HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-7-17, Page 86wart'8 Gas 1116E ROUS5 StOlt GnSE OR PRODUGE Do yOU aow that we consider the KI,NTG QUALITY, tb b!'st sh.)3s made in. Canada, an I we are satisfied that you will think the s.t.m.,3 after you tr,y them. Cheapness does not coniist in low prices, Good quality at a fauprice is che tpest. 'Phil's what we give you, in ging Quality Ahoe. Try a, pair and it won't be the last pair you will want. e.11•1* THE EXET.ER TMIES doe, - • ter, Timeetat„ spent Monday in Len- , MisseGussie Holland is home -front Bleabitlin far her hatlidays.. - • F. W.'•Glachaab, was in-Goderich Manday on legal bpsinese. Nfts,„ 'Dyer, of Bamtford, faieeds here the past week. ; Herb Pickard, ot Batntford, ie.speed- rig the vaeation at his home here. D. gonowAy ana Nei -feat!, Winglaun, . event Sanday with elm Holloware:1 p.teente here. f HOT INEfillt Etas left on:. Felday font .• Winnipeg, where he Will wore at Ilia^ trade, as. mason. • Anss Ruby Werry, of Exeter,. lei -visaing with her aunt, eirs. Richetel Wight (if Audereott, The Grated Lodge L. 0. L., of British: Ameriere will hold their meetitig in; Toronto. on July 23rd, „ Below we give a partial list of special lines of. ,00ds we • Men's suits. of the • vety best style and -quality at prices D. Dyer Lae moved lils honsehold :Meets to Yale, alleate. where he is, that will snit you. - ennehtet-103- a reewsPaPete l'ar(e Showing, which are suitable for hot weather and "holiday .1 .The theetnemeter tinting the past/ - , few days, AI seetiou, registered; from 93 to 93 degrees in the shade. , trade Your time win be well spent in reading over the Mens Bea Calf Beotse, single double 901,-. EVe.T.T pair guaranteed VAL rg.ute.) Mete's Raeeien Tan Calf Boots, melleas weight, elk tanned sole, we never seal better Neale. Sa,00. (WADE BY KINO. Meit's Patent Enerittel Calf Boots very styN,II ovel dreesy, SU*, #teueca rm. srente) Our sok ; ty can buy ch CANNE SAISnox CANNED CANNED CU ICK.EN CANNED Dry K CANNED TCRKEY CANNED LOBSTER, ("ANNE!) MACKERAL CANNED SAL-TAG:ES CA,NNED VEAL LOAF ...KIPPARD 11101tRINGS HERRINGS IN TOMATO SAUCE ,a atoota ataxy neetde so'e, widee. ceacker jack for MINO FOR WEAR...) Men's Tau Willow Caef Boots, fiexe Vale insole, .double sole, great cointart, and we think you can't buy a beet' wearer, $4,-50. (KING QrA.LITY.) .. .11.,714,114 Metes porpoise Boots. wide and com- f rtatika, yet etylisis anh dreesee doable le, a boot that ean't, be neat for com- fort and .wear, ies', awl Children's K:14, quality e :mil the best that In.'"tviy can !ktly ve a hot s ov e delicacies at lowe Oral Our ;tf• waim weah r whe prices., 0,A„NwEo PIGS FEE r LIBB DRIED BEEF CHIPS CANNED CO:SNED BEEF . Y E It vows A YLIIER PEAS AYL TOMATOES. SA.LAD DRESSINie DOlelelles CROSS & BLACKWELL PIC.KLES CROSS & BLACKWELL CAPERS CROSS : 7-1 t ES . LIME FRUIT 3 VICE t 6ou4idoratiou. 8TEWfAR7 + THE MART. n-ee'lee-eeeneieeeinie To Have BLQoods is what the buainees man owes hiiu self. It, is this policy of ours Which !minces us to Claim to b 'eatturt thsa .etierespost and eon- 'senuentier always tlacs bc:st. We ha' Lu sto41: everything in the Statiortery Lin wet in Not. Paper. omplete !Line of Jardinetvs, unglish and Ger an Decorated Vases, French China Lianoge and Japanese Ware. The Scientific American eays; Safety from lightning is easily secured. - (Simply put on your rubbees and then 'FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESDRIP- stand so yonr clothes do not touch TIONS. /anything and you are perfectly safe. ; By-law No. 15. to enforce chapter 270 of the Ontario Statues, regarding JOHN GRIGG the eating a weeds. etre, was passed • in St. Marys Council, John A. Rad - EXETER. ley was appointed to act as inspector, / 25e. per hour for there engaged. INSURANCE. Gavin Russell, Fred Hatter and ‘,r!!!!!, -,?,!!!•"1",w. For Marriage Licenses3 We:dells-2g Ritestas Stratctie#S, ck uweil Spuutael OS, Etc rata ON R. FilOKS ‘Vatc pairing a Specialty. Miss Fowler. of Toronto, is the gtzest f her sister, Mrs. F. W. Gla. Mrs. Muir and children are welt - ng Mrs. Muir's parents in Strathroy, Miss Norma. Bobier is the peat et the Misses Murray, Wilton Grove.Leu- don, It doesn't take leng for the st-A•otts to reit round. .Now the fall fairs are being advertised. Malcolm atilyard, hes severe ; position with a branch of the 0 !awe Bank. at Pembroke, and left. for that place, on Monday. To hear the coal shovelleia at work these MOM July days is enough to make one imagine that the f ur nave is within easy reach, and working over- time 1•••••••••1111 . Castor Willis were summoned betore E ST ELLIOT. ehas. Snell, J. P., on Monday, accusedStO tna Iwere alrooet a total loss. Exeter Pick 0 I1ens 11. R NEEDS and 6LITfflN(± 6LOTHIN6 In this line we never carried a larger nor better stock thau we do at the present time. We have a number of boys 'suits which we W01.1.41 like to (Aar and in order tO (10 SO will cat the price in two. Suits that N‘rere $4.00 for $2.00. HOLIDAY RFOIIIREMOITSi Come and see theta even if you don't buy, no trouble to do do $3,00 for $1.00, , show them. Ed. BIssett mai son IN Ober. of c 11 Winnipeese, are here on a7,viele with her patents .5.1e.ftna Ain:, Win. Snell, cursion t3CIII:t and Deerote -front -- It is expected that the L. 0. 1:,. ex_15 o .S winomm will be held mi. August 210. •....., .' ID owing lists :- 16IIILS Boy's Brownie Overalls, made of good quality blue Denim, bibs and suspenders FOR attached, from 4 to 12 years old, special per paw A chilrre retree, cmitaining a euialli It% 0tatoney, was fottzul Thursday, b tid owner can smne by calliog at this 'Mee. The :Misses Poke, daughters of John B 0 If S r B's cotton tweed Pants, good •patterns, Puke, a Chicago, formerly of Exeter.; very durable, just the thing for wear dur- iends,_ bere vieltiag with their ing the holidays, from 4 to 12 years, Mr. ateAllieter„ who has been in Quo special per pair 1•0. •••• •••• 0101 • ••• •••• ••• ••••• 01111 elutaoY of CobWetliek & Sou as miller, ' Boy's pure silk Windsor Ties, all shades, fringed ends, beauti- returned to his home in Cofiingwool, ' 1-# I tele.' rost was so severe IA Some sections I ,F°ertY:fi've Tears' ago. l'Ist INIonthlY 4 Boy's heavy ribbed, fast black cotton hose, a great snap two this week. u pattern; the regular so cent kine. for • ..* of Ilziron that wheat ti:;ti .grainsi pairs for • • 1 • • • • II • • 4 q• tor* 400•Si 'es •OIT ••4111111 I3oy's extra heavy ribbed fast -black, n -clad cotton Hose, The Hessian lly has done it great i tion, the crops in Stephen township # B , I _ , Ntr..L Jam FL vigrtaa has returned I stripe, a great lino for weal, special . . weeks vieiting friende In Port Huron, i BoY's all -wool Killdeer Pants, made of' strong tweed, good deal of denrige to wheat, In tills see., wonderful wearers, a harerain per pall, buffering, more severely. 0,y s woo Sweaters, good quallty, various colors, with white one after spending ..threo or four I, Detroit and Imlay City. shades and great wearers, special Rev. H. D. Steele, of Port Stanley 25 26 75 We have also a, lot of women's shoes that we anxious to dispose of and will cut thc price in two in these as well, G r‘i U 1-9. OFILL. ARLING Furnitur F, porium ••••••••aws•••• During hot weather we are inclined to look for coolest „ 50 spot and most comfortable seat possible, We would suggest .! founerly of Ktekton, i, -;spending when you want comfod and can get the save at small cost voQAttonat Gr411(1 liNul taking the ure Paris een Lrris G , per pound 25c services at Exeter while here, you would be wise to Mr. Graham who navigated Niagara ,1 Rtver Ripids in 4% barrel. is not, the' " only man who has made a ssvift porn- M u86it..48 The Masunie Faeursion to 13 - ' ey with the assistance of a keg. ; on Wednesday was a partial There were failure. oad Ainellean Mustal9 hoard, while 1,0i10 were eapected The in •1 some 130 passengers on i! flowhite ot n 1 S and eolot ;c ral designe, fast colors. . spet, Lodge will be SI50 behind, On July 31 Will and Fred MeCeta lack and white Lunslins, suit - thy, of Stratford, will race „tklex. Mc- able for mourning, and very Ivor, of Goderich. the race will take scarce goods, in splendid pat, fo place there, and will be for tett miles, terns, a suttp for ,t.t.gu,:llitnsti‘sict(tritl‘.ty riding live miles ovelY Organdie Muslinl with rosebud pattern, in various We are pleased to note that under shades, with new stripe et- .1rs the head of the Normal School Exami- 1 feet-, special u nations, appears the name of Miss Evelyn Carling, its having passed, entitliug her to a 1st Class Profession- al Cer titicate. Miss Carling has always been a snecessful student, and obtains this vertificate at, a, comparatively voting age. Tits (n. ---Reports from many paints in the eennty are that the growing erope are doing well, and give signs t f t good yield. The only ex- ceptions to the report come , from Stephen township, where many fields wintar wbeat have been damaged by winter frost or by the fly. It. seems strange that within a few miles of each other in this township, may be mein fields of wheat hardly worth the cutting, and fields that will give over an average yield. Roots are growing wonderfully, the recent rains baying given them a great start, and corn is also making a. great growth. CALL, AND INSPECT Lealw ies'hite Lawn Shirt Musts, an usts, Our Rattan . mad,. in latest style. with Chairs, prices ran,,,,ing Iron $2.00 - 11,-w Bishop sleeve, .speeial a 151upwards. Also complete stock in all lines, in latest desigus. %lies' white Lawn Shirt Waists tucked back auul front, and Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to lige,,1,7„,waarsittr!g,,r,e,,,,,ht,,,,,zie,5,ioar 1.00 call On. us before purchasitt,,,,P elsewhere. Ladies' black Mercerized Sateen Shirt Weiste, tucked back and front and sleeves,epeeial "5 111•••••••••••••••••••••••••11.11141. 011. 1046.. r:'OPULfiR INI-11TE9 P9E313.108. WHITE WHITS DIMITIES VICTORIA LAWNS Speziel at. 10, 121, 15, 17, 2-) and 25e WHITE INDIA LINENS Special lines at I'S, 20, 22, 25 Ann lea Special values at 15 anti 20e MEN'S SUMMER. GORT8 &VE8TS We are showing special values in the above goois, at We have these popular goods in especially good value at 18 & 20 WRITE 013.GANDIES • 3.25, 3.75 and 4..5o. These goods are made in Cricket Flannels, Light Tweeds, Serges and Silks. TUE JAILER'S RESIDENCE, - The 3 Lbs extra selected 'Valencia special committee of the County Coon - Raisins for .28 cil, to consider the question of a jailer's residence, met in the clerk's 1 doz. Clothes Pins for • .01 office on July Stb, and concluded the .2 large sized bottles Al mixe(t sitting by contracting with Bachanans pickles for .05 and Lawson to build the house for A beautiful flavored fine uncolor 82,800, the contractors to have all the ed Japan Tea, special at .25 A•1•114••••••••..••••••••••••••10.1•Yon ...•*114 • •14,••-.1,10-4.1.10.••• SPECIALS IN GROCERIES 1, of having the p Agee for tee learsezeal assail -axes Cam- ' Mrs., Mdama,ged argaret Braund, Exeter North. roperty of trac ne in the wall taken down, anct the terials in the cottage. The con- t includes hot water heating, but shoteld the canned demde to have the building heated with hot air, then the eatita, of Toronto; ;deo tor the PMEN/X FIRM. r Stanbury for the boys who were RALS,CP, Carro,VII., Of Loudon,England , kt, Lava?, Teenleaeae nneeelae, Bea acgaitted. anti . Mrs. S. Gidley, left this week, for :4101•....MISVI•easa•sloMincgssoSni Sarnia, and oe Friday, leaves on the TO ADVERTISERS. Str. Monarch for Dnluth, where she 1 will visit her son, Bert, after which The copy for changes must be left, she will proceed to Winnipeg, and not later than Tuesday norea. Casual will visibfriends, and her son, Ernes, 'n that City. advestisements accepted up to noon j- " ' Wednesday of each week. A man said the other day that be woald raise nothing but hogs in future and that, his neigetbnrs were going to THURSDAY, JULY 1STet, 1001. la° the same. Well wheat is mw 1) cause tot) much is raised, anti it seems I likely that hogs will not keep up in 'price if they are largely increased in number. A The most novel clahn yet received at Bay: W.-XTED.-A. good, smart boy, the Census Departmenb has been filed with fair education, wanted to learn k the printing husinese. Apply at - Tars office. eFon SALE CITEAP,-2 second hand uggies, 2 new buggies, second hand aerriage, 1 phaeton, 1 road cart 1 lum- ber waggon, (nety,) 1 commercial wag-...... Startcombe iu the latter part, gon, 1 cultivator and 2 sewing ma- of August, lasb year, sowed one head chines. Apply to W. G. Brssorae of wheat, (27 grains,) and on the 10th xeter. of u ye thts year, he harvested the yield which was 150 grains. The same will with pleasure be shown to any one who wishes to see it at his home. James Grant with his two daughters from Providence R. I., is at present visiting his nephew, Messrs. D. A. and. Y. I". Ross. They have had a pleasant trip having taken in principal citiee enroute, and visited the Pan-Atneri- Rowe, is taking a course at the em -1 n. r. Grant speaks in louclesb aataaaa school, Toronto. Praise of this part of oar fair Domin- Master De Witt McTavish, of De -lion. trait, is on a holiday here visiting his The Stephen lists were first posted grandfather, John Hawkshaw, on the 27th of June. There are 8 5. J. A. eBoyd is in Toronto this polling sub -divisions anti 1,361 names weekaassistiag the Department in ex- on the list. Of these 1,103 are eligible amining of the entrance papers. to vote at both parliamentary.. and Il John awkshave after a pleasant municipal elections; 152 at minucipal visit with different members of his elections only and 106 at parliraeritarY family in Detroitand London, returned elections only. There are 60 female home on Saturday. voters. There are 651 entitled to serve Rey. W. A. Walden, has returned as junors. home from Elimville haying complet- Mr. Dietrich Schell, Zurich, broke ed his term as probationer for the his leg, on Sunday last. Dietrich has Methodist mirth:try. He has been been very unlucky this spring, as only commendedto college by the Lon- a month oxso ago he met with an .don Conference and will enrol at Vic- accident at a barn raising, which laid oria University, for the coming him up for several weeks, and this last ear -London Township correspora accident will likely keep him from .dent. work the rest of the afternoon. Locais, y an Untario census enumerator, part of whose bill reads as follows :-"To one pair of trousers, the right leg of which was entirely destroyed by mon- grel collie, which greeted me as 1 was about to enter on my duties 810." Hogs bring $7,10 per. cwt. this weeks teas highest price yet. J. J. White has been appointed pay - ‘roll clerk for the city of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonell, of 'Hensel!, spent Sunday with friends in town, J. D. Atkinson, assistant for R. N Largest sized, first quality Lemons, special per doz. 3 cakes good Toilet Soap for Best quality canned apples, larg- est size tins, for Funeral Directors, - • mowei.a••••••14.00,••••••••0•01..... OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, everi !lust Sunbnx Dleeeris.---This (Thursday) John P. Smith, an employee of P. morning, Christopher Smith, for years Burns & Oa., died last, week at the well-known resident or Exeter north Gener ti Hospital, Calgary. He •Wite diedquite suddenly. About 4.3tioclock taken seriously ill with appendicitis in the morning he visited the home 12 last Saturday and was removed to the Edweerd Hall, also in the Not th- end. General Hospital where an eperation Mr. Hall arose, unlaeked the door, and was pevfortriett on mar. et was ap. returned to bed.- Mr. Smith iuquired of Mr. Hall if he intended going to the Bend to-daar andno sooner had be re - a n oor. Thinking be bad taken fit, Mr. Hall sumo mned Mr .20 Heideman, who was on the steeet, to plied than Ir. Hall heard Mr, Smith parently successful and for several days he progressed favorably, but gradnally became weaker and passed away. He was well connected in the east, his family iesiding in Blanshard, Ont. A thief enteeed the house of Wm. watch the sick man until MVS. Smith Ellis, Steal foed, one day last week. It .cos could be informed, but before she ar- WAS Alitde before dark, and caused a -rived life was extinct, Deceased bed good deal of excitement in the house. .20 •••••1111.*S1•1110 MSG. 61011.1•••••••••••••••••1•1•141 0•1•11C•010 SEE OUR ERECT FORM SUMMER CORSET,500 contract price will be reduced by $183. The committee agreed to pay 80 per cent. of the price as the work proceed - ea, on proper certificate. If prison Td labor is employeon the work in any way, the contraetors agree to allow xi 121. cents per hour for such labor. PRESBYTERY op HITRON,-The Pres- bytery of Huron met in Willis church, Clinton, on the flth inst. The attend- ance was email. James Hamilton, of Goderich, was appointed moderator for the next six months. The Commis- sianers to the Gen. Assembly reported their attendance at the same standing committees were appointed for the en- suing yea.r. Messrs. Setehert and Mc- Leod were reported as students witbili the bounds, and the committee on the superinthndance of students was in- structed to assign them subjects and examine their discourses. A long dis- cussion followed on the augmentatio greats bo congregations in the Presb tery, and grants were -asked for Gran Bend and Corbett, Union Church a Leelown. The Presbytery then a journed to meet at 13rucefield on the second Tuesday of October. ATTEMPTED StlIOIDE.-Early this (Thursday) morning, W. G. Bissett was surprised when he went into a small stable at the rear of his livery barns, to find the form of a tnan lyin in a stall, aPParently dead, and wit blood stains on his coat, and the hay in the stall saturated. He was still more surprised to find that the person was none other than Joseph Bawden, an old and well-known citizen of Exe- ter, It was a mere accident thet 111r. )3issett visited this stable as the place is not regularly used. Alarm was given when it was found that an at- tempt at suicide had been made, and an open jack knife lying at his side, covered with blood, strengtbened the belief. Medical aid was sought, when it was found that the wound was not very deep, and there was chalices for recovery. An empty bottle, labelled strychnine, was found in one of his pockets, hut no signs were evident that hebad taken any poison. For some days, it is said, Mr Bewden has been drinking quite heavily, and despond- ency pronmted him to the act. ---1 .11••••.1 re1011011.....011= AIN11.611•21•S 0 ma 0 11N••••*=111•••••••••• Bring your Butter and Eggs to us, we pay highest prices. Piekar Direct importers. Ms. Mrs. Douglas is visiting friends at Ilderton, Will. Havvkshaw is visiting friends in Detroit. Miss Crocker is visiting friends in Sb. Marys. Mrs. Geo. Orr left this week for iligh Bluff, man., to visit relatives. Go to Letz's drug Store for pure paris: green, one dose never fails to tier the potato bugs. • -David Jacques, Agent, Exeter, for e London Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Loedon. Jos. Davie has returned from a two weeks' holiday trip, during which he visited the Pan American. L. H. Dickson, who recently had his ankle broken, has sufficiently recover ed to be able to visit the law office. Pan-American visitors find good ac- ommodations at Fulton's, (formerly of Farquhar, Usborne,) 390 Michigan five blocks from depots. Arthur Kemp, who has lately bee engaged as clerk in The Molsons ban at Owen Sound, has been transferred to the branch. at Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Dauncey were in town last week visiting friends. ,Mr. Dauncey having disposed of his busi- ness in Teeswater, the fa,rally have re- turned. to London to reside. The other day while Alfred Sheere %vas in a cherry tree picking fruit, the imb upon which he stood, broke, pre- ci pibating him to the ground. He fell ueen his young daughter, Blanche , uttering her severely, but not serious- 1 ly. Mrs. Jeckell left on Friday for Lon- don, England, to visit friends, her daughter, Miss Maud, accompapied her to New York. We wish Mrs. Teckell a pleasant voyage and safe re - complained of a dizzinese in his head for some One of the ladies of the house WAS days, and on Wednesday asleep in her room, and pulled flax all day. He was in his 51th -on awaken - g sate a men standing near her. As year, was a, native of Devonshire, Eng. soon as he perceived that she was and leaves a wife and. five children to awake, he jumped through the win - survive. Ile was a. mentbee of the 0. dow,apcidisappeared, On seaeall being o. F. -"- mad, tv eit as fottnd that $7 was miss- • Losee-Beti-Veen Gault Bend and ing' Exeter, on Wednesday last a pearl and A man's wife ehpuld always be the gold handled umbrella, bearing the same espeeially to her husband, but. if initiels A. 1. F. Finder will be suit- she is weak and, nervous. and uses ably awarded cia returning same to Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be for this office. they ulnae her "feel like a, different Apaamareoas Teazel person,' so they all say, and their dress making, applyto Miss Tote, over husbands say so too! (Dealing, Bros. Store. Mr. Ed. Avery, Woodham, lost a, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bawden,of Lacer), valuible horse last week. It ran ispent Sunday with Mr. and Mee. Isaac. agaiest a hayrake -itanding in the Word was received Thursday by the field, one of the prongs entered its Messrs. SellerY of Osborne, living' on breast, killing it almost instantly. the Shute farro, of the death of their brother., Thos. Sell/try, of Hamilton. Mr. end, Mr. George Hill arrived iorne from the Pau -Amer -lean on 1 A. Q. 33obier has erected a wine; min ' 1 at his creamery. 1 1 Chas. Eacrett, of Sarnia, is visiting friends in town, and shaking- hands with former acquaintances. Prom the efforts that are -being. forth by the Tanners' combine to in- s crease prices we are again reminded that "there is nothing like leather." Last week. John Wood shipped two I car loads of cattle from Exeter, one 1 car load from Parkhill, and this week c one par load from Eeeter, all for the s British markets. s As a hair growth prornoter,to relieve I chines of the sca.lp and dandruff, t and as an elegant dressing for the 11 hair, use Imperial Hair Tonic. 50 s cents a bottle. Sold at leetz's drug w store o ' For diarrhoea dysentery, etc, in t children or adults, use A.rornatic t Blackberry, or Wild Seravvberry 1 Compound. Both remedies are safe t and reliable. Sold at Lutz's drug e store. The creditors of Messrs. Dyer & ti Itiovvard, who recently sustained heavy t loss in the burning of their planing 1-.1 mill, were called together on Tuesday b when the firm made an offer of fifty lo cents in the dollar.. This was agreed p to by the creditors :present, and it is n thought all will accept the offer. The le liabilities are estiniated at about $5000. te It was stated in the columns of last lo week's issue, in referrine to the pro- tl nesclay afterespending aweek with their On, Will. They report the exposition east class. ' Last week the Perth Mutu Fire nsurance Co. received by registered etter the stun of SM.-SOO in Ainera an and $15 in Canadian bills -the un- igned remitter stating that his dean- 'Waghorn, ong time and he remitted the money etence had been troubling him a braonwHaradwrikearl,f0tFirr,ee0mhaanrhoeornish ; ta ci make things squere. The Peetn Sr. Get -tier, Lisle Neth - Ritual officials have no idea or 'the ereetts Ma,rtin Balfour. Robert Daw- ource whence the money came, or in sorb hat way, the remitter got the better Me. Thos. Agnew of the South f them sons to endure for a long Bouudavy, Nan:Marc), has returned line the pangs of his conscience. Had from a few months visit to his native he money been remitted by area ore land of Scotland. '. 0. order it might he traced; bat The Rev. 3. T. Kerrie., reetor of he remitter has successfully conceal- Trinity Church, Mitchell, has received d his identity. a call from the congregation of St. Mitchell Town Council have covered Luke's Church, Jamestown, N. Y. ieneselves with glory! The four of S, E. Beckett, late principal of the hem -Davis, Koenig. Martyn -and Listowel public school, has given up err -threw Aside a petition of 100 of school teaching and will enter the est names in Mitchell without ever ministry of the Presbyterian church. oking at it on Thursday night and Mr. ()has. Gill, of Missouri, formerly assed a by-law to .lose the street of Fullarton, is visiting his mother, orth of the park, Councilin. Hord Mrs. Gill, and beother, R. B. Gill, St. axing the council chamber as a pro- Marys. - st against the indignity. These fel- Mr. Myers has resigned his position ',vs will be consigned a,t Christmas to as member of St. Marys Council, and re oblivion they never should have ate electiou for a successor will take The action of Carter's Little Liver " Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try them. The following are the promotions made at Mount Pleasant school, as a result of the promotion examirattion last week. To Sr, IV. --Ella Hawkey, Kenneth Hodgert, Irene Facey, Liz- zie Coll ie ;To Jr. I V. -Aline Russell iosed loan to Messrs. Dyer & Howard that the sanction of the rival institu- tions could not be obtained. In justice to Illessred. Ross &Taylor, we may say, that, while they had not given their consent at time of vvriting the item (Tuesday), they did so on Wedne-Sclay morning after due consideration. escaped from. After council adtoutti- place july 22nd. . ed they slipped up to the race track Nicholas Stout, of the Bank of Com - and closed the street with the aid of merce, Sarnia, is holidaying with some of Mitchell's brawny woekmen his parents at Kirkton. and some kegs of beet.. It is averred The Misses Watson, daughters of that by the time the heel. got in its Senator Watson' of Portage La Prairie where, work the nails were put in nearly any- )1rfaeryvsi.siting at John HedleY's, St'