HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-22, Page 3APO-
There wens to be no doubt that
the foreign, 11;1:misters at Pekin have
at last tweed, not only with regard
to the aggregate of the indemnity to
be exacted from Chine, but also as
to the mode of payment. The total
indemnity is to be 450,000,000 teels,
and each reditor Power is •to re-
ceive the amount of its claim
Chinese bonds bearing 4 per cent,
interest froin July 1 of the current
Year. A sinking tend is also to be
provided, but, according to Sir Rob-
ert Hart, some three years must
elapse before the first payment on
aceeunt thereof can be made. The
fiscal resources are, first, the salt
tax; second -1Y, the native customs
levied in non -treaty ports, and,
thirdly, the maritime customs im-
posed in treaty parte on foreign
goods, which last-named duties are
to be rained far the present to an
effective IS per centad valorem,
payable in silver. "By "effective" is
meant, first, that the valuations es-
tablished forty years ago are to be
revised so that they may correspond
to the existing Values atcommodie
ties; and secondly, that the free
list is to be abolished, excent in the:
case of cereals. If the duty of LI per
cent. shall prove inadequate, the
creditor Powers will be at liberty t
increase it tip to 10 per cent. It.
is understood that the aggregate of
the claims presented by the foreign
Powers falls- considerably short of
4.50,t100,000 tacin. Lint we are not
yet informed as to what dispositiol
will be made of the surplus. 11 uot
distributed pro rata, it might be
paid into the sinking fund.
$o much for the indemnity queen
1.1911. The collection of damages,
however, was not the sole. or even
the main purpose of the .couctrtmi
Wintery Clid uval dtanonstromon
ethieb resulted in the occupation of
Pekin and the whole province of
That main purpose was do -
at the outset to be a double
111,ne. It was proclaimed, first, that
no settlement should he regarded us
definite.. or even toludesible, which
should not eaclude permanently from
power the persons primarily respon-
nible for the Boxer outrage ;
teeondly, that drustie liscal reform
was indispensable if the iew •
quireinents imposed by the claims
for indemnity were to be met with-
out subjecting the Chinese people to
additional taxation. Now, has eith-
er od these purposes been fulfilled ?
It is true thet a few of the persons
deeply implleated in the outrages
perpetrated upon foreigners have
been put to death or banished. Oth-
erin however, equally guilty, are un-
harmed, and sonic of thcse have
been designated for posts in the
Council of Regency, which is to su-
persede the former Grand Council,
and iu the new Board of Foreign
Affairs, 'which is to replace the old
Tsung-li-Yamen, and to be invested
with much more dignity and author-
What is more signifitant of fail-
ure to lay time foundations of a new
order is the fact that the Empress -
Regent, who was the head and front
of the anti -foreign party, is still in-
vested with the attributes of su-
preme power, and there is no reason
to believe that the Emperor exer-
cises any more real infteence than he
did before the relief of the legations.
Has the Empress experienced a
change of heart? She is said to
have excluded from the succession
Prince Tutan's son, who had been de-
clared heir -apparent. She has issued
a number of decrees enjoining the
protection of foreigners; and she
has nominated to Office in the new
councils a munber of representatives
of the progressive and pro -foreign
party. But it remains to be seen
whether the good intentions thus in-
dicated will be carried out after al-
most all the foreign troops have
been withdeawn from China, and
she herself is reinstalled in the im-
peHal palace at Pekin.
As to the second purpose, promul-
gated when the concerted demon-
stration was resolved upon, the pur-
. pose, namely', of enforcing a drastic
scheme of fiscal reform, this, obvi-
ously, has been renounced, The
whole system of apportioning and
collecting the native taxes remains
entirely unchanged. The land tax,
the salt tax, the lildn, or 'inland
transit dues, and the native cus-
toms levied in 'non -treaty ports, are
717-nenow. as they were formerly, under
Chinese control exclusively. There
has been absolutely no change in
the fiscal regulations of the Middle
Kingdom, except as regards the ar-
• rangement for a revaluation of for-
• eign commodities imported at
treaty ports.
• The burden of this change mani-
festly falls upon the foreign purvey-
ors, of which Englalid is the •chief.
It is not believed that the burden
can be transferred to the native con-
sumer for any, material increase in
' the price of foreign geode will :di-
minish the demand for them. In is,
at the same time, evident that the
.pnative taxpayer will be. worse off
than ever, because, in one way Or
another, he will have to make good
the lose that part of the imperial
revenue Which was .forineely derived
frOM the sale tan, froin the native
customs :and' fecen se: Mach of the
ineritinie enstonis .as Waa,-left over
after previa -ling for the in:Wing ::and
amortization of the old 'public debt
of :China. It must,, then, be ac-
kneWledged that :Atte Chinese prob-
lem. remains unsOlned so far as -tWo
of . the. principal purposes announcea
'by, •the foreign Powers- are concerned.
Theee is -to be no reform, and
the Chinese taxpayer Will be subject-
ed to d di ti a7 More-
over, In the absence of adequate
guarantees of heir. good faith; the ut-
penete attitude ' of the Empress -Re -
gat loft eer the future to ,, deter-
Some liCemorable Days .i.n the Fin-,
ancialRistory of the Nation.
We believe it was the Into Mr.
Gladstone who said that -nations,
like individuals, have periods of
recklessness akin to madness." It is
at such times that the Stock Ifax,
change acts as a safety -valve, says
Lohdon Answers.
When the famous South Sea Com-
pany issued its shares, Great Brit-
ain was iutonieaten with Marl-
borough's brilliant victories over the
French, Work seemed distasteful,
when, by buying shares, life might be
made one long maffick. Everyone
bought, and the one -pound share was
soon selling for £1,200. That was
in August 17=20. By the end of Sep-
tember ruin Lad
One smart- gentleman issued the
following prosoectus : "To carry on
flJ JOY IN • •
• .
A Trouble That Makes the Life
of Its Victims Almost Unbear,
able—Causes Headacheh/ eart
Palpitation, Dizziness, a Fe
Dig of Weariness, and a Die-;
taste for Food.
From "L'Avenir du Nord," St. Jer-i
=les 1,1e•
Sufferers from dyspepela or bad di-
gestion are numerous in this eoun-
tier. Ahnoet daily oue beers some
one complaieing of the torturee:
caused them by this rnaludy and it, is -
mm uncommon thimmg to hear u. suf-
ferer say "I wish I was dead." And
no wonder, the suffering caused by
bad digestion cannot be imagined by
• anyone who hae not suffered from it.
The victim is a, constant, sufferer
from headaches, heart burn, heart
intipitatioin and nausea, lie has a:
bail taste in the mouth, is unable to
obtain rented sleep and has always I
a. Retina of weariness and depression.
flut there is a sumo cure for this
trouble and it is found in time great-
est of alt known ntedielnes—Dr. WU- m
hams' Pink Pills for Vale People. /
Among those who have been cured
of this distressing malady by Dr.!
Williams' Pink Pills is Mr. Alfred;
Chasbot, a well known fernier liv-
• ci
. . . J
. Willie -0 maw, eeave sich a pain
in my stun:meek.
Fond Mother—Willie, bove you been,
eating something?
Willie—No, maw, I didn't eat
thing but eight green apples.
Deddebete—I want you to measure
me for a. suit.
Tailor—Why, you haven't paid lite
for the last one I made for you.
Deddebete—Hulal It's wore. out
long ago. .
Is Free from Any Particle of Coloring Y '
latter is Dainty and Innigore
ating ; is the only tea that suits fastidious palates and is wholesome for
the most delicate digestions.
Address AsSALADA,” Toronto.
Ceylon Green. Free samples sent.
Packets only. Black, nixed, Uncolored
Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed Lead
This gentleman stated the capital
, was half a million, in 5,000 share
of Zeno each, on which the -deposi
was two pounds. Each subseeibei
on depositing eves to h entitled .
4:100 per annum per share.
. The projecter opened. his office i
, Cora/din and before be shut. it an
decamped at three o'clock the sato
day, he had secured £3,000 d•
posits of two pounds.
The end of another Company ethic
seemed to be of a singular class wa
:happier. Au office was opened in
, Change Alley, at which investors
were invited to subscribe a ninlioi
his putriotie elation, lie bed mad
Stock rose to 30, and those who
hastened to verify the good news or:
countered a cierriace-and-four. 0
the three people seated In it two
were French onicees. Upon the mete
throw which lined the peth of its
progress were showered papers an-
nouncing the taking of Paris and
death of Nupoleou. entocke rose
Then it was discovered that the
Government had no official confirma-
tion, and stecks crushed back to
their original figure. llut Mean-
while Charles Random do Remover,
who had unisqueraded as Lieutenant-
Colonel dim Rough. bad netted a,
profit of about ten thousand pounds!
This fraud w
as probed by the Gov-
ernment. and De Demmer was forc-
ed to refund some of the money thus
acquired. lie died a livery-ntable
s Believe me. George dear, the fact
t •
that you are not wealthy makes no
difference in my love for you,she
said. I love you for youreelf ahnte.
I would choose love in o cottage ra-
ther than a union without affection
e in a. costly mansion.
Darling. he .said, I am glad to bear
e- -•
you speak thus. There is now but
.11 one obstacle to prevent our marriage.
And whet is that? she asked.
I can't raise half enough moaey
get a cottage.
iThe birth-rate throughout Europe
' according to a letter written by the
Dean of Ripon, is declining, and
, inniglami leads time way. During the
f' last .twenty -live years the ikcrease of
ebildren in this country has wrommt-
, en to no fewer than lattition a e.ear,
Stepheneonts invention of the
steam engine was the cause of the
biggest linencial crashes Eugland
has seen. In January, 3.$15. when
the public had begun to take the
steion-erigme seriously, sixteen reit-
way etenpanies were registered, and
so quick were the public to invest.
that by April the number had in-
creased to lifty-two. Then the value
of the shares, he majority of which
were in companies which had not
been formed. and uever would be.
L.iuO. To a re- - e
porter of "L'A.venir dit Nord," Mr. ,,
Clutebot told the following story of
his illness and subsequent cure:—
"For three years I was on almost 4
continual siniet•er from the toitures
of bad digestion. After eating I feltil
as if seine• 1 '
•lug against my chest. I was racked
with violent headachee: my temper
became irritable; my appetite uncer-
tain; my nerves were a recent and I
was always troubled with a feeling
of weariness. I was able to do Very
little work and semetimes none at
all, Although I tried many reme-
dies I wan unsuccessful in my search
or a cure until a friend advised me
to try Dr. Williams* Pink Pills, Any
doubts may have had as to the
merits of theee pills were soon. dis-
pelled, for I had not been taking
them long before I noticed an im-
provement in my condition. I -con-
tinued the use of the pills Some
weeks when I considered myself fully
cured. To -day I am as well as I
ever was in • my life, and would
strongly advise all similar eufferers
to try 3tr. Williams' Pink Pills and
I am sure that they will find .them
as beneficial as I have. .
Dr. Williams' Pink • Pills cure by
going to the root- of the dieeaee.
They make new, rich, red blood,
strengthen the nerves and thus tone
up the whole system. Sold by all
dealers in medicine or sent by mail,
post paid, at 50 cents a box or six
boxes. for 82.50 by addressing the
Dr. Williams'. Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Out.
•ose by leaps and bounds. and find -
ug not enough Britiuh railway:a the
Long after the Stock Exchange
vas closed each day the gamble con -
limed in the •cotree-houses 'tied other
places of resort. the number of
new projects registered in :Septem-
ber was 437, bring•iug up the total
for the three-quarters of the year
to 1,036. owl October added 363
more. With the end of October came
the panic end crash, and people who
had. bona -fide, shares sold, or even,
in many eases in anger, burnt. their
'seraph. nancial annals 1866 is a black -
letter year, owing chiefly to the
failure of •Overend and Gurney's
Bank, with a capital of £5,000,000.
At the time of their suspension, the
company's engagements amounted to ;
£19,000,000. The terrible announce-
ment was made at half -past three I
o'clock in the afternoon of May 10th
The fallowing produced -the great-
est panic that has ever struck Eng-
land, and the Government was coin-,
polled to authorize the Bank of Engel
land to issue notes beyond the legal1
limit. - This crash entirely ruined,
English credit on the continent for;
many months. The aggregate lossi
to the shareholders in Overend and
Gurney's Bank was over
An even worse crash was only
averted in 1890 by the prompt ac-
tion.of the Dank of England. On the
s - t
_ .
an undertaking of great advantage,
but nobody to know what it is."
sterling for some object or other
not too particularly specified. The
instalment payatne-on application
was five shillings a- share, and the
reckless rushed to make their fortunes
It was not until a very large sum
had been subscribed that an adver-
tisement appeared, informing sub-
scribers that, on calling at the of-
fice, they might obtain the
The supposititious undertaking, it,
was explained, was merely an experi-
ment to test the question as to how
many fools could be caught by such
means -in one day I
That South Sea Bubble did some
good, for Mr. Charles Duguid, in
his "Story of the Stock Exchange,"
statee that the founder of duy's
Hospital was a lighterman, who
made the necessary money to endow
that benefit to London during this
time of mad gambling. Amongst ail
the memorable days of the Napol-
eonic excitement , (says Mr. Charles
Duguid), the 21st 'day of February,
1814, stands out the most. promin-
ently in the annals of the Stock Ex-
change. For a long time the funds
had been heavily depressed by the
success of the French, and had fallen
as low as 29'.
But on that Monday morning the
whole tone et the Soa Foecluinne
Was suddenly chanted. Rumors8
welcome as they were vague, reached
"the House" that the allied armies
were in possession of Paris, :and
Napoleon was slain. There was no
official information, but postboys
were in London• who had conveyed
an officer from Dover the previous
night. He had announeed himself as
Lieutenant-Colonel do-Beiargin In
To Clean 13areboo.—Banaboo furni-
ture is best cleaned With a small
brush dipped in warm water and
salt. The same treatment is effec-
tive with Japanese and Indian mat -
Miss Tellit—Do you know I heard
to -day that Miss Flossie Fusseigies
engagement ring is paste. Miss Gab-
beigli—Oln how perfectly lovely and
appropriate. You know her fiance
ie a bill poster.
The oldest British peer is the Earl
of Perth and Menort, who Is 94.
Lordthrealyr is 91, the Earl of De-
von is 90, and Baroness Burdett
Coutts 87.
Neither the Duke of Devonshire.. the
Duke of Fife, nor the Earl of Derby
possess land in the 'counties from
which they take their titles.
The record for mew tiring is held
by ilintaih's biggest. cruiser, the Ter-
rible. With ti -inch guns, 84 hits Out
1•00 shets were recently regietered
- the birth -rote last year neing 'only
4— •
twenteanine per thousauel of the pope
illation. as compared with thirty -live A NANITHA NAN
in 187:3.
Towne—Your wife bus reroveret
from her nervous troanle, I hope.
Browne—Wen. slit' was doing nice
ly, but now sbeds got a coinrlicatn-
of diseases.
I Towne—You don't, say?
Brownt when *Ale wae con -1
vole,•eing Mrs. FittIMIaa•• next door I
sent her in ned
CI lot of uited ainien-
„aes to read.
In Naples there exists a race PI
eats which live in the churches.
They are kept and fed by the author-
ities on ntirposi; to .ca,1 eh 1110 mice
. .
nide l noon all old builmegs there.
The ainitis may often Le seen walk-,‘
lug about toneng the congregation
:Or sitting gravely before the altar
- during the time of mum
s. erabshaw,-- I suppose you'd
be awfully frmghtened mf. I should
Isend you a telegram while I'm away in 110 country?
Cralahaw--Intleed. I would, my
• dear! I don't know where to raise
any more money to vend. you.
Ilanks—DumIeigh is not such a'
dunce as they make him out. He
gets off a good thing once in a
Hill—But it isn't original.
midis—still it's bright in him o
remember It,
Mr. Frontpew—I am glad you be-
long to our church choir, my dear;
it is such an orderly organization; I
never see you whispering to one an-
other during services.
Mrs. Fro:Amoy—No none of us are
on speaking terms,
Binglebang says he isn't going to
do any more courting. Ile claims
he can't see any fun in it.
What's the matter with Dingy?
He's so short he can't turn down
the gas.
Diggs—And you aren't going away
on a vacation this summer?
Daggs—You bet I'm not; my land-
lord. said if we closed up the house
and went away he would charge me
rent just the same, and I'm going to
stay home to get even with him
far the TEETH ass..?6 BREATH
Patent Belt SEIZOneffr POWDER
Large MR) and ROMER , Teo
4,t the Stores or by Mail, postpaid, for the Price.
A Dentist's Opinion: "4s an antiseptic and hygienic
mouthwash, and for the care and preservation of the teeth and
gams, I cordially recommend- Sozoclont. I consider it the ideal
dentifrice for children's use." [Name of writer upon application.]
HALL & Montreal.
morning of the 15th of November,
of that year, the public were inform-
ed that the great financial house of
Baring Md
fallen. Its liabilities
were at the time £21,000,000, But
even as the news filtered • through
England, it was announced that the
Bank of England, guaranteed by the
other banks of the, country, had
uudataken to 141,1eet all the Baring
debts as they fell due. Time -was avertetl, although, even under
these circumstances, such had been
the shock to the financial world that
Consols fell to 931, a price which
they have only touched once since.
Water to cover one acre one inch
deep will weigh 101 tons.
Dusty Dan—Hi, git off the track!
Here corns de t'roo freight.
Layaround Lucas (sleepily)—Wuzn't
for gittin' my clos tore I'd lay still,
He was talking through the tele-
phone. Is this Mrs. Smith? he ask-
ed, No, it's Jinn eieter, woe the an -
Mier. •it'S the sister f want.
Oh! this lb so sudden, he heard her
say. And then he rang off.
Brock, in Fielland, holds the record
of the world's cleanest town. No
homes or dogs are allowed in the
streets, and throwing wastepaper
about is punishable with a week's
stifies to the Powers of the Fa-
mous Dodd's Kidney Tills.—
Cured of Backache Like Thous-
ands lame —Spreads the Good
Work Among Inris Friends.
Oak Lake, Man., Aug. IS.—Frank
Colleens, of this place, has turned
filisionary. A conscientious sense of
duty has impelled him to spread a
certain good work =tom his friends
and neighbors. 'The work in ques.
tion is the work of Dodd's Kidney
Some time ago Mr. Colleens was
cured of Backache. Ile had it for
years. Though he (lido% know it,
his kithwys were affected. and it was
his kidneys that caused hint so much
Ineltl,Yime found relief. Ile did more,
he found a positive cure. Ile read
that Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Back-
ache. So they tie ; they've cured
thoueands of cases of it, simply be-
cause they act on the Kidneys with
suchsplendid effect nod thus get -at
the •cause of that fearful dimmable -
So Frank is epreading the good
tidings among his friend's as fast
as he can. If he meets a num suffer-
ing with Backacbe he tells him right
straight what is really the matter
'with nim and recommends Dodd's
Kidney Pills, In this way he is the
means of helping many a poor vic-
tim of Kidney Disease who might
never have understood that in, Dodd's
Kidney Pills he has a sure escape
from his affliction.
"It gives me a great amount of
pleasure," says Mr. Coneaux, "to
recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to
all my neighbors and friends. I can
testify to their excellent curative
properties for Backache because two
boxes cured me."
Elephants in the Indritia Army are
fed twice a day. When meal -time
arrives they are drawn up before
piles. of food. Each animal's break-
fast includes 10Ite of raw rice done
up in :five 2I11. packages. The rice
is wrapped in leaves and then tied
with grass. At the command "At-
tention !" each elephant raises his
trunk and a package is thrown into
its capacious mouth. By this meth-
od of feeding not a single grain of
rice is wasted.
Dear Sirs,—I have genet faith in
MINARD'S LINIMENT, as last year
I cured a horse of Ring -bone, with
five bottles.
It blistered. the horse but in a.
month there was no ring -bone and
no lameness.
Four Falls, N. B.
" A new recruit in the first ,Foot
Guards of the Miser William is eft.
high—the tallest Mao the regi-
ment htes had since 1850. The Men's
name Itheirilender. He would
.have delighted King Frederick
liam the Meet.
and you will be convinced that it cannot. be surpassed by anything at the
same price.
Lead Paegagm, 25, 30, 40,50 and 50 fleate
eeet 006000.6000000909600oGeeeeeeegtoe.0.0.0
• weal'
0 —.0000000 .
• Printing Material for .:Salt
4.......at.e..4-4-e-to•e•mo.e-to-0-4.00.4-q-3,,e-e..e-44,41..e.qq-e-c•tet.e.4-e..a.oft=...e.qt-e*•••01-4fier...a... •
2E*X7C,Z1VWX1•474a- 7F*Zer3E1M0XXV. at. •
One Four Roller Campbell Press, front delivery* bed 43,x56, WOO
lit On Four Roller Campbell Press, bed 37x5as
• Olatt
• Two
Also Cutting Machine, Stones, Stands, Body and Display Type.
wacoxiamicra-cit, muir-aioimmatina
7,,col. quarto Brown Folding ?,Ylachines, each *
aphs, in first.class order, each
All this Maellieery In in First -Class Order, Easy Terms will be Given,
or Special Discount for Cash. On account at adding 4. mere up•teedata
Plant the above Machinery amid Type will be disposed of at a i-Acrlfice.
The Wilson Publishing Co., of Toronto
0000e000 OnSveo0.0•090•0•0•0•0e0•0•0
if You Wan
The Dawson 0
Little Fly—Oh, paw, here's a. man
' asleep with his mouth open!
Papa Fly—Better hang the fly bul
let iii on his nose.
Little Fly—What shall I write on
Papa Fly—Wire your ket and walk
right in.
WO Reward,
Tue reaolva of thlg parer will he pleesod to
lora mlnkt there ts at least one dreg:Ate diteeee
that orleura has fteel able to cure In all it*
lit14.01 Tana ttat in Catarrh. hail's Catarrh
Cure it the ealy petitive tura new, known te
the medical trateraity. eatarrb bung a coal,
tlanional tIneaxe, r.snnreA a conuituileeed
triromeat. Cartrrlf Cute is taltcrt inter.
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
itilletrds surfaces el the f.ystein, thereby dee
troyintr the feandatioa of the inseam, and
el:Int aft patient etre:Pah by building up the
Cm netitutiou and as•lating nature in Coins Its
vont. The i.m'prhcto's Imre aa lunch faith in
he ourateve powers, that they oiler inc Hun-
dred Deltars for any emu that it falls to cure.
Send tor lea of test.mouinin
Sold by dr uggi're. Pie.
Brae Yemily Pale are the best
Your cousin, Mollie, isn't a. youth
of striking appearance.
Ile isn't? Well, I never saw him
yet when he didn't appear to be
striking snatches to light his
— For over Fifty YetirS
ma& lyntaLOW'S SOOrstaid Sexier boa been epee te.
• RiZar?ftbIligra, *fOlatAlliggralthAar
-rind edie, regulates the Stomach end bowels, and is the
tiret sgaltIrstimtVrstounfrgaceig saurgl
valor " hins.Wiraz.ow_nSoorarxis Sraur."
Tommie, is your mamma at home?
.asked a. lady caller coining up the
I gravel walk. Tommie, who wan
;peeping around the corner of the
I house, gave a guilty start, and then
I replied meekly:
I That's jist wot I wuz tryin' t' find
out; I've bin seviimniut.
Mitiard 'S Liniment Cures Diphtheria
Funnybiz—PenWhiz is a most ver-
satile man ; he has written a book
an several thousand different sub-
Funnybiz—Fact ; he compiled
Millard's Liniment Cures Colds, ate
Laynnound Lucas—I went up ter a
farm house us mornin' an' mist a la-
dy for -es a common, ordinary but,
ton an wot duz yen suppose she duz?
Dusty—Haven't de slightest; wot
duz she this?
Layaround Lucas—Why, she turned
de goat loose.
Iinard's Liniment NHS DiSteMpel'
The German papers state that old
man Krupp is worth $5,000;000.
Whois old man Ideupp ?
is the maker of the Krupp gees.
- Well, say, 0,000,000 isn't , much
fer a cannonmelem• Wima you consids
er all the startling reports.,
an &s, ("tulle hit -54%4 i Z
01 "pax 1,:z.ez
,f4A,4cideps ..tpyie/ $t.0.-0..,.7...,..,,
,, Lpel (7„
1 E-.1
d t 0rImie
4- tc,s
tug det es,:civ45 . "Put .44seczeld 0,40 rev
tlecieteahlio comI6t4y2
turner, Tilitt3HIRO maafttgre,
leraverite with Qatari' Fermata -ever 20
Years balers limp Pubflo, eq that yea
get it. Hardware. Druz and fieneret
ataree sell it. golds 17 Cold Mnelikle,
ty- iw
aya,. •
Mrs. Newriche.—Mrs. De Smythe
told me hist evening that she is
troubled with ongwee.
Mr. Newriche—What's that?
Mrs. Newriehe—Dear me! I don't
know, I've looked all through the
'0's* of three different dictionaries
and can't end any such word.
1111(111118 i1OuIllfl1 llI8Gallei 10 ON,
Funnybiz—Preshleigh.s sweetheart
has sent him word from abroad that
she cannot marry him.
FiddlestiCks—Freshleigh must be
dreadfully broken up.
Funnybiz—lie is; She sent, word by
cable, collect, and explained why.
W. P. C. 1089
The Hetet Buckingham,
The Marlborough, and
The Lillian.
All op. to -date buildings; root -garden en the MO_
Ingham , room k1.00 per day. AV*, F. B. noznoac
notem Buckingham, Buffalo, N. Y.
For all skin 'ailments.
II, O. Calvert & Co., Maneheeter, England
free or returnable, freight charges prepaid;
exclusive territory; regullr customers.
Seery or coneniseion. Ni' security,
Write quick, COOPICE, Drawer 531, Landon,
SKYLIGIITS Treisairg!:'
TO11.0$TO, Orr
Dyeing I Gleaning
Por the very bestsend your work to the
Look for agent in your town, or send direct.
11/4,11ontreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec,
instruments, Drums, DrilfOrrtir, Etc,
Lowest prices ever quoted, Fir.° catalogue
500 Illnstrations, mailed free. Write us for any
thing in Baum or Musical Instruments.
Wha1ey Royce Sz PiVirilii9PO)at'iland
Winnipeg, an,
Anhenton Conde,
, Pipe Covering, -
lubricating ells,
Creases, eto.
wfil. Sorrell
c eMPOUX,D 00.,
Dotrainion Likikl Steamships
Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver-
pool. Portland to LivorpooL Via Queens -
Largo and rest Steamships. Superior n000mmodati
for all classes of passenger,. SalOongs and
ate amidships. Spotial attention has been given to 't
Second Saloon cud Tram-01am stoommodation, 13
elites of passage and all gartioulen, apply to any age
of the Company, or
Richards, Mills It Do, D. Torraece &C,.
77 State St., Boston. Montreal tad Patio.