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eioehoeue, eaheeee.e...e.eatet ataeaileeeeehahe e..e.e.e..e.a. •iiiiieeeee.e..e..e.ailee.e. tea,
SYNOPSIS OF PRECEDING T everything shall go on as usual.
CHAPTERS.—Securities vanish from You shall retain your position—you
the strong -room of Candelent, Dandy see we have not lost confidence in
and Weed°, bankers. Ur. Faske of vou even now ; all I insist upon, is
Seatiand Yard is called in to solve
the mystery. There are two keys
to the strong-room—ono held by Mr.
Waldo, partner, the other lie Mr.
Surteese chief tueehier.
The Uothnoly
End of
Joseph novae.
Mr. Waldo told his partner the
story in much the same words as
he had used to Atr. Faske.
Mr. Dandy listenea attentively,
then turned abruptly to the detect, -
tee, and said: "What do yo a think:
of ail this, Mr. FasIte ?"
"I never say what I think. eir, at
leastnot till I an sure"
"And you are sure of nothing in
"I ani sure it is a put-up job."
said Mr. Faske. decisivelY ; 'Yon
linow what that mans? Na?
Well, done ht the house by s011te oue
who inos every move. Don't you
$ee bow cleverly its all, planned?
These bonds—specially selected. pay-
able to bearer, Ito transfer necessary.
Sbarp that, eh? Yee. sir. the cut-
poit i$ elm= one behind, your e0ottie
"Ridiculous ! You don't mean to
accuse Mr. Waldo?" said Mr. lamely
laughing ; "or"---etitie :mid %lath some
besitatietta"or Air. Surtges V
"Air. WIeldo would hardly steal his
ow- property," replied the detective
wit e smile; "that goes Oa' to ex
tolerate him Ate to the other—well.
tbe thing le suspicious, and that is
the leaf% I can say."
'But it is preposterous." broke in
tire Waldo. I cannot brina Myself
to think di of the Surtees. ''Iltisities.
he may be able to explain—periraps
he was careless with his law : it /nay
have got tutu wrong hands; the
batik mai) have been arolten into in
the night, and the eecuittles remov-
Any eigns of a burglatev lately in
the bank? No i Any omit telen?
There was cash in the strong -room.
so you sahl.—I think—nothing touch-
ed. only tite bonds, whieb ure pay-
able to the bearer ! There wile uo
cormon thief in this, you tuay be
"Well. but what does Air. Surtees
himself say?" Interposed Mr. Dandy.
quite as match disinclined to think
evil of his cashier as Mr. Wattle;
"let's have hint in."
"Yes, I should like to as; him a
few Mtestions," said the detective,
mete more nursing his leg.
!a•haik minute or two later Mr. Surtees
entered the bank parlor. His face
eves white and haggard ; his eyes
."----1Mat1eas , in spite of his endeavors to
' tem quiet his fingers twitched ner-
vously, and it must be confessed that
his manner was altogether against
"Mit down, Mr. Surtees." said Mr.
Dandy, not. unkindly. "Atter what
has happened you must not be sur-
prised if we ask you a few questions:
I am sure we can depend upon you
to answer them in a straightforward
fashioti." Then, with a move of his
hand toward Mr. F'aske, the sen or
partuer left the detective to con-
tinue the examination.
Of course, you must understand
began Mr, Faske, majestically, that
you need net answer any question of
mine unless you like."
Mr. Surtees bowed.
"You have the custody of the key
of the strong -room ?"
"Yes, jointly with Ma. Waldo, who
has a duplicate key."
When were you there last—X.mean
previously to this morning ?"
"The day before yesterday I un-
lockbd the strong -room door to de-
P'gsit some title -deeds and other
property belonging to a customer of
the bank."
"Was everything all right?"
"So far as I could see, yes; but
I was not in the room for more than
"—fire min.utes, and hadn't time to ex-
amine or look about me."
"Where do you keep your key of the
strong -room lock ?"
"On my key -bunch."
4 "A. loose hey -bunch ?"
"No, it is fastened by a chain to
one of. my braces.'•
"Are your keys always in your
"At night,?"
place -them
e wit 1 tia.w.atch."
. g "Do you think it is possible that
your keys, or more particularly the
strong -room key, could have fallen
‘. into any other hands during the last
few days or weeks ?"
"It is absolutely impossible; none
of my keys—certainly not the strong-
room key—have been out of My pos-
Mr. Faske looked across the table
at the partners in a meaning way;.
and both seemed to understand the
glance, which wasintelligible to poor
Mr Surtees.
"I, know it is all the more against
me, but I Must tell the truth. The
key has never been out of my pos-
session. I feel perfectly sure of
There was a long pause, WhiohlVIr.
Dandy at length broke. ' •
This is exceedingly painful, and I
1 tft hardly kn.oiv. .what tosaya am
..er loth to accuse you, Surtees ; you
'A have served us so, long andfaithful-
I'. am innocent, I swear before
God.I MU innocent I know noth-
ing •whatever of those bonds."
under my pillow
We are only too anxiou.s to bp-
'tleye that, aiiel you may rely upon
our doing nothing which is, hasty or
unnecessarily harsh. It is impos-
sible, however, to conceal the f,ect
that you are under suspicion. Ple-vem
God it May be removed. It is pose -
ibis; that within the next few dayS
sena fresh light may be thrown up- "Only one person --guess," cried
on :WS Mysterious afIair...Meanwhile Josepb.ine, with radiant eyes.
"I give it up, dear," replied the
father wearily. "You must tell
me- haVen't energy enough even
to guess."
"Why, you clear, stupid old father;
you might have guessed, I'M sure.
Who else woul4 it be but—Bob V
"I3ob V" said the fether, in a tone
which did not indicate the liveliest
satisfaction. "Bob in town—
"He only came up to dine and
sleep; and there is a party, you
know, at the Waldo's, which, of
course, he (Ha not care to miss."
"where is he now ?" asked lifr.
Surtees, abruptly,
that you shall surrender that key."
so spoke Mr. Dwidy. with sonxe.,‘ hour
orwesnotton it
t out be the rer
k In
plenty of time. Are you going to
thing of the old masterful manner
which was once so well known in the 1°°k f'llr hull? Shall I go too ?"
bank. He received the strong -room ' For the first time almost in her
key from Ur. Surtees, and plena it
on his owu bunch -
"For the present, we two part-
youog We her father broke away
from her and spoke less gently than
was his wont
ners." he said to Mr. Waldo, "will
"No, no ;—I must speak to him--
be responsible for our own securities and at once."
With that Mr. Surtees passed into
and cosh. That' will do' 'Sur- the hall and out across the Mall to
tees." And the unfortunate cashier
with a few muttered words left the where the steps led down to the
He had not long to wait for his
son, WhO WO,S even then brining his
boat alongside.
"Why. father! woubl you like a
turn on the water? Jump in:
tale you as far as the church."
Mr. Surtees shoole his head and
said rather sternly.
"No, Bob. come on shore ; I want
to speak, to you."
Bob liturtees chained up his boat,
and sprang lightly up the steps. A
One atitleeic figure he looked in his
thing else you want to 'mow ?"
Mr. Fashe had taken out his note -white flannels; and at any other
book in which he entered lhethOdiCal..: time the eight would have gladdened
ly the various facts connected with his father's heart.
Mr. Surtees' private life. viz.. that "Now. Bob, listen to me. This is
he had been in the employment of not doing as you promised, or as
the bank for twenty --eight years, that %ebbed. How Is it you are here
his age was fifty-three; that he was again within three days—well, four
a widower and luta two children, j days -eat your last visit home?"
both grown up—one a daughter—the I Bob hung his head,
ether a son, who was at that time "There was nothing (loin in camp.
an officer in the llath Regiment, father, and you 'mow I have a. sea -
stationed at Aldershot. 4l son ticket."
“That will do for the present." "Why should youl a poor man's
said Mr. Faske. "You *hall hear son, have a seasen ticket at all V'
from me, gentlenien. before long." interrupted his father. angrily.
Then the detective withdrew. leaving "Runyan back' and forwards to Loa-
the two Partners to go oll over the Vous. father. It is the tiresseree
case. a dozen time. point by point. ' regiment is mere kite pleaseureeseek-
from the beginning to the end. ing. It's all of a. piece. Wasteful.
wiclied extravagance. Robert, and
It must, come to an end."
Bob still tried to justify himself.
The house alr. Surtees occupied at "There is a party at tree Waldo's
Chiewick was one of those oki-fash- to -night. and you know you always
tamed pieces that lie within a few wished me to aceept their invitee
hundt ed yards of Hammersmith Lions. fatre?r. It b the dressere-
Bridge, facing the river, with garde I /marital of their theatricals."
ens both around the house and op- "In will& you are to take a part
posite it on either side of the rood with Miss Helena. Waldo. I presume?
where steps led to the boathouse at There must be an end of this ridicu-
the waterside. Mr. Surtees w.s a!, bus nonsense. Robert. You don't
widower. Ibis wife had died when suppose for one moMent that Mr.
both his children—Josephine and her and Mrs. Waldo would allow you to
brother Robert—were quite young. Pay your attentions to a daughter of
The old house—it was his own, ttimirs ?"
bought, with the small fortune hie "Why not, Lather?" asked Bob
bride had brought 'um was terribly simply, but with a. heightened color.
lonely to him without the bright "We are gentlefolk. while they—"
presence of the woman who had cast "It Is idle to discuss this Robert,
In her lot with hie; but he bad stay- A. match between you and Helena
ed in it bravely and hopefully, Waldo is out of the question. You
preferring to bear his present pain have not a sufficient income: your
rather than lose the sweet memories profession is a poor ono. Besides—
it must always preserve to, bim. As
time passed lie was thankful that he
had decided to stay at Riverside
Lodge. His love of the house grew
upon him. Ms daughter, as her
beauty developed with her years, re-
sembled her mother more and more.
to the immenta comfort and joy of
her father.
it was a. very quiet, retired life
they led. Mr. Surtees, like a thou-
sand other business men, event up
daily to Ids desk, returning regular-
ly at eventide thankfully and eager-
ly to enjoy the peaceful pleasures of
his tranquil home. They kept very
uh to themselves. Josephine had
girl -friends among her immediate
neighbors, but during the day she
busied herself with her books or her
household affairs, and in the evening
devoted herself entirely to her fath-
er. Then at times there was Bob,
much -loved, much -spoilt brother Bob,
to betir her company; now at home
from school, then on leave from his
regiment, but always, while he was
in the house, his sister's shadow.
They could not bear to be apart,
and not the least of the blessings for
which Mr. Surtees felt thankful was
the warm, deep-seated affection
which bound his two children to one
another and to him. A father
might well be proud of such a. pair.
Bob was a big, handsome young
fellow, gay, light-hearted, and care-
less, somewhat given to extravagance
and a little too easily led by others.
He had all the happy-go-lucky reck-
lessness customary in the British sub-
altern was full of fun and "go,"
good at all games, ready at a mom-
ent's notice to dance or fight, to
join in any amusement, or take- his
share of hard -knocks.
As for Josephine, she was a, per-
fect type of an English girl : fresh,
healthy, straight -limbed, in the first
bloom of budding womanhood. She
carried her heed high and lodked
fearlessly. at you with her bright
eyes, challengingrespectful admira-
tion for her beautiful face, with its
clear wholesome complexion and fine
rich color. Her hair was dark—al-
most black, her eyes a deep violet.
Although tall, she was exquisitely
proportioned, her small hands, like
her clear -Cut upper lip and slight
nostrils, betokened race and breed-
ing, while her voice, capable of the
most varied . modulations, now soft
and tender,, now deep yet mellow in.
tone, was of the fibre to stir a man
to his inmost heart. ,
Mr. Stino,s, retoralog 1.'o home
on the evening of the loss at the
bank, downcast and dejected,. could
have readily obtained sweet sympa-
thy from Josephine had he told her
all. But how could the father brine
himself tobreak it to his daughter
that his employers thought him a
thief ?
"You are no•t well, dear father ?"
said Josephine at once, as she noted
his clouded brow and miserable
"A little Over -tired, my child—
nothing More ; it has been a heavy
day at the bank. Any one been
here to -clay ?"
"What is to be done next ?" asked
Mr. Waldo, rather helplessly.
"I will tell you," put in air.
ItasIte ; "that ts to say, if you
meau to entrust me with the affair.
We must keep a close watch on this
Suttees, and lind Out all about him,
both before and slum the loss of the
bonds. Do you happen to know his
private address?"
"No. 27, The Mall, Chiswick. That
is where Mr. Surtees lives, Any -
cutixtren 11.
The wretched man thought of what
had happened that very day at the
bank. What 1 kis son, the son of an
employee micier a disgraceful accuse. -
tion, to aspire to the hand of n.
partner's daughter 1
"But this is mere waste of words,
Robert. What I wanted to say to
you, once and for all, is, that; you
must mend your ways. It would
be better almost d $ou left Eng-
land : exchanged—say en hntilaat
"What would Josephine say 1"
As yet brother and sister have
never been parted for lottg.
"T know her strong affection for
you. As for yours, I am not so
"Father 1"
"I am sorry to be so barsh, Rob-
ert, but 'I must doubt affection which
comes second after self. You little
think, I fear, where all this money
you have had from me, especially
that largo sum within the hist few
days to pay your gambling debts,
contes from. Have you thought.
that it is stolon."—he shuddered as
he spoke the word, and added—
"stolen from Josephine's portion
that it diminishes by so many hun-
dreds the sum I was putting by for
her on her marriage, or when I am
"I know it, father, and bitterly
do I repent my foolishness, my reck-
lessness. How shall I prove that
I am in earnest ?"
"By being more circornspect in the
future. You have laid a heavy bur-
den on. me, Robert, a heavy burden,
and I am nearly crushed by the
weight." .
With these words Mr. Surtees turn-
ed to re-enter the house. The day
was woolly", the red sun sinking be-
hind the bat of trees, from amongst
which rose the old tower of Chiswick
Church. But there was light enough
to see up and down thd Mali, a.nh
as Mr. Surtees crossed it he recog-
nised a figure slowly sauntering up
the road, .
It was Mr. Faske, in the same at-
tire he had worn 'at the bank that
day, with his tall hat poised loosely
on his head and his 'hands in his
"They have lost no time," said
Ma. Surtees to himself as he went
•"I suppose I, shall have that
Man always at. my heels nowea
TO' be Cleatinued.
Above is a, facesimale of the war medal which will
those who took part in the South African campaign.
of coutse, be changed to cover prominent etigag,egienes
epective participants took part.
A. case was being tried for bur-
glary, and a witness was being ex-
"You say you were present at the
time the robbery was committed ?"
Yes, sir."
"Then how did it happen that
when the prisoner clashed into the
room,, where you were with Miss
Love, and assaulted you, you leap-
ed through the window, and ran off,
making no attempt to defend the
"Well, sir, I thought it was her
lttstruetfve Exhibition to be See
at the PaneAuteriean,
(Special by Martha Craig.)
On entering the Ontario leaning ,
division of the Mines Building it its,
Pan-Americon Exposition. much luny
be seen that is at ti4e same time in-
teresting and instructive. Not least
amougst these is the exhibit front
the Dolaro Mine of Hastings Coe
Ont. On examining the display in
the handsome show case we fetid
white areenic. This is something
new and one will naturally ask "what
has this to do with a mineral exitibe
it ?" On further investigation we9.
learn that AMODIO is manufaetureil
from the ores we see in the F011ie
cases. These ores are known as
alispieltel ores. Looking into this'
more closely we learn that these owe
contain gold as well as arsenic, and
that the gold Is extracted Mat, from
the raw ores after they have been'
be preeented to
The lairs will.
in Whieh the, re-
Timely Hints as to the Cool and Enierincras Su= Spent in. Fitting
Cheering Cup. ' Some a' Them 'Up.
Grateful to the fevered palate is 41. The kitchen igt by reo ineanio the
cup of cold water in the fervid days most insigoificaat department of at
of suirraer, but mere acceptai
ble s amuse, ludging bje the enormous mune
the delectable draft compounded of millionaires and titled folle sealed ire
carefully blended flavoring substanc- gorgeously Attings up their cookel.
es. It is the far east with its slier- quarters; incleed, it is not uneenaniOn
bets cooled by snows from the neigh- for a greatte amount to be bold ood
boring eriountein tops. that has en the kitehert than on any other
taught us how to allay the pans of room. Some el the ourst costly,
midsummer thirst. kitchens may be found in the Wash
Half the benefit of a. beverage is End of London, aotably that at Apse
lost if it is badly served. The cup ley House, over which the first Duke
of lemonade in which float two or of Wellington is said to have ex -
three strawberries, raspberries or
cherries, the fruit depending, pended $05,000. The copper uten-
course, Tatum the season, tastes sils Peking are valued at,
while silver-plated stew -pans at $1.00
great dee/ better than the one sere', each. spice -boxes, and other culivary
ed without any embellishment. implements account for $15.000.
Lemonade is one of the simplest Lord Slirewsbuiy's kitchen cost
drinks. Properly made it has no ri- 615,000 in attings alone, eVerything,
val in popularity. Its basis should even to the ranges, being bordered
he distilled water if possible. As with silver plate. Another expeneiva
that is geeerally out of the question, kitchen is to t # found in the Etat
It may have as a substitute filtered of Derby's tote,* house. In appear -
ter, which has been boiled and ance it resembles a lavishly -built
en allowed to cool. Squeeze the dining hall, the mountings and pile
fuice from several lemons into a see bars tering everywhere of the Wiest
marble, which ran up a bill of VaTi-
O00, while the copper and plate
utensils could not be PUrChaSed for
Royal leitcliens are invariably ex
the nueture into the ornamental pensive, though that at Windsor by
bowl, pouring it over the lumps Of im means comes first in value. :fever -
ice. Drop in a few fine strewberries theiess it =tains nearly $10,000
and the lenueuade is ready to be worth of copper and $135.0t10 worth
served. of silver and silver-plated utensils.
George III eitpendeil $50.009 alouti
upon the attings, which are reoetly
:Leeson Take O. pint of the freshf black oak, and apart from their
hiceed fruit, and when they have historical interest have
then wasbed, let them simmer in a GREATLY DECREASED IN YALUF.,
quart of water, to which a he4PhIg Soen after his acreedozt. the Czar
o tVaS4POOMM11,d puwilered Rigor lets
parate ves.sei end add two table.
teaspoonful of powdered sugar has
rind of one lemon. Four over this a
cupful of the distilled or filtered
watch- to each ienion used and put
may be made when currants are hi
laid out $100.000 in remodelling and
. teen added. When Coldstrew, oral famishing, the Pla% a! lateliens at the
bromo -•canide.
ed ii.1.!el;it. .1‘.
'illetarteiliut aLl(ei ' lee. 1 (7111' c,u:::4 tn :Mt vslral bee`, nag fi:t.'te:i Tstii Tro:11)UST111 All
_:de gl i .. - i • a 1.
- te • r
the col, ___ra...,: - i d
treatment proved Timtiso be the
email.) ' lemon and a, few of the fresh cur- • ver, .a.::+1.. inclutle( ' foz3rty stewing -Puma.
, rants are swimming. Currant Ionia none of which could be purchaeed
solution at the problem. not only 4 water is made by dieeolving a tea* under as many pounds The spice-
gliang, a high pereentege of •extrace i spoonful of currant jelly in aI
gam boxes are of olid gold. engraved
Ilan, , but 4'1" greatly reducheed the • of coal water sweetened to taete.
e, wththe Royal Arens. and the rang-
woriaath cost• Ilkoseme 0;.-"F A LtIbilillegi ' ("urrant weter .15 Volu excellent. mane ce tine eiierie are edged with silvei.
the proceee for ext. riveting the gold eine. it at on the liver.„ The actual cost of rebuildin the
vetoes, he 'atrtett on tea iniapiceel. For apple uectar mash tWO TOOLTI1 kilidzens 'ace $150.00, the purest,
attowing thet oldie ereinie coital ae . appies with a fora and pour •Ov!lr , Mach. marbie toing treed throtegimet.
tztaae front it. The i,ad min teiat :tizem a pint of bili141K %Cater. Uteri •
e au4 the decoratioes were respensible
ay the Caido ecieeelidatell Gold aced. add a few drolis of walla ono for an outiey of eatha.090. Among
Mining ComPenY wee agate igougia. t'W41.01ela to tatte. Serve ha golsllotl 1 the •cooking itteesiie eliould be metal
had use ; oh the tad teacbinery tee portly Cited withchopped ice arm • eiened iieele seem: *wee arid a
wilieli he hail
nu use VS,15 pu,!10:11 out tolV,41 t,'Y' a -'11.1ce or.0 of fernolhe
„ gold gridth
iron at belonged to th
and seat for eerep iron. d *too APPleade le evell annP!er- -11”' ; great. Catintrine. The chief 'cook
• furnacee were reeoustructed to suit ' two hlrge* julef" aliPle`l and pour .1-... _"vt I draws o salary' of $10.000 n. year.
the new ccaolittens, tiovit suoreied. ta them a Pint of boiling tviitela 4A,. and he has six subordinatee in re -
i' eepeudeil 021veritee. experi-' It cold- Than strain. aweeten anti.; Milt of seliiriee rouging between
trouts- Tim intlitetry wee a ta,-w tiLe '!. iiti !afore aertillia , ' $5.000 and $7,500, to say uothing
Le amyl who thoroughly Agile -aide tirinive may be made for ef letneie.e.,
i for tide vont inent. No oho could r;, ed seperreameraries. • M-
thie Meatless and there was at the.. drug stores together Um Czar's hitcher& expenses
sllonner by buYiag
pract ical. 4 t he fruit syrups used iu the come , =mu", 1,, hee,ea, oa o 1 .„,,,. „ t.zo,,•31, 3 ,
leg on this subject. the arsanie mane!
tear.; pounaing of soda. water and apply-
• lei no' The zest most costly ROya.1 hitch -
%lecturers of the •olti country hogaiing water and ice to them.
A TEtIPERANCE DRINIC en beiougs to the S.panielt etetei, tee
seeking utensils alone boxing a face
. ing what Uwe: anew about it a pat.! amt. resembles •champegne is cepa l value of nearly $75,000, and are of .
' fond secret. Nothing •dattuted. Mr. l poinded as follows; Take a geode! a great age. The Shah ef Persia's
Eirliegatel went right on and after ashied l* mon. an ounce of ginger root, Litcheu at Teluiletn Is however. the
, a. short time succeededin inalting." a round mid a half of white sugar, most valuable hi.tchen in the world,
the tieeired white arsenic, itud this l one mince of tartaric acid. one gill Even the cooking -pots are lined with
has proved to be even whiter and • of yeast awl two and a hell gallons ; gold, and the platea aud dishes used
purer than any made in Europeof weter. Dna* the ginger. slice • at the Royal table are of selid gold
incrusted with precious stones, If
it were possible for the contents of
the Shah's kitchen to be put up for
auction they would realize over a.
Pania widened their swill? of !Vera- ' evening put it iuto bottles end •cork million sterling.
Hens by doubling the capacity of : tight. It may he used in a •couple
the whole plant. "stamp mill aud of days. 4 ,
arsenic works." and adding a. large A non -intoxicating beverage of the. A. VERY TALL CHIMNEY.
air coinpre.ssing plant to furnish mcnnent is barley water flavored
power for all the underground meg' with lemon, which has been raised
chinery, drills, pumps, and hoist. to e. place of prominence as a lun-
and the result is that now they •cheon beverage both in clubs and
have as fine and up-to-date a min- many private houses. If it is pro- There is at present to be seen at
ing plant as can be found aeywhere perly made se that it is redo thin Glasgow a very interesting sight,
and then thoroughly- iced, it is very namely, the repairing of Tennant's
refreshing and thirst quenching. Stalk, as it is commonly called
When o making "cups" of various This chinmey is over 400 feet in
height, and is the property of Ten-
nant's Chemical and Soap Works.
During the last few years the steeple
prolit they so richle: deserve for should be sparingry tried. and are Wks have been repairing it at differ -
having persevered and spent large should be taken not to add too eut times, and now they are taking
sums of money in developing riot much sugar.
the whole top off the chimney and
only a process for taking
out of these refractory ores, after
the geld Here is a recipe for •ginger beer: building it on to the new Stalk. •
everybody had failed. but for start- . Cut half a dozen perfectly. sound Some of the copestones weigh.
' lemons into thin slices and after re- about 4 cwt. or 5 cwt.; and it will
ing an entirely new industry in Can-
ada, . moving the pips put the fruit into a give an idea. of the difficulty and
without asking help or favors
deep earthenware. pan. Add three danger the steeplejacks have to con -
from the Government. We also wish
ounces of bruised root ginger, three teed with when it is stated that they
to congratulate the Manager, Mr. Pounds of crushed loaf sugar - and have 'only one or two small planks
Kirkegardand his staff for having
resting on wooden battens slung
so ably conducted this work. Such four gallons of boiling water. When
the water is nearly cold, stir in a
squareways across each side of the
men are what. -We need in Canada to p Mes. i
, tablespoonful of fresh yeast. covet chimney.
develoour ineral resourcThe '
the pan with a thio cloth and let
They have a ladder leading from
Canadian Goldfields Company Ims ' the
for tthe bottom to the top. This ladder.
set a good example in another di- . ginger- beer remain untouched
is constructed of a number of short
ction, nmely, that of looking to ' twenty-four hours. Then strain
the ivelfare of their eraployees. They it and fill some clean, dry bottles iron ladders about 14 feet or.
ave built a. commodious hall for the . with it. Cork them .securely and 16 feet long, with sockets fitted into
use of their men and families for re- store the ginger beer in a cool cel-
lar. by long iron spikes driven into the
one another a.nd held steady and firm
a. strong win .
ter feeling between employer and
ligious services, school and enter- brickwork a few inches every ten
fine library therein. ---0..feet
It takes a person. with a rather
tamments, and have established a.
of twelve pieces among themselves., JUST ONE QUESTION.
400 feet high, especially wlmn this
The employees lia.ve formed a band walk up a ladder
strong nerve to
and this band gives frequent open air The amount of satire which may
concerts. All of this tends to a bet- be conveyed in an apparently harm-
chimney has been proved to swing
2 feet in d. Not
less remark was well illustrated in a over
conversation which recently took so very hong ago a. balloon Which
employees and may well be copied
place in the writer's presence. A was passing in the -vicinity of : this
to mutual. . advantage, by any large sing the sudcien rise in lirenumber of business men were discus-
chimney narrowly escaped .coming in.
r. '
employers of labo
contact with it, the occupants land -
The Canadian Goldfields Company . of a cer-
ing on. a. soap waste -heap connected
glish Company. It is a tain wealthy manufacturer.
I taught him all he kn.ows, said O with the works.
is an n
close corporation, no stock being The last time the chimney was be -
for sale, and this no doubt accounts race famous for its money -getting gentleman present, who• belongs to a
ing repaired one of the 'Glasgow Cit -
for th_e fact that very little has been capabilities. I remember him when izen' reporters went up to the top of
heard .a.bout. this mine, although it he was a little tradesman with a the chimney . on . the steeplejack's
is only' 110 miles from Toronto and turnover of about $15- a week. He swinging chair, w.leich was swung
has been successfully' operated for had a fire Which brought him. in a from the top, and he stated • after.;
about five years-. This is the only thousand dollars or so and enabled wards that theh
electric cars whic
pass. close to the chimney appeared
arsenic producing plant on the Amer- him to extend his business. After
no larger than, thildren'a toys. .'
icon continent manufacturing arsetaic that ho . 4ad anotleer fin which
on., a commercial scale. The pro- brought him over five thousand, and
duct is 40 to 50 toes per month and. he found the money very useful.
.this output .is steadily -increasing. Very interesting; remarked a quiet
man; but there is ono thing that 1—
and I have no doubt others here also
—would like *0 know. •
• What. is th.a.t? • ' . . - . .
'• Well, 'eaid. the ..quiet • mat, ..you Say
you -taught' Mr. ---- all he ,knows.
We 'should like very • niuch tohear
how he. worked •those fires. e . •
And theo. silence 'reigned'. '
crushed by stammers. We read in a
Pamphlet a description of the mine
from wbence it came. This also
gives an exact clescrIption of the
peculiar formation in width these"
ores occur, illustrating by cute the
whole vein formation and describing'
the process and methods used for ex-
tracting both the gold a.ud arsenic. 1
Another most interesting feature
about this exhibit is that the pe -1
culiarities of these ore deposits and
thethem is'
formation surrounding theis,
plainly represented by actual rock!
samples showing the veins and coun-
try in miniature. This is a novel i
feature in an ,exhibit and a. valuable
ono from an educational point of
view and reflected great credit upon
P. Kirkegard—the discoverer of this
new process. There is muck to be
learned from this little exhibit; it
stands alone as very unique and
there is nothing else that can be
compared 'With it.
The Dolor° mine hae at most re-
markable history. It was first dis-
covered during the gold 'excitement
over thirty years ago. It was own-
ed by the Getting Gold and Silver
Mining Company from 1873 to 1880,
during which time considerable work
was done in it, and a 30 stamp mill
was built. Some of the surface ore
was milled with a profit, but at very
shallow depth the ores became re-
fractory, containing 20 per cent. and
more of mispic.kel, "Arsenogrite";
when these. ores were reached no pro-
cess then known would extract the
gold, and work was discontinued.
In 1880 the property was bought by
the Canada Consolidated Gold Min-
ing Company, who at once erected
largo reduction works consisting of
a dry crushing mill, and chlorina-
tion works. gonsidera.ble develop-
ment Work was done during the
building of this plant and this was
finally started, crushing thousands
of tons of the ores, but all was wast-
ed. Work was stopped only to be
startedagain, and again, trying first
this, then that, but all in vain, the
mispickel would not gi.../e up its gold.
Tangible evidenceof this 'Wrists to-
day in the hea.p of tailings around
the old works, though these are
gradually disappearing, the present
owners now reaping the benefits of
former failures. In 1888 the mine
was finally closed down and remain-
ed idle until 1896, when the prop-
erty was , bought by the Canadian.
Goldfields Company. This Company
also started by building a large mill
this time manipulating the ore by
the.. auensiling and Broraoganide
process. , This was only partially
successful, some 50 to 60 per cent.
of the gold value was recovered but
the process was so expensive that
this was obtained at a loss, It was
not until 1898 when the present
Manager,: Mr. P. Kirkegard, was
placed in charge 'of the mine, that
anything like success 'was met with.
During the summer of 1898 the
,mill above mentioned was destroyed
by fire and work was suspended. for
a time. The real successful work-
ing of this mine dates iteni this
time. The Manager having seen the
weak points in 'what had been; done
up to that tine, wisely avoided, the
shoals. He built a 10 stamp mill,
adopting amalgamation on electro-
plated copper :Aates. This was fol-
lowed by double concentration com-
Having established that. the gold , the lemon, pour boiling water over
could be extracted. and that arsenic ' them, and when it bas cooled to
could be made from the residue, lukewarmness. add the yeast and let
' otherwise a. waste product, the com- • it stand in the sun all day. In the •
Highest in the World is One at
Glasgow, Scotland.
In the country. Thus we see that
skill and energy can accomplish in
overcoming what appeared unsure
mountable natural difficulties. We kinds, the suceess of this form of
hope the Canadian Goldfields Com- teverage depends on the judicial
pane will reap the full benefit and blending of the ingredients. Liquors
The 33ritish officers in the Trans-
vaal, who are inclined 1 o enjoy a
joke, whatever the reaction, are de-
lighted witla an anecdote relating to
an interview between Kitchener an
the Boer general, Botha.
At the conclusion of the fruitless
conference to arrange terms of peace
Botha said:
Well, I must be gone.
Don't be in a hurry, said Kitchell-
er, hospitably, You haven't, got to
Catch a train.
But that's just, what I've got to
do, answered Botha, as he took his
And so he had, for two days later,
he caught and looted a train on the
Delagoa line not far from the place
of meeting,
Growing figs in the City of Lon-
don are great rtgatiee pow. In the
courtyard' of the Aldgare. Waled
Schools there is to be ,seen at the
present time a beautiful fig tree in
full leaf, with at least twenty-five
good-sized figs developing upon it.
'The tree is believed to be a relic of
the old abbey of the Holy Trinity,
which existed for a good many cen-
turies. The abbey was abolished by
Henry VIII.
Francis, said the little girl's mam-
ma., who was entertaining callers in
tho parlor, you eame down stairs eo
noisily that you could be heard all
over the house. You know how to
do it better than that. Now go
back and come down stairs like a
Frances retired, and after the lapse
of a few minutes, re-entered the par-
Did you hear me come down stairs'
this time, mamma?
No, cic.ore. I em. glad you came
dowr quietly. Now, don't let nfse:
ever have to tell yot agalil not
come down n.oisily, for I see that you
can come down quietly if you
Now tell :these ladies how you man-
aged to come down like a lady the
second time, while the first time you
made so much. noise.
The last tuin 1 sli4 down die ban-
isters, elrplakl.ed Faane is.,