Exeter Times, 1901-8-8, Page 3'ePt. 466,1•0•111, NOTES COPLVENTS. Attacks upon its Mediterraneau naval policy and on its army reor- ganization scheme have not been the only assaults that the British Gov- ernmett has had to meet.; its policy at Gibraltar has caused a vast amount of letter writing and the asking of a question in the House of Lords regarding the naval works under construction ancl contemplated at "the Rock." The matter excited mizeh public interest, for aibraltar is regarded in Great Britain, as. palladium, second in efficacy only to Magna Charta. The question was *framed -carefully, eo as not even to appear to MU for more infornustion than it might be proper for the Gov- eriunent to give—for everything re- lating to Gibraltar is kept secret; assd the answer was worded as care- fully. Gibraltar is a peninsula ex- tending from the southern coast of Spain, at the Eastern end of the sos called Straits of Gibraltar. East- ward it is directly upon the Neater- ranean; on the west. the Bay of Gib- raltar, about four iniles wide, separ- ates it from Spain. Algeciras, across tho bay freitt the Rockis a fortified town. It May be remarked in passing that the Reek has its back turned to the straits, oontrary to the impression given by the usval pictures of the place; that is, its most precipitous sides are toward the north and east. The town and the naval and military works are a.11 Sittiated Q11 the west Side on the by; the east shore is precipitous and practically uninhabited except by Osberinell. The subject was brought into pro- ikainence by Mr, Thomas Gibso Bowles, member Of parliament for Xing's Lynn. who attacked the Goy- ernMent for spending Money on docks and storehouses on the West aide where 'they would be withitrs dre of guns on the Spanish coast. and de- manded, that the yards and docks llanned ter the eastern coast 6e pro- ceeded with. Air. Bowles was =ember el a commission appointed by the Earl of Salboree, First Lord of the Admiralty, to investigate the question of dock construction at Gib• - raltar. According to him the cone- tnittee. prepared a unanimous report on many of the questiouS submitted to it, but before the report was sign-, ed "pmsure." was applied to three members. who altered their -views and made a majority report differing from the original draft. This charge WaS denied by the Government. The question asked in the House of Lords eeferrod only to the Ces.sation or continuance of works on the western dockyards while the matter of the eastern yards was under considera- tion. The Earl of Selborno, in re - Ply, Sold that the work on the west- ern yards had not been stoped; the work having been considered by two previous cabinets and under way for several years, he had deemed it. best to continue operations in the man- ner planned. One new feature had indeed appeared in the case, Lord fltelborne said; that was * "that the experience gained in Smith Africa showed that the large and heavy guns by which such works can be succeesfully attacked are mobile guns inovable from point to point, and were not, as was so long previously accepted, rooted to exact spots." This is an admission that the west- ern docks are not invulnerable; but that fact had been known before. As regards the proposed eastern dockyards, Lord Selborne spoke of the estimates of the cost, the lowest of which was £5,320,000, and of the time required, ten -years; lie dwelt al- so on the fact that little was known as to the effect of the "Levanters," or east winds, on constructions along the east coast; he did not say what is likewise a fact, that there is not only no good location for docks on that coast, but not even any place safe from guns on the Spanish shore north of the Gibraltar prom- ontory. It was Lord Goschen, a • yious First Lord. who admitted this last fact. The whole question resolveditself, then, into the form, Is it, better to finish the docks begun which the navy needs, than to cease work on them, and wait for ten or twenty years until new docks art ished, whia then would be no more invulnerable than those abandoned? Lord Selborne said that the Govern- ment had preferred to have the docks, even with admitted risks, rather than no docks at all; and .the House of Lords agreed with him. Gibraltar, however, is no worse off now than it has ben To reader its position Merely uncomfortable, the Saturday Review points out, Spain must behostile, or must have been coneeered. by France; then the Brit- ish - artillery fortifying, the. Rock must have beeoine • . worthless. TJie general feeling appears to be thet, ,Gibraltar is, quite as valuable as it ever was, and. that it is the part of criscloni to complete the :dock§ now hand, meantime ascertaining everything necessary about the con- ditions on the oast side of the Rock, When those are known, it Will be timeenough to eadertaka a .work covering ten or More years,anct cost - Ing from ten to twenty, inillionS Of pounds. This decision sedine sensi- RENARICABLE RESULTS, 12Vonderful EiTect of Machinery On ,Agriculture. The wonderful effect of agricultural machinery in increasing the output of farming and cheapening the price, of farm products, whiee at the same time raising the wages of the labor - ere, is illustrated by a recent statis- tical report issued by the United States Department of Agrictilture. Some facts in this report are thue referred to in the Revue Scientifigoe (June 1) ; In 185.5 the total working-ti necessary to produce a, bushel of corn was 4 hours 34 xainutes, and the price Of this work amounted, on the average, to 35-Z 'Cents, . • . Ma- Chinery (to -day) does in oue minute the work it took hand labor 108 Minutes to do fifty years ago, and the fieal result then was inferior in quality. Instead of the four hours and a half thee required to produce a bushel of wheat, the time has been reduced to 34 minutes and the work costs only 10i cents. This shows that the product can, be sold cheaper and that cousequentis there will be More consumers, but the laborer earns more than formerly with less exertion. since the priee has not de- creased in the same proportion with the time employed. "Similar conclusions are reached with regard to other agriculteral products. , . In 1880 the labor necessary to ebtain a bushel of wheat took 8 hours 8 minutes ; to- day the corresponding time is only 10 minutes. The difference i3 numb. greater than In the preceding ex- ample because wheat is easier to treat mechanically than Indian corn. The price of produetion has fallen from 171 cents to $ 1-3 cents 1, , All these examples are very haraeteristic, and show that agri- ultural work, like all other indus- tries, must have free recourse to Inas chinex7 to produce cheaply, and hence to melte 'headway against fo- reign competition." Pale and Dejected THE TRYING CONDITION OP NARY WOMEN. Subject to Headaches, Diztlxiess and Heart Palpitation. They C -row Discouraged and l're- maturely Oid. Prom the Review, Windsor, Out, 'Dr. Williams' Pinic Pills ,s the only medicine that ever gave me any real benefit," said Airs. R. X.Har- ris. a, well known resident of Wind- er, to a. representative of the Re- view recently. "I do not know ex- actly what my trouble was; doc- rs toseemed unable to tell me, though I thought myself it was con- sumption. I had a constant rack- ing cough, and a constant feeling of languidness. My blood seemed to UMe turned. to avater, and I WAS very pale. I had a feeling^ in my ehest as though some foreign sub- stance ayes lodged there. The slight- est noise enucle ino nervous; was dejected all the time and could. not scarcely do any household work. I tried Medicines, but they did not help inc in the least. Doctors did not Seem able to help inc or tell me what ailed ine, although their bills increased with ramming rapidity. I grew so weak; and so despondent that finally cltreided., to take a. trip to Colorado to see if a. change of climate would benelit inc. While contemplaling this trip I read in a paper one day the testimonial of a person whose symptoms were almost identical with my own, who was cured by Dr, Williams' Fink Pills. decided to give them a trial and purchased a box. When that box was done I got another, and found gradually that the pills were helping me. The trip to Colorado was abandoned, and I continued using the pills until I had taken eight or nine boxes when I felt like an altogether different person. Prom a pale, thin, listless person, I became the picture of health, and felt it too. It is sev- eral years since 1 used the pills, arid I have not had any return of the trouble. I am positive Dr: Wil- liams' Pink Pills saved me from an early grave, and .1 cannot recommend them too highly to those who are afflicted as I was." It is the mission of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to make rick, red blood, nourish the nerves, tissues and vari- ous organs of the body, and thus by reaching the root of the „trouble, drive disease from the system. Other medicines act only on the symptoms of the disease, and when suck medi- cines are discontinued, the trouble returns—often in an aggravated form. If you want health and strength, be sure the full name, "Dr: Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple," is on the wrapper around each box. If your dealer cannot supply you the pills, •will he sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, , by addressing the Dr. 'Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, IT WAS PAID FOR. A late nobleman, in whose charac- ter vanity and parsimony were the most remarkable features,' was, for 1Z long time before he died, in the habit of retailing the produce of his dairy and orchard to the children and poor people of his neighborhood. It is told, that one day observing a very prethy little female child trip- ping through his grounds with a mille-piplein, he stooped to kiss her; after ceilidh he Said in a pompous tone: Now, my dear, you may tell your grandchildren, and tell them in their turn to tell their grandchildren, that you had once the honor of receiving a kiss from the Right Honora,ble the Earl of B—. The looked/up in his face, and, with -a strange mixture of simplicity and archness, remarked: "But ye took the penny for the milk, though! " The Laplanders are the. shortest people in Europe, man averaging lft' wOmen dritt 9int. for the MTH and BREATH New Size SOZODONT LIQUID . . 250 NOW Patent MK SOZODOIET POWDER . 2Se Large LIQUID and POWDER . . At the Stores or by Mail, postpaid, for the Price. A Dentist's Opinion: "As an antiseptic and hy enio and s, I cordially reeonsIBES11(1 SoeociOrst. I eoneidor it the ideal eutifrice for chddzen's use," [Name of -miter upon applicatio2.1 HALL & RUOKEL. Montreal. mouthwash, and for the care and preservatioa of the tee ^ • • • • - - OREAT FIRES OF nisTolvr. calamitous Conflagrations in the Old and 21TeNV World, The old world's most calernitous fire was that which toek place in London in 1666, which destroyed 000 buildings, laid 400 streets waste and rendered 200,000 persons home- less, the loss of life being 1.000 and that, of property $40,000,000. Mos- cow's eanflagration in 1813 consum- ed 8,000 ef the eity's 10,000 b d ings, compelling 20,000 of the city's inhabitants to sleep on the ground; destrOyed 200 lives and $10,000,000 of property, and had politiCal con- sequences which affected the history Of Europe. It brought Boneparte's Russian campaign to disaster, mug.. ed a retreat in. the dead of winter in which the lives of 150,000 of his sel- lers were lost, broke the spell of his invincibility and incited the new com- binations against him which es•entii- ally resulted in his overthrow. New York City had n. Ore in 1835 which destreyed $20.000,000 of pro- perty, and one in 1838 which luflict- n JOSS of $10,000,000, and thiS was followed by one in 1845 in which $8,000,000 of property went up in smoke. Pittsburg had a. Ka 000,000 fire in 1845, followed by one of $3,000.000 in 1848, and by one In St. Louis which destroyed $5, - in Alba.ny which inflicted a damage 000,000 of property in 1849. San Francisco had two Ares six weeks apart in 1851, inflicting a. loss of $4,000,000 in the & i&A and $3,000.- 000 n the second. The Fourth of July celebration in 1806 caused in Portland, Me., the most destructive le ever tnown on the American con- tinent up to that time. except New York's of 1835, Portland's loss be- ing $15,000,000, like Jacksonville's. The two most calamitous fires evee known anywhere in the world occur- red in the 'United States within thir- teen months of each other. In the first of these, in Chicago, on October 8-9, 1871, the property loss was $200,000,000, and in the second, in Boston, on November 9, 1872, $80.- 000,000 of property was consumed. In Chicago 100,000 persons were left without homes, and 200 were killed. Chicago's heads the list of the world's destructive canna r ti but, as she had over 800,000 popu- lation in 18710 the loss in jackson- ville in 1901, with 28,000 popula- tion, is proportionately not very far below that of the metropolis on Lake Michigan. —o fl • • I DANGER IN FRESH BUTTER, Why is butter salted? It is not merely a matter of taste. There is a scientific reason why salt should be added. The bacterialopopulation of a IneideraLD sized pat of butter may be reckoned by millions ; and a, tiny lump, only large enough to go into a thimbles lute been Iteown to be tenanted by nearly 48,000,000. Hence the iirgeticsE for keeping these hordes in check, and hence the ef- forts which are made, first, to set up effectual barriers to their ingress by taking proper precautions in the production of milk; and, secondly, in the manufacture and distribution of the finished article. Included in these processes is the addition of salt in, such quantities is to justify the butter being known as salt but- ter ; or, in other words, to sup- press to a, large extent the activities of the butter bacteria. That salt does net in this manner is shown by the fact that in butter thus treated a. very large reduction in the num- ber Di micro-organisms present is f- fected, OWES HIS gYESIll'ILT TO A IIRACLE ALEXANDRA HOlvrF. How the First Lady of Britain Spends the Day. life at Windsor ; Nero is Queen Alexandra's horae I Ilz•ealefast is usually served at nine o'cloek and after the Royal hostess „„, Will often send for one or two of the WIVQ"10e laxly -guests to chat with her in herl boudoir, or possibly will invite all ! of them to accompany her on her I el) morning visit to the kennels, the ! m aviary, the poultry pens, or her own ce stable. In the latter will he found.. 1. among others, a beatItiful team of lIungarian ponies, for Her Majesty is a, skilful whip, driving a four -in - band or tandem. She is also ad graceful rider, although not SCUM so much on horseback during the last few years. Sundry lumps of sugar ie And their way to the horses' meutlis; a ereseseaesee........e.a.a.s......seeseeeeresesesesieseseesseseeeerse-reereeeriereereieseee indeed, they always turn their pretty 0 heads for it, well knowing that they 0 Dinner is at 7.30, ------------------------------ 742"larXINtrilEATOIE momvaross..7-da. 3E2' 17,2)X. -0E3 who are usinz ELLA CEYLON TEA exclusivgtly know they are having a good thing. Try it and you will brave the pone. Lead trackage; 24 C'e* 4tof ih) riding Material for Sale. • will not be di t eappo n ed, Ono FolCampbell Press, front delivery, bed 43x.56, S1200 assembling in one of the drawirig I Fur Roller Campbell Press, bed 3r452, sue° rooms, proceeding to the dining- roona in the usual manner, and with Cr all the absence of the state which! 0 124:33r-aZilalliTgla ntrmitLicelerxxceries. Two7-eol. quarto Brown Folding Machines, each . . . S400 0 W37-2pe)4Sev5-Wb1,31A,Is• IMEta,c012.2.1postzlti, tne general public conclude would be manifest. Queen .A.lexandra is a. great lover of flowers, her favorites being Unm- et -the -Valley. Mother: aro surprised, my de that you suffer a AMU to lass you! Daughter: But, Manama, I don't ca. It sufferiug. •••• PROM TEE TR.AINS. a sengers get Glimpsee of the Pan-American Exposition. Peoplertravelliog from the east. and 7 The Wilson Publishing Co, of Torotitoi the direct influence and spt of the 0 Two Roger's Typographs, in first-class ord each . . $500 . •••11100mwmrama41•091, . O AN° Cutting Machine, Stones, Stands, Body and Display Type. • All this Mechlattry is in Piret-Olase Order, F.,asy Terms will be "Siren, et or Speeial Discount for Cash. On secs:neat of adding a more up.tosiate • • Plant the above ,icichinery mad Type will be diEEP0sed ut at a g I • • west will come within the zone of to TORONTO. CANADA. f, Pan-Amerieart Exposition nines away 196 sPaeoecit§e0oeSseseoes..00000012000$000000,19°. from the great and glorious sptctaeie itsefl.Surrounding the setting of the exposition there are numerous features that will rival the attrac- 'dons of the great. ehow for public attention, and especially is this true of Niagara Fells. There is no great- A SENSE OF FITNESS. Cr or more wonderful eye -feast in the Lady of the lIouse--You needn't world than the Falls of Niagara, the ,,sk for cup Of coffee; our gas stove beautiful gorge, and the dashing-, tit...! has been turned off for hours. maltuous waters of the Whirlpool' Tramp—Coffee. madam, is out o lia lids If If you way.* beat mans SHIP all year I. Dome, gees, PCMTRY. APpag, num nuns mut PftlitIOSS. td, The Dawson Commission CO. 'rnnglarT;AriN;ortg.a" LAIDEETEDNESS TO DODD'S Trunk Railway will come in sight of 1 i . they are alert. long be- the question; have you any left -over fore their train stops at Niagara. sherbet or yesterday's lemonade in Valls, passongenst 01"04' the Grand the ice chest? XIDIsTEY PILLS ACE -NOWT., the mighty observation tower from Four per cent. or Russia's national EDGED BY THOMAS ST. Well searchlight signals will be earniuga are spent on her army and llashed to the Liectric Tower of the 1 navy, and only 21 per cent. on the TIBER -E. 1 Expw•ition. In law one can Pic- i Britith. , ture the beam of the powerful ore - Health Entirely Re-established by jector extending way off toward Dodd's Xid.ney ;Pills—A/1°th" ' Hamilton, Ont., to give glad wet - i Triumph. for That Wonderful I come and greeting to the ineoming Been Strengthened 11.1.1•••••-•••• Remedy—His Eyesight Ras ' trains laden with Immunity anxious i 1 to see the falls and the exposition. One year ago UOWn t, a iniraele was announe- tl t • i 11 ' • ' - 1 ID la a w E., g the medical ,ruternity. Catairh belpg a coml. 1 c11137, 1th Pongers In, titutletial dbease, require,' a cimraitutlennl ed in Chicago. IL A. Wade, the fuli view of the Palls of Niagara. and trituntent. Hall's Catarrh Cum is telt: n inter. great criminal lawyer, regained his 1 the Whirlpool Rapids, while the re- uniir acting directly upon the beitel a d St, Epi, Que., July 2.0.—(Speciel). ;,-;peecling aerosq 1 • ' *WO Reward, $101 Tko roodors of thIsparer will be pleased t learn that theca is at ten:mono dreaded duress that science lias bcom able to cum in ail it awes and that is Catarrh, Hairs Catarr (urs th I I k NOW, ABOUT THIS SEASON' MOWERS, ilEA,PfiRS, THRESH Eta., 8 PEERLESS Itteavertte with Ontario Fanners -mar It Years before the Public, Sea Viet lieni get It. Hardware. Crux and Conant; &tares soli It. Holds 1? Cold mole, ITEIEN ZAM U IMIOA AXL. CrW01142; ROCERS.Piitt.TOROHTO. REASE. O CELESS IN VALUE. 4 Kindly words, sympathizing atten- h tions. 'watchfulness against wound- ing others' sensitiveness, these cost very little, but they are priceless in value. sight after having for years been to , niurkable gorge will stretch out on tally blind. His case was published: either side of the greatef,t railway throughout the length and breadth steel arch bridge in the world, ThiS of America, and it attracted more t bridge of the Grand Tvuk Railway attention to Dodd's Kidney at Niagara. Falls is one of the won - than any medicine ever got before. I ders of the locality, and resting, as For it was Dodd's l.ridney Pills that it does, one end in the domain of restored his sight. Xing Edward. the other in the United Suttee. it forms a Portion of the industrinI bond in the Anglo- Saxon union that forces a realiza- tion that no matter on which side of the Niagara, we reside, we are all Americans—Pane:lazier/eons. —0— In Australia, spring begins August 20th, summer November 20th, au- tumn loebruary 20th, and winter May 20th. TORONTO'S BIG EXHIBITION, The Prize List for Toronto's great Annual Fikposition and Industrial Fair, which this year will be held from August 20th to Sept. 7th, has come to hand. It is printed in yel- low shaded with green, and presents a very handsome appearance. Up- wards of $35,000 will be distributed in premiums, and $30,000 will be spent in features and special attrac- tions. The live stock classes have been rearranged in some instances and the premiums increased in others. A class for French Canadian cattle has been added. Copies of the Prize List and all information desired can be had on Addressing H. J. Hill, 82 King St. East, Toronto. Special efforts are being made to increase the excellence of the Exhibition this year on account of the close proxim- ity of the Pan-American. Between 1860 and 1870 British railways iacreased 510 miles a year. The present yearly increase is 201 miles a year. • A similar ease has turned up in s le "t• age of St. Epi, Que. 'though this sufferer was not stone blind, his eyes nevertheless were utterly useless to him by lamplight. .And they have been completely restored by Dodd' S Kidney Pills, Which is =- other point of sinillarity. There is no attempt made to as- PIIRASEOLOGICALLY CORRECT. sert Dodd's Kidney Pills are n. eure for blindness. Dodd's Xidney Pilis A young 'fellow who was looking , are the greatest kidney medicine for a clerkship was recently room- l ever known. That is the claim made mended to n city merchant by a for Doda'S Xidney and there Olasgow gentleman. When tile two is evidence enough to prove that h•iends met some time thereafter the claire. But in cases where Xidney Glasgow man ventured to hope that ;Disease has left poisons in the blood his recommendation had been pro- ,and the said poisons attacking the ductive of good results. 'weakest spot, injure the eye, Dodd's On the contrary, replied the mer-Xidney•Pills are just as infallible as chant: 'where the poison attacks the joint You astonish me, said his friend. of the arm or the small of the back. I thought he would suit you exact- ,That the eyesight of Thomas St. ly, he was so full olgo. 'Pierre was restored is but another And so he was. Be has gone off argument that Dodd's Kidney Pills with a thousand pounds of my mon- make the blood absolutely pure. ey. Here is Mr. St. Pierre's letter: "X Is it possible? And 1 thought he' am happy to -day to see my health was the very inan you were looking entirely re-established by Dodd's for. lXidney Pills. I owe that wonderful You are i•Ight there. He is the remedy a thousand thanks. Before very man 1 am looking for. using Dodd's Kidney Pills I had con- sulted many physicians and taken medicines of various kinds, but each made me worse. 1 had a constant pain in the back and limbs. At night I couldn't rest and I could not see by lamplight. Having taken " only two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Train of • the Northern Pacific Pills I am perfectly' cured. My eye - which created such a furior during sight is dear. I a.dvise all those wile se health its first season, in 1900, is again t 'rood, from whatever cause, to trDodd's Kid - shooting back and forte across the y continent in all the glory of its form- nee Pills. Nine times out of ten y . This Crack Train of the North - The " MTC3msibTa. CT 41M alt: theyewill be exactly what is wanted. Two dollars spent for Dodd's Xid- west, almost entirely new for 1901, ney Pills will .do more than nnllion is the epitome of modern passenger spent otherwise, for who holds any g Car thing in the world more dear thai train construction. The Dinin with its . 1 b , cs an health, or would spare any mean to sav lunch, and table d'h.ote dinner jor e it ?" $1.00 ; the unequaled Tourist Sleep- PEARLS OP THOUGHT. .... ing car of 16 sections, roomy lava- tories and electric lights ; the first- People who say nothing can offend class Drawing Room Pullman with as deeply as peeple who say too two electric lights in eath section much' and the palatial Observation car There is only one thing which with two smoking rooms, buffet; bar - wins a battle, and that is straight ber shop, bath, library of 140 lor and Observation platform, all to-, vele shooting . • • sufficient if it produces amendment, ''' ' umes, cm rent magazines, ladies' par- The slightest sorrow for sin is gether form a, train of unusual com- and the greatest is insufficient if it fort, excellence, and even luxurious- doesnot. Every now and then a man's, mind is stretched by a new idea of senses tion, and ever shrinks' back to its and there are nearly 300 electric former dimensions. lights on the train, the baggage car ^There are seasons when to strength than to act. Composure is be still and day coaches being thus lighted demands •iremeasurably higher also. The train runs from St. Paul to Portland, Oregon, passing through Minneapolis, Fargo, BozemanButte _ C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs,—I have used MINARD'S s LINIMENT in my stable for over a year and consider it the very best for horse flesh I can get and strong- ly recommend It. GEO. 1301.IGEf. Livery Stables Quebec. ness even in this day of luxuries. Of course, broad vestibules, steam heat and steel platforms are there, often the highest result of power. The past looks large as it reaches behind us. The future seems great Missoula, Spokane, Seattle and enough to hold everything we de - Tacoma. sire. But after all, we never have Connections from 'Duluth and a single day except the present one Superior and for Helena are made to really do, or decide anything in. To -day is our opportunity. Send to Chas. S. Fee, General Pas- senger Agent, St. Paul, six cents for Mankind, said an orator, certainly Wonderland 1901, a royal book hav- includes woman; for does not man ing a chapter on this royal train; embrace, woman? mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des vesicle- the foundation of tbe elocsaa and giving tt o patient strength by building up the et ustitution and as•ihting maul, ) in +ming Its work. Tho proprieto s have so much faith in 1 curativo powers, that they oP:er cue Hun- dred Dollars fur ony ease that it falls to cure. Send tor het of tosttraon F. T. elIS.:11tY4t 00., TOLEDO Sold by drat:01.4.F. 7_5o. Sara Pills aro the hest Yes, Sis, the little fellow over there is the holder of more cups and trophiesiu for swiming, 'cycling, and athletics generally than all the oth- tr follows put together! The da - ling, so slim, too. should hard] have thought it! You see, he's i business as a pawn -broker! Millard's Liniment Cures Distemper That was an appropriate flower Lord Impecone wore when he was inarried to Miss Nuggets. 1 had net heard of it. What, was it? It, mari- gold. 1 r s ; inz."ruments, Drum, LIntit)rrns, inc, n EVERY TOWN CAN RAVE A RANO Lowest inkee ever quoted, Fir e catalogue =illustrations, mailed free. Write us for any thing In Music or Musical Instrument+. Raleylloyce 86 Co., Tat=ttgaltr Kinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria Germany, Great Britain and the 'United States consueue together on- ly <me-tivelfth as much wine as France. Alinard's liniment CUM Colds, ete In the British Army and Navy are 76 officers of foreign birth, 29 being French, 12 Germans, and 10 Italian, Ii1110111'S 111111110111 011188 G111101 111 CON. tiNtUNIZERS' SUPPLIES. .eobeetoe Cootie, Pine Covering', Lubricating° One, Creases, ate.. WM. SUTTON COMPOUND 00., Limited. T000fero. 7,000 in every million. British peo- Metallic SKYLIGHTS OD COLAS DIROS. ple have incomes of over $1,000 a TORONTO, Ori IN Adelaide so.' year. • For Over Fifty Years Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- Mne. WINSLOW'S SOOTII/NG SYRT/I• bius been used by pool. Portland to LiverpooL The Queens- town. Iteoothee the child, softens the gums. allays pain. cures Lam and Past Steamships. Superior acootamodatioa wind colic. regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the for all classes of pavsengers. Saloons and Statcroeue best remedy for Diarrhosa. Twenty-five emt, a bottle. are amidships. Special attention boa been given to thi Sold by druggista throughout the world. De pure end Sthend fiel000 and Third•Olasa accommodation. Pot ask for "Nits. WINSLOW'S Sooranee SYRUP.'•rates of passageand all particulars, apply to any :woof of tho Company. Dr - 'millions of =there for their children while teething. Richards, 1,5111, k Co, D. Torrance & 0o.. The yellow -and -red Spanish flag is 77 State St.,Basten. Montreal and Portland the °iciest now in use by any Etiro- pean power, yet it was not flown till 1785. The Frclich tricolor came into use 10 years later, and our red ensign in 1801. W. P. C. 1037 CALVERT'S CARA OLIO OINTMENT, For all skin aliments, A. O. Calvert & Co., Manchester, England GentsgStoits We mad or Dyed; also Ladies' Wear of all kinds, English people use 257Ibs, a head and House Hangings of every description, a year of wheat and flour, 16 of ba- GOLD MEDALIST loYEns. I3 con, 9 of butter, 40 of eggs, and 85 BRITISBE AMBMAN DYEING CO'Yo of sugar. leentreal, Toronto, Ottawa & Quebec. 0••••••im•••••.0*••••••••.ii• •••••=0•11110.1 401••••101•••••.4.211601.,› 4.),4•0c .p./64.4m5on-amt„ 7.47Z.1 49, of..is 44,nruatsevey 4-90 4. -arkt,the.441 -4‘ TOROFITO August 20 to Sept 7, MI fniattittiffAB AND ATTOACTiONS $65,0N Naval and Military Disrdesys BRILLIANT SPECTACLES. Sombardnient of Taku Forts by International Forces, Greatest Live Stock Show on the Continent. All Our Country's Resources, ovel and High Class Entertain- ment Veaturts. $111LITARY 'rATTO 0, AUGUST 27th. Great Renn.ion of Canadian Q14 Boys and Old College' Students TUESDAY, SEP'rEIWER-R ReOUSED DATES AU. LINER OF MIMI,- ANDREW SMITH, Ptit.O.V.O, 11 T, rreark-nt /tumor; Celiiitgit LoaT Attv