HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-8, Page 8• tcwart'8 Gash 8toro. GASH �R FRODU6E !IND ONE FR16E. fire You Going flwau From Rome. 9 We can supply you with Trunks, Valises or Telescopes at prices much below regular values. Cash and one prices is what does it. Solid metal covered Trunks, good strong locks, well made. The most complete range we have ever shown, I 85, 2 25, 2 $0, 2 75, 3 oP, 5 25, 3 50, and 4 oo. Ne,y- square canvas covered Trunks, solid brass locks, iron cor- ners, up-to-date in every detail, 3 25, 3 50, 3 65 and up to 6 25. Gladstone Valises, the new chocolate shade, brass locks and trimmings, solid iron frames, a very useful piece of travelling furni- ture, 2 25, ?. 4o, 3 40, 3 75, 3 po, Club Bags, tan or chocolate shades, brass locks and trimmings, correct travelling companions,I 15, 1 25 135, T 75, 2 00„3 25, 2 50, 00, $ 50, Canvass Telescopes, leather corners, well straped, useful, con- venient and easy priced, 45, 65, 75, 95, 1 10, 1 2$) I 50. When. You Travel You Want Goffilort. There is no breaking in required if you wear KING OUALIT sboes. We have all that's new in King quality shoe i for men and women. If you have never worn the King shoes ask your neigh- bor ,vhat he thinks about them. They are good lookers, good wearers and good for comfort, try a pair. Your money back if you are not satisfied. That's alt. J. 1k. STEWfkRT Stores dose OM, Wednesdays and. Saturdays excepted. For Marriage Licenses sit 4' cldi THE MART. To Have th Be Goods is what the business man owes him- selL It is this business policy of ours which induces us to claim to be often the cheapest and con- sequently always the best, We have in stock everything in the Stationery Line—newest in Note Paper, I e rig Rings, Weatcties. Clocks, J ewe y, Spec roc 1 es, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a. SPecialtv, Miss Lena Howard is visiting frierid iLl St Marys, iqrs. Janes Miller is visiting friends in Bownianvilte. Mr. lktoncur is spending his holidays at the Grand Bend, Mr. Xmases Patterson, of Toronto, is visiting his sistermcs. Bteasdale. Mrs. Moamar and daughter, Edith, are visiting friends in Gale this week. The results of the Departmental Ex- aaiinations appear in another column. bliss Evelyn faill returned home on A Comp ete Line of Friday after a pleasant visit hi St. Jarclineres, Catharines. onglish and. German Decorated Miss Maud Taylor entertained a Vases, number of gating friends oa Friday Frencb. China evening last. Limoge and Japanese Ware. Miss May Gill left on Saturday, for iSt Catharines, to visit her sister, airs. (Theo, Sweet. FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIF- miss Lizzie Penbale, of Vancoaver, =NS. /13. 0., is visiting friends i iExcite r / and vicinity. ILICIIHIIN GRIGG, Hugh Spackman is having a cement sidewalk laid in front and at the side EXETER. of his residence. / Mr. E. Fowell, Miss Li nghain. Mrs. INSURANCE. and bliss Fowell returned from Grand Bend, on Tue sday. Mrs. Fountain. of Toronto, visited Mrs. T. B. Carling -and Mrs. R. E. Pickard this week. Miss Pearl Levitt. has returned from an extended visit with friends in Ber- lin and Stratford. att. and airs. Thomas Snell and fam- TO ADVERTISERS. By, of London, are visiting friends m and around Exeter. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN Assume:ice COM- sum-. of Toronto; also for the MICE= FIRE MinfRANDE COMPANY, of London, England ; ALtatace Lamina:we COMPANY. of Eng and THURSDAY, AUGUST 8an, 1901. Locals. Jojin Powell of Woodstock, spent the past week visiting friends in Exe- ter and at Grand Bend. The Misses Milroy, of London, have been the guests of their cousins, the Misses Weekes, this week, Mr. James Bissett, and Mrs. Bissett, of London, visited his mother, Mrs. Bissett, Huron sa this week. Mrs. A. J. Rollins left for her home • FoR SALE CHEAP.— A butcher de- in Detroit on Wednesday after a livery cart, nearly new. Apply to L. 1pleasant visit with tate nds in town. DAY, Exeter. W. Folla.nd & Co. of Sarnia, hard - APPRENTICES WANTED.—TO learn ware merchants. have made an assign- ment for the benefit of their creditors. dress making, apply to Miss Tom, over Carling Bros. Store. Mr. Witmer, of Rochester, N. Y., owner of the Exeter North evaporator, Bo v W strran.—A good, smart boy Jis spending a few days in the neigh- borhood looking into the apple yield. A horse •temporarily used by W. Trevethick, on his delivery wagon, made things lively for a short time Tuesday evening by running away. It did. but slight damage. For a delightful hair dressing and to arelieve dandruff. itching of the scalp, with bur education, wanted to learn the printing business. Apply at TimEs office. WANTED.—A good -general servant, Sor woman capable as a working house - e: keeper. Write P. 0. Box 691, Sarnia, a Ont, or apply at this office. and promote the growth of the hair, Mr. S. S. Penhale and family, of' try Inaperial Hair tonic, sold by C. Fenelon Falls, are visiting friends in Lutz 50c per bottle. town. • John Delancey, who recently dispos- Miss E. Penhale,. of Vancouver city, ed of his business in Teeswater, and B. C., is visiting her brother, Mr. W. who, by the way, is an esteemed for - IL Penhale. wer resident of Exeter, has purchased Master Bert. Bayley, of London, a stock in Sarnia and will locate there. is spending his liolicla,ys with Mrs. Pen - hale, Galley st. Mr. Allen Fitzimons, liurondale, met with a very serious accident by corning in contact with the upturned Mr and Mr.. Trick, after a pleasant edge of an axe, in descending from a visit with Mr. 1.1 nd Mrs. Geo. Samwell, scaffold in the barn; his hand • was left laet week for their home in Olin- nearly severed in two, and he will be ton. • • ' laid up tor some time. rt, As an easy, safe and sure stomach Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Sa,mwell are en - week; Mr. Williamson and wife of e box. 4,4 „ a,nd livet regulator Liver Pills, sold by t, ' e tertaining the following guests this ..., .!, C. use DixL'ttl Lutz 25c per Ingersoll, Mr. -Thos. Snell and Mrs. Miss Edith Kennedy. daughter of Rev. D. M. Kennedy of Stonewall, Man.. formerly of London township, Snell and fanailys. of Lbndon, blissee rnma and Maria Seldon, Ingersoll, Mr. Wm. Trick and son, Thedford, died recently after a brief illness at Miss Floasie Snell; Dashwood. her father's home. Some three weeks before her death she went to the Win- In the death of H r T. Laing, nipeg General Hospital arid underwent who died Sunday morning' at fouro an operation for the removal of an en- clock in his 21st. year, St. Marys larged gland in the throat. About ten days after she returned. home appal,- young men. The deceased had been • entely doing well, A few days later in the employ of Mr. John McLean, while at tea her parents were eudden- druggist for the past two years or ly startled to see the blood scant from more and was one of the cleverest of • her throat an artery having been rim- the young man who bave learned • tured. loses one of her most promising chemistry in that store. HURON MODEL S000014.—The MO del Schools at Clinton •aud Goderich will ()pea on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, at 9 o'clock a. m, The Beard of Examin- ers will meet at Goderich on Saturday, ' August 2,11,1/. Those wishing to attend the Model Schools are -requested to no- tify the Public School Inspectors be- fore the day of meeting. Applicants • should lstate which school they prefer • L*OIO QF OsEleEReaarhe fol- lowing ofecers of Exeter lodge of 1. 0, I 0, Fa were duly installed by P. G, Spaaltman, for the current year Bro. Geo. Brooks, J. P. G,; R. H. Sweet, N, G,; J. 11, Grieve, V. G.; S. A. Pople- stone. R. S4 A. E. Fuke, P. S. W. H. Trott, Treas.;J. G. Stanbury, War.; A. Hastings, Con,; R. Davis, J. Ga; Lambrooke, R. S. N, G,; Geo, Jewell, L, 8. N. Ga -E. J. Spackrnan,E.S.V.G.; J. Rendle, L. S. V. Gs; W. Johns. R. S. S.; R. N. Rowe, L. S. Sa W, How- ard, Chap. FIRE. --On Thursday lest the black- smith shop of Digory Braitud, Exeter north, wake discovered to be en Are. The alarm was sounded and assistance was promptly at hand, The tire, bow - ever, had gained considerable head% ay and before it was extinguished the up- per storey was burned off, the brick wallsalone standing., The lower part of the building was but slightla injoas. ed. high. wind, was blowine and the houses to the south east caught tire several times. The loss upon Mr. B's property is covered by insurance. The cause of the fire is not known, but is supposed to have started in the paint• - ing room, ONTARIO LADIESOOLLE04.-The new illustrated calendar of the Ontario Lathes' College, Vvhithy, is just issued. it is exceptionally neat and complete. Across fhe outside cover isa. double band of two shades of blue rePresente ing the college colors, whilst the inter- ior eontapas numerous cuts illustrating the college building and grounds. For some years the Ontario Ladies' College has been recognized as one of our most efficient and. progressive institutione, with a large and increasing patrons age, and a. single glance at its staff, its course of study, its upstoalate equip- Meat, its pleasant., healthful surround - bags will reveal the secret of its popul- arity and success, The college stands for sound scholarship, physical health and that type of social culture that grows in a Christian atmosphere, The Rev. Dr. Hare has been Principal of the College since its inauguration twenty-seven years ago, and. will be pleased to give further Information to those who may desire it. Faou Tag Fa WEST.—A corms- pondent from Ethnontou writes : We theve bad veryw here the past few weeks, but the crops are look ing fine; oats are estimated to go 100 busbels to the acre. They are five feet high now and, out in head,— Belmont held their picnic on Ja H. Melick'sfarin this week, and it proved a, great sue - cess; the afternoon was spent in play- ing games and racing.—Isaac Harvey has his house completed, and. it is a fine dweliing.—john Welsh of Exeter was here recently prospecting, and. was the guest of Isaac Harvey.—J. Wurna was the guest of J. H. Melick recently-, Miss Jennie .Allin and her mother were the guests of Mrs. 1, H. Mend; last Monclay.—I think Belmont is one of the best counties in the West for robs. ed farming. We are only two miles from the coal mines and five miles from Edmonton.—Eggs are worth 20c. doz. and butter 25 cents a pound. I think this would be a capital location for the young men of the east, to better their condition. ILLNI.LES The R. Pickard Co i6LOT IN() 'LOTiri1N6 Exeter H ensa 1. Iu this line we never carried a larger nor better stock than we do at the present time. We have a number of boys suits which we would like to olear and in order to do so will cut the price in two . Suits that were $4.00 for $2.00, do do AO() for $1.00. Come and see them even if you don't buy, no troubl8 to show them. Men's suits of the very best style and quality at prices that will suit you. e have a number of rout -milts of Muslins, Lawns, Or. gandies, Piques, Giughams, Etc., Ete , which we, will clear regardless of cost. It will repay 'you to inspect them. spoGiais 111 61'066116S. 3 lbs. best selected raisins for 25 Best wooden clothes pins vet. doz. O Fine uncolor d Japan tea per lb 26 G..tva sardines per tin 05 Fine imported catsup per bottle 15 2 bottles tine mixed pickles for 25 Cottage ham zuitl veal loaf per tin 15 6illards prize relish per bottle 35 Clams ii3C Blackwell's mixed piekles 35 Clark'es ('kipped smoked beet' 17 Fumy raiiu bisouit per lb, 10 Boll vidcdr, socoais. Boys print blouses, all aiZOS 35 Boys cottonade knickers I3oys brownie ON'Oral Is Boys all wool sweaters Boys leather belts 35 35 75 25 nOSieril SOGGIA. 2 pr ladies' fine ribbed, fast black cotton hose for 25 25 20 25 30 Ladies' '35o bik cashmere hose for Ladies' fast blk cotton hose, special Metes regular 121c...cotton sox, 3 for Men's cashmere hose regular 40e, 41M•1101•••••111..401.01101 BOOT) and siloc spcoats • Ladies' low leather slippers, elastic fronts, low heel, very comfortable, special Men' patent leather bas, special Specials in children shoes at 50, 75, $1.00. Ladies' Oxfords at 85, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. 2 SO HE it iekards Co. Direct Importers. D. Crittenden spent Sunday tit hie home in Blyth. Nelson Sheere of Petrolea, is 's parents here. •a Good pasturage for owe; area, to ahe R. Pickard C/o. Miss Pprtiee, of Sarniasis a guest at Vie Mansion House. J. If. Grieve leaves this week to vis- it friends in Chicago. OFFICIAL BOARD MEETING._The W. Trevethick has disposed of his Tames-st. Methodist church held their d river to .lr, I Jamey. official August board meeting Monday Mr. mid Mrs. W. J. Heitman visited evening, 5th inst., the Pastor in the friends in London this week, chair. The appropriation for pastor's 'Waxy was fixed at the same as last year. Recording Steward, Frayue, re- ported that Messrs. S. Martin, W. J. Carling, 0. Perkin, jr., Roht. Kerslake Jas. Frayne, R. N. Rowe, and Times May had been duly elected represent- atives from the congregation on the Board. On motion Mr. Rbwe was ap- pointed delegate to the ;Financial Dis- trict meeting to he held at Lucan in September. The Treasurer reportedlfeornrnodatjon, at Fniton's,(formerly funds in good condition. The Pasta of Farquhar, Usborne.) 390 Michigan, was given a four weeks' holiday, ands, five blocks from depots - his supply was te be furnished by the A Mr. Down of Bethesda, Usborne Board. Rev. Mr. Brown was extend- township, has been eugaged to teach ed a unanimous ihvitation • to remain the Whalen school, as successor in Mi - for the fourth term. He did not ac- Hart, who goes to College to further cepa but promised to give it his most serious consideration.; hut would sug- prosecute his studies, John Northcott advertises his farm gest that in the meantime a committee. tor sate in another column of this issue. be appointed. to deal with the matter of supply for next year. On motion . It Is situatecl in the 3rd coucessicin or i Messrs. Frayne, Carling, Spackman Hay township; and s a fine farm. Bl- and Dr. Anderson were appointed. The meeting then adjourned. Miss Mabel Follick has taken a. slit ii - num as book-keeper in Cobbleatick So ?e, David. Jacques, Agent., Exeter, for the London Mutual Fire Iesorance Company, Loudon. The Railer Mills ;ire closed down this week, while a cement floor is be- ing laid ie the basement. Pa n-Awericiet visitors find gond ac- DEATEE OF AN OCTOGENA.RIAN.—The death of Mrs. Joseph Peart, at the ege of 81 years, removes from our midst an estimable lady. Mrs. Peart, whose maiden name was Grace Vanstone, was born in the Parish of Satconabe, Devonshire, England, on August, 3rd, 1817, and emigrated to this country in 1873, settling in Darlington, Durham Co., where, with her brothers, she liv- • ed about two years. On December 25, 1855, she was united in marriage to her now sorrowing parteer. Mr. and Mrs Peart settled in Hope township, where they remained for seven years ; they then moved to Darlington, near Ty- rone, where they lived nine years. They moved to 'Osborne in 1875, set- tling on a farm, where, for fifteen years, by dint of industry and bard labor., she with her husband acquired a sufficient competency.to enable them to retire, when in 1885 they moved to Exeter. Mrs. Peart was of a retiring • disposition, well and favorably known and her many friends and neighbors will cherish a loving memory of her many good and kind qualities of head and heart, ever, ready to lend a help- ing hand to those in distress. Her ill - nese was of short uration, having been seized -with paralysis a few days ago, She was a consistent member of the Methodist church. There are left to mourn her departure, her aged partner, and two sons, Samuel. Van - stone Peart, of Guelph, formerly of Usborne, and John Francis Peart, of Usborne. health is his reason for selling. • Gen Case, of the London road, one day last week, drew to W. G. Bissett's storehouse, re load of oats containing 186 bushels, for which he received the sum of 561.60. V ho can beat this ? J. T. Manning. butcher, on Tuesday wlzen in 1 plaing knife on a block in the shop, the knife struck the sideof the block causing his hand to slide. albng the blade, cutting one of his fingers to the bone. On Saturday morning last Mrs. Jos. Peart arose as usual, and proceeded to perform her daily household' duties, while her husband went outside to do some small chores. Shortly after, when Mr. Peart returned to the house. he found his wife lying helpless on the floor. Medical aid was summaned when it was found that she had sus- tained a partial stroke of paralysis, the riglf side being affected, For • sotne time previously Mrs. Peart bad enjoy- ed good health, and had gone around considerably visiting her friends. She was over 84 years of age. The Official Board of Main-st. Meth- odist church met on Monday, every member being present. The finances have never been in better condition in the history of the church, the response for the first quarter being better than on any previous similar occasion, ancl everything augurs well for a success- ful]. year. An invitation was given Itev. R. Milyard to remain a fourth year, the vote being taken by ballot, which was unanimous. The reverend gentleman, while thanking the Board for their kind expression of apprecia- tion, could not at so early a date de- cide upon the matter, but promised to Good pasturage for cows, apply to make known his intentions in due he R. Pickard Co. course. Miss Emma Cash, of St. Marys, is holidaying in Exeter. Fred Brown moved his housebold effects to Harriston this week. miss Kate Palmer, of Hensall, is visiting acre. A. Bowie. Jack Hart, returned home, Friday, feorn a holiday spent in St. Marys. Mr. Frank Tom, of Toledo, Ohio, spent a holiday with his parents here. Dr. Willoughby, of Forest, looking hale and barty was in town last week and this, calling on his old friends. Oscar Johnston, of Woodham, left last, week for Strathroy, where be has secured n. eh nation with a dry goods firm. Miss Aggie Smith, milliner. at. Osha- A% a, after a, pleasant visit with friends hi town, left for her home in Seaforth, on Wednesday. New potatoes are being shipped into St. Mars a as the crop about there is almost a failure. The stew tubers sell et thirty cents a peck. sessrs. Barton Hooper and E, J. Eaerett left Monday mornig for Re- gion, u here they will attend school. and afterwards engage in teaching. We wish the young men every su.ccess. Chas. Coates, tau aware merchant of Pontiac, Mich., was in town Monday renewing acquaintances. We ;,r pleased to learn that Mr. Coates doing a splendid business in Pontia • While at the lake this week, 4s. Bleaddell lost a purse conteining sou $40. It was picked up by Fred. Swee who returned it to the owner. He wits suitably rewarded. Such honesty is to be commendrd. PREVENTING TUB HESSIAN PEN.— The prevalence of the Hessian fly end the injury it is causing on all hands is arousing farmers to a sense of the danger of the pest becoming more numerous. To rid the cohntry of the pest the wheat growers should unite in deciding not to sow any wheat until after September 25 of this year, If special care was taken to work up the ground to a very flee tilth, and have it mellow, rich and moist, just like finely prepared turnip ground, in themicidle of June, perhaps the wheat would do just as well as if sown earlier and it is not likely that the fiy would get in its work at that late date, es- pecially if there were frosts. No one should sow fall wheat .gn ground that is not rich in humus and well prepared, because on weak, sickly wheat plants, the fly seems to work greater damage than it does on good, strong plants aud a fair crop of oats is better than half a crop of wheat and half a crop of weeds, especially when the wheat is worth very little more per pound than the oats. Iroft MANITonA. — The folio win g, among others, left this station on Monday and Tuesday last for manitob a: —Josh. morgan, Silas Stenlake, Sanal Stanlake, Ab. Bagshaw, IL Ford, airs. Treble, Exeter North, Jno, Exeter North, Henry Cann, mrs. Thos. Hawkins and daughter, Tom Elliott, Jim Campbell, mrs. John Welsh, and two sons, Charlie and Louie Long, Jack Snell ad Sidney Sanders. We have also a lot of women's shoes that we anxious to dispose of and will cut the price in two in these as well GIVE U8 f Ofilt. CARLING BROS Furniture 4 Emporium During hot weather we are inclined to look for coolest spot and most comfortable seat possible. Wo would suggest wheu you want comfort and eau get the sane at small cost you would be wise to CALL, AND INSPIECT Our Rattan Chairs, prices ranging from $2.00 upwards. Also complete stock in all lines, in latest designs. Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to call on us before purchasing elsewhere. • Funeral Directors. • OPERA HOUSZ BLOOK. Beverley & Huston, Rev. Mr. Milyard and wife spent Tuesday at Gram! Bend. Bert Ross and Will Willis left, Tues- day morning for Gated Bend. Geo. Willis has returned home after a pleasant outing at Grand Bend. Rev. and Airs. Malian end Miss Nettie, are at Grand Bend Park. Mr. Bleiuisdale, of Chicago, is visit- ing his brother, Mr. Bleadsdale. An- drew st. Rev. M r, Carrier, of Grand Bend, will exchange work with Rev, Mr. Martin, next week. mrs. Kent, mother of 3.11'8'. John Hawkshaw, died in Lucan laet week, at an advanced age. James Bonthron. of Toronto, visited the howe of his parents here, Me. Peart being seriously ill. Rev. Mr- Brown leaves this. week on a three week trip to (+ritually, Brownsville, and other points. The contractors Inc the cement side- walk will have completed the job by the end of this week. They will then replace the present stone -crossings across Mani st. with cement. - For t.liarrlicea, dysentery, etc, in !children or adulLS, use Aromatic Blackberry, or Wi Id Strawberry Compound. Both remedies are safe and reliable. Sold at Latz's d rng St ore. Board of Health. The inaugural meeting of the Board. of Health for the- year 1901, was held at the Town Hall, July 31st. Present Messrs. A. E. Tennant, T. Hazelwood, n and S. McLaughli. moved by Thos. Hazelwood, second- ed by J. McLaughlin that irr. Ten nay t be elected chairman for the current year.—Carried. • In conipliance with a, request from the School Board it was Unanimously carried that, the parents of children not.*already vaccinated be cordial] sare- geested to comply with the wishes of the School Board in this matter. • McLaughlina-Hazelwood—Th at the Board adjourn to • meet at call of Chai MU an ,--Carr i ed.. GEO. LT, BISSETT, A. E. TENNANT, ' Secretaay. Chairman. . . ONLY A MASK. Many are not being benefited by the summer vacation as they should he. Not withstanding much ontdoor life they age tittle if any stronger than they were. The tan on their faces is darker and makes theta look healthier, but it is only.a mask. They are still nervous, easily tired, upset by trifles, and they do not eat nor sleep well. What they need is what tones the nerves, perfects digestion, creates a,ppetate, and makes sleep refreshing, and that is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pupils and teachers geaerally will find the chief Purpose of the vacation best subserved by this great medicine which as We know,, "builds up the whole system. .vamameben••••• BE THOROUGHLY PREPARED FOR BUMS Centray— 4' STRATFORD, ONT. Never before in the history of aur college have our graduates been so remarkably successful in securing, ex- cellent. situations immediately on leaving college as during the present year. If you have a diploma from our college you need no "political pulr or influential friends to help you to success. You can stand on your own merits and will surely advance to the front. Our courses of study are eons- plete, systematic. valuable—the best in Canada. to -day. Clatalogne free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Wrkish Scalp Food is daily growing inVavour. 500 per bottle. Sold by C. tz. The demand for English Stock Food .1. rapidly increasing. farmers from istance are now sending in ordersro t. Sold by 0. Lutz. agearaa Yellow Oil iq a useful remedy to ha m any house. It is good for man or boas elieves pain, reduces swelling, allays indent ation. cures °Itsburns, bruises, sprains, suffjoints, ete. _ 2a cents. There 18 noform or kidney trouble, front a backache'down to Bright's disease that Doan's Kidney Pills will not relieve or Wire. If you are troubled with any kind of Kid it eY complaint, use Doan's Pills. A NEW MArti —IN THE— Stand Having purchased T. H. GRIEVE'S stock of GENTS' SUITINGS, PANTINGS AND OVERCOATINGS AND TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS, At a low rate on the dollar, I will offer to the public, clothing at PRIOE8 AWRY bovvrm. uaving had 10 years experience in the cutting and hist returned from the Olevelarid cutting school, where all the latest styles are obtained, I am in a position to produce the latest styles in gentlemen's garments. • I will be pleased 4,...exteet Mr. Grieve's customers and al.e new one who wish to get perfect fitting garments, • • • • • • • • . • • . ' • • • I •W. W. TriMfIN.