HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-1, Page 84.. EXE`;T' +' B 'MIES ltizlrrfirst load of new wheat An, this season was dee livered at Cobble.dick's twill~ 1 etl4 30, ` 6by M. 'Thomson, ofEhnnvine, WO sulci 1 for 7e0o per bushel. The rax•iety was• Turkey Red, and tested et.1 lbs. to the, < , 1 is a taetter : tlllagle-� .._. -. _ .. bushel. The wheat _ y l�i�g ` p� p t TO II than the seer imported- fruit Kansas t. 6SI flit i VDfFF, 017E 8 RI VE i iLI last fall, The yield was 25 bushels pal Exeter IN GLOT IMO i iensatia larger et � LI this lino vY e never carried a lar of nor better r st than we do at thepresent time, We have a iii nbei of boys suits which we would like to clear and in order to do° so will out the price in two., • DRA.Til QV ROBB= Poiareti_-a#r, 1 We have a number of remnants of Muslmsa Lawns, Or - Robert Porter; postmaster of Clinton, ,an.dies, Piques,, (xiinghams, Etc,, Etc , which we will clear d�Pjwas out for hes morning \+cert: , , Q 1116 eG tllexl7if C� shirt VkllSV on S;tturd:ay; and whet* below the t regardless of cost: It will repay you _ p were `.'t+696 ' 1.00, some 1.25, sand, some sty high as You tafter\varus, <Derena ed *ass (i"t Fears of Now is your chance to buy new Pend stylish Grand Tt•wd Railway track Ott the ^ � F2vielai tussal, elireatlS in trout, of Mr. p Some 1�'y Ja cx�:}ir's dice t1 i tre dropped .. shift waists at prices much reduced. le• d Ise w•is found ei. Erre utinutes F take Your choice of any white or colored shirt �t^t12S are, 11r. Porter, r�':ts Gds o:te time eau now Y in the store for f 9c, member of tics Commons for West Huron, befog a coueervatve, and ran Ladies' Mored. Shirt Waists in iia South li:uzon in the t;unservstttve 3 doz. Ladies' White Shirt Waists with 3 and 5 rows insertion, tucked back .and front, soft band or laundried cuffs, some fancy revers, trimmed with lace Stylish and new goods ; you take } our choice for 69c suefilaIs in Orourics. S lbs. best selected raisins for 25 Best wooden clothes pins per tloz. 06 ii.nter:-_-ts on sevc rat ocC e'kQns, He de. •?ne. uncolored Japan tea per lb 25 teate.l the late Ei:ou. e1. C. l.aaaueron in 1837 and was itineself defeated by that gentleman in 1591, Ur, Porter was a I school teacher by profession tort. his. eve sight failing hint at aur early ly age, I he engaged in farming, first at Kirk- t too, subsequently. near Eliuiv ille, • where be was tesickiug when be wast ' appointed postunister of Olinton. De -1 ceased vas well known .t.zil highly re -1 erected, was well posted no all public cltte tionsantione of the most rano-1 r:aneirg speakers in Ontario. •net ves awidow anti a grown up„family saaiis awl d ughte ra• ElIVEN 1 B .11W T •..Oil Friday night last as number of Blyth's young bachelors suet at the pretty residence of ;lir, and 'fr•s. Jos. Sims and tender. ed a farewell banquet to Nlr. Ve , W. Taman prior to his deperture for Exeter, where he is starting hi husi- lives foe himself. When all had arriv- ed, the host conducted Mr. Taman to the seat of honor at the banquet table around which were seated 2'7 other's. The table was tastily_ gotten up, and those present partook tie and. enjoyed the delicacies provided, After bench all adjourned to the lawn, where cigar Prints, Ginghams, Chaenbrays, Muslin;;, and Dernities, tucked insertion, and embroidery trim- med, all new goods, and some worth as high as S r . 5o each, You can now take your choice for 69c A BARGAIN We are clearing out our Para- sols at prices greatly reduced Large size parasols, covers guar- anteed to keep their color, para- gon frame, fancy wood and horn handles. These are our regular St.25 and .$1.40 parasols i you take your choice for 9 $o Arc you going Travelling ? Our stock of Trunks, Travelling Bags and Telescopes is the most complete we ever carried. J. 1 . STEWPRT Stores e+true t8.30, Wednesdays and Saturdays excepted. Marriage Licenses, .;. THE ART• L* .�.,; ..;;.;., yr,..;,.:--, :, �.: M ;, � �.•l:: ;,a, 2••#y_ To Have � _Best Goods is what, the business swan owes him self. Wedding Rings, Watches. Clocks, Jewelry,' Spectacles, Etc ('.&LLL. O. R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty, Gam sardines per tin 05 Fine imported catsup per bottle 15 2 bottles fine mixed pickles for 25 Cottage ham and veal leaf per tin 15 Uillards prize relish per bottle 35 Cross & Blackwell's mixed pickles 35 C-'iarl'es chipped smoked beef t7 Fancy raisin laiscui(,' per lb. IQ Garfield: Sheere is visiting friends in PsarL-hill. Miss Ethel Sweet is visiting friends It is this business policy of ours in Seaforth, which indnees us to claim to be often the cheapest and eon - sequently a lwetys the best. tet of Hiss Clara Noss is holidaying at Grand Bend. J. G. Stanbaxry spent Sunday at his' home in Bayfield. We have in stock everything in the) M Miss Leonard,el Parkhill is visiting Stationery Line --newest in Note Peeper - Will Goodison, of Sarnia, was a visitor here on Sunday. A Complete Line of Aldewin Evans. is visiting his sister, Jardineres, {Mrs. Barnes, in London, etnglish :and German Decorated !! George Miners is visiting his brother, Fred, in Clinton this week. Percy Hooper who was ill from son - stroke has almost recovered. i Miss Dolle Wetly is visiting her gaunt, Mrs. 1Viglat, of Anderson. FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP-1 Miss Mabel Follick tuts returned TIONS. /home from visiting; friends in Detroit, Mks 0. Sweet and Miss Cora Prior g , are enjoying a holiday at GrandBend. L OWN i 1 ; Mr. Bee and Miss E. Bee, were the EXETER. guests of Mr. R. Gidley, on Sunday. Quarterly services will be held in INSURANCE. Main st. Meth. church next Sunday Aug. 4th. Ernie Buswell, from the R. Pick- ard Co's, store is holidaying this igen for the WSs'rEaN AsstraAr:c>L Com- week. Paces= pave, of Toronto ; also for the Fnac •• a&racE COMPAnY, of London, England ; t Mr. T. $oyle,is_agai • trssnn on duty after and&. tx .' cz Ixsuadscs COMPANY: of Eng = a, holiday -•at St. Thomas and Port Stanley. e Miss Lill:.. Johns leas returned from TO ADVERTISERS. . Iavisit with friends in Sarnia and Parkhill The copy for changes mint{ be left (1jt Mrs. M. J. W hite and d children, and d not later than ruesdaywoo3. Casual M:V.Whi a are spending a few atdvestisements accepted up to noon weeks at Grand Bend, Wednesday of each week. Vases, French China Limoge and Japanese Ware. ERNEST kiLLIOT, Arthur McTavish. of Detroit, who , has been visiting his grandfather,John THURSDAY, AUGUST 1sT, 1001. ` garykshaacv, is at present visiting his uncle in Varna. - • Tha'fall fair of the Stephen and Us - borne Agricultural Society will be de -held in Exeter on Monday and Tues - Fon SALE CHEAP.— A butcher J rne.17. livery dirt; nearly new. Apply to L. day September 16 and DAY, Exeter. Mrs. Nichol, of Boissivain, Man., APPItENTICES • W APiTPD.—TO learn dress staking, apply to Miss Tom, over ee t;arling Bros. Store. Bo r 1P:_NTED.—A. good, smart boy tam education, wanted to learn Mrs, John Hawkshaw returned home withtam Apply at on Friday, from Lucien, having, been the printing ; haisenes pP y called there through the illness of her Teems office. mother Who •. has now €omewhat re- WANTED.-A.g ood general servant, ` covered, a capable as a working house - 'ox• woman c g Writ 091,is keeperr. 1'V'i•it:.e. P. 0. Box Sarnia,, Ont. or apply at this office. Bois tJtir. Sn6iI. S and smoking were emus ed. Songs1 , were by Messrs. Bert Heebner. Ladies adies 35e.bik cashmere hose for J. E. Moser, John'denre,.Wen. Moser Ladies fast blk cotton hose, special amid others, and words of Praise end , farewell were spoken by all present. Men S regular 1'? •C cotton soy., 3 for • Boys print blouse:, all sizes 35 Boys eottonaade knickers 35 Boys brownie overalls 35 Boys all wool sweaters 75 Boys leather belts 25 fiosieru Sie6iaisS. pr ladies' fine ribbed, fast black cotto who has been spending a short Lime with friends in Tuckersmith, has re- turned to town the guests of ifrs. R. E. Collins. In reply Mr, ',Cannan thanked every* wen's cashmere Bose re ,lllalr 40c. one for their kindness and said that he waq sorry to leave Blyth, .in which he had so many friends. s. T iO.s pres- ent s- ent appreciated the kindness of ?dr. and Mrs. Shag for tha trefoil, that they went to to make the nit+air as suc- cess, and also feel indebted. to Misses .A:nder^son and Hamilton for the part they took in the happy affair. --Blyth Standard. i i:•s. Jin' II uward is ease :tug in •Lon- cls.n '. r ii a o of Albert note -per, t l Clinton, is renew- city; acquaint towVit. Robinsonleft on Tuesday 1Vliss B, y for rs the'second heat in 2,08. Ernie Caldwell; clerk in Rannu Henry Makins,Spwhose f r mets`ad) adja- cent to Varna, purposes dispdeingof his place and retiring from active work. He has been a resident of Stan- ley for about 15 years, six years of which he lived on the Parr Line, sub- sequently ub- c! se ” uentl. on the Goshen: Y. Mrs. Will Hawkshaw spent Sunday in Loudon. fries=; Olive Wright is visiting friends in Elenstall. BIana:hard's wheat yield will be 20 bushels to the acre. Stratford's tax rate has been struck it 23 mills on the dollar. Miss kiaretet, of St. Marys, is the guest of Miss Jean Ilawksltaw. Ales. Pardon left yesterday for Manitoba, to spend a, few months. Mr, llupkirk, of Blyth, has been en- gaged by W. W. Taman, as tailor. Isaac Westman's barn near Granton. was set on tire by lightning and des- troyed. Miss Vanae, daughter of W. J. Vance, Farquhar, is able to he around again. Miss Laura Gregory of Toledo, ie hose for 25 25 20 25 30 Suits that were $4,00 for $2.00, do do $3,00 for $1.00. Come and see them even if you don't buy, no trouble to show them. Men's suits of the very best style and quality at prices that will suit you. re have also a lot of lyCl 31 1 en's dines that we anxious to � dispose of a and will cut the price in two in these as well. 01\E U8 ft OftLL. A!IJt• ROS. Fu.rnit;:re • + l3niporiuni Boot and shoe SD86IaIS Ladies' low leather slippers, elastic fronts, low heel, very comfortable, special Men' patent leather bals, special Specials in children shoes at 50, 75, $1.00. Ladies' Oxfords at 85, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50: During hot weather we arc inclined to look for coolest spot and most comfortable seat possible. We would suggest when you want comfort and can get the same at small cost you would be wise to CAS.. AIk D IlNSP CT Our Rattan Chairs, prices I gifrom $2.0 upwards. Also complete stock in all lines, in latest designs. > 00 Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to 2 50 call on us before purchasing elsewhere. iL PiekardCo Direct importers - 1ki.. Fred Treble spent Sanday in I Paid Madlge is visiting friends in the town, Old CouuLry. Miss Hattie Folliek is visiting "rv, ' Hiss Gerry, of Brussels visited :firs Funeral Directors, OPERA. HOUSE LLCOM. everley & Huston, Gill, Grand Bend. • i J. V. Crocker last week. every sense of the word as they can Mrs..Rev. Brown and Ma , ;Da) Mrs. N. B. Cobbledick is Visiting her find, and they are able to give the Anderson entertained the Eve orth , character of every boy in town. Mr. Scott, of Seaforth, was theguest ofGrieve i . League of Stones st. church, very mother in Bowznauville. Miss Charlotte Drinkwater is visit - pleasantly last Tuesday evening. J 13 this s week lug at Grand Bend, s tending her holidays under the par- Quarterly meeting services will be J, II, Grieve has decided to defer his metal roof. held in ,lames st. church next Sunday visit to the West until a later date. morning. The love feast will begin at Mrs. R. E. Pickard and family are The St, Marys Creamery Cu. shipped r to the Klondike the 0-15 In the school room. Pu:bl]c ser- spending a few weeks at Grand bend. s• o 1400 ll f butte tvice at 10-30. The pastor will geve as Cher day, brief address, and the sacrament of Rev. Mr, Turnbull and wife, of Tor- Mrs- Richard Bissett andd 1t then d aug i er, the Lord's supper will be a - ,Grant Bend. Geo. Willis spent a few days of the onto are visiting friends in and around past speck at Caleb Heywood has built an addi- tion to his residence. Miss Gerry, of Brussels, is the guest of her aunt Mrs Crocker, ran Bissett, of Horan st. ineet, on Mrs. Jas. quarterlyBoard will E .etEi Chas. Westaway, of Brantford, is i Iva, of London, are visiting ministered. The - Adam Whiteford, who is visiting visiting his sister, Mrs. A. Ford, his sons en the Northwest ,has been' (l •,,• Soathcott, of Toronto, is visiting at Exeter and Grand Bend. The granniithie sidewalk has been extended to the south of the Mansion House. Miss Edith Sanders, milliner aat. W. H. Stewart, formerly of New the The Grand T quite ill lately. Hamburg, has been engaged, 5 to as section foreman at Hensall a Lucan High School Board, Mr. and Mrs. Maker and children and Miss Harrison, of London, are visiting Mrs. Fisher, Huron st. Miss Aggie Smith, of Seaforth, and Miss Mabel Kemp have returned from w'eek's outing at Grand Bend. Thomas Bugg, a farmer near Claes- ley, was kicked by a horse in .bis own The inspector for East Huron says barn Tuesday afternoon, and died half there has been a big decrease in tit- an hour later of hie injuries. tend+ince at the schools during the Mr. r;. H. Dickson has so far re- eleven or so years since . he took cevered from 'his recent accident to be office. Be considers there has been. able to atteled business in his office, a falling off of nearly twenty per cent. but has to still use the crutches. which will suggest the gaery : "Why h of Sare ta, is ad- is this thusly ? though in all old George is f rrc - counties there is no doubt a similar de- vertasing his far for sale in TFrtr Farmers. say that the Hessian fly has played the very mischief in this neigh- borhood. The wheat crop will be short and.'as the result there will be much less of this grain�sown next fall. _ rt of John Harold .I�., the property Swartz, of Wingham, continues to win at the bigrace meets: At Detroit. on Friday he captured the six hundred a fortnight at Grand 13erid, dollar purse in the 2.10 pace, making store, Hensel', with: Frank Ross. . < nieceMrs: S. Myers, of Miss Curith 11 ye ,, Sanders, was artarried on July 1St;li, to Joshua O. Inwood, of London. stare stomach t,�" As an easy, safe Oust ,tnd liver regulator .iso Dix Little Liver Pills, sold by O. Lutz 25c per box. James Keyes, Stanley, contemplates Northwest. He +,i to the .Hort w Stewart,Zrilis. I'. Knight takinga tr ":'• Mrs. J. A. g P J. let on Tues- has not ywitnessed a harvesting on and Mrs. Will7�ewmata f yet, L enjoy the the scale on which it is undertaken on day' for Grand Bend. to J y but is anxious to do s � breezes o:f Lake Huron, - • , , the prairies Seaforth Fire m ,old friend§.scattered intend. I has -also :7.lri Brigade zn 3e many The:b andpur- ee in a teatntothe Pan-American, throughout�that� country send g Bir(faln, to compete in a tourna- poses visiting them, his trip beteg thus resent t1 ere which is to be held .daring a combination of business•ancl pleas - the latter}i:D is August. tire. Trunk have in their em - P Priest, Some people may Miss Stella Spackman on Tuesday Protestant P h P eveningentertained a number of thiol:. he recanted or changed his Christian belief but not so :from birth young friends. to the present 'time he has neither David Jacques, Agent, Exeter, for changed his religious belief or name. • the London Mutual Fire Insurance This is t fact. Some people will say Company, of London. of an eloquent Priest he was a nature, -ee born one end so is be. TrMEs Mr. D's health has been poor lv and he is forced to quite farming, On Tuesday the men on the east side and an equal number from the west side of Main street played ball, the score standing 10 to 7 in favor•of .the east siders, George Patterson, a farmer front Sullivan township, while having his horse shod, was kicked in the bowels by a horse owned by another. man, and so badly injured that he died. The trustees of school section No. 3. Usborne, are advertising in this issue for a teacher, Mr.. McDougall, the late teacher and Mr. Bruce, of Oromarty, having decided to attend Medical;Col- lege in Detroit. iii, G. Cameron, of Goderich, was re- cently - offered a position upon the' editorial•staf"r of one of the largest law publishing companies in America, with headquarters in New York. The offer is a tempting one, but it was declined. p g The revision of the voters' list in the different municipalities in the county by : the different county Judges will shortly begin. It is important that where any person entitled to vote has neglected to have his name placed on the list bythe municipal Court of Re- vision that he should i applyto the Judge. The renioval of the names of those not entitled to vote should also be attended. to, where it has not been clongeneral e. Theelections for the Legislature of Ontario will almost cer- tainlbe held on the lists now being e in ref- erence important chartg revised. p .. in the law age has been made ereiace-to y so that now anyone who will be of the , age of 21.years within thirty' days from g eal,. s the day: iixedfor hearing appeals pls �yy c the County Judge can be placed on the Iist providing he is otherwise qualified. -Exeter, are the guests of their sister, SLratb BE TIIORGOGNEY iIRERRREO FOR BOSINESS Centrnl.�>.,,. �,,;a ( 44.L STRATFORO, ONT. Never before in the history of our college have our graduates been so remarkably successful in securing ex- cellent situations immediately on leaving college as during the present year. If you have a diploma from our college you need no "political pull" or influential friends to help you to success. You can stand•on your own merits and will surely advance to the front. Our courses of study are corn - 1 tin Cansystematic. da a o-daLyy� valuable:--the free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, ru has ..turned home for her r holidays. Miss Emiline Howard, of London. is spending a few holidays here under Mrs Rundle, Thames Road. the parental roes. The bussu Driving Association will Miss G. Hollnna returned home on •h accompanied t ed in Sept.4 from , their race meet ren Buffalo, P hold P , f Saturday g Sa t y when $400 will be given in purses. by her sister, Miss Addie, of Niagara Pan-American visitors find good ac- Falls, N. Y. - commodittions at Fulton's, (formerly Mrs. Louisa Stewart, of the Elliott of, Farquhar, Usborne,)300 Michigan, Private Sart .cal 'Hospital, Boston, five blocks from depots. after n pleasant visit with her friends Mr. and MIs. •Wes. Rai.wkshaw, and, here, returnedlborne on Monday. crease. little daughter Myers, of London, week r ttr. and Mrs. Guild of Cleveland, A very heavy electric storm passed spent a few days of this with Mr. are visiting -rs. Ga.ald'e parents, Mese' over thie vicinity on Sunday evening. and etis, John Hawkshaw• George. Brooks. They drove to ilii, waas most severe and to visit itirs. Vivian: the lightning Abe. Iia •shame reaves next week for chell yesterday its flashes, g was almost tnstruckt in tee ldorthcvest, on a prospecting tour. Marys; The Jightnrng struck a transformer in l'It the country suits hien he may at x,o Miss Gertrude Rundle, St. ' front of ZVlolsons Banta and flashed has returned home atter spending a along crossing over to Bishop's store distant slats go west and engage in pleasant two weeks' visit as the guest n.ncht^ ll Thames of his store. Several fuse wires Mr. H. Fundic has gone on an ex Road. were burned out. The storm' how- tended trip throughout England. Clyde and. `Co.per 'White, of lVind- ever, was.broken up by .i, high gale o'. On his return lie will visit the Pan sur, are 'visiting their grandmother, wind doing eo further damage, while r American, and also his old home in Mrs J. White, and will also r•usticate for a short time at Ivanhoe cottage, Grand Bend, and burned the cornice in front of• a ? of her aunt Mrs. Rundle, a deluge of rain followed. One day recently while Dr. IC -ins - man was wheeling along the road he met with an accident which might nf over on one of his anklespraining it aussievery badly.As the member had beenhlve provedserious He was p aSvaeon with a rack, on which a long once broken, and twice before sprain - board was used for a seat, The board el it was a naatrel it was not more extended several feet at one side, and serious, as the doctor was passing :a clog ran attention. being thus The farm of. Geo. 1V at him';and his ebber, 3 miles' diverted he ran against the board, south of Exeter,which \vas.'solcl by Bowmanville. The other eveuingr as CJhas. Snell, sr:, was milking a row, the animal stepped strikinglais head with such force as to public auction on Saturd .e last con oreek.his hat and throw him from the meting,of 100. acres, was secured by tfor the ed .of , ' shaken Thomas Ilandford would kindly band in the to Ata lour xaLte on thedollar , I bicycle. He was considerably. and still ` 500, Mr, Handford immediatel up,and while able to be around, 5, , one of the director . offer to the public, clouting at: feels r f the st 5 to Wm. Hednen the ef'.fect of the accident, disposed o a e< 0 ora delightful hair dressing and to i ve dandrii(tf, itching of the scalp, • the growth of the hair, Imperial hair tonic,sold ' by. C. try Y utz c perm; bottle. e. 1e C nd promote g 5o stet •i'he improvement, in the cemetery is being vigorously puslic�tl along. 'flie directors cs oulcl respectfaliy i•equest 1 1 t t that all those w io lave no ye t con- tributed but r,;1io intend. to do so, measommmememaroseensasama.gmanscmort Turkish Scalp Food is daily growing in favour. 50c per bottle. Sold by C. Lutz. Bait Hooper has returned from an extended visite with his mother and sister in Buffalo. Rev. Mr. Ten Eyck left o a Tuesday and in company with a party :frons. London, will camp until Ang. 10 at Port Frank: : The dexnaud for English Stock Food is rapidly increasing. farmers from a distance are now sending in orders for it. Sold by .0. Lutz. A NEW FAA —IN THE - Having purchased' J. H. GRIEVE'S stock of ' GENTS' SUI`i'INGS, PANTINGS AND ()VEROuATINGS AND TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS, for $2000. .and. u se thebalance A. Q; Ratner, accompanied by M rs . • extee, left hrre on Thee:el:ay .,cro.rr pasturing. Bobiet andtoo son., .Jortie and (ewe brothers of Bidclilph township 'hes pxiaeiPally The assault case of the Ryder •for ned. Some time ago an When we see the boys on the street l Lst for tan extended tri;, to the Old Been re -opened. t l e between Daniel and public places we often wonder if untr : • Theysailed ft•orn mon"creat altercation occurred- ., ] that _t}. • ; Co y while theywere en-' know „hat business men are We:wtsh them hoe and Sohn digging vthey on Saturday. them. In every kaiak, stone, ' ni i•Y`ai; drain,in which thc, watchingy y voyage ,inc.r „aft return; aged in digb t e„voy< g g �s be a( lace .. injured, ;' Pro-: and office there will Von p -.'ail �r aS-'SQErotlsly la � dn io wBogus i_ .. forboyII. Those who have, Dominion Bink bills ,.t circa- .r� clings were sateen by;Toho against'rot some to fi i. .,e >:t.affairs I. will to watch a.• • >e illness of the management ol, the of the lotion .it r .ill pn;•y you 5 lni.otherbitt owing to the g easily . •, case was ad ourned business:house will select a boy in they'are not easily detected. Atte Daniel the J have confidence. When •�t times ^Sutise lientiy it was whom they sever q Now,i -,is alleged that John the select. a bay, they' will not select settled. 4 g y . , .been liven on to the articles him for his ability to swear, use slang, hasnot g 1. abetween-'the brothers, smoke, cigarettes or a tap a, beet keg• of agreement , •C. - . nsae ° habit.. Men hn.re • few of thc, and Daniel htts'9laid ��ini'orrnationThese r n men who re as near gentlemen in •ti c' diffe,i•ence. word '4countersi , ed in the lift hati.ct t, bogus hill �� ,:nee is atibrcviatc d in the .to 1 �og , and the 'words "for 'dinieti'r of Fin. EMU?' under tli'e nA111r of J. nI. Oi,a PL - nes, are omitteal, r,thp,wiso it, would against him. The case will be heard themselves,but they are looking 'for bother the average citizen to ..co on Friday. will FR€.� E8 fiWA i DOWN. •3.. g years experience in..... l...avin„ until 10 3 c,< rs the cult.irig and =ustTOttix•iaed. from the iwhere all Cleveland cutting school, the latest. styles are obtained, I am in a position to produce the latest styles in tlew • n'^, garments. r en is ,,, l; a 'eves � "tic P � Mr. [x T will lie ple<Ls,d _,. meet 1_ �tand , e i,es, one.v cn�, omens, ala, t�i ei' e, itii;,li to get perfect fitting g.„inient.., IN IN.