feel all other oeseriptioas or
Ii rumble ',venni. leteediee Winos hare
t itio• Cl instaiticon the Premium Neon
last (007Mb; I Obeith. CON ering poPerte to tiro
Deriea the hast tee Tensible come:me ha's
awe ure .. I Sitehiteele: mete:di in losetalene
Aro, i 110.100.00 , consisting? of Cash
hi I use Goverment Dermeittie e , ...st-
eed I an mut :1,eits er, hand end in force.
J.11 .11 .A1III.N.31..rXebtdellt; u a. Tr lama
Feertualt ... 3'. it (Jan s. Dee serum. mt.&
linlIe et ee n t for Beeler and vicinity.
We are agents for the celebrated
Walkerville Wagons
The utder gelled oilers Let it, con. 5, Team
ship 'Stevie:Is, for sale, at it reasonable price.
'nee e siveuted on the premises a dwelling.
good bank brn, iis ‚well fenced. and
drained, anti ?erasu'rrici
a) f 0 MA 11 tt0.
tyre of either bit]: or tile.
For particulars apply to
lehem ,1ACOB sINEnzEn,
("radium P.O.
sole to reade, buyers at from $
dinary steel . trap, not too large, , • $50 apiece. A horse "that a woman
y can drive with safety," could be
A GOOD feewse TRAP. ••
mounted on the top of a common : bought for about $50 souse two or
fence rail, or a long pole, set firmly three years ago. To -day many dealers
in the ground. It is best located on I would not take such a horse out of the
some moderately high point in the ; stall for an' offer less than $150, and
middle of a wide field, where there 1 many of this class bring as high as
are no trees or ether objects upon ' $200 pe_1:13.!_al.......,
which a. bird may light. No bait 1
Ove ever
of alighting-, a. 01, course the trap
sets it off' and is caught in the act i Act foolishly. If they impr
.ed on top of the pole, where t e ir i
must be firmly secured to the pole. so little when the fine weather conies,
they relax efforts and drift hack into
The device is based on the principle the old condition which if possible,
that birds of prey habitually light becomes more ellrmile. Hit Br"-
og prominent objects in Liege o'tS.ep n i chills hard in the summer and, you'll
drive. it right out of
spaces,outeooIvlifflorre gthlyer,vill Ahavtreaap good get 11 rid of it and
Impossible to do this. Inlinle Cagier -
1 the system. In winter it as almost
it'sdead sate
thing on 33rouchiLie. It goes into the
anied,. his par- is needed. The trap is simply
'Those Deco ;•tt-tive Dokonts.
Mm- Sezzit-Ole, what a beautiful
sample of wall pe pee
Mr. Sezzit-Wall paperl That's lap,
new spring ehirt. -
for ikitle. The brick block is well situated, on
Moen greet, is 70x55 feet, three storeys, mid
-07 contains f013rStOrOS, offices and balls, sit leased.
This is the beet business stand in town. Tire
dwelling m brick of two storeys and contains10
rOoms.1:1 admirably adapted for a boarding
The property must be disposed of.
"A false Mend is worse
than. an open enemy."
A shoe with a good
upper, and a bad sole, is
worse than cheaper look-
ing, but more honest,
The Makers' price on
the sole protects you
against deception, when
you See that you get -
"The Slater Shoe"
a sca.son ca regn at y
placed. Will., during oo ' h ozone
gone. When I. -Ter Imperial Maiesty age mane, owls and other lenge
most minute air cells uf the lungs,
hlY most of them bought at
to stay on after their parents had all the hawks within a radius of seVe
E. 7, SPACKMAN, Sole
Local Agent,
Eicycl es.
Terms easy, apply to le L. Funson, Exeter,
To rent, lot 20 81 27, concession 13, Hiblert,
containing 19e acres. These is about 420 acres
good hardevocd bush, the balance is in ft, good
state of cultivation liberty to plow at any
time ; possession given about, the 1st Jan.
Will rent for n. term of ;tears: mile from
school, I mile from church and store; good
spring water. For further particulars, apply
to PUT= 11101MIEOlf. On -premises. Or to Chisel.
horst P. 0.
F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
rui ii
'the utdersigned cfrosf, r sale his 110 acre
farm, lot a con, S. township Of Bay. The farm
1 is well fenced, even under drained, has two
good barns, first class brick house and le acres
of orchard, 30 acres bardwcod bush, balance ,
\90 acres good clay loam. %hes care two %Tile
of splendid water, arid is coeycnient to church
ape. school. The farm is same ed Si miles front
Exeter on a first class road. 'the farm must
be sold as the proprietor is giving op farming
on account of ill health.
amen Noarnacca-r, Hay P.0
------- . - - _- i
Onehundred acres of good clay land in the
Township of Bay, in the county of Huron, let
7, con.12. Good buildings, consisting of frame
house, bank barn, driving shed, and all out- I
side buildings necessary. All clear with the 1
exception of 4 acres of timber. Four acres of
valuable fruit orchard. Well fenced and under.
drained, and under a high state of cultivation
well watered with a beautiful spring brook.
r wheel:dent. The
Our mill has been remodell-
ed with the Gyrator System
and people tell us they now
make better bread than bak-
er's when using our flour.
Origin alla Gtoppillu
Dom ?mall.
As we are anxious to clean
out our stock of Bicycles we have
decided to offer the balance of
our stock
M Cost for Cash.
Our Wheels are all big
- • fid lot tie trap The ienger and the more bathes all parts of the bronchial tubes
with its healing, germ destroying 1 grade- with the best fittings an
remarked smilingly thet Queen Vic- 'birds are also frequently found • in
tome and lernice •
children, the little prince answered • vapor, and, euves every .
be, able to spare their two elder • substantial the pole, the better it es.
d Tu. erettloktis in En qand. erelorsed by ell corepetent druggists
supplying and electors. eee. end
Examination of the.: oows
eagerly: "Not do withbut us? Pray o
no think that fpr .there are 'six more
of us at home. They can do without
its quite well for e while," a
view which, howevee, did not And
acceptance. in the proper quarter.
• e
" Anodyne Method" Tested.
At the eeseion of' the ce,n.grees
of surgeons in Berein, Prof. .1 Augese
Bier, of the lereiversity of *Griefsweld,
inventor of the "tenodyne Method,"
deaesisting coeseee injections larder
the spinal inern15ronea said the meth-
od had now been tried in 1,200 cases
and had met with erithusiastie ap-
proval, especially from the 'French.
He adels„ , however, that he regard
It as dangerous to life erte. that it
must. not fie used iredieerintirtateige
th,..aor sale ef ,
the city of Manchester With. milk has
shown that tuberculosis is much less
prevalent• than commonly supposed.
and child, run clown -the -re are
hundrecls-,lucky if 37101). are n.ot one,
An examination of 1,287 cows show-
ed only six udder% to pe tuberculous
after bacteriological examination, or
a , number equal to about ,32 per
cent. In additiote to this official ex-
aminletion of cows, 126 samples of
milk' were taken at various railway
stations representing the milk from
108 fernase at which there were 2,-
068 railking cows, and in 12 eases
the milk was found to be tubercit-
loos. On examining, the farms from
which the samples origineted, it was
• only ponsible to discover tuberoulous
nebeara at live of them.
And What tiO you think they want?.
They Want rest and a change,
and can't get either. Pity to speak
of it ! •
Scott's intilsion. of cod-liver oil
Is almost rest in itself !
zee. atui $1.00; alt &ft -gists.
Special Low Prices,.
If you are in need of a wheel
call and see what we offer you.
ittg Sqate
tleadouarters For
Our Pianos and Organs,Sew-
ing Machines &c., are of the best
makes and prices reasonal3le.
Music and Music Books al-
ways in stock. Also all kinds of
small Musical instruments on sale.
Sprehop°erityand. onurcilus is134 nfflos north of Dashwood. a
vey beautiful Must be sold for the • Chilblain Lotion.
proprietor's health hoe failed. Apply to
Dash wood. onte you will he astonishe at their 'wonder -
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy
Cough Mixture
Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix-
Gab. DiratiltICEE Try any "eof these Nreparations and
tel healing and curing properties,
London, Huron and Bruco Al Full line of Patent Medicines on
--"'"-- hand
Etortzet NORTEC- passenger, .
London, depart 8.15A, at. 4.40r, at.
Centralia .. . ... _ . • al 5.50
Exeter 9 SO 6.0
Berman (aleEappen e -o 6,c
Brucefleld9.5e 0,33
Clinton .... .. . .... . . ., 10.1.5 Gem
Wiegham, arrive 11.10 8.00
GOINO Smear- • Passenger 1
Winge am, depart .. . 6 CS A.14. Si P. at.
Clioton . ...... . . . 7.47 4.2,5
11 ()tele _' 8.05 4.19
Einem . . .. 8.15 4.57
Hensel]. . ...... • 8.21 5 05
Exeter , ..... . . • . S-35 5.11
Centralia .. . ... 8.46 5,25
Louden. arrive . . 9.37 6.12
For repaintint inside aed out and pepering
the Methodist Church, at Eirktob, s peciftea-
tiOt151eall be seen at the store of shier St )tir-
,haul. r" tokivb.yjtherevextItts,,,, sAccele.esi.>
li„."-itktori, Auka iate,, 1001.
Dominion Laboratoru.
To snake vertu it is necessary to have
eine bright brain, cool head. free from ment
and arose. vigorees nereas, iillibteres trear
enaNerve Pills invigorate and brighten t)al.
rai then the nerves end remorse e
iterate; • nerve and buds Worthies,