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Exeter Times, 1901-6-27, Page 8
' 1,33.:•< ".""rel."1".n4'4. A • xete # CRSI-1 OR PRODUGE., - 0 ,fk,14,FAIRIO' f11.01_, - • < .1..4.1 ; A ;.f re showing the greatest lines 41.. t orteo 'sets . at trStt ak to ASH always has and always' will poinmand .the-:`JOWest riLLL, price. That's where the sating comes in, 'Cash: at both enls. We buy for cash sand .sell, or v juni ntiiildix,, top J R Hot Weather and Nds ,41 adies' Cotton Vests, short sleeves _ i Don't swelter in your tWinter sant pure white, fine quality, S for . 41e'7:, when Ye% enn dreSS emilimdtzotnia fortabie-,,an1. at ptice.sAlult-"mirti Extra value in paa•asols, large size -, - Pleaso steel. rod, cover goat aateed not ', to fade, fancy bandies. wticial 1.09: Wu s soolmer enkt and. vest. ilt140 c fine check, rotors cnatranteed to, Ladies' white lawn shirt waists, tucked or plain back insertion and tucked fronts., band or /atm - dried cnif, extra- good- quality. 116 11 • - • ' -Si nu „. , ; t,len's.coat and vest" oey" stripe, extra gond r-dur. and, only. ; very special, . , , .., en'a black Lustre c‘Nats. al ways 4: nice and dress,y,, anti :Al coal, % • ' • $1.2-7).: $l,rin and*l..75. en's',Siraw Rats, tin- new :anti, , dies" Welt lawn shirt waists. nice fine rituality; these are rough below the regular value, extra at Olc ti pa.irs. on iy .51isses' Dongola kid Oxfords. sizes 11 to I, worth Sil, ' .. . . • . . . 00, and 1 1.,:i, clearing at, f• -)0o genWligbt-weigh4- fell Inps, -N991 , and noby• /mom* blItiri-,s. gery$ r Two pieces Eramine Royitle Mos:, tylish effects. , Wet, iiic.andl,91,;(13: Hos; navy ground, fancy effects. beautiful goods for a, cool dress ' Mert's colored shiris, all the new or waist, only 15e. effects, in dark and /COI,. lalua.•,$, ' slylislt„ goods ' "fCle and */..(1) ancy figured black Grenadine. , ----7----"' very stylish goods,. Otte the cer. ' : N sPecii4A Uett", 111:iitic )".ut-i tith' wet thing for a, nobby dress or °' --,.tefttort, 'sex, er,.314s3 `0-trant-eed. waist, 37, Oaring' at , . ' '- ,,.2 tatirs'for 25c . , -,-, 1 ..., -- ".", '.: : • T Below we tYive a partial list at speeiid of goot:s we are showing, marl are suftable for but Weather' and holiday. ttde Your dine will be, well spent in reading oyer the ave you seen ,the, Erect Form, style ia,„ the 11103t per- feet'fitting.eorset in the market to -day riee $1.00. Observe the cuts 7; 1 `,• "h. • ,t1 .; f6110Wing liStS • or Bert alg8 Boys Browne evil ails, made of good (want). hue nit% simpendert,..; We art,... Geld that We llaVe the: most stylish up-tO-datte attached from --•- tz 'eari spcial 0,470odS itt. town, wipes ruio'br, from 506 to $9.25. Don't fad A t Boy's catort tweed rants. gr„Oort' liatterns,'" r • - - per ptur 4 to see ours before milli% your4itirehase 1 - very durable, just the tbinfl f4.71. wk'ar tlur. : , I FUJI 1,1116 ol Lagics' lionc 136ttGr ing the htilidays, from 4 to r2; Tears, • Specral per pair ; — — WFkfil7r"ff.ofiZ8, Boy'•s pure silk. lcA;lindsor Ties; all shades, fringed ends, beauti= Miter had larg-er '04;10s in these goods than ,this 4 • Sul patterns, the retnzlar0 -cent kilv"., for 26 i3oy s heavy ribbed, fast blaQk cotton hose; a great snap, two SO 0 TED purl for •a •'• * • • • Boy's e.s.tra. heavy fibbed fast -black, iron,clad cotton • Huse, -- wonderful weaibri,:°a 'barhain per pair .... - 13437*.$ ‘e'001 Sm. eaters." gbqd -quality, varinns colors, with white stripkt, a great line for iffeat, special - Bos Knieker Pants, made Ar b•trong tweed, �d Are you going travelling,t!, We have nil sizes of sh4dgs are0 s 77:1 Trunks, Valisa.,.T*.)ellinfs..aaw an& Telescopes. , re Ali* ieeni per pound 6 Sko 1.. gt'.0 ,. • , 8TEAN i8HIFT--1)NifkleiT8 `00p11:4iaitity, .4,:toprl&if„'",\Vits1;iruil ' touliwliitia•L:twa fiht ,WatstA,:* +++ f or matriage Iicenses,, , , - 12 ' a 4? i attAigti ittliN 1.1•741I LIRNI 441.4•444., tt, vrhite gtotio.ls colored (1 I „ Yot111 Pil.iranting.bi'tew now ay -tides furn.iihrer 4 41'" Wedding fftV't, t:h6ti:Ll• , 1 . • ' up C 6and,:ebaalgethe alearaneo �t thing in general 5;1: atUti ..".41 BliA4 Itti4 Whi0 41a6Vil, §44,7,4 WhIWIAiMn'tgilit'ANIStif 1, around your houses Vo. havejust ,the articles -required, .1: THE MART. Y wat kia ovd814' „ • Welted latek and' Croat 'and - and aro always ready,to show"-go'ocls, cal tuvi sq lovelv terabit, great vilne-Trir- • - • - t + , ' --• -able for nim,Irrang, au& vorrt.. %MA+ ;:j • To Have • 4:4•44-14++++++44++4•••X'il,'I•14+„,-14+4" 'GIMP Oottes•O'191/at-, Etc scarce ,godds, spiendt • trittunetrwitit 0111*(4%307s 0•0 7 C. • 1 TAXOK,*: Lovely; Olandie , • " d ' Bdroom-Sets ootihthes— Inewt,AtAipe hq§-, 0 - 'Waists, tacked, 41, .„ ft... „. Watch Repairing a Suecia,ltffl. unighta flatterntont varipptim imadies bbickiMercentzr -bateeu , • 4: , •, wbat tire business man •arwas hinit °Lag. fi•A46110,,,itttr ,0•11 „ : " •- „ ' • self. a „„ rtfe4„trpecati ,„ brne-, • •,•It.odtriort "Ohl, • Parlor Suites . a • t " • POF:vtitnR 112Vf11.1.4r64' ''eftisftruatt,;:!. • att „ a ca. , • • • " • '7. t " is thie bushaesS --of".ours" fdis,13.Wade Sbit1134.,:1:4tikr,;80,nd4re ""r• 11;48 ° if • •L Ntt r „ . " Miss Edith Gidleyt visitealilieevannt, • "•''. P., • 4. • tta ^ a •• • N'V' fit" " • -whi.at,.inaiteei. vi, ' t6. '711,3&,', 0 b -e, ,, Alex,,,,,,,,xt2Neviro, otio,v,notununi.: win*. • 11,11 , , •• 1...1L:i 41 i ii,Ltz,11 ::t7C.r. d tIC .I tat . • 1,1' It.'.91,'74,7? , AI t ' t l ' "''.1" f' 1 ' ' ' :'ll'ill tri • • r . • 4 li .1 ...W. /../-ti Pi it., •, ,- .-• 1.'0 t "•.. c.,....1., ,gq,„q•241., . , : . , , . 7-171r-7•17", --.7,,r171717-3177 ' ;„ -Ina' 4 „„, ...,...rr ,:. •- . ..• 1,,•,,r..... .4,, Ipm.4 ltveiu stock everittbingdn die- ;iv •ist 13•,:i n'....f".:1 .• tq -.ltd.: a: al. ..„._.,„. „„, /.,•,. .3. ..1010-nrat.71t leant .11 I. .4:a.t ,,..„f . . „ , a , a ,a,.•11.,a a . . '3 ,pti.„,,,er, ,• . • , , : , • ---4----- visitedituvrilrt•Te:a -Eyes .nn Ittee4av; •.,• kti,:ff r,,,,,ii ..:11.t.,pr.‘,3,ii13,..14411 I "dtiiilt,t7rmIlde•*''''.,ci'lit' 15 drid •:1.)011 _ ., -,, .' E:, , a<,. <<: , ,, eVellitigiOtirti 4::, 46.41:14:1-4M1 A..-rlia.1111131,1‘194"At.tt kr ,•'?,,,r5rt lintrti 7,11 f; 'tit:fiat: r ?lit 111 040 110 1.1011...',4..")f.11 , ''.• "'"-8.411stolowillibe dot& ortillkiddY, tOr, A Italia Pfti no pniet attreittvti-ittttrra*-..... ..ttrn+ern•-:ta•rott...--r. 6.4- ft. 4.alartall AllTh i a -t „,gapvinctiees,„•,,.,; US. KPI.PPii"1011 V' Ot 4.10 -ill" / . -Si , : .,• al..,.,7:•„, ,. i , u 1$7.041ZS$ .11,17,17;11,', : f„,tf18$3113 ItSit:)1.11t, itc Clan re:, 0., tviltP11.3q # 10.1:0Pan•Mg.q1atl-ta" P%1114r1 '9, al...• vi'.?:PP. at g1 1%/5,e4 ir,,,, •,,......•••.. 2 ii ASV *Ai; .11'* 1 ••• " r •in .4, 411 4 44 . 111-f et gar ing, .Rai (II t.Pass). le, hQ IA a Oft Orr :rho. oflo'pirtps--Lt FAL L.1.14444 -ES tattara•f mil' aNiCaTaki Aa W•No ; h t, at. ' Bp -olio -10u ,ti). 11.1v21')" 014 • aytatl 1 tn, 4 ,f1, ..gerpentiy,ecomegys a-tc.:ebelat. in trnettioree.OuidaYerainOM ltiP• old frie „cit. fit ..as aa•-•-t;tetay, atn In Cl,yetlkese„pcip411 tis .i3own, at j1o.u, r41,4,411e• intplirsgp? vIke A ,k1,1 4 .4 '1 ti ' — , t4,1 1..zttl tilly t;;..ta.t .ixrifyiaftli;../r.tta• an: -a; _ . tatlatfa•....4 P •'- 11.04"1 `Statiotiery Lne:--newest"in -Note, Rev. P."'Ild1-4rW;l'Isr."-Mtliiskiltk. • .0.1),.GAN5DDEs 47:1.0 t a tt 1" t. .4., 4. I 'a (1c1.11;(14"*611fartiale'441"*"14144htAIP n- me -N/-6 '-r-,aratoTlivem Ctorriptoto .. pnl.?tf -,“ 4nglisb.audokioninan Peoarritacl.' DA4tril•NYlp.ir., Inf,(A, 41-Nuhiri littz, 1whit wtrift truftli iloY:' Ali ,,u 1.tia 'telta Int tr too lovalk" 3 . ' • I ..i'I "a/tat DirecItots.:,,,!.'. 1. / , r.,0;,.;..,14,, vil,fq ,..d,, -/-1• "-arid •wot 1- -dui" , ,n, ;1-..., , ,, '1 , . . .. . •: 41 0.: a.ala,tia .4.,,a, •,•!. ...,t :a . - •• • ....:1 :4;7: aul•:-; ,t l'31•11'W" ••).air nosB,t ..• • ... -, . 1.25n3.9vs!an,7114,)go,.(3 Thasevgoods are linoldevatti•Rtri,okely, ti'lanne si84 .,r -;,,i, •...;t„;,..4" ;/ ` ,..f ;,,,.; OS ,,'In'•1*. 75,,',.,. . , rrenell °114z141'''' ' '' '1'1' '' "" ''''''''' ti '`"1,7".iinfolgofisit -.tit'li LI•r. •-„, - . : 1, 1 VT. a- - .' dfl 4ofrA ova • ril=l1 .7.I.•••• ---t." a ' , , t , a • , . . • • : **,'7.1., it;:f Argi • Facto the Conservatory _of:!Mosic rth IE 0-741 t --I4 T„`e-Prierfill '1,18tagb r ttdAyt burn a 4,n,,„ taw •. ll'oR• ! ail a* ,) .6titctnet._ .„ • .§v :17 In.ta .ra/111;,1-) tarttI;p17ii tottrc, 1.E.,„?. elver 113 .14.4(rt '173.t; n•,11. Hu twoccetton,4019,atavashorre4407./.4:61:-..e. at and neat sit!' ' • " 4'1'4 -t and', tntuo ••• . I .tan , --por GOtiDS;40ieztlAgt. JiiES'gkle-17„; Dalt° green,11911$ firma teveg.thtils "„,sprokim t • 741rara 'tag 11144,11cM :e4 1.11.t.tl I 4 AA. taturtbanvi- J• .I.31 • - - , • fix the potato bugs. -;" 1 Dr. -Rellitts--13-as--been letorifr il!,15L-uatrir"VilecfetTiVitreir .'• 1t5 hospitalktarlierldonolnierju'ig. the pas% zggfillAig° tt a I on6.411g ar14-rtt, eft( bala-to 1° • safest an e eapest ()off' on -- - .r.31 Leon „ritiliffola te 40.14, .1117 r essiecaal 414 Pkib.Yg GaIR14.EL tb› so.,(33ottaidsttgolingauT/Eve fib We% _ L 71 LBW "an Niarr6a.s- **F. . air.f..11* 4.64: EV.*4....).1a lasesteisUctigpsklq pid,,Avaat ett. msgeor.lit/4/4,44,0 .44,1,111,metita •,,ex.ga/ 7,..int.turtAltI§PAKEttalf 50107 • .A.Tel. ,g6.184 „ +ark on th ktai dstrIt-rra -Wird Iitt 'XfOli • .• 0 a 4.„ . otaftSkIgft or ie. a/11km naedvIggistatits emcriL-- ..,114 nu .40" sl •54--Wors irolYaVer,tnitir-nra esTfite,AlorcrusaTiottaorelDetruit'otritla ur- -44.4.3tAynoeoltellit•natirrlicilklbia,.11tift14nctil IfaeanarscattaitifIllihT, It"Seotheakft Ertfs 'Alia"-V*IbtaVat."CTEr C4:41-3"469if lEng dozen persons fromArgtekandqTalle ena 'and a'snlo3•110 e;:••••Vr Lal tire party_snunb,,•,-pd Slightly over 300l Pers° tifteM,..Tt_007/7 r h ftd, Llpv:Aelel $ -higa .tkilinuts% N. Y., " MI? antelleWolita Jaw PloEtitariigIcrispgaIiPtinezettu= eas lartlifattat oat shltrift ot stf "AsatlIalti•nszolgatithroctroutmllazeuel met tehmesc of the---sualp. a.nd. dand uffr . andvatn„degonitillosing for ark% hair, mien, In3j3r..f/A•71Katv,_,,Anaic. j 50 FettiClia-ki%e "911 -16ffiris stare f -;ADY,FAV-P,ISERS. 1 to 31/71 "Tsl 'II, -.--i- Osumi .13%- /Inn • aallydopyiddrinnhanget ntalgitf if `:!$) •ast rat IlutetrabbAu-Dimasiblyno0ont4• ua, ::•ta-t-tbwattAttvitispulain49A/agetptie skri40 ,te...1"bwoktroduesdrov ofiemtweektuino ,a7tr.m • VbT1.11J-7..'4.P4A-zglu-Nr 40 Jolt al add/ /D. aeon -to 4. Ira t4.I 4.10St a .4174,atti„.atti.tael SIT; ..:,,R.-'4...M4,71.rda"..7Mbvreq -,Anelo _nubs, .1 •4(14 n't11,11 xej,krsiotIfftset .6ia,tEluifiThirti,64 011 .0471 11 td l44;.11 uh! '.°41I8alt°611g'illealrIti4rtigViitSre or ,zuctwo.,,,ww,r04q, Avitsc. , Tifel-taifilPhatre;t116--tg5,ffignitt.,If ,eno210W„8.53itaiil fft alitaYfits• 4P.gottl" any of the factonyet% otnalttiltent =AC- E/Flott stallw ban f; have heee-ele'lle-t4lat-all fl'e°rYs krat ludiernitifinbilavomAifitierthhteinsfr 1 11 At!, ..„. . Ii*keit.1"ISMK.r4 i litrtifoff4;•RferCial'ir& tri& -L7/•••); 04 31 /tun apt iv/11,nd ca bawailair tu rattuo.-1 bin P:41 ,11,10,4Sit• 51111R. ,qt:1* .}j.F blot entatotft f.st facrri lain() tt tIr / 13gtettquialtYcgItenPd tinalPh : 41.d, t .1.ustal ...WI 110 wt.., r.0 • .') - 11.11:W ;.. .; .11..sett: . , • • tr ' s ..•ttr Ft Ili 1 noltaaattrn. .natt. Intlw if; •.T.40 t -a -tad ...1 1.n/ ti 1E.31.31 -cf., ;7.4 fell a 1 . inedolapial einatapelmlitgat f•••t% -1,11-1.1a t-tnnat latit,a1 tot } '114 4,3111 „ • . „. „ .„[ •,„,),„r • -8°'T. °Le lo *It Err/41: V.„0▪ .1.1 trt.pb env/ 11 toittt ft ") Th ,J.f 011 tett 114)itt I StE 00Ft EREdT MittitSliNtimpf QpIl3gTr QPr „ . , b • oa ea, t- racer le • ;5..4%4 044Ar • • 'S 11/ l',„pt as.41.... a•di ,Irtal..aaal , 16 414 Irk e 40 i7 m .07910d b,120.11 mit; 'ill”' 9114*it g ,,tro-fr .?1„r oi, fry/. ' hi' too atfa ,110 f.tli .-. "tciqtr'e 'Art1'1!`a 118a 1)844 P1't teC) 11441 I 718il"groae a'ai/c111cr•Art ar-'3133e or(' “a31.177. ad. ,.11 ob Jattit1arid 0`111C` •icar "kvr`}tntt 4'11 .411z vt, 117dra aa1 a affr y..1),A 'annoy,. '14.1) me . • f - ' 3 ' t we a. •i "i"e t?Free' b hit bt ,081.10d.1 .n 9 ritrIT tflrflbl'Itt 'VD 11:;Em11.3. !Ai °I „1:11 hillpf .' ' N;;" ..c-'",:ls .1.1:1;1,1111'.71,0,1.17 . <!, el aril' Having moved our stiMt •tglhp••..Qc1.4kIrrows.B1To4, 1 ,,.1:i1;..ii .4i ,thigisonienufor,ai fuothel,-,continuallE ',Eli pi i4 lidfifo'nAgpl ifit'tti.Itylvittv a . , attarall now Tract ttalrAltA.rrin rirtruaretcvils,b ,,i1 ,,,,ir e•.,„11„,,, 3! ?'s'Liali,'t41,1,"gReb.gfc, hogvz5„ by.L61.1.t,,tegi,l_if p., n„dt.thin_s.„-pr,,c,ftiso,u.:;,,a19,17ck lIfr;77" T ..*13,41 77.7.'03'3 Jon' 'ffrfl`'"'Ilat IMIFT-13"1-, ..torni -3•Iikan3 atutf' .7.1,401 oft --[ alnelhaffrigure::yOunirrillr,beziplegsecia rry eyffry,',-t,:especk...,.''... ,.."' . '' • eh :80D•iosNV.aKTPDr4- a qoar.iithttaitrt•PlitlrAtiPrz, Avate.4.4.9a learn 10she/ 3 talligktIg 4111111i at s sav, s Ghoul they pees Mob to be opepcktaktkegeurstorusts. he f 1 wheat is all headed out al 4 ter on to, Wigs ,t_er..arnbteotert., • '5 q "ac 1." "' "breV itor extenciianainvitatmrpro:out,riurnor.eus wit Mole SW dad ,thitni•el ed '1.5'41,e bio att.,' !4O51rtiold tlAttr.1 -...„17naal 14 '-''atstsi-elthla.tillinVat.lotortattfilors, an those `Who hay:g..spcit mei git .en I' c•tol ',Int pr., rriTi. l' say" no 5t.,:aotat :AO kat, It.ad ,..j.., 114isierys.aelbho.nTistisAn:wagirleiratillOsite;p1fIvitoqs7.4t;c1.14yrtsdi c!tigIat r‘,8.,01:475.6.1it ).seinciLliLog,ilieli'l:tVsc,lotret.:Ipi:5u6linolnittaySt:i floc:fal. 114.4111):11-1',..ct8.azit0Arfrne,tr.Ifilrfig,7,,37.9i.;kiisitiittli'teisa atf;//1....N.4,..4Vr.,..i,Vel,":81.4,10.5k..,.<13,,s8a}tvjloilitl: j8:1:74,17 z•,. „ta....Capar aaealottif v,. dbate1r3k Sili.4iSy Vic);ppit, 'film Tpar4rnr.' '''El6s 'ire, V111.,. ii4litbrkqvieriti 'Tile -'''z'c.,,d1",'S-teeinnrOStotelv-AILAp•pt livitheitrtriatiiti,?-1.Seeigdei'"D? 'lag p.o.m.. .,,,..0„„,,,i, ,..,,,,i, 1,1,1 i ,„ i ,l'ail rzslEfuiVqiicif.1.45167041.4 htlau.liftiNft dr -arm We' &676d§lr‹. erfrvittiotti• i wawif.- fly .--- icpA pa,t1011.:gool./11r100,11.11.„,1,0 wt.;., .-iffic/i1V-Ekertlex141.25; cIdifolotwOi'3Elt yg.......`1". .§eno-taw.p•ytqkalt5g..d yfh.4..e,.,A9d tottal6debfrgandie`s; ‘',6",k&y•thia.,,cis" Alp,,pr rum. bffrac.oittqg -.0 It.,?ii ntgittraitpthi Aurifitt,b7oLinktliptis 4 v,..P. oil giv-y9r) ."Ar",,:,".?"0!, •,?lif -Pg1 e94' ' "' - ' e'Y'.1 41."'C'''IJIIP llq‘mPstl'i° .9fel gla/. lo .4,rt .1,.r ,4.svi ' ''''Ev4t445t"klY Ieteidg. rt'll,t43"Ee:9411;.-s ••Wir ttive..wania*ethenal i, Ara.rti -es 0'1 'Acti;" '''''''''' l'''D 9 '''.'''.9..**1 9•-.C.V3 4 Mrsh is visitinq friends In ff:caV.6` al:7M 8iSifign lootE I:at:tilt.) .41 tle,q. beettalstrteara sti /ea WWII. slirk wag. of Ind mil" '11'•iff1.1# fcrafianr I/ faiLL,••%atig-gryo -1,,6urr.trptOr tiddsteifftto'dk- idttr6Wenitfills ViTNTD.-Young girlitetraito; ge •eral-Isertrsetteak. small famil , i Lonclvmpuinstibiza ;Tellable and a dkra•-eXpterienlaft, „dttpplywlettr-4:3, ginn reeo,.100-11.14111.19bai to .111.XWASATABE avrol.0%.15.00 41111e attid14/103Pnt 17-ctlItt at .3.1.? eh ;Volt aStAgiv10WA.P.--a-21snelIdir ii,sebnoifse, ilatew 13sEiteni • cabengrItagocal plmetcluni roadtcart; 1 tbeialmaWmtknew0TX:dornittsircial tagnittpulatnialtalsmatteit at -4021. seawieg • Tatehing. ,egstpplkailt,00. etraltar0 oEteteartal I ban ,sasy -sol 003; " aillocit ifetaevirvvurfat (irAoxa ver. 0144.---41ASIllgkeAthills fiytt endegla notlic of ":14•441),elr cartpdetintt htveettnfairsr.,a,n'dt ade beirr ,,ithe',1116t ever erheltlid dilmadavandi -rodetlobbial g so • ibeatetitfulaaftontaziwebfkattla. ama uht 111.4 butabv:eirynrai6iivlaoditaianspend-ro, day 4. ess -y? niaw, . 1041 .'"114 jt1-1. ;‘Li 3"c IT4I4)44 14V)40 9 cifir ViglItt. RR , WA .t -710i 18-'9• Ilas been as ociateqlhilaiStle •'-iiiiii!'t ev ,• •::-.1. dli`r u•t"):" 111' 1"'''''''''. ' . ,, .. . • • :; • ' • ' • •••• • • <,.1 01. • • DI! lip Igkel t'''' le 41 d 19g lb/ ••?f, u'i ---14.„6gfreIc 14,,,er'Ekillitderial 6157 VerfAlesdkarlillotkn /3Yettlil6t,'Ieale a.le' .119.451)(1( 1*181111111111111111111: 454 'Fc''''''b 110.blla oT- tlinitilIt, fir r .1 .. 0 , . mina, 6} ---Pd, les ifl Straild'tP(4-tadthfl 11"y liti-Ttlitratt 46f..x iz""4'•r"ifsfN„il''vt-trrlygstplf 'ta4111r1;e: 1,!,: opt,a,tpirtj,,, and ‘..c,sl-itne re hSe. • 3- ",--,,,, nJ, I . tt•Itl '. C''' s -f 1-,60 t 1 •, for .25c C.10,1 l': or, k kil weeks!. , !..... Ladtb% Vg.ct, c. 01.1 esynfrorn .! 5c to •soc.- . Two special ria 0414 0 .10 " l' vryisf, here Lgremdlef ‘t3 asiiN-In Wiii"1111; lines at / for 254)' Allcdep Ittteeas‘ in' general" dry ctils -re 4 ....:,..., , ...:..: ....z4.0.44„ ave e an 'Ida ursion p $1.25 re • ncli0tbroi, ac1;11°)'.9il-•-•'':s'e.til aqII attlE°16°1•Ttttdt,h!cTetlltrolciSrsaeil,,,j.4t.'141.(8 De;,„;t1,,I,;1•;.•;:;1.-; Lit.;1; r14:';:::ei;;::: ;f";P;,vf• it..:.' '11.1:::',:. :. ' ' ' .' -i!Pic.'11 Te rlkIte ;e1TA XagliMull I' 'Tags 4X • „,,,,,,... , t -It ,§ a '444 SPfr-1 ,Le° e' ?It vtt delT'frlf6iiiieatrisi Va'elikh ftlt •ll •-G,Md-,' ,•'' 1' '”; ,"', ": .....,•: ., tteoftdt ele64.0h. 41-1' fe-LCt;s8 m- and 411 enloyed the good t ili"'"*.glitSu 45 1..1-•A'.,,,•,;;., ,,I; 11„ „„; ,,, :I; ,,,,,,,,,,,,i --.., e4M:•!".',17,4:Ligi-pr -' -, • -f.:.• - 16113,,R,,,h8victqa,:tt,TF-T,Fre rtia0:f be It ,..i,:i.l, ,,i• 2 lim --..,1 •,-- -:-,•,•,:,-,:•-•: -4 • tipdrelliefigdll fiVitWeolfts: - F. 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