HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-7-25, Page 4o ns. ){11111 NCLTAII.U.E.V.1) Y PARLIAMENT, 1C'5. Paid up Capaal "Reserve Fund /lead (Tare, Me I treat. JalifES Geeenee eleoaienit Money ear:theca to gecti. ferinere cat tbelz ewe note V. t1 ere er more elide:ear at 7 eei. etint. Tar ituoire. Exeter lir:meet Open evcia. !awful day Vent IQ a. at. t.o e SAT le atineas, to a. na to 1, ere =rent rues a intereet farewell on depeelte. DeCICS.Ote et CARLING, N. D. IlleilDON, swain roue. reesecen Exeter, Ike. eetla au -lar for July, 1901. 7 11 21 2S ItioNDAY 1 el 13 :12, 29 TUEsleent 2 0 19 23 :to 3 10 17 21 31 4 11 IS 2t; raInetee 12 19 20 SATUItetese ti 13 20 27 eetSDAY. ' trent,. Ile:el • TYrIE Zeile'eelt•FACIt'itie OF MET IN CANADA In view of the feet flint eo nary persens in end termini Feeter, tine in- terested in th4.:. irdeetty lite tie - bee more ee lest eater:ea Stock holders nt , it might Ito ilittacetie to theto Itatve tthe state of inteia that. litee, anel not teaild lioree or: . too soon:tine a fermidateen, ape folz. lowing ahem the atearailian Meta, • . jotatool weeit poitia itt the temeet ilneuittryie-The lett that a 1A"eeterzt Ontativ Vellitt:144 C•filiar.111.1y. ,14`viat. yt.ar Paid .tititqaeln divideaa stock co;.ena tea the Idea. ir. the 1 entente r matey nettple that a cement neanufeettnitag plata in 31.• veritable ttold mine. : and uow eee naushe" room glewth an cat et wont reatattoe turitao ate teette. 1„„aet, stormier thole weete plants ha aleltattaill i3a leantale : non ' taeaSeta thle• 1;4! hetet teeeeo . tall;41 4.1ea. moot it of mein. We. ardent:he hope that teal met to -et " veatene will lat enetneefai, hot tbat theee ere ramay StUte7.teeta. etara:- , . .• t1tatilai:•.1:; 11H -at that, IA tend to trahe tiae:r teeti,;•; difiteuit ore to onetete aj9 Poteate hew takert 441:;1;.,4 41a,i.:a. 0.V611"g reetee,., 411 I. :t feet ty • mu Man.tel :t Lem ta led r truth t f the tent at we camate. .V99 title Oraittitee; this :rd the Dal eer. too- - cern, v. he' eapatity :have Lot. been alehe delete:aim.. the te_43/1 tint - put in Cott:alit next .year will he ia the ro ightellieed Latet Tentacle a day. fUI News 01 interest to Times [Natters Happening la these Gounties Huron Coon:ie.:en WM:orate, of Kippen, has eecureti peeition with the etItile 0111S Dna,. leirdon. The teeetut excureloo to tenelph will net over Sthen to the West Hatton Fartexess Ieetitute. Miss A, NV. Bath of ci,d,o,b, eriveeesfollz ti.e exatolitations (tie the Ontario Normal College, Ilemiltore e The Orangemen and citizens of Goderich, ate already in the ileid to have the lthee veiebration held in that town. . .1. W. 11m, of Clinton. left on Toes - (lay for 33Uip through to teranhreok, B. C., He hat. sat lerotheas weet of Lake ,`..•tareZ.Z0.1'. Miss "Wieenetn left it week. for Provide:lee, lehethe heard. vas ite the wilt ante 3( et-oree tile teetiairg scheol for ranates. Moe. Satatzei Holuiee, • an old rtea dent of Clinter. ped away on Tnes- day uhrlit. at tio, thee age of fora. len oial eight yeeete. . "Rh:lead leatentoa, tar: enai tei vo,a. ,FIA tew ‘ItyAvi 12o-1at nae-V2.2a Uli,k1; lot ee et- R '11:0,1111,Z the tames:it t his tortein.--tet. • 1 • 12&a*. La tL¼t 1i91.10:9* 4 Ne. 0:let r hiteor. (Tanen. & v seve t y(ate, ha, 2tight ten 4.1e leteine es ie .w it. p. eet Nee. eh ha...tee :Mende reel/lin the I; eh. in 1-: t, - reote Vigo' :y ii4trat ". i4.4i,J411:4 6 t W rat •-• 1,,,t1 tr-t•t?, eVa y 1411.1t 1.4` fer eie% 1.,,41.t.1,4,..!!;r 1 Lt fer tst• - Cele Thote who have heen comet -led with the Cenadiart o anent induetoy fear that there may 1 e tepititien in the country next Ts -r of that (ever production which ttecurred in the 'United tittetes during the past few Months. Last year cement was eell- ing on the New York market at $2.it5 to *'2..'"so per ham], this year it ie quoted just $1 lower. The cause of the depreseion was simply a too rapid , multiplication of factories. Canada boa felt this war of prices quite ketta- br, for large quantities of American cement, have come into this (=Intl y shutting out the high grade of Ger- man cement, and interfering with sates of our domestic etnif, This has forced prices down in ftll parts of the country. Last year German or Can- adian cement staid in Montreal at ,$2,4f to $2.50 per barrel; now it can be , bought at $2 to $2.10, In Toronto, Hamilton and western points, cement which WaS last year worth $2.tri to I $2.02, can be had from the same plants for$1.00-a decline of 70 to 75c per! barrel. The decline it both quarters! has been caused by American com- petition. Manufacturers across the line have been shipping the cement in bags, which are returned, saving the cost of the barrel as well as the freight ; and the duty on it, all of which is said to amount to 26e. per barrel, More -1 over, in spite of the proximity of our factories to consumption points, the freight rates ate not ranch in their favor. So the Canadian manufacturer is not protected by much more than• the tariff of 121-2.C. per 100 lb., which is calculated to be scarcely enough to counterbalance the difference In the price of fuel and labor expenses en- joyed by the American Manufacturer. Applicants for land grants have been received by the Ontario Government from 3,000 veterans and 291 South African soldiers. Mr. Crane of Dunnville, has been appointed Principal of the Kincardine Model and Public Schools at a salary of $600. There were 4 applicants for the position. W, IN. Nichol, mathematical master in the Listowel high. school, and whose home is in Stratford, on. Saturday evening was seized with violent sneez- ing, resulting in fracturing a rib a.od rupturing the pleura. His life was dispaired of, but he is now improving. Rev. Father J. Brennan, of Kingston. brother of the Rev. Father Philip Brennan, of St. Marys, died suddenly • Tuesday morning, in his room, at the • Queen's Hotel, Toronto, His body was • found by a chambernaard, who was making tip the rooms, Manager Thompson, of the Ogilvie Oo., speaking of the crop out- look, said to -day :---- "Nothing short of a calamity will prevent us from hav- ing this fall the largest crop a wheat that Manitoba has ever had. Our re- ports during the week have been noth- ing but the same tele -magnificent. I dare not predict what the yield will be for fear of ander estimating it" Premier Roblin stated at Brandon, that on and after October 1st of this year wheat will be carried at a reduc- Lion of two cents per bushel on the present rate. The effect of this will be to cause a saving of hundreds of thousands of dollar's to the farmerss of Manitoba. The i benefit will he espec- ially felt this year on account of the parttcularly heavy •crop which is now I a ssut el. summer. POULTRY HOUSES. Ian 'For a Comfortable, on•venlenit. and eueXpeusive nfonee. In planolog a poultry house we sbould consider these things: First, cost; sec- ond, comfort of the fowls; third, con- venience as to feeding, cleaning and keeping free from !meet pests. The house as showrois 10 by /3 feet, faces the south and is eight feet high on the south side and seven feet on the north, or lower, eide. The outside Walls may be emit:tatted of either dou- ble flooring or boards, with battens on the outside and tarred paper between. It is always well to leave a two inch ir space leetweee. the two walls W the nsitle eelliag of fleering is feted tight- ly together ana the outside creeks are closely beamed, ee the dead air spaete thus innee will inane the heuse warm- er in wintee and eeelor in simmer. • , The patetateteg as silown in the illus-• tration, Lae a heara titter, anti the peal - try KO112 has a deer of dry earth. In Inter this ti eer eiterdd be covered with short straw, loaves or clean litter of b' • kind, ia wkieh the grain that is fed sbould be throva to keep the hens busy seratehing order to terve them to tone necessery exerelee.. • The divisioris tetween the pe r rooms and hallway, if there aronore kr 97, ete GROWING PRACTICAL y THAT RELIGION .IS MORE nEAL, IS PUE TO VITAL THOUGHTS. • The gingdoui of God Fair th-trbe KilIg- Alton ot otta in the Ilutiout Soul -The Salvation of die 11,:hole 1 SalvatIon-lhe re,t ,ervice of God 119 . the eervice Man. It is plain that religion in our day is steadily growing less specula- tive, less dogmatic, lose romantic from life, and more practical, helpful. and human. writes Rev. J. T. Suth- erland in 'The Toronto Sunday f. World. This is tte it. ought to be. Religion was mule for man, not man fior religion. Iteligion is a thing, of I life or it is nothing.- More and eactre the verdict must be that that re- ligion is the best which bears the best fruit in litiriain levee and in SO- : clay. ; This lament:a. of religion in our time to become more practical and real is duo largely to several great and vita/ thoughts, which are coining into steadily increasing promiuence " thi 2°1)0'. sreeirzi;ful teachers ;. and woe:zees of tell churches and de- nominations. The thoughts referred to :axe the follow:Iran 1. The Kingdom of God is on earth. It is 11-eyond earth, too; but or imeroniaee cineeern. as /tamale nee inge is Wilt is t-,a1,1hly 11s111.;•••ts; and, • develootitant leee we get to the heavenly Lena (ter duties will be there. New our teeth. is to do what (..131 to reign, Of • truth, love aril leolt"..(meoces which Iiingdana t.f no,d, (gm tieete in the timers oe encl. iy in whit% we ill t. its in which we live, mill in tee. nation:1 of which , we form. parte.. Me, h weal.rens tae , come to vOigion, di - a vow te eee. Yee i int cie.st from III- Imactik roeirie than at, sleeved veare.,a 1-mr% 4,4 tee; worid to con - about tet•o retette... the." fleer where teneolitt ion of 3ttat euppoeial prepar- Little r e 4.1a t1447 447,, 4,1 etel fretra there h‘ren - the el ft.t1r., 11,-0314. than - • the ie f e Lade. of wine tot- , In Leen: poet Cbratienity has terree - • Iteet' la. eteea 2t, iele, • t .• i... t'tlette• " , • , , ..4 a,,a 4` . • ..% .,,,. 41.e 41. an a . et rt ef lite a, re awe thee a ea e ae t t . ten. ite t 'rare...vitt in hlerip- ‘ avene W( (Iota 9.1:.9y 6 1-;.'' "I'-` 7'''''.. l''' ":* .1"' " r tee 111 is"v1113 141315.41 hi ti.,, ,ra7,- 1' .11:. 1,, '11'4; a'tt;:a ,4 it gen. 1, o !a et:, w44:11 id ,, -s; Ill?, re tlisparoga e. ie. 21 ..-4 vo.ie.. vtonet t . -' • • te • 9'6X-9 ' li':' VI tll ' ' 9 .1 ,,i,,,,1 ,,,,,,,l,;...,,1, 4,,... nelonging to tine at ttinotet 1 i a t; bei'':. taNn, or at lee t ta t having little or IsI Olen- vital meet ,' alla' ::..; 4,11.1 , 1 X it'A I .141,t 11 2111:141• 111.1" no a. oertance eteana eet a land I411 1110. Saa a'41.a a.' '.l e' I It I h ... . (..., V 11- li.. to travel on one's .. , 1 .. I y • • Vat te, coo re -nter1 e fi,,:9* 9.9 lteeliat sa1•111 wla4.1 le. lion. NS, .11a IAN 'IC 13111Ithatala• Z1: n 1 4' 1...7; ;avail a 'Ile (lige:teed he.; itee.0 ta.".11 ' • '144.14,1 lit' 10 teat 1Cd ti:t,* Istat 33.4.4,47ti ape of ninety- (Alit r iteleete hi a hater anti la11. eight yeee :tied v. ill le. well ten:end eine( et carrier 5.4.' 41,99 beeee seene. t ti by the 411542'eettivre. ;1i01¼il 35.q3 (914,a .it 141 9 , OA Ott Ate 45433413 4,11,;,•• la•••^',••Lt•S 14"a, ' 4,4;t1V.1 41^1 14'air1I- that n :111141,4 °,9 14( ,a.•-ar,:k, , ( ..- .h..... pi; II: Ir..t ,..-. ... ihusitteernitli, was 004 t , t,tt3 that 1.,,,,r,:he.t. th,tiephm al:0,2,111 I've at,2 ti;t-• /Vaal. ao they wale y,,,....,.. , ' . . .: 5.2i1 :Pr,'" Vi. t•- the 1 :ern. along With , t.f.U...iAali. 4,10,t, 1,t;L:ail ono every other let, title(' fele:ie. et d e,axgr zwon et ptie of 5tua 4. 113 ehtetiti I. ett arranged that 1 etonee be er ttaintd a thettature of the they (1111. 11C. taken iellat Bala 4+111'14,3 , it -ft leg alt -4 14 ,vcrily qtraint ti atm without triltble at any 011ie. Wititt. 14- I. 4 4" :i 4 41 IA tiS \Vt 1 e le illy As will ba ;nerd this IS BUMP/ a; plaiu. , letriet ti. ly ltuat GS it 1,9 Ptri,Siitk to make a : On tenntiey lee. Rebell Ctrawfottl. poultry house. It is in effect a square died at the Inlet- of 1.er daughter, Mts. bee with tt shed rata, :ma ;ewe gt Henry Yenney, of Puterieno", after a •mai be 02 (543105.3 inaeanitew, tweehi. ,'• lengthy Minas. The decetteed was a e. , , ' daughter of the iate Jit Miller and ‘_ing,nto the motile -1 of row le that are ; Was 1(Jorn 3nal raised in Goilerich town- iwpt. It 1$1 easY to nindr tittinfeetarde ship witeie site married Ilitaert Craw- to any part of sueli a house, anti te ford who preceded her into the epirit, whitewash It Is ouly a matter of put- ' word. ahem two decades ago, ting the wash on plain Needle, which . It is onr ead duty to tome ei the are accessible and Lave nothing at- ' death of Mrs. John Atkinema, of Cert.- tached to them to prevent going over tralia, and mother of the late Jas, them rapidly. Atkinson. whette death WaS xecoidea If tile dropping board Is always kept last week. She having died on Tues- day, of last week, after en illnees from dusted witli air slaked lime or sifted 23 011(7111311 treelde. This is the second -coal ashes, they will not only be easy death, and funeral in the home in less to clean, but the dust Will Make it 11:1- thau one week. She was C3 years of possible for lice to crawl about front age and was notch 1 espected. perch to perch, and they will in vend .A. meeting of the bond of license be prevented from crawling hack and et mmissiontes fer West Limon, was forth from one pereh to another, tee held on Fria al: at the office of Inspec- the dusty limo or ashes is death to tor Paisley, Clinton. The license of them. Jas. McGuire, of the Clarendon hotel, Clinton, was transferred to Henry 'Thi.s design Is given as embodying Cantelon, late a Hensel], -who has all the good points of a cheap poultry taken over the hotel, The license of house which is convenient and may be John Snouts, of Winghana wastrans- made perfectly comfortable. Any one ferred to James Broadway, cf Tor- who can handle a saw and hammer onto. can do all the work on such a houee t What might have proved a fatal except banging the doors and patting accident ocetn•red recently. Willie in the windows. The inside arra.nge- leeleele dataillet. Loy Ment131e,- n •ri • • v • • 19 wet: to the Celeste:el City. 'Ills was C note: utioaltigal and mei otany con - Clam of tliinge. Within the past g notation a, marl:eel 411i 114- for the teeter nog benne to Lathe 13ap- atearenee. Chrietion aten are more tool loore reeler; thin 11141 Le Gore; 1144'15.1, that We an.' VeatIFO 7Ie tants us here, that our businets here ie0 tio His work, nod do it heartily eoal gladly, and that nee have no right to ehirlt 0411' rt lion-41AM- tivi from motiven of "otitazaworldli- mtes" than from uutivo' ofworldlie nese. More and more, Ilea. ere seeing that there le truth in tit, saying of Thoreau, "One world at a. time." Not that hope and faith lire to be thought little of. On the coutrary, both are to be prized and fostered as immensely hieportant in every life. Not but that, we should make Pre- paration for the world to come while we are here. nut how he this to be done? The way io prepare for the future• in to take care of the present. Ire who lives day by (lay as lie o ught, is ready for death whenever it Arrives. who has spent his life trying to do ids duty, to help his fellow men, and to build up God's Iiingdoin in this world, may be sure that he has made the best possible preparation for whatever God fluty have for him in the great and sol- e mn beyond. 2. The Kingdom of God is in the human soul, as Jesus said. Maven and hell are not primarily places, but states and conditions of mind did heart. Golden streets and pear- ly gates can never constitute a hea- ven. The realest hell can never be made by fire or brimstone. These things are only symbols. Love is heaven. Light and hope and forgive- ness and peace are heaven. Ignor- ance and etlespair and sin and hate are hell. The great end of religion is not tlx speculative one of keeping us out of a faraway hell and getting as into a faraway heaven. It is the intensely practical and real one of getting and keeping all hellish pas- sions, ambitions tea. desires out of us, and of planting and nourishing within us desires, purposes and af- fections that are pure, worthy and good, and therefore heavenly. 3. Salvation must be of the whole man, not of a part merely. By e"soul-saving” we must mean man- sa.ving, because all parts of man's nature are related and interdepend- ent. No part is unimportant, no part must be thought, of as profane. An are of God, all are needed in God's service. The body must be made sound and strong. The intel- lect must be trained. The moral na- ture must be developed. The reli- gious nature must be nurtured. Thus the entire man must be saved. God wants no fragments. Ile wants sym- metrical, noble, perfect manhood and womanhood, after the pattern of Christ. More and more is Christian- ity coming to Stand for a 'salvation of Men not less complete, practical and real than this. 4. Side by side with individual sal- vation go social salvation. Social conditions must be regen- erated. • Society is a • -unit. Nobody can detach • himself frame his • brother. All men Juliet go up or down together.. We are all ' our brother's keeper. The slums of lehiLechapel and Spitallieles are a threat and .a danger to .every ride man's home in Belgravia.. Ignorance ' and crime anywhere in the world are .an inquiry to every man in the world. As OanOn Farrar :so evell- urges, a 'hell of hopeless woe for. anye of the race would makeimpossible a ihea- • ven of perfect bliss for. any.. , The seveetest aeavenly music would grow • silent at othe thought of a single wanderer left out in the might. Ilan - kind is a solidaeity. 'All must . be , saved as a condition of any being Sa7°ari • 5.lia last though. t. that 1 Mention is ono which in a, sens(3.. gathers all the others up into itoelf., It is this: Brown employed by Joe Creery was driving a. horse attached to a hay rake from the homestead to the lower farm, and the httrness not having any hold back straps the rake struck the horse, causing It to run at a furious rate down the road for about three quarters of a mile where they were met by Robert Creery who seized a rail and struck the horse on the head, causing it to bolt and run the rake against the fence, smashing both wheels .to kindling wood and throwing Will oyer the rake to the ground. The horse was then caught by Robert and taken home. A passing buggy carried Will home and upon exrmination it was found that his collar bone was broken. Another of the old and sturdy pion- eers of Blanshard has passed away in the person of Mrs. Matilda Youngson, widow of the late L. Yoongson. She died, aged 82 years and 3 weeks, where for so many years she had lived an honorable and industrious life, on the old homestead at Metropolitau. _Recently there died at Bannock one of the oldest residents of this vicinity in the person of Thos. Pearson, sr. Deceased is a very faudIar figure in Blanshard, having for many years acted as caretaker of the tovenslaip hall a,t Rannock. Mr. Pearson came to this country from England, when quite a young roan, for many years be lived in Whitby, and one tin -se oivned one of the finest farms in that town- ship. Four children survive him, vis: John, with his father; Edward and Thomas in St. Marys,and Mrs. Donald- son, ofBlanshard. CORN LIGHTNING ----- That's Putnam's Corn Extractor. Gives corns tired feeling in about twenty-four hours. They consequent- ly get out as they cannot keep up the pain any longer -makes them weary- It,'s Putnam s Painless Corn Extractor that does this. Now don't forget,. All druggists. • Samuel Fulton, Grranton has sold his reeidence- to Jas. Brooks of Ilderton and contemplates building again this ments are all that is necessary. As to the outside, the builder can make it as ornamental as he wishes. -Ameri- can Poultry Journal. Black Minorcan For Utility. I breed Black elinorcas for a number of reasons, among which are utility, beauty and commercial valve. I place utility first because my experience has demonstrated that there are few bet- ter utility fowls than the Black Mi- norca, especially as now bred. First, they certainly excel in egg production any otber fowl, as they lay as many eggs as and a much larger egg than the Leghorn_ The size and beauty of the Bilnorca egg are certainly very attract- ive to tbe eye, and tbeir large size makes them very mucb in demand for market. Tben, too, the Alinorcas have beeu edvanced in size very .much in the past few years and for a table fowl are growing in favor right along,: Fon- dant are no longer satisfied to breed lueghorn-Minoi.cas, but want them tip to standard weight and above to be at all satisfied, until now we see en exhi- bition Alinorcas . much above the• re- quirements of the standard as to weight. Neither the fancier nor his customer will be satisfied with fowls which fall below standard require- ments as to 'weight -R. F. Palmer in Poultry Monthly. Where Is He At? Torking 'bout shows, how in tarna- tion is a feller goin to know where bee, at anyhow? There was a young Brahe ma ben dowa to Bostin last evinter took first prize; wasn't anything else' like her In the hull room. Over in New York she wasn't in it. 'Nuther hen jist pushed her one side, and, say, she was a different style to. Guess a feller can't raise birds to 'suit all them air jidges. Was the 13ostin fellare ids right, or bave we got to sult the tattier one's style? A neigbbor of mine nee been raisin good ones for eiglet-or nine years and, scordin to that 13o,stin jidge, he's got to begin all over agla. Tuft on 1115 hen folks Dee io Poultry &louden - The best. service of God is the ser- vice of man. Says the Apostle ; Joan, "Ile that loveth not his bro- 1 ther whom he bath seat, how can he love God, whoi . he hatie not seen?" And Jesus represents elle. King be. the ' last 'day as accepting, not those who had prophesied in His name and I made loud professions, but those who I nod fed the hungry, clothed the nak- ed and ministered to the sick, "Inasinuelt aiseeae did it unto one of the least of these ye did it auto Me." Nothing about the present outlook in the religious world has in it more pronatse than the fact that on every side suclx thoughts as these are being brought to the front and given in- creasing emphasis. Such a Chris- tianity is living, practical, real. It meets the demands of the age. I commends itself to earliest. thought- ful men of every religious naine. It is a power which nothing can resist. It wins its way by its, own inherent 'worth. The philanthropies, oharities and -works of beneficence which are such it conspicuous and noble pro- duct of our time have their roots in such a. Christianity. Such a Chris- tianity, being lift ad up, anuet more rind more draw all men unto it. mail ". conquers the world. Hope For Iltalillteuels. The gold cure for baldness is the lat- st thiug, says tile Philadelphia Ree- ord. This treatment is being given by a little German doctor whet lives in Cherry street, and he is building up quite n large praelice in hie epeeialty. particularly among WOUlell,. WItO are t - a always lees sreptleal than men. The I a .101: ,F..5,4114Posain.e.., .....a -sr..... ,,,,,,.ar IOSS of hair, lie Re a i- d e to a te n that gets under the scalp. Of cour.o; , ITEMS OF INTERESTtena . I there is nothing new in this theory. hut `: 1,141iii.:- the 1:, - -. Attoarnet. 6-9,'99- 93 1130 blood a tnit elo-tON, his method of eradicating, the evil is de. Cork' is to hold au latinstrial exhibi- ;--;:,,1t,.1,",.,1411,1e,,`,241,2(51T7,-4:t Goltviitieiol':(puit:". cidedly novel, Ile einims that tbe only I than of Irish Industries next year. 47.e.ti Ithea ih:i'''..; puritia.- .in inviotrairs thing that will effectually exterminate There are 80 cities In India with over 131 bheeh t. erig tut the -4,a-e111 :mil re-eoree the germs of baldness Is an iujection of ri0t000 ifillalliiants. a Nord bealeri b" ; bleblorlde of gold under the scalp, n(1 a . lie countrY of the sante area. '' ''•"ill'"`:' ,2'''-':. 'Y 4 i'i 35'.•"-•.''9t1- ta ""'l date, la ieit 1-7,9:59, a coellr...a..1 99Yee. fra979 L,..118, that is the basic principle of Ids treat- .An aluminium resonator to take the ...!o.' " r'" " inent. place ofthe wi,t.tWily of the violin it.QN,,p.1•1''a"'iP ;41"1"9`17I'l13"e14''"'".9•.15" 1'39.519„i11"111'.4In"e14'l" le43214".14 laslee41erId1v31°1t)neln4:ei'4'1.1 ' s444 L ConvenlePt nounearFLlae.. ,•”n.• ..- .e.me n; R..nYkh,..N.Wk. Inder an act passed at the lasts ..0.............-4..w............W!............W...'-••••••.......7 -, rw. s eatti te be greater 14" r - (Unary violin. tbat la the o Ion of congress the' irginiatTennes- •' see boundary line bas been fised in the , ladle of the main street of 14.e2,,4-leritn has au Fal'''.10aVou of Phl'sb. There is a, car line In the stret, "2118 Vile inlY a str a equal to 0 per an] passengers 031 oppo.a!tia Otti,-,s iii, ‚44 Cent Of their income taN every year ar :tow ale In difivrt.,:lz staLo. thtt, (ti int0 the triasury. .rw ;dais ;Alva I rinse of Moors, foteledatm in va., t$12.05.I0 a year. which Is gleeIt) tlaCtile Win, may be peereemee en the ettm i mettabera :nal their families 13140 need ide of a ear, A, Virginia erintinal on ,II bell). he south side of the street is safe 1 n810 C: 111P 11"11".231"tel 4" Palls 3350 corn arrest, should he so 1111SSr. until ;,! balloons to dry their garments- 4‘. Oil 1,411S I t ri telOnie slll isHeT.Vi. a can be obtained :; battibeo [3142[314255545.9,is attached to a captive r o1 1381101433. nnii the clothes are securely ' fised to *lima. The ?millet] makes six VENTED. . feet or more. . ascents a day to a height of a hundred The A.ustrian parliament has among Fel.hrt:ti4Z1::1:it.'1411;;I:nivtUstiCett.'tty *e.17111'57r :•tt eit:. ullelTel;te'rsarea ma.:1;;Itit;C:Ititeraral nAdilintte;rilloaceS; .4,4,1148441 'Intl 1382 yee 1"Y 51423.,. ' - Pr"" i In the British house of conuaons. r lye vent lite tlimase. Hay Fevre ie t :need era iinalty find lodgement in i 4 commoners were once day laborers. hy geleus that float, ahone in tlte y'lltIll.lert The,spealter of the parliaMent or Van- roviluttt,12::11,111,1123(i.rnen,gsinit:„Iti,41aii.,ittli,tr,12311,7.,,,,gtt., t euontititlit.:11:tann.nds, 01100 a coal ruiner In North - will. Catarrhozone is sure death to , ! POINTED PARAGRAPHS. ;wrote. Start now to usa (*mare.; hozone, Inhale It into the Outlet.; !weer:, mosal paesages and lir eiebiai ubes ; it goes wherever the air yotz I 0. wm, A. dollar in tbe hand Is worth two in tTEIRCHTEIEXIE!BITION breathe goes and it will prevent arid j cure Hay *ever. Encloreed by noto leliS than one thousand deetors 5.ifl4- a f t e r t h o u gh t s Women's thoughts of men are most. filigust 26 to September 71'01 Canada, and I'. S. Sent to any addresat be4.fore theA wise . for $1.00 forwarded to Poison & Co., ' man never counts his eheelts ...........mcse.... liartford, ('4)5113.,1112, U. S. or Kingston, y are cashed. If you bestow a favor, forget It; If 165,000moilrele AN I) 00 Oilr. -.-- you receive one, remember It. Arritee'rweza e a 65 0 , _ Walking Shoes. "Sovereign s" shoes for ladies' walking wear are good shoes. Made with be---"avy flexible welt soles_easy as a glove, beautiful in il-e"Siga and perfect in a. worm famous Puritan Kid uppers, patent...leather tips, double thick welt soles, $3,00. $3.$o ; rubber heels, $3* • At $rn4a-7; in Empire Calf. Uppers sewn with silk, soles with U20 linen. lintenand women's $3.00. 53.50 and $4.0o per pair. See that they are stamped "Sovereign Shoe." 11. SWEET, :1'..); EU , Az.nlincsaarown. . FEA-Fit • 'AN 111 Pliith •••••••1, tliko a /Asa -Liver to•night before Absence may conquer love, but I ei lying. it win work while yOU sitop with- Naval and Miliitary Displays Daily oat a gripe or pain, caring sometimes takes costly presents to coneta patent, dyspephia and 4'iek headache, and bold It, each other; they do it for the purpose 'Women don't mean it when they kiss of showing men what they are miss- ing. Greatest Live Stock Show on the It Is not necessary for a man to be Con- thient. 111 Our Country's. Rel,otirces poor in order to be honest, but some- • ana, times it seems necessary for a man to NoveI and High Class Tehittotainment be poor if be is honest. -Chicago News. Feat ores • BRILLIANT SPECTACLES make you feel better in the inorning, B0111 tri Mali oil of Taltu Forts by Int ern a t !opal Reims IR nineeelaaeleoete-afe Slow growth o f hair comes from lack o f hair food. The hair has no life. 5.54 It is starved. It keeps coming out, gets thinner and thinner, bald spots appea r, then actual baldness. I The only good hair food you Can buy i§ - It feeds the roots, stops starvation, and the hair grows thick and long. • It cures dan- druff also. Keep a bottle of it on your dressing table. • It always restores color to faded or gray hair. Mind, we say "always." $i .00 a bottle. All druggists. 'if have found your Hair Vigor to be the best remedy I have ever tried for the hair. My hair was • fulling out very bad, so I thought I would try a bottle of it. I had used only ono bottle, and my hair stoppea falling out, and it is now real thick and long;' • Niaiur 3. NOTY2fT0A9ETE9. July 28,1898..Yonkers rt. Y. Water the Deator. - He wilt send you his book on The itair and seaip. Ask Iem any qu_elp. thin you wish about your hair. You wilt receive a javorapt answer tree. Address, Du. J. MAYER, Lowell, SW.. sieerik. OMISIM2211151111511031100.22=0111.1=11111 The einal Superstition. There is one superstition of wide range and influence that is directed against one of the most beautiful ob- jects In nature, the opal. A man in my town failed in business, and what do you think ho did? Took his opal ring into the yard and smasbed it to pieces with a hammer! He ascribed his bank- ruptcy to tbat opal, and be intended neither to suffer such misfortune again nor to allow any other one to do so by inheriting or buying that ill starred property. One of the most amusing instances of a trust in wrong things is reported from New York, wbere a man took an opal to a jeweler and asked him to sell It, as be bad had nothing but bad luek since he owned It, his business ven- tures having failed, his children baring suffered illness and the old scratch having been to pay generally. The jeweler found the gem to have been an Imitation. Its falsity must have boon obvious to eeei.ybody except the vic- tim, because the lapel is the stone that has never. been even passably imitated Bis unianeoottion. Away back in 1771 Josiah Woodbury of 13everly, Mass., thus published his htippy emanelpation from matrimonial woes: BEVERLY, Sept. 10, 1771. Ran away frons Josiah Wdocibury, cooper, his house plague for seven long years, Masury Old Moll, alias Trial of Vengeance. Ile that lost will never seek her; he that shall keep her I will trive two Bushel of Beans. 1 forewarn all Perstats in Town or County from trusting said ,Trial of Venge• once. I have hove all the old (sloes) I can find for joy, and all my neighbors rejoice with me. 92 geed Riddance. of bad Ware. Amen! Jostaii W00131317R Y. Backact e, sideache', swelling of the feet and ankles, puffing 'under eyes, frequent thirst, scanty, cloudy, thick, highly adored urine. Frequent urination, burning sensation when urinating. • Any of tho above symptomsload to Bright's disease. dropsy, diabetes, etc. •, iloan's Kidney Pills are a sure cure for all kidney diseases. Athletes, Bicyclists and others should al- -ways keep Ragyard's Yellow Oil on hand. Nothing like it for stifIneas and 503011055 04 the muscles. sprains, bruises. anti, etc. A Mean preparation, will not stain clothing. Price 25c. MILITARY TATO, AIG 1 ST 271h U.1.111611. GreatReunion of Canadiaa Old Boys and 01(1 College Students, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd ...wwwwwwikkawe Reduced Rates A11 Lines of Trayel ANDREW SMITH, F.11,C.V.S. IT. J. HILL. President Manager TORONTO BROWNING'S ug tOiLce. Headquarters For Dyspepsia C/ure Blood and Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills. •Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture ,Chilblain Lotion. Try any :of these preparations and, you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. Al Full line of Patent Medicines ,on hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES IN, BROWNING.: Dominion Laboratoru. -