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Exeter Times, 1901-8-8, Page 1
HURON 1,7 &MI D.DL WSEX UA . i 'UT TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR—NO 52. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, ATJGUST.8, V301. Just What& You Now Wan THE PERFECT CURE Toprotect your cattle and horses from being tortured P � with Flies.. Portland Cement Thorad Cement . Machine Oils Lace Leather Belting, Etc. _reserving Kettles. H. Bishop 4R Sort Stephan Winchelsea COUNCIL.-Oouucil met at the Town Hall Crediton, on Monday, Aug. 5th, 1901, at one a'elock p. m. All Mem- bars present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Anderson -- \Vnerth - That Gottlieb Brown be appointed collector of taxes for the year 1901, at a salary of $90.00. subject that he shall furuieh bonds to the satisfaction of this council for the due completion of the work. ---Carried. Anderson -\'Puerto --That by law No. al, of 1901, being a bylaw of the Town- ship of Stephen, for the purpose of levying the respective Township,Coun- ty, School and other. Inttnrcipal rates.; and a bylaw No. 5, of 1001. appointing «ottlenb Brown, as collector of taxes, ,being read the third time be passed.--- +-a:arried. Resolved, that the prayer of the School Trustees of S. S. No. 7, asking for an extension of time to hand in their Public School estimates, be granted and that the sante be ex- tended to the 15th of September next. The following orders were passed :- John Dalziel, gravel $49.66 ; A. Disar- •dine, repairing bridge 50c ; M Ziter,. t; gravel $18,38 MM. Winer, Lockup keeper $3.00 ; Frank Triebner, pt. gravel account $70,00 ; George Orange, gravel ryov ;John Barry, ra a1 blks 2, 8, 5, S. B. $03.40 ; D Marriott, ditch on S. B. $18.00 ; Aaron Ireland, rep culvert Zee. $2.50 ; Wm Rolt, rep bridge, con 21, $2.00 ; J. Hannan, rep bride, con 18, $3.00 ; S Hawker, lum- ber $8.00 ; J. Grebe eta!, work on 8rd S. R. $8,00 ; Ab. Warner, work and material, bridge $0.00 ; Oh, Watson, rep two bridges $12.30 ; Chas Watson, plank and work S. B: 70e ; J. Hoist, .etal,•grading $27.10 ; municipal World, Munici al blanks $0 30 ; Geo, Webb, ditch &c. $3.75. Council adjourned to meet again on Sept. 2nd next, at I p. en. HE\ ter EMBER, Clerk. 1 Rev. O. W, Henderson left last week and will visit the Pan-American exhi- bition. After that he will spend a few days with his brother in New York city. He sails ou Saturday morning for England. It is Mr. Henderson's intention to spend a little time sight geeing in the Old Country before going to the Ecumenical conference. THE PAIN OF SORE FEET. Just about the most tantalizing of all pains comes from sore feet. To get re- lief bathe the feet in warm water and then rub them with Poison's Nervi - line. It penetrates through the pores :of the skin, takes out the soreness. re- duces swelling, invigorates the tired muscles. tones up the circulation, and prevents the feet from becoming sore again. Nerviline is a protection and safe -guard against the pains and aches of the entire family and cures rheuma- tism, neuralgia, toothache, etc.. 25 cents. GRIAT 15 DAYS SALE:. On Saturday morning July 20th we commence a great clearing sale of sum- mer goods, and in addition to this w,e have placed our entire stock at greatly .re- ducedv prices in Millinery, Dry Goods,,,Clothin.g' or- dered and ready-made, Boots and shoes,Groceries, Hardware, etc. We intend to make this sale one of the greatest ever held in this store, so till Aug:, 3, you can get goods here at price that can't be beaten. This sale is for cash and trade, only. Call ansee-for yourself. od . E. DOUPE. "The Solid Value Store." .ileo W ,. dna nt 0 . Hensal.l -' A. Sellery, L. D, S , D.1). S Il 1foner rada- ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth ;e tzyered without pain or h erects. ca in Petty's Meek, Rensall. . Zurich every 3ionday,conmeneing 3,lav Stith. G. J. Sutherland, Notary I r•.r Pnblie, Co nveyan- i cot'u. Commissioner. Fire Insurance Agent, and f Marriage ge Licenses. Legal carefully' drawn at reasonable rates Money to loan on real estate at Iow rates of interest. Office at the Pott Office, Mensal ! I3RIEF3.--Thos.Murray, High Schou.ti teacher, of Oven Sound, accompanied m by his wife, is visiting Ida parents here (-The Misses Harris and Hemphill ofodt nder Aa3on j Wroxetenare visiting Miss Vinay Cook_ for a few days. -Miss Robson, of Lon- ! re ( don, is visiting Mrs. H. Arnold, ---Rei, ! Bibs s ---Mi•. Juries :4svitzet• of New !Mr. Jewitt and wife are visiting the Teaisnd, who iia; hi" visiting art his Pain American in Buffalo this week, old borne in Jllunshard for sereiai Jan.ies Petty, on Saturday, while he wvik,z. left an Augn-t lith on Ids re and his brattier George were driving turn journey. Ile eel visit a Neither down the lane from their faro,, as mile 10 Alatnitubu. and: "ill sail front Van." 1 an - 1 en,1 a a that north of the village, a louver abont the end of August. Mr. t a t had been art tclned to ,a Fullarton ( SUCCESSFUL S leOLARS. Granton. Ilitrer s .=Jos. ph Moss, of the 12th, i RIIens.-JarnesCann and ,daughter, . 1 of d � • 1 horse break its le last Indian Hca N. V a d 5are visit - the a valuable o T. oust h d 9 g RESLTL7,'6 OF PFBLIC SCHOOL LEAVING - F , week and bad to kill it. -A number of , ing friends here. Mr Cann is one of ExA3fa::ATIO*,s. the farmears have thre:ht' 1 and report Grantores old boys, who has made a rather a poor turn -out of u heat, but good nark in his adopted prairie lots nt straw.--Dr.13alfour, of London, ! home. -1,41. rs. Alex. Knox, sr„ is very and George Balfour of Manitoba, spent The repoLt, nt the Board nt exanain- a serioulsy 111.-- T., J. and A. J. Dat- a few days reeently under the parental els for the Part L junior leaving or worthy have bought ant Mr. J. teeee •Hiss J. Gourley, u1u has been public tsebool leaving exarninat}on has i Grautis good will of the lumber busi- visitir; here for the past six weeks re- been issued by the Department of Edo- ness in Granton, and aalSO his entire turned to her home in Windsor last einem and is given below. The results stock of lumber, shingles, posts, eet, week. of the exarrtinations at Huron, middle -1 sex and Perth centres will be found be low. The figure five (5) indicates that! the candidate has passed in the five a BRU x$. J. Westlake had the inis- subjects of the examination ; the figure e fortune to have a wrench get into his three (3) indieetes.that the candidates;machine last week, causing him a trip who are exempted from the compose,' toStratford.-Mr. and ?tars. James tion and geography have passed m the 1 Hackney started last Tuesday, by retraining three subjects of the exam , boat nn a, trip to ;11;anitohn.-t'eart illation. The certificates of successful and Fred Eacrett, of Brantford. are candidates will be forwarded within r'is}ting their aunt, Arra. Wm. 7.'urn- three weeks to the lriglx school Princi- buU.--SVe regret to report that Mr. J. pais, and in the case of centres, other A McNaughton has resigned his posi- than high schools to the public school tion as teacher in our school, to ac - inspectors concerned. Under no con- sept ;a similar position at Centralia. ditions will candidates obtain rertifi- We wish limn success in his new field nates or copies of marks at the Educes - Hon Department. ordernto avoid , . Switzer made the tri over in ebont 1 sulkey rake, broke loose, and dashing' five week', a distance of nearly 12,1)00 1 down the lane at full speed, ran into miles, He s ell snake the nc, au ewe, - * Messrs. Peaces rig, smashing it eon- age on the same boat on which lie 1 siderably land throwing Mr. Petty out. ratite over. The gentleman from the His injuries are of such a nature that other side of the earth lives about two he will flys eonaned to the house tee u lttndro l miles unrth of Aur'kland. lir e trate. His brother George escaped U. thinks the climate of New Zealand 1 injured, We hope soon to see liar. P. neierly perfectinu. In the 35 years he 1 around again. --The members of the hos spent there he has never seen a fall Rome Circle, accompanied by their of snow and ire is only formed on very families and. friends, enjoyed a. pleas- rare occasions , ant picnic at Grand Bend nn Wednes- --<-- . iGrarid H nnel 1 day. The 1Ieusall Band accompanied lraceehe di em and svYrNE" 0.irl ntiaf enlivened , Farquhar, of labor. t' 11 t I 13a�rfleId unnecessary expense unsuccessful eau- - didates erre reconunended to obtain the BftiWS----:firs. Joseph Orr and syn, advice of the prineipal after receiving of Brantford are visiting the fornier's their marks beore making xu appeal.,sister, firs. leolman.-Mr. John sic - The results of the other July ea,auiina-Lead has returned borne for the JOHN WHITB & SONS THE MarketDepot GUT �"RICE3. Vehl,ve this we a placed all our prints on the counter and will sell all AT Cosi% Ladies' vests. short sleeves, regular price 20c, 2 for `25e. Ladies' colored skirts at lowest prices. Alt sumpaer goods and musllns at cut prices. We have a full nge of canned goods for the summer months. A.11 new goods. OALWAND SEE OUT. GASO•LENB STOVES. Just the thing for warm weather. Different prices. All kinds of Farm Prcducc taken in exchange for goods. J P' Ross. • tions will be issued in about days• rn summer after spending the past six Exeter MLtniG}foal t,,;crunCil, Huron. months in Muskoka. --Mr, Walter (5) W J Aikeubead, D G Fraser, J I3 Keddy and Mhs Keddy, of 1. sbnrne. Council met at call of Reeve at. Town 11 rd W 13 P f d M J Robin- together with ISS E • Cnhbledicl. of Jail. �.it^•ust 2nd. Absent si,i uistrong n sat Airs Stew trG s laondaii • x.,.15..., g g, . sista . er; our , ° tn- „ , _? Balinese -Misses Stout, of Kirkton, is visiting gt a b d ix all it :u syn ; f81 T 1J Bawd. 1Li1 a Craig, were E. B wfletd re- and Levert, visited relatives here on Thuseday last, ? road, -Mrs, McGregor, of Loudon,is lair lesauek o! barrier -the and herniert;, Of Florence Isl-helie Armstrong, centbb the guests of Mrs, liotatan.-> Minutes of previous meeting read -Chas. Mirk and Geo, Eecelaon, of visiting her sisters. the Misses her. -<- roe ► tees et beagle k tember for hems. etc., Annie L Armstrong, J Wesley Ann. , ,'dr, `red Bess, Sr.. of Zurieh w.as in :and et uf)rined. London, spent Sunday the guests of J. W a, :rein opened his store can '"0 shitgsle . laths anti curve its. P CCC strong, Helen Bane felon, a Buchanan. the veli z e on Monday with minuet lo Evans -Muir -That the following ne- • f) t P rea�anabtc--d�iS tis LI t7. lord . �a�t>`tie at 1 Ed. Clarke. --;fires Flo, Peart of St. ! Saturday evening. and was serenaded Main et. et eLimer, H le Holmes. F Knox, L Marys, is at present the guest of Missa by the band,- tut, eeheirt ,'nd his Bitiu .-Frank Atiiateris all smiles. E vrehole. M 13 S..,eue, I3 S}ewrnnrou. E Ethel (Whole, -N. T. Fletcher. Ktrk- i father4n4ssv, John Shortt, visited re- pt.'s as girl. -What might have proved ; Walker, I A Williams, E Milian ; (3) Clarke. -Miss Hittite, tan, spent Sunday the uest_nt T, latives in McGillivray on Saturday a fatal ac, dent occurred here on M. . Marion Spittle left on ben -James Beverley, of Exeter, call day meriting. eXille in bathing with z (o) P Bice, N �v Boles.. Z Carling- i • Tuesday for Hargrave, where she will ell on mends here tdendag evening.-- 1 th d �r.a Esther G 1(ool. et F Gpp. F E T lI spend a few weeks with relatives. -J. Farnnets hereabout haFe almost cone - ter mother. aunt,:an coo.,.. nonskid. Al: R :McEwen. J K !lair, C 11a Mr. James Thomson. of this viliegt', $911.110 ; S. Handford drawing engine ry , Murray, of near Stratford, a girl raf ,u. „ • .has been appointed n ae • o to n { 'i f i1 • SF Francis of London. paid a flying Visit plated the Harvest and niatny haps mar- got beyond her depth. The to ath- T'sar„•e Ax's;._Worthington, ; (.3) >; teen. postm st t f . D. Br.. suss 5...) . Walter ti estcott hero on Sunda .-••fries, Geo. Godlialt y , . ,� ter, l J Ja. ; •',. 1• N 1i eon. Lzkc (, h,rrle�,. at the handsome salary ! Sl.i+i ; James Creech, steer t w.aterinfi y keted gratin, The sample is very poor, or and aunt went to her a- ist;tnu , , (5) ©:` Braun. iacellarr1 '5i y' p - is spending a week with relatives in y and not as good a yield as expected. but as none of them could swim. all'' _ ,pe+ Dow, K 14 °f tine I :t ria to i a notice that at Tali- at Town Bali $3.' a ; Il :trap Parsons, !Elliott W A Fiek diem ef. Fi R Gower, i cation is about to be mad• to Perna.- tatreet watering. to .Pulv 27 $..11.00 ; an children, o son, arrive under s arena where Airs. Bradley and children will voters appeals. -31r. James Joinieton. counts be passed and orders drawn on of the 8 ud,le Line. who was seriously treasurer fur saute :�•i?e. Hyndinen, hurt by a kick from a vicious hor's-e, attendance on miss Campbell $1.00 ; we are glad to say. is able to be up Trenaaice 6: Snell, ae. to Aug. 2nd, town again. -1'4e are informed tit st $78.00 ; James Creech, freight on gas - Mr. Stuart. Thomson, eldest son of ;; alone 7tle ; James Creerli, part salary ___--- White ----_ po><ata crap Is also very {iguH:4 four were soon helpless }n sleep wither. L. Bradley d f W11 N though the letterplanted {s expected to Their cries soon brought a erased,lint e' ee lsienzle, .1 a Kuhn, M *Martin .ureal for .t charter for an eleetr{t rail- y Thee. . Futon '. l') ; F. W. Fern - spend d :th parental roof. g l G hl Moncur, Cava McPherson, J 1a way frnin Goelcaricb to 1 zc.know, conihe, survey. profile Rr. for walk P I Yield better.•- Alis Addie Bell of the no doubt excited, then onlookers 'socia 1 , , i^h:tnn " north and 13:1 Ilei 7821.01 -Carried. Kendal, K i,�r lite. _,. C Wilsons, P Ai "ir eh y d London road, has received ward that slow to move to a life•s sole{ manner, , el R , , . ea. ro tnyetl t iiiwa will w stun-- 6e spend a few weeks, while Lena cvrll she ver successful! ;used her recent n a a stn Clyde White. f . ins sot , (.3J F M Taaylar. ��e trust �..,, p 1 y sulk -Evans -That That tl� Reeve and y . Y p nail ydinnl; H n , Cyd t bite, o r , . so slay be •a `a t eonr tiebed fact nand Clerk be i authorized a, : , n a contract maks her return tri to -day (Tliurs- examination n London. -Mr r• , . (a) li P C Anderson, B 1I i3rirn:t � some da , . r, t. � p„ t ,� p y ea, tiMt', ran in music, Lon tri s Ii it,clsor, who wets up in the p �r 1*, 6 carnbe, A. Cnishoiw. AI 1'� Cox, E G we hope the promo are , wilt receive with T. Ir itton for keeping town clock. day,)• -Misses Bell and Lockey, of Lon- and M Wm. Moir a da daughter, ', !nearing the cries for help, rushed to . , , , don, are spending a few days at J. C. miss Louie, have returned home from beach and with his clothe' an hal • t Dunlop. C Dunstow, ti D Dyke, S G :encouragement at the hitx & and frntn in . pies. -•-(`aril d, Bell's,-rirtllie Brown left 'this week sir i C' r • r' o . 1 -.r plow, • Guest, Delbert George Jelnnstou, A the packet:• of the public andaehat Leans-aruir-That the clerk ask for feeds outing en - o d t for t t Ir: ilial ed into t the lake and carried e, o :1lnr s i'4ery soon our village will thus be tenders for gravel. Tenders to state for the 'iYest,•--J. 1✓. Elliott. I�irktan. feats rnucb benefited the trip. -W. ray. who had gone dawn twice, out of a�tc�xatutra, D 31:liosely. Ii, A Robinson, g !Wier e , . � . Sundayed with Win. Sawyer. -Mrs, R. Iiodgins took possession of that the coater, and assisted in rescuin the A K Webb, Ettie young ; (3) I 1 E open to the. out side world by. means P a' core, and recei i it up to Stoneman and Mrs. Biome, of Mitch- popular hostelry, "The Commercial” ! aunt and little girl. Wheu thee been y 13ates M. 1:, Rose, _ .gust Taylor, Wit- of ra},way eommanecation. It is trop- Angus - t 1- Cerelec3. , ell, :Mrs. Hord and two children of ; on Fridaylast. and again feels quite g , a listen J, 'Taylor. ed the municipalities interested will Mu{r--1,."ens-That _ council adjourn fi 1 Esther landed, st a vets still in the water a (u) S 14 Bullard!, M A Dougall, J IIor- deal liberally with the undertaking. to August litre. ,1., 1 t 1. havinggone [town for the last time, ; ton, tar II Long, J A AleEwen. M Mc- .. fill• a1. . I3eeetere, Clerk. 3 neer. le McGregor. E. M Sparks. A very quiet wedding took lace at As they had gone into the lake coned- Q 3 p' Stratford, visited at W. 3. Ray s this at boron; Two young daughters of A. week. iVeseloh, of Berlin, are renewing ae- Dr n.TE.-Again the dark angel of quaintances here and at Zurich.: The death visited this community and re -Misses Thomson, of Toronto, who were moved the beloved wife of Thorn here for a number of weeks visiting re Swale. on Saturday last, at the e,'arly age of 25 years. Deceased had been ill:. but a short cine with meningitis on the brain,to which she finally succumb ed. She was a fond and endearing mother, a kind and loving wife, and was esteemed by all who knew her, and her demise has cast a gloom over the entire community. Her remains were interred in the Elimville ceme- tery on .ondray afternoon, The at- tendance at the funeral was very large and evidenced the esteem in which she was held. A memorial service will be held on Sunday next at 2.30, at Sun- shine appointment. Crediton. JG. STANBUllY, E. A.. EXETER. ONT. • Law Offices. Private Funds to Loan. Bennes.-Stephen (Council met on Monday afternoon in the town hall and transacted routine business. -Wm Sweet, of Detroit, is spending a week or so under the parental roof ; gind to see you around again, "Will.-Robt and Mrs. Edwards, and son Palmer, of Woodham, spent Friday last with Mrs Sambrook,; in the village. -Last week (7has. Zwicker sold his young driving mare, a four year old colt, to Geo. Mc- Cormick, of London,,for the handsome price of $250. She will be put on the track at once, and is expected to turn out fast. -We understand our school trustees have engaged a Miss Taylor, of Clinton,to teach in the place of Miss Fraser. resigned. -Mr: Silk, of London spent Monday last with' his .daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Knowles. Mrs..Silk return- ed to her .home with him the same evening. -Fred. Clarke left on Mon- day for Manitoba. We wish him a safe journey and pleasant trip. Sever- al others have gone to Manitoba also, and more would go did circumstances permit. -H. Eilber, M. P. P., and son, Herb, spent a few days last week at the Pan American, and report a good time. -Threshing has begun at theflax mill. How quickly the season passes away. -Mrs, Wes. Kerr is spending a few days with friends at -Grand Bend. -Miss Coursey of Lucan, a former teacher here, is renewing- acquaint- fances in the village this week. -The Quarterly Meeting Service for Credi- ton circuit will beheld next Sunday morning in the Methodist church here. An interesting and.. profitable time is expected. Let there be a good rally. from all appointments: The Sunday school will meet at 3 o'.cloek, (instead of 2.30 p.m .) next Sunday on aecoutt of the quarterly service' -A bus load of young people spent' last; Thursday at Grand Bend, and a load of young ladies are arranging for a picnic there on Thursday of this week (to -day.) What is the chief attraction girls ? Cromarty BR'iEFs.—Miss Jessie Hamilton, of Motherwell, spent the past few days with her ., father, F. R. Hamilton.- Archibald Robertson and Albert Ham- ilton, ]eft Taaesday for Manitoba on the harvest excursion. -Mr. and Mrs. S. A Miller were visit}ng in Hensall, Satur- day and Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs, Baker of Elora, are " visiting at Mrs. Allen's and other friends in this vicinity.- Many fanners have finished harvesting excepting some late peas. The grain sample in this locality, is poor this year ,am t � '11 �5) Mary A li a y ac n :ac i, '1 s 1I Ti; :klc ennan "�'` an early hoer on Wednesday, my 21, •••••••••• ftwormorumemerromprome 5- erably notch of'the regular bathing zHe. M 1i C!'rz e , , a the residence of ,Ir. A. Tolton, GLS t1t1 G tJIL3 grotiudv. where sample protaction, Thorndele, when his eldest daughter datives, have returned home, -Quite a, from danger is afforded, no one could ° 1I I rxteltard, L Scott, rV E Sherccood. number of our villagers on Sunday quite locate the spot where she had ; (r) Leila D Best, Minnie A. Best, H A last attended the funeral of the Iete sank. With a coolness rarely perceiv- ? 13ei ht. J R Dickson,Ai G Dawson, I Miss Norris, at Staffa. She was in the el in a human being, Mr. Clyde White • 1'1 J a Fowler, L Gatzuteytxr, P T 21st year of her age, -Mr, Babcock and again sprang Into the water, end dove) Covenlock, Ai A Howe11, M M Jor,lan� wife, of 'Toronto, visited G. N. Bab- four tinges. when he triumphantly bore , 2i 1I Kelly, I O Keys, P J Morison, L cock and wife last week. -Miss Watson the limp form of Esther ti1iirray to her Ii MCGavin, 1i 21eLeod,13 R O'Connor, of Ayr, who has been visiting the friends. There were no visible signs F Phillips, M R Robb, A L Sleeth, T S Misses Youngblut, has returned home. of life, she having been under ca stye Stitt, S J 'Town, A. S Trotter ; (3) 1I There was no service held in the Meth-. nearly ten minutes before rescued. She Mina 1lurdie,Reeliael :llalvina Murillo.. odist church on Sunday owing to quarterly service being held at the Bethesda appointment. -Miss Hattie Sutherland has returned from a week's outing at Grand Bend. -Mr, James Sutherland left this week for the Bend to spend a short time in recuperation. -The following persons, among others left here this week on the Manitoba excursion : Peter Stewart, Jno. Tapp, Arthur Dignan, Albert Fee, Jas. E, Troyer, Fred Pfile, Jas. Reid, P.Ryck- man, Will, Harry and Isaac Jackson, Peter Meidinger, Peter Eicher, Jas. Harburn, Miss Mary Carlisle, (to visit friends,) R. Bengough, Wm. Kyle, Alex. McMurtrie, Jas. Hood, Chris. Campbell (St. Joseph), Wm. Johnston, Chas. Dick and Willie Perkin. -Mrs. Swan and daughter left on Tuesday for the Old Country, whither they g, for the benefit of Miss Swan's health. -T. J. Berry also left for England and Scotland on Tuesday, on• a horse pur- chasing tour. He intends importing ten or twelve high grade stallions in the course of a few weeks. Kipper BRIEFS,—George Taylor, of Thorn - hedge Farm has shipped twenty ex- port cattle. He handles his own. Mr, Taylor's cattle averaged 1600 and a like number is being prepared for ship- ment ' off this farm. Forty head is about the complement usually fed by this enterprising stock and horse man. -Ben. Smillie and wife, of Ann Arbor, Mich., Medical College, are spending vacation with their parents and friends. Eden lantnes.-Mrs. Bullock and three children are visiting at Mr. John Essery's.=Miss Minnie and Jessie Lux- ton spent Sunday at Hibbert. -Mr. A. E. Buswell, of the R. Pickard Co's. store, Exeter returned to his work this week. -Miss Lottie Hunter, Ridge town is visiting MiSs Rettie Essery. Mr, R. E. Buswell spent. Sunday un- der the parental roof. --.Mr. Chas. Coates, of Pontiac, 'Mich., visited rela- tives here on Monday. -Mr. H. Gill- son, London, and Mr. .and Mrs. Harris, of Mitchell. spent Sunday at Mr. John Essery's.-Quarterly meeting services were .held here last Sunday. -Miss Maud Davis, Exeter, is visiting Miss Lela, Buswell -Miss P. Harris, Glen- coe, who len-coe,.who has been visiting her cousin, Bettie Essery, returned home on Mon- day. Sodom B'iErs.-Messrs. Silas ;and Samuel Stanlake left on Monday for an ex- tended visit to the Northwest. -Miss Addie Gillespie and Miss Mary Parsons are the guests of Mrs. Silas.,Stanlake, .sr. -Mrs, Ford who has been danger no doubt on account of the hot wave ously ill is recovering. --Nearly illi the during June., flax in this vicinity has been pulled. ktater, R B atarsales, is M Nixon. A y. , p P river before taking up their residence when slight sighs of life became ap- r ra in the Capital City. IG is interesting Women's and 1liisses laced and but - parent ; but it wars four hours before Annie, was united in xn•irriage to Mr. -, ---0E---- Robert Moir of the Civic Service, tet- I a a.nd rat one tune a resident cif• 'Boots'Bootsand Shoes E Exetet- er. The cereinonrcvas perfoi.m ed by the Iter. R, 8. W. Howard, 13. 1 a } ' C11' t A Rector of t earge Church. hurch 11e balance of July and The brads fooled very sweet,aattired1 in a becoming gown of white organ -1 August, die. Mr. J. S. frolton, of Hamilton, a was taken in hand by M. Parkinson of It J 11AL0 -A. r I, witnessedd Miss d the erenael onof ,After the As I intend to clean out all the old Toronto, nein moved her to the cottage (e) C inderson, 1V l� {lonely,y e occupied by Mrs. M. J. White. where • Winnifred Ounyler, R Douglas, l He C ,Ain Mrsni4la breakfast, on the served, end of y businssoots d•Shoes before the for two hours he.and Mr.. White 1 Sarson, L Al Robbs, 1; B Ho/until, 3 ing train to spend their honey -moon will sell all the old stock at the regu- assisted by otner kind friends, worked ' Jackson, H Kincaid, A A Leanonby, J at a pleasure resort b the Ottawa lar rice from now till Sept 11) assiduously in applying restoratives, t L}n { G P 1, u A Po ve11 son, ski P SVynn ; (3) . t FIowson, T to note that Mr. Moir ,vasa member tuned shoes, regular $2.00 and $2.50 she showed evidence of resuscitation. Kin of the famous Strathcona Horse and for 31.00• Medical assistance was procured as ? Middlesex. served with them in South Africa. Women's and Misses oxfords, regu- soon as possible, and at time of writ- , (5) Maggie Armstrong. W Ellwood, ing the patient is out of danger and 'FII Fitzgerald. 1.1 Foster, I II ayes, J doing nicely. The young man who so Henderson, P Hobbs, 3i 'ir Kent, 31 AI cleverly made the rescue, especially McMurray, N L Marsh, L R Mitchell, that of the I5 -year-old girl, was the 1 3.1 Murray, D Roberts., R H Stanfield, subject of the highest paas}blepraise i F Tuckey, R Walker, F C Weld, 0 for his bravery, and Mr. Parkinson is i winter, J 31 Shipley ; (3) B Skippon. making application for a. Humane So- (5) A AI Dunn, B 13 Moylan. C M ciety medal as a mark of appreciation a Murphy fcr his bravery. -Miss B. Robinson, of j Bann, W A Carter, F 11 Exeter, returned home this week after j Doming, H Gibson, Mildred Hcdgins, spending the past week the guest of i Annie Hodgins, J M Johnston, A N miss Allis Mullnrd.--Fred. Rollis, of Kitt, G Langford, Al Lewis. 0 N Lin - his brother, John, of Revelstoke, 13, East Jordon, Minh., accompanied by a Toth, Elsie Lintott, Mabel McLean, A r R McMillian,'Holly 0 Martin, Dulcie 0 called on friends at the pustoflace store M Martin, Al J Maxwell. NI W Nichols on Monday. -Misses Maggie Hamilton, , Stratford; Pearl Hamilton and Misses B S O V C De W Rowell, E A Neil, R H Peasley, N Al Seel}, AI Rosser, Jermyn and ,Hill, of St. Marys, are , nests at Will Oliver's.-Mrs.y Wes. Kerr, F P Thomas, N 0 Two loo Kerr, of Crediton, is the guest' of Miss (2) A. L Abbot, W A Clarge, a Flood, 011ie Mollard.-Dr., Anthony, of Ann L B Sutton. G Stewart.(5) J E Amos, 11 G Barclay. K Arbor,- Mich.,,. accompanied by D. Davidson. Al 11 Gilbert, 31 AI Handl- Woltz and T. Grieves, of Parkhill, cal- ton, S A Hayter, L J Ireland, C I Mc - led on 'friends' here on Sunday last.- Leau. F McLeod, P H Walsh; (3) 1V itEr. Quarry and family of Grand Ra- Baird, H V Dewar, H D Ford, 31 M pids, moved into his summer ..borne Grant, A A White. here on Monday. -Over two hundred Perth. campers attended the taffy pull ativ r. May's cottage Tuesday night, i:,nd (5) William Allen. Venember Allen, everybody, reports having spent ' a W T'Cauepbell, H Farrant, L H Fran - pleasant evening. . cis, W J Fuller, W Horton, A 111 Hodgson, W J Larkworthy. 'M C Mc- Kirkton Kellar, J McTagan, I McNay, J C. --- Pridham,RERobertson,VictorSquire, Baaws.; Miss ldaStout arrived Gilbert Squire, G • 31 Swan, G Tood home on Monday after visiting friends ger ; H (3) S Armstrong, J M Walker. Clinton -Mr. J. B. Darling 'who (5) S Atkinson, L V Bowen, Edgar has been practicing medicine for the R Brown, 31,argaretE Brown, Rachael past six m,ontlal3 with l�?-.0;.. Carr,. V. M Brown, William S Brown, F H S.,. left on. Saturday the Pan- Butrhel, \l I Ca,spberdsJ JiClsbh T American, from. there; . h ill visit his Darling, . l A Edwards, L' G home in 'Vermont for a couple of G'irris cv, 3. Ti 1 ie A Grant, III A months when' he will leave to finish Hatrris,•E 'R J , Annau0 Laing,. his course in the` Ontario' Veterinary G Marshall,' Louisa Macdonald, ''F A College,, Toronto. -Mr.. and Mrs. W. Mills, K R Montazambert, F E Me - H. Marshall and daughter, Laura, Donald, F NV Pert, E 0, Porter, 0 E spent a couple of days last week. with Richardson, T A Robinson, B Shier, - friends at Walton.Miss Rachel Kirk S Slack, E Snoody, 13 Speaks, N E is improving nicely. -J. L. Kirk has Spearin, I M Springstead Pt S Squire, engaged with Thos. Bell, of Winchel- E M Switzer, Esther Weston., • GW sea, as'engineer.-Mrs.. John Cairns, • White, Mabel . Wiles ; (3). E A God - of Camlache, is on an extended visit bolt, G. E. McVittae,_H L. Weston. ' to her • son, J. T. Cairns. _b...r •Hilisgreen. NOTHING HUNTS OUT CORNS Like tight boots. Nothing rereoves corns with such certainty as Putns m's BRIEFS. -Messrs. Thos. Jarrott and. 'Painless Corn Extractor. Beware of R. F. Stelck left for the Pan-American poisonous substitutes. Ask for and lai,st week. -Mr, George Richardson gettPotna rn s, if you get it-yoti ve had the misfortune to strain his wrist' gotta di. sI sure tiling, All druggists sell it, or by mail post paid on re.:ei pt of twenty-five cents, N.• 11. l' ilson Rt Co., Kingston, Ont. Pickin the oso is o g n o a c om inn, symptom of worms _.m children. Mothers who suspect presented with aa. mucking t:lvtia• and Bila telrldais.tra �bIs Piohworni shin is rap. Couch by the congregation. It issimple :'-4 ria and e:fc•ru a1: 'Price 25 cents. last week but we are. pleased to say 18 recovering. --While loading wheat last week Mr. James Jarrott fell on the waggon rack aid had -his .ba ck iu- rlured.-Dr. and Mrs:. Chas.. Troyer, caretakers of our church were'rectntiy He is now employed in the Customs Dept., and .Hiss Tolton taught school in that City. Presents many and use- ful, testify to the popularity of the newly married couple amongst their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Moir start married life under the happiest of aus- pices and the TIMES join their many friends in wishing this old Exeter boy and his bride alt the happiness the. r hearts desire. rr 1 Good health is impossible without reg utar ac tion of the bowels. Lasa -Liver Pills regulate the bowels, cure constipation, dyspepsia. biliousness, sick headache and alt afreet ions of the organs of digestion. Price 51 nen ts. All druggists. IMP $1.25 for 50c, Women's oxfords, regular $1,50 for 75e. Men's and Boys oxfords $1.50, for 75c. Men's and Boys plow shoes 9Sc. Also a full line of new goods at prices to suit, harness, rugs, whips,etc. Repairing Proolly ; handed 10. Gad and Sec -Our Gooch. R. I-1. SWEET. Treble's old stand, ter Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. 13l der wgflflee We still have lots of the celebrated Gold Medal and Plymouth Special Binder Twines. We Must Cot Rid of 0t. Saylor's Portland Cement Queenston Cement, Plaster Paris s at Special T � Prices. .� . Screen Doors and Windows Balance of Siock'at Cost to clear. H E MI A T'� � ,, 1 \ t-[ A 1 Lam.WARE, EXETER,