HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-7-25, Page 82' EXETER T'MIES.
Stowdrt9s Gash 8 -tore.
611S OR ['ROUGE,'
6I6drdll6 iNdiStS.
o a Now is your chance to buy new and stylish
shirt waists at prices much reduced, Some
were $1.00, some $1.25, and, some as high as $1,30. You
can Dow take your choice orally white of colored, shii% waist
in the store for 69e.
3 doz. Ladies' White Shirt Waists
with 3 and 5 rows insertior .
tucked back and front, soft
band or laundried cuffs, some
fancy revers, trimmed with lace
Stylish and new goods ; you
take your choice for 69e
adies' Colored Shirt Waists in
Prints, Ginghams, Chambrays,
: Tuslins, and Pelxlities, tucked
insertion, and embroidery trim-
med, all new goods, and some
worth as high as t - a each.
You can now take y:a:tr thoice
11 We are clearing out our Para-
sols at prices greatly reduced
Large size parasols, covers guar-
anteed to Jeep their color, para-
gon fraise, fancy wood and horn
handles. These are aur regular.
S1,z5 and ?z.4o parasols ; you
take your choice for 98e
Are you going Travelling ? Our stock of 1
Trunks, Travelling Bags and Telescopes is the
most complete we ever carried.
J. . 8 T E W f\ \►. T
Stores ela'se 9,34, Wednesdays and Satutdays excepted.
To Have
is what the business tutu owes 1 l
It is this business policy of ours
which induces us to claim to be
often the ctic cepest and con-
sequently always the lbcst.
We have in stock everything in the
Statiot*erg Line—newest in Note:
Complete Lino of
ass„fish and German Decorated
French China
For Marriage Lcenses,
Wes:Whig Rings,
W nitches, Clocks,
Spectacles, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller have retureeti
home to Sarnia,
Miss Lingham, of Belleville, is the
guest of 'Alms Cora Powell.
The trustees of Grand Bend setit,ui
are advertising for a teacher.
The Royal hotel business iai St.
Marys,has been sold to Davlcl :1nrphy,
Go to Lutz's drug store fee taupe;
'parts green, one dose never f ills to
fix the potato bugs.
Miss Smith, of Seaforth, formerly
milliner for E. J. Spa,,ckin to, visited
friends here this week.
Win. Northcott, of Hay, had bis
arm seriously injured recently by a
hay carrier falling upon him,
Liinoge and Japanese Ware. Mr. Jacobi, of Exeter north, recent-
lv fell out of a cherry tree and sustain-
ed as severe cat cin tbe chin.
FANCY GOf1DS OF ALL DESCRIF- Miss Harrison and Dr. Amos' chil-
TIONS, 'dren, who have been visiting in Mc-
- ' Giilivraay, returned home this week.
0 H N 0 R 10 0Mrs. (Col.) J. C. W. Daly is dead at
9 + Stratford, aged 83. She was the wid-
IEXLTER- ow of the first settler and founder of
Geo. Maws:sn, of McGillivray, who
has been engaged to teach school sec -
U Rtii ES T !' LLIOT, tion No.1, in flay townshis, moved to
the 2nd con., Hay, this week.
Ages for the Wmenmax Asst.'s -vs= Cons
eA-vs', of Toronto; also for tike ?HammFeta Pain American visitors find good ac-
.r ISCRANC5 COMPANY, 01 London, England; , omnlodations at Fulton's, (formerly
and five
Isavnt,zes Coxravr,. of EngYof Farquhar, Ushorne,) 330 Michigan,
five blocks from depots.
TO ADVERTISERS. •• Geo. A. Graham, formerly of St.
;Marys, bas secured control of the Iro-
The copy for changes must be left quois hotel, Toronto. Mr. Graham re -
not Inter than Tuesday noon. Casual Gently sold out his hotel business in
advestisements accepted up to noon Galt.
Wednesdav of each week. As a hair growth proanoter,to relieve
•+itchiness of the scalp and dandruff,
and as an elegant dressing for the
hair, ne Imperiaal Hair Tonic. 50
cents a bottle. Sold at Lutz's drug
s The voters' Lists for the Village of
A.PrRENTiCEs. WANTED.—To learn Exeter, for 1901, have been completed,
dress making, apply to Miss Tour, over The total number of voters on the list
Carling Bros. Store. is 654, of these 415 are entitled to vote
r at municipal and parliamentary eiec-
BoY W._NTEA.—A good, smart boy tions ; 1554 at municipal elections only;
with taw education, wanted to learn 55 at elections for the Legislative As -
the printing hasiness, Apply at sembly only. There are 318 jurors on
DAMS office. the list, and 66 female voters.
»Lose.—Between Grand Bend. and Old friends in Stratford, Sebring-
xeter, on Wednesday last a pearl and ville and New Hamburg will exceed -
gold handled umbrella, bearing the ingly regret to hear of the death,of Dr.
initials A. L F. Finder will be suit- George Schmidt, who passed away at
ably awarded on returning same to 7 p. m., last Thursday, at his home in
this office, Milwaukee. Dr. Schmidt, who was 51
years of age, had been i11 for some
time, suffering from cancer of the
stomach . .
Mrs. Tremaine mother of R, 0. C.
Tremaine,of this place, died in Toros-
J. ]d.. Grieve have returned from the to, on Sunday, at the residence of her
Bend: brother, with whom she had been
David Jacques, Agent, Exeter, for visitingHer remains were taken to
the Landon Mutual Fire Insurance, Nova Scotia, her former home, for in -
Company, of Loudon. terment, Mrs. Tremaine had been a
ti-. resident of Exeter for the past several•
years, and her death was learned with
surprise and regret by her many ac-
W. W. Taman,of Blyth, whom it
y ,
was mentioned last week had purchas-
ed J. IL • Grieve's . tailoringbusiness,
commenced on Monday to take stock.
Mr. Grieye has not enjoyed good
health lately, and he informs THE
Titans that i ritish'
a he steeds going to S
Columbia b for awhile. Mr. Grieve
has been a good citizen, and has con-
duc e
t d a very successful business for a
number of years. His"many friends
will be sorry to learn of his intention
to leave town, --we hope ,temporarily,
THURSDAY, JULY 25.as, 1001.
Mr. Eel.' Powell, of New York, is
visiting at Mrs. Fowell's ,for a few
The fhuiilies of Joseph . Senior and
Miss 'nary Grigg is visiting in Lon' •
Wilt as1'.'uell paid 131yt11 ;i. •business
visit list t ateek. .
Harry Browning is bowie froiu 0rilliaa
lles.dii.g vacatiotr,
\ e Spearin of St. Marys visited at
Thoa. Halloo's last week.
Miss. Lily Hardy left: for Duluth -on
Mouday for a holiday trip.
Mrs Phos Marton as confined to her
bed, suffering from cancel
A granolithic walk is being laid in
front of the Mansion House. •
Frank Bunt of London k visiting his
nateiits, Mr. and 'Aire.. Hunt,.
John Davidson has secureai asitia -
tion as carpenter at Winghatn,
Jas. Hackney, of Usbnrne, is taking
in the ; iglte by heat to Duluth.
Mis' RUiut, of Nora ich, is visiting,
her pia ndnlothee. Mfrs L. Carling.
fro. A. J. hotline, of Rochester,
Marto. is visaing friends in town.
C'ail;. Wliattty. of t'rtttr.alia, left on.
Manilas- for Edmonton. ai prospe,:t.
Mrs. L. Thorne. of Los Augrles. Cal.
is visiting tier fattier, William Dreu.
John Wood will ship another carload
•of cattle to the Oid (. nntr s on S at•tir-
'Plata wt ether daring the next few
clays litutnisas to he wat•tttei' "than has
sleek Schen, of Alexandria,. nephew
of '.tits. olily atcl, is a ;nest. at the par -
Orta. Blansherd, of the Stave Mill,
left. Tuesday tzialrtiing tot (`:tason City,
ti irh..
Ahad Walper has disp meed of his
l irgo hotel In Berlin to aCompany for
Hop; took a big taeuh!e in price yes-
natelity, falling considerably below the
$7 mark.
The small bay has beau eageriy bout-
ing the coin tastier the sidewalk recent
ly torn up.
Willie Murray, son of Jas. Alumaay.
has t=aken a situation in He:smelt's
WI deem stork?
Fred. f`oiti*gums left, for Winnipeg nn
mnad:ar with a ear load of horses tor
Elliott i Ilaudforti,
;iii e. J. V. Abell, son and rials ;liter,
of Toronto. lire the natasts of Alia S.
Powell, 'i iatoria.st,
A change has taken place in the L.
II, a • la timetable. which affects'
Exeter stat ion nightly,
Mrs. John thaw kshaaw w.is celled to
Levan tin Saturday awing to the seta
loos illness of her mother, Mrs. Kent,
Murray Utile, of Siiueoe, who has
been visiting his sister, £th's. L, D. Vin-
cent, left for his home Wednesday
At Stratford on July 12th, Thos.
Iliggins, son of B, I. Higgins, of Us -
borne, is on 1st prize in the fife play-
ing competition.
Frir,i. J. Knight, left on Monday for,
Yoi ktan, Assa, to look after his pro-
perty. He owns considerable land and
stoek in that neighborhood.
>;'el vy Cann who left some days ago
fur Wtunipeg with horses, received a
nevete kick; from one of the animals.
He was not seriously hurt, however.
Sever•,al. farriers in this neighbor-
hood have threshed their wheat„which
yields pow l.. The grain is small and
light. Thi bailie can be said of other
James Grant and two daughters,
who have been visiting with the
Messrs. Ross for the past week, left
for their home in Providence, R. I. on?
Misses Grace and Laura Atkinson of
Cincinnati, 0., are the guests of their
aunt, Miss Kate Atkinson, %'Pilliam-st.
Also Mrs. A. Hooper and son, of Clin-
Misr Eva Carlin;, daughter of T. B.
Carling, has been engaged by the
Trustees of Exeter public school, to
teach in the room lately taught by
Miss Rusk..
Rev. Mr. Glover. of Toronto, on Sun-
day preached in Main-st. and James-st.
churches, two excellent sermons on the
"Triumph of the Christian in trial,”
and on "The great day of ,final retri-
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jones, of Win-
chelsea, spent the latter -part sof last
week visiting friends in Goderich,
The Sutherland-Infies'. stave mills
have been closed down until logs can
be secured, the available supply having
become` exhausted.
Miss Dolly 'Fowler, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. F. W. Glad -
man for some weeks, left yesterday
for her home in Toronto.
For: diarrhoea, 'd dysentery, etc, in
'. .,y Y
children or adults, use Aromatic
Blackberry, or Wild • Strawberry
Both remedies
are, • safe
o parid.Bot
and reliable. Sold at Lutz's drug
store. a'
The R. Pick
HOT fflfiTt1!K NUDS lild
. In this line we never carried a larger nor betterstock
than we do at the present time. We have a subtler of .boys
suits which we would like to °lea . and in order to do so
will cut the price in two.
Suits that were $..00 -for $2.00.
do do $3,00 for $1,00.
Come and see them even if you don't huh'., Do trouble to.
Ishow them.
Below we give a partial list of sp"•i,t' lines of goods we Men's suits of the
that will suit ,you.
are showing, which are suitable for clot weather and holiday
trade. Your time will be Well spent in reading,over the
following lists :--
Miss Emma, daughter of T. Green-
way, of Crystal City, Man., who has
been visiting at Dr. Rollins', left, Tues-
day for Buffalo. where she will be joie
ed. by her sister, and a short visit made
to the Pan American.
Farmer Bros. have had their grocery
store divided into two apartments,
one side for groceries, the other for
ligaiors. It is t heir intention to re-
move the frame building, formerly
used es a liquor store, and replace it
with a brick structure.
Laura Colwill, wife of Wn,. Young
died in London on Tuesday. Deceased
was a daughter of John Colwill of Cen-
tralia, while Mr. Young is a son of J.
G. Young, of Crediton. She was in
her 371,h year, and besides her husband
leaves two small children. The re-
mains were interred iu the Exeter
cemetery yesterday.
Rev. Jasper Wilson was the winner
of a handsome prize in Goderich last
week. A merchant there held a guess-
ing competition with beans in a. jar.
The jar contained 4,606 beans, while
Mr. Wilson's guess was 4,608. As a re-
ward for this mental exertion the rev-
erend gentleman receives a railway.
ticket to the Pan-American Exposition
and return,
Janet Logie, relict of the late Thos.
Logie, who formerly resided in this
neighborhood, bub who has for some
years resided in London, died in that.
city on Monday. Her remains were
brought to Exeter, and interred in the
Union burial ground on Wednesday.
The deceased was a relative of the
Northcott's, of the township of Hay
and in the early days owned the farm
now owned by John Welsh, north of
Carrie Well, wife of James Creech,'
jr., died on Thursday last after a brief
illness, following confinement. The
infant also passed away. Deceased
was in her 39th year, and leaves a hus-
band and one child to mourn an irre-
parable loss. She was a former resi-
dent 01 Zurich, where her mother and
a brother reside. The remains were
interred in the Exeter cemetery, the
Exeter Council of Royal Templets, of
which she was a member, and in which
elle held $1,000 insurance, ;joined the
SI 61tLS
Boy's Brownie Overalls, made of good
quality blue Denim, bibs and suspenders
attached, from 4 to 12 years old, special
per pair
Bay's cotton tweed Pants, good patterns,
very durable, just the thing for wear dur-
ing the holidays, from 4 to 12 years,
special per pair
Boy's pure silk Windsor Ties, all shades, fringed ends, beauti-
ful patterns, the regular 50 cent kine: fcr , . , a , , . - - ,
Boy's heavy ribbed, fast black cotton hose, a great snap, two
pairs for
Boy's extra heavy ribbed fast -black, iron -clad cotton IIose,
wonderful wearers, a bargain, per pair
Boy's wool Sueaters, good quality, various colors, with white
stripe, a great line for weal, spacial , , , , , , . -
Bay's all -wool Knicker Pants, made of strong tweed, good
shades and great wearers, special , , • ..... , . , .
very best style and quality at prices
We have also a lot of women's shoes that we anxious to
dispose of and will colt the price in two. in these as. well.
During hot weather we are inclined to look fur coolest
50 spot and most comfortable seat possible. k1•e would suggest
when you want comfort and can get the sa',2e. at small cost
Pure Paris Green, per pound 250 you would be wise to
our Rattan .ahafrs, ju'k'es 'tinging froni S".00
75" upwards. Also complete stock in all lines, in Iatest 'designs.
Good quality American Aluslins
in white grounds and colored
floral designs, fast colors,
special at
Black and white Muslins, suit-
able for mourning, and very
scarce goods, in splendid pat-
terns, a soap for
Lovely Organdie Musitas with
rosebud pattern, in various
shades, with new stripe ef-
feet, special
Itd.'c'biteLa,svn Sitirt Watst$,
made in laatet style, with
new Bishop sleeve, speelal at
Ladies' white Lawn Shirt Waists
tucked back and front, and
trimmed with embroidery, a,
lovely waist, great vain for
Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to,
1.00 call on us before purchasing elsewhere.
Ladies' black Mercerized Sateen
30 Shirt Waists, tucked back
and front and sleeves,speciat 1825
We have these popular goods
in especially good value at 18 & 20
Special lines at 15, 20, 22, 15 v.'i :15
Special at 10, 12}, 15, 17, 21 and 25c
Special values at 15 and 20c
Funeral Directors,
-..,.....-...•,,,,..,,. .....,.... THE FALL ASSIZES. —The dates of
the autumn and winter sittings of the
High Court of Justice have been an.
flounced. For the county of Huron
the date of the jury sittings is Monday
September Oth, before Chief Justice
Fa.lconhridge, and the non -jury sit-
tings Monday, November 4th, before
Judge Meredith. w
We are showing special values in the above goods, at 2.25, 2.75,
3.25, 3.95 and 1..5o. These goods are made in Cricket Flannels,
Light Tweeds, Serges and Silks.,
3 Lbs extra selected Valencia.
Raisins for .2S
1 doz. Clothes Pins for .01
2 large sized bottles Al. mixed
pickles for .2S
A beautiful flavored fine uncolor
ed Japan Tea, special at .25
...,,,.4.0.01....,. 11414MI..
Largest sized, first quality
Lemons, special per doz. .20
3 cakes good Toilet Soap for .05
Best quality canned apples, larg-
est size tins, for .20
.Bring your Butter and Eggs to us, we pay highest prices.
rcI Co.
Direct importers.
Mr. ,Huston visited,. friends fol Bert Ross was
Miss a3anning, of Alvinston, is visit.
ing Mrs. -Wes. Snell.
Norman Oreech,•is home from Stant-
ford, fora short holiday.
Lightning tore the castors from e. bed
stead at Listowel last week.
Will. Ross of Clinton, spent the past
few days visiting bis parents here.
Joseph Bav'vden is steadily improving
and his ultimate recovery is assured.
Percy Westaway, of Brantford, is
spending a fete days here with his sis-
ter.Mrs. A.. Ford.
' Mr., Pete. Bas den, cd Ridgetown,
visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Bawden last week. •
Mrs. Stewart and ''d:auehter. of
,Brockville, are visiting the foritier's
mother, Mrs,•J. Oke, and other Friends
in town. • ser•
Goderich,• over Sandy. ver Sunday.
John Bowden, of Ridgetown, visit-
ed his parents, here this week.
t aymen Crittenden, of Blyth, has ac-
cepted a situation in the Roller Mills;
of Cobhledick & Son.
Mr. A. J. McTavish, London, sails
for Europe shortly, to buy dress goods
for J. H. Chapman, London.
H. E• Huston and family, left yester-
day for Grand Betid, - where they will
spend tbe balance of the summer.
Miss Cora Greenway, daughter of
John Greenway, of Crystal. City, Man.,
is visiting her cousin, Miss Pearl
The estate of the late, Mrs. Walter
Westcott, was offered for sale on
Saturday last, but was not.: sold, the.
highest bid being . insufficient.: The
property will be sold byprivate sale.
Wellington Neil has just completed
for E. J, Spackman a very handsome
iron fence, which not only adds to
the appearance of Mr. S's property,
but is a credit to the contractor, Mr.
Neil. •
It is gratifying to know that Can-
ada isescaping the heat wave. Not a
station in the Dominion reported ex-
cessive temperatures yesterday. Ot-
tawa stood highest with 85. Toronto
had 84, and in the • northern part of
the territories thereis heavy rain,
with cooler weather, and conditions
are favorable for a change here, al-
though to -day it may be hotter, than
yesterday. Many American cities are
still up ,
to 106 and the ,hot wave has
reached New York.
Miss Dempsey is visiting friends
in town.
home from London
Percy Hooper, son of Mr. H. Hoop-
er, has for the last few days, been se-
riously ill from prostration, having re-
ceived a partial sunstroke:.
Mr. Davidson 'a student of Knox
College, of Tdronto, delivered an ad-
dress on "Foreign Missions," in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday morn-
ing last. •
The Contractor for the gg ranolithic
sidewalk has commenced work on the
east side of the street. The new •piece
to be put down extends from Dr. Rol-
lins' office to the Metropolitan.
Mrs. Fowell who has been visitingin.
Woodstock and Belleville, has retrn-
ed home, as has also her daughter
Miss Cora 'Cowell, who has been tak-
irg a coarse: of music in London.
To Kiser Thz FLIES OFF.—Dr. Reed
veterinarian, of the Agrivulturai Col-
lege, Guelph, gives the following ex-
cellent preparation for keeping flies
off cattle : Fish oil and crude car-
bolic acid, about I tablespoonful of
acid to a quart of oil. This is applied
with an ordinary cattle or horse brush
and rubbed all over the animal.
CoUNTnarga: Duos -Counterfeit
money is abroad once more. The
most of the bogus bills so far found
has been $1 bills of the issues of '78,'80
and '98. The cl Terence between the
bogus and real notes is that whereas
the two numbers at the upper right
hand corner should be printed in red,
in the bogus they are printed in black.
The counterfeit is poor in other .re
spepts, the quality of the paper is de -1
fective, and the printing.is poor. The •
design is blurred, especially around
the two feces on the front of the hills.
Mrs. Kemp is at" present visiting
friend in 'T.oronto,
Mise Boulton, ofToronto, is visiting
at Mrs. B. V. Elliott's.
Exeter Municipal Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at, Town Rail, July 190. All
Minutes of previous ineetieg rend
and c•t-nfirmed.
Lsvett--Armstrong—That the fol-
lowing accounts be passed and orders
drawn on Treasurer for sante 1—Ii,
Bishop & Son, coal for fire dept. $4.S8 ;
James Murray & Co., gas pipe $2.85 ;
James H. Dennis, material for gates at
scales 54.00 ; W. Westeott, labor 53.75
Geo. Cndinore, do $6.00 : S. Handford,
do $1.50 ; J. W. Creech, do $2.50 ; H.
Parsons, street watering to June 13th
$20.00 ; Sutherland -Innis Co., listings
for fire dept $2150 ; Wm. Snell, livery,
Evans—Levert—That by-law No. 4,
1901, to impose alicense fee for the
privilege of selling cigarettes as read a
first time be now lead a second and.
third time and finally passed.—Car-
Muir—Evans—That council adjourn
to meet at call of Reeve.—Oarried.
' Miss Laura Shannon, of London, is
the guest of Miss Ed ith'Beere.
Messrs. E. and Dr. L. L. Folllek are I
at the Pan American this week.
Mrs. Geo. Southcott has been here
the past,week,with friends enroute to
Grand Bend.
The results of the Departmental' ex-
aminations will not he made public for j.
several weeks. • •
In this week's issue appears the open
ing chapter of a new story : "His Ill-
gotten Wealth."
1bIrs. John S•picer•, south of Exeter,
who recently fell. 'and broke her wrist,
is progressing nicely: + • • o •
Moses Gardiner left --Tuesday with
80 head of cattle for the Liverpool
market. Peter Gardiner accompanied
Chas. Bos, who has been snil:ering
from blood poisoning, caused by a
wound made with a barb, is rapidly
recovering and will be able to use the
member shortly.
.4. baseball match between teams
composed of the single, men and bene -
diets was played one evening last week
resulting in a score.of 10-5 in favor of
the single men at the 5th inning.
Another of the old residents of
Wingham district passed away :on
Saturday evening last, ;at his home on
Leobold street, in theperson. of Geo.
Hughes, who bad reached the age of
GG" earn and' 10months, s
y n. a th, , i)eceased
had been sick for the most part of
last, winter, but had recovered and
was able to be out again.
The father of. Rev. S. 3. Arlin, of
London, formerly of Exeter, died at
his home at Bowmanville on July 1st.
He was 8.1 years of ege.
Miss Gussie Holland left on Monday
for Buffalo: where she will visit with
her sisters, Misses Delve, and Addie
and will take in the Pan American. ,.
Havingpnrchased J. H. GRIEVE'S
stock of
At .a low rate on the dollar, I will
oiler to the public, clothing at
Having had 10 years experience in
the cutting and just returned from the
Cleveland cutting school, where all
the latest styles are obtained,. I am in
a position toroduce the latest styles
gentlemen's in ntlem 's •g,ar
I will, be pleased to meet Mr. Grieve's
customers and all the new one who
wish to get eb eifect fittinggarments,
W. W. Tt1MAN.