Exeter Times, 1901-6-27, Page 4=Pr 4 TH111EXETER TIMES The Molsons Bank SEk OLS INVASION g ,CHARTERED BY PARLIAMENT, IS55. Paid up Capital $2.50feette • Reserve land Betel 04the, ;Me JAMES P.TeLIOT, Este, tEEAI lefeneeen Mercy advarteed to good farmers ou their „ sesiteete with one or more endorser at 7 eer nOW RIFLES WERE CAPTURF,D cent. per annum. Exeter Breach Cram evere lawful dee' Iron to a- xu• to 3 P. , lertteluger surprised Their camp, Bet SearieltDAYS, /0 a. in, to p. ; Although They Lost 14 3Ien Hines/ terrent rate.; of interest allowed on deposits. CBURDON. and Woundel ed and 66 eu teeter- DICKSON Se ABLING, N. D. SOLICWOFtS. ItIALVAGElt ell, They Put Vp :t Good Pight- eter, Dee.27th,tee. Lieut. Greenshields Dies of Kitchener's Silence About Water^ Woof Causes Some Fear. ills Wounds. Calendar : for June, 1901 Sneelen's: 2 , 1.0 23. so London, J uxw 25. --.-Lord Kitchener Morennv 3 10 17 24 31 hes as yet sem no report of the TcBSDAY ..... 4 h Itaterkloof misliap. Recent events in WEDNESDAY... 5 12 10 20 Cape Colony seem to prove thae tne Tett 0 is 9 27 Boer levasion ef that country is to loltanAY 7 14 21 es be serious. 'SATURnAte.' 1 15 9') 21) Just Saddling Er. Cratioek, Cape Colony, June .24. - The detachment of the Colordal moment Rifles which was attacked be^ the Boers at Waterittoof. June 20, (wen the Rsh lost 14 mere killed. and wounded and 66 nem were cep - THURSDAY. Jtr.l'sZE 27Tu, 101 tureen,. was pursuing Commaxelant Malan, wilen Gent -eel a:Fitt:Maar sure prisehl the Riflescamp at Water- leloef, while the colonial troope were eaddling up. The fight lasted two Mel a half hours. Ines of etie Wounds. Litman, June 25.-Lienteriaut U. L. tereceishields of the Shropshire is clad front n'ounds rte. ceived iit the war ia South Africa. ITe wee one of the Oxford-Cauibridge teara which defeated the Harvard - 'rale team in the intereational game in jun-. lethe. Cologiit's rrotain.on. Otttiv.•a, • June 25. -The Militia De-, partmeut learns that Capt. J. C. Ogilvy, who served in South Africa, with the Royal Canadian Regiment,. leis Wen posted to a captaincy t lee let Bat t talon Crdo Htianti- to tetet-e only an those munietpalataes erth ithich %low serving 111. I;:n3ePt• thet adept it byb,y-law. The announcement was ramie some . time ago that Cap!, Ogilvy bad re.. Rev. Pr. Polleclo refining Modera- tor of the Pleebytetian Aeeembly, says len ts tn0 of the Seottieb people - about :e7 per cent. of the population- & not now enter the eiturebee. And Seothud Las been held up as an ex- ample of what religious teaching in the echeals aecomplisLes, Dr. Pollock urges vieitation and personal dealing with tbe families. • • Mfley fetnnes lu, Ontario appear to In malt t the imptession that teeent regulatit es adopted by the Ontario Covet eneeet in a c gala to tbe deettue- tien of the Ceddling Moth on apple trees me compulsory upon all pereoPs. These tegulations have been made in aec evince with the proviaious of the Noxioue Insects Act passed in linfo. %US in a leseal option Aet nucl comes an. * Al 4 A Wen- lae leen diecoeereid in the. velvet' rl. e11-1-111111119'''411- la illie faulems Ontatio Ooanent and grant to Scottielt Itegasent. but it was not vemlthe Seutb At lean volunteers says the .11" k-1111"1 t" .41411 batt."111Q13* Mail. The eoltlierse so liherally re. ernaded. with land, awae' in the north, uesnuent. ON' esoesinev, cannot get a foot without performing , -- :settlement duties. Everybody else is The Leatere League. in the same position. We eau all get Provideuo` -, ••• • • • .2 7.0 0 0 0 2 0 tile tante by settling on free grants. Toronto ... ..... .... .0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 'I-7 Two base litte-Cassleen Bruce 2, Bannon. The soldiere have had conferrer] upon Rome runs- Viounahy, Bents. Sacrifice them by special act, and amidst great, hits-Sainte:in. Bemis. Stolen bases- dennustratiOUS of generosity, a prayo; Flournoy. remis.. Iwo on pauseelty ilege which was always open to them Dunide '3, thy Almon 4. Struelz out -By in the peen and which is open as well ' retiode 5, by Altreelt 2. Zeit on bases- t() all the other people in the commun. Provldenee 30, Toronto 4. Time 1.55. ity. The land grant is one of Premier lenpIr-Bunt.e Ross' gold bricks.R.u.B. syra..u6:, .... ....0 o 3. 0 0 0 0 1 0-2 6 4 • 1 • " Montreal .... ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-110 0 Sunday schete work in the Preslin. Batteries -Flaherty and Venial:toe Fells, terian Church in Canada last year dad Menotti') and Wilson. Umpire-Def.:legit- not accomplish all that, 'was exec- Ile. ted of it, and the Rev. John Neil, 1,1„,ufralo •-eel ne e() no ,1 no „f1 2, 1„ no „0 2 ,01, ,12, 7, secretary of the Sabbath School Corn." "11,irtgng yeAllin'aved• leLyeeuestrailiket' mittee, in giving his annual report, . and Clements. tmplre-Lnalnillh • urged the .AssernbIy nembers to do ' Itecurestir 10 00 0 02 0* -5 7 3 their best to bring up to a higher; iiglifiees - Conn Iiin0t11D11hOnli lilaun ?Ina standard the work of the church, ? Steelman. umpire -warner. The statistics show a decline of 1 per National League SCOreS. cent. in attendapce. .A. scheme to set, At Boston- n.n.E. aside men who will look specially after ', Boston Pittsburg 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 6 4 1 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 0-8 13 1 the Sabbath scbool work of the church aatterles-Dineen and Moran: Philippi' is proposed. The statistics show that ' and vaulter. there are 3,044 schools, 189,700 scholarsCit tPrInlialutiw°1'hia-e-0 0 0 0 0 0 r; Rin and 200 teachers, The schools gave; Plilladelehla1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 *-8 11 1 $113.007 for a/1 purposes a the church. I Batterles-Iiailli and Peitz; DugglehY and ! __ McFarland. Russeld.... ale 1 cisnecgrigtfan.'.e.— R.7.1.E. . . 0 0 0 0 3. 0 0 0 0- 1 5 7 — i Philadelphia .. 3 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 *-19 22 0 BRIEFS. -This is an anxious week I arli3datpolga-Z,Illins and Bergen; White for the public school pupils. They; At Bfookirn-- n.nt.R. -write for promotion on Monday, Tues. l Chicago • 0 00 0 0 0 10 0-4. 0 1 day and Wednesday, and entrance Brii)gges:Lifriagn0 fin% 0ingo(e:s-iie/he; on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. and McGuire. -Harry Cornish lost a fine young colt j At New York- RH.E. this -week,- r. and Mrs. SandyLPP•••••••8s897=g IIggvsst Cole's little boy, "Ray," is suffering Batterles-Sudhon and etyma Mathewson from bronchitis.- Mr. and Mis. Wm. and Bowerman. Pridham are taking a course of treat- American League Results. ment at the Preston Springs, -Sandy t BeAtonn"t°12- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-111% Cole raised his barn on Tuesday.- Cleveland 2 0 e 0 0 1 0 0 1-7 3.1 3. Rev. G. 'W. Andrews will preach his t Batteries -Mitchell and Schreckongost : farewell sermon to the Mount Pleas- Moore and Wood. ant people on Sunday next. Be as fol- washington 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0-8 ' 8. 6 lowed bv Rev. Mr. Ferguson. -The Milwaukee . 1 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 0-9 13 2 wire, back check wires, dowel wires, Roy's church and Cromarty congre- Batteries -Lee and Clarke: Hastings, German centre pins, brass pins, rail IlawleY,4.Garviii and Mahoney. hooks, brass bracelets, plates, damp- gations met Monda.y evening to se- At Philadelphia- R.H.E. lect a minister for their churches. Phila. ..4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-5104 er rod nuts, damper sockets and The vote taken 'was not unanimous Chicago .0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3-710 31 screws, shell, brass capstan screws, enough, so it was decided to defer the ajA atteries-Frazer and Powers: Callahan 1 Sugden. brass flange plates and screws, ham - call till they beard a few more appli- At Baltimore- Baum miler wires, fly felt, butt felt, damper cations. Baltimore ..... 4 6 3 0 0 1 0 3 *-17 22 4 felt, hamxaer rail cloth, back Check --.- Detroit ....- .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0- 8 12 4 an catCh felt, thin demper felt, whip Batteries -Foreman McGinnity and Bob. The total equalized assessment of the won; miner and Bhelow, cloth, bushing cloth, hammer felt, county of Huron is $32,335,290, and at back hammer felt, bridal leather and the present c,ounty rate, one and one -buckskin (when imported by manu- tenth mills on the dollar, will raise Composer Salm:can Is Dead. facturers of piano keys), actions, $35,568.82 for all purposes, London, June 25. -The composer, oehohhee, base darapers and. organ A very interesting event took place Olicahes ICensin,gton Salaman,i -8 keys, to be used exclusively for the In Fullerton on Wednesday evening, manufacture of such' articles in their June 19th, when Miss Hattie Harper own factories. was united in 'marriage to Mr. James The following named yarn will also Nairn. be admitted free of duty, viz.: Bot - Wm. Tu, a man about 70 years of any yarn, single in numbers 30 and age, was found last Friday in the barn finer, on mule ceps, dry spun on of his son-in-law, John Etty, Mitchell, what is known as the French of Bel - hanging to a rope and quite dead. It gian system, not doubled or twisted, Buffalo is not known why the unfortunate in white only, when imported by Hartford ._ 1 0 o 0 0 0 0 4 06L.: tTi 129 1. 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 ...) man took his life. manufaCturers of casmere socks and Batteriesanmole, Reewin tied Kennedfl Miss Jessie Rainey, daughter of Mr. stockings to be used exclusively for Hemmings and TIrciehart. Umpire -Tani - and Mrs. John Rainey, of Oarlingford, the manufacture of such articles in. g.4123' died at that place on June 24th. The Eastern League Sdaday. their own factories. estimable young lady was 23 years old R H E. and fell a prey to consumption. Worcester 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 0-5 ' 9' 2 Matthew O'Brien, of the firm of Steel TraSt !leaches --lfr„ain. Kined by G. T. R. payer. . Rochester o 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 *-8 16 5 Bowm.anville, Ont., June 24.-A ter- jaRkaetteralieis-Kloobnedemis and Clements; Ma - O'Brien Bros., St. Marys,died Tuesday New York, June 25.-31 was form- y d Dix......2 tcf,atere3-'0Werhr...8 8 2 noon aboue 4p. m. The deceased had ally announced yesterday by rible and fatal accident happened on Ivliontreal _ cont.. the Grand Trunk Railway east of the Providence ... - .0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1-4 13*3 been confined to his room for the past J* Pierpont Morgan & 3 months and little hope was enter- party that the Shelby Steel wharf road crossing yesterday after- ana Gosh. umpire-O'Leiteetin. 0 Batteries -Souders and. Wilson, erown tained of bis recovery., Tube Company had been pur- noon, when Harry Layton, a young Buffalo ........ 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 4 0- 8 11, 3 Friday's Toronto Globe : The junior chased by the United State Steel farmer, engaged with John Archi- Ilartfoed 4 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 1-11 21 3 C. L. A. match betvreen Parkdale and Clorporation for the purpose of con- bald Galbraith, Barlington, just east a 0 es-safitstings and Speer; Gray, Me - St. Marys, scheduled to be played. solidating it with the National Tube of the town, was struck by the flyer Canantt Zilid teelman. Tuesday afternoon, did not come off, Company, one of the 'United Sloates Clubs National League standing. as the fernier team defaulted. Exe- Steel constituents. Won. Lost. Pet. Pittsburg - .600 ter also defaulted in this district and 22 39 .537 At the recent University estanes. 0. et . Louis New York St, Marys claim the championship. 27 24' .529 L. Fisher, Holmesville, came out 2n0 The Next Pro -Boer DIeeting..' Thiston. 23 21 .523 25 24 .510 in general profficency in 'Victoria uni- Brooklyn r !Made/Ala 24 25 .490 London, June 24. -Owing to the Cincinnati ....... ,21 24 .467 versify, and 41.1.1 in both "'hie" and refusal of the Queen's Hall authori- Chicago . 19 34 .358 pot by a large number of ladies end Saturdiry's scores : St. Louis 13, New Varsity; Claude is certainly to be cora gentlemen, who took the opportunity ties to perenit another Doer war de- ,, gratulated on his bigh standing, es- loit3g;0 Cl.ileago 16, Brooklyn 6 oirst game): of showing him their respect. On raonstration to be held there, the chi ,- o Brooklyn 2 (second game); Boa- petially when be has covered the work . meeting organized by Miss Emily ton 4, Pittshurg 2 (first game);. Pittsburg the platform he was presented with P Boston 2 (secondgame); Cincinnati 6, in much shorter time than is most gen- erally taker. ter Chapel, Buckingham Gate,. to- Philaaelpilla '3. American League Reeord. a purse of gold end other tokens of Hobhouse nett be held in ' Wes trains - other towee, all places of businees in Following the custom in vogue in - affection and esteene. day. • , Clubs., . Won. Lost. Pct. : Boston 28 17 tiee Dunnville, including banks, will close „Die' e`kged..„.106' , Chicago ..... -...... 31 20 .608 Vother Fallon Must Go 1 cD trolt .... ....,- 27 23 " .540 at 12.30 p. ie., Wednesdaet afternoons, Boston, d um 25, -Mrs. Mary Drew - • ' beginuing sub!. 10th, and close every Pea'veY, died yesterday at the home • Ottawa, June 24. -Rev. Father Washington 90 19 .537 and Melee/eine Weednesday, September eleven Bo:4ton, at the age of ,106 1 Ytsternue . Caroled .... a .......: 37 29 :370 Pliilliaiiiiinrpelliii. :;;;;; :::' 4 ig '452414 17 31 .354 Fallon will go to 13effalo. Ile left W ed need ay dif,eurloort thereafter, up to of h r daughter, Mese Tower, la - , , e v The Oblat Fathers have disregarded tee unaninio tie appeal of Nal wll Illee • • • • • - - • - • - Ilth, remainieg closed until the usual y ars, She was born in Hall' is, e , neeuitt on Saturday : Boston 8, Cleve - the parishioners for the retention cif in. ,- time of openieg the following tnOvia- ' . ' Ji', 17C/.5. , • ,, •'' , - - bind 3; Baltimore 10, Detroit 3; Chicago 6, the pastor of Se. Jo.se h et padeleitia 4.; Washingte2. Milwatikee O. h TEE WRIT FOR LONDON I LOSS OF LIFE GO TO 7S THE STRIKING TRACKMEN. c. IL Pormer EmplOYes Now ' S..nhstautlal Aid Trout Other Organize, tions in Their Strilte. Toronto, June 24. --The striking , A. New Eleotion For the Legis.. Canadian Pacific Railway traekanen latine Assembly. were in a jubilant Mood yester, day. Messages received .on Saturday ; were to the effect that more of the THE RESIGNATION, OF COL. LEY.S men had laid down their tools, and tb.at assistance from sister railroad or,,,,,auizatious could I.)e looked for, cat. Lerr. SATS Ito Will ,r,mr4 Again What action the other railway em- Against nu nomers-Nr. edam Been. Ployes will take is not known, but the Fortner Conservative Candhintei ..apparently they are going to do something, 'Yesterday afternoon at 'WW Not Commit Ittinteelf-aue Teropto !kJ:unction there to& plaeo a premiere.. 'neat to Prince illtaAiug of representatives ,of the lo,, comotive. engineers, firemen and trains newere county. 1, men, but tothing as to the results of titter delaterations was made hnown. After the meeting one of those pres- ent remarked to a striker: "you. will ' see a change in a few days: stance, , thing will nappen." Aecortiing to the following message received from rresidettt Wilson, the bridgeneen Lave a aken action: n'Bridgemen are with as; advised them to quit work; we stand or fall together." Circulars calling on the bridgemese to ceaee work were Feat out on .Sat- ' airday, Local bridgenten are expecte ed to rezeive copies to -day. Olt the systera Ontario it was reported ' that bridgemen were simply watch- ing bridges, but were not doing any • other .work. General Superintendent Timmer- man maintains that .the ten are re- turning, :mad that there is no Moon- venience to trait, as a result of the rite. Ne.eliange at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, June !IL -There is noth- ing. new in the strike situation here. The C. I,. R. say the wires have been tampered with east of Witmipeg, but • $o far there is no evidence as to the guilty pennons. Loudon, Ont., June 24. --Sheriff Cemeron, received a writ . Saturday moreing railing for a bye -election to 1111 the vacancy in the Legislative Assembly caused by the resignation •sonee weeks ago. of Col. Leys, U. P. r. for London. Nominations will take place on july 2nd and the elec- tion week later. The issuance of a writ for the eleo- tion of a member to represent Lea- den in the Ontario geese came as 41, surprise yesterday to malty citizen.e. Who were not aware that COI. Lays' resignation was an aetUal feet - It is not deemed. however, that lite opposition will put up a. candidate eautil arrangements are Wade for the general eleetion. To a reporter \vim interalewed Otel Leys yestettlaY the Celonel .said: "I Will contest the seat meanest all 'coniere. The people of Londort elected me to !colt after their interests, and I will do so. It mates no tlifferenee who ley opponent or opponents may be, I will be a candidate for re-elec- t ear. Adam Beck, who contested the seat against. Leys iu 1808, When interviewed, said he batl liearti math - leg about the proclamation for an election, and was not prepared to DEATH OP :)11t. A _Amur Hale say anything in regard to the mat. ter. Believed to 170 Deo to an Acsident Early "WOUld you say you will no SCUttav inerning* run'?" asked the reporter. "-Not" answered. Mr. Beek, 41 will not say that 1 will or will not run. 1 have not taken much interest itt the matter. and I do not think the Coneervative party has either. could not possibly say anything fur- ther on the .subjeet." New 'lawn. Conn., June 21. - Adelbert S. Hay, son of Secretary 11aen and former Consul at Pretoria, eves found dead on the sidewalk. out. side the New Haven House a 2.30 en. Sunday. Ilay retired to his room at 3. o'clorin after spending the evening with frienns, in appar- ently excelleut spirits. At 2.80 a nAltantlItS' passer-by notived the body of a pros- trate man lying on the sidewalk 4211 the College street side of the hotel. G. WI rtoste rent to Prince r I County. The night clerk at the hetet was 2111- ru(410-tetY stununened, and recognized yieton. Juno annual pic- ibo youpg man as the one who re- me of the farmers of Prince Edward gistered es Adelbert S. Hay. was held at the Sand Banks on Sat- in., Bartlett, tile medical examin- urday, the principal attraction being er, stated that the young men, , speech by the Hon. G. W. Ross. It doubtedly came to his death by an was expected the Hon. J. 1. Tarte accident: The clothes in the bed Lad would be present, but be was pre - been turned, showing his intention , vented by important business. Hon. to go to bed. Ilia clothes had been Zr, ROSs and Mr. Russell, M. In P., folded. On the ledge of the window for East Ilastiags, reached Piton on was found a partly burned eigexotte. Friday night by boat from Deseron- This niseoVery leads to the belief to, and reet to the Banks on Sat - that Hay hatl. lighted a cigarette be- Arany morning. The day was a de - fore retiring, and went to the win- lightful one, and from 3,000 to 4,- dow to smoke it. Whether he was 1, 000 persons were present. .A.farse din - Seized. with .a of dizziness or fell nor speeches were delivered in the asleep on the window ledge cannot park. Mr, 1'. V. Beech, Warden of be iletermin.ed. the County, acted as chairman. The Hon, John Hay, Secretary of Short speeches were 'delivered by State, arrived in New Haven, from Messrs. John A. Sprague, ex -M. 1'. Washington at 5.15 p.m, in response Pe Jamas Clapp, C. H. Widdineld, to the 'dispatch announcing the sud- John Hyeat and /qr. lltissell. den death of Ins son, Adelbert S. . Hay. Mr. Hay was unaccompanied, ILISItetALL 03.7 SATURDA'57. and gave signs of great grief. Mine Helen Hay, u. daughter of the sore- Eastern League Standing. tary, arrived in New Haven from Won. Lost. P.C. . Boston at 7.10 p.m. Providenee • . 30 18 .023 e es er ........ ....... 30 10 .U72 PUT ON THE nuns LIST. Syracuse • 10 .M 403 Toronto 2.4 18 .571 Worcester .... . . ... 20 24 .451 :Slumber of Articles to Ile Hereafter Ad- Hartford 18 23 .440 Buffalo - . 17 25 404 mitea Into Canada Duty Free. Montreal . 16 28 .393 Ottawa, June „24. -The following Syracuse Mastern League &aurae -et named articles, which are used as 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 materials in. Canadian manufactures, Toronto . , 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 x- 6 have been transferred to the free list; Two base lilts -Madigan, L. Benison, Toth Bases on balis-ent Weeds 1 el:truce). elf Xe ns 'damper springs, jack . . Sullivan]. (Hotta). Hit by pitcher-Toft. springs, rail springs, regulation Struck out -By Sullivan 1 (Lyncli). Double screw's, spoons, bridle wire, damper plays -Schaub to Bonner te Carr, Toft.to Carr. Left on bases-Syracpse 4. TorOnto 6. Umpire -Hunt. Time -1.15. At Montreal -First game-- R.H.E. Providence' .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 11 1. Montreal *.....0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 *-2 6 2 Batteries-a-Ftlend axe Crittani: Felix and Wilson-. Umplee-CrLOughlin. At Montt-01,5second gains- It. H.H. Providence 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0- 3, 6 n Montreal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Do- 0 4'3 Itatteries-Horan and McAuley: Joyce. Wilson and %hub. Bartpire-O'Laughlin. At' Rochester -First vine- R.H.H. Worcester. .. 1 0 0 1 00 0 1 0- 3 7 4 Rochester .77 .„o o 0 0 4 0 3 3 *_1014 2 Batteries -McGee and (dements: MaPart- lin and Dixon. Urapire-Warner, At Rochester, second gaiii6- 11.3EL E. Worcester 0 1 0 0 4 0 1- 6 p 2 Rochester 3 2 6 11 8 0 0-27 30 2 BatteriesGriffin, McKee and Cleinentis; Mattern and Dixon. Urepiro-Warner. Game called on acconnI af darkness: At BuffaV-VIrst game - Hartford .... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2 6 0 Buffalo .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 5 2 Batteries -Miller and Steelman; 'Hooker and Speer. Unipir6-Lanigan. At Buffalo, secqral gemr-- IL II. E. dead. He was 87 years of age. De- ceased was born in. London and edu- cated by private tuition. He began the study of music at a very early age, and, in 1824, was elected by a competitive examination a student of the- newly -founded Royal Academy of Music, but, instead of stunying there, he becaxae a student of Chas. Neate and Dr. Crotch; made his first appearance as a composer and pian- ist in 1828, and entered the musical profession in 1831. from Montreal and instantly He was about 21 years of age, his family living in Clark Township, near Oronox. Gold For Father Fallon, Ottawa, June 25. -Rev. Father Fallon left yesterday morning for Buffalo, being accompanied to the de - West Virginia's !Disaster as Seen by a Railroad Official. FIRST NEWS WAS EXAGGERATED lie Also Says the Property penmen wilt Bat Exceed. 8500,000 -Other Estimates, of Teas or Life Vary Front 300 to 1,000 -Much Private Property Was ntestroyed be the Roanoke, Va., June 25. --The fol- lowing short statement last slight by , one of -the general officers of the Nor- folk anil Western Railroad, suunner- iziug the flood situation in the DOA of the latest 'despatches,. was given to the Inesociatell Press: "Restoration of telegraph line de- velops that damage by flood tbrough oal fields was exaggerated. Loss of life will not exceed, 60 or 75. and 'damage to property, including re- pairs to railroad and coal opera- tions. will not excreta 8500,000. It Is teepecten the railroad. 'will get the line open to -ti row or Peat day." ADDITIONAL DETAILS. Alen helt Not Se Iladas at Iwo are Yet Alt Too Grew. • mune= Cincinnati, June 25.-A special to The Times -Star front Blueftelds, W. "US:ports from the &vested flow] • 'strict in the Pocahontas flat top egiou say bodies are being rapidly covered and identified, relief corps hes patrolled a few miles of le territory, but no reliable ate Can, yet It Made of the amber of lives lost. "It will be several weeks before ailroad traie can be resumed. and reelably longer before the mines will in operation. About 20 collieries nd coke plants were 'damaged from ,s4.000 to n23,000 mein "Thounonds of homeless persons re camping in the mountains. Their distress is augmented by an- guish Over Missing children and facade, whose fate is unknown. The bodies of John Lewis, white; Ira Nell and a lIuugarlan another and her babe, 'lave keen revovered. "A graveyard was overflowed, and he corpses, disinterred by Ile. tor- rent, floated away in, all stages of cue?. "A. tunnel several miles beyond Vivian was cleared of the track from end to end. All bridges were de- , etroyed. The damage to the railroad company will be in the neighborbood 01 a. million dollars. Damage to the coke plants and coal aninee probably Will be double that sum. "All stores, lumber camps and business houses in the Elkhorn Val- ley were heavily 'damaged, and many instances *destroyed. Out of the 200 and odd estimated lost, less than a score of betties have been recover- ed and identified. "Yesterday morning hundreds of , men took up the work of rescue anti , repair. "Railroad shopmen, conductors, i engineers and men of all callintee, /aid 'down 'their work to aid, while 1 ev$17 available man on the Norfolk and Western syStom was rushed to the scene. Appeals to connecting ! railroads for wrecking crews and Inen have been reeponded to. Residents of Xeystane were saved by a. telephone message apprising them of the cOming of the iloo'd. "Losses ettimated at 860,000 en- ; sued to the business houses alone. . nOrano Creek branch of the. " Nor- folk and 'Western, which had ebeen ee- cently graded, has been tleetroyed for Seven miles, rtrid will have to be re - About 200 feet of road bed will require a fill-in of ten feet. Death List of L.000 I eared. Huatingthen, W. Va.., June 25. -- Governor White is here minas ar- rangorle/11S to get tents, and pro- viSions ter the flooded district along the Norfolle and Western Railroad. Governor White fears the death list will exceed 1,000. LOSS OF THE. FALKLAND. Captele Gracie and WS SIt4t0 Went Down With. the Tessel-Stories of Survivors of the wreela Pozzance, June 25.--Th.ere is neat no doubt that the cote:bit, mate and fear men of the British bark Falk- land, Captain Gracie, from TO.- coata, Jan. 30, for Falmouth, which, was wrecked Sunday off Bishop's Reck, are drowned. The body of Batesee, the mate, was recovered yesterday alteration. According to the stories of sur- vivors the Falkland Missed stays and was swing on Balton's Rock witli greet violeace. The ehip immediate- ly began to eettle. Great Coniusiop, prevailed oe board. ,9„winet, to bee heavy list it was possible to get out ,only her lifeboat. With the majority of -the (law, and the capteire's wife ein•t1 eltild on board, this boat picked up two men who hail jumped tato the water, but owing to the heasey, Sea and the fate that the boat was overloaded the survivors bad th tllrn away front a third Wan. who was set% .elinging to a bencoop." CaPtetin °retie and the mate were laet even, standing on the Falliland'e poop. whit% blew up as the event foundered. After an bola at sea. those in the tifeboat sighted the St. Agnes lifeboen, which brought theta to St. Mary's Island» where they, wore provided with 'clothing Mid too, as they had eased nothing but the clothes thee' wore. A boy who nmapeal into tie. eve. And was rescued by Vie $t. Agnes boat after he lied been 20 minutes. in the Water, sates lie f•-•ieW Captain Gracie mad other Irwri frova the Ihilkliamf inl.+. the sea and° that they wore life reltS, /edden seen floating in Cho water yesterday is suppottd to that of the man set% dinging to a !hencoop thy tilose %vim got avreen he the sitilete beat, The wife of Ceptein Gracie is Very ill. A EAILWAn WRECK. Train Was Goltig Very Fast - Two Men Killed rout llam Pittsburg, Po., June 25. --Train No. 23 WaS wreeled at 3lonaca about 80 miles west of here last evening, anti at least two persons are dead and probably 80 hurt. The dead: J. W. Cunningham, fireman of the train. Larry for Lowey) Black, baggage - :nester. of Mount Washington. Pitts- burg. Injured4 so far as known: Mrs. James Lee, Washington, Pa.: Mrs, Alvira. Mills, Bellaire, Ohio; 'leen A. D. Gavin, Holy Ghost College. Pitts- burg; Mrs. iLolla. D. Perkins. CleVe- land; W. W. Stephens, Chreelitlid: Miss Lucy Rose, Cortland, Oltie: Miss May Churchill, Cortland, Ohio; R.. L. Martin, Ohio; JaraeS BroWn, engineer; J. M. Jordan, Nees - castle; two men, _names unknown, taken to 110thester, Pa., Hospital, may die. Prom passengers it is learned that the train, while going at very high sliced, ran into an open switeh at Monaca, and tbe entire train Went otter an embankrnent, some 25 foet high. Every car was turned over, two of them go•Ing ovbr twice. The, "three' left here at 4.30 for Cleveland, and had its coachei well filled with passengers. A man named Weir was brought in to the House of Refuge front Stanley, on Saturday last as an inmate, anti and is found to be a very undesir- able inmate as nothing can be done for him. He hate been tryin or fei nin throat which required a few stitchess He is still at Castle French but bit presence is far from beiag congenial: g g built. , to commit suicide havin cut hi "the big Fpor mines are flooded and' the delivery tracks were 'destroy" - ed. Lose of lire at"that P.oint can- not be learned. Only one man licts reached a ppint of coininufficatipu. Iffs jeurney was 6ne of greatest hardship. He swam the river three times, and arrived niewe 'dead than aitee. "Six building ga.ngs were hurribei to the ecene by the telegraph com- panies. "An electric light car has been ob- tained. It is equipped with cOmplete electetc lighting plant and 'apparatus and will be brought from Magee, Strom by a speeial thain, so that work can lie prosecuted at night." The Loss Is Tearful. WAIMING DOESN,T PAY. If you neglect the aching beck. . 'Urinary troubles and diabetes surely follow. DOttli'S PHU; lately° backache, ?eX14'Igrey114: Ng a;1,ed,,. _ them. A PERMANENT CUBE 01 such serious diseases as scrofula, Old Sores, , Eczema. Ring Worm, Ulcers. and all wag- nant diseases haying their origin in bad blood., can only be obtained through the use of Bur- dock Blood Bitten. , The G0(16121611 Street Fair and- ., New York, June 25. -Mayor Land, I- Trade Garnivai: of Beitefield, W. Va., wales as fol.- •••••••.•••••••••••••••• 10123: • art is estimated that 200 lives Fere lost in the Elkhorn flood. The damage to the Neinfolk and Western. Relented Company is estimated at half a million 'dollars, and to the coal companies and individuals at "There is no communication with any point further down tne. valley than Elkhorn. I am unable to tell whether outside aesistance will be needed until further infornaation comes Awful State of Afthirs. New York, June 25.-A despatch to The Evening World frora Blue- field, W. Va., says: "The corps of searchers and relief workers have penetrated into the flooded coal region only a few miles, but have revealed a state of &Mars whose terror cannot be told. "Many dead boelieseatve been found and some identified. No estimate can be made of the number Of vic- tims, as there are 100 miles to be searched over. Fifteen hundred Workmen are cleering debris . and re- establishing railroad facilities." a elite of Traelc IVIushed Out. 00111thlbUS, 0,, Juni) 25,-Tlepreseat- a,trves of a local Jumper firm at Wil- litunson have wired tqUit east of Pan- ther, W. Va., the 'railway tracks haVe be* washed nein fer a mile. , • • two million dollars. , Come to the first street Fair in Canada th be held in the pret- tiest summer town on the contin— ' ent. 'Three days of solid enjoy- ment. July 1st, 2nd and 3rd The street fair idea is the latest - and most attractive form of summer celebrations yet raevised, all the rage I in United States. We have the best I town in Canada for th is affair, being - laid out on a circle With a large park I in the centre' Our be autiful equare will he surrounded on both sides of the street with all sorts of fantastic booths , displaying every speciee of goods and man 11 facturies, NVE WILL ALSO HAVE Free open air entertainrneets by high class vaud ville artists ever day. A Horse Show. \raviolis kinds of Processionr, Many Bands of Music. Fireworks and Fairy-like Illumi- netions of the Park et Night. Altogether a See.ik., Novel,Beattti- ful and never to be forgotten. Every day a different program. Red way ratee, single first-class fare •- ieturn, good going .Tune 20th, 1st. 2nd, and 3ed and return Tilly 4th