HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-1, Page 3NOTES AND commENTs. Although a. Mild of general under- atanding Au near aome to between Tintetsta, Au.etria, and Italy that the !status quo in the Bala= peninsula must be ,maintained, it is obvious that it is of a very preearious na- ture, as it depends on conditions uot wholly 'Ninthly, the control of those Powers. The one that stands to lose most in the end by the arrange- ment is Austria. Notwithstandiag the many Diatcrial benefits than have been conferred on Bosnia, and Herze- govnia, the hostility of the natives to the Austrian rule has undergone zio dirainuition. On the other band they entertain a. stroug feeling of re- sentment toward Russia for having enrisented to allow a Slavin people to pans under the rule of the Nero.- zet, as the Clerman-Austrians are termed all through the eoutheast of Europe; and this feeling is shared evith them by the Servians. To re- cover the Inflame; lost through the arrangements made at Berlin after the Russo-Turkish War of 1877, to which Russia had very unwillinglY to adhere, she must, show rself reso- lute to work for the reunieu ef those provinces with the other States within the Slavie sphere in the Bal - kens. This Russian diplomacy M actively striving for by first briug- ing together the separated Stevie peoples between the Black Sea and the Adriatic. The accomplishment Of this task. however, le not easyeas it means sooner or later the- disalt- Deere= at two out, of the three reigning sovereigns in the Balkaes. or a, federation of Bulgaria, Sorvia, and Montenegro joined by the two provinces occupied by Austria and the outlying territories flOW under the control of %turkey.. Such an arrangerneet would do rauch to restore Russian prestige, which has for many years been at a very low ebb among the Slavic pop- ulations of the Balkans; and the Russian Government would be sure of their unanimous support, should it be necessary to have recourse to arms to bring it about. The pros - sent •obetucle to a peaceful solution of the huestion width is fast ripen - is the Turkish military. occupa- tion of Macedonia, the Austrian oc- cupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the joint Austro4urkish, garri- sons in the strip oe territort between Mentenegro and Servia. The Turks would no doubt willingly see the last of the Austrian troops out, of the country if it were to revert to them- selves, but, as reetters stand, they are in the position of alLies bound to keep out the aTilliCS Of tIIC three Slavic states, Bulgaria, Servia, and Montenegro, and are therefore, not likely to turn against each other. Thee, therefore, is required for things to ripen; meanwhile we hear of all sorts of plreis for consolidating the interests of the three States named and bringing them ultimately under one head. For the reoinent Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria seems the Savorite in the running. Xing Alexander of Servia appears to have been born under an unlucky star, and the Prince of Mon- tenegro has not the power or influ- ence to entitle him to the highest rank among the three. The proba- bility is that when events whiCh may occur at any moment precipitate ac- tion, Bulgaria will be found in the lead, and the weight of the combined force of the three States with that of the populationa looking to them for help will obviate, a prolonged struggle. The internal condition of Austria-Hungary is favorable to the success of the Balkan States, and there is no point visible from which the Turks could expect any assist- ance. They certainly could not look for help from England -under existing circumstances, and the con- dition- of Germany is not such that the Emperor- would venture to try and thwart a consummation that is the result of natural causes, and to 'noppose which would mean serious disturbance to the politica.' and com- mercial standing of Germany, just now -threatened with industrial de- pression and failure of crops. So long as Albania •was ,not, touched Italy would probably abstain from moving; while the combined naval forces of Prance, Italy; and Ramie might be relied on to prevent inter- vention by sea from any quarter. A solution of the trouble in the Wes ern Balkans in the interests of the people Most concern.ed is thus ren- dered possible and brought nearer. --)1( SIGNS OF 'VICTORY, Casey, the conthractor, an 'is wife wor playing croquet agin thercla.y," said. Mr. Rafferty. Who won the game ?" inquired Mr, Dolan. dinnaw. But, jaclgin' be the .broken mallet thot cern flyin' over the fine° an'. the two big welts on Casey's brow; I sh'd say the victor wor Ca.sey's wife." 809 million of passengers are car- ried yearly on London's 13.) miles of tranaline. " OUR FORESTRY EXHIBIT, CANADA. AT THE PAIT,AXERI- CAN EXHIBITION', Bine Display of Manufactured. Woods—The Show a. Repree .eentative Ozte. (Special by Martha Craig.) The Canadian forestry exhibit is a. Purely eoannaercial one. Mr. O. Swanson, who has been a buyer and ellipPer of fruit and timber for seven- teen years, is in charge. Mr. Swan- son is thoroug,hly acquenuted with the timber business. ems travel- led extensively- from the Atlantic to the PaCiii0 and through the British Isles. He had full charge of the negetable exhibit at. the World's Fair. Prominent amongst the many ex hibitS is that of the Columbia Ran die and Timber Company Of LQ/1dOrt, Oa, who have a very fine display of the differeut kinds of wood and tree sections frOm which they manu factore the varied preducts of their immense factory, a fete of which are tree -sections of hiekory, basswood white ash, 1:ed Pak, white oak, and hard maple. They else show eigh teen samplea of dressed Mintier, as inflows: blaek ash (early), white ash black ash, red oak, white oak, white oak (quartered), soft yoaa.ple, hard maple, waintits sycamore, reek elle soft, on, red eleta besswood, pepper age cherry, beech. and chestnut. Along with the above they have u. very fine dieplay of raAnufactured articles, such as hockey stieks, base ball bete, dumb bells. Indian elates, axe handles, hammer handles, shovel handles, and in faet all kinds of turned work. They are large export- ers to the British market, Tbe next thing that cetches the eye as yote Imes on is some fine spe- cimens of fureiture—two thiffoniers, one of red birch (mahogany Anish) the other of yellow birelt (natural fluirth) and a dressing table of the latter made by Thomas Bell a man - (lecturer of Wingliam. Ont. There are two very bare/some eanoes on exhibition—one made by Wm. Eng- lish of Peterborough. Canadoes pop- ular canoe nealter, and the ether by II. L. Bastien of Hamilton. Just a wird of comment on the latter. It was decorated by E. Aileen Deauville Honing' of Hamilton. and is without oexteePtieQvuork the finest piece at Its kind ever exhibited. The work is called pyrography or etching by lire. On one end an toe there is an Indian chief's head, and the other a maple leaf; and at ono end on the sides there Is the picture of a deer and the other end the pretty Indian nam Nenernosha. There is also an inlaid baptismal font made by W. IL Morgan of Huntsville, Ont., which is worthy of notice. CEYLON AND INDIA NATURAL LEAF GrritlEmig" Is Free from Any Particle of Coloring Matter ; is Dainty and Invtgor, ating ; is the only tea that eulte fastidious palates and is wholesome for the most delicate digestions. IT IS ALSO A BRITISH PRODUCT —C—eYlen Teas are sold in 'Sealed Lead L Address 4 4SALADA," Teronto, Ceylon Green. Free samples sent. Packets only. Black, nixed, Uncolored KING EDWARD AT 093011 which is the handsomer, but no one 1 without being convinced tbet she is ' a woman of intellect, refinement and SEVERE SIMPLICITY' OF TRE amiable character. SERVICE IN Tinsel CHAREL. I TIEBellOYAL PARTY _ 1 wa,s atterelect by a lady in waiting His Majesty' Is Very Regadar and 1 odesinneinn ilajootridhialnacrky, xuanodurtnihnrege dress 1 in .is Attendance. who ocaupied the second pew bac% The easiest way to see the wing i front the King, leaving one pew va,- is to go to church with him, says o. cant between theat. The first was a. recent Inenden letter. When he is in man of enormous stature, a large London -he always attende morning had and striking face. with a heavy services at the Chapel Royal. St. p Shock of hair and a long gray beard. naotes,s roue; when at xvi.,,,,:aa„, ;The »mond was Capt. Tolford, an SinenEndraiLlghdaInis, $ lut.031reitiptsc.tuloi anzlannalx411404:4tanall6laigt msluislOta, ci7eit.hirhee tlahrirgde Ste Ceerge's Chapels and when—'-a*t I aidend":10141 :01.40:7t.hao. iy;i11;ets ir.eligicularwoinreibil; fitLtheolnidailliCIDIgupxotinwarddly: I was $1 r 1 private seeretary, ft gentleraan of NO natter wbether he is at home or 1friedium beight, bald, with a gray abroad, be eever passes a Sunday i niu,stileh• without at lease =calling pra.yers 1 The King uttered the response in a II- elm lo.ok upon the Queen of and makes it a. rule not to attend distinct, 'voice, and the Queen Princess also followed the ser - any service but that of the Church and England. The people of Landon, who usually show great curiosity to see their King, let him alone on Sunday and allow bitn. to worship in peace It was a remarkable fact that last, vent than usual after the special Suuday morning, when there were prayer to .Gad to protect .and pre - at least n,000 people in the court - serve the life and health of the Duke yard of St. James's Palace listening! to the setesie or the hand at guard and Duchees of Cornwall and yore Mount, not more than fifty or end. y whiie aNI; 080 t0. the dangers of tra.- vet on thew journey a round the People, and they the enembers of the world. Both the King and the household, were nate(' in the Chapel Royal. whia opens upon that court. tleeen lips 0r8104 the h""tris—at least There is DU outer entrance and an their lips formed the words. al- though their voices were inaudible inner one from the corridor of the palace, so that the King may read). it from his apartments in 'Marlbor- ough House without going into the open air; but all the worshippers. ex- cept the royal femily and the ladies and gentlemen in waitipg for that day, are admitted at the public doors in St. James's courtyard. at It is a very small and uninterest- e frig church, perhaps there is none More be in all London. There is no- thing attractive about it except ITS snvZrca SIMPLICITY. It is as plain as one of the Baptist chapels in South London. ne windows are set in ordinary glass, without shades or hangings, and ueed Cleaning badly, The altar is an ordinary table, covered with erinaeon cloth, open which the cross of St. George and the three plumes of the Prince of Wales aro embroidered in AN OLD-TIME ROMANCE. gold. The only ornaments are a large brass collection plate, two tall candles in brass candelabra and two brass VaSCS holding bunches of snowballs. There is 80 crucifix or cross, but over the altar is a line painting of the Madonna. by Rubens, which, however, is too Itu-ge far its place. There are sittings for about 200 people—long pews running on either side of a single aisle to the wall. The first pew within kneeling dis- tance of the altar rail is oecupied by the Kim; ntid his family, who prefer to sit with, the congregation than to use a gallery of handsomely carved oak, which projects from the palace wan and was intended to in- sure their privacy. At 9.30 o'clock, while the ICing, Queen, and Princess Victoria partook of the communion, administered by the Rev. Mr. Shepherd, sub -dean of St. James's, the outside doors of the chapel were closed anti locked. A little group of people gathered there to await their opening. They were plainly dressed, serious per- sons, who did not look distinguish- ed, but may have been such, because appearances ere very deceitful. Most of them crone on foot, although sev- eral of them drove up in carriages that bore coronets Upon the panels of the doors. On the minute of ten o'clock an old verger - in a black gown, bearing a long staff, opened the doors to adpait all who desired to enter. Then he closed and locked them. As soon as the little Congre- gation was seated the verger opened a side door that leads into the pal- ace and a little choir or twelve boys and men entered, singing the pro- cessional hymn. The choir boys were dressed in a livery of vice carefully. They bowed their beads wben the (10411, read the pray- ers for nntelward, our sovereign lord," and "Alexandra. our sover- eign lady," and one might imagine that their responses were more feta Mr. Booth, the lumber king of Ot- tawa, also contributed some tree sections at white pine, red Pine, white spruce and silver birch. The British Canadian Thither & Manufacturing Company, Kearney, Ont., have tree sections of red birch, yellow birch, and black birch. Mit- chell Bros., Barkley, Out. have a nice exhibit of hard %rood Out., le. Lally, Cornwall, Ont., hos a very attractive exhibit of lacrosse sticks, which attracts no little attention. The Lyn Last Company, Lyn Ont., have an exhibit of hard maple shoe lasts. In the background of the ex- hibit is displayed all the difterent kinds of lumber that grow in Ontar- io, showing each ince° in three dif- ferent stages of finish. The lower portion is sianply planed, the centre oiled, and the top highly polished. 'There are in all twenty saanples, viz white pine (green finish), white pine (natural finish), white birch. (natur- al finish), white spruce (natural fin.- ish), red birch (natural finish), chest- nut (natural finish), basswood (nat- ural enish), butternut (natural fin- ish), sycamore (quarter cut), red pine (natural finish), cherry (natur- al finish), hard maple (natural fin- ish), hard maple birdseye (natural finish), hard maple, quarter cut (nee tural finish), red birch (mahogany finish), black ash (natural • finish), white elm (walnut finish), red birch (natural finish), and basswood (car- riage finish). The exhibit of John B. Smith & Sons, Toronto, Ont., is composed of one very handsoine quarter cut oak newel post, one birch and two Balm of Gilead, the sections of flooring 3x6 feet, very neatly put together, of birch, beechand hard maple, and three panel doors, one of which is quarter cut oak and very handsome. The North American' I3ent Chair Company, Owen Sound, have a very interesting exhibit of chair parts in the rough. The next exhibit is that of Southerland Lanes Company, Ltd., of Chatham, Ont., who have branch- es in Liverpool and New Orleans, La. They have tree sections of red oak, white oak, basswood, black ash, white ash, and a mammoth white elm, which ineasures five feet in. di ameter, barrel staves, hoops and bark. The Standard Chemical Company, Deseronto, Ont., have. samples of crude and refined wood alcohol, wood tar, iron liquor, tar oil, wood pitch, and charcoal. The walls of the ex- hibit are very nicely decorated with pieturee appropriate to the Depart- ment of Forestry, being principally in conneetion with: the getting out of the tinter in the winter and getting it down the streams and- rivers in the spring and summer, The collec- tion of stuffed animals is ',also wor- thy of mention, being as follows: one moose calf, from the Algon.quin National Park, one cariboo head, the finest ever exhibited, from Mr. Newman L. Sthiner, theHonorary Coamnissioner for Ontario, young deer, five moose heads, eight deer heads, one wild swan, one bear cab, and one cariboo head, from Messrs, John Bidgood & Co., Susi- bury, Ont.* There is a fine specimen of• Cana- dian black beaver and a silver birch log partly prepared, either for: a dam or a beaver hut.; The naval 4.7 gun weighs two tons witbout carriage. because of the chow. One of the litenans was especially appropriate the second stanza. reading. What are the monarch, his court and his thrones What are the peace antl the jo;v that they own? 0 that the bleseed ones who in it have ehare. All that they feel could as fully de- clare. At the close of the service, after the clergyman and the choir bad left tho chapel, the King stood at the entrance al his pew and faced the congregation, while his daughter and wife passed out before him. Ile brushed the dust off his silk hat with his handkerchief as be followed, theme through the private door. RED AND GOLD, Roar Nies Grisel Held 'Up the Postman and Saved Her Father, The Earl of Aberdeen, speaking at a dinner of the United Kingdom Postal and Telegraph Service Ben- evolent Society at Aberdeen, said that they had -to go back to the ohl mail coach days to get the pictur- esque aspect of the postal service, and to illustrate this he narrated a romantic incident which occurred in the reign of James IL—more than 200 years ago. Sir John Cochrane. son of a fine old nobleman, Lord Dundonald, was one of those who thought the liberties and interests al the country were in danger, owing to the policy of the Government of the day, and resisted it. Sir John was betrayed into the hands of the enemy and was lodged in Edinburgh jail. One night the door of the pri- son opened, and he heard the voice of his daughter Grisel, who was al- lowed to have many talks with him. Meanwhile the news came that his condemnation had been settled by the ncouncil, and that the mail -would come next week with his death war- rant. Miss Grisel Cochrtuie told her father that she had to go away for a few days. He said: "I hope you will do nothing rash," and she re- plied that she would do nothing very rash. She rode from Edinburgh to Berwick, where her old nurse lived, and there she changed her clothes for the clothes of a boy. Then she rode to a place between Berwick and Belford, where she made inquiries regarding the King's mail messen- gers and where they useci to put up. Arriving at a small inn about four miles south of Berwick, she asked The men wore tile usual surplices. for something to eat. The hostess Each had a band of crape around told her not to make a noise, be - his left arm. The minister followed cause in the box -bed the King's mail them, with his ,assistant, one taking xnessenger was asleep. "Do be the pulpit and the other the reading quiet,' she said, "with your knife desk. and fork." She began her meal. immediately behind them came "Can you get me some water ?" King Edward VII., dressed in a The hostess said: "Why, a braw lad black frock suit and carrying a silk like you should sup ale." "Have hat in his ungloved hands. Queen you no cold, fresh water? If you Alexandra and Princess Victoria, give me water I will pay you the both of whom are taller than the same as for the ale." The hostess King, followed quietly after him, explained that she would have to go and he stood aside to allow them to to the well, a long distance off, and allow them to pass intothe pew. it would take ten minutes, but the The Queen wore a gown of plain girl—or rather the apparent boy -- black, a small black bonnet and a persuaded. the woman ,t6 go for the crepe collar, as sin:vie a costume as water. you could imagine. That of the During her absence the girl went Princess was similar, except that to the' box-becl—there was the mail - she wore a black silk hat instead of messenger. asleep ----a "SWFA.ek" fellow a bonnet. I3oth are beautiful wo- With his mail. bag under his head, men, and the Queen, although past using it for a pillow. On the table 50 years of age, looks' as young as were his pistols, and very nervously her daughtela Her figure is girlish sooner was this done than the host - and graceful, her abundant blonde the girl withdrew the charges, No hair is without a sign of gray,. her ess returned. with the water. The complexion is fresh and pure. as a girl finished her meal, went on the child's, and s,he stands and walks road, rade a circuit, and met the With the firm erectness of an ath- mail messenger, and .they rode toge- lete. The Princess Victoria is a lit- ther a bit. After a short chat she tie taller than her mother, but not drew a little neerer and said: "My So plump. Her face is purely Eng- friend, I have a fancy for this mai" lish according to the artists' ideals, bag." "If it is a. joke," said the although her father is of German an- messenger, "it is a pretty poor one." cestry . and her mother is a Dane: She took out a little pistol and pre - One would find it difficult to decide seated it. The messenger pulled ,out bis pistols, and wept—the first missed fire. He threw it away and drew the °thee—anal/I He had to hand over the mail bag, and she rode into an adjoieing wood. She opened the bag, chew oat an tacial letter. And rode with it to her nurse's house, where it was found to contain the death warrant of her father. It was put into the fire. She renewed ber girl's clothes and rode quietly to Edinburgh. That caused so much delay that th,ey managed to get a reprieve, and that incident, as he understood GO, - her father was saved. Ile (the speaker) had a personal Interest in sel Cocbrane was a direct ancestor of Lady Aberdeen. MaCIMIT WEAL is not sold byte:tering premiums, tint entirely on its mean, The quality is uniform at all times. Leen packages, 25, 30, -40,50 ne 60 cent, ...................,-,-...................,-,...... . . a, 0 _ . . swipe that fellow's citainlese bicycle en First Tramp: "Why didn't you? for Sale. • you went after last night?" Sec- et and Tramp : "Well, I found out • there was a chainiess dawg in the yard." DREADFUL MISTAKE BARELY AVERTED. THOMAS HARRISON" OF ST. MARY'S, N. B., zumEET HAVE BEEN OPERATED ON FOR. APPENDICITIS. Ms. Case WAR Wrougly Diagnosecl Ile Realized. the Fact ni TiraQ Dodd's Ku:buy Pills Probably Saved His Life. St. Mary's, N. B., July 112.—(Spe- cial).—ThomaslIarrison of this man that he is alive and well to- day. For ititonths he WaS suffering, as everybody thought, with appendi- citis. That's what he was told and that's whAt he was being treated for. But he grew worse in spite of the efforts exerted to help hint. In appendicitis it is generally thought necessary to perform art op- eration. That Mr. Harrison was not required to undergo the surgeon's knife and that, for a disease be never had, is in all probability nobody's fault hut. his own. Ear it was not appendicitis that afflicted Mr. Har- rison. It was Stone in the Bladder, and it was Inodd's Kidney Pills that restored bun to the perfeet health and strength be enjoys to -day. "About. a year ago." he writes. "I began to suffer from pain in the bank accompanied by a lethargy impos- sible to overcome. entployed physician who tanned my disease ap- petalicitis. but in spite of his treat- ment I grew worse and began to pass bloody urine. "About this time an anxious friend advised me 'to use Dodit's Kidney Pills and by the tiine I had finished the first box I passed a stone of un - 'usual size which is now in the doc- tor's possession. "I began at once to feel better and you may judge of my gratitude for my escape thus promptly and safely. Having taken only three boxes I am bappy to state I am absolutely cur- ed with no sign of the return of my old trouble." piece coneiders ttimself a fortunate Dr. Joathina the great violinist, who has been honored by English .musicians, has been playing- in pub- lic since 1843, when, after studying under Joseph Bohn at Leipzig, he Appeared nt n, concert and created a furore. He was then only twelve years of age. For seven years he remained in an orchestra, studying hard meanwhile, and then he went to Paris and obtained the appoint- ment of Director of Conterte at Weimar. In 1853 he was master of the Chapel Royal at Hanover, and soon afterwards began his famous tom- of Europe, being everywhere re- ceived with the greatest enthusiasm. In that tour he laid the foundations of the reputation which has now be- come world-wide. In August, 1882, lie was appointed conductor of the R.A.M. in Berlin, and in 1889, on the fiftieth anniversary of his first public appearance, he was presented with a snagnificent violin by his ad- mirers. TORONTO'S BIG EXHIBITION. The Prize List for Toronto's great Annual Exposition and Industrial Pair, which this year will be held from August 26th to Sept. 7th, has come to hand. It is printed in yel- low shaded with green, and presents a very handsome appearance. Up- wards of $85,000 will be distributed in premiums, nad $30,000 will be spent in features and special attrat- tions. The live stock classes have been rearranged in some instances and the premiums increased in others. A class for French Canadian cattle has been added. Copies of the Prize List and all information desired can be had on addressing H. J. Hill, 82 King St. East, Toronto. Special efforts are being raade to increase the excellence of the Exhibiticin this year on account of the close proxim- ity of the Pan-American. In no place is an even temper more essential to good work than at the bar. There is a serenity about Lord Alverstone, the Lord Chief Justice, that has prorapted the statement that he is the most amiable and even tempered judge who ever sat on the English Bench, One of his oldest friends, Mr. Hope, K. C., has said, "I don't think the man ever lived who could rouse Dick's temper, for honestly believe he hasn't one." O -41-8•••••40-1••••-1-1••e*e..0-•••e..•..41-4-ewswe..easiwer Nwaiave.etwoe•wrawitaws-.e.swte.ea•aciag..e-aratv. a' o • 3E103Et=111,TWIATI151- 1E23Etil$SESMEI. o • • : One Four Roller Campbell Press, front delivery, bed 4,3x56, $1200 I. a O 7uaro h • . .. 0 41 One Four Roller Campbell Press, bed VaCS2, '' ' ' .'. :0 0 0 51:0° 4: O ' * • Wzrzsget.lEikart-ed..imm. XV3Cm,403112.-§ -5-'ssesa O Two Roger's Typographs, la first-class order, each • V'CitTa3013EIVOZ4 Two -col, qtBrown Folding Machines, eac - NE.".11:33SCIAT3E11M. 0 * is? Also Cutting Ma.chine, Stones, Stands, )3ody and Display Type. o e All this Machinery is in First -Class Order. Easy Terms wilt be CiTen' 0 or Special Discount for 04S13. On account of attaingtie°reptQc. 4 Plant ehe above Machinery and Type will be ntspoeter or ataunarre nacte. ..„ ? The WI son Publishing Co., of Tumult°, TORONTO, CANADA. 0000 *COG009•09e0(11.$1•4900*04300000400.040690,0•0* If You Want .'"21i1n1,11A,YfrOgrILTRY. APPLES, ether nuns end mews, it The Dawson Corn MISS! On CO. unIgigg;;Its,'Agg."4 "IIow do you like this style of uff ?" asked the detective, snapping e. pair of steel bracelets on the wrists of the prisoner. "I ani a good deal taken with it." responded the other. I was cured al A severe cold by IINA,RD'S LINIMENT. Each English person seende .42 17s a year on meat, 3.8s ad on nee tatoeS, £3 21s On wine and Ineelere KeeP UMiwn1In tie HOUR,. Two per vent. of people aged 00 are coustently eonfined to bed by ill- ness, and 10 per cent. of those aged 75. 122‘1"d, R. F. 114WSQN. Morn um Is ow by I was mired of a. terrible *sprain ty I NAR D'S LINIMENT. FRED. COUL.SOIT, Yarmouth, N. S. Y. A. A. 0, I was cured of Black Erysipelas ty INA RD'S LI NIM ENT. Inglesville. J. W. RUGGLES Spinning and photography are the favorite indoor recreations of her Majesty. She is specially fond of photographing horses, tisk for Minors and take no oth r BENEFITS FORGOT. /fan is an ingrate. When it's hot Ilis SOU1 to wrath is stirred ; But when its cool, as like as not, lie never says a Word. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Meretn7 as mercury will Euroty destroy the sense of smell andtompletcly acreage the whole system wb en entering it through the MUCOUS SUrfitC034 Such articles should never be used except on proscriptions from reptitahlephYstolftns. as the damage they will do la tea told to the geed you can possibly derivefrom thonn. Liars Catarrh Care, manufaetured by r.s. Cheney &-. Co.. To- ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and. Is taken in- ternally, acting directly- upon the blood and 11111008 1 surfaces of the system. In buying flail's Catarrh cure be sure you got the genu. Jae. It is taken internally,and made in Toledo, Ohio, by 1"..7. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold. by Druggists, price 730 per bottle.. Faintly' Pills are the be. 1 - ALTRUISTIC, "Mat a dreary bore this long jOUrnay is 1" exclaimed the man iii the white flannel suit. "Why, I thought you were taking this trip for pleasure," commented the other man. "I am—for the pleasure of nay wife and daughters." MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. 8 EL -2 04-11The Averse Family SOW/ ragas OW per day. A SURE SIGN. • ancJigger—"What makes you think he isn't a gentleman?" Tiungurabob—"He insists that he 1.11111116111 1.11011]OITOTI'8 It Is claimed by a phyalcian of Italy that the fumes of petroleum will cure whooping cough. Ile says the remedy is not, pleasant but Ohm- cioue. W., P. C 1086 OA LYE RT'S CARBOLIC OINTIVIENTo For ail skin aliments, L 0. Calvert Co., Manoheeter, England METAL ROOFERS Vir arErtl TORONTO, ONT.' $s &and Iruatrurrionts, Drums, uniforms, sto. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lowest prices ever quoted, rine catalogue SOO illustrations, mailed free, Write us for any thing in 31us1e or unsical lust rumeno. Whaley Royce 16 U0./ Tgittiligrige CLEANING WALIONa OR LADIES' . II Is OUTINa SUITS Can be done perfectly by our rreneh Process. Try n. CRITICS AMERICAN CYMRU CIL IdONTREAL, TORONTO, orrAwe. 14 QUEBE a + FINGINWERS" SUPPLIES. Asbeetoe Cootie, Pips antennae Lubricating CI% Omegas, etc. ht. SUTTON COMPOUND 00., Limited, TORONTO. ROOFING and Sheet Metal Works4' ROOFING SLATE, in Black Red .01, Green. SLATE BLSOKBOARDS. We sullPlY Public and High Schools, Toronto). Roofing lrelt, Pitch. Coal Tar, etc. ROOFING TILE (See,New City Build. in Toronto, done by our firm). Metal Ceilings, Cor. nices, pte. Estimateefurnhshed for work complete or f 95, matenala shipped to any pa rt of the country. Phenol D. DUTHIE & 80119,Adelaide ZeWidmerate., Toronto Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to LivorpooL Via Queens. town. Largo and East Steamsbipa Superior neoommodoti attention bas been given to ti for all classee of prosengers. Saloons and Statoroo are amidships. Special Second Saloon and Third -Class secomniodation. Fel rates of P811358 5124 all Particulars, 391)17 to ens sasei of the Company, John Bull makes .n3,700,000 a, year Richards, Mills & Co, D. Torrance &Co.. out of the post °Ince. 77 htate Boston. Montreal and FortleaS For Over Fifty Years Mts. Wnistow's Soormwo Synny has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. Itsoothes the child, softens the gums. 311378 93122, auras wind collo, regulates the BtOrilaCh and. bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five centa a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Be sure mod Mk for" bins. WINSLOW'S SOOT81140 SYrtUP." An American ship's life averages 18 years; that of a British 26. C141.4;te/ e/ZsCej Art -it -44,4, .1 kei,7" etps CANA A'S PREMIER COMPANY WITH Tien LA)11EST .6086.221[1111131..1.•1.22111111.1110•11.011 Paid-up Capital Reserve Fund Assets • • II Receives sums of 4100 and. up wards on which interest at FOUR PER CENT. FIER ANNUM is paid half yearly, for which inves- tors have the most UNQUESTIONABLE, ;SECUNlifir. .Full particulars en application. TNE, CANADA PERMANENT AND WESTERN CANADA MORTCACE CORPQRAT/ON Toronto Street, Toronto, soc.,,,,mano,