HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-22, Page 141111111111111111111111101111111111111111911•1011.111MW Nrirr HURON &MIDDLESEX GAZETTE TWENTY-NINTH YEAR—NO 2. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22, 1901.. Just Wh.att You Now Want THE PERFECT CURE To protect your cattle and horses from being tortured with Flies. Portland Cement Thorald Cement Machine Oils Lace Leather Belting, Etc, Preserving Kettles, Bishop Sou H ensa.11 jOIIN WHITE & SONS Klripen tl3rown on Sunday last. -We are pleas- Church Notes. a.Seilery, I,. re se rep, seamier eiraeu. Betimes. Ilenry Shaetler, our hotel the list ot successful caudiciatee for Rey, a. A ers—""---- • ed to see the name of Percy Baues in of Sarnia reached •••,•••••••••• pre meter or folly Teats, had been Junior Leasing Exants, When it is in James-st7chu'reh on. SunhaPy last. extracted with° r e QC S. pears ensall. ge ounce ey,on. say leg op to meet au ottligation (as he !Moactegoommencing ata-vaetie ; says) but unforeunately an Wednes- tatesit Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth • ger, Commissioner, Fireinsurance Agent, and a few moments mid the proprietor ac- jasorer of marriage Licenses. J..egal documents; ' ocrcpanied them evening some pereuns called in for G. J. Sutherland, Notary Peblic, Conveyan- "3' , carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money i to the door. Jle had 19tace at the rime crave. licasall ; tune they were in and put It hastily i to emu on real estate al. low rates of interest. 7 made change from his wallet at the 1:3tuars.-Mrs. Craig and son Wen. in his inenie wet pocket. While at left on Tuesday for A•1•00seiaw- Man: the door be t. es atteactedto his butch - where len,ewehaeawhanya ats paiereaalyeetinrstrz .hopantiaz,notimsetaibtliewsei.unboutsii.y theroad some Uwe ago, is still itteng,, but wet hustling around. Vol' be sat down ante to speanneReary Arebee and roan to rest nod discover his pocket ily, who have been visiting here, have !b°°,.k wig! about S'5I6 was not In his returned to their home in Fort Smith. poceee here he is poeitiye be put. it. Arleansaa-Alfred Seruten reneiVed the mystery /lb" lia/ te"tue " it. teieorera rem Thom, Ewa county, Searth has been made frt evevy part 1 Wednesday night, dating. that ids but °AU tvaq't" 'Arr" a" 'Us' ; only purriving parent bad 30inen tne Shaeffer are kind and obliging to then' rat majority. Her 'vestment pre- neighbor* and the gt.nerat LOU was not aware that she was i deceased her several years. ore. sera. and their loss is very mud, regretted. considered that he only spent lane Res-. ma mayeeg and. Rev. ete. year at Luca» High School, Percy de- Waddell, Blinn -111e, exchanged paipits serves great credit for his success.- last Sunday, Mr. Waddell, occupying On Tuesday evening last a load of the pulpit both morning and. evening. young people from main St. methodist D. V., The Rev. Arthur Murphy, M. church, Exeter, visited our Epworth „ will preach anniversary and Han. League. After a good program yestTnanksgiving serrcons Trivitt the League the Secial ortrarnittee tem Memorial church, on Sunday Septene charge and refreshments were served. her /ea Our League hope to return the cow- Rey. E. Sewers, of Brucedeld, and pliment at no distant date and pay a wife arrived home from Scotland. Tues. vide. to Exeter' League. amr. and eire. day t a reception was tendered them Robinson and family of Dresden, are by the congregation on Thursday evening. Rev, Richard Whiting, IL A., of Mitchell, has been extended a call by the Offielal lIoerti of the Askin 8treet. visiting this week with Dr, and eters. Rivers.-011as, and Mrs. Zwicker, and the misses Rats, are visiting the Pan- American exposition at 13uffalo this week.--Alisses Wiggins, of Goderteht Methodist church. Clinton, to succeed, ane miss Zwicker, of London, are visit- Rev. J, W. Holmes, ing friends in the village this week.- The Roman Catholies have already ?ars. Jae. Hodgins returned to her broken ground and are making ready home here on Monday' last after e two for the erection of a Separate School 4 dangerously al so the news came as a Y months' visit with her daughter in in Seaforth ; his to be built on their 'great shock to him. Ito left Friday ...•••••,,m...W Detroit. 1 4roperty on the north side of St. Entars.--.Mre. George V.IAN ter, DC, . Jfitries' ehurch. I neorning to atteed the fa wee. Mrs. Scrotien had been a resident of Vienna, ° . ' c nurnaled by her ditughteten Miss SOclorn At at Meeting of the Perth Presby. Mary and Lucy, is at the parental — I for a great many years. tery, held on Monday last, at Rueeel. home. Ma ilDti Mrs. T. J. Marla. BRIEP8.-Our school has once more dale, the Presbyterien congttegation of 1 eliRretFltueneMidl Marggerito Ingm1-11 after an absence of ten years, and will tett:nue-aced., mew Rieman tante. the Croirterty. presented a unanimous and g, 7-oistock,uwhio3 b/is been /siting wake an 6 xtended. visit. Mrs. Vann place at our lost teacher. miss a Fen, very heartyc call to be their pastt to 1 er rot ngraeroi, ae re. turned orne.-Tbos. ar ate, tcY h°Me WeaP t)herlint Fans:56. enson.-The windstorm on tionda.y jeer. Ra0. ranstonegrOne_dan est, of wielare her husnena is engaged iu toe reat deal or damage in tide alley offer asaiary or $599 ; free manse • i Pin Geiger have a large caused immense ort.ceilt.t.itY- Trees arelfences were blown mr. Ching's site Wan torn to The tea naeetiug of Bethany Mello- • ue es y ee turned borne last week.-tlesera lie- fionea hot. weather letteky Students AIATRICT:144rTION, PART 2. gang at cleavage to the crime in that state es !work in the flax mill, preparing the pecially to the great staple, earn. As leilifged.lnudis, excaleutEriseayubliol as eons t odnistacohnitande4.11, eTlyileanuiluegs.R.Aoul: wzsitilbl.iewhheelud Courtright who was visiting here re- stock b in e fee $ the Ion teen- I and three weeks holiday •••••••••• ••••• • crop, which was large this year and Wenox. eansequence the farmers of "Bleed- Lucan to wait ou her sister, =a G. addressee will be delivered by Revs. R. The Department of Education has ie- j E v wen edvel-Mr- and Um Andrew ing Kansas will not. add meth to their,Emden, wee is sicee-atiss Gladly Milyard. Exeter ; Jahn art. Wood- oued the results of the senior leaving 415$0113, owns* a Bruce. of near Oroinarty, are reeldin t lattonesenneetewe Nati-el, MR Aitcheson. F 0 Brecitifoot. g bank accounts this -74151 Y-Au'Lle Green of near Zurieh, is the guest of haw ; 0- JewitS, Hensel' ; Fletelier. with' XL's" 'Pengall7"-laiss 1/1°.' and queenle Martin went t° ' her cousin Hazel Prouty. -.A. young Thatnee Reed, met resedent titinisters. maybe found only the names of SlIeh 140 31c1)0naldt A )3 Smellie• gannote-Robt. Bengough, has very rsons as have passed in all the sub-" MIDDLESEX. much improveil the apnearallee of bts Case, I'M Elliott, F Gray, H are given below. Under Matriculation B E Pherson is visiting friends in Dun. Cecte for which they were candidates.. It, N Campbell, 'A. D McAlpine, D dwellitig. by boxing it repainted.- ee melee en a gents* forn:Affig awe *nom at matriculation will be ea atcracelau ea E Air ii 0 _a Coo er F at 1 Toronto where they wet realato ie tut was day cut up. Sundae- at 10.34 and VP p. wetly Rev, Gordon. of Midland Citv Mich where 01 104 - A.ndereon, Kidaton, hillS for Ill after the exhibition. -Mr. Stewart er of F.:Green got tangled SII a Special sertneue will he preaelled, on bath wire fence Ir further particular% P ores • 0 near MIN amen* ready-mades LIVISIDeSS. W4,3 ha the WinCheiSea • A couutry utitil-tee toak leave caf his m Real. et. R ems purchased the dwelling owned by einaae test week sleek -we. le -te iltawevarrtedmenotnof t'lii.1:14sAben:is:lollutie enette F Beneut,euee ' re•opened on Monday with a fair at. loves thte church bevense cone of you • atrucroee, Carlisle W LI Clark, Wm, Chapman, on Milt et, and in- on tune friends BRIEES.-J. 0, Jones ;and family are euugreig`ttlml In the .10:10tvingit ethet74 manner ; Brothers and sisters I come triculation standing. L E Da,yis, 0 H Escott, :NE Een tends moving to the village. -owing • rusticating at Grand Bend,-seboa The asterisk or ata.r before the naine to say good bye. I don't, think Goa means that the candidate lias obtain- Crorna.rty tendatice, m. martin, of Exeter, is very honors ' succoysfglye actin as rinctitral ever die. I don't think yon love eeent gletnIy burned. Tile ilre started in the colt, 8 Fox, D L Graham, A Gib- bons, A NV Grover, W J Hamilton, C 13 V Uurleett, Al Jackson, A Al • .Alaver. AI It Madden, 'Cl Alarshoil, U. J Moorehonee, R. lIfeAlnine, E MacArthur, ,1 IT Page, NV 0 Russell, to the engine in the IlOWer house breaking the village has been without electric lightsince Saturday evening. -Mr% Sain't Steacy, who has beea seriously ill for Some tiine, underwent surgical operation on Saturday last, THE Market epot OUT PRICE& Welt we this week placed all o prints on the counter and will evil att AT COST? L;hesVests, short sleeves, regular price 20e, 2 foe 2.3e. - Ladies' colored _skirts at lowest prices. All summer goods a ni 1 at cut prices. tateetteee We have a full: range of canned goods for the summer months. AU new goods. OeteLT4AND SEE OUR GASOLENE STOVES. Just the thing for warm weather. Different 'prices. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods. P Rosso: Joseph Staffer Marys, died= Tuesday after a short illness, aged 53 years. He was a harness -maker. and a. member of the town council at ti time of death. Charles monteith, or the That a s Road. who was stricken with pat a sis a few days ago. is slowly eirdeli. ed;ee Eva Tapp, of Whalen, lett r autnitoba with her aunt, Mrs. Ti' of Exeter. Site will spend her vi her father's out there. On Friday of lest week a dieu fire occurred on the farm of Wee McLean, on the mill road„ near cene forth, when the barn, with all ite eon. tents. and a driving shed were corn- unsum j o. sT.mautty.B...L.EXETIllt ONT. tett ar rmakes rse man iother because I never marry way oe ern while the two sons were taking SENIOR LEAVING. I don't tem: you ;eve me en, oil a load oats The team was bac keel salary. 0 new offava, potato eneee to Loan. I Scotland. -Rev. Thor . awyer and ; Y°13' cause eou have not paid my up tc• Fave them, but unfortunately Paret la Senior Leaving -j. Ander- Toronto, who have been spending Ball:VS.-Mr. and Mw rkielAchlan,of ;sister, Lilly, of Teeswater, visited i a i friends here on Tuesclay.-mrs. G. Lee, ' HURON, l'our donations are mouldy fruit and 1 the waggon struck the side of the shall know thein, beatings I go te a barn ; the horses then became fright - Downing, I. AL Robertean, J. A. Gar- D, , of Toronto, is encoding a few weeks . wormy apples. Oliy their fruits ye son, M. E. Porter, M. I. Clark. 1-1. M. few clays visiting At his brother's, diner, M. J. Govenlock, H. F. Harty, AlcIetchlan, here, left foe home iestn with her sister miss m Wynn. -A i T alit iriles boSzannedienilitseisreuntitt afteefeowantitaYnifi "nlot13:';nattn` I. ' C; 1 Bilo'n'mNay taloiti Llt;rt,i.1 have mercy A. few of our lads and 1 assies speinlet a. I' H Schee, J Wateon, V II Wel. and we are pleased to learn she is do - llama At Yates, L Douglas. G tog nicelte. -Andrew Itounglelat, Gunn, R gammon, W E ()wen% LIMOS Bonthron, Ernie Carlisle, and, Week.-SIiss McArthur, of Brussels, is number from here enjoyed the lake ; better niece, to be chaplain of a pm. .;etlouglwaetrteiRilusurne*taongelivietdan'elutcanvna U. the guest of Miss Agues Meleachlane- breezes at Grand Bend on Saturday.- tentint7" "I g° tf/ PrePari/ °am fc/r eiv'el.ulegtagiilltnyv:c.taii:su:lidli: aft a.zontitit:alteirti;oluilt.:::;?oatis:real,:11.neecit•t- V W Leughton, A. T j Connor, T Abner Johnston drove to Auburn on Douglas, W F Edwards, 0 Glenn, Saturday and spent Sunday there. - AI McKenzie, S Sands, D Saxton. Miss Vera Kerr, of Tnronto, is visiting relatives here. -Geo. Ingrain, intends offering his stores here, by auction on Saturday next -The Misses Mader, of Brussels, are visiting relatives in this vicioity.- The Messes Vaavalkinhurg, of Chicago formerly residents or the village are guests at de O. Klausen'setr, 0. Stone- man was in Guelph, last week attend- ing the Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 0. F. Be was accompanied by Alia Steno - man. -Miss Higgins, of London, is visiting her cousin, as is also Mrs. Hill, of Buffalo. -Rev. E. A. Fear, of Atwood, and his son were in the village this week renewing acquidia- tances.-Aniong those who recently passed the public school leaving; exam- ination of S. S. No. 10, taught by Iaiss A. =Gregor, were, J. A. etawen, son of Duncan =Ewen ; Atiss maty A. eteDougall, daughter of Win. itc- Dongall.-miss O'Neil, of Luca% is visiting relatives and friends in Here sall.-NVm. eritchell and family have returned from Grand Bend. -misses Petty have returned from visiting friends in Parkhill and Lucan.-Mrs. Hunt of Galt, is visiting her mother- in-law, mrs. R. Hunt. -Miss Annie mcNee, who has been visiting here has returned to Denfield. -john mc- Intosh and wife, of SeafortheOwere in village on Sunday lase visiting airs.. Sheffer. -T, Higgins, barrister, To- ronto, was visiting his sister tars. W. O. Davis the past week. -D. A. Kern, of The liaisons Bank, Is away enjoy- ing a short vacation. -Mrs. Ross of montane, was in the village on Mon- day visiting her brother, Rohe. Bon- thron and friends. -0. Ee.crett was in London last week-, having eccompan- ied his daughter, mrs. Webber, of Texas, on her way home. -The misies Murdock, left last week to attend the Pan-American, -misses Kate =Ewen daughter of Wm. mcEwen, who has been in Winnipeg for several years, returned home on Tuesdey lase-isers. Britton,(nee miss Ethel Stark) of Iowa, accompanied by her two children are here visiting John Scott, and friends. -Rev. G. Long and family have been spending the past two weeks at Grand 13end.--The friends of Mrs D. McCall, will regret to learn that on Wednes- day onetst week, as she was driving to see her daughter, Mrs. E. Coital% eheliorse shied, throwing mrs. =Call out, cutting her face and otherwise injuring her, A..A, Hay, A. F. McLean, E. J. Ale- Itiichtte Part 11., Senior Leaving -Alice AL E T Showier, G 5 Stewart, IC 11 MeEwen, At, Al. Porter, Al. Donlon. Thornton, Al Wyatt, A R Aitchison, IV. G. Edward, 0. At, Elliott, E, a• II Wing. Mynas, G. V. A. Watson, A. L. Mac- Junior Leaving Lean, B. .7, McMichael. Honor Matriculation -E. J. The Department of Education bits bald, (literature, composition, Latin, Greek), R. Macpherson (Greek), 3. A. Gardiner (French, physics, chemistry). MiDDLE.SEX Part 1., Senior Leaving -S. J. Letli. bridge W. 'Moorhouse, Al. A.ylesworth. issued the results of the commercial specialist& commercial diploma and Pt. IL junior leaving examination% which are given below. Junior and senior leaving certificates will he awarded on application to such saudi- Wrlisle, T. Fitzallen, le G. Gould- dates for scholarslups at inatriculation ing, Al. NV. Harvey, D. M. MeLean, R. Mate, A. L. 0,Brien, Al. Rumens, as are entitled to them B. G. Smith, Mara, II. Gillies, A. etttneX. D. Watson, Al. L. Ressor, Z. E. Shen- IV S Baled, It, Blake. 0 Campbell, W N Candice, Al A Ellis, J Jeffrey, J* Jenkins, Ker, K Mc:Court Edith .5- T AlcEwen, A McLeod, II 0 leteMordie, 0 Rogers, B Shepherd, W Todd, J A Wiseman, W Bell, L L Bentley, W Cowan, 11 Dalton, E B. H. M. tereely, A. D. Carrothers J. .7 Eacrett, vir Edward, S B EIliott O. Murray. E E Farrow, PB Graham, E E Guest, Honor Matriculation -D. R. Graham S R Miller, E A. Merrill, Glenn Mc- eliterature, composition), G. .1. In- Donald, T S McFarlane, L L Alciffath, gram (composition, literature, French, Charles L E Newton, May Logen,New- German), Ci. Martin (composition, lite ton, Maud Spence, 3' Al Stirling, Al erature), J. R. Rowat (composition, Troy, 0 Al Turner, L E Yeo, Bielly, literature), V. E. Williams (unathe- L Blatehford,H Brownellea Buchanan, =tics, French), L. A. Wood (litera- R Carter, H Eberhart, W Gillespie, tore, composition, history., Greek Lab G Hamilton, ML Hartry, A Hillen, in), E. Wyatt (physics), H. J. Moor- A AlKeys, T Lamb, S Lamont, T., S house (composition, literature). Lawrence, E A Murdie, E W Murray. PERTH. B McDonald, 0 Pybus, T 'Ryan, 1' Sander, BA Scott, 0 Sills, 2)3] Smilhie, Part 1., Senior Leaving -D. Baird, RA Smith,- B A Thompson. W Bert Van Egmond, A Waugh. S White. herd. Part 11., Senior Leaving -W. Moor - house, B. Alderson, II. P. Blackwell, F. 0. Bowman, W. Al. Coombs, A. MacLean, Al. Runlims, Al. H. Upsilon, I. Meta, A. L. Hotson, T. E. Browne, J. A. Douglas, A D. Hendereon, A. E. Johns, Jennie MacVannel, 0. F. Marshall, Al. A. Martin, 0. Shier, A. G. Vining, A, Yoting, E. Eghert, E. S. Ferguson, Y. W. Meagen, H. Morris, G. McMillan, R. H. Robeits, G. F. Boulston, Honor Matriculation -W. A. Ken- nedy (history, composition, literature, 'Algebra, euclid. Greek authors, Latin), MATRICULATION, PART 1, HURON 0 Peterson, W Whiddon, P Hoo- per, D Rendle, 0 R Farrow, 0 W sea Graleam, D Morris, G Robinson, 0 K Saunders, AU Taylor, W JR. Martin, BER Case, Itt H John- son, H. McMillan, J. Al Richardson. mIDDLDSEX. H R V Chase, McOreery, R Robertson, Surber, E L Wal- ker, 0 T Allan, H G Arnott, A Al Benne, Al Beal, H W 131ackwell, G Cameron, J. P. Campbell, .3- , Leonard J. Clark, Alan G Clark. MIDDLESEX. W E Ash, P H Johnson, John' E Johnson, Mary B MacIntyre,11 NVat- terworth, D A Andrews, M Allison, E E Baker, 0 S Bell, L A Berry, W E Bolton, Mina Campbell, B Cassidy, F A Chapman, R F Cooper, G F Al A Craig, Al Dickie, 0 Al Dun- kin, H. S Evans, R G Fraser, Goven- lock, J At Grant, G A, Hodge, L S Holmes, 0 IV Hookway, Jenny A Johnston, George Johnson, D Al Kil- bourne, F Side, G A Little, S Mills, F L McDowell, D McEachern, F Mc- Gregor, Al Mackenzie, C McMartin, T McMechan, A Orr, 0 E Perry, S L Smith, L Al Stapleton, L G Turner, 0 Vining, L Watson, P 8 13anes, Laura Braithwaite, Lillian AI Braithwaite, Victor Braithwaite, N L Guilfoyle, Warren Hodgins, Richard H Hodgins, Heber S. Hodgins, A J MacIn tyre, E McLaughlin, Al MeMiller, .1' J. St. John, W J Simpson, David II Stewart, Alex. Wilkin, Lilly Ann Wilkin, 11 V W •^•—• Grand Bend E g Davis, A R Geary, X Gra,nt. H I Langbton, j A leteKonee, S R Smelter, 3' Brown, A T J Connor, B Orawftird, t Beans's.- Lindsay Williams of Goat - F Greenless, J Al Gunn, E W Har- bin, 13 w. Hyman, G s Johnson, No T 3 Douglas, W F L Edwards, 'Ol PI - - rich has commenced his duties as W Kennedy. L Lawson, E A. Lovell, ; Guilfayle, M McKenzie, T 0 Milliken, B teacher here. -Mrs. -Thos. Mollard ar- Sands, D It Sexton, E T Showier, 0 8 rived home Tuesday after _spending H S Mara, lel J Marshall, V It Moore, E Moule, W T McBroom, R E mem_ Stewart, L G Thoinson,K H Thornton, the past week with friends in Varna. 0 B NVard, j Al Wyatt, 0 loiter -Rev. J. W. Baird, of Glencoe, for - 0 lies -an, J A Mc.Vean, 0 E Parsons, .. 'Pennington, T 13 Phipps, 0 Robb, K ' PED.TH. , met- pastor, is renewing old acquaint- , T Rutherford, F A Roland, 0 - p 0 Fraser. P E Jackson, 11 Koch, G ances on the Grand Bend circuit. Bountree, E Victor Smith, Laura T Lavaty, E B Mateachere, J Oeerend, Everybody is pleased to see ma Baird's Al Smith, F H Somerville, 0 0 Whit- j Rae G A Smith, Florence S Smith, familiar face age -in. -miss Campbell, of NV L 'Torrance, Al K Armstrong, J T Bayfield, returned home Friday after taker, N NV brisvam, Richa,rd` Wright, E warner II ii L H Doulas, S. Balkwill, J F Barthel, E L Eisler, Id spending the past two weeks the guest Fox, T Al Gray, A NV Grover' A Le- M Elliott,M Jordan, D Al Larkworthy, of mrs, (Rey.) Carriere.--miss Lou McNaughb, L 0 mcRoberts, G Wills, Cunningham, of Port Albert, spent gate, A. M Mayer, It McAlpine, m A teIcGregor, A. F Mitchell, a T Reason, NVilfeed S Elliott, 3' Hodgson, Ethel G the past week with friend& here ancl 0 H Skinner, E Edward Wells, G R Armstrong, B J Hamilton Al I Ilan- , Al Wells, NV A Clarke, C let Orme, G H Gunn, T F Barrett, 11 MacLeod, R B Smith, El H Collins, S Otton. Saturday at the Grand Bend. swilear7glifymttivaLniou7eIgniNikilirtieekvelTotni4 ill health visited friends in. Kiekton this week. t well-known Ware --r-The Rey, jamas ; uestroyed. All tlat croc) -maggie and chu.k The following wren; to a gentleman ; bait three now ready for business, :W. Andrews and 13 - friends in St. marys.-miss M. WYnn Clark spent Sunday with; Livingstone. pester of the Windsor t loads of Oats wee in the etra, so the says that the gospel elseula be Keene. nf the lire ie unknown. There was an tome is a very heevy one. The migin Insurance of seetal on the huiltling. dry spell. Our new merchants _are • -Messrs. E,3. Fletcher, R, Ballantyne 'avenue Afethediet einweh, of Windsor, stinted with the waggon on the road ed. to all classees. The result is the Monclar-Robett Purdoa,ot Beandon, still continues very low though under former y of flits place is :wound renew- the skillful treatment, of Dr. Rollios Rev' geutlemen contincted meetina t the other day in t he /enter shea of th; son, of Teronto, occupied log old acquaintances. -Rev. •ftwgealtre-rieiiassteler lev-recehiseci"RobeinIsior°111,1notf I rece track, where a conetregation of Varna -gaffe a number free) here attendee lidin:wenvasisle:itataLlsvecitittlisikeed. .tut:h:eltrson ville, on Wednesday.- Mrs. W. J. diey and remains for next Sunday. of the Presbyterian church here Sans, :Russeldale, is visiting L. H. Robinsou. :Pout ;Al gathered, although the meet - the funeral of 3fiss Sarah Hall, Elim- emulmsca I. tidektet"st ht9iten ••••••••••••-*••••• onto onenot ; stable boys, neve ae muck attention as , Roy spent Taesday BRIBPS.--Mr. and Airs. Forgie mar- amitchell.-Ed. Clark WAS in London Saturday on huetness. tin, the new host and hostess of our hostelry, have become popular among • our people, -B. A. Higgins has dm- Kirkton any habitue' church -goer. The race track authorities have given the necten sary permission anti Mr. Livingstone says he will hold another meeting on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Livingstone is posed of his :famous trotting stallion, „ president of the Landon Conference Sid Tolstoi, for a fancy figure to Mr. BRIEV$.-Mr. and etre. Beatteet of • and one of the most magnate° speakers Charlie Donaldson, who has taken it madison. Wis., are gueste at Roht, in the Metintdist chneeli in Canada." to Thessalon where he has purchased I Beatty's at present -Bert Taylog,who a half interest in a. livery stable. -Mr. I spent the past two weeks with his pay- days at the Grand 'Bend last, week ern Wednesday lasa-mrs. Tufts of Lone f joying the healthful breezes. They re- ; don, is holidaying with her uncle. Thos Mrs. Mallard of that plate, who in I part of last week the guest of erre "ie turned on Monday, arcompanied by f Tufts. -miss Luker, of Centralia, spent, I ti tends visiting friends in this vicinity - Roeclhouse,--3. Chappel of Exeter, I for some thne.-The following from paid a flying visit here on Monday.- I end Mrs. Joseph Foster spent a few ents here. returned to Cleveland on GURU% SEM • -OF- iBoots and Sho s ' For the balance of July and August. n*.***ammoolisudimiora... /As I Intend to clean out all the old ;stock of Boots and Shoes before the ' end. of my- business year, Sept Ititlewe •. bar price from now till Sept 10. NEW STEAM I will sell all the old stock at I the tegu- ' 1 t Women's and, ..s.A.11.sses1,;eititrid and 140 - measured Si inches.rs. Treat and G. W. Harnwell returned from ICin- carefully dgrsi, ena0frtfttielyettt ia hue nPttdan. $.... Varna or vicinity left for Manitoba on ; arr, and mrs. Elliott of London, are. Tuesday of last week a. Sparrow, 0. ; visiting at her parents, ma and Ales. I the public that, they have opened a "3e' , Charlton & Kedily would inform ii:o:ntieni.t:o.totes, le, es ar , e. . larINIV8t°o11.3tEinssr and Misses regular $1,30 for Misses oxfords, rega- james Armstrong. R. McCool joined 15i, mays, is holidaying with her sister north of Tonn Hall, Exeter, and are] ''' and Boy oxfords $1.5e, for Weekes and daughter, Lottie,. and ;Reuben Shier. -MISS Lydia Fletcher, of steam pump factory in the premises eaDet leg the dry weather, Thomas Keyes i Woodham, is holidaying with yrs. prepared to supply all kii in ) and &tinge, alsoplumbing ea n Men's and Boys plow shoes 0Sc. the latter at Drumbo.-Notwithstand- i errs. E. A. Fletcher. -Miss Brooks of had. some Hungarian grass that grew :, Will Avery. -Mr. and errs. W. H. and troughs, or anythingAlso a full line of new goods at in his garden which measured 6 feet 5 ' Marshall and family left on Monday of woodwork at dose prices.Repair-i prices to snit, harness, rugs, whips,ete. incites long, while some of the heads i to spend two weeks at Grand Bend.- of of any description a a •IIN:16•..11.10•031,51=1•••reef daughter of Chicago are visiting her i cardine on Friday to resume his school parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Johns.- 'duties. ---Hugh Kirk left on Sunday Miss Maggie Moffat is visiting at Mr. f for Kuhryydle, where he will teach J. T. Cairns at Kirkton this week. one month for his sister. -MCS. Thos. ' Clarke of Sunshine, spent Sunday with friends in the village. -miss Little Crediton. Smith of Clinton, is holidaying with her sister here. -MISS Janet Barr of the EXETER LUMBER YARD. Thames Road, spent Sunday at her Large stock of Luinber-pine and hemlock, home here. -miss Florence Peed of St. 170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns, etc., Marys, spent part of last week with also ihingles. laths and cedar posts. Prices , reasonable. -JAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of Miss Esther Brethour.-misses Lottie Main st. Doupe and Eliza. Shier left on Tuesday BRIEPS-Mr. Ben Either, of ITbly for Grand Bend. -miss Lottie Robin - Michigan, is renewing acquaintances. son is holidaying with her brother, e -Mr. Sam'i Brown and family have John, in Fullerton this week. -miss returned after a, week's visit at Platte- Katie Armstrong of London is visiting ville.-Miss Mary Finkbeiner, of Font with Lizzie Shier at present. Hill, and who was reported seriously Mr. Martin Leigh, of Beaumont, ill has sufficiently recovered that she Texas, surprised his son, William, of could be taken home,-Reve Thos. Kirkton, by giving him a call. Mr. Finkbeiner, of Mart, Indiana, has Leigh, has not seen his father for been visiting his many friends and over I7 years, nor beard of his where - relatives the past week, and on Sun- abouts for the past six years,In 1881 day morning last omit pied the pulpit he left his home in .A.shfield for Blind of Zion Evangelical church, and de- Rives, Algoma, staying there one lieered a very powerful sermon to a year. He called on William Leigh large and atttentive. audience Mr. here, and his daughter, at Goderich, Fin kbeiner was a former Orediton boy before leaving for Detroit, where ' he and an. active nit:a-rater of the said engaged with Messrs. Williams & 0o., church. and is also one of eight of its,. organ exporters, to go to Florida to Members who have in late ware gone wade on their orange plantation as into the ministry, This is a record foremen, He remained there for five seldom surpassed by any church and is years, he then Went to 10 obile. We have Ala - indeed very commendiable.--me. Fred barna, and Lions there to 13eaumont, Et if d Ali Te vbere he notv resides He is 69 years of age, and his visit was a welcome surprise to Mr. Leigh, done. CALL AND SEE US, nariton Keddy. Repoinna Prompliy iiilealeti to. Gall and Soo Our Goods. R. SWEET. Treble's old stand, ter Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. NAILS SCREWS HINGES ROLLERS 'LATCHES • STALL FIXTURES At very 'special prices to builders. BUTTS GLASS STAYS TRACK BOLTS Either an w e a,n ss MaryWaite leave to -day for the Pan, -Rev. J. G. Litt, pastor of the Evangelical church has just completed a series -of sermons o the Lord' Prayer.t SOD, W Hutchins, M J , Jamieson, G E School, London.--Delbed =Hard took very interesting and instructive, and They were left monday to attend the Normal n 8 Maxwell; J A McCracken, H F tic- advantage of the excursion to Detroit productive of much good. -Mr. Matt. Cutcheon, A Al McIntosh, Melissa B on Friday last. Morlock is speeding a few eweeks Richards, C F Riley, Al E Russell, 1K with son and daughters, in Reea City, thletes, Bicyclists and others should al - viceiiclwi gial will b. -e Qc lad' tuecrtleYd. imneetteieAgE vsaeur-- Standeaven, 0 A Steele, P H Tufts, Al A C Walsh, E J Wiglesworth, A. Bell, Ivo% keel Ilagyard's Vollosv Oil on hand. -- S Crerer, 0 A Dawe, L J Edmilnds, Nothing EL it fer stiffness and soreness of the gelical church Saturday and Sunday muscles,, sprains,- bruises, outs; etc. A clean next. The Rev. Al. L. Wing. P. E., preparation, will not stain clothing, 'Price of Berlin, will officiate. -Misses Wild - 25 cents. PERTH. A B Schimbein, Oscar Spence, William G Spence. P Thompson, F R Bennett, A W Forbes, W HS'G Hepburn, L V Kerr, E Large, W Brown, le II Butcher, W B Gibb, 0 tang. A B Manson, L G Mason, K Lang, L G Maxwell, F A Millie Charlie McKay, J Andrew Mackay, L E McVittie, I A Robinson, F C Nesmith, Al Nichol, E Pfrimmer, C Scatcherd, R B Shier, LA E Webb, Riddell, II A Ross, F. G. Sutherland, J B Bell, A W Grant, P If Baker, Al Fred B Erinaunds. Boles, Al E Brittain, A G Buckingham, W IV Davidson, Hamilton, H C ‘If you take a Laxa-Liver Pill to-aight before Hayhon, S Leitch, F 0 Maynard, R NV retiring it will work while you sleep without a Murray, B Macnair, T V Plummer, T gripe or pain,cating billougness, constipation. E Trow, .J Walsh, 1) T Smith. e dyspepsia and sick-heatiacne„ an -i 11111,1i.e Yult feel better in the trier Ana . fang and „McTavish, of Tavistock are visiting at the Evangelical parsonage. A very pretty wedding took place at -missLoretta atiti john tiorlock, of 8 o'clock at St, Peters, Goderich, on Daehwond, rare epee ein - teal. 'rho 33r1 13,Agitnent of Huron, and Thursday last, the contracting paCties Lion at ()red; te:). I 0 110-,!.- t t•I being 'Miss Beatrice Gainey, fourth I-1.01 trill in Axe pit . r•,.1,t .,,(, %.t.,i ,V,11 vr,id•• 1,sp,„1. • (1,111.411U.'11.. cit the I do L: Ga.rney. of Col- tr et tig ,in. (ii iii B - t1,1 ci fl iv ( L Otci-. iii. Osi t ccii>00 1•”1 WM; !Ali. t borne, and &Iwax.<1 Tighe, second son day, --Mr. John teat. tar an I family, of Royal vieit of the Duke and Duchess , ot \V. tight- , R.utd. Zurich, were the guests of at Samuel of York. ' —••••••••••••••••••••••• .• We understand that Geo. Eintnerson, of Goderich, formerly of Clinton, has beenoffered a lucrative situation to represent a wholesale music house, and may accept the same ; it will ne- cessitate his vett:loyal to London. Robt. Arseott, who has been man- ager of the Winghsen tannery for the past eight .years, bee 0;11 better position. He and :his fatuity ft last - week for Benton, New Brunewick, Get our prices on. the best cements' tnannfactu where he will have charge ala large etta tannery. Charcoal in Stock. Sayler's Gelebratell Put! uti Carload in to -day. SAle1.501elas.6 -OWEN SCUM PORTLAND AND Queenvton. • tent e TIAN'S ilARDWARE, ii3XETER', eseit