HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-8-1, Page 2BSOUTTE I LOOKING SEM ITY Cenuine Carters Little Liver Pill Mutt Bear Signature Or See Pee-Sirette Wrapper Bele% 'V siren sad see reef loaelse 3D1 FOR sluoimgil. Dia TORPID LIVER.. fANSTMATIOR., FOR LLOW SKIL FOR MEOW:4331e in, speciflo fo ie of e, D."41;4etes, Briatt's s and all Urinary Traubles. Don't accept sometbingjust as gooti. See you get the g01214141 E FUTURE It is Well to Mak., Provision for Your Family After on Are Gone, 1 A despatch from Washington says: —Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from the followieg text: "Let him appoint officers over the land. and take up the fifth part of THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. ••••• INTBRN.A.TIONAt. LUS011, AVOs 4 • Text oe the lieseon, GDP. 741.1, 8. GA" den Text, Math. vit, 1.4. Abram went up out of Egypt to Bethel, unto the place of the altar which he had made there at first. and there Abram called on the name of the Lord; such is a brief sum- QU going to live ten or twenty 1aLY. of these four verses.. We `do years that you can warrant your , not read of any altar in Egypt, for - household any comfort after you go . there Abram was out of fellowship far away from them etesiees that, with God, thinking of his own per - the vast majority of men die poor Soual safety rather than the gicry the land of Egypt in the seven .plent- Two—only two out of a bundled ,, God. If you hove wanderee eous yeare."—Gen. xii. 33. :succeed in bueiness. ,Are you very from God, and neglectei tee altee These were the words of Joseph. certain that you are going to be one and allowed anything to eoziet. be - the President of the first We insur-lof the two? Rich one cloy—poor the ; tween God and your soul, return to once eompany that the world ever next. Besides that. there are men Him as quickly as possible, tor th Pearaoh had o dream that no- sawwino die solvent who :Eire insolVeute tag can make up for leek of fellow- , distracted bine He thought he ''bekare 'theY get u"e4- the gmulld" c'ts' ?/• 01rinly acknowledge thine iniquity, with Hhu. and Ho is saering, stood .on tee bluets of the rie.er before. their estate 'is settled. How Nileend saw coming up out of the fosoon the auctioneer's mallet can tura. 0 back -sliding child, r I am . . river .sevee fat, efeeset, nsessy• enwen knock. the life out of an estate A m• arried unto you (der. 13, lA ad they eggn o browse t matt thinhs the property worth We- Rom. oil, ea, His wife and Lot and riX" tin the thi ckgr is othing frightful about700aunder a forced sale it brings all that he had svere affected by his , . N; teat leo after teem coulee... 37,1000. The busiuess man takes ad- wanderings and return ; one liv- D ANS AzOUT it. Its: Purity. 2,- Its Thousands ot 'Cures. of Mature must have been a table- land, plain among the hills where Abram long continued to enjoy fel- lowship with God far above and away from the atmosphere OR Sodom. There in due time Sarah died, and he bought the field of llfaclipelah and the cave that was in it as a burial place (chapter xxiii), and there to this day lie the bodies of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Ja- cob and Leah (chapter xiix. 29-31.t awaiting the first ressurection and the fulfillment of the promises. A good work is being done at Hebron to -day among the Jews and Moslems by the elildmay Medical mission, in which I am thankful to have a pray- erful and financial interest. NEED• X,A121,GER. INCOME NOW. ••••• •••••• Long Ago 00,000 a. Year Was .SUffleient London Society. The London Speetater, diecteoing the new standard of wealth in recent Years, remarks that lifte years ago , an income of ,n,10,000 was account- ed sufficient to inalatedn o good place in soelety. ,.n.. of : ken of the tetete river. he saw seven frontage of. the crises, and be cora- eth unto himself, and we must be the keenest observers of einerty, dc - cows the widow of hie deceased part- careful not to put a stumbling block cows &eat were gaunt oalei starved, dared that an income of £8000 was a and the worelooeiag cows that had r•' -'r. to sell out to lulu at a ruinous or Occasion to fall in another's waY veritable Aladdin's lamp but wealth ever beeu Seen no the land. and znprice, or loseall. (Item. the ferocity of hunger they devoured But, says some one: oe am a man nen. Abram said unto Lot. Let eevett fat predeeseseors. Mar- of nmats means. and I can't offord there be no strife. I pray thee, be - ow begins with an income oaC20.000, Yearly, which, if the possessor lie es up to his position, does not leave, aoei the lierig. eeat for Joeeple te dee pay the presentee. That is some- • tween ate and thee, and _between merhum as free from money cares as eipeer these midnight hierogiypli, times a lawful and a genuine excuse. hero/nen and thy heieheett. for.we be, thought he. was really rich. The J secede niters, wet of itand E end there is no answer to it but in. brethren. Lot also was rich in country house, hired shooting. a! aneee: n; . :nein:LI:ten that the seven fat cows nine cases out of tea when a man • noens and herds ami tents, and the • London house, a. wife's and tintigh- t... ‘-!•aine out 4.4 the river Were FaN's thet.. he smokes up in cigars. ' great that they could not dwell to- tarsdi..'. 't moot ia Scotland and: eecesse yeors vere:s" to e3t. the ;trot drinks down in wine, anti eX- gether. They were in ties Inid far six weehs' yachting he 1st, little free' ensts. verseseeenn .C.OwS that followed In Inaunies e.00ugh motley .to Godanti the heathen wive . the • cash and nothing for improvement. nese. eeyee years, with nothing I:ovie PaidSlit pri;,irount .on a life no. land, the Canaanite and the Many expenses which the rich incur as eat, ••Nette° sateddeeiss.h. "let 1:.sitraatee liolIFY whack would haw: site. ond before these 10?ar this wit -boats thinhing must be :twined, tis teas otteesten of tee e4•Arn crop ,nePt. 1,!taul•V frum beggarY 'when must witnese for God, tiif•re!Ore end at the end of the year the pas- : the seever. preepereeli :veal's. 4eell 14.4(L.!'is "ea4. 141"41 UU-ght to Put there must be no strife. for ". the eessor of such fan income will Oink: " it sie ct provieton ler the Few% years t fltzuFe'lf down on tee stlFte;st servont of the Lord must net stence whether this or that could not be there shall h no corn crop. King took the uiiflSCi, and ee heesiuse of his in - end punlie aseneeninees. '- p1.-k?,,O.sirt of tee welerroning. ferfeers pant tnieenith of their lay until he can meet this Christian , io Tim. ia oea Who f41,,aa view elecomitaized. ecessutee You him! no reelet to the , rbr if etrise le to Ciao. ann.. oue Tids ifi true, a.ssuming that in ad -- of life until you have made meet yhel (1., :%.,4-, tt:„-: gr.:.liti,•,..s of dition to X:„Ifi„(14.10 a, year there is ine! el!' epros,:i541,1,1' , I, 4.'111,711F.:' what 'a the one to whom God luel give:1 the heriteni the -plant'. of human it life 6"; "Y ".• ‘411-Orle, 1.40 gyeat '`'c°'" hand. with WieGin Lot it es tti;iisinit. : but in the ease of a num etarting in) : preacher. A few years before., in.. . A. . 5 t..y ......prara's consent, who might !soeiety with an income of 4',2(iillutv . .1- aome as a premium. in till t°;e " • etvmit ` . Lave soul. "Ilus Is ail mute. given , and no plant he is far poorer. PUr'l 1111.5. and declared: hen I caul? to aod. you and eneir chasing and installing himself in cities of Vie heel there 'must be quiet or else away table town and country houses tnue stockings and at, ' ir sure nce c teem laughed! at nele I esten: notices, Tees, grate " ucgto n t e P,DP esometimes ne . my cotton nett...re:la. and thee sal sortie other hind. Tees wouid co --t41 30,1 otio, reducing his •17t,e. ti e. .4,61;41,;: a Co1r,,,,inon noovoiwt.r...01, h;;‘,,vsre been. right in of frio income to X14.00.0 a .i, , e C" deretie,e teecoots,..„ neee.., e ;AM 11Steii to Abaon on ef- As he approaches no! years of age k wnece nenien would neve t Itonee for widen: 1 pain thirty— fer-`4 Lot the l-rst titeeklY allowances Lou' his sons' pensions anti Teel isw the net- walned when 1 etestod in,ve selhor.tte choose whotever 01 Cr rifillirt iOn• lie Will tAi Wen fed 1-eeu for tile imais rept a year. ,-Ina „siteu.. saYirg. It will 1-e bctter far IN to, other eloinis will nZiktt*:.` Stkid furtin- ;IV theee seenering fent- tnt eseitlenizen. did all that be- eou“.'ut'Nl to go el•l'utcro, 71u inT the Of his children end S Ifs t,nt ;1:nOUnt .of tient+ r winten Ito rev the +premium greetness in tne elgen of thee I. anxious in a. that:le-faced wey -hot hie eons de not seek for tune- rs SpiRtator .410eS not- Minn that e truth of tide is based upon ins-, " usuess or 'wastefulness peculiar! ta-tkly. - Such luxuriousness and .4efulnesi existed equally former - 1,„„ L.,„„ro Lad a caix • the land you prefer. tool I will 1,e :;.w„ti lodged. but will worry ree..ord- tiltS t nocan ofe hwuropr1/4-..,tiaa,t Wondd Le..k1P 101-11. Lot IMel up his ev,cs and 124 t%'.-L,4,,I.:g,:-;114.L say elAniforti.ible if I should beheld all the ef Jordan, that „ • `-'*". ""5 "S die:" not I testa' to be Ilie right ' it was well watere,i everywhere; it'., "1.51 :enpression of an h-onest, intelligent thett Lot cheee hint ell tee }dantof vase nnneone 011-,T,O...SZt'd. IS it:4d in it 41 man. :; Jordan, anti they f-eparated ”1,%'49,-':ei 4.1 TI s. 114A•V indiaNrilare of Mane' Pee- thi` ogle from the otie•r. This ".',!‘:s; pie. on 111i)i imiaortane eneeeet. cie.' life set hefore 14S 4:1 Alsrani '..*14;4uatt9 dor nule-h of the. Crime. end ed of seriee of :epartitions unto 1:at,tt. the inereaee it: the eatmber thes anpoBlsm day. who wrEs Clad ; more and more Pally unto , 3•444 men has caused an increase what tisNJ9 the say in 10 th:r-..-41-16,wo If the Bible e the institution will favor ml he Bible dowintwee it will de.' 6.. -"-v" riany of the, ca.,,es, the oweeaet, of WI' ore witting to Ix, Svpumktert unto '‘tlt,'/0" to alemn° ammallY. Ira TiolitIon to the f ce, o your ott theee ehildrea sweeping the crossings i front Gr. from Illto.an. irom In , I A.. t it the with broken broom. and begging of „. Terah, from 'Camille. which he had, rich seek, especially hue houses and an penny OS you go by? only his tent and altar. from Rgypt. OPPortualties for sport, hey ilre the viet.itre if want. In and now front Lin, It is only exult as rich man's fishing, cost from lifPilet,t,, eiTe;1111,!ZX,..tnetliec;ell parents and gietnd-parents who , 4:e4 Won all others and all else that There is no proof that vice has in ---- — -1---.- ---•""--- neiglin hove Prohibiten it. God only vse Can nnew anything of the eutlici-iereelled. Okilubling certabiler has Here hi owe mon who thretielt negleet knows hole theY Struggled to do ewe" of God, for while we lean on not. 'OSti, u Ilft• set m- Kle ' " fei1.5 to s"lip"" his f''Imib. widle he ' right. TheY praYeil unt il the tears aught t.dse Ile Cannot reveal Himself / cause more moms is wasted, but ,-,„.” ,i., ..r.:„....., ,:., (j„ 9,,: . irate on their cheeks tl -.wet oi ' to C I 1 ` 1o" Lot hike. 1pr mortionately it, is no greater. i !nee or efter he dies. Here is A I s • lee' ee i I . to us .. or. v . ti- „ 1.. % .."..'" -"t. ''''''''''''' '"e' '.`"r"'" the seek until the breatting of tte. most ee ou st neopsoed glad enough to , our grf.mdfathers did not chronicle tures and rWects U°41* NM" °I day. but they could not get ertOUgh , take advantage of oeraaos generous i everything. while. newsPuller advcc- 4.6e tilen is time WtIrS\I ? Well' -":°(1 :motley to pay the rent; theses could:. off„r : he. had nhe not tgrace of un- tiSement, of to -day is responsible for 'say the latter. Pool says the form- i not get enough money to decently i eeoishneeo He weed up his eyas, hnueli of the appearance of made ' er. ratil eoys that a man who ne- , , nieets to rere for his itonsello,1(1 49 Alen. wretched home, the angel of 1 I but not even to Illie hills. much less 1 luxury in 1.niropean society. , clothe titemselves, and one day, in to the Lord, from whoni every good The Spectator thinks that a. spec- ,7eets tize Scriptures. "He that pro -la great eight between the ellirtY ! lie saw only the well watered and the angel of crime fought gift comes (Jer. iil, 23 ; Jas. I, '11.) ial evil to -day is the increased in - viii iree'e tinnoeious •than a inan scuts rei purity : 'I4 " far Inn alvn• Tal e8,Pe,eja.,1- bread tray and the fireless hesertii. of Jordin end its seeming atiVan.t. plain I clination to gratify impulse without _ reference to old restraiute mid woree than an inedel." I certain refection against goodness. I:: th°s" of his own 41(liei-ea(aa 4s : and the black -winged angel shrieked: ,i ..kgee to ifims'elf. Alia. letee non t 4 ae. A's Its PLeenemy, 10. a dose, When Was dying the in- Sae's some man; "1 believe what 12, n. Ab -am rot:tint:en in the srb hill country ; but Lot dwelt in the 1;°°e-tu'll came to him : -Nee thy you %aliv 't Is right rind Christian. 1 S , , . e 1 il.,:a'41! in ortar. tor thou shalt die and I men someth to nttetid to° plain. and not heeding the wicked- ' , ne - -' -- + ness of the men of Sodom he even Regulates the Stomach), Liver and Bovrats, eiel not live." That, injunction in this matter. ' My frierid. you are i ' , pitched his lent toward Sodoen. The unleekstheSeefetionerPurifiestileMedand uzir day woulil mean : "Make your going to lose the comfort of voure stories of the plains in Scripture removes all the itripuritice from a common ''' your auts . ill i settle male) household in the same way the Si!'. -o ccon; Pimple to the went Screfuleise Sore, and I thinge plehl ; don't leave for theta tier loses heaven, by procrastina.tionare not as a rule so refreshing as . • nott.s i,11.:t• hove beeu outlawed. and 1 see all around me the destitute tile stories of the mountains. See t plain of Shinar and the plain of eeeetel teetrtearrs!s on property that and suffering families of pluenits who j lle CM:7=1M Se(Gen. xl. :2-4 ; Zech. v, 11 ; ' will not pey the liret. Set thy meant sonic day to attend to this! Port seYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, heuee in eisisee" Tb it is fix things Christian duty. Poring the process Dan. fii, 1) and contrast Elijoh on CONSTIPATION, READACNE, the transfiguration, the us- tieyour going out, of the world may of adjourement the man gets his Carmel- flEARTEURN. SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES., : bih2e. see the lean cattle devour- lirium, and the doleful shake of the i' air , The difficelty is. when men think of a woman delicately brought up, and; ing the fat cattle, aral in the time of doctor's head and the obsequies. If plenty prepare for the thee of want. there be anything more pitiable than i among then comes a eeia and a den., cension and other hill stories. The ir times God allows us to be placed there smile . for e Inn' le but if he of the hills is better. Some- .. the .wick.,ein thnuatlkwhe may SALT ,RNEUM, SCROFULA, iceas little censternation as pas- feet wet, ng 1 . their death they arc apt to think of on her marriage dee- by an indul- I grace sufficient -forto 1 , it only in connection with their spir- gent father given to a man to whomlleavesbthere choice should re- tinal welfare, and not of the de- she is the chief joy and pride of life i ,mein er s. 1. ;osci..-ets-xlve1and keep , lion in the household which will until the moment of his death, and j as far away as possible ft -on'. is solelroyt : come because of their emigration then that some woman going out 1 appearance of evil. HolinessH.11_13) ' from it. It is meanly selfish for with helpless children at her back to I as contagious as em ( !Nrou to be so absorbed in the heaven struegle for bread in a world where! The men of . Sodom. mnagYilitOt. havef _ seemed very wicked in the eyes o . to which you are going that you for- get what is to become of your wife anrcleangel Only has Three Mantles and children after you go. You can Summer and Sun Shines Continually. ego out of this world not leaving them a dollar, and yet die happy if For three months in the winter you could not provide for them. You Archangel, now to become the great Can trust them in the hands of the western port of Russia, scarcely sees God who owns all the harvests and the sun, and for three months in the the herds and the flocks; but if you summer seldom loses sight of it. Yet could pay the premium on a policy there is no city in the whole of Eur- and neglected them, it is a mean opo which Hes for so many mouths— thing they forhvoguoto go up to heaven, for the greater part of the year, in hin the poor house. fact—under a, mantle of snow' and You, at death, move into a mansion, because of this, the Russian foudly river front, and they move into two calls it, "The White City." rooms on the fourth story of a. tene- White, too, it is in other ways. meat house in a back street. When All the chief buildings glare with they are out at the elbows and the white blinds. The churches—and in knees the thought of your splendid a Russian city there are not few— robe in heaven will not keep them are also of pure white- only the warm. The minister may preach a splendid sermon over your remains, cupolas are green, and the crosses and the quartette may sing like four on their summits gold. And white are the private houses of the better angels, in the organ loft ; but your death will be a swindle. You had the sort except where Norwegians and remote to provide for the comfort of Geri/ions live, for bluff and blue and your household when you left it, and red then streak and diaper the pine you. wickedly neglected it. ' walls anti edge the gable ends. But , „ street -posts, gates, pillars, walls,"Oh . says some one, I have fences—these are all white. And in more faith than you ; I believe the summer, for every official you when Igo out of this world the • see in a blue or gray tunic, you see Lord will take care of my family." ten in white caps and white uni- Yes, he will providii for them. That A *WEITZ CITY. brawny muscle and rugged soul are necessary—I say, if there he anything more pitiable than that, I don't know what it is; 'and yet .there are good women who are indifferent in regard to their husband's duty in this respect, and there are those pos- itively hostile, as though a life in- surance subjected a man to some fa- tality. There is in this city to -day a very poor woman keeping a small candy shop, who vehemently opposed the insurance of her husband's life, and when application had been made for a policy of $10,000 she frustrat- ed it. She would never have the document in the house that implied it was possible for her husband ever to die. One day, in the quick revo- lution of machinery his life was in- stantly dashed out. What is the se- quel? She is with annoying tug making the half of a miserable liv- ing. Her two children have been taken away from her in order that they may be clothed and schooled, and her life is to be a prolonged hardship. 0 man, before forty- eight hours have passed away appear at the desk of some of our great life insurance companies, or one of our fraternal societies, have the stetho- scope of the physician put to your heart and lungs, and decree that your children shall not be subjected to the humiliation of financial strug- gle in the dark day of your demise. is he provides for them through forms, , Bright color alone is left to the public charity, As for myself, I would rather have the Lord provide women and chinldren ; pink blouses, for my family in a private home, green skirts, scarlet petticoats, and through iny own industry, and orange aprons, and blue kerchiefs paternal and conjugal faithfulness. are common enough ; While a group But says some man: "I mean in the of children will always look like a next teen or twenty years to make a cluster of old English dowel's. But great fortune, and so I shall leave otherwise, in summer as in winter, my family, when I go out of this this old city of Archangel, now des- world, very comfortable." How do tined to be the capital of a new you know you are going to live ten Duesia in the near west, is a White or twenty years? If we could look City indeed, up the walk of the future we would 0 Children Cry for AST see it crossed by pneuraonias and pleurisies and consumptions and col- liding rail trains and runaway hors - es and breaking bridges and funeral processions, ,Are you so certain that u 36,0e0 feet, A GOOD SUGGESTION. lie—I am tempted to steal,—to steal a, kiss. . She—Oh, don't! It's wicked to steal. Let me lend you a few. The highest clouds lie at 27,000 feet; Mount Everest is 29,002 feet. The highest recorded baloon ascent, Lot, but they were sinners exceed- ingly before the Lord. 14-17. Arise, walk through the land, in the length of it and in the breadth of it, for I will give it un- to thee. Separations unto God al- ways bring increased blessings and new revelations of God to the soul; having by the grace of God magnan- imously yielded and in a sense taken second place, God now confirms to him the gift of the land with a new statement that his seed should be as the dust of the earth. In a later appearing(Gen. xv, 5) the Lord told him that his seed should be as the stars of heaven; then, still later (xxii. 17) the Lord combined the two, and in connection. with his giv- ing up of Isaac told him that his seed should be as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is upon the sea shore. Afterward the twofold promise is divided and the heavenly part is given to Isaac and the earth- ly to- Jacob (xxviii, 14). The first ly to Jacob (xxvi, 4.; xxviii, 14). The first becomes last and the . last first . end to my mind refer to Israel and the church, through whom as Abraham's earthly and heavenly seed God will yet bless all nations. These two companies of the redeemed may be seen in Gen. i and ii; on the fourth day sun, moon and stars are for signs, and Jar. xxxi, 35, 30 tells us that they are signs or tokens that Israel is al- ways a nation before God: in Eph. v, 81, 82 we note that Adam and Eve are typical of Christ and the church. 18. "Then Abram removed his tent and came toed dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in Hdbron, and built there an altar unto the Lord," Hebron was a hill country, for Caleb said to Joshua, Give me this moue- tain, and'Itebron became he' inherit- ance (Joshua xiv, 12-15) ; this plain which conto ins more intellectual pes- SiMisle. anti less defiance of heaven than such movements have usually had. 4 Children Cry for CASTOR A3 t WORLD'S BIGGEST TEMPLE, The French Government is now en- gaged in the restoration of what has been called "the greatest temple ever built on the face of the earth," This is the temple of Karnak, in Egypt. which for over 3,000 years has been falling into ruins. Origin- ally the temple was 370 ft. wide and 1,200 It, long, or twice as large as St. Peter's in Rome. It was begun 2,700 years before Christ, :mil e as more than a. thousand years in building. Six men with extended arms can hardly reach around one of the gigantic pillars still remaintog - Children Cry for TO • ,i) MitigtfA11001110/11ORMINJAIINIVIIMAffigigin,PWWW4111.' COPY Pr WRAPIMEn SEE THAT THE - FAO -SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THZ WRAPPER .0P BUZZ OTTT- Or Quanta la pet um laontesite eottlio sm It is not sold in balk; Don't Alloy eloyisie to as11 yen wain also on the else or remise thet it is "just as god" end "v1.11' sumer every zus.. peso" Aliiefleo that yeu get O-A,..e.-T-O-E-I-21. ranee* reset. deastrro Cf 4-..„WVO!i^'•i"..gt.'' A RELUCTANT CANDIDATE. During a local election in a Ger- man town only one man appeared at the nomination desk. Whom do you nominate? inquired the official.. Myself! was the answer. Do you accept the nomination? Well, no. The °facer laughed, and said: Then we must try again. Whom do you nominate? Myself! You accept the nomination? No. ' ' A subdued Donnerwetteri escaped the lips of the perplexed official, but he went on:— For the third time—whom do you nominate? Myself! came the invariable, reply. Do you accept the nomination? The num. rose up and a smile of satisfaction spread over his face as he answered proudly:— Having been three times solicited by my fellow citizens to accept the nomination, I can no longer decline to accede to their wishes, and re- tired. ICOCELE& TRiCTTJ1t eta other disease Is co prevalent aele 'el atria sea it leterfcree with Inc a:Austell:tot tho sexausi or,pzus it pr a loss of semen through the urine, decay of ttao owes, pains In wins, actseig in the beck, verveneasse,dett- fenaeocF.bastif4toe,.,0, patpltatiaa of the heart. eonatipetien, and a comb vattou C. xxc vesults 114 sonwietv Los* of Moat -mod. Thotwanillis of xounw au° middle - ed lava are trentnee with titriicture, if you have reason to believe ou Ale cane:tee With it, cleset neesiest it. It win ruin you. Detre lot doctors expal-scut you by cutting', stretching or 'tearless It, Our Now Bletbod Treatment dissolves the etriCtstreliSeae hence a disappears and can rover rctura W gmre ado:Kele alai Stricture without operatioa or loss of time. The treatuten ma,- be into at hoot'. privateiy. .2*04 VA* our Free Illustrated Book on N'arteocele., trloturo and: Citect. Via guarantee to Care Or No Par• ladder All comma comptaints affect these mails, hence the kidneys are it great source Of diseage. Nave on aching or weakness ever the men of the back, tendency to urinate frequently, deposit la urine, coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling in the morning. Dent% neglect your kidneys. Our NCNV Metal:id Treatment guarariteca to cure any disease of these organs or no pay. ▪ aztes Vac(' WitUout Written Consent. 0, W. Rowe, of 3ackson, idicin, sayst—I Stat varicoccie in the secondary stage and two strictures of 8 years standing. I watt operated on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only got temporary relief. I was finally advised to try the Sew Method Treatment of Drs. st if. The enlarged veins disappeared In six weeks, the stricture tissue was removed in eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitalit returned so I was a matt an every respect, fi recommend you doctors with my whole heart." Miss Grimm—All right, sir; I shall sue you for breach of promise. Fen- ton—You'd better not attempt it. If you do, I'll bring an action for slander against you for saying I Proposed to you CURES GUARANTEED. NO UDE NO PAY. fore Treatment, After Treatment. We treat and cure Nervous Debility.. Lost Manhood, Tariconele, Stricture, Srpb, Ills, Gleet, Weak Parts. Gonorrhoea and Unnatural Discharges. Consultation Free. Books Free, Write for Question List for Nome Treatment, Drs. Konnetly & Dila% 148 8HEL.SY 8TREET, DETROIT, MICH. GAMED 91 LBS. Ey USING MILBURN'S PILLS. VICTORIA, B.C., March 8, igen The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. DearSirs,—Some time aaggoe my d 9 "ygehatersr: was troubled with bad head- aches and loss of ahpewaspetite. She tired and listless most of the time, and eejwas loosing flesh. Her system got badly run down, so hearing your Heart and Nerve Pit s highly spoken of I procured a box, and bythe time she had used them she had gained gee lbs. in weight and is now in perfect health. Xours truly, . P. H. cvms. GIGANTIC FORTUNE. The laws of Connecticut are silent on the subject of the will of &mil- lionaire named Plant, who has late- ly left an estate of four millions sterling. The testator declares that the estate is not to be distributed until its value is $800,000,000. Probably the law courts will bring common sense to bear on the will, and insure the distribution of the $20,000,000 in hand rathet tha.n wait for generations of quarrelling over the $800,000,000 in the bank, ST RI For Infants and Children. Sea fat' unite tipsters of oa ‘4ess.f 'mama svory HALF A CENTURY OLD: A Standard Remedy ed nThousands of Homes in Canada. CURES Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Cholera, Cholera Blorbus; Cholera Infan- turn, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sickness and all Summer Complaints. Its. prompt use will prevent a - great deal of unnecessary suffer- ing and often save life. PRICE, - 3.5e. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. The forests of Great Britain are valued at £2,000,000, those of the United States at n112,000,000. Mr. Wredink (the old book-keeper) —To -day marks my fortieth. year of service With you, sir. Mr. IIides—I was aware of it, Mr. Wredink, and I arranged a little surprise for you Take this alarm clock, with my, best wishes for your continued punctual- ity, .. 'k. P InIUMILKII _ a a a ,v . 1, ,1 • It 11 la, I „. ,Aregetah1areparationfor4s- Mutilating theToodattdReguia- ft theSteenade and Bowels of ......---- PromoleeDigestion,Cheetfui- nessandRestkontains neither aultivlorphine nor Nonfat: 'I' WATiCtErriC* ..7*,;4,giziaresea=a7= 23zrxin: ..rak. ::ear,:r =zee 4- efessfainesees- Airs Srese * oreast - neseceenswaerafiee PE m.feezr - eseneenfeeees teersseesice-ailV4 t Aperfeetftemedy for Constipa. don. Sour Stomach.Dientoea, ' I'Verres.Coavtilsiens,reverish- ness and Loss or SUEV: TeeSienite Signature of t • ... - ' COPY Pr WRAPIMEn SEE THAT THE - FAO -SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THZ WRAPPER .0P BUZZ OTTT- Or Quanta la pet um laontesite eottlio sm It is not sold in balk; Don't Alloy eloyisie to as11 yen wain also on the else or remise thet it is "just as god" end "v1.11' sumer every zus.. peso" Aliiefleo that yeu get O-A,..e.-T-O-E-I-21. ranee* reset. deastrro Cf 4-..„WVO!i^'•i"..gt.'' A RELUCTANT CANDIDATE. During a local election in a Ger- man town only one man appeared at the nomination desk. Whom do you nominate? inquired the official.. Myself! was the answer. Do you accept the nomination? Well, no. The °facer laughed, and said: Then we must try again. Whom do you nominate? Myself! You accept the nomination? No. ' ' A subdued Donnerwetteri escaped the lips of the perplexed official, but he went on:— For the third time—whom do you nominate? Myself! came the invariable, reply. Do you accept the nomination? The num. rose up and a smile of satisfaction spread over his face as he answered proudly:— Having been three times solicited by my fellow citizens to accept the nomination, I can no longer decline to accede to their wishes, and re- tired. ICOCELE& TRiCTTJ1t eta other disease Is co prevalent aele 'el atria sea it leterfcree with Inc a:Austell:tot tho sexausi or,pzus it pr a loss of semen through the urine, decay of ttao owes, pains In wins, actseig in the beck, verveneasse,dett- fenaeocF.bastif4toe,.,0, patpltatiaa of the heart. eonatipetien, and a comb vattou C. xxc vesults 114 sonwietv Los* of Moat -mod. Thotwanillis of xounw au° middle - ed lava are trentnee with titriicture, if you have reason to believe ou Ale cane:tee With it, cleset neesiest it. It win ruin you. Detre lot doctors expal-scut you by cutting', stretching or 'tearless It, Our Now Bletbod Treatment dissolves the etriCtstreliSeae hence a disappears and can rover rctura W gmre ado:Kele alai Stricture without operatioa or loss of time. The treatuten ma,- be into at hoot'. privateiy. .2*04 VA* our Free Illustrated Book on N'arteocele., trloturo and: Citect. Via guarantee to Care Or No Par• ladder All comma comptaints affect these mails, hence the kidneys are it great source Of diseage. Nave on aching or weakness ever the men of the back, tendency to urinate frequently, deposit la urine, coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeling in the morning. Dent% neglect your kidneys. Our NCNV Metal:id Treatment guarariteca to cure any disease of these organs or no pay. ▪ aztes Vac(' WitUout Written Consent. 0, W. Rowe, of 3ackson, idicin, sayst—I Stat varicoccie in the secondary stage and two strictures of 8 years standing. I watt operated on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only got temporary relief. I was finally advised to try the Sew Method Treatment of Drs. st if. The enlarged veins disappeared In six weeks, the stricture tissue was removed in eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitalit returned so I was a matt an every respect, fi recommend you doctors with my whole heart." Miss Grimm—All right, sir; I shall sue you for breach of promise. Fen- ton—You'd better not attempt it. If you do, I'll bring an action for slander against you for saying I Proposed to you CURES GUARANTEED. NO UDE NO PAY. fore Treatment, After Treatment. We treat and cure Nervous Debility.. Lost Manhood, Tariconele, Stricture, Srpb, Ills, Gleet, Weak Parts. Gonorrhoea and Unnatural Discharges. Consultation Free. Books Free, Write for Question List for Nome Treatment, Drs. Konnetly & Dila% 148 8HEL.SY 8TREET, DETROIT, MICH. GAMED 91 LBS. Ey USING MILBURN'S PILLS. VICTORIA, B.C., March 8, igen The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. DearSirs,—Some time aaggoe my d 9 "ygehatersr: was troubled with bad head- aches and loss of ahpewaspetite. She tired and listless most of the time, and eejwas loosing flesh. Her system got badly run down, so hearing your Heart and Nerve Pit s highly spoken of I procured a box, and bythe time she had used them she had gained gee lbs. in weight and is now in perfect health. Xours truly, . P. H. cvms. GIGANTIC FORTUNE. The laws of Connecticut are silent on the subject of the will of &mil- lionaire named Plant, who has late- ly left an estate of four millions sterling. The testator declares that the estate is not to be distributed until its value is $800,000,000. Probably the law courts will bring common sense to bear on the will, and insure the distribution of the $20,000,000 in hand rathet tha.n wait for generations of quarrelling over the $800,000,000 in the bank, ST RI For Infants and Children. Sea fat' unite tipsters of oa ‘4ess.f 'mama svory HALF A CENTURY OLD: A Standard Remedy ed nThousands of Homes in Canada. CURES Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Cholera, Cholera Blorbus; Cholera Infan- turn, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sickness and all Summer Complaints. Its. prompt use will prevent a - great deal of unnecessary suffer- ing and often save life. PRICE, - 3.5e. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. The forests of Great Britain are valued at £2,000,000, those of the United States at n112,000,000. Mr. Wredink (the old book-keeper) —To -day marks my fortieth. year of service With you, sir. Mr. IIides—I was aware of it, Mr. Wredink, and I arranged a little surprise for you Take this alarm clock, with my, best wishes for your continued punctual- ity,