HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-8, Page 4TWX,TERT1MES The IVI olsons Bank tgif Difo g gorr rnrrp sOreA1lreMItt:0 BY PARLI WENT. wes, Pad up Capital • - $2.600.0001 Read OZeetreat. t Death Was Nispro Merciftel Tha , laii Ufa th Dead teleifeSe. Jeare$ ElsTSCAR2z m.4.4,40r,s,! MoneF ti,dvanceti to good fanners on their DV= note WO one or more endorser at 7 per gear,. per annum. Exeter Branch 1 Oven every lassfal day ftsse 10a, na to 3 a es SATURDAYS, 10 a. la, to 1 P. re. urreetrate s ot interest allowed on deposits. DIC=ON & CABLING, N. D. auRnox, sexacrrene. etatemea Iteeerve Puna §2,050.000 .Itee.eltIons„ )jeY Emperor William FinCed , White Illes t peact siotisor'S ssands-smperisa cabinet Orders S1.4 Weeltst N'atloonl, eeournine in Germany Simple Vatleral uoor4ne With the wham* of sae :Noble Peed. .Cremberg. Aug. 7, -The body of DewegvrelZ44„-)resn Rea i the bed. Calendar f9r August. 19011 chamber overloohisag Oa% valley of 2e- ,atbe Aram- It has been embalmed 4 11 18 ley KQNDANe 9 grOf. Itenvers, and ilea embedded in iQ e 1 ee 2A aaa mass of tube rose and la France 7 14 21 roeee. She died in a. soft Sleep, 8 vi 29 ParinleSSI.V. and leer features beer the 2 ; most serene a.ritl peaceful expression, 9 13 23 30 3 10 17 2 3 death ag"3. /".4 Driefs 14sting hardlY a quarter a An hour. When !Prof. Beavers haformed Emperer lliana that his mother's heart bed P coned to beat the Chaplain made a • brIel PraYer, and His MaJesty plo.ced .,selsite lilies in his zuother'a bands. 1. An Imperial Cabinet order decrees TgUB$PA.T, AKOUST Om, 1911 thee there shall -be six weeks of nee tfonel mounting. M public amuse- ' voter.: listcontains ,1? metets, tucludiug concerts end tha. Stamm atrieal performancee, ore euspended The dates fixed for the South Perthnutil after the fusterol. The Stine est Sair to he held at St. Marys, are TOPS- 'the ehurchee Germany zaust ba aea weargesday. Oct., 1st end' tolled daily for fourteen days from 2134. noon to 1 p. a Surat Weed tied Delladonnte cow-, A Simple Funeral. blued with the other ingredients used - cc cd c , theirtslise.blek-et.p,t7I0310,s tinusektearesiermtkifteag wisTeesn oQf tileue etieweee-seett.'4thrfurnesesreal thAe tve:7114patihnef relic rate. n tpitcpepzenv.4 to unee7vireesthweilvlitrumasstsailinIcep$1! asnpoosi7,011)413er ex,..watderi satulersi,p,St. Narymast remaia on the bed 'teliere she week, He was touv engaged shar. died until ready for the coffin. peniug the kuife tit Ids bioder when ne "ses 1'1" it is alloest from, her private gardeur the }mite stiffed tuld vat his wrist very /burled "ye badly. It was most fortunate that the 33milY of the blooms beiuss, Irene were ot severed. ni , tSlieS cultivated with her owa main erteries n M. R. N. Anderson, of Constance, . hal!'48. Ne eng will be allowed to tas been It1.4,age4,1to tenth, la 5. s. , rview it. except the members of the Z. Stephen, the school taught by Mr.' immediate family and household. Emperor Wtiliara lad a leag inter - 13 Metier. Mr. J. A. MeNaughton, of -war, has teen engaged to teach ! ses'" tVvu Btleksw eester- i .1, sessgsns sae easasey shone day. lie drove from Homburg to e death of 51r. Wm.13sgshaw. Fritsthnialsehef. 'end soou after his essanehe nese eeriaenllg teen loan. arrival thers the following announce- ing hay this year. There smore hay =lent regurdllsg the funeral arrange - in the Doninnon n.nv than ever before reeate was made,. The crcp line teen enormous eve-: "an ThtIrNiEW the rend faultily Tribezo end the loamv i.eeeeneete ettend the funeral service in the Already there is a large export trade Castla. tat willsit the Bishop of Rip - u. ads Canadian preduet and it w011 be on, who wee semattened by the Em - lately to increase at the near future. pres. will eallehites Ouly the 3011412- .A. 4.2(1 affliction (same upon the (Rate family will tee present. lime of 51r. Jas. Mvet., Fullerton, on "Saturdey evening the coffin will July -Tr& when his eldest slaughter. eseorted trout Friedrichschof to ?Mae:teeth, died after only a few days the Protestant Chureli in Cronberg Illness. She taught eehool in Hibbert by a Torchligas processiOn. followed for three years Tip to about a year ago by the royel family on foot. She was lsuried in the Presbyterian -Sunday often:sans a funeral ser-, cemetery, Mitchell, on Thurstley viee will he held in the presence of afterneoo, the family of the Empress. her A ((Iv uwned by Ni, John B.Petss household :snit a few of her friends of the tewnship of North Easthope, anti other privilsged persons." WW11. und dead in a pnsture ffeld the It 'le teepee!. d here that King Ed - other day. As tbe animal was ward rill be present. thoreuglibred Durham and was worth The royal family trill to Pots - about, VO, tne loss is a hetrey one. sant smash evening, and the body It was bought at the recent sale of Nvin ee laas.n there Monday evening. . Jbr Coak, Nozth Iastbope. arni'The funerel service in the Mai:so- iled a fineepedigrea leant at Ismielenskirche, Potsdam. Miss aoukiin. of Winnipeg. who w08 will be held Tueeday. As it was the on her way to St1arys Ont.. took Empress wish that there should be sick in Chicago, road died in a few no Stale ceremony, the service will days. itliss Conklin is a sister of Mrs. t b. by ail t o Germau Dodds of the Indian Mission, Moose royal. personages, It will be as sim- Mount'oin, and they both expected to Pie as possible. meet this summer at their home in St. + Emperor William has received a Marys, at the re-uulon of the family. telegram of sympathy from the Pope. For some time past /err. M. F. Burns hg s has been an very poor health. He has inlalwardPDeparture., been engaged in the grocery business! Cowes, Aug. T. - The time of in St. Marys far a long time. Fornler. Xing Edward's departure for Ger- ]y a partner in the well known firm of Melee is still undetermined. He went Snuth it Burns, about seventeen to London yesterday afternoon. The months ago he started business for ro3:at yacht Victoria. and Albert himself. It is a matter of regret, not awaits his arrival at Port Victoria only to himself but to his many friends to convey His Majesty to Flushing. thnt has health forbids his continuing Although the Xing decided that the in business for a while. His successor 1 Cowes yachting program should pro - is Mr. R. P. Gill, son of Mr. R. B. Gill, ceed following the precedent set by of St. Marys. Queen Victoria at the death of the The death of Mre. Violetta M. David- Duke of Saxe -Coburg, the owners of son, the wife of Ifr. Archie Moir, of the vessels entered for the ICing's Thames Avenue, St. Marys, was not cup (which was to have been raced unexpected. For saute time past for yesterday) have resolved, out of she had been a great sufferer from that ' respect for the Dowager Empress not dread disease, consumption, an afflic- , to start. tion which she has borne with remark- i mess May Not Go. able patience. Her death took place l .eeee, A • 7 - It was asserted ox Saturday, July 27th. Her mother 5 is Mrs. George Swales, of St. Marys, , last night that King. Ed - and she was born in Whitechurch !ward will probably not go to llom- Fifteen years ago she was married to burg or Croxiberg, but will proceed Mr. Moir. There are two children direct to Potsdam to await there the whose names are Archie and Clarence arrival of the body. She was 37 years, 5 months, 7days old Raiser cioselv Guarded. A farmer who was a resident or correspondent at Oronberg, describe Blanshard for over forty years, but ing the scenes about the castle and who has lived at Chesley for some I in the village of Oberusel, says the time, met with a sad death on Mon- I place is filled with troops, whose day. Mr. Thos Bugg, the gentlemaniiiresenee is considered necessary for in question, hearing a disturbance int the safety of the Kaiser. The entire in his stables, and. Ending that his road was patrolled the whole night, horses were restless, went in to quiet them. 'Whilst trying to soothe taingdlitteheen throouorpss. had been on duty for them, one of them lunged out with1 • his hind feet and caught the unfox- .11UESDAV WEDNESDAY... . TBUBSDA'S.".... VBSDAY.. ...... , . aVI1.112104.Y at death. New York, Aug. 7. - The Herald's tunate man in the pit a the stomach. Be lay on the floor of the stable till his groans were heard and he was carried into the house. This took place at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at 0 o'clock he was dead. The late Mr. Bugg married a daughter of Mr. Haines, Woodham. and was Neel persons hurt, more 01- less 'serious - known and highly esteemed througla- ly, is the latest revised record of out 131anshard and St. Marys. He Monday nights explosion ' in the was born in Bolton township, lived a block 01 buildings on Locust street, years in Blanshard, andeigbt in Elder- above 1.0th street, in this city. How lie township, about three miles from many more victims, if any, are still Chesley, when he met with his death. in the ruins will not be losswn until Besides his wife, four sone and two the debris has been cleared away. daughters survive. The two deugh- The property loss will amount to ters are in Manitoba, one son in British about $75,000, on which there is Columbia, and the other three at home. small insurance. He was buried a t Chesley on Wedries- COUNTING THE DRAD. Revised Record of Killed. and Injured in the rhiladelphia Zxplosion. Philadelphia, Aug. 7. - Seven dead, three or four probably fatally injured, and more than sixty o ther TnOtEr. Nortaere. • tal Restat'of Construction on Canadian I . $340 000 D BRICK8 Lotus IstsiaBowNE osa 001, I 1i1r1 Port Arthur, Aug. 7. --News ha.s &Olen, arid No Give Left, From the Selby Streltihg Works. i been rec..eived, her. e of at: exadoeicee. , On. the -04110.d1ata Northern in which three men were killed and eeyeateme leatired. The melt Were at, work blast- ing in a roek. cut. at Sturgeon , It is .supposed one of the charges did not :Are and the men went to Werk; when it eaddeely went Off with the above result The dead men were •buriet along the railway and the wounded taken to Attletileme Hespitale :where they are being evert for. • Furthernews, jUst receive(. says . three. Alen were killed.sevea setienee ly Wounded an four others slightly laIrt.. The mea had lust aboat cones plated work and 1m4 pat in •Ave Nests to finish, the cut, but in the discharge only -four of 'the five had exploded. They began to lear away eoc1 . from the mit, when the else:me ite in the efth bole exploded. „ Iheu:ehaloraere $Anl: a Shaft, Tunitelledlin. . derwthe Tault and Squat Struck tsortene-The retie. OL San 14'4ne1-son and th Vay Moos _t 41kot Ork 04 the Ca59,-,1414 91 the. !Pallerty StOlen. vallajo. Cal., Aug. 7. Gold bricks, valued at $340,000, were stolen during last aight from the Selby Smelting Works. The rob- bers evidently had been wearing on the lob for two or three months. ate7 bed dug a tunnel from outside th,e 11,01140A beginning with a shaft about three feet deep. Thence theY .‘ worked underneath the vault, and, FINANCIAL °nests enisnarenteS. Paaking aus. Ioanstrial Faterprises Germany Suspon41 OPeratioras. Berlin, Ana. 7,--Yester1ars deee patches from various parts of Gere many show that the enancial illilastrial crisis is spreading. The Rhell.i2.1450_40 IlInnobellett Akieu Bank ColOgile has been desslared insolve ent, and the calico mill of Ehrenberg • Richter inElleuburg hoe suspend- ed. Nothing has yet been published egarding their respective 3)r. Virliu. chairman of the over, seers of the W. 11. 110111 SPituxiug Machtisery Factory in Werelaan has been arrested. Two of the directers are wanted under euspicion of having forged cheques. Drowned at Orangeville. Orangeville, Aug. 7. - Caled011 Lake, a pleasure resort about three iles front this tONS11, was the seetie f a distressing fatality yesterday fternoon. Little Nora O'Iteilly. the ee-yeareold daughter ef Mr. II. IL O'Reith. rattaager of the Danis ot Iferzsitteri agent's!' at Niagara Valls Ont.. was playitig about one at the boathouses in eompatly with sena) other children. After a time her nurse notteed she was missing and A search sacs instituted, which result- ed ha finding the child lyitog in the lake immediately in front est the boathouse. Dr. Caeser 01 Toronto. who was in his boathouse nearby, was summoned at once and !moiled, for nearly an hour in a. vain effort to restore life. No one saw the thild get into the water. ! The deed cluld is o. niece of Dr. O'Rielly of the General Hospital, , Toronto; Dr. Gerald O'Rielly of Guelph, and Dr. E. B. 0 Rielly of 1! Hared ton. day. murder Ne:Ir Montreal. Montreal Aug 7 -News of a mur- THE CAUSE OF HAY FEVER It's a microbe that floats in the air, gets into the throat and lungs, de- yelops rapidly, excites inflammation; I etc. The cause is as simple as a thistle in the finger. Extract the thistle away goes the pain. Destroy the Hay Fever gertn--you get well. That's why Catarrhozone acts so mar- yellouely th Hey Fever. Its fragrant vapor to you brings cure, but to the microbe dea,th. Catarrhozorte is as quick to act on these mitroscopic or- ganisms as lightning. Prevents as well as cures, and 18 always successful, Druggists, Sic and $1.00, or Poison et Co., Kingston, Ont. ' 'der in one of the quiet parishes to the north of Montreal has lust reach - cal the city. It appears that a fartn- er nanied Flah6riy, living at Morin, a Plats, fired at and killed his bro- ther-in-law, one Blais, who had been drinking and creating, a. goo'd deal of disturbance. Will Talk About Apples Toronto. Aug. 7. -The Natioual Apple Growers' Associatioa's an- nual coavention opens in the Pa- vilion at 3.0 o'clock this moraing. Two business sessions, one in the morning and the otlier in the After- noon, will be held. and in the even- ing a reception will be given by the canadian apple shippers. After an adress of welcome by the Mayor, addresses on matters of inter- est to the trade, will be delivered by Iron. Henry Ile Dunlop, Savoy, 111.; 33. W. Stone, U. S. Government Sta- tistician; C. it. Williamson, Quincy, ID.; F. D. Cummings, Portland, Meal . IL. Mills, Guelph; Ed. N. Loomis, New York, and others. Striking upwards, bored a hole in the strong room Roar. The hole was shaPed like the manhole of a boiler. art of the hole Was bored two months ago. it is thought and the last Was Completed during the night, ! Through that hole they took the gold bricks and carried them to 0. ban e near the mouth of the tonne/ east of the worlts. where they vet- dently were pieced in coat, In their hurry the robbers lett two ot the brichs On the bank. Sheriff Wale Of Cootra Costa ammth. and Chief of 1olice Seuterd Q1 Vallejo, have been notified and • are now at the works, The police of San FrelleteCo and all the bay cities are at, work on the case, Out so far there is not the slightest clue to the robbers. Get a Iiig Seegia• 4 The work was that, of skilled lilea ' and their elaborate plans were car- " tied oue without a WW1. They got all the builiou in the vault. leeving , behind only the two bricks that were dropped on the Attire. Only one day's " accumulation Of reigned gold was kept at tho works. Monday's run was tuaisually heavy, and the gold Was to have been shipped heck to Si,111.1 Fran- cisco yestertley. ! The tuunel that the robbers eh- , eavated was about thret) feet in di- ' allaeter and gave theal plenty ot room in which to work. It is sup- posed that the dirt from the tunnel was taken out at eight and dropped la the bay. First reports stated that the tunnel wan two or three hundred feet long, but, aecordiug to late ad - it is only about 10 Sect in length. The shaft was started close to the wall arid was mac below the foundation. Thence it was only a short dietance under the floor of the . vault. It is thought. the men who committed the robbery took , their plunder in a. latineh and made off , directly for an Francisco. There are plenty of places, however, to which they may have gone - either + up the SattraMento River or to the shore ot any of the numerous bays. Tito Froperty Stolen, Following is n. list of property stolen: Four fine gold bricks, alt numbered, soul containing as fol- lows; No. 1, 230-1, 100 ounces and a fraction; No. 1, 237-3, 300 ounces; NO. 1, 238-1, 123 ounces and a frac- tion; No. 1, 230-1, 127 ounces and a fraction. Also 10,000 ounces of gold in various shapes and a little silver, The gold in the bricks is' +worth $2 an ounce. fore Canadians Dead. Ottawa, Aug. 7. - The Militia Department has received the follow- ing cable: Johannesburg, Aug. 2. - Regret to report that No. O. 1410, Trooper James Henry Quinn, died of enteric fever, No. 17 General Hospital, July 30; No. 01,613 Trooper Sergt.-Major ° William Chalmers, and "A" 1780, Trooper Harry John Sproule, killed in action at Rout Kap, near Vereen- iging, July 11. Next of kin respect- ively, J. G. Quinn, father, 13randon; Mrs. George Chalmers, mother, Moosomin, and William Sproule, father, 475 Elgin avenue, Winnipeg. (Signed) High Commissioner. Object to Waterway Plan. New York, Aug. 7. - The Execu- tive Committee of the Canal Asso- ciation bas decided not to advocate the proposed deep waterway plan. The committee came to the conclu- sion that the interest not only. of New York but of the whole State would be better served by a 1,000 - ton barge canal. There is more or less doubt as to whether the deep waterway proposition can be carried out. Scalded to Death Richmond Hill, Ont., Aug. 7. -The three-year-old daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. C. 33oVaire, near Richmond Hill, was scalded to death yesterday afternoon by falling backwards into a pail of hot water. Her mother was washing and had the pail of hot water standing in the floor. Mrs. Bovaire removed the clothing from the child immediately, but could do nothing to save her life. The child died shortly afterwards. lairaculons ecape. Chatham, Aug. 7. -While Harry Massey was driviag s across the C. P. R. track on 14Ionday he was struck by a freight engine. The horse svas instantly killed, and the buggy -to- tally demolished. Massey was carried some 25 feet and thrown into the ditch. He was badly bruised and cut, hut escapdd sei ious injury, iite rather Lilco Son. I Halifax: Aug. 7. -Edwin Potter, I. aged 11 years, was drowned at An- napolis yesterday afternoon while bathing. The father of the boy. U. titricicle 1.1y Drowning.' Elalifax, Aug. 7. -At Westchester, Cumberland County, on Sunday, Jacob E. Purdy, aged. 25 years, com- mitted suicide by drowning in an un- used well in an out -building at his father's home. He had been despona dent for years, W. Potter, was, #1rownect at ,alisioat the same spot ten years ago- , ow for Cho South role. 0we, itSle of Wight, Alias 7. -The British A ntarcti c expl or of on ship Discovery sailed froxn here yesterday afternoon for the Antarctic regions. BASEBALL ON TUESDAY. Brockton Tho Bastern Leacue. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2-3 Toronto .. ... . .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Two.base hita-Bonner, Smith, Slater, Ititrit'41rOdst. BitiiIittO llign it - hases s n -0 Bar- tel 8i. Sgtgliile-poltaBYW3nrdtett bli ti: t a . Wild piteb.es-Barned;8. Left on ,bases - Toronto 8, Brockton . Time -1.50. Um- pire -O'Loughlin. Attendance -000. E. Ilartford 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I alOni2ea1 -3 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 *-916 1 Statterles-Gardner, Steelman and Urqu- hart; Souders and Wilson. umpire-Liam- ney. Attendance -um. BILE. Rochester .,.... 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 *--5 7 2 Worcester ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 9 3 Ratterles-Melrarlaa and Dixon; Magee and Clements. trnsaire--Stunt. National League Settras. At Pittsburg- RILL. St. Louis .. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 72 Pittsburg .. 2 0 0 3 1 2 0-810 1 Batteries-Iarper and Ryan; Tannehill and Yeager. Called, ram. A • el 1 tI H Chicago .- 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0-6 53 Cincinnati- ... 0 0 1 0.0 0 01 0-2 7 1 Latterles-Waddell and Kahoe; Stirchal and Bergen. At Bosten- Bostoir'. . ... . . 01100021* -.510 0 Philadelphlao 2 0 0 0 o 0 0 1-3 6 2 Batteries -Dineen and Kittredge; Dona- hue and Cross. A.meriean Baseball League. At Milwaukee-- KIDD. Detroit .... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4-3 11 2 Milwaukee 100001002-48 4 Batteries -Miner and Buelowl Sparks and Maloney. Second Day Mg/ranter' Races. Hamilton, Aug. 7. --Weather was 'fine yesterday, the setond day of the .racet here.' Track fast. First race, 6a furlongs, $250, s 3 - year -olds, 1 Young Henry; 2 Bean; 13 Magnus Froil, 7-5. Time, 1.20a. Second race, -3- -mile, $250, 2-yeaf- °ISIS; 1 Merriment; 2 Meditation; 3 Silk Cord, 8-5. Time, 1.01a. Third race, 1 mile, $250, 3 -year- olds and up, 1 Bellcourt; 2 Obstinate Simon; 3 All Saints, 8-3. Time, 1.42A Fourth race, 44. furlongs, $250, 2 - year -olds, 1 Papermaker; 2 Helmet- ta; 3 Easy Street, 8-5. Time, ,54. Fifth race, 5a furlongs, $250, 3 - year -olds and up, 1 Ra,cetnal; 2 Ed- inborough; 3 Hie Away, 4..1. Time, Sixth race, a mile, $250, 4 -year- olds and up, 1 Samiv.el; 2 Aliamo; 3 Tenderloin, 1-24-. Time, 1.15. Attempt at Train Ni'reelting. S/11.411,'S Falls, And. 7.-Mhat ap- pears to have been an attempt to wreck. the C.P.R. Blontreal express was made here at an early hour yes- terdhy Morning; The express was pre'cecled by-an'engine running light, and just as the latter -reached the Rrige of the town an explosion oc- curred, which tore off one of the driving wheola: Very little damage \yes done otherwise, and the express was not &flayed. Negotiationsijeclared toil:lave Made BARK an Satisfactory Progress, London, Aug. 7. - Lord Lens- dowue, the Foreign Secretary, re- plying in the House of Lords yeater clnY to a question of Eael .Spencer, Llberel, said the Chilies.) negotiee tions bad recently made rapid and satiefaCtory progress. The beclemnity question was CliSPosed Of. With the eXCeation of EL few minor pointe. where was still some queetion whether the matter ot the corainer- cial facilities in Maa bad net bet- ter be transferred to some other place than Pekin, and, to some more wieldy body than the present confer- ence, Great Britain wan still ia fav- or of the *Pen door throughout China. They could not complain that they had not equal commercial •vantages in the Yang Tse Valley. The Foreign Secretary also said that the final strength of the lege- tion garrison at Pekin would 'web - ably be 1,800 men, awl that an. ad.. ditional force of 3,900 would be distributed at important points along the route to the sea. The Secretary regarded the Anglo,. German mid the Angio -Russian agree- ments as satisfactory, but as tend- ing to the maintenauce of China's territorial integrity. Britisl; alleister Would Not Sigo. Pekin, Aug. G. -The Fereiga ers had arrauged to sign the settle - t pretoeol to -day, but Itritish Moister Satow yesterday eveuing notiSed his colleagues that Great Britain was unable to sign. Re gaVeno reasoos, and the meefing was postponed indefinitely. arrival of naitiersee. Berlin, Aug. 7,-1he steamer Gera. with Field Marshal Count Von Wel- dersee on board. has Arrived off .easseePeate annen WINNERS. .111•1,1....1•••• wards In Ville Arts' Department at the resaainericere BullIal0. N. Y., Aug. 7.--T1ze Jury of Awards for the division ot Cue arts of the Pan-American Exposition has ramie its awards, alltentg them being the following. Canadians: Group 1. (I30). Claes 577. paint- ings in oil, water color. pastel and tourtitgr, eilten rrenOgons.tzeti tueditone. Gold. artetielets-William Brymner. Robert 'Terris, Homer WaISOLI, Blair Bruce. Silver nuellalo-E. Dyonnet. E. Wyly (trier, John Itanunond, Laura Mentz, James Wilson Morrice. Bronze medals -Maurice Cullen. WiUiaw Cruikshank, Edmund Mor- ris, A. D, Patterson, J. St. Charles. Honorable mentIon-M. A. Bell, F. M. Dell -Smith, P. II. Drigtlen, Flor- ence Carlyle, J. W. L. Forster, J. L. Graham, Robert F. Gegen, ray Xnowles, 0. M. Manly, Mary II, Reid, S. Strickland Tully, Paul Shulman Group 2, (137), Glass 578, sculp- ture, including medals and cameos: Silver osedar-Ws S. Alward. Group 1, (130, MISS 577, paint - trigs in all, water colors, pastel and other recognized mediums, minia- tures, cartoons -George A. Ileid. The awards in the Section of Arch- ifecture have not yet been reede ow - in to the difficulty in 'bringeng the Stny together in Buffalo. Importing Pure Bred Stook, FOR SALE Y 11. Full of Meaning. The "Sovereign" brand on a laelfa shoe means everything a lady has a right to expect hi, a slaoa It means style because aaa- made on the very latest, most fashionable patterns. It means fit because made on lastsmodeled from real feet-withallthe stretch and shrink taken out of the shoes. It means beauty because " Sovereign " shoes are finished by the best, most up-to-date methode. It means wear because only first-class materials are put into "Sovereign" shoes and they are put to- gether by the best of all niethoils, the Goodyear fl lite welt process. For men and WWI= $3.001 Se.so and $4.o0. Stamped on the soles. Sovereign Shoe SWEET, EXETER. R'SQLISIT OARS1IEN RA'FroltTAGE MP. McDougall, of the St. StarT _ s' deerne wanes and Champion •Faite eroolletgiollaltaes5CtlaaffsISICIasstip7:iigaluisetditnolteetleP chartge Courtesies, 1lla UIgh selioni. Rat portege. Aug. T. -George TOW.U.S* ot Englandaccompauied by TOM Sullivau, his trainer, and rime, another oarsmanarrived in town at 9 Welock yesterday., easel were ,33.11et nt the depot by a. large number of the members of the Rat I ortage Rowing Club, and °thee eitizezis, who welcomed the British. - s toed escorted elle= to the Rowing (stub quarters, which were placed Pet their disposal. Their boat was sent 11 to the clubhouse to be unpacked. WhiIo the Englishmen were being shown through the clubhouse. Joke Gandaur came in for his morning work, and was introduced to Towns, StilliVall and Jake aro old triexade, a.nd, their meeting was of the most cordial character. Sullivan's greet- ing words were: "Why, Jake, you look younger than ever. What have they been do- ing to you up here?" JII3iti"S reply, was: "Living atuong the rocks agrees with me." The three Englishmen had the course on which the struggle ot Sep - 'ember 4 will take place pointed out to them, and they expressed them - as delighted with it. Totems is a. small man, but of a very mus- cular type, with long arras and legs n.nd stock x body, ' Women with mile colorless faces, who Ifeel eeek and discouraged, will M- VO% 4. i at h mental and bodily vigor hy using Carter's Lon Pills, whieh are made for the blood, nerves and coin- plexiou. . .. ....... -. Look at your tongue. Is it coated? Then you have a bad taste in your mouth every morning. Your appetite is poor, and food dis- tresses you. You have frequent headaches and are often dizzy. Your stomach is weak and your bowels are always constipated. There's an old and re- liable cure:. Don't take a cathartic dose and then stop. Bet- ter take a laxative dose each night, jusf`enough to cause one good free move- ment the day following. You feel better the very next day. Your appetite returns, your dyspepsia is cured, your headaches pais away, your tongue clears up, your liver acts well, and your bowels no longer give you trouble. Price, 23 cents. 1.0 druggists. gel have taken Ayer's Pills for 35 years, and I consider theni the best made. • One pill does use more good thaii.balf a box of any other krnd I have ever tried." Mrs N. E. TALBOT,' March 30, 1893. Arrin,gton, Kant A., Ottawa, Aug. 74 -Ontario farmers have recently purchased some pure- bred stock in England. Mr. Carpen- ter, M. P. r., of Sinneoe, bought soMe rams at the Cardig Exhibition and 20 ewes fronl two of the finest iloeks in. Great Britain. Joseph Brethour bought sOrao prize boars and sows, and Robert Miller of Stoufterille got some choice sheep and cattle. W. D. Fln.tt of Hamilton go some shorthorn cattle, and J. Davis selected about 60 head of Yorkshire swine. Government Conies to Time. Toronto, Aug. 7. - The Cashmere Dam in the ?I'llames River, which was the cause of the split between C01. Leys, M.P.P. for London, and the Ontario Government, can be pur- chased from the owner, Doran Ev- eringlaam, for $1,000. The Govern- ment has made overtures to him and -the Commissioner of Public Works, Hon. F. R. Latchford, says the Legislature will be asked to vote that amount. Blown to Atoms. Bowling Green, Aug. 7. -Eight hundred narts of nitro-glycerine ex- plode& 1a miles southwest of this city yesterday" afternoon and blew 1 the driver of the wagon in. which the explosive was stored, the team and the wagon to atoms. Favor Canadian Ray. Washington, Aug. 7,4 -Complaint was instituted yesterday before the Inter -State Coranaeree Commission by the National Hay A ssociation against the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroa'd Company and 29 other roads doing business in the eastern section of the country, al- leging unlawful discriminations against hay and straw. It is ailed- • ed that comniodity rates are given to Canadian hay, working a 'discrim- ination against the domestic pro- duct. Both Bylaws Carried. Orangeville, Aug, 7. -Voting took place on Monday on two bylaws, one to grant a loan of $5,000 to the Dufferin Coffin and Casket Company, and the other c loan of $10,000 to H. F. G. Pett, who proposes , to start biscuit and confectionery Manufactory. Both bylaws carried. Cabinet Appoints M. Glenn. Toronto, Aug. 7. - At a meeting of the .Ontarip Cabinet yesterday al - ternoOn, the vacant position of pol- ice magistrate at .st, Thomas was filled by the appointment of J. M. Glenn, K. C. Tha late aieumbent of the office • was Polls:a Magistrate White, now deceaSed. TO OURS A COL') TS: ONE 0y Tska Lax•itive Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist, rehind tho money ir it rails to intro D01111111011 LabOratOrll* 25. E. W. Grove sig iature is on each bottle. 'MT # A vaX1 Writ horti041K,OrIbuk, tag Xarrvati is tor word kind et *cam- tglaMON 4Atildt liarness 011 • Pot unlYttrtOthohlaulatind Uura* lot barter , _but * The 1 U. ItagatrIt awl Ipliable,,,uts ditto; 1. itist 'title* ita , so is enitestity watt d. ( 143 essayektp.iit SIA41...14 11114th 30441) it ti tnPa IAL . 011.. O. I i 1, , .. Your \, aN Chan efil f/f es' TORONTOEXHIBITION Must 26 to September 71 01 1111101. PUEMIIMS $65 000AND 6500a. ATTRAOTIOXS ••••••••••••••••••1011.11 Naval and Miliitary Displays Daily BRILLIANT SPECTACLES Bombardment of Taku Forts by International Eorces Greatest Live Stock Shcw on the Con- tinent. ell Our Country's Resources.. OnNt •019.0.0.goin. Novel and High Claes Entertainment Features •••••••11.01091•11.. MILITARY TATO°, AUG L ST 27t1t 1=1=0611101.11•11011 GreatReunion of Canadian Old Boys - and Old College Students, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd 11.0.11111••••••••....0 Redneed Rates All Lines of Travel ANDREW SMITH, F.R,C.V.S, H. J. RILL, President Manager TORONTO • BROWNING'S tag tofe- Headquarters For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic . Stomach and Liver 'Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix - tare Chilblaha Lotion. Try any :of these preparations andl you will be astonished at their worider-• ful healing and curing properties. A Full line of Patent Medicines on: hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. ei VVBROThlM� 7.