HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-6-27, Page 1•." aAvir & ATIDDLESE-X- GAZETTE TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR—NO. 46- E-N;E1;ER, ONT CANADA: 1. Q13..1) -MEDAL, :-,GOLDEN SfiEAF PLYMOUTH 't:SPEciA rt e.. PtBeG4U$: T:151MISDAY 3 --UN 14 enSal i. . IV impressed kx-Ifli't'lle".inariYnd„ielties w.,_ Inc' „n--iyer4ity. Deno:sta., . -Tee;t4 aeixiciln-li:sitokane, ti(guis *bleb tilts ;city provi-, . ..1., senery. D. D. S.,. D.D. S.,Tfolliii Grab' des for the visiting sightrtrer}r. ---; .. ateorrotonto u „ extracto, withddt_pa,c,d,..b,,,,a effects. axe, . .promises. tod.b1; onter o4f4the ..-r in petty.s B04,.,tteosati, At ziartcli 0,,,gr* targest, that lute visite ran 4.)), 9r lippile.y,edotteenehar 3,10,1,10h. ' sonic' tiMe,-BratitfordsBxpOsitar. -- 0 S ' b•„ -J. $litkeriooti,,, Notary, -.1a1ii,9, Couvexan? . ....,_ ••1 :-:` ' • '' eer, Ceirtritisidener, Fire Itisoraneo Agetit, and ' " - . . r -•11n1/4116 - ' • 4P:''' ' :I. : : : iSsorer of Marriage Licenses. Legardeelonerita,---- -.11.." grigtal,glIndlelar esttgg.:ral:t:ILT,'Z'QTeTt ExEll'a 1431813,P" 'Ailll. . Office at the Piet,Office, iteusall ' - To k b , Raint.s...;-The degree teatri.of the I, O. O. R. lodge, liensall, viSited Exeter r Exeter Mianlelioat WItjTE $011 until met pursuant to tdjuin- t. ;June 7.-ItIth. A11.1 Minutes of previous meeting read •tut A petition signed by a nomber of ; proper -LT _owoers ma the NveStAidP of Alain paViaittentit, 141k, was.alilgeki"te-alf7.1:4.,_t7,-GiAllqi ftietof hemlock tura r, etc., -Nruir":74AXII34.Wq11.4L,.tife--14tIOu atm shingle -I.:" lath,. and Pedar pests. Prlyci be filed.-Oarrd. ie reatrioable i.S Nara -East side. ef peuders coriqrp I lodge on Titesday evena• ug nd m #xepli- Atatrit s. ; - • . -field the 2nd and Ird degrees. ---Rev. SarF,Fx-1.-T--he arm nal litigtee picnic Tent was irieggived 0,4-• Set ion 0 pave. ofia-Ws :.:;;Tbe 2 URE 11. -VRI EN , 3.leguns liendeiton occupied the pill, 1'6 to'the lake, came, 'off 9h:Siiturday 1.1%p Canada Supply CO., of Windsor, at , . RA° kz ,.. .. tt pit °rite Presbyterian: church Suay nd:arra they repart a Kooki. thlle.-3.1i$S .1.1.`ri cents -Pe-r Eausre 1°°L-I'ls 1--P'4: y , _ whrie ev. j. S. Henderson )11114, of Zrorx, who has been in Toron- eexa* liAct-:44.44 4gtittifokstopo ;-...-V24rp. 1oit,5,, preacheil inthe evening. --T. J: Berry's to at'4ehditig eolleige AtedArkg for .0•• 9-sf G, PAP•h;J:emt.i 01,11..ti eotiti§p}?ernts 'fozzontcl,,;,vA.. 11 SCV TffES, 'SN'skT S ' ; stock -biro i's almost completed. The c,Deacou. ss (recanted, tho polpit onuTanali'.., 1 T Li R.1,\T i P S EEfD ' bbikling- stalls-1)as' commenced.' Tie :arldresS.-Den't forget to, be on Irand IN'allk "d 11.. cen!..--s- ......"1(nr-rh.sOng:r.. slate roof -Es niii m on, and Ore Work OI':dav eirening last -arid -gave a very fine, J. ..A.nt imstle. Lorationat 11 ceuti for I we keep always in stock a BUCK W ITE • batn will: te•-ion 9f the finest in the 1,1.44-3-.07.1.st et thd ittniiii Ainid dr the Evans-Levett-That the tenders tr,i. giitid well selected stoek,of. illeininatilttpiseuall000tliaSyt., ef4rbatiortsmitz(..11.4wThu:', jp_!ctilerclolitsuitil i4tIlniaati•ebolvaellItceurin e.m--;.1:1.rs‘.v.t. ,1171retisieL7:L14:cOl;,:.vidtient_rsat,i.tr‘tileirttted,---tti'oelitIrole:erdol...,;:;.,.1111:ei • 1 veather,VrasAeliglitfal and the attend. .1hulderfeen. of London, are the griests ' FRES arrcetlarge. -;• The brasS hand distoureed " of Mr. and Mrs. John_ Andrew and suR. tag SPIV ta meat' ehrrent expen'es 1 sivee4; rutOC, While',the ablunianee' of 'I, farnilY.-S. J. Pim"; liar! a shingling' -'1riey' . ' gocatthinws.preW7cleci all went.t.0 4nake 1, bee on Thursday last and r.e-shingleci , ."'-,"Instcollg- 13y4P.s...- That the Ica the large crossid-happ7.....,7, (.';. itInusen l',Iiis barn. --The friends' of John Slea. TWAUg a4r„ottot5 ott Pawed nod orders fundlamily . Visited friends in 'Detroit i inort turned out piu Friday last and "raw% oo rereasorer for same :- -.lames !over Sunday,,,i-=„nr,tsmith Of ooderich ;;, bniit q, gaugway into his new barn Ixe. tir;errilvtrufgnes;,g1sttt.rvoext igviasttenrleinlage,t',,,)$.11,1L'4: ; waS In town. en Ttiesday.--Mrs. As, cently erected, -Mr. Sleattren 15 SOH il MUrdoCk tiSited frleadS in Detroit last vonlIrred to the bongo -with rbettina. 114th 821-0't"Illa. 1 week.-- Strawberries sell -foot. boxes 1, tisin.-.A. largo erolvd froM" tile RUM- Muir -Arms tron-Tliat. counell ads . : few days for Stratford races, where Ixe FreesvIll apporntment on Sunday fast - al1 et , . has entered. his "King .Stanton" colt :and ateo the. picnic on Tuesday, „the , II the oat roce....-.Di.. che$ney utilizes 1 Elia:vine choir stmplying the singing ' for 2Zi cents. -'1`. Murdock leaves in 0.,, ville district 'attended the services at . loam to .funeG2E/tc:r.nat. •RiOss.eiltag),rek, eille.:kn.. 1.5ter ., vi• 0 rgea.rw Kirkton his force pump to water the street in . for them on both dates. — • not 80011 Ina(le by the eiti4eliS to have ;, Ztiriett tAt.w$0,,... n , ..,-BaT ,14.-5 - .. Ipagrlygsarqsdpilenitr::41111_4(k.1 st tv:WIrxele11131,13o twistr.litive%ai,lErpritis;revrcsidenNyceeizerna, Chu 0,,yr 44 i a v 4 ......„..___.,-. ' front of his premises. If A move is j . nig, fuormerly - * .See our MUSLIN -anfr,-Xt,(NTS. The reeenE 'Warm weatJaer,*.n4l7 an indication of your future needs. - We have -a, ;full range Rfargunurber ods. -tr.* 4‘. • - Hard 41inity, w1 will will eost over $20blk-t-;The Ellurville S., S. A. flotrolass time IS ex- laid °eel* oatil 'eNvoing for ge ERIES. Death oi Eir: frying riot me i of 1 vtheeststitt;eertosre7te'red* all will blvei.:.-tn Int: Boltwii.-4. A. IteWillionts-4101-Pro the gueia-of Alia,/ C., Kirk. -Fred Alar- lenrrang„ June id, lie hatl betn„,„.000,.. . f T. .. o a r ; $t raJTIK.rry fePstimvaPtsr-Qe ..togalnme.ittc.rdurear71s.ctittn.:1Pi4teollnageat'ls,..114;447callogbsrliall.45.ttecs 3113'1,1t71.nd-N; l'Ir' Fiet'tlti'r Vent' 51un,7 tined t5 his ro:nn, for only a few dtws. 7. ••,;..--Thos. with (littera Shier. - dosepu sun weeks at.In he contracted, a, TborgdaY etening.-Lioderieh seems ', t(T, has engaged, Dolpfs portahle ea.W White. of Wxnelte,seas, sp,v. urptily.,: tifweDe, cold which developed- into fei kt•S leased the . U. ote the ,14iituttee.--Ifiss -1;xekSuni, ..4augh-. The r ' to be the objective point for the , ma-) mill 0,10V2n having his logs cat into Lu Or 0, E. Xacksoh. of gitiondspile d'It000li meet:jot...7 th 1 ority ,Ot• citizenS for July lst.-L. H. t,ionlhet,,,,,,,..nh.s,Timie -well. Mac 11414 itilti=---roalllligt:147. itii02141:41'11denn41;t1;ig i 2:::srr:IzTje.rlYikZ)Thl; -11'471-'in- As visiting their aunt in XjkrtilBayllet. far the lA_Lwt of Huron was held in i"t iieek, while in hensall,, i$ still .at 1, the R g Et 101110 of Teo'Fft ranee Di ' C w 0 es injol'et been evni.Toyed .P.S stenographer. With he 4' ext.L.b4r,rtS.' "'....nrit.--Ori -^FrlditY -'even-nr" - iineunrOnitie treitailii etisti --Mr. Jas. Zklarhk;',,,se„t.i, tu, ou.,1" risP,e.„,e;"" i the Teireperance hall. Varna, on Toes- t tile residence a gr. Manonuell.,...-.A., ti stoet,,, fo.i; the past firs yeari haS , .4.:4C7 ' ., ilt W.004 , tainitute Co.k of W401. :an port having an upotoldate thACI, 41', 'by tbe -Poraplicatiop o .ed citizen, Mr..T. 4. oferlisqs vi!ig,11.4,4g day, johe 181.h. The morning sessio,,o meksherson km .inpved, his taillor tiliop cepted 0, posttien Witli . Messrs, Irer4 4p a last; Stittirdily evnfitg;44, Wjeldertth,.. ;-. .- -. • .t - ;;;;;" ..his hOhle end Wen" P"'e mt"4".; 411"' opened "sihortly' Drtee altreelOA''bitith '.' into Hs new pretulseq lig .the btrelt t a Riddle., WholeSale stationer's. of ,, to pi W teVn Sa11.111 atilt Kiri:ton., It,wenid 101111112;dt ttr ma ..sehee yi,Seattle, N. 'W.' T.. for ,,!%)1.oe p:„ miss Campbell, of Ooderieh la': the madly -game of hasebill Itral -. ie _failure gesuited irliailli. :Years.,7-1Ve SitideiStand gig pie.,q. im. ifulAr., ' ... . - . ... • • .. 149ek -re°ePtlY-.. eMPPIPtell...9-.4 ' M3.7 Torontn.-:-Mr.dblm, , Prang„ of the : thrflitiNtliellig a to It in 1' jot V Itikk-i Netichst,00d-higherrn the p4;tk PrOtOlAelat'lii to .go OO,...015' stin!MCT 1 , .5.11F0.04110011-% busiqe$st.,wos xlisiMsl,d . .'• '-•'- 'I. hag very flue quarterS.---r, .1. Nv. vrfelverh Bronson line, broughfin some, stalks ; tow. P TO. Vitorn„will P.1 playt.Xt m th2 / gendral public than 117. Irvnig. tericiecio:-There JS some talk Of ex. of Seaforth, is movIng .4% futrnituro in' Of rYe whie4' Measured 7 tett a inebe$; .: nesit.,foture.--G.; W. .F,ktrowetit SPenil was,boloVed by his patients forhn r. 4.nd,tilitt,,,ther ssy91:piez::,-,p-: to „lie, p);:- 04 rending minutesi:.repnet .a.:erean- to hig4 residenee Mere, ..,itlid 'expects . to Mal conimittee, recentintiL.of .001303ton- be settled lien /till. few WOTc.s.--:Plerlie liars. Wrif. Mem). and sons 'Win. ' stinthr;.• .0 oil* Nr -q, 1,1 tit tensive improy9ments;,beingl, made to cationseresolntiortaudiappeintruentudf the; Presbyterran PhIrr.ch Phis, st,tumitfr- centinittees; Session adjOurned Gurnee .4. hew deilirlgamT; 41•11i4,,twellitt Met 1 1,30,p., In. , , , , , ,, - „ 7,:' .,. ,r 04 eNt.entsliv is, -;ieodea,,-,Yerk mrli . The. afternoon session s.w4s•-.virr-: 7''''"i"s. 4 rne4'41: 4At4.111nUllig‘' 4e' terqsong.- The committee:OE:Tempo!, Potri:to.hey.t g is pro°,,in4.,.,p, very' ,deti- tialptii,pipeo this stunmge and 7 ople AGM) work, -.teliontedc... AS, to $ the raettly$ ofincreasing.land 1 holding,oatii, 0,40,Pre,,,,W110 hate PO4ell •Cevi..77 r-111,Ye nieptirership.; .-33re%Shouldwitudtetroht. , . -w011ices.,. Private Ft them lAnds. filli ;Pa. Ifilst,r.P.57•Log,••1-4° ' Siclexs;feehtliateitiwnuld.beal. bestelitin plit ue. One alien remov94:11 ,a,p; ' unitozwItlialstfee.ithtimseLvot;:penhaitS VI -con4 49 few:ei. tili"1-qOPMA'rv" MOO seithan:fohthenflukinceatiptin 41111 nIV.x.iy&een sttlped-back,s, ra OM 1,, . 'es.' ,.T. 4 '..- °Jilin% ei Sciciabilttott and iii4Ood.,iircie•• Q' 09t4it6es+-i-A4P: 4P1 -1Y..' 'Pl"Il.gi."1/1F, ' )t0111 in catinc11:•,trooini•upersozni our genial' 1",,s, AL spene' a few days ,,ttlivatkaind ppeannebtim weretrotrg• last week ,tip .7tly;. lak. shore in the Invecomm=dedgi committed (Instate while t ere -tonfortuo ly lost his as.4sliowed3 Ahidddrease,iotlititstithild neighbor lond....of :Soot ampton, and ,A.sx.c.tera,eportact..! 41.-mhitclehle4:oonno, (4, .driver th .o glutnfliou on. tAiGniopenidgirandfgesaseitittitig,itetriii I gained; iamdbuillnetrrnemlserslap.e:iii .gat ..4'.;.' _ ,, ..„, „,,,,,.> „, .,,,,,, , ,,,,, •_.. „, an idea ph) icircit. A. ntreo or. , quiet ,... and Oscar. and Aim EL. Appel are visit- gueov 9,.,,;11.,gi ,r„.g,itylot.„•..-x,avirm. at. .1.. 44,,,nity arla reseore. bat. avow ;1,14::41. lowttee , to , tho lake will; sq" .13,0 ,+" ing the raii--Americata.--.Alt. 11014 Clarke spent Suridsar -with:N..17: -Met. r iv,,,y4.41.icauing 101. ourtevtivol•Aont. order. ' ' • r Hartleib,°oKialtota, visited liii brottit cht'-r.. • Nailer spent fart of, e4 0 -it tate ginnrr, of fail- v'$hb4e Or •Gbarles,' this'weelc. " it', is ;fourteen i ear§ Since Davil was here. Zutteli" T h4s.ehali., to Ita held ..i Ititese very prkseice Is^ tiTnison ,.,-.. ty eic the guest of Airs. A.. John, &lily routine is a henedietinn and "E ,,k1 3315-. are Coining to 'the , front, %, 3111 ;‘, ozol Uri -4'4'7 Park Or; aroattaY Om reviir. wag 1 natiyo Of ''''$''.1.rliot.- 1:1. Williams; Who'is eiiinToyed id the aftgrPoo etwecrit.-the Afentorials :elf thiiiii-Cot;*nshin ' Y01\ n -- ' I-. "'' In d,t0,1,044 , local ofilt.e.detthe D. 4: O.- ISI'avigation. Loudon,- /lad ,the -MotherWila • teams 0-11'-'y ve-ltr-ielLiAve, zivtog-ilibule;Tde-7**.h!9 .4r . 114,1....itti, ric.f);..,l'Ahoctirtiln.l.rwofirbliN Xr.litl';',1.Taye.foraTotti () was.n: snece2.% thti R,ciut6 (5 3t1 VT ter -..?,3 °wile Ana da,iiglier,,,is,:illiii2iIrdta:er,f4' rts. iireek tth if.:1410-,..offieel.n.% :,!n .PMIll'if , , 2 ° lo it4 sr4;4! lif• gqt1t,IF/Ig "..i•il,(,...e•:. the -.T,„ ,-.1.„,,irmitg,..;.,TorOnftt, :m.i4aki.4. -Of ilfe,0 . .. . , 1,.....1„...,,,r.„.+,...i.„....4.1„,..,, ,:,,, ,.,.i.; UM p i 1.1741.9 nVer ail ,. g o Ovtilald•'1.0 ;the lltadstriidirg tfdrdithtire Agency. ttf- tIvo weblisvislil entli ref:Mayes t 0114, h Yard. aml- A:W.11'n ..t'14"1$01148 ter!gr3(1kkatiOtlIT510e0Mtlf.'ne... reNti•ftg deb.--rMes,„"iPtifeK:of ityrieVr. Oa , ..e. 1 : z,_ , , „.. G°.!..'-rj-I-. ..--13e!)-,71, , 7:- "7.-.' 14,74; ' iillor ilxi; weita,mako'stvpreet7t-Ctl..Xliell, at.,Pr-actiSed a,sliort,,,tiine nortaof Tomn, . 000', dSafa... O.' ! sN'Ti'6 '1 .' ' W j -:.tiukifts,;-;Don".4..forget: -, thri,&. there 1.* 9g11',,,,,,- )1-41 17,,;,,g; itrn;d710.4;mrh.g.:„„P.. tthenVe.in ilsto "it;Tindtt atit5 Mt Eur Mrs; :13titchiioir 0t 3( iiill.Tie-guinetlapd,leportn of°alir4ieds 1 j4; "--t ''-'7,,a-:.A.T.;(....): rt'-...7tC*4.7Z'r.. 'clefl wit'a r"; Br'Inv*I4V 'Itn4 s - fortli.-oaptda eerrz' oifitoett:g s-pilitt a Oa rin.7.1,13, er:c.,ton tike,i...1st !!: JulY.-: t.,;e2t, 1 4 pro, ,-Bos'-;-"0-ra•;-: f i -r. ; }14.:";s:;711,;;:ri .:enin'S,4.1,::1;::ti:belii:rtktircrae7c, 0; 7 the winte1, ralit'llist week. His I, r".rasr re. lard auti Mrs °Richard N" "r r -4/V Mntnerwei17'(19AT4'Ish]nee:ljeiwooe,4e:St. ,Zfar t 11 •ti1 i. Vi ltaya dtbix,f, ver.or exit:- , lon.A1 on ...TOPE.. Nit T . Ai i.......4t 1%, • -...,11 - - tiiik ,,,•Q.stitte...„„.„...„,‘‘,t.i.,..,.,„ev, i. , . ¶'1t'4444 bt kley: iittOrk, 4eri lug tilef,4;.4s6 Om Fidolearfoiitotk,thiiig3;z4i: ?Alt <1;,..,4N,47:tibill''7:-A4vp' i wi4okd ,w,itil),:zA*.-.. vtiwr EttsgArqq , Ri- 3)OIL. ia-re till,V.11_0.411mOillinislitid Oa/WU/1114i Ziiii i ' kfisiVA ... er 4416134Ni, . raised a fine large barn last Wednes- 1,Ir fisk l ' s' n'e ; ,ii, •,, -.tin% is.„ ulna: 11)tiTevs,, time is able to be.ortt uniu.--(4.1Valker teltdon,.-ii-V1,.., Syriiiii rerptd r-s,Pgl* a; fro i h lc t s aVit x 1" nht.tEtil.,,...al.:etir, t4.1s„....-17.:4;_talti:nii, 7 :::11:tet::: e tilP:A,41.,VsPultil,',„,tictadevatoio7KT411figal, bat --he wa g os ..; :, a.„ past:AA v 0. p Mies. x ,of theldibbirchP;CeltditiDeclhantiliati the i 'aiid TS ,'„ '41) V,ILItztrAititlIPi 5,-, „ ..1. . 1 biT isvelui-tt..e.--..wile:. . ... .. ocounty._a. Robinson ancl Mack Mc- rifikiiigit.31 . r Elft 1..,4 4t -t air - 91ii -iertii.- Tofedtivit';'‘tiTelt'aeli 'grille gosuu i laliri „Ill ., Y;fri P 1Kellav Spent 8=1117 -viol the tatter's 'cirioliT tileti4.. e :father.-Quie a mi )er a v i g Pea_ ..; I&I.. finthiltori:ithctRtplizt7:016le .4 ;e4,95z11:48:14 Tl.di .r.tg.C.,9! , ,i . - .....:.-a•81Stell.1 .% Qe.... QV& e 711:itor of.T.PrestvyteerktOt.,ealtbkldbct7Tialt All4satm, • • .TO RED1. :YOUR. E*0/11Y-SioCri ells, one council hadiasatrreluit zed Its eharteriAnfetiatendinesdiadrbeentlxti. „ „„;,, tAtet.1 .11:4124.1Iiitarittiiiiob.es,T.Vabla 'Isn't half hard is it' s"" hgte.iteitlr IfttrongsMnenitbtirsbitp Mae -ful bef Iction of Put- sIntia,,43,nattitLeamannaniecbtesmaisti amas °rn %anti Wasing ofAtt BroWsktless.4i Talitceota •nd tractor. twenty four ho s the vgamwirriorividetnip.Asba,„4.,900934, oThvii Ileatehlefk ifiviasER .c is fitlg..ctrOtqatriarallit done! fix ars at es i skneiNi4if4141Y1211 1311444;c%KitadvirinOS .g .inOfilihnise.114,o IMP) 0714LIAY4Infed914ft, ,in Lumley; I„ ‘,01. •cess fob Igthi paPiEtPiooka•PRIOWS,t itYttenzt stsengthendgettenmegetibur tieutipatint "7, attiftricalrailkginaM. sYsliedwAreAein ,n1," PAPAgittat flltliZleSttillOictwjffil4.411/4 "ts 4n:40 er../2dnit, "ifhlitn9trikft.% lxrgentmemidalita.foraleAgatigtodepeft gcettRi1t12R BRee94A;"niv^l't emit "Ilitfinfigkut•Whit3tetgbibMineth tga QIN* /pent' hebotiYde- his nctother.Afrs.lia trif bitttlie“(rAk''' vd) /trenth ' 8 ctit ite T ......:ilok here! ,,.:, ...-•-•011 , ,. w Oervous your :you know that Carte .w,ART. Avoti • v‘,.. •7":7% .1111rtilflARPogik tViltrordfillir WtftreCAVAL To-. • - nt> Qt.; 11M1 el and all desirous,Odtaltim ;••4•6 rlil@nitteiRlIrigtiM Algtithattilinffttliffelk .srai I Abl dill aa Dew :MVP IOW Aitstaina fatenkFaanivo3ilific • I 1...tter f• .r•* •••r•••••• to nail" "dtkuhlga.tiftim6tuteoittiajts90,44kig tratilehltni .34/./ „t• elq:2t to eini ef1,14 ttliwn entfrtAllinegOti% •eallmownyi,aibardqtfschorfi btin UMW' Mot/ of &Wen:tote r %wriseeto n'Ort'le fti.T ..alifigrehhjiReld4MtViggggfiatgdiNIEW119.4 •grIgkr101ki tiOtettiti411 410filligae5 aerf &IT gelodstfludinpa elthe -./.0 Of' _oweioreozpipottwIdaltdaenselfne .%-atottk Rim balmy casitaittinr,,/hiroirthatliv• IPIITikatt4 fibula -04W! %NI titrgikitlb;PinS itaiscsilketrisheirtmos arIT • ,Javel od "vigesInlifigikyinnakh,y,untithiopinitvnar aoftfuliosterkinolsidtlfihdt litgotinsicklittE rwbolinanulit Lattiteltdeocoditiateeting* tet become affiliated Ain: thtisidinsileitgebYa illtare.wiitfailvt rti vill9s7 -aft 'nettle two•pt etol 113431 2o obsta.si Iedt t, VIM.* miernhers. orTttle- • litraap)414'1,ifiki-Agfiltulgb paha& '• lin Witt SliggeStjggloirtoge aphitau 'E•LIT 11,4s, ogle, ;NA-) ,oeul o fittAttie imukt .iisutmatittrec mentnmenter • loth s Vaal3f5113.% egaRdelssgsbninisT ltillsIgigkWoarhearbfwailJdigkeKnhelwrishIPRE Would carry it. ln sorn ountry tra.de are small and '• '74 .]an 1,11 hotels where the receipts liq- would work well • We SU t the license he placed at the I'et sift' imit. 49:114.1 q4AYR41 oa h• •flYsfligii)-nbeiRlblidTra stbekhigt Pbit A • coatiret Liftele SilA /AM Ile p.,§1M0 dams; tia4sJinokl •iiviettiatita-aatIVA, wart cbs 144,, Mil r Y1z1.4.$ :glad I _„10,, a„v pc?.. at: erlilie orrpt4 ri:19,12%,)81401210intl amteett .tc luk;•...R9111„7;_er1;:uP.gosyJningtxInIxos itictfai.166$#.5"%ulictiltaria al iso31 trapre • WJX1h7tbln 10fuclAPPPgeWOrfisolsvbblal SeTeet• All these -tlfata, has “dotiertlAfifffilcifig"' l..gtrd,--alalarettill81.144,`EargaiV814Z 211`,41'.•OrratOt, Bk. 9 Enti,onelthe• ieltPe whditi.84rtMillgfr 1,, Ilseist,t:,1 ,gthod trolt •.,o aot-sois ,;,Tbattfortrtrotlibfreambei?,bili'litc' -;14. ATCrt • Ci X41411 `1:91,:fe: E)•1'1.1,1 into 3 :4417,71 -434 ed • iP %,37APY AtNatglii; Lt/ft9b &Ai col tqsPX,PkiclitaRth,etaniAdttaithEiYeue col boa Juld ii•rrvtia 01 P.Alierk vattertedzwithrwl ;;Lilnittd, rtst.rc yireesi F.3 gt4141911.15Thripits &et pocktfolitVilero erriased bad Noose. ▪ DR; r',"a•f ipioloqd anOilitt ene, 'Ts hat • r 01 TR - if1011-Zii AtZt.C.,P.07 In41/1 relfbh* 441g40 ate u'Altirst lewd o mart don his slightest taSk5 Your Ad.03,1113.;.i,a,,,,tune,philos- larsehlit 4,0tfel,t1. A WIA .,16ffetif, ' 11!.."..'etf iitelltfilkIfini‘otit • "Tliotiroro Imo &Wax tom Je, virat 6r4,e Itn At, 4Fiet,,k4 44E • NOTES ON THE CON Vincent, Pistrict to the. Gfrand adaribil ,9borate re • f tb a in gs. • A stro from W. rdiocntdition o • J. T. b:9-14i°srsg ton we lor so , The Tem ••--i ars elveign )111.1e e f ,Ta y NI) eeti Mac V s i•T_PlIsIle e Y •,..•-• .8 yt le ent in the larg and, ihg w ve ' A;CUT.E AND titliR01‘1I0 RHEU 1-rm afire equally irdikrf 4§- niagkic*11,413ithirabdiliftol VplsurrisfgWrtgilll@ii vaittetki PliVe idittile§P-othet iiiiyikOtpriOlittfuilititilekviS 8 .0 vihnet WkArrobefikif8es e hsoired&OPItittA di*b4larldilifriVesq 'of the taystexidothiVeMlfileW InSturllyTt; • itViffelima0 (§ Ef groali*nai' , ulikt6km (11040 ,3'ad -t.inlIbetheatniAnid Vo4loh' P . I . ack4 risefto d'b ec ;IIMi lin 3 chatia h council. ' • g r • • "r 44 ry at of • ap Bro O org place. ach o c co it to tainm o he distri t me ng. to b ld i a,- • g two fine solo* close the meetingt e very kind in help: r guests. This wts. ost enthusiastic riae %- for some time. taive `f nds fatkiratilY.-1.4§.-tire al ?lig} in or TorAt 'n •L' 0,1w fill •16ti: intifid is able ft° be llittitVitariftinitOilgiin friends'. o e' o se hun 'wren an s rbng lui-ttaveiMma Cartiiesttleettc1113dYin einCramarty bhuroililliSuntlayi3o4 lasige..%hertgregattehr.o.Mittaidnart GAN eMontsabreliffiimeti txreotidut eiikint? §IMI ..prulak afkehroon AIM/ R.JillmiiiftotAti Weiketdijholetised Itiroxf nonfat work.bf Idler/ems batel.14"Wlidttekoraltobi ItEstutsreekaneWb8-hrilnishi,drinvivint lye' ofthpabest tualasht7s'Ourin krzlebelfrforcirsivEiuttattlikt untie ItAilatrIbsikoraltoffo'briactw. Onec-Filfeelantrekisk oditlfelutwetInid tgrebithimiq cumwMcfncbiya afteinanbit,rog alteddre agregintr urbtvilibitatiod li.41t(sel folii2dirot.tritatKIRret.efirAtuelktilaill6.6blittili et -Mumma toisghiSellibrit eSktUitalCcri esaitib ihlaytatufeloiniAiy :rinvek.hs theiboth mots Vollte/r14001trdh-I litemplarp,thekesbiltfwas*.glaratIctitiilep neithersgElleAmbinki sernedlIcuogebilt.att Qtaitief a.seinthibiumfrkintdthitowictingtyl pvenhavo „elpineen stlatsteolbotriirffir .fluekiday.blaiza. ;g1-nwettr alefetottiotitals Ygt.iftrlih *to iie:444' tglik iter StaiKiffied4 Ann A bbivis tmoi,thotwIto)rfoittiv.-tbr.,,, gold wife, also Mr. 00,111 betritiiir Ve8attp ti offfin pttliarcan rItre:Icksciltipy nuttarirelutr.Miq 4Sn'ek.aw -A180-41-1,444Bda&-ieat eitsrpornitefilt EtimkilociV,Vi a t,r1.3ta in5.24eipja0 Etal ,g,941,4„, t„, churelirtkri 1140,nged togr•seueritt: tn.- ar-at/4 drag) kifaValet ncre-t'aft4 ' -IJ ''. .' . • .. ..'' IiirViat, §pilinties. t. al& .-,tentains- It'viate 'anti Mo5iirwli,9"tgilnang 51 1 "a 'lr "Tr '1 d rr 1 lut.90 14,§,P... 4.1.bryg ierrietexy.orm..Frt- I pttiteri.th dtvdo_ylth 4 ! er„Ehingte% ihtttigeHallehish- kvittro;1,1t Inembel, Ktibx ilnly-2-1eALeV311fonwins; or,0 tfirila'"e. oi:e.rhos o ien s are saddened at face no rItfatoil#Tif Ituriddh".P66 oz4flfayitie hienztuannierhottie litVeptall.tag--118 a wor r:attre:sttittfamileil:ret47:149tts-lair:eotPitiiIg;11:rii 81:11107airratkilli:Ernatt4“ 011;tvel13.15abw:ilea;;14/t.4141IM:k;431,,,,ILEr 1114338(1 13 as CI'. 1(3 CAIRAININDIN.han .7•`••• e'"T"F' maket•helk-1;:2fee he*'persoici! 74133rs API's:r5e lioglart dirtitijeg Yard east of gt:T. R. station. so toor , -. stisishdyr 'husbanSt Skit; ' whurdl rriligiA1-1,:fa.hir! ,Aittsin}3soptiogslwvant,dixp az . m- Your money ref ctilt tv R Pa 1 § ' ,-wiktilik,ithersinyWrittomicingiea McI'L.141 • lcip.stilwiiill ap:nualirruentekt bylAfrsbS.1 Ap,1114111oRiefteTtsdayhtdit 4.114y9Th„t4,11tea 4p7igro'niltriutZdochw bo„al tleolhornielinfoth&ottormetetwarcititsuildP '14 ' Lturabtoixtiaks,7411054twav,rtfigetvitlide6 tiorp11.-,•1 v,io•e,,,_.,..-"Atit„,„:-..ti3 Jgrf,utilho M.tirida,3ellattimall ..lakitIftzfekion•mtvgairmai v,Itetiryo, i•,1 •?•,:iikiptk. tee- le.r.in: 4 /hid tar/next, a0,Selciatilltiopvettiliktitifbi abet 7.a.g8W.NATI8k-4-ifirisspeOe`fp) 4:1,311;mf' aberiertioreta*eraxgen-ifstJhe.weatbr4e.trtre- Mil.Rtf.14,`"'.Ecibri3' aVpcchOnionV-dt,g1 mkt& faAf8ratle for Vita isaaiwigt,4tuif:'il-t-4 1}Pfilvilidna4g"laULF011;ayits• aealin,74,- • „,,,,,...,..-:‘,„ ,:,. Wad. SdatIVOg riWitinPraegiqfifinfierfk `Ma itlitiViegikgtoiVr.tiq'xbrv). ,st ..,,„.1.1s,„..gpt jesSietlitarkrt Braintifeboxlvris oodSititiagritri Ri•tP, PPli-14R7b,nti. *IN ibodi:by;ei.s '1.714 • It) o you realize that, the isettir." *nolescalid 'eciiisInt hero:el-2ms Wittt.; 4Veiiiii'd *as*iifrenvOIt. ple,4,11.4tki;121 '""ok. , .‘ .. , .11oE3lartgalial Falltsli.iNtlitroiftikkilito SOCiallintereonra"..",vedar'aid , ' WS 4 On iS upon."yott" ivttiii filyling pti r_ AvVir fir 8 ' . r r. Ee reuit, 42.1mq Atitozgetitor thia..evelhinge/pritft•• 7 „1::,....r.; r I• F-r-,kit.:;,....,,tt;1;,tifiliio •• ' , •:.. . ' .... : ••.:'',:::fftl• Ltd a astheptifgisitingvherepariveitaoMit,ibta diltalP it ti§' .4f6','"A:i'"%iiigailyidt „ , 1 ....„.„,..11“, -Ail %cit.,ai4f1,1,,,Th•••••;t bail tri o•-0/ odivreseyttlititTn-Weird'inlge-fo tliettti ' I Ort.pkr''ff0 r--. , , 41r, 'ya,tt Ntta,nt ta .1,),e ,prepaxedoT ,•,,ilul •,,,..,,,,u,,,li,,,,,- .., ...11,3 ..E1 , - 2? . 4411 - gzei gas_ rBiek, ornfejsesccaeatvdthartnoct tearnd-Mtkrtilbgge; ifet•rel'eale'dfalit4o- iErigntExOtil IotVaii? N-11,-/1 'IttlianW ' b2.&11'41firititfasilt-lite 'iduV11.,40.0.ated ' , '11S.1.!,-.11.1Pfc11 111:...Attliatl:gfeirogi-Cftx; fiefiboate`thisivi-epkil arivt I scrod" lit.', k e parldie ittid3tliVLefroWl-W610- 'it lirkk ,i2hto.1,,e,113. Rr. 61,11 utarp*,‘„iiiist . .., I embertrottheJactainat etwoh toe ,4editoti , , , , ,f cli itri “ ii4 efili3 iiiefG 4 t your doper e f • otrairlst,...an order to ..,....• ...-5-- . • ,f, •-•• ,..•.11.: ! ...ill ,,,,,tin,.0,..., ..p..t. ;.,:y.?:i ......•• ;ch.: • •;••: 117 I -yh thi- t-,„ ,,, tli.ikei, .cep • '3.r writ " d yn ublicsievrvioaecankalwmie "ale ,c()%atar Apopar,4acisataionnrinogc :cp1-..-.1 .,...4, v., ..14,./2.14.., ago! •:„/ . . ••••• :, h..."irkr"? ', lc •-,,J; mai; -4 ir r, z....F,', lo H.. 12.'11 A `iI f;,. u, derthe instil e0 f - ' 61611 -di' I fil tha,pasithr yea. We de„,lre,pasq•weitpregt dfier'slakike. .1SititM Tlik iiir ,1 f 'c ai 'out •:wittil4actkoiiiiitilik!tIrdillast'''tfirell ' ''1`.' '''','" i''''•''' -"`'`-"1 ',.'s' ' b -p• -,-,c• - IT ;fit tf ,i1t 17/ frr' t P.‘,1),.....:'''' 1 a..C1I) lidiii.b*Farlge' of Vi6tf rel,id ' .0 IP re„ t vd;soca to se.ger,,y4pro es i , ycol os 1‘..-1-•1. T.!. .,•,-11.--,; ii.flii ..:i•lt: : b,,,,...n.rs,,,.s..,,i „, s• ....s.„,, ,,,,,i, .,,, ,,,,,1 i„ v., ora ed if purchase unsatsisfAct9r.F.....!, • •• •ri`l „•. I :I • .13 ,t1 ••••• - ••••••C i..qF • ,f -• - •1•••••*: •:•'t :114 14,1 ' .1 641 • - 1. t o; • 4:1•%.1., 011 1.$ I rucedeld Bret r, Seafortb LY AT q!Y.9.-whia9;ptovrkt thl as,t bourthavon . . esat,;11-134dtiV7 le 'a ,,,, ribite de9,r .p.par.¢..F3 tpvt.IM . cp,TROvidAStAlk, t r 7ti wet thlidgs *hi art ih 'to air spirit, p ht 7 Ira "Wkii u 1.01fate,111Witsoki, tx 0 At etnigttihNirihn. d ekAgie.:edi ei.111 et,fik 4 'at; J-,-. ' f ,,fklAlc,trVP' sicolsrBwillAr3i0Xt Wkolltus?sbti. tfres )6wil,r.lo tve..560,1 13triettedir,..tvp _ pt -lift ;PAW& iig 'W' r3,i4:4Wit 'y 17 hit: t TileY Rita orti ereif -ihqilbst ait;;.'',93.1.01 digai; ti %Alfa% ird ' tulciriti(teliderit,aagaltigfipt,hlty. for,, ,Ti4t."'t ,8,340E4t1A i49totourez ....ogveitlooi lb. it gcb.faaliorf4§1. Tbf-'41Kty•ig 411 1,4'glii,r• at•c3fUrritl-t• Ilait kivIrgtgor Ile latiort - t o tlieigkgit fiekWitY4 a4 rdtkeliarWeMbiliV,';•fialaglifOltit til;t05.brertragIVAR / ThePitardik1§4g1 cltibYhaniafigedVfl. 011 n on. This, t Iherman s e iroliziad thilittlgiattatyb tirtalf el p. •••1• poti rd 9t1144.s1,1IMP"'VA IP! iki '1' !'i....'! "aiNtiliankepliakrembabliski tbndlida Q-6141114-1 itii, 4..ti$Feitrdif El Icfr otiligt1 ir ,tIV " 4104 t'A'N•tit?t,V rnaltritMeMOitebl tjunthte • • • At; 4.4- .• ":.• • I. ' • ,, • • .••;,1 .1" JAH a To fit any door or window.: tYPIlloway, bets,ure,,,theg Jos 4 P 41 Li; 41) 'J .11.5•0:13 4•'/' 31041.3. a stel sqnior lacrosse game for that aftet,21- 8,1 9- if,s1,AtiAtaw, ..1,,Ittheliyad, ono stitute;NbexiiitlaWkOl*-Vickklifilycli' hit; )4.4cl.r4;krglitIttici.gre; y4kaetrproes,o ,theo./citya slildult1Prea• ° de the visitors,:with,..a.day/s.-outing at • enr9iLiftitaYelmitthleptoltietbd,iSio t urc ity..rith,,,thpaergutthji% ectlig Eberiil oclecily d edylirvv tiTur itInftioestlftatit ghT e his e the course Vie) ptt ,i!ighte"jolti§,51-illgOzaktittgiversetta tteApary and„ foht.,,etglry,OgrighAVAIRilEttite VitititAVer .4 4.- • a. pr4tItiiita,VottRatliitaediofo,-dalinie• „Ale faith,lheneeforth there iS • or e prowo of rightoritmatips-whin- e Lord the' ItY114194%14.111-06ViillAri'lw;t1lii rt celino40q.P4...tiggs,at IPS NUR-tx euC-Iirit,a,:i.:0. '-"5c.A.1)fiki,,I•t. •/.., h b-,) ,•.•oo•-/ I414,5"OulA,3. - IN; rierilxaPst• , S ,..ibeautifa lad elr oikillii,r4-t; ve 0 -dock tea set, ripe "Agit 11114% a gtirat-11 N4- ',`Ixtet age, t A 213,5Pelbs'eit urne 7t%).41;4;gThrEir,t And alruit set of glass very beautifully hOe great- ard richly ornamented with gilt. • J., 1, 'i-.)453.116.1iroStrodillf:tistigirtt7f4:11:811111HiCheisl) z„. • , OAIIII*86.1,PIC,A ,11'.47;Akb 1r0.7•. -4 ").1 id 44I1',' 1. UX8TEIR.