HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-7-17, Page 4THE EXE RTJ E The SPRee;:t..a. 'en ,:e..thh!Sh 17V. OiSOfl$ A BOON T.0 IIARINEB.S.., teanAIVIERIeD It Rate Copitel neserveFued ,titinelitENT Pert-Wewgiy u'-eful anal interesting contpen- WIREt.ESS TELEGRAPHY TO BE USED , tree . men., sitriteeleg wagon ie. very 1, 9tted"(!fdl dium it le It itaforn:s ns that deiritig The St•dieticel I'ettir Boa for Can- 'he I:net:re etnee e e• s neeovereent ' ad.for Mk) is just out and an exeeet • the o:. IN REPORTING SHIPSdifeerent freat the uld ttie. Tb'ditf Ile-ita .0.stas Ito 'treat. the year that elided June ;l0, leen, eon- etaxseee Mentearat • goocts,of which enitientlene came from .neret statton to Be noeaterl on Inane wit:eh uuthles. the driver to control the entene ELLIOT, Feces 11q. Inapotted- $184,801,3W worth of improvement le in the spray Lead, aorivy eett, hereon eu one.; the *United States, feitente,7ett from tnenet suonts nightentp, voisten thivr of water 211'101 l'etter than the oia owanote es a :ere cederen an 7 per (treat letitatni, ensi et:et:neve:eta from tense unite ont t Set -T?- • 1. s' vie Thee ttl'erber It leA dirt or a , (neer eteintrit e. Nethwitlistentiing nee, ate, neene newts ee eneeeteteg ninewslain road or a $1021(! paCell 9r as - -Exeter 11,ei,'•01 the tatefe preference, our impot ts front phalted street, there can be supplied Open every Intfultlay frensee e. In. to e eeat Britein rarely (exceed the aver. To ell who are jut t1 iLt transate from the Leedom street sprinkler just • the automat of wattr tequila. d to lay -^ tenon r: trunignion itatl arntai t ens e . urtenteees et Es oetet enowea en deetein : twhieit enerage et neetly -1;1 mons. 111°,111:1*dlethe "lai"ir Ilart " the Arll'leztil the duet in it without waste. e neagees; et en %ten, e ee re ietneetex, - In the early 70's Cent:al:es iirtpc)rts ma.....te, t....e news tiat a new system 03. re` The seira,y Lead en cacti side lies its' eteeta.:0":5. MANAGE::: dr0131 the menthe:: ceseestly tete ita eve." rting veesele thwart] bowed te New SATInt4..e•Ytt, t� I le M. • age in tete thirtn-theee ,years tetnee 1Sui • e -se- • . Beeler, Eiee,ete".. year elt entillors. ere sza/caviaidee York tar eutward bound from the same own vnlve rod runelug to tire driver's Calendar Suziu."....17. . ... ... MOnnent --------- 90 --e e ' li, lele teet eta :tee trent the i need States nue l' tte issand, aad haat is the 1,..st la., a... pow.% zia,r,;.-....z,ngly, i...;;;:z.g... its de. beastil of them. unless teen- am spaisen ni , ; expert driver leaves behead lem dry WEDNEiii•,-,-". , , . 3 10 17 24 31 i - crosswalhe with perfectly elt.fuied lims 4 H le3 25 tee pt iar. it: tee ; r..;‘,“1 4'4 4.-•:' '2,-',4 a,' Ide- E-a'l leeen, mail they reaelt the other side. its, and when lie cemes to a carriage or Tidr1.6.1.-. . ...... 5 12 19 en S4TC111,4.11: le 12 ::ZO 27 garatteatt n o it inn:4 the 117st year t f the `rite new eyttetti perreens the estaldisie. Lanelde e eallteetitttratIon teen ce enting !, meet ef a wireletee telegraph station oa a Street ter 'upon whieli he -doesn't - ' teen i„. ,eneene, k 3aer ,%I.::',1' l'i', fl i..4.:,1 tne liteinele that is stationee CI Nan- want 13 tan' ;A" W.nder a.? Sr..,',.rts ell the i trit!aet s'ateali..a, oe the Maesaeltusetts now ein t2 it eitie awl le-il: '7. the other ; e, tet „: .1 lee iteenien theeurs. end trelhhl Id• mer2vi *flee f49"ellt .eb'•• a3 to 'nee gallens can:tenet, Teen? are 20 ) n eme Cads will be of the greatest lutereet. sentwith a Step tin re far ate July, 1.901. yak;„:is- ;i4 ht the Whit the syatem ti .c; ia reae ineonnar. Tie driver can operate bath lends at I 7 11 21 can shut off one or open either one at That 1.:.. 1.1ut /0,7 pla stiaia oa the Long laland eoty,t. Outwera eve they were tetsittt ee inny ittlineen vetsele tire repelled first at lire islattu otee. pr Ito can reel only nue beati. 11-e 1 8 let . selitt.3e etilanhatal lendeeeithdth'ite3511, ?")11111 .f.11sq r"PQrte4I"03ss' Pitelettre.. •Witia this sort of wagon tie:. renniceti thie yeatt nuluber .:'at In Min late we vest beetle - province. There !: eXperinsc is a Ontario o 111i* 1t'ett•-, mete to 1.• gee:y mune 1a e plaeil kir (midi:ado-Its elth s wet wea,] r"' ' toe ; 41111. 11 WAS feat 1.`,1-- ;a,Is-ufg laden' anal! :rat Itlay wx net ;etc et Ite let*nrh the tit . 14ruf. " las 14.14*4. 114 CI rettzt . .t,ra the beet great .7 'a Dn. t wd. plenty 1.44 Is" e taries. ated 11 lealenees ant ne ten, e ceast Ties veteel le known as the Nate gc,ing. Sprinkling watafam; are made in /:: ssaes tuelaet eheals figletein Int Le more tine , vareletas senen raeging frig -et ten gallons L. -;rp: y, Tentee ship. '1.14dSTi.'S:111-12::k7-Droll fal411:#/r fain •n ' " teenees elle se tete e • et,tre liteezt zee:eh:. ae.e.• see t•• : r n • ' sline filen any ethee tbe ' ' I eredave where there Were was one 1. t% - r It'en ,e 1, teeing 43 :eine seuth ee Seekaty • CONMENTA r:I,'"rC' VT 1i 3 `-'** teit leeeteee,,,,e, There is ne cornmeal_ • seee ouly a few ye are age. This great Swallows in l'ari.k.suent Unildiegs. Tile swallows have arrived at the western block, says the Ottawa core respondent of 'rho Toronto Star. ' Every year they come up from. the sunny South in uncounted Myriads and. hover around this particular section of the Parliament Buildings. They seem to have no use for either the main beildhig or the eastern block. It luny be that the conforma- tion ot the chimneys on these two : structures does not suit them. The birds are all whatare called chim- ney swallows, or swifts, nesting al- most exclusively M chimneys. Dun. in•es the day they scatter over the country, hut toward nightfall they gather in between steams, thous- ands of them, wheeling. turning, swooping., circling around the west- ern block. They continue their aerial enolutioxis until they are finelie lose in the gathering dusk. Where do they go? .A. cltriOUS riewspaper man 41. few years ago ens:need, upon the roof of the building awl lowered a , lantern down one of the chimneys. tewellows were elinging to the sides by the haineIrs:a. mere would seem I 14C so1•4r,0 ineet tory:steed about tbe tastee taf a teed Welch terns up its eon. at trees end Ittishes mut prefers to bang ell inget al4/1 to ds.e sooiy41E :A VUEJAIIIr0.7. nut terns am nate lenean tient an some the seeth , increase in tte!t• nee Is due In large 1 mines. There 1,!; foe fettet velneen eve tette aen at presleateeen hatenanteet era tee the teet tare en ndts for seals eleite atel k.1.shiat. the layhae reeneetee to sanitary reasens, to- the tastes. a - eir,:eifteztIlirneets• •1*. ale. itepraetieetie. Alreeet every great i-Stsrasit-fia goed retels and to 5 ,te e.'d ant tetee.,, nta nu the relent:1p einge f,reut lam an- the ettersen desize for comfort. etre ; ee tie an-dt 6.61ddlie tenne .e4ea, iebt•ne<Oee v onee nteneeentt nnte re 1' 41 inW21 . eecwil-nor leten. a'n- iter toyn9 hwnee* t ' t.,14.h >4.12. f..ate In .et „,,,...,,, .:., , 11 a, , . i''' - ' - " sh-;;,1•3 azu in r.-.41;:tortiAn witeetaranni. "en :•ee .44'4v' 11..--7 v.ere never V4 10 PaCIIi.0 air, 11,...,14 ''' ''' thought of setae years rav. And ,A.mer- te,i12.1 7;"` i CgtiGli with steaniere Hee in the font 4:tat i ;seem Itiatneditateine :thee, „ Inottght 'auto the 'Alen' t', ' 4. V.111: i,'4,.:4;••• ' wart boune Win nne the fret to greet all ow'. lb, 31 Ala a 11- IsAP1 sPlhha•ar. 4"4411.1" ark' i it I, the 1114, hit .0: All4eriva seen IT cal!. nein sprinIelleg wnenee are now found ,'1, i it and Ilene; lune ' a" '- ne et.,: s• a. - lA i i'...a-i• lit 1 tn. eye,: of home eIt'I'S or TiltOrS 'WOW IT,11S' are used. 'all, ;al.:. 1:1,-, t ., ,): P '1 tl ' I.41:4-il 1 FlitC^P.4. It IR, Of CoW,',,e, postilee to corn- They are exported to Australia, Cu- * • ' 11.. 1, 2, a '. i..1..r.'. , V.Ii-da ,na!i.V4s 17.1t i 111Mod'ftd-' Valth the le -den -hip. 1...3' ri=P:ITil i'g 11.1, Pt.1111 Rico, nouth Au:vile:is Soutl , „ 1:31:5. fil''-i''' 111;"" “"** 4 1". '441" " 1' ' . ' : '. r1''1 1143,17 ,1 !;1;411'41-"` "1 1"4.;11.1 44411'.i11 4'-"r' T"'ntlWri . ,h.ftlea mid rturepe. The modern sprite e sugar 1. £i. in nee. Th teem es , out lure:or:aro there has 10...6,". tr„. inn‘us kling v. agon nett the traveler cbanees 1.1.,,.r4s,eereling the tiliee i ta lerel etereet oy ' . , t0 F4 c? did Paris or Berlin er Hamburg ...le eine been Tee New Tort: tistatti varlIca,"; naapt Vane. yuy linely frega the eame factory . . 'Mete ; the gralaa ; Territut:;,, towaril Some ,. nverage Imelda ratio is a, f17..4 -a a genet ei tee ttttse are y. Ctlidtr,n-'1". Zee. t• Pro- co * Gorden Ktu.r. WanN--t- ycateg. Man, 'woe k1tt44 II the upper 1110 it kissing Lug en feederand for te. taut: it•WaS Mengel thet the Lite wenn,: nest* fettle'. L. rap wee working - for hie fatticeree -Vesely barn evlien Wits bitten. Ile eteticed n meth ex • :large f3y Vont ;n through the epee. door, Int raid . ettention to it unti; he Was epprisee 4' ts Oese proxeroitv . to his fate. IT i ti netneen ram in thl. upper lip. Ile the insect eti and 'went en with Lis week ter a few enintitess bnt the peen spread ranitlite. Mediae 'VMS stell ditldrePtlig great agone. His VIC@ 1V1143 :.W( fl cut of :al that at first the tie t tor was unable to keit the set ening .01. re!leve the pain, but after eon:. borne' teork be sucteeettil and his patient ias !row on the 2 tqadi, 11) recotery, although his fete ie etre adly swellen. the 1.taint II, who will Ingin the work 44. * * taf denotation tind preparation for the ,rt is annottnetel effleially that J. L. Inception ef the Duke and Duchtes of • Grant, of Ashfiehl, has been eecone =ended Ly tbe Literal executive of While engaged drawing in hay at West Huron, for the vacancy in the the farm of john Park, in IticiduIpb, the other dew, Loyd Fox had the 2232$- G110t011:18 at undetich,. cceazioned by the death fthe1ate D. C. Straeban. , fortune to have his collar bone broken. After the loan had teen put on and There were about twently applicants, n but J. T. Garrow and Morgan Dalton - anct winie going into the barMr. F. 'crowded off the load wath the nominated Mr. Gnannand the Ne tv Era : Was says Mr. - Holmes will endorse the above results. The Rev. C. W. Henderson, St. nominee, Mr. Grant had received Max,ys, will leave fop Englund abcint ietognition before as census cone.' l missioner, and there is a shrewd guess As 1st. The EcumenicaCenference that this latest plum is intended to get to which hs goes as delegate, does not him Out of the way as a probable d3ii- open till September 4, and Mr. Hen- :gerous :candidate for a Grit nomination ; derson will spend the Interval visiting for .either the local or Dominion "I: friends' There -died at Selningville, last Fri - late Mr. Strachan received the appoint- ment despite the refusal of the execti- the proprietor of the Grand. Central, at the age of 00 years 11.8(110 months. tive to recommend him, and it is no She had had paralytic stroke on the reflection on Mr. Gantt to say thaU previous night, and died from its -: there were -others among the twenty .applicants who had strong than he,-Goderich Sar. claims Atee,ffe1eten4qc s .n ':1 tt. •,'^ :,t , ..1 yirerllne,reneet q.1p1 . ete•t h. 1 0 • :04 ir telegaphy. rceee tee gentne Fn 141: 44sttera. Saltaty bead. CannOen, t 4d12 be min; Win 1,tie Er *1 4441 rehaeof tneteaenemreem emkaty G E BATH OF THEORAN. t s .1r „ p"f-r el•4t lc, trenmeel to the croominr; tIont tun ofNareeekt ly rens t,oreit ; : S i t - sisttet:4ia 1,*12se1u lIy 1-ep t 4 n . e ' . s et4ix41 V.1441CIve tan 1 tmhywrel1thethrough ble oWn 14018l it 144 RectlyVac lar1pei.22 litc11 NxItne!to the ieene sf Maniere 14 their Vnyanoi ;1174r(Will the Vsesan orange le .yonlteeniary10eant tine Wert E4V4allYe. 1;1111t1 Pi* clls 442) 11' lymint essre, tfithe frolpdaahf neleal cud the mystery of growth not r tatiE119111eatbe zeleean 81S4 842d cotarent tbsap 1'144(1 Stal:. nal Lae teeteeiteanmainatinwht ,a ehauge *141108 place, The elan 141314. I1V 111 111Wc1 C10Fe10 the pulp dilldgives off 4 14144„ , t 4 gai1Ldig, :401sum, tbat wawasweatingtt n:id ifelle e u 400'1 ) 1', 141'1 Ate am walere thefruitee paeneat *nee. Lint l. , . : .r•1e t4i411a4.1 1 I h- annealte 42 etewn to 1111 .0 4.-1:1 -rr d Id 4-13 -414 le nahl to us et v. 1 tatted. The atesten is 44 8 4e31 I1Er 1n1eleEr r stoete tMaua tkest,n'y nie 117 111411t4'414 hi ninth 1 ele • 44 Fm gam. ei4qcts4sti4.^es L:4 tgus/ 3.t1. Nt; tit 1 I (*11 Iloitiay, IU 't. Mire Me1;4* ('112)404(47, vain Inte event et nn1:1110 visiting her ignite in Vior 2et11it, IVel)tucly. where -L1e will 14124 v 11 ef4.-9-cr:a, trsar- (4 114 44/70241)12 82 tie h-geative Aeenenly es Ile. et t Ierriteris is Nene 11 i1"1,4i)hh, intl( r, Ms linbeSmith, St. Marys. itu Telnte e'ity council Iefole atl- tenniug te the manner holidays, ex:ntut en interin. appropriatieof tnt 41seeption committee of er Oneof the bestknownandmost highly respected pioneers of Downie, 1 pnssecl away on Tuesday, in the per - Mess's. S. Martin, R. S. Box and son of Mr, James Armstrong, at the T. T. Garner, left St. Marys, last week advanced age of 78 years and 11 on a six weeks trip to California and months.' Mr. Arnistrong bad been in the Pacific coast. • delicate health for some time and bis Mr. Robert McLanen, of Mitchell, death was not altogether unexpected. 'went to tbe Stratford races and got There died of typhoid fever at the drunk, and his little scapade cost Stratford hospital, Thursday, Mr. bine something over $7 at the Police John Jantes Wivell, of the Gore of Court, Thursday. - Downie, at the age of 33 years and 3 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hord, of Mite months. Mr. Wivell was it bigbly chell, sailedfrom Montreal, on Saner- respected young farmer, and his death day morning, and. Mr. Thos. Lain will cause sorrow* to many friends in the county. He leaves it wife, (nee, Miss Porter,) and two children. ' John A. MacVannell, Ph. D., for- merly of St. Marys, lecturer in Phil- osophy at Colanibia theiversity, was united in marriage with Miss Adeline Lindsay, B. A., on July 4, at1.80p. m. The wedding took place at the resi- dence of the bride's father, John Lind- say, St. Marys, They will make their future home in New York. There died at Dauphin, Manitoba', on Rine 27, 1001, Sarah K., -wife of James Shand. The deceased lady was formerly a resident of St. Marys, and and Mr. Jas. Scott, of Htbhert, an Mr, Jas. Smith, of Moncrieff, go by the same boat to Glasgow. Dr. Douglas Stanley and his brother, Vincent ,O, Stanley, St. Marys, left on 1VIonda.y for 0a1gary, N. W, T. The young men will probably make their hoines in the West. They will be accompanied as far as Winnipeg by Mr, Paul Harding, who goes to veeirlati'nfster at Selkirk, Man. Leaely Monday morning Otto Scho, aged fifty- years, a resident of. Water- loo, committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn. Schp was a Stone- mason by trade encl fairly well-to-do. removed. to Dauphin about IS years He was a member of the K. 0. T, M. age. mos. seance and citrried eri insurance of $2,000. was the second daughter of Mr. Tilos, Iredale, for- Someslight doneestic trouble bad 'teeny 0e,st, Marys, and et one time Mayor of the town. D. D. G. M. Memo, of Auburn, Dr. W, Dann, of Granton. Mr. W. E. Rand, of Clinton, d local Masons, met at the Windsor hotel, Stratford, last week, with a view to wrangles an excursion 'to the Pan-American for a date in the 44e420 future. This would. include tho Smith Huron TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY division excursionsin being e fr° 'rake Laxat Peones Quinineif Tablets. All Godet from Parkhill, frornBadenn: druenistt eefund the money:It taus to cure • en tv, reve't signature 19 on each bottle. and te It g in Hensall and Blyth. occurred, but had been amicably '.ettlecl a few days ago. He leaves a Wife and one child. Coroner Webb,. ' -weenotified, and a fury -after exarnins itig a -number ..of witnesses, returned' this yerclicle--Tnat deceased came to death by lile-own hands while tem- -, pontrily. insane, et....reen '''-e--"enntrnetastnert• eteo zonerucnne Xd011TallR • first- these dust stained teavelers must bath. Ike leisirel, if only Ude were the land fir the good old burdiel basket, the noveomers nre dunned -111t0 long, narrow tank of water at one end of whieh Is it big wheel with it tire of soft bristles. The wheel revtalves .so that the lower edge works in connection with another set of brushes in a small- -- er tank; below, and the oranges, after labing about In the hig tank, pass be- tween the wet brushes and come out bright ,and clean. 4 This washer Is a neat machine and does away with the more primitive yet I Picturesque method of hand washing. At some of the smaller packing- houses may still be seen groups of wo- men,sometimes white, sometimes 1:brown skinned, each with it tub of '*ra- ter and brush, scrubbing busily away !at the yellow piles that never :seem to I grow less till tile last hour of the day. After their bath the -Oraegee are * spread out in the sun to dry on long, slanting racks. 2tt the lower end they is delightful in its simplicity. In -clear* 4 in Satieley . wine. 40. damn; atet * the sina eree'm ltdratele, !net he and 1151; a1•50• 111," statitwil gleee window, painttal the person grann, , yellow, purple, 1.1.01e and violet, 811 141 thirty nainutt-e. Tito chameleon wasn't, one -two - ire.% in this exhibition of 111415,115511' ell,olges., writes l'harlie ("Warner in' Tortattu .Star. The reverend gentleman duchee2. dodged and doubled, sank. into his collar .ae, a reed turtle draws into his - shell, or so-eel:4(11 neck to the': limit. He sierierit und •expanded, shortened anal lieleittentel, Ilia below the pulpit. Strati 1,4;i74". refuge under ine, iplifted notes. Ilut it 'wag all in vaht, he sun iiialsa'd hint, ran Lint doW11.,} ,,41/1 ...7;14.0.t.% all 4,2-.1' lai;:aa, lle raited tee naiad to lawn alitentia, end It 1I'444)4 14122, -14;e. 11%. ttpolve of .- 1 -leavens mon moveal me till hie eyee ebonst with a grO."12;,•h* Innuttural ort, warned eq. hlls owl seared' he Ittreed roetel purele. 11141 lyed in drab. l'o? hal wore mt, has secondly he too.: t 071 violet. Vor 1:2,5 thirdly and finally brethren., he ws.s a brilliant red. Ile,; pronourarel the nenediet ion gIorlotta in a lanto 44 all the tints et the ram - tow. The 008444111 (4. tee solunno, „ " teed tile tenor, even the organ- ist, thauged from glory to glory. ' It ryas rt picturesque evening. SPECIAI, Fit()M NEWCASTLK ONT. Ne w east le, 3 nly 18th, - Mr. Tit mi. Hays is again a well man, and $aye. “Ae one. who for ten years buffeeed from Asthma. I recommend Venue, - bosom. as a positively sure cure ; three 4 bath% cured 1W perfectly." ( 'atm bozone has never yet failed. Even eases of twenty years standing that baffled the skill of specialists have been cured Catarrhozone. It cures by inhalation, pleasant to use no den - ger or tisk. The worst cases of Asth- ma ran be cured by Catarthozoue in two to five weeks. Instant relief told ult inert° cure guaranteed if Oaten 'gazette Is used. Give it a trial Price $1..(1) ; mall size 25e, Drug Wets, or Poison & Kingston, Ont. •.,,,os,ftwoonowoo.00000nroo.0o.oro ‘,..vo**.otrAmoto-mo the lightship, and the rest is easy. In , to the warehouse for their rest. ALL the cloudy or foggy weather which pre- An orange needs it deal of grooming, 1 veils in those parts the situation is some- i It would seem, before it is ready for what more complex. Vessels aro to he market. The washing; was not enceign. fitted with wireless telegraph instal.: There must be a brushing too. And ments, and these trill record as soon RS after the days of curing the oranges they come within the zone of influence are fed into a hopper mhich drops them surrounding the apparatus on the light - single file on to a belt that runs be - ship. It will then be comparatively easy tween revolving cylindrical brushes, to establish communication from ship to shin, 1412(1 80 on to the mainland. this for a smooth, shiny look. Arrangements to establish the appa- ratus on board the lightship have already ; wenther the ship can be made out from, roll off into boxes, to be curled away been alma° with the gOeernment, which heartily approves of the project. The work is to be•pushed forward as rapidly as possible, and it inay be in working or- der on or before July 1, The only possi- bilities of the defeat of the plan lie in the facts that as yet 43 miles is quite a long stretch over which to send wireless mes- sages and that the pitching and tossing - of the lightship, which are considerable, may prove a serious obstacle. However, most experts believe that the plan will be very successful. The advantages of the system are ob- vious. Incoming vessels will no longer have to deviate from their course to re- port at Fire island. The news of the ar- rival of the -vessel will reach New York about 13 hours earlier on an everage, enabling those who expect passengers and merchants who await goods to make arrangements for their reception. Per- sons living hundreds of miles from New York can be informed in time to reach the pier before the vessel arrives. To outward bound- vessels the advan- tages to be gained are almost if not quite as greet. leer instance,. they can iearn what has occurred since their departure from New York many hours before. There are many other goo.d results to be derived should the plan proee successful. Mariners are enthusiastic over the pro• posed method. The 'New York manager of the great Hamburg -American. line says: "The establishment of this station realizes .for nie a hope long entertaiaed. It marks an epoch' in mashie repOiiing and will revolutionize the whole 'system as it exists at present. I feel sere that every steamship company and, captain will hail with delight the opening of the station on Nantucket shoals." Economical Royalty. The king of Italy as a boy was not al- lowed moch pocket money. It was 'wets. sary for his father to exercise the ut- most economy. One day the present king when quite a lad Astonished hie mother by asking her now muck it silk diens Would cost. 'Shesteld hint, whereupon- he said "'1 haven't quite so much as that; but YOu'll let me go alone some mornng I elrietk 1 ean go lo some shop where they won't know tne eud get one. I Want to iv geWis Itow Piccadilly Was Named. It's euriOns how the names of towns and streets come from something that has been -the fashion of the day. Who knows where the word "Piccadilly" originated from, the name of that won- derful street of which it is written that "some make love and some make poetry in Plecaclill?" The street was built by a tailor named Iliggins whose fortune was made in a kind of collar called Piccadel or Pickadill or Picea- dilley, which was worn by all the beaus of the deg. Of course It is not meant that the street as It stands today was built by him, but he erected a few houses to which be gave the name the street now bears. • A Thoronehbred. Don't be a thorongbbred. A thorn ougbbred • is well enough in cattle Add bogs, but very disgnsting among men. for tbe'reason that among melt a tiler oughbred means a man who devotes too mneb time to haviog fun, to being a good fellow. Make a specinny of re- liability, in.dustry, fairness. Make your specialty -a worthy- one. Instead of seeing how late you can stay out- at nigbt go -to:bed at regular hours: Sleep will do you more good time a good ti=me. - There is no better man than tbe good citizen, the good leisbabdenhe good father, the good son. A thorbugli- bred is.neyer noted in these directions. , Blade n. er ()Ise. The honeymoon wee over, and they were comfortably settled in their snug little home. Ile husband, returning from business, MIS grieved to find bis little wife crying bitterly. . "Ob, George," she sobbed. "a dread- ful thing bas happened! 1 bad euade you (4 beautiful pie by myself, .aud ed lo went and ate it" •- • • "Teen, never mind, my dear," he said` cheerfully. "We can exalts.' atied- we- islecatthettiit tL amfnurabbyse BE.". er 0004 ether doge'-flxchange. Do this illus.. trate your ex:1)01.i- en c e? And are you wor- ried for are soon to bebald?youald Then cease wonr-y- ing, for help is at hand. You need something that will put new life into the hair bulbs. .You need a food, hair f. such a s tj It brings healthto the hair, and the fall- ing ceases. , It always restores color to gray hair. You need not look at thirty as if you were fifty, for your gray ha.ir may have again all the dark, rich color of youth. $1.00 a bottle. Aid draggists. "1 am a barber by trade and baTn bad a great deal to do with your Hair Vigor. I ba-ro found that it will do everpthhw that you claim for it. it has given rxio the.most complete satisfaotion In nay busi- ness," lazsay 3. Glconan, • Vat& 22,180a. Raneas City, . - Write the Ellector. , 'film do nOt Obtain an tbo benefits ri41 expected from the use of the Vigor, write the Doctor about it. Address, Da, J. 0. ATER. ; Lowell,Mass. s WAIng Shoes. 'Sovereign " shoes for ladies' walking wear are good shoes. Made with heavy flexible welt soles -easy as a glove, beautiful in 4-esign and perfect in fit. World Cantons Puritan KW uppers, patent leather tips, double thick welt soles, Senn). $e. eo ; rubber heels, $34.N$ los'eSm4a.crt1.0e. in Empire Calf. Uppers sewn with silk, sole Atit pure linen. Mae and evoreen's te7e.nn, See and $4.00, ner pair. See that they are stamped "SoveRQDgn ONe." . E .EN tt. .- e- it' 1.f,: 11, Tn. ODD ENGeleen Deeenteelnene ti ,le.71.e.. te; ace -Pete -ante in tl leen! Intosetnit 4.1-61144'.l ea 1 he tdoir ;Tattles dliveltatit Lives in it Mae - Tree in lintiiion WOWS. MUM' V4110 have seen 1.1...• as it grows in Englanii ltnow that its branchee -curve downward tune they trail on the grourel, forming a Lied -of inverted cop. The foliage is so thick: that Pena tie. inside Irerally ray of leght. cain lee seen,. In this etrange.J.borlo, liesiden Woods, end es frae. 4.!`4 lise leant of tlao Beecham. All possibi, nen, roof of Iti. wooilland dwelling leeet been stopped wlth welling, and not a flap wa- ter cotas tiaron!..z,b. er,,,n in the heall.• cbt rain. dames ia.49 Urea there for six :0";..,arS. and Ise hor,?:, to die there. hicearaviiile he trainee a Ineing s, V.7411A111..„ IL:velum has a neighi,or. whose life 114 4V- Sialple his. a enter - man. ;end 35 Only It9 "Dola- by." This fellow Pavse in a, rock cave hast aLove seetenre near Con- way Bay. Ile lireisr by making nets and lobster pine, he lakes int() town to ii•11, hut never taking more than is neeeseary to Pliett sale. Pro1:a3:1y the melee* tinvv, *add creatures is an old limn native' Fer- gus. Who live:: -on the open moor- land. of Droclit.", in Ayrshire, Scot- lar,d. Ire roams antra 'the moorland with the heather for his bed, eaul the shy ae his counterpane. In the win- ter lie sleeps beneath bowlders, or in bireh copses. His etelie is his faith- ful tentipanion, and lie lives by enar- iirg hares and by trotting. lie is it knitter, and he talakes nearly all his . own clothing. London's Progress, It is curious to look back and re- - call fact 1 -bat it nem not until 1823 that estbs began to ply for hire In the London streets, says a corm- ! pendent. Prior to that lime the great thoroughfares were obstructed in all parts of the town bv toll- : gates. Six years later omnibuses began to run. In 11338 the first rail- , way train from London to Binning- . ham steamed -out of Euston station. Pour years later the Thames tunnel was completed. The old Houses of Parliament were burned down in 1834,, and the present magnificent - pile was not completed u4tn. 1857_ The notorious Fleet Prison was 1 standing until 1E145. Only in 1862 Parliament passed an act for the for- mation of the Thames Embankment. dei'..st leer% steov-Alistr f..eys ; Liberan by a ))I -44.41'n y ; trree rotes , the ha, itAtt• f.-; the IP; e Lunacy 1:44.1V neform. It is to be hoped (says the "ng- lish Law Journal") that the Lord Chancellor's Lunacy Bill will be placed on the Statute-boolc this sea- son. The measure has now been be- fore Parliament for four or five years. Its provisions are not com- plicated, and there ought to be no great difficulty in the way of soften- ing clown such of them as are con- sidered controversial, so as to ensure the passing of the bill. The two most important of' the proposed amendments of the lunacy Iaw are 1 the clauses cutting down. the dilata- tion of urgency order's from seven days to four, and transferring to the Maters the first instance jurisdiction of e Lords Justice. or, cerara3inMenyrnlc.rdietS to lossramice nat:t crass roaceings in dining room, drawing 444211, lost room or bail Liam everywhere, Alado ur IMPERIAL 01L40, 11-1E TAILOR . who makes 41 1' suit you or - der heie 1*111 make it vigil -t- hee put out:rue colleen:Mena- work. into every ditch. That will insure its durIbility. We taw Some Barualns in seasonab:e suithigs that we'd like to close out. 1."on can save a few dollars :Met as well as not, J. ;Grieve. MERCHANT TAILOR EXETER. 'Headquarters For and. Quality 141 the }terse. D yspepsia Cure. The farmer tannot afford to raise. -te common horse or it small horse. Blood and Nerve Tonic The ra.nclunan can raise small horses, Storiatch and Liver Pills because they are ;the easient to reign Iron Blood Pills the hardieet and shiftiest ancl• because Liver .,and Kidney Palls he can sell there. cheap and still make e money. But as a business proposi- Kidney Mix tut tion for him the small horse is be- Sciatica Remedy hind the larger one too. He can wed Sarsaparilla does raise and market a 15 hand cough Mixture horse, good shape and soend, for • Cholera:- and Diarrhea Mix-- less thrteethe grain it costs a farmer to raise ong of the kind. . A farmer tore -- who does not enpect to raise a big- blain -Lotion. ger horse than that Wihl nine times Try aey ;of these preparations and/ out of ten make moiney by keePing you will be astonisbed attheir nonder, the service fee in his pocket and put- ful healing and curing propertien. ting his feed lin o A' National something else, Full line- of Patent Medicines on Stockinan• hand. Sp -arrows' Neste in a moot. In the face of the clock of the Par- ish Church of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green, London, are two small holes, which from the paveneent do not ap- pear large enough to admit even a tiny bird. Yet these atpertures have been. chosen by sparrows as meting places, and the Wale can be frequent- ly seen flying to and from theii. strange abode. Tise • opera -tions of the sparrows do not appear to have affected the ,titile-keeping -accuracy 01 the ciock. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES ei BROWNING; Doublet Laboratoru