HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-15, Page 2f T. ABSOLUT T Sij:I en Wane Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of Sea Fai<.Stcal3 W pper Pam, HERR EAOAi`IM CA ,N=-� r �.�OUSlEiu�F1�, V I:u3 LIVER'. P 1 L ON YIP TDRt1. MOW SKIL TUECOMPU"UXU£E IVALRY IN BUSINESS. Spirit of Strife and Contention Among the Occupations. stop thtielting Even the. Sabbath A despatchDrfroxtt Was hington- c1 edn from does trot dam back this Ude of —Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from worldliness, for its wave bashes the following test:t merchants clear over the church, acid leaves its aro princes, aitits tr tiiacl;ers tine foam on the Bible, and the prayer - honorable of the earth." books. Men on salaries, then cuiti- it is to this royal family of mer- satin their fe.rans, do not uudet- ritauis that I speak 'to -clay. I cele• Stand that, wear and tear of body them .the royal family becatuse they :ire hither in authority than Coca greases or Parliaments. How often has it teen the case that the Cabin- ets of Europe have waited to hear what a Jewish banker had to say on the matter. But in all circumstances tereIean:ts have their triads. If a an has any helpful word in their behalf. shall he not utter it ? if a wits break out, they furnish the nneaes for the armament. if there are .e urcites to be built and colleges to le e:►i'.4awed, owl honeliceea. hteti Aloes to he suppcit•tetl, the =r- ants part their howls to the wort;, ;acid They have a right to expect that to our ministration we will he sy ntliattlietic •w tli their etrug les arab recantations. i n.ltalt speak of -rsnw of the temptations and trials to Which Our merchants ore subjeet- ecl, and then Bison- them the Way out. K. NIADACtiW. KainItY :LAME BACK , RHEUMATISM paziriEss Ant Am. KIDNEY cle URINARY An; culED tit MONEY MRS. I. ST33VES, Edgett's Land. 44In the fall of :899 I was troubled with a severe pain in the back. I could scarcely get up out of a chair and it gave me great pain to move about. took ono box of Doan's Kidney Pills and was completely cured. I have not been troubled with it since." first Place, a great many 0 its are tried with limited capital businese. Every body !mows it takes three or four tireee as limb money now to do business as once it did. Gime, a mon ; would tare a few hundred dollar* ' eml put them iuto goods. ami he would he his own store sweeper. his own weigher, his own boolsakeeper. the affairs under his own bend, and thizig wes net profit. Oh, what change Wavy. taxa - we admit that money has its lawful use, we Must remember that it will not glitter in the dark valley, that it will not pay the ferriage across the Jordae of death, that it will not unlock THE GATES OP HEAVEN, There are men in all our 0=1)0,- U:rills who act as though theY thought pack of bonds awl more - gages might be traded off at the last for a mansion in the skies, as though gold would be a legal tender in that laud where it is so Common that they znake paving stones out of it. Selvatiou by Christ is the one salvation. Treasures in hea,veo are the only incotruptible treasures. I sUPPoee you have .all ciphered in ar- ithmetic_ as far as loss and gain. If you have, then Neill give you a sive in loss and gain; "Whet shall it ound and soul to trhiell °ur owl' profit a Man i.f he gain the whole when their livelihood, tency, their fortune, their :business the winds of death witl flutter your Minor, May all depend upon the un- apparel nee rags, The pearl -of certeiuties of the next hour. This great price is worth more than any Perpetual excitement Of the brain. aom ever brought, up from toe depths he corroding ceire of the heart. this. of the ocean—worth more than Aos- ta that exhausts thespirit, Push- tralieu and Brazilian mines strung es inany of onr very best Merchants 'in one casezmeo seeo erst the :laid -life into the grave. They carry kingdom of God and his righteous - their store on their bachi they nese and all things win be added 1.0 trudge. like eaneels, eweatIng from you, AlePPe to DaMoseles. ! 'there Yet how many Merchants there uny china of men a•ito have my ere who seem to get ahniet without hearty sympathiee. it is these men my religion. The fact is that a (\volt; afewtiostilitigeiozul izanerlictlbireoulditisesotiee .man very seldom cotaterted atm. he is worth 310,000, After a man of th° lines of care fr°n1 your hro‘r. getS a 'certain amount of worldly 1 wish could Ittt, some of the burn resources he thinks, "Well. now, I teens from your Mart. I wish 1 ean take care Of myself." Oh! how the lutdst. of 1 '' oll . Ab n Many there are who go clown 1111101,.. „ 40 CalllInt, know the au sufficiency or cinliy and etornalls- Y°1" 41- (10(1 till we are willing to have demi Yon know it a great (heel hettet sena sof and walk before Bina than do. You saw it YesWrdaY• Severe mune is elso changed. and INTERNATIONAL LESSON' AUGUST 18, Text of the 1:0s$011,. UeA, XVW, 1137 33..,Goldea Text, jamee V, 16, 1649. "Aud the Lord. said, Sholl Which I do ?" We muse• sUPPose• that the !Ostia committee dicl the best they knew how in. selecting the portion which they have Assigned. to us for study, but bow they could be led to omit eueh a, pOrtiOn as chapter evil is something of a, myse eery. We trust that all teachers will think it woeth while to look at the portions passed over. Last week's lesson showed. us Abram made sure, as we supposed, by the Lord's mes- sage, that ali would be as God had said, yet in chapter xvi we read that he turued •from. God to listell to an eurthly suggestion. Which brought much trouble ineo hie household and led to au interval of 13 years hi bis life, of welch we know nothing. Compare xvi, 16. and xvii, ; joie xeli, 5. In chapter exit the Lord epee pears to under a PM 1194W, the Almighty God :El-Slooldai). the Mighty God •Whei is all sufficient. Winning and etating More fullO the coVenent and giving him the token which signified death to the (Col. 11) : giving him also a new name by putting the prineiPal letter His own name Jehovah (Jiivh) in could. give relaxatiou to your worn- ut ineseles. Is it not, tinte for you o take it a little easier 2 I/6 the 10St. you can and then trust the reet with God. Take a long breath. God uages all the affairs :of your life he mazoiges them for the best. Coneider the lilies, they always have robes. Behold tlee fowls of the air. they always have lIeSts. Bethinle yOurself of the fact Unit God did not intend you to De a pack horse. .Dig, youreelf out from the hogsheads and the sheives. .coul in the light of tide holy Sabbath, in the strength mean-. end faith of God. throw your fret-, fulness and fears to the whole. You • .ciatiee. along with der. semi. tten, enseta apparatus,. exteneem aa-. brought nothing into the. world, and ittalesty's ligiowledge of Sete' and °la \IV` 1.344•10nd ns pea great things from God. Yertisince,„ exorbitant srore-rent. ,are It is 'rare* certain .you can carry Woe. , 20-21. The Lord is a righteous ence Came in Handy. „ha lam 44 the demaad made .the.„. thing out. flaying 'food aud raig teur cenuneeoei men, The man ,•11U•rit he therewith conteeit, I tell : Here is the lateet etery :About Kine judge and epeiths of Himself here as Tov brother what rives you so: Edward VII. its nittbority is' so 'carefully inquiring into matters. no You have. seen it eVery (14,W for a Abraliate, is assured that the time long while. 'Olen failing. for this hes c„me and alma 4t, year saraa world and failing for etereity. shall bear to hien the promised soa, ° InY hearers* though your store Tbe visit of the Lord and the two go, though your house go, though other heavenly ones to Abraham in your govei'muent securities go,. the thatt of the day, taor acceptance May God through the blood of the of Alvah ano s hospitality and the everlasttn3. covenant save hvur message to Abraham confirmed to Sarah led Us to the beginning of toe: day's lesson. Let the Lord's ques-: tioa to Sarah hi verse 14. firet Saes: "1 ,catet endure this pressure guy longer," and under this terripta- i Hon of limited capitol. nom ruiu themselves in one or two direCtions. !poor •foundotion if you are buildin recent visit. to elereetr e wati 41. Ieverything on earth cre's to unicit worrinient. You have an idea geed that, have little l'..esitation Shall not judge after the sight 0 that, your hoppiness depends upon, believing tt, white 1 .do uot thine it His eyes. neither reprove after the your commercial euccess., It does. has Yet appeared in what. wrhee heariug of His ears. hitt with right - net, You are building on a very corresPondel“- VII!0% the Kate: Petri ermsness 411311 lie judge (ISa, xi, 3. as/fly:union. They surrender before. On that foundation. you know tla "mo- anti lie beiers and will In duo Some immediately euccumb to the hot of the battle is fired. aol4then_ .sta_tistics prove that out g. t was e:st about that time see to it. Note carefully Gen the,: gundrert :merchants only two , thee. I believe. that lee gove the or- iv. ; Ex. 7 ; Hab. if, 11 ; .Jus succeed finally. and are you going der for the autennobei:e wl-dela a we'd v. 4 ; alsoo creation's groans in Their knees knock together at the fall of the auctioneer's ga.vel. Thee into this' struggle with thi. idee. that known Paris nutter dets 'roe! binit Itean, viii. 2.. God bears it air your happinees for this world. or for bhu. and wifich fs excir.314 s;) -O.brahaiu stood yet before ; do not miderstitent that there is such next depends upon commercial Much interest muerte* Parieien 'init.r- the Lord " T1 tl • t •i•i a thing as heroism in. Merchandise. the le 0 let a 't tOt'S SliCeeSS ? I want to explode ti t i tuobiii t A •"I tionn and their visit end ,are Waterloos of the coun-' , ter, a.nd that no braver battle was' fatuatlam ocopriottrrt3,t!nattzt cf?rieei,t, Gerstee te awl his rescue by them ore , ever won with the sword than has Now what n foolish man that is teen won with the yard stick. Their who builds his ha s g, in t roe- eeee ree which we !Ind from the Lord eouls melt within them because su- prospects of w -PP s or" the : ta- • de bef makes us • --- gars are up when they want to buy, .are not dependent upon commercial ,, a gent eman througie eeze of elee f er- -.elm see.; trg ore 0 CAS near Wiesbaden. wren the aute- nailer of Elijah and Elisha and also and down when they waiet. to sell ; prosperity for e'our peace here or i - 1 and because there are bad debts on your joy hereafter. You would not 1 mobile rau out of :rater Of oezeso. of trebriel rI Ifings xyii, 1 ; II theh• ledgers, the gloom. of their be able to take these fortunes even sitY a stoppage ince:red.. one f es. I.:Arcs iii. 14 : Luke 1, 19). To ap- soul overshadows their dry -goods if you could keep them up to the ' want of a convenient welter cene- peopriate and live in the power of I end groceries. Despondency blasts last moment. Suppose that in the , lianY. the boiler was i'd'oil from a Pe. xvi. 8, is a very proper and 'SURE CUR , temptation in the opposite direction. your will, you had all your estate E, them. Other rnen are ruined by the' Parting moment when t.-ou nmee wayside spring. The King and his helpful thing to do, remembering I They say: "Here, 1 have struggled round about you—would that com- . companion. started again, and ail that the Lord seeth not as men went well for awhile. Then for some , eeeth, for man looketh on the out- going to stop this. I have been go-' died, all the people were discussing again. as long as can be expected ; I am i fort you ? After Mr. Vanderbilt unaccountable reaeon the car etuppeil ward appearance. but the Lord look- ' eth upon the heart (I Sam. xvi, 7). ing Wong from hand to mouth long , the question, how inuch lie left. I An inspection was made, and tbe , ne says, "Lo, I. am with you al- ma tell you. King's companion, who is an expert otays.” in such matters, went to work in 1 23-26. "Shall not the Judge of technical exploring fashion. The 1 all the earth do right ?" In the King stood rendering ussietance rest of our lesson we see A.braham as when he could. But everything seem- the intercessor, as we afterwards see ed right ; no bolts were loose, no Moses, Samuel, Daniel, and others, nuts missing, and not a lever jam- all typical of Him who ever liveth to med. "'That's very funnY. 'Your make intercession for us (Rom. edit. Majesty." The King agreed and 31 ; IIeb. el.i. 25). We read that DO NOT LUCE TO REFUSE HIM.. merely the cashier of their frorot pondered for a moment. Then he Abraham drew near, and it is our --er ; smiled. "I wonder," he suggested in privilege to draw near with a true He saes "1 can't be any worse off they are the agents to provide dry- tentative fashion, 'if the water we heart, in full assurance of faith, and to conic beldly unto the throne of grace,. that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of come not only for ourselves, but, for others. We may forget ourselves and live chiefly for others, and the more enough, it was so crusted that for we renounce self and live for others all driving purposes iL might as well have been heavily coated with rust. Sand paper was 'used, some un- ney was • continued and completed without further stoppage. Evidently the King was not the intimate friend and informal pupil of Playfair in vain—although little has been given to the world of their association save the well known fact that it was at Playfair's request that the then Priace of Wales scooped up boiling lead in the palm of his handa a perfectly painless experiment when properly carried out. Children Cry for ARE A Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Ner- ' vous Prostration, Loss of Energy, T(t:_licisii. dAse .1 ean't succeed. Now, from Brain Fag, Faint and Dizzy Spells, I itrititdis make or break." The Lpss of Blemory, Melancholia, i craft pii4hvery well in a small IGastlessness, After Effects of La e storm iQ rippe, Palpitation of the Heart, Anremia, General DeWitt grea sea, of specu- . a. man borrows a few y, and thousand dollars from friends who all troubles arising from a run - down system. EVERY DOLLAR ! Again. notice that our mer- chants are tempted sometimes to negleet their home duties. There ought to be no collision between the store and the home. But there is sometimes a collision. There aro mercha.nts in this city, who are if succeed with goods and groceries. They have no - They will build you up, make rich than I am "Ns' took in has anything to do with it. !this borrowed money I shall give thing to do with the discipline and You know these German waters gen- red blood and give you vim and $10.000 to the Bible Societer. arid education of their children. 0, mY entity bave some sort of mineral ive $10 OM to the Trace so- brother, you have not discharged properties in them. The boiling may - energy. Price, sac. per box, or three boxes for $1.25, at drug- gists, or will be sent on receipt of price by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. eiety. and I will help to support all beneficent institutions ; and if I fail one hundred thousand dollars sob- tracted from nothing, „nothing re- mains." Perhaps stocks are the dice with which he gambles. The man stops at no fraud, stops at no outrage. He dashes past in his splendid equipage after two years of business, and the laborer looks up as he goes by, and says, "Well, I wonder where that man got his money ?" and then the laborer, wip- ing the sweat from his brow, thinks to himself: "Why, two years ago, that man was as poor as I am, I wonder where he got his money." He stole it. After awhile the bubble bursts and the creditors rush in, end the law clutches but nnds noth- ing in its grasp. The pictorials blaze the face of the man Who had genius enough in a few years to fail for 8250,000. I' would not want to block up the path to lawful ancurna- lation before any of our young men: but when see so many raen, through liraited capital, tempted in- to reckless speculation I think it is time for the church of God and the ministers of religion to raiSe a most emphatic and unmistakable protest. It is this process through SC/ many merchants eo clown to des- truction and perdition. If ever tempted into reckless speculation, preach to your soul a sermon etora the text: "As a partridge sitteth eggs and. hatcheth them not, so riches got by freed; a man shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at the end he shall be a fool." Again, I remark that a great many of our merchants are tempted to over -care and anxiety. All styles of merchandise seem overdone. Smitteo with the love of quick gain, men rush into the cities resolved to get rich at all hazard. The money must come: they do not care how it comeS. Our honest mercbants aro thrown into competition with men of larger means and less conseience, and if am opportunity for eniolu- neent be lost for an hour, somebody else picks it up. Now what a con- test it is for our honest, upright merchants, when they go out into this comp etitiOn ! From January to December it i5 ONE LONG STPTIGGLE. FISH TIIAT EXPLODE. Naturalists have been much inter- ested recently in the appearance of a strange fish off various parts of the English coast, and which is known locally as the sea -cucumber. It re- sembles an oblong, transparent rub- ber bag filled with water, and varies from three to five inches in length, It is about as thick, generally, as a man's thumb. Al each end are se- veral circles of sharp bristles, color- ed like brass, and seemingly hard. These are believed to be its defen-„ sive weapons. The bristles at one end are stronger and more numerous than at the other. It's most won- derful peculiarity, however, is that when kept out of the water for a short time the fish explodes, and shrivels up into a small piece of dried slcin. Scientists,are at present, undecided whether it is an echitiru LUCKY SHORTAGE Ye% My wife reads every blessed recipe she finds in the papers. Heavens; and does she try them No, she doesn't. In fact she never tried a solitary one of 'em. How does that happen? Why, she's alWays out of some - For Infants and Children. The fao steno signaters of hi ea 'at/0 Wrgen your responsibilities to your house- cause crystallization and so choke bold when you have given them a the piston." The piston rod was drawing master and a music teaeher. It is your duty, 0 father,—no other iniMediately inspected, and, sure one can do this but yourself,—to look after the physical culture of your children. You ought sometimes to unlimber your dignity •, you ought sometimes to run out with your children. in.to their sports and games. That man who cannot some- times turn his back upon the severe work of life, and fly the kite, and trundle the hoop, and jump the rope, and chase the ball with his children, ought never to have been tempted out of a crusty, irredeemable soli - tallness. Do you suppose you are going to keep your children at home if you do not make your home bright ? As tong as they fMd the saloons of sin more beautiful, more attractive than the home circle, so long they will go there. Do you suppose you can sit down with your children in the evening from. seven to ten o'clock, groaning over your them:cultism, expecting them to be entertained with that ? Oh, no! do not give them any extra trouble. They will have their own rheuma- tism soon enough. Bring into your homes all brightnese, all books, all musical instruments, so far as you can afford them. I do not invite you to extravagance, but I say, so far as you can afford them. And above all, not by a semi-annual dis- cipline, but the year around, teach your children that religion is a greet gladness, that it ie a chain of gold about the neck, that it takes no blitheness from the step, no lus- ter from the eye, no ring from the laughter, but that her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Again: I remark that a good many of our merchants aro tempted to make financial gain of more import- ance than the soul,. It is a grand thing to have pleniy of money. The more money you get the better if it come honestly and go usefully. There ie 710 war between the. Bible and worldly succees. When I beer a man can ting in pulpit or pew, Or thoug,h it had no practical use,— well, I think the best heaven for such a, man as Lilo t would be an ever -las ting pooinhoese. For the lack of money sickness dies without limbs and their brain thet will not in. an empty bread -tray., But while CASTOR IA FOR CHINESE, SOLDIERS. Rewards .are seldom given for pro- wess on the battle -field in China, but When they are the most acceptable ofhthem all, from the' private sol- dier's point of view, is a sack of gommanding officer of each regiraent has power to give as many sacks as rice, valued. at three taels. 'The are deserved, aud at the conclusion of every Campeign he sends in a for- midable bill to the GOvernment for rice. No inquiries are made, nor are 'the. names of the recipients asked for so in nine ceses out of ten the officer sells the grain and puis the money into his own pocket, while the de- serving soldier, to whom the rico would hose meant a good deal, has to go without. A SPECIAL OCCASION. leirSt Tramp—You orter 'see Bill goin' over de fence wit' de bull after Second Tramp—Must have been First Train.p—Say! It wuz de on- ly time 1 eVer seen him when he didn't look tired. Children Cry for CAST 1 the more we shall be like Him who never pleased Himself nor sought His own will nor His own glory (Rom. His precious blood Bo has made us nigh who once were far off and has elven us access to God at all times blessed assurances for our encour- 27-32. Fearing that there may not be 50 righteous in Sodom, Abraham continued to plead that the Lord will spare the city for the sake of said that He would spare the city if ten righteous people were found in it. Six times Abraham. pleads. Some wonder how it might have been if he had still kept on, but it would dppear that Lot was the only right- eous man in the city, and we would not have known that be was right - seem that his wife add two_daugh- ters were delivered for his sake and that he was delivered for Abraham's sake (chapter xix, 12, 29). That the righteous by their intercession can bring blessing to others is evident from the record of the centurion, the 'woman of Tyre and Sid.on, the four 28), That there may be such a state of affairs that even the prayers of the righteous cannot avail we learn where we see that such men ae Moses Samuel, Noah., Daniel or Job could not bring deliverance. Abraham did not plead on the ground of any goodness in himself, for he spoke of himself as but dust and ashes (verse 27), but only on the ground of the great need and the righteousness of God. We may learn a good lesson in pleading from Jeremiah, who said, "0 Lord, though our ini- quities testify against us, do Thou it In Jesus' name is our great strength. 83. And the Lord. went His way tis soon as He had heft communing with Abrahara, and A.braliam return- ed unto his place.'' How near heaven is brought to earth in these interviews of God with Abraham and others ! And it is the •privilege of every believer to walk with God dainiesoulisiiisaiuuesluelelleselele iVegetablePreparationforAs- ring the Stomschs and Bowels of THAT T SIGNATURE now owxe. IS OlsT Ifiotorreer- VRA PPR OF EVERY BOTT17S1 OF Teoainile Signature at is riot sold la bulk. Don't allow enyeao to eat you anything else on, the ploe or ergelke 0444 dolls ta geese:et 4T417 other efeclical Vine In dm erode kas tee este:I:Meet:I repatailoa for curia Bios marl Virooscrithat Drs. E. Ir. enjoy. Their New Method Treat* =tent. discovered land perfectee by these Eminent Specialiste, 1236 broiled job happiness and comfort to thousands of homes. With 30 years experience in the treatment of those diseases they. can guarantee to Curo qr PAy--Exolft. Monne, Piervotass Debility, Syptilits. Varicoseic, Stricture. Worst, nay mud Lilettlido silmeneco. Their guarantees are backed by Bank Bonds. EN'S LOOD Yee may have a ocelot drama through the Urine -there the reason yeti fed tired out in the morning. Ton are not rested, your kidneys eche, you feel despondent nd have no ambition. Don't let yonr Bleed be droicted away. Dra. tt guarantee to Corner no Pay. 0 I N %Albin= in tbo scourge of manichul. /tour not bon crime to have it, for it may ilka sou. Bowara of Mercury and Pota.si3 treatment. Drs. & X. positively cure yin worst cases or no Pay. VARICOCELE :TTIIICTUIE The Now Metttod Treatment cores these diseases safely and surety. No pain -no suffering -no detention froutbnsiness. Don'trisk operation and rain your nea-tral organs. The stricture ties:wiz absorbed and can never return' Drs. .K.& IC. guarantee Cures. Kid eys la • er Don't neglect your Irldnevs. Tonr =Mug back tells the tale. Don't let Doctors experiment an you. Drs. & Ir. can cure ion if yen are not beyond human aid. They guarantee to Cure or No Pay. CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. Constatotton Frac. Books wont Free, (sealed.) Write for Question litnrac for LI Treatment. Everything Confluential. Cresswell, March 28, 1901. The T. Milburn Co., Limited; Toronto, Ont. Dear Sirs,—I write to say that I have used Burdock Blood Bitters with excellent results. Last spring my daughter got all run down and was very thin and Her face was covered with red spots and a large boil formed on had finished them the spots and boil disappeared and she has got strong and lieshy again. I consider B.B.B. the best blood medicine known. MRS. I. DAVIDSON. in Constant communicatien (Gen. v, feared that the majority of the right- eous afe like Lot 'M Sodom, so mixed up with the _ungodly that they bear no testimony for God,. while but few are like Abraham at Hebron, living above the world in fellowship with God, for.- this is a na,rrow way, and few there are that find it. Let every child of God re- member that He has redeemed us to be a people for His own posses- sion, set apart for Himself, not con- formed to this world (Titus 11, willing (Ps. cx. 3) to be all that He desires us to be, living no long- er unto this world or unto ourselves, but unto Him alone. Children Cry for FOR Diarrhon, Dysentery, Colley Cramps, Pain in the Stomach AND ALL Summer Complaints. ITS EFFECTS ARE MARVELLOUS. !RELIEF ALIAOST INSTANTANEOUS. Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable, Effectual. Every House should have it. Ask your Druggist for it. Take no other. 350. OFF TI -IE EARTH. Mrs. Hennessy -0i hear Cassidy %Tor discharged from the quarry. Hos he onnything to do yit? Mrs, Cassidy --0i clunno. Shure he hevat cum dervie from the explosion..