HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-7-25, Page 5ri-te. RIDE QF THE SEA KING- Uovs Oneen Alexaadra Was Welcomedby a Seottion aserh. The English literary world is not doing itself mit, vredit ix the ee eat. Ly days oX the new ceutury. Apropos of recent events well calculated to io,spire natioael bard, some of the papers hare been comparing the Terse of to -day with that a a generation. or two ago, and the London Sketch let this connection cites this, the, opening Terse a an "Ode of Wel- come" to Princess Alexandra when she came to the conatry as the In ale of The Prinee of Wales. It is front, tile pen of the late Willian1 Forsyth el Aberdeen, whose genius us one of e'Seotia's own sons of song" was first recognized by Thackero.y. Tft n'welcome" was set to music on the occasion of the silver wedding of the X0.4; anal queen; She'S the we of the race of the fairs haired kings, aaid ber brew Is US white as the foam: Ala we'll welcome her tut the weleiu 1.111'S, As ft:100a o our Lord's home. Lite the -queen of our love-atel the caa ten Of we: darling and oar male- Litte taleea of mu: love we win ,guael t ha: well, As site stands by hes. yottne leers side; And the v;aves a eat their weleonte. As tat:: breok. on. the $ettow sand; And the people sheet Voir wee - tole ntighty-volced weleonne is ea anthem ea the lona; Vote wbo but the sea-I:Ines chili shied be The lel ie of the sea-idag's APPeuralie e Msplaisind. The editor a The weekly Clarion was telling, why Ite was so extensively bandaged. 'I wrote it very plainly," xe ex- plained. "1 s.aid 'Our esteemed fellow townsman deserves a rest,' and if I lindiet been callea from the °dice un- expectedly I am. sure 1 would bare no- ticed that another 'r.," Instettel of 0. liPaeee was inserted between and 'rest: As it was, I didn't see the proof. You haven't seen en:Ailing a my corn- positer, l0 your 5 nertee :aid Curate. In Toronto sat the preeent time there is .0- ease 011 reetor and Varate at. variance -so ntwit, eo that the rector haft diepenetilWt tin) Services of his curate. While the friends of the hitter are cireulating . petition aelelog thet lie be retaiued, • Says 'Ile St:1r of that vita. The t one gregatielt Much .dielirfed by the of?air---if the carafe goes sottle lea‘s of the chureli will go also, nal the eimpatiileent choir eon aetbo what, it ie. %here is considerable are„ WI' talk indulged in by some of the eludapions of the curate arel deaand- ere -of tlee revtor. Where it will end nobody, looms. In the meantime. evidie an tide goiree oufeeide, tato rvvtor and the curate live in the satire houee ea they rehen tbeim WiTe of the tuos? aor.lial character. They ar,Wet at .tht, law6. MAIrtaitIAVA.,. 'Without re7ilraittl. on all attatate-r of topiea, hut. a efmnst,, t.7A• mention their perf5onal No otra would suppa-w,-7 thee^ Ware tke. leading! clatra.0,, M quarrel that t+zer.• where o•Dtg•17.iii'rii fl:n touch fvling7. Tbey 'ettft4iii i'dela 44 her in their etleial relations 110 courteeies of life; the trout+, latlY Untie one or the other. but it will provoke neither o theta lo a redo word or fiction. ien intereeting and toneommoa situation. raid it retleets en Va•ther Paventoirt of Fa. Thomas' Churth, and Ins eurate. Itt:•r. ?Ti. rItuttnev. two:, "Ob, well, he must have heard the ruuMAIS aud I guess he's moved on, to Emile other town. But rd like to see 111111-.5U,St for a minute.' I'd either feel a good deal better or a good, deal worse Sympatizetie. ••••.••••••••••••••Inmil. Preferred Creditor. na.Mher of the eommercial swin- dling tr.k..etmity lat.iy vaned his cre- ditors tocf,..ther and offered tIrlat In. settlement his note for two shillings on the pound on their claims pi-,tya,.. ble in four months. His brother, one of largest vretlitors, rather "Idebeti," but, the debtor took him aside and said. "Ito not nialie aity 014Pet inns, null I ilittlit• in preerr011 crecli- tor." So the nroPosal Was; accepted by ell. Presently the preferred brother said: "Well, I should like what is com- ing to me." we the reply, "you won't get anythiegi They evon't any of them get anything." "But 1 thought I was a preferred creditor?" "So you are. These notes will not be paid when they come the, but it will take them four months to find out that they are not going to get. anything. But you know it now. ;You see you are preferred." -Lone don Answers. ;SU:lager-See here! Tide fiewerpet net At fram your third story atiodow d hit me on the head. House Owner -Great Scott: And a Ininute ago I Was standing right there! Jout Whet Sae Neetied. Tess -Della. lltede wauts Me to try her dreestualwr. I worttler alie'd suit ate. jeOlt. Ye,„ sineti jus,t the one for you. Tegs-Really? a wonder. Why, she can make the plpine5t oC people look •niee.-Iltiladelphia rress. Where :Nature ls Mud. New Zealand is a white maa's country, if ever there was one, and the people fit the country with much more than. the European -Or the Can- adian average of energy. physique, intelligence, honesty and industry. A tree falls ia the forest, and in its roots is found a, gold mine; a citizen digs a post -hole, and cuts into a vein of coal 40 feet thick. The most pre- cious metal of all, iron, is found in abundant depesits, one of them, in the Tarankai sands, of inexhaustible quantity -rad so pure and rich that it has hitherto defied reduction. --Elbettic power beyond calculation is going to waste in. a thousand, and one waterfalls and rapids. Such is the bounteous and beautiful home which this remote country offers. -- London Daily Mail. T .11 EXETER, T NEWEST STYLE OF fiE.QGINQ, LIGHTNING. It Is to Go eat to a 31axt In a Etestan- • ....----.....--. rant anti Agit Win Vor, Dinner, "The greatest eahibition of nerve i ' Every Mail who has a home look , eyer saw," said the man who eats in this over. an up towa restaurant a good deal, "was put tip the other uigat by a friend a setae who happened to dine with me very uuexpectedly ana whom ' never expect to see a,,ain, pu,'Ututidild'er yriotoo lo* like leire-tiebeee geeelelreeel . Why shotild we seek knowledge? 13o:muse it as.sists us to comprehend with a bard luck story awl a tale of the goodness and power of God ' other days. As be walked into the Knowledge of electricity enable- ': man to stand in coniptirative seefet restaurant ou Thirty-fourth street eehere I was dining no one would have maid tbe awful. war of elements. thought that he was going to do what Lightning, the aisprfog or electricity be dia. Ills clothes. to be sure, did ttltisit4ttst,eini7cleit‘ttilitith.siturzilyketetttaLtrtli,i..)tfct.)ti not lit the place, but they bad been good ones. when they were new. He 11:"Zu•ist:s1,111751,1)7i., intant1y (iehr''elZr was middle need • the (Iust. Don't, decide tbat there le leo virtue in lightningrode. Read what the Wizard a Orange, N. J., seys on that rola. ite ;el to the state - 4.'1 fire insairanm t Dear Editor,. 1 noticol lit your last It is time secede Welt, fitkit^7 ail 17:1"11ICI;Orlirlittre,,i4l7;gt 1 1 f. Cows. t brt a ow paper a o en ert st in writiog up, the sante. , gT,ving root) pottutlit of 4 per ceut niilk tic edi few don'ts in NO Alialican 01q14.04111N., ()ally $'41) erorth of butter, keener the other tiny in regardsto ; lightning rei,..f4. (hie vi,z4s :dt.:eme entricsn itrtecIV111,intitirovrtruCepi.0841101: that tbere is no 'chine rn lightniug ' - no better inforened than you roe- year- vele dove thaes as iamb as that of fi of hota..,:. and her calf 15 0114w:tors becanee one who linty sOf seye eo. Iteed the ueileeraeli. the neat. aiti;ileectitt;ielteitincolitolilv of. Idiliceaphy or eaq win be. little dw,.lence In the st of licepittg the twa e-3ws, so that vhere the first gives n pree'a aliO the iter will BCC lInt QW1W1, i9IT.), it we vomit the first cew's calf at *IQ and the falter at *".!..g7t t-lotne people der not think there Is notch difference In eswil., but some cow%; forget to rny their beara while (•otilere take Ma j' •;;a In arpolylog the table with, lux:- ae. pay. aivine the hired girl. the interest, clothing the hell KNOWLEDGE- "I WAS just preparing to devour My steale evlieli he came rather hesitatiug- ly toward my table. When. he reached It, be pulled out the eacana chair op- posite rae and sat down. Then I saw him, take up the card and noticed that his fingers shook a little, although he hail not been tleinklag. In a moment De. touebed me on the arm and in a quiet voice $41.91,7 "I beg your pardons, but wonld it Pc too reach to ask you to, buy nee something to earl. "For a Minute didn't speak. was SO surprised at getting snob a request • in the %lad of a rest attralit I WaS in Creen... "And why," 1 ventured to ask, "are you called a. ('reek" "Because," replied the red Indian, with rare coutle2ecusien, "I'm apt to be turbulent 'when my bead gets swell - Anyway, It was clearly not became his having much of anything to do vith watere-Detroit Tribune. ...1.••••••••••••••••=1••••••••••• Ito 1.Vna Sam too bad that Each a pretty girl as Mabel Sweet has such a distressing sniffing babit." "1 hadn't notlecti it. Are you sure nifisV "Atn 1 sure Why, 1 asked her to tarry we last nigth and sbe sniff- tl several times." - Cleveland Plain Dealer. A IteinerIcable Experience. John Pollard, a bellringer at the Burnley parish church, Lancashire, England, has had a most remarkable experience in' regard to the reign of the late Queen Victoria. Born in the same year as the 0,ueen, he rang at her adtession to the throne, on her coronation day, and since -then hag never failed to take his aceus6oneed place in the belfey on the occasion Of her birthday celebrations., making his experience perhaps a record one 'by his taking a part in the ringing of a muffled peal on the receipt of the news of the Queen's death. Mr. Pol- lard is still very hale and hearty, and, with the exceptiOrs of a little deafness, retains all his faculties un- iropaired. rD to Date. - Visitor -What Pas become of old Scruggs, who wed to lieule horses all the time? Native -Oh, Seraggs? Didn't you benr about bim? Ile's made a fortune now and Is so blame stuck up be won't trade ter flotilla but autyrnoblles any toore.-BnitiMore Allitale1111. • What "Bobs" Never Does. lqever smokag. Never hap patience with :those who drink*. t o excess. Nev r tiges. oa the. Neviir parades his piety. Never forces it on those arourad him.. Never forgets a name or factee Never passee a comrade. Neyer forgete, to thank, those who • serVe him.. Never omits to return a • salu te, and novel', by apy chance, neglects to give; te.etiso where praise, alste, , • 3:atough o KIM Doctor -1 see what the matter is; It's dyspepsia. All you bare to do Is to laugh heartily before and after each meal, Mrs. Binks-Impossible. I get them myself arid wash the dIshes.-New 'York Weekly. that 1 Ohba know what to do. %hen 1 looked down the aisle and gaW My Slay 3rd. Lightning rods will protect, waiter heading for toy table, tbe usual buildingi providing a good coutact is mirk ou his expansive countenance. , made with wet earth, and L4.sute yon "'Give your order quick,' 1 said as use a copper rod, wh rcot robt lL he waiter came up. Then1 went on corrode and hare a plena:cal man do roue work, All barns and exposed vIth my dinner. fi %live me a beefsteak rare, frled po. 1111,13ilitiniti3ng; rsol:itzki Le protected with heumatism _ 4 R, , at ism other disease mates one feel so oid„,, at stiffens tbe Joint% produces laireenees, and umaes every motion psinful. It is sometimes so had as a holly to diSa. hie, and it sheuid never be neglected. M. J. MeLonaki. Trenton, Ont., bad 10 atter a severe attheZ Of the grip; airs, Hattie Tamer, Bolivar. Mo., linct it so severely *he could not ha aoy thing end eould scarcely get up or down staire; W. II. Shepard, Sandy Iloolx, Conn., was 1410, p with It. vote cola (Tea la July, and could not drese Id:Itself. According te teselmeniale Tfiltintarlly giver, theee sufferers wee permauently relievect. es .. titers be...-- been, by -"' ',9 ' arilla waki. corners tite aeulity QI the blood co e eit It rieraientiset depends and builds te• 'a: viva?. teat eu. le .eol nee:: et,ee eonstio ration. Price ?A snits, atoet.lettuce. iben '5(11" blaek c°ft.'e° Itichard Anderson P. rS. 1'. G. and a Wee() Of tallue0 Vet" said rn). on acknowledged th auority. says. it guest tatt rnlee that seemed strange )" way he he'd tiimu as s.ettle.4.1 taet 1 COW 3 a ear 1... composed, ,After the waiter Dad gene , that a well made lightuirg cooduetor, 'Q(4 1 - P the man put down the dinner eard, properly placed and kept io an frionte looked at me for a moment and then 'Rate, can no..ver, under :toy eircunr. said:1 suppose you think I'm a good stances, f til fa its, actior„ that for, COLT: . ROTIN * au sigrvimg gee that elect eleity travel.: bettee „leer ILL- la re-; e. oo ' ' MONEY TO LOA. Stathorlood boos Go LTD. Inget uhtovne otalgtiotredirpiiiigtveaotOprfoopoeartys 104 wegil.r Apx TALp-D .,,,P-rT„,,,,R0HASII rates of Interest. P101cSON Caltialiti Exeter. ONEY TO LOAN,. MING alarge amount of private fends to loan on farm and. villageproperdee at low rates of interest. F, W, MADMAN, Barrister Moan St. Exeter. ' OTHER TIMBER .P.1THER STANDING, OR 'IN T 11 LOOS, Apply' V jeer te In. Tiredly le ewer E. Ci Kessel$ El E. J. BITEPS., B, TOROI•l VIel dice-Crediten, Ont., Fonageevez. Ea-eorren. Ozer . IWO N N (I 51. .11 p. 4; re dna e Vic tot la Li e rally . ree anti resit:suet.. Laboras tziy, INeter. Oita ea Popo. Papa -What a boy you are to ask questions, johnnyi I never used to ask so many questions when I Was a boy. Johnny-Perbaps if you bad, Papa, you might be alto to answer some of inine.-Boston Transcript. OR . haven't had a thiug, to eat since Tester- ,,r0I'lm" than ai,y other suez-tance as y noon. I've begged, borrowed and . 41'.Yel'ef 000 lenowee That ie why the beu teeapied to steal even to get some- Ughtn" ll'eGniment /3 thlug to eat, but It was no use. I had '''.4,"!'-`1""(s)rs 01! `IP Inu/dlaW• o do something or go plumb Oritay. maw, f4144Votrit„,f,:,1,11,1,1: ",11e.falth tg You think it's funny, I 'know, that I ,som of molt' ey 1')-1:0-'1,`"4.°,,i..ttin"141!!.11" struck this place, but If I'd have struck ductors for your 17 1.1 111' .)y so oto wife Mr. e rem; ••• MARRIED 311"11:-FORMAaala Blau x` 4141)"..311;:: inb.tu . by W Aniale heth4s1i and vr 11.11 Slasys., • Tio Itenson Apparent. Mrs. Fijjit-Why doesn't Mr. Smithers come to our bouse any more? Mr. Fijjlt-I can't imagine. I'm sure I alwa.ys tried to entertain him by the smart things our baby does too. -Ohio State journal. a beet stew joint or anything, under this it's dollars to doughnuts that the ' kind of man that eats Itt titem would lug fear and damage can be avert- ed. Ontario alone has lost trd lightning since Dlarch 12.th, Itiod. have turned me down bard: , 'would scent renSonable to suppose that "'The man was ravenously hungry. a man who is able to MVP :1. buil-4k: is; When he got through, the platter was ' :Pr's° AM° t° Pr°tect it. "a that lie will WiPc fully realizes the as eleau as I ever saw oue. ile never erileneeteesle'eherele e tried to continue the conversation. .A31 iisiriini.o doinman. itssi,1 -- e, t e While the waiter was getting Ids ca. lightning rods vfm,e.°ig' 11-uls re;iolt,titt.'Y fee I saw blm figure up the pride. have never paid any losses when build- " It's going to be .$1.23,' be said. , togs have been protected with teenier fl I. know It: 1 mid, ttud. wile!) 1 rods. The Waterloo Mutual Fire In - thought none was looking I passed the ., Ktrnuce Company in answer to a letter ' SPX'S "--- 11101110Y Under the table. 'Maxi he got it, ; i.„ -„...."..e. he said, 'Tbnule you: and 1 think his , -s....-gs. Wa.terloo, Werth let Voice kind of shook. Pio took the cheek i the Dear Prim 1.°131Y to Your favor (If begtostate that this corn - from the wafter and 'without another : pan y-1,bas bad wenty-five losses by 'word went out, paying at the desk as i lightning thiring last year ; this is the S Pc passed. , smallest number of - 108e by light - "It was about the sllekest game that aing for this length of time that we I ever saw worked, and to this day it's haVe ball fox' tYlanY TParS• 1 ane much pleased to be able to inform 3031that a problem whether he Was a profes- To Be Expected. "He fell in Jove With her becaose she had a way of her Own." "Yes, and now they are married he's miserable because she insists upon -.al- ways having her own way." --Philadel- phia ea one of those 23 premises were pro - signal or not." : teeted by lightning rods. This company bus not, during, the time of Ou li;e0Tile2n• Cut Flower's. , ' my inspectorehip, of over 21.yeere, A. woman 11110 bas given ll'aeu lual a single loss by lightning where the buildings were protected by light - thought and care to flowers gives some valuable suggestious for preserving ning ads, I am omits faithfully, their beauty as long as passible after J. 3-3. liughes, Inspector. cutting. She says: Any person 'wishing work done in this line, by dropping this office a card The ends of the stems of all flowers will be informed, where you can get a sbould be cut oft before they are practical man to do your work rezison- pinocti water. It is better to strip ably mid with good material, guaran- tbe leaves frotu that part of the stem teed to protect your buildings for a which will be immersed. number of years. See that your guar - Do not allow the ends of the stenis antee reads "The Valley City Light - to rest on the bottom of the vase. ning Rod Ccmpany, Dundas Out." In. cutting the ends snip them off 'This compeny -erects nothing but cop - at right angles to the stalk, Change the water cede day, and at the same time again cut the ends of the flower stems. Do not place flowers near or under lights, gas or lainp, wben it can be avoided. allenonette Is generally grown in a cool house and for this reason often the principal thing in a lightning rod, droops when first placed in a heated and every person eviler erects a rod room. It is well to put it in the'ice should see that his rods reach damp box, in water, for a time, when it will earth, revive "harden"' and, if properly S. C. notalans, Electrician, cared for each clay, last a long time. Many flowers do more satisfactorily if placed in -water with the chill off until the stems have become Bfled and are then allowed to stand in an ice chest or very cool place for a time. Roses will occasionally revive if placed In ice water, always with the ends of the sterns previeusly cut. Never place cut flowers in a draft or In sunliglit. Yard of Ragtime. We'll have no more of ragtime. the big musicians say; sflo airs but those called classic trom henceforth they will play. No longer Mr. Johason they'll ask to turn Inc loose; No more all coons resemble each other; what's the use? And shall the eyes called goo goo grow sleepy on the shelves? Tear off a yard of ragtime and let's enjoy our- selves! When we must. sit through Wagner, our posture must be prini, And when they play. Beethoven our faces must be griin, •Or while they give us -Handel or Chopin, Bach or Liszt . Prom attitudes respectful our forms must not de- sist, But vrhen we tire of mystic affalut of gnomes and elves Tear off. a yard of ragtime and let's enjoy our• selves I Tear off a yard of ragtime; let's take our clothes and go. .„ It certainly was good to us; I guess Yon ollga.$ to know; It cannot be that ragtime mast leave its happy home An with the coal black lady through dark els. li Tien roam. . Not muchi You. man ithe Addles or with the drumstick delves, 'Tear off a yard of regthne and let's o ut- • seiveal - s-Belttnerre Americas. per Jobs, and goarantees nothing but copper rods. Twisted wires will rust and corrode and are not safe, and your money is theown away in erecting such material, aad no insurance com- pany will give any reduction on any rod outside of copper, which is recom- mended by all electricians for its con- ducting power. It will not rust in the earth and the ground connection is An Eagle That Plebes In a City. A handsotne bald eagle spends two or three hOurs every morning catching fish at a plitee withia the city limits in plain view of the passengers on a trol- ley car line. He perches on an oak tree near the shore of a lake in which carp and catfish are plentiful. When Ills "eagle eye" espies tish the shallow water near the sbore, down he• swoops and, seizing tbe fisb in his talons, Mee back to the tree, whsre be eats and then watches for another.vic- tine. The bird of freedom has•chosen the position well; as the tree is on the extreme end of a long peninsula whigh DA one can approach without being viiible for ha If a tnile.--Portland Ore- gonian. ' Canada's Population, Illinois is pulling up on Canacla,,and If the rate of increase in the two re- gions is maintained In the next ten years at the figure which has prevailed for the last ten Illinois will be close to Canada's heels at the time the next dm:Nodal censuses are taken. These are comparisons which _always have an ominous look for paoadians.-St. Louis GlobC-Democrat: I)I Fj. • . -le Mel tr, or mil., ts W.cP.I. OT J otee Caleb igeti yext,..,„ 4.ee154.110., ! hOttIK--On Jule te, te tie., • ft:telly rtei- •i erece..i.fe VU11I15 4.-21 4. .10t,4. 1, 11,4.01' Y017Nti 14401031. 045 .101V C0N.31.1, 1"elov4'4 wife ef 114.,2I2 Youtts. aged 117 '4.O 4. IP1'41:1,1Fteg.- I1:t104.1ga, ;47.1:1A111;', Ju3. 2ah:1991, r•r, anti TilltMAJNI-1-At i'1454.' ('1' larteteher. Dr °alright. 'I trunto. ex: July 214, iteesie Trvritlitie, white.; of tie. :m( tt of Matte, N. se EAcklER, WANT!. 1.)., .reaciwr for Stitt:el Se ViCii No. To,sow.iti of Stephen. duties to ceanianee Aug. lethe APPlieante mithass axle co24.5Uu34.atea1i05.4 to litelaire IlattilltotaSem Treasurer Uraud lit 101 Ont. aepa„ents must apt.; ar reveal:die. . .1.4e DICKSON 8e. CARUNGe Barristers. R.aleitors, ,Notariee. tooreeencers. Cc,nardaleacre. Solleitors ter the 'eloleons Beret, Ete. Meney Wheat). loweet retee of interest. OFFICE:-VAIle STelarer, 'ExeerE.R. o. n. Caltiatint otessos p. W. MADMAN (Succeesor to Mott &Gladman) BaniAer, Solicit% liotaiy Comoyancer, Etc., .I‘loney to loan on ram and villoge ropertics at. Lowest rates of interest - OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER L'CTION SALE OF 100 ACRE FARM NEAR ENETEll. ---...„--. Mr. John Gill has reeeived insttuet ieue to t•ell by Public Auction. on the premises. lot 0. cou. Le, Towzahip of e..7teehen, meter lievoie on .9 otteird seay, Jetty 27th, 1901 At ft (Mock, p, tu., the followieg ;impiety ;- One hundred meet: of lend, more or less.- ilfty acres situated in I be Township of Stephen being north half of lot No. 6, 1st coneoseion ; and fifty acres in the Township of Usborne, being north half cf lot No, 4, in lite 1st Canoe:, slOnt both titles fronting on the London road. The, fifty acres in Stephen Townsbip has a geed bank barn, tirst-claes frame house; with brick celler, three wells of good water, is well fenced and in a high state of cultivation. Tho fifty acres in Csborne Township is also well fenced, has two wells Of good water, and is under a good surd° of cultivation. 13oth properties are well underdrained. This is a desirable farm, situated within Ones miles of Exeter. one mile from Centralia and, is convenient to schooland church. 1 TERMS t --Made known en day of Sale. Further particulars can be had. onapplication to GEO. WEB13ERI or to JOHN' 9ILL, Proprietor Auctioneer, 48-3t Exeter P0. More cases of sick headache, bilious - tress, constipation, ran be cured in less Mare, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. BE THORODONLY PRiPARin FOR BUSINESS Central // aoh.e, STRATFORD, ONT. Never before in the history of our college have our graduates been so remarkably successful in securing ex- cellent situations immediately ' on leaving college as during the present year. If you have a diploma from our college you need no' "political pull" or influential friends to help you to success. You can stand on your own merits and will surely advance to the talent. Our courses of study are com- plete, systematic, valuable -the best in Canada to -day. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. EINOMICWIC•MITRMIAI•111•109. ..111115110101MIll Thee. no escaping the germs of consmnp- tion; kill them with health. Realth IS your only means of killing them. Scott's Emulsion. of cod-liver oil will give you that health, if any- thing will. er,o, FAR Met SAMPLD AND T1111 scow a soc.sinvaated, voi„;eilgeik.attigtostsre. .Tonort•ro. PENT -1.1, Exeter . Roller Mi IS0 Highest price paid for clean .ed wheat, Large stock of mill fec I on hand. _ P.a. AND 1 PM ISINeMAN. i P. tg. le V. S., llocer elratleate g `.1 melee 1. 4.-545-14.y, Dentist, '14.t.:It eetreete 43 ail beet vain or " bad lifter tarts, (41-3ee in Fan. 4.(i/1'S 1,100.1:. 117('S1 cf MalW, Exttete • DENTIST. Thaler uroduate of tee Tercet* Vuirsassity atti. Iteeal College ef Mena Sammie' er, untarto. with hotors Also Pcst-grindliale of t Menge Seheol of Pres -theta. letatiszte {with; Leer) t Meg Imolai to the 11034101 Prefetalon heaviableateettee, dee.e14.1 tlee (-thee. Ittititze ora, erenvias, 'tfi•ilqie4.1,.;m1 done ta tire 24., i-4. 5150 ▪ re4vtly 44 fill tat 1h4. %r4.4; Viral, I tv ,t 4' e,71 Jae- •.'","..,',:i4V.?=.! • WATl:R1400 duTuA.r, t Inv el re. Fattalotsatett in ulna. 1 AD DI! WE • IVATERI Cgi Wofid Wontee. Co bbledick 6: on This signa.ture is on every bo:c of the genuine Laxative Broino.Quinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one day Exeter, JULY 2Ith1901. Wheat per bushel .. 63 to 64 Oats Barley...-. ....... .... . 38 to 40 Peas ...... ... GO to GO Butter..... ., 14 to 14 Eggs ....JO to 10 Turkeys 8 to 8 Geese . , ... 5 to 5. Chickens per lb 5 to o Ducks 7 Lo 7 .. 16_ to 17to 6 Dried.4plea.. .. Pork live 'weight ...- ....., .. 57. to Si (0 - -co FOR THE ',NEXT 15 DAYS. A good Assortment ALSO HEAVY PANTINGS AT CO,Fre aut to clear these lines .at once W jCPIINS, ThQ Tetilior Bugg es 34 F. Russell wieltes it) announce to the piddie r tlutt be has for sale a large aeeortment I:. 03,y 4. 04'55or rof First -Claes Mapes, anatubo er MIKADthe seeveetea eceilen in 'fee:en leto7,4'.11101i(toitime(•it.. SWARE 130X Ilt706113S, 4.0241 Via., M• erea I'M, ;11 flt V401446 54:4 PI) 4.0114.5' 'eles.•:istinas i.: ii *mane proem i • !Wending 4.5I534.04. tem) PHAETONS tl ; ;I On el WM-IMOD the Prentiem Soto ): • . t1t.1 eysitte., up•to-date. 1,2154 5 the asst. 3*1-VAT'Elth3q VitUtrIteY liaS. . Jill, 1'0331%0. revenue prencrly to the '.. The rigs 1110 01 the letest et yle, best rowel 1 11* -172‘0' k! 54.I!1 4.'50t ill i°°"131010 ', nOrkZilantrIliP and perfect linieb. t'atette., FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS AN OLD AND WELL-TNTED 11.DMEDY.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, Softens the gums. allays al pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every- port of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no othei kind. "Gather thistles, expect- prickles?' Haunt "bargain. sales" and apect - satilfaction. Good. thins don't. go a begging; and' insurance is 'worth having. • Sure. value, up to the isiAlter-r price. • "Tb e Stater:Shoe ustIgkotteill la 3', Speaciatikig, Sole Local Agent. AA., vie. a tee, matte . cue:Mai:a. or Cash iTi I tkiNC11;11:141i 1,01,A.titat',11 Olt t AGENT FOB. AY AI -KER.- ravsffice VILLE. WAGGONS, 3141; IUD. 1\ blce 11311,1 DWI WO. t secretary ; . I.lat bet a Ina eater CIIAS. Pali., Apt ra for mer end viciaity. Passed 11 WerMS I ga.ve Dr. Low's 'Worm GET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY syrup tonly little girl, two and a bate Sears! Mrs. Pe Roy, Xiimanagb, Oat. . S S el1 worm 174 Me Om s. : F 04:112t, rteult War: that t•ht• pru.sed 15 round , -^ TO BLACE.SMITI-IS. A t'st-elriss Blacksmith Shop, well equiPPed, with sett of public weigh scales in connection. First-class business guaranteed to right man. Terms moderate. Also farm 30 10111, JOU acres. Apply to L. MeeTacoeite, Exeter North, Bay A GC OD LNVEETMENT. Fansona brick hi/4k and dwelling,in Exeter, for sale. The brick block Is well situated, on Main street, is 111x55 feet, three storeys, and contains four stores. ofit ees and halls, all leased. This is tho best bustaese stand in town- The dwelling is 'brick of two storeys and contains 10 rooms, s admirably adapted for a boarding house. The property inust be disposed ot Terms easy, apply to D. L. Fanson, Exeter, Ont. pli3OPERTIES FOR SALE Brick house situated on Andrew St., Exeter, containing ten rooms, with from one to ten 50105 01 land ; also large brick divelling(occu- pied by owner) containing twenty rooms, good. furnace, with from one to ten acres of land, good orchard and bank barn One hundred acres of land partly cleared, small house and stable, situated two and a half miles west of Exeter. Twenty-five acres of good land in Hay Tovvnship. Several choice building lots situated in pleasant locality. Terms easy. Apply to, J, N. HOWARD, EXEISR, . Two Doors South Town Hall. 1 Exeter, April Ma. VOTERS' LIST 1901. Municipality of the Village of Exeter, County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to she persons mentioned in Sec. 8 and of THE ONTAB10 VOTERS, LAST ACT, the copies required by said sec- tions to be so transmitted or delivered of the List made Pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revisedAssessment Roll of the said Municipality, at Elections for Mem- bers of tile Legislative assembly aucl at Muni- cipal Elections, and that the said List was first posted at my office on 1120 12312. day ofJuly, 1901 and remains there for inspection. Electors are collect upon to examine the said. List and if a.ny omissions or any errors are fonnd therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Clerk. oi t1;e Village of Exeter. Dated at Exeter, this 19.311 day et 34.11y' A. D. 1901. CREDITON Roller Mills MOS. d.11111.1rX Our mill has been remodell- ed with the Gyrator System and people tell us they now make better bread than bak. er's when using our flour. Origin ang Don Fromptill. H. SWITZER. pUBLIC NOTICE - FARM FOR SALE, The undersigned offers Lot 16, con, 5, Town- ship Stephen, for sale, at 0 reasonable price. There is situated ot the premises a dwelling, good bank barn, orchard, is well fenced D,ncl drained, and first-chiss clay for the manufac- ture of either brick or tile. For INITUOUID,TS apply to 15- jy.3m JACOB SWEITZER, . diton P 0 London, Huron and Bruce GOING Nonni-- Passenger. London. depart 8.15 A, re. 4.10r. M. Centralia ........ 9.1 5 50 Exeter 1130 6.0 Henson 9.11 6.15 latazem 9.60 625 BrDoefiold 0.68 6.33 Chnton ,...... ... . . 10.15 665 Winghara, arrive 11.10 . 8.00 GOING So OTN-- Passenger Wingharo, depart .. 613 A. tr. 3.15 P. a Clinton 7.17 425 Brumfield 8,05 1.49 Kippen .. . .... 8.15 4.57 Itensall 8.22 5 ed Exeter .... ........ . . . 8.35 5.14 Centralia 8.46 5.28 London. arrive 9.37 6.12 Notice is here -by given that, Wm. labelniail My step -son having left his home without consent. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by him. ' einene. Dashwood. Tune, 27th, 1901, Elargaitis ili LACY C 1 ea g1 1M^..41. Having secured a quantity of high grade wheels at much less than regular prices, we have de- cided to give our customers the benefit of the deal and will sell while they last a wheel of the highest quality at the price . you are generally asked for one of third quality. Come quick for at the rate they are going they will only last a few days. • Don't forget our Pianos, Or- gans and Sewing Machines are the output of the best houses in the trade. , We•have nobby carriage6 and waggOns for the children. Cive us a Call.: S MARTIN. 3:5,122•A,