HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-22, Page 2GEMINEE StiUTE Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pins. Must Bear Signature of 5e FareSimille Wzetifier Below. Very entele and as grey to take ass -Agar. CARTERS 1:14LtACI4r4 FOR BiliiNESSas ima FOR EltiOUSHEittt IVEk FORTORPIO UYER u.s. FOR CONSTIPATION% FOR $41l,LOW SKIL TilECOMPLEX10 tw:NAttaime. GORE SICK 11EAJAQUS% TIRO IL• LINIMENT FOR Spra.ina, Strains, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcer!, Open Sores, Bruiscs, Stiff Joints, Bites and Stings of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted Cords, itiettruatisen, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Croup, Sam Throat, Q'tunsay, Whooping Cough and all Painful Swellings. it /ARCM BOTT2.2.1. 25e, FOUR HUNNIND SORES, The T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. Some time ago my blood got out of order and nine large boils appeared on my nook, besides numerous small ones on my shoulders and arms. Four running sores appeared on my foot and legend I was in a terrible state, A friend advised Burdock Blood Bitters, so I procured three bottles. After finishing the first bottle the boils started to disappear and the sores to heal up. After taking the third bottle there was not a boil or sore to be seen. Besides this, the headaches from which I puffered left me and I improved so much that I am now strong and robust again. Yours truly, Miss Mee= eVoiterinverole. Peb. 3rd, 'eon Golspie, Oat. ICA TRAINED WOMEN DOCTORS. In last year's report of the London School of Medicine for Women, it is stated that 251 women were trained during the year, some of whom have gone to the farthest ends of the world to become medical missionar- ies and, to serve in hospitals Al- most every important town in India possesses a qualified lady doctor. In China there are many, Persia has one, and several are practising throughout South Africa. 0— FEMALE BEAUTY. The Sandwich: Islanders estimate women by their weight. The Chinese require them to have deformed feet and black teeth. 4 girl must be tattooed .sky-blue and weal nose - ring to satisfy a.South See Islander. Certain African princes require their brides to have teeth filed like 'those of a saw. Children cry for CST4P1 There are believed to be 16 tons,of shells to every cubic mile of ecean. SilePioloos and Wily Ticket-Collec- tor—Do you meien to say thatchild is not over thirteen? He just twelve. So I thought. All over twelve have to pay full tare. Ivor infant nd Children, Tin :ie. Malta itztattro If ,..,?-0•0 • 5s ca .„es;:oette, ovary 711117kia • AA Life is Pull of Pretension, Shame, Double Dealing and Subterfuge. A despatch, from Washington says: —Rev, Dr. Talmage preached from the inikawing tex,1,:--"Wisdom crieti without, she etterelh bee voice in the etZtce—it'iri"Nze ie 20, vette: to listee to the voices of nature—the voices of the mountain, the voices of the pee, the voices of the storm, the voices of the star. As hi suede of the cathed- rals of Europe, there is an organ at either end of the building. :tad the one inetruznent responds musically to the other, so in the great cathedral of nature, day responds to day; and eight to night, and flower to flower, and star to star in the great har- monies of the universe. The spring- time ie an etengelist. in blossoms, Preaching of God's love, and the winter is prophet, white -bearded. r denouncing woo against our sits, We are all ready to listen to the voices of nature, but how few of us learn anything front the. voices of tine noisy and dusty street. You go to your Meeleolitille and to yew' work, tied to your inerehandiese end you come back again, and often with how indifferent a heart you Pass through these streets. Ar there no ' tufts of truth growing, up between these cobblestones beaten with the tot of toil and pain and pleasure, the slow tread of age Buil the quick telt of childhood. Aye, there are great harvests to be inepeti, end this morning I thrust in the sickle because ther*Itervest is ripe. "Wis- dom crieth without, she utterctli her voice in the streets." In the first place the street im- presses me with the feet that this lite is a scene of toil end struggit.t. fly ten o'clock of every day the cite jailing with wheels. and shuilli.,g with fret. and loauuning with voices. and covered with tine breath of smoke steels, anti it-rusil with tot- fielters. You are jostled by those who have bargains to snake and notes to sell. Up this ladder with a hod oc uri.e4f e mit of this bank with roll of bills, on this dray with a load of goods, digging a cellar, or shingling a roof, or shoeing a horse. or building a wail, or mending a watch, or binding a book. Some- times I have stopped at the corner of the street nt; the multitudes went hither and you, and it has seemed to be a great pantomime, and as I look-; ed upon it my heart broke. This great tide of human lite that goes down the street, is es rapids tossed and turned aside and dashed ahead azal driven hace—beautifui in its con- fusion and confused in its beauty. In the carpeted aisles of the forest, in the woods front which the eternal shadow is never lifted, on the shore of the sea, over whose iron coast tos- ses the tangled foam sprinkling the cracked cliffs with a baptism. of whirlwind and tempest, is the best place to study God; but in the rush- ing, swarming, raving street is tile best place to study man. Going down to your place ol business and coming home ogee:, cherge you look about; see these signs of pover- ty. of we:eche:be:se, of hunger, of sin, of bereavement, and as you go through the streets, and teem) back through the streets, gather at in the arms of your prayers all the serrows all the losees, all the sufferings:, all the bereavements of those whom yen Pass, and eresent them in le -dyer be- an all-sympittheoe God. Ago in, the street impresses me with the fact that all clesees and conditions Of society meet ; com- mingle. We sometimes cultivate a wicked exclusiveness. Intellect :des- pises ignorance. Refinement will nothinghave o with lemrsh- ness. Gloves hate the set/burned hand ; the high forehead deepietes the fiat heed ; the trim hedgerow i will have nothing to do with the wild copsewood ; and Athens hates Naza- reth. This ought not so to be.. bless God that all classes of people are compelled to meet,. on the street. The glittering coach wheel clashes against the scavenger's cart ; 'fine robes run against the peddler's peck? robust health meets wen sickness ; honesty confronts freed ; every class of people meets every- other class; impudence and modesty, pride and humility, purity and beastline,ss, frankness and hypocrisy, meet': • on the same block in the mins street in the same city. Oh that is What Solomon meant when he said, "The rich vied the poor meet together the Lord is the maker of them all."' Again : the street impresses me with the fact that it is a veryeeard thing for a man to keep hie heart right, and to get to heaven. In- finite temptations spring upnia US from these places of public concourse, Amid so much effluence, how much temptation to covetousness and. to be discontented With our hatable lot. Amid so : many opportunities for overreaching,. what temptation eo extortion, Amid $o -.much eispley, what tempeation to vehity. _Amid the ineelstroMe and Hell' Gates Of; so many saloons el strong drink, what allurements to 'disSipation, in the street, how, many make, ,. quick; eternal shipwreck. If a inan-9frwar• comes back' front , .iS itewed into the nitiy.Y-yard',WoV,' go down to look at the sPlintered,'SParS; and. count, the bullet, holes, and leek, with patriotic:- admiration on the flag' that flotated victory from the nesse' heed: But that'than gldi,e curiosity who has • gone through thirtY • Years' of Sharp-shoOting nf business and yet sails on victor' over the te.iinirtations of the slreet.': On hOWmany have gond,',.;:l.q(?ndl under the pileure, leaving -not Much as the patch of a canvas to tell .where they perished. ri'hey never had any peace. Their • d ish ones tids'• kept :telling :in •i),16i.r, ears. If had an. axe and could; split 'open' the beams of that fine house, perhaps, I, Would find in very heart of it a skeletbn. In his very best winoI cue is a Smack of ;: peer ins is Oh i is iL strange that when a in.ahr S. Hft5SiON. IN'TPL4VATIONAL LESON 7 AH.Git 25e Text of the Lesson, ,Gen, by unboundecl and,:, in Him, withhol Him, but abandoning terly to Him for His Iaith tiieeeltiqirolis ut ..:ad plOhleurtel that Ffe maygloreey:4V II - This chapter leaveseei:Alereheieiedtee ing at Beersheba (verSe 19); 'M the , , _next s at the age of 127 1-14. Golden T8:x.t. Esb- eo. :an e mied m-- Iebron. In chapter 1. "And it came to Pitss &et theS'o' xxiN:o'tbitt4siservaR:ILofix_:A.44‘abi4antnib, Elie - things that Gerl'xiid tempt. Alsraliatnt*r r • In our last .lesson,, we .100,ed just„ a for Ieeetete chapter xxv little at cha)te-r. xviie Abratabl. t the -is f disturbed with indigestion ? All the forces of eature are against him. The floods are ready to donee and the earth:malice to swallow him, stud the t fires to CO°4:17rtehim, arid0 eh g t m. „ all, the armies 01 God are 011 th, street, and on the day when the crowns of heaven ere dietributed. some of the brightest of them will be given to those men who were faith- ful to God stud faithful to the souls others. amid the. marts neSS proving themselves herees of the street. Mighty were their temptatione. mighty was their de- liverance, and shall he their triumph. Again, the street impresses us with the fact that it is a great al.t.:10, for Christian charity. There. are hunger and staering and want end vereteh- ess '' evilseethtichieflyiti.tnutNIF;eeor;t11e.gosz-TIglvt":4710.. e;irnihuu-et out'piEeelt. and tirunkonsiess staggers. .-••..t.ti shame ' winks, and pauperism thruKs out its baud. asking for tents. Horn went is most equeliti end hunger is nest , lean. A Chrieliee Mon going eieete, a street in New Yore, saw a poser ' heti, and he sloppe.d end said boy, do you know Low to read and write ?" The boy made m74 answer., man asked the question twice ;and thrive. "Can you reed and write ?" and then the boy answered, with a tear splashing on the lack' of his bend. "No. sir : I can't reai! nor write neither. God, sir, don't ; want me to read and write. Didn't.; he take away my father so long ago .1 never remembered to have seen t . lime? and haven't I lied to go Wow; :the streets to go tLitige to fetch ',home for the folks to eat •? an4d dithet as soot). us I cAdd ear*" a' 1 n. for both tabernacle and temple are the eteateeeting mationsof Oa; haVP' go taUtO end Idek stood. in a figure, upon atone tent world, and Vesicles being the must up cinders. and never had ate sehoele: the sill'er ,S'Oekets of the taberneele;enereetie tutu In-ogreve. void thris one r ng. 1.41 -g 0 175 and Lot. In chapter xx. Abrehent went destruction of Sodom, end rescue of. sisaleraullerft.lexeivsr.eoleie,se,aotieledlutealteleilobt-eisst mite' is also receeded at the age oe 4°114=71 watinacirtrroatinbdiertiell Vila° tire 11 Is seen d'elung th4' e Lithat;roi the well of alitni that hits "'tele Tas t,e14e=1 beItt'tctil roes vetli and eeetit 11?,e (Ll„xvi J4, not willingly have gone, where the mony lealust himself for he stipule - tear of God was not Xn Oteetehxxi _ Ii etc the birth of Isaac and the WIXY CAN'T FIGHT. cesthag out of Ielanael and end ' relenn dweliing at Beersheba anti B . eLwe eause They Live Rine at evoriliippiz•Ig In. Lord under a new ye e ta473:• D• Statue. the eteentesting God., Note in f g, ,&11 vezse 4; Sarah's testimony, "Clod' - To a' very large extent the fighting lieth tenee me to laugh." and id i.dualities of a eation are governed wines ere! IS God's promise to, by the,uature of the food which is liagar. w:th His -rear not which I conSuMed every day,- or Made the tize szvond le the hook. Staple diet:of the great belle at the - teed tete tempt Ablellienee signifies .populatiOn. thot 0o3, trie4 him Mei). xi. TV.. At present the reling nations of for 'elec. Lore trieth the righteous"' the world are nzeat-eaters,, and hiss, ties. xi. 5), bet Ile win not try any tory records that they aiweys have lone aeave tilAT in, tr, ab:e ti Cma rbeen. iee. axle pateenee under trial will Not only are the meat -eaters the heirg the crown of life t..insslt1;; best fighters, but they are the lead - Rev, h. VA. ers in every branch of Malmo achieve - '2. 3 "elf.'er him for a burnt offesH moot, and tins in itself explains This front God eeneereing Isis1 ewey why- the Chinese ere such at eniymn hi!, well ,beloved, tor le hole , pohr race in the pugnacious lino. ite had welted tel years at least. Soldiers of the Velestiel Enipire 'Comp:ire in .1 and xxi, 5. Yet net thrive, utter a fashion, on rice, cab - his r Iv obedience for he believed beget and a vegetarian " dietwith that God would raise him up even , just, on oceasional smeekering of from the dead, from whence also lie! meat, %Olen is scarcely worthy of r.vaived him In a ligur.J. Was 'i•ver taking Imo consideretien. mortal num so tried. or did evere •doubt vegetarians would at man come slo ne4aV to 00a in his ex-,: tempt to explain away the matter as perience? in Israel all God's prom-; merely phenomenon, and seine have ises to Abraham centered. tied if they ventured to prophesy that in time were not fultilltel in I'- vie the word to come Ohina will with its 'vast, of fled would fail (chapter xxi. 12).= population govern the world and ne-1 a thine which could not possibly oee. comprise, this on rice end cabbage, cur. Mount Morial,, where Abraham, We have little to do with the,uncerd was to oiler up Isaae, was the saute lain future in thiseatiele. What we ,W4, that whereon the temple 'sensed* know. Is that the Britisii. Anieri-ff III 1 S U • C:111.S. (kIllitans„ Russians and l'renchl What is CastoriA for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harnal(*-44bSt2ltute. 'for „Castor Oil, Paregoric, Ilirops and. Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, , Worplilne nor other ?eretreCtite SIlleetallee. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use 1)y HillionS of Xothers. Castogia destroys Worms and allays Feverish, 72ess. Vastoria cures DiarrIteea and Wind Colle. Costorla relieves 'Teething TroubleS, ,ettreS Constipation ami Flatulency. Casteria assimilates tizo. rood, regulates tit0 Stomaltgl, BoWel4"- OfXnfantS'atild Clitildren, giving! healthy anti- natural Sleep. Castoria is the Children's 724114064---Tile.::AttOtiter'S:•Vrlend. , children. Methers have repslatedly told me 0:4 recommend it as superiar to any pre - Cis fia:St.01.14: ioune Castoria. " COS Or! U Caotoria Is se well adapted to ehikiren of its good effect. upon theirtelietiren." s: eneptieulotawn tome" Pre G. C. etseeoe, 42re11,4114$.1. R. A. Aseeret, M. 1;:t..131-ooklYn, N. le iette sir ? God don't svelte lee to , being neeie trout the. ransom. nice ti , st000pthey ere far and away the hes read, sir. I can't it, ad uor wrait :of the peoPlet ,i lighters hi evelse seeee of the Ward. ,teeither." Ott 1 these poor Wit alt , e. 5. "On the third day." It Is nos, only, in standipg op to phot mut f .1 ern ! They have ITO ChOLN. Born in 'In be a resurrection story. and the: shell with bail -dog pertinuetty, but eeetratitttien, OR tiley get up from' third day is the reemveetion tirtY,, also in clevertactic —(lie winning 4 i their banes and knees to wall:, they , whether of Jonah or Christ, whether i fact= in modern wartalek, take their erst, step on the, roed to t in (ii,n. i or John It I. or has vi. , e'be principal food of the brave 4 ' despaia. elle let us go teeth in the ' :?.. When lie said "Surely I come • rl • I I' • - P its bettong, Pt name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to I quickly." Ile slaty litive thought Of is. sort of dried beef, atIordiug a, great reecue Item. Let us ministers not, the ei Oen Vears of this present ege . deal of now Ea a itighlY con- ; t • be afraid of soiling our black Outlets, as two nays zind rtehrred to His Coen eteurated form. The Boors eat at,. while we go down on that missioi . ing again on the leorning of -the third, eyed deal of this, and there it:. no While we ate tying an elaborate knot day. Abraham's words to his" niTg, questioning than fieeiting qualities, In our craVat, or while we are in t men, "I tout the hub Win go Yowler no matter what shape.they take, Ow study rounding oil some peritele and worship and crone aguin to, The Weak rues of people are the. Ilatorically, we nught be sat -mg% you,' show has strong kinth that 1..u?rice.,,,,sung mitten!, , ma eioses nd la soul from dteith and le hating a Nomway Isene would be given blunt Siamese, regarded since the dawn of imultitude of sins. 0 Christian lay- I to him. , history as non-progressive, stile:1r- ! Men. go out on this work. If you' el., 7. "Where Is the ia.reh for it stitious, and inferior phyeically and i ere net willing to go forth yourself, . burnt offering?" Did a sword pica cc, plentauy to the meetseating netione , then give of your meansand it you ' Abraham's heart as his only son ask-tete (laminae teem. , i are too lazy to go, mill is yen am, ee him this question? etee Diane It Is not to be expected that a Man I too stingy to help, then get out, of - beering the wood and think or the who lives upon leo, cabbage and the ; the Way end bide yourself in the Son of God bearing the eras; on i mei could ever equal. Un eat" of of ; dens mad caves of the ar eth, lest, which lie was to suffer. See bre- i meet, no mutter in whet respect the 1 when Christ's chariot .comes alon.l,. ham carrying the lire arid the knifecomparison is madeawl historY re - 1 the horses' hoofs trample you into the and remember that it is written. It I . i. .1 , ,i.''-•- 4M41 ej i ,. THE, FAC-$ ILE =NATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER -------- 41 - 1r I,, Itv ern nntv yCA tI mire. Beware lest the thousands of pleased the Lord to bruise Hine"! are. The most, remarkable featu-re the destitute of Your city, in the last All that Christ - suffered from his ett connection who the Chinese vein great day, also up end curse e"our enemies must heve been us nothingi eior is tile extraordinary coelness stupidity and your neglect. . when comfier:el with Has agony as with which he will meet death, It Lastly : the street impressos me inc.. er.enieide '`eiy..elode Mo? .p etc!, vwiLly1 ,, , . ., , . is not an easy matter to explain with the fact that, all the people are me, ee), looking forward. Time inhabitants go No tongue can tell, no up and down, but they never words eim describe, what it Cost the weep Vatter to give Him up to die /or our and they never toil. A river flows that city, with rounded and sins or what Ile suffered tin one sub- throughetitute. luxuriant hanks, and trees of 'life 8 •'iV son, Cod will provide him-' laden with everlasting frintag,e, bend their branches to dip the crystal. Sidi tt Iamb far a burnt ofthriug..-,So 1"1115eeYlso'whellittleLambbiothotthem God" tget..1.7Elm 4.' i' No plumed hearse rattles over thatd pavement, for they are never sick. Johnthe Baptist ashpointed With innuottaI health glowing in out. The redeeined 'as'they feel „be- . ' CVery vein, they know not how to fora the Lamb sing, "Thou :Irene:or- :lie. Those towers of strength those thy for Thou west slain and hese re- Prorn *hat boa been learned abeut palaces of beauty, gleam in the light deemed us. to God' by Thy blood," China in recene years the coneluston of a sun that never sets. 0 heaven, and a hundred millions of angels lies uPperinOst- - that while Chinese beautiful heaVen I Heaven where cry, "Worthy is the Lamb that Alias engineering 'led's: PriMeected Otte sue - our friends are I They take no cen- slain" (John i 29- Rev 1r 8- 1) in) -cgssiu* along stationary Reese • .it has rested's:for Centuries without pr re- geSS 'in all that ' ` involves nicition. Titus, while their 'need steactuees ‚ire 'Writable ' and- .ire4iteutly beautiful, ,tliei.i. machines 'for' (fain.. work. .taid 'inOving-PoOPle and gobh are rudely: away unless one takeS it TOr granted that death is either treated. lightly as tin hsaboru iuStinet or. that, life is not valued to any extcnt. EITGIBTEEBING 'XINT CECINA. • 0e4stials,Anticipated Some of Our Modern' Inventions. SUS in that city, for it is inhabited He had been fore:eel:tined before. tee' by "a multitude which no man cant foundation of the World, but wets number." Rank above rank ; host manifest in due time. above host ; gallery above gallery ; 9, 10. How thestather's heart =list have been torn as lie built the altar' and laid the:Wood, upon' „iv_ But: sweeping all around the heavens. Thousands of that:sande; Mililees of enedrillions of quadrillions,: quintillions Of mentellions. Blessed are they who enter in through the gate into that city. Oh, start for it this morning. Through the blood of the greet sacrifice' of the son of God, take up your March for heaven. "The Spirit and the Bride say, Come and whosoever ' Will, lee him Come, and take of the water of life freely," Morning, for the first time, espouse their faith in Christ. All the doors of invitation are' open. "And I saw twelve gates, and. they were twelve edaele." , ' • . what were his feelines as ,Ite, bound primitive.- The cutlets'Chinese Isaac and laid him 'ori_the :dear uPen "'wileelbarr°77'ie still - the Wood and took the Icaire,;tht transportation, hand to slay his sonl Who can toll but -Modern teage construction" for but GOO: For no one had ever ' jttet: buildings, "hlis'been. prioticed ;by 'the the same fellowship with God. HowOntleSe for cdhiAttier.:;, . eve letned deep the meaning of the words "God.. 01 0er. C11111.6! rllii's;is one °I the so loved the world that He gave obser:VatipitS. • int-tde only begotten Sone?' or theee; "The' bet,' Mr.:eWilliernAleiteither.' lenespes "durieige ei. ieileene • sie4est ikete9.81; rthd neebeded in ' eni..010d "An Anieriet.tic, Chin • Atitither' eglantine* if!if neee.'heeeefe-hy antic:4118;0d ;Seine ;of-7tn-ir' nioderri. inVention.v ..is 1,6416f4ed` .1)y" :the';'sys'teM.: of di',lig up like .1"1:40. '14: boat:by 1iutifih.61.41$ this, with •P.Pi& .dietteigebitek turlhcr than .' thirteen'tli;',centUrY;; rrhe itunbet of' 'Ciiinpaitntenteee Chinese trading vessels W6i3drie're'cl'itit'.7 on the nereleerecift owners in a vas:, iel . Mr . Juimeetne ee,oalei son, in an article in Cassieres. Magazine several Yeale.iegoelt'tblel' ehabsite a,:ilivegelettes'• Werei,sometirmes -;4•aS thmmy tas.'.1.00st,..ertchI"fiatitater- shipping' Lfd.13.$ ,10'NVII'..:goods tin hin towait?. comp air tmcitti *hien fhe,t.:11.tte up 1st, :1 suit ;../finis811; r • 'rat'ent l:;:; int Per s or 'See Who; of ,IiIst,(-famito takci. charge ,of hiseproPerty ' .1-, lei tthus beet:he-etre Onzt4entji -„inahriti,g-aSOtet6(4,',foi. 311Ad !3‘ti;t1,10t .than , for Cciii ciail.43,VOn-snetiliOna& but, tlabm;& 'i no lfouht tliatii;thni,e61n4 partnie•ht;'tp,Imi e.xiStecti:at/tikal4 ealidt• ,diatte.?7. and/ tittfty,/ tbis;&,wth.fei:nlipted",41tbsthili•tititli• ; :t,•, Son of God loved me andgave Join this great throng who this self for me," as "His own' self '..bare; our sins in His own bedy,!';'..,i•TorniSed for our iniquities!" • 11, 12 ."Now I know. thatt,,"thou feareSt God, . seeing' thou hest 'not withheld thy eete, from ye.". 'Thus' 'spake.•the angel 'f the Lord, the •Sbn' .of God, the Lamb of. God--.111mielf,' :as He stayed the uplifted,i4ini" raham. He had tried found HIM leaning eot „tiPbe Isaac, the gift of Gee; but upon';Ged Himself. ; We are alit„ to ii.11674.'.the good," gifts of •God to comb 'IdetWesn 'Hine and t1.8 amid 1 eai!it atp en; thorn' i7S.- tin:44 than tiPini Him; sd,t at' for our good He often renteVos t, 18. "Abrahaan Went and took' the. ram and offered hfin Up 'ler; ,iii".bni:itt7 offering in the stead or 'Om truly. was Christ, the '1...titim15; nf offered in our stead, as; . our ; tate, 'bearing: our s,ins: There•is ::ealeettlere by ., trying ' t ',live- ' 1;50: lived,. for we. cannot lif.:Ve His life el's-: 'cept as Shall. liye" it tn. VS,"Aiittpe is not., iti us 'I:unit:78; roittlive 1:1M- as, ate. One who. died ''hm'our §t„em., ref,' empti oa Whi ch'Clod p -eel cited begins in, Otir experience with thelfkr-- giveneSS of sin's, and :he' whose MIS .are not forgiven' has not; Christ' 'in ./1 Ian, ; ' ' ; . • ; 115 "Awl A.b.riall am, called Use al eine Of that , place ; The margin says that • the :name :signifies ."the Lord see or Slice Hula's f us ciett;r- est and best, hONV 'CaTr•WC 2:0)11.'4 for moirient that Ire; will ,aughL.,fretn, us .:I.J1.41.; Will 'to. thi' our IA, (to '(1,"s.. 1 .1,1),.; • ,Let„ vs, adopt. Lhosc: WOrds, we•tlitr./19:::/i1P:t already Clone so, LS 0210 () the '11.10t - I 1 n.a nf nn, C30,i INT U'" nncl fxlciricv, MODTHAN TIE'EXPECTED. , A tailor named Sam Seee• from a country place visited a arge t whole- sale warehouse and ordered a qualm- thy of geode'. 'Ile was poLitely re- c_eiveci, and one of .the principals showed lem over the establishment. On reachihg, the fourth floor the. pus - tenter saw a tube on the wall', 'the ,Iii7St he had over Seen. Oli,at is that? he asked. • ' ph, -th ats speaking tube., It is, gr6p:t .conVeniencia.; '.We can, talk :with it, to the clerks on. the :first; without, ;taking the tt'buble of :tee?eielie deWns tairS. ; !,;-•;arn, they bear anything ty4, you 6-"a'y through it?;,. The visitor put h1 'nlouth to the, tube, and asked: Are Skingdods packed. ye t? The People in ithe office.SVPposed was the•sales'inah, who had asked the' ,que•stien, ',and in a ,inetnent ;the' dis- tin'at r'epIV came 'beck:- • ; Nb' We are waiting for ii reply frou'i , 114'1 banker;' "He looks like a SliPpery customov .4„ 'Ohlicirets <ete' tErtp.7' &41 • 5 -• '.,c' Wellt-er—iiaughter, . Speone'e:, is a very; niee young pi.an, and as T. „Save 0)11„: . . I Nor 9 Timu,:tuanctLTOuttetrucl middle:me:1 inert are annually swept to tk_prernata rereve thronek INDISCRBT1,07i, AND soL0013- "D/SU..t101:43. If ye:tie:ye arty of tea followingaymptotus constet us before It is toolate. .Are yen persons end weak, despondent end elootne, ePeces before the eyes with darn circles under them, week back,kidneye irritable, palpitation of thum. heart, bashful, dreams and lezees, midlinent in urine, nimolee Olt the facet =then oYeti, leollOw cheths, earewOrtte:Fpression. peer memory, melees, 41i:trustees knelt energy and strength, tired morn ttigs, restless nights, changeable ruoodo, weak man. hod, stunted organs, premeture *Coy, bone pelts., hal: 40oact, Pore throats etc.? Our New Method Sereuteuitent will en= yen. E L 0 OD Nattier{ Cali bemoredemoralizing to young arid Intddta-aged men than entisstons at night or secret dmins through the urine. They ;meta man for business, nom- tirivedeillyfee4omreyoocul.al cuhapapelnseetzu. AN:Ayr:atter whether caused by evil habits ,lit ll pyouth, natural weakness, 'r reveal exeesse3. cur Bow Atari:tad Trosttrzt naewieal. TliED. NO OURS, NO PAN. o Names Used Without Written Consent, W, it. Muir, of Tema, 0., sayrn—"I was one of the counters victims of early vice at 15 years of age. The drains on my system were weakening my brain US well as Ply sexual and nervous sys- tem. For tett years I, tried °COCOS of doctors., eiectriebenaaudpatentmedicines. Soma helped 3150, uoue cered. I was giving ti Iii despair, In faeecomemplatingsnicicie elien a Iriend ad. clseti me as a last resort to give the New rf,. D1a:0.3n2 'Fret:tend err t. of Drs. I. & K. a fair /- trial. Without confidence I consented and in three months I sva% a cured.. man, I was curet e, seven years ago -situ :married and happy. X heartily reconeneud Dm. IL K. to my afflicted BeforeTreetment fellow emu." After Treatment We treat and aura Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Sentlual Wealcness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Eiseesee and all diseases of Mon and Women. SerNO NAMES t7SED.WITII0IIT WRITTEN CONSENT, PRIVATD. No nicdtctuo sent C. O. D. No names on hones or envelopes. 4verythIng eonilden-lat. llguressUbonfisetnanudeciyst calf trea. Ktuteetngt,arlitoD 41. 48 SHELBY aSJTIFIEtielEISI:1:,itten. tVtt a a etenee -eletes' . Itlieee-,Tills pre . a t specific, fog:all cliseasesrising,, Trotn. aisoiclare4 ' tie rVa4,1keblc.,,hear:t,or watery blood. atn'kq nOVo,ustless., •Sleeples.s7, efeeeil 1,,ed eriene; 1.14tiate'reil Ply see; brain' If6149,06e1liee.iststS, nee eeal, clebah ty, apd 1aolt,etq?itality.".,Price:soc. a bat; ,t,!±,t311113,34 417 117:56S."""'fsE s; 1 .0,H10•1;' 'm 73 The census re:pp:no; Sliew tha.t of! the, 82,526,07,5',1,:11ersons enuAieratedl ' "9 1md, givcs 'in, ,oX;cesS„" of:1;,0132;;6 kfeit4116,',.' an: ;_eXcess ,tqfait. pny.tiagy, in th.p ,9f,yisr,„ grt,90.4;‘MY,ik, '?••13,..i.($44••• tf,e8ini tato ?LeP.I.,924??4gi; In .tt'$P ;tile' °x--) imundrecl e asjilgit;1cit ;e4CI•111e'ellAtt eAllee. 851 ,t 11 aWAri,gl. nl.?•Aelit 7d,rect.tnitire,,"r; • V' • , .rert fz74'4' 7 SO-CALLED STRAWBERRY*COMPOUNDS , ARE ROTE11140 MORE og cEss tHers MW .iLTA1t8., THE Put i; sit yellbtozurapprt) ourn ES 61arfuipa, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, ?ains In the Sthhnacli, ••.(holer4i7Q1ioldra,Mqbus, Cholera '.1riftinttihr all: 8'uthiner Colit • klapriT17, leas';•:Effectual,:' it • •tairisiOrov.6, 111'6.;-AtetildeiriSA, is 'bi',Vdit,- ,Ad,i'with r`eadifig !il'iny•Et paicltfo,r • PilMers • tiran ap,fr Other Man 'in•ItM,) 7 Utli rie0;.:;;:ent. g" teO.Plikii3O' ?-tac-tv sp aVer.§,