HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-6-20, Page 21 major -Gem O'Grads-lialy Present at the 1 ,,6,16.006131,1W40140271111., TUE. NIAGAItA, CAM'. LI:ivies Service Parade. , Niagara, Ont., .1 une 17.-'11ae whole • 140n. A. 8. Hardy Asleep With 1 diyision paraded to divine services at i 9 a. in., and formed up beside the of - His Kindred at Brantford. ; Dicersheadquerters, xnakigg the three t Sides of an immense reetanfele over PROMINENT CITIZENS ATTER.O* Whitten, chaplain of the Stith, SW/- yards Across. The Rev. 'Welter • 1 eoe Iron:stern essisted by Rev. S. t 'hey of the'2zol Dragoons, officieted, eraii, Home reopie, Who Loved Inim, Una- 1 and from e. drum -head pulpit preach- ! etwel able by An the elearat in inele i ed a very earnest and eloquent ser- a:sewers:ran ,23.49.0s.aud, zaen, Newest, , mon. The three great requisites, he ' said. of the soldiers of Christ, as of Ana Cliildren Linet the streete ! the King, are obedience, endurance and 7o11,owe4 Dotty to the ; and courage.. As the Cauadian vol- •Oraire. 1 unteers at the front endured 1ard- 3 ship, fatigue, forced marches and Toronto. ,Ittite 17. -The attendance i thirst, so in Christiaa life we must oX protein...et citizens at the short i erolure its good soldiers. He spoke funeral service at the residence, 86 i very feelingly of tier late Majesty, ..§t. Albans street, of the late t'x''' i our latuented Queen, and exhorted all Vremier Hardy ou Soturclay alter"' ' to offer true allegiance to our right - neon wait remarkable for the large i ful. Sovereign. King Edward, a. true number and representative charaeter i. gentleman and sovereign. Ot those present. The brief service 1 The whole division. including the Ives conducted by Canon Winch and staff officers, were present, besides a IlieSieep :Sweatituan. I large number of guests. The staff The pall -bearers were Wrentier no,ts„ i 011 -leers stood imieediately in front ol 33t1t• '1•• 74.1- filhs°41) it'dn- 'John PrY" i the chaplain. TheY are Major-General •der: and Chief Justice Armour. Judge ;: O'Grady-lialy. Col. Otter, Lt. -Col. Alfaehlaboa and ".1'. riodgins. ', Neilson, Capt. Gooderitron, Major Tee racearners were Dr. lIarely and 1 Howard, Lt. -Col. McDonald, Lt. -Col. Arthur Ilardy. sons; Judge Hardy. 'i Graveley. Major Gunther, Major Gale brother; .I. 11..11uchantin, brother -in- , 1 .. • ectway and Major Nantrees. All were law: R. Bittletutto anti .I. C. Dahl- resplendent in fullairess unifor111. win. nenllewd. r• A. hole', nuntber tat: guests and. Tie • floral tributes were vet'y choke. friends were also present. And +Med an open carriage. ., When tie. itineral started St. Ai- , batie street was thronged by speeta- A. MCISISUIZOV'S VAIIIIILANA. tors. The cortege went by Univereity '1 nrneer,,••• art1P11.. and W t..; ne(irly a mile James Ohurehill Wens Iiis 'wife and lter rather anflnd Ai tempt* Suicide, lee 'b. ; 'roe ettsteet was placed in the par- ! Ithaca. N. Y., June 17. - James or ter Brandon et the Union Sta- Churehill, a. farmhand, oleo worhed • near Dilate, early yesterday zoom - eine Wards, Miss Gladys- Hardin murdered his wife, Minnie mei Mre• Ferguson of 7donlreal Indy- ! Churchill, at her fatiow's home in ed ir the stat ten shortie' after the :: Newfield, a village nine miles distant 1teals say that the places of the itinerel protneeion and entered the I from this place. lIte mutilated liter strikers will be taken by Sinai. SOIlle car, where they were ateompanied by !. ht•ati with a. heavy bar of iron while or whose are already engaged. the 1.•,r4-eher, sem; anti other relative,: ! she slept peacefully 1:inside her daught- of ti:e fileceitsed. 'I he car was to tacit- i: en aged 7. Her father. Denied Alin- ed to the train entitle left at 1.20. ;, turn. who was over 80 years of age. _ ____.___ also fell a vietile to .his son-in-law's : wrath. Mrs. C loweltill died two WITH HIS KIADRED. ; hours after tht: atsatilt woe conimit- -. ii toil. She was 8t1 years old. The Ohl lortag Final Tributes to the late wore •, men still lives. 1 ut will survive but A. S. nerdy at nrantrortiallononel In i a few hour, it in thotieht, 05 his neath. i skull leis teen fraetured. ! Churchill hintnif attempted suicide ' Drautforti, Jure- 1.7.-IIIen. A. S. ; by teitheg an taltive of carbolic acid. Hardt' was laid at reel th'sterdaY 1e-1 but was revived. and Sheriff G. S. side hie father ;nal hie mother. The 1 Seansan arrest- d. hint and brought people among witotti he had lived hi J his mitten .1' lo illlaCtt last night. if 18ored him by all ilaealts anThe crime was the result of extri•ine , Montreal, Qua, Junt• 17. -In reply to an their power. Ten 0ot:inlaid Ithen wo. 1- Jealousy. enquiry regarding the strike of trationen Men cool children lined the streets Or 1 tills =mho; 11.1r. Menet% aecond vice- f011orsed Lis body to the grave, and 1 J. Stionee rozit .1.-T TIAShiltatST. president land general manager or the speetal trains from Toronto, Haien- i Tnalweni.• ing that while some of the tritehmen Canadian Pacific Railway, said thls ovat- ion tool Stratford brought niany cit- New Detenswick Town nuirered Ileavy I had quit wore' the great majority had ire ue front Oboe places to do honor i Loss sander. not, and he fully believed that within to his memory. For hieirs a con- 1 i Bathurst, N. 11., ,June 17. - This twenty-four hours the trouble would bo al ciot ..1 FI of eitizens of every class passed t 'trough 1 he Court lions.. I e town suffered a dittestrous tire e'ester- day. The fire broke out at 11 o'clock b./eh for the last tittle upon the well- i in suinh„tat hunter yard, and was 8 ra'et'' Th° 011011 4.askel 1a:v 1" i still burning last night. but there is side the barristers' table, on the very I no noire danger unless the wind C,P,R. TRICKMEN OUT Story of the Strike Told Frptr. Both Standpoints. REPORTS .FROM ALL SECTIONS. Strike Committee r,CIalmasTbat 9:$ Per Cent. or the Neak Laid DoWli GOD IS UNKNOWABLE ALWAYS SPOKEN OF IN LANGUAGE our God is Mightier than the oppo- sitioe, All right with God, we may have the courerge of the general dying on the battlefield. He asked to be turned, and when they said, "Which FIGURATIVE AND MYSTIOAL• way shall we turn you?" he said, 1"Ture, my leo toward the enemy." What a, challenge that was uttered by the old missionAry hero, “If God he • for us, who can be against us?" Think of it! God is the only being in the universe who has power to do as he pleases. All human and angelic forces 'taxa environ- ments. There are things tbey'cannot Tools -moan of company Say they westmiester ahhey.not It eves Artee , do; heights they cannot scale; depths ) they canitot fathom. Whatever their 11laish.10i,:g13.t:n7nt;tui:Ailes1"e6c.-711 this dis- 1 rants of omnipotence, which has no win Have No Teoutdo in Weep- ing Iheir Road in ! might and velocities, they are ser - course Dr. Talmage raises high ex- i limitetion, no hinderment and no condition. pectations of the dee, whea that insurmountable obstacle. Toronto. June 18. -When the order which is now only dimly seen will be 1 we get some little idea. of the di - came from headquarters yesterday fully revealed; text. Joh =vi, 14: i vine power when we see how it bur- -morning for the C.P.R. trackluen te "Lo, these are parts of his ways. But ies the proudest cities and nations. strike, the naenthers in Toronto obey- how little a portion. is heard of him? Ancient Memphis it has ground up ed the summous and laid down their nut the thunder of his power who until many of its ruins are no largo:. tolls. The workmen here, as order- can understand?" - , than your thumb nail and yon can ed by the union. reported for work The least understood being in the hardly find n souvenir large enough 1 at 0 o'clock, but when no settletneut universe is God. Blasphemous would to remind. you of your visit. The city had been arrived i the at be Any attempt by painting or sculp- ! . of Tyre is under the sea which wash - appointed time, at there Uwe to represent him. Egyptian t es the shore, on which are only a : hurriedly came the. word to strike. hieroglyphs tried to suggest him by few crumbling) pillars left. Sodom and i The number of tract -mien on the sys- putting the figure of an CIO RPOIX tt uomorrah ttre covered by waters so ! tem in Toronto is about 10. eonsti- sword, implying that God sees and deathful that not a fish can live in i letting one gang. They are located rules, but how huperfect the stigges- them. Babylon and Nineveh are so alone. the Esplanade, and connect time! When we speak of him. it in ; blotted out of existence that not one 1 witCgangs at East Toronto and TO., altnost ulwAys in language figura-) : uninjured shaft of their aeacient roltto Junction. The men on strike tive. lie is "Light" or "lhth'sPring : splendor rentain5. Nething but 0111 - held te. short meeting* ant). decided to Front en High," or he is a "Iligh, ,' nipottuce could ,hit've put then% dowii ! etand by the other strikers. They will Tower" or the t•Fountalie of Living awl put them tinder. The antediluv- ' remain out, mull ordered to return. Waters." His splendor is so grent. : Ian world was able to send to the by the committee. The strikers in that no titan can see him and live. ! postdiluvian world only one . ship I Toronto expect to have the support When the group of great tbeologiauS with a very small passenger list. 1 of the other railway organizatiOns in a,ssembled in Westininster AlrbeY fer 4 Omnipotence first rolled the seas i their light, and in this way look for- the purpose of Making a system or over the land, and then told them to ward to win. religious belief. they first of all I go back to their vsual channels as On the other hand local C. P. 11. wanted, an answer to the question. i rivers and lakes and oceans. At out - officials were little concerned e ester- "Who is God?" No one desired to ,^ lpotent command the waters pounc- slay over the strike. General Super- undertake the answering ot that i ing upon their prey. and at onmilea- intendent Timmerman 'wits of the overmastering question. TheY finale , tent command slinking back into opinion -Gott the ntert who went out by concluded to give the task to the ; their Appropriate places. Ily such will soya return to work. The ofro youngest luau in the ansentblen wile rehtarsal we try to arouse our sin happenedsto be Bev. George Gilles- predation of what ontnipotence, is. and intwine garlands and kindle il- Ponie.thellcaoicolaintalantetdhattathueuy4efirrt:tkaun'itiet' , adoration is intensified. but after all and our reverence is excited. and our luminations. divine direr- g we find ourselves at the foot of a , e1 in tvre aolevi ni'leeeaxplriinentacielsY trheaPtlfalwd; tNlioitnh. hlitt biaegaPtrtal3g pilraare•er hy eaying. i mountain we cannot climb. lowering „ •eannot be in two places at the) same "0 God, thou art a spirit. Infinite. , os'er a. depth we cannot fationn. at time. Aradler. the astronomer, went on NO MAN CAN SEE HIM AND LIVE. George Gillespie's Prayer the nest Definition el God neard in a nistin- goisited Company of Theologians in ge•,•••••••,•11, tuformetion ream itaitwov Onieleis And Traci:welds Union officials, wieleh has Men pre e A Or ttoutreal, huue 17.--ditStp.deatil.hessdil,kth'st sentence or hollehine s PM • r Ing fiat upon 0tir faces as eve ex- universe, and it, was a fixed world, past, aud as often deultsi. Is now en, mad was unanimously adopted by the as- i claim: "Lo, theed• are parts of his ' and all tho other worlds revolved. first come to dine. 43 the bt;st lief14111°11,, Qt i tta:.s• But hew little a potties is around that world. and 60180 think: lt now remains to be seen which tilde will :,7QuIbIF (kid. But, after all. it was only a. ,; heard ot hint? But the thunder of his . that that worm is heaven wed God's htr. D. MeNteoll. rililnagIT or the c.P.IL. partial Micros. and after everything :rower who can undeantand?" butthat s nestl lunar InCil hate Sniff that language can do whoa Put I° 80 an (hose who have put togeth- inhartaitiLesIsofthtehree.bal:Isdt.tilli'rt hoisIthit': out he cannot say definitely as to tee utt131- her; reports are cowing In slowly. the utmost. strain and all we Can see ' or Aystems of theology have (115- more there, than he is here. Indeed. of God in OW minuted world and ro• courted also itinntt the window, of Alcyone lots bon found to lie in uto- where at the satue time. "Where is; God?" said a heathen •philosopher to a Christian lean. The Christian an- swered, ,"Let me first Ask you where he is not?" The child had it right when asked how notoy •Gbds are. there and he answered. "Once" "How do you know that?" he was asked again. He -answered, "There is only room for one, for he fills eerth and heaven." An author says that if a man were set in the highest- heavens he would not be any nearer the ese settee of God than if he were in the centre of the eArth. I believe it. If this divine essence does not reach all Places, what use in our prayer, tor prayers are being offered to God on. the other side of the earth as well as here, ond•Oodurest be there Alta here to take supplications' which are of- fered thousands ,of Miles .apart. Ubiquity! No one has it but God. And what an alarm to wickedness, an everywhere preset. Lord, and what a. re -enforcement when we need, help! God on : the throne and Gott n•irof the kneeling child saying: its evening pinker at his utother's bap. God above you, God beneath you,. God on the right of you. God on the - left of you, God • within you. No pantheism, for that teaches that oll things are God„ but Jehonah pos- sesses all things., as caw souls pos- sess our bodies. God at the dis- allleier and cireulitference of every- thing. as close to as the food you put to your lips, as the coat you put upon your back. as the sunlight that Allies in your face. Appreciation of that, if tlwough Jesus Christ, the atoning Saviour, are right with God. ought to give us a serenity. a, trout) quility, that nothing :salad upset. Wattld it make us gloomy? No, for God is the God of joy and will aug- ment our happiness. God in full pos. session of us in **thought out of which, you ought to make anthems' eternal and Unclinngettble 311 bre TM Of cireundt•rence eve cannot ilia) wisdom. Power. holiness. )its- :: compass, anti we feel like first going tiee, goodness and truth." That - down on our kneo nod then like fall- . with his explorations until lie mu. chided that the star Mesone. one 01 the Pleiades. was ow centre or the Statement Ify alize or God In the providential •ood. Think or a wisdom, which eon Um. and it alSo is inevolving around erica Whinto ',Voting man, the changes. 1,:iTorts were successfully tele! of ah•rt vigor end rugged ) oneentraled in saving tde large , ealth. he had wen fame arid position 1 mills. stable. the burning of which ler ithuself by ltis eloquenee and Odle I would have meant the probable de- ity'. Vs:Motley the 'Meth.; that hail • . tee. , striation -of the whole dation The Owen nas clean ringing Yoke form- total hoses are over $130,000;sehiefly ed ,t black bookground for a sad sante Tno Mee that lay anumg ! bmibur. `. great masses trf flowers was erthelly Nearing .1biolitte Zero. waned by disease. and many of his friends who lied steen hinx only in ro- London, Juno e7. -One of the mos . but health wore shocked at the ern interesting topics; oz Ohe winhe is he llto closing struggle. The !, triumph or soismco over TAztax.ro stiowjj bench, the barristers' table and a 1 in experiments before the Royal So - raised platform were entirelgeovered ; ciety last Thurtelay. It is sulikient- with Movers of remarkable beauty, ly wonderful to say that Prof. James cruidents of widespread admiration, Dewar •earritd in a jar, through the iniendship and love. A guard of Lon- streets of London it) his lecturtoroom or from the 381.11 Battalion kept. ; nearly two quarts of liquid hydrogen wateh over the easket. From the 1 which, until recently. was the most Court House the body WaS conViWeti intangible form of matter known to to (;rittiii. (Atwell. where a fuIl choral man. service was held. the procession be- On arriving before hie audience, ing as follows: this wizard of scienete who 'deals with Masonic Orders. Clergymen. 'Hearse. PaIlloenrers. Flower Bearers. Moereers. Ca:billet Members. Mesubt.rs of Parliament. Friends from a distauee. City Connell. Law ASStieintion_ world we are forced to ere' out with 1 hnow the end from the beginningsome great centre. But no place Joh in IllY text: `lett these are Parts , that knows the thirtieth century as has yet bean found where CiOd. Is not of his ways. But how little tt nor- • well 3ts the first century. We can present by sustaining power. Omni- (tlietti•ft ioafilealrlids apfolwile211.12wlitiouteat11110 1.11 tallUelIC gion110;30, allots. Think of tt Otirldi that Not 1. Not you. Sometimes we what will happen. hut it is presence! Who fully apprecietes it? stand?" can hold ail the past und all the ' hear him in a whisper. Sometimes we Archbishop Tillotson 'yid Br. Dick prident and all the future! We can hear him in the voice of the storm aud Imo Its. tIff 0, ' k coitterve end invent. on it small scale, that litra tho Adiroutliteks. But We over. Bdwards of the In_tstendul the mightt- 111101. of a, wisdom that could cannot SWIM 11(1 i'.', this OtViOl. TIO+f TilOSO who WO. gone out were, no doubt, ('$f,theologianit ox tins young eel:" contrive a, univereel Think nf a. evis- finite cannot measure the infinite. We actuated ity a desire to redeem their tury Intent discoursed upon the pow- , dont that can learn nothing new. a feel as Jo ----------------------. od in promises to the committee rather Gum by any feeling of discontent at their er of God, the attribute of oinnipot- wiedoin that nothing can surprise. the gold mines eaul the silver mines, treatment by the company. es a matter of fad. the Canadian Pacific Ballwin" paid higher wages to Its traermen than any other road on either side or the line traversing similar territory. The wages paid east of Lake Superior, for instance, were higeer than those paid be the Grand ntrunk or Interroloniali tho wages west, than those paid by the North- ern Pacific or Great Northern. Wen had lately been put In Pave for .e purpose of removieg any possible eatzSe for 00011)101m thee might guise. Some of tee questions lib:missed with the eommittee were of such a nature that long and earefni eousbleratIon would, have lied to be bestowed on them before tliey could have been put in slut n slump as to prevent them from livecaning u source of tentimml lumoyettet, to the Inca as well IN to the company. ruder these ciremustanees. the hest of num, those who had been In the conmaWs service for yeare. were sure lo feel that there WAS no Justilleation for the proelamation of a strike. Meanwhile, the contralti:$."8 lines from end to end of the system were In splen - i temperatures, compared with which dld condition, and any number of new Arctic csild ie like a seething furnace, men were soliciting work, the high wages ; produced marvels never before wit- paid by the company being am attraction 1 nosed outside of his own laboratory. even in gooa times ince the present. I He induced hydrogen. to a solid, On being asked whether the question 1 'whit% appeared like snow in the test of recognizing labor enions 'was 21 faetor tUbs, and annourmed that a tempera- In the dispute, 'Mr. MeNicoll replied that it was not a factor in the dispute so far lure had leen produced teght or ten as the company was concerned, The I degrees lowtn than this, or within conditions attending, work In the track nine &grecs of absolute zero. department are different from those In Couuty arid Township Connell& , There is but on.'substance now 'Worm Assoeiations. " hnewn which has not. yet been reduc- metre of Trade. ea to a liquid; that is the new 'gas, Sebool Boards. helium. This is a difficult and expen- The procession took over half an ; eiee enough problem to occupy the hour to pass a given point. end was , scientific world for many a day. esthnated at froni 8,000 lo 10,000. I Service was conducted at Graces • Two Yowl; nem Drowned. Church hy the rector, •Itural Dean i MacKenzie, who delivered an elo- Montle al. June :LT. -Alfred and fluent and touching address. { Harold Smith, two young English - The services at the greet) were Per- ! 1..n.e,n, IS and 15 years .old, reenective- formed according to the Masonic 1 't were drowted at Verdun, near • rites:. Past Grand Master Ifugh Montreal , yesterday. •They were out fishing Murray read the beautiful service of 1 hing in A canoe, when young Hare the order, after which all that wns i old dropped over into the evater. His brother made an attempt to rescue him, but both were deowned. The boys had only been a few menthe in the country, but had relatives here. %north' of the -deceased stat (Oman was laid by the side of his ancestors. t Special trains were run from To- ; ronto, iramilton and Stratford, and ! many distieguished visitors, includ- ing Premier Ross, were present. The Railroad Ts Open. 1 Halifax, N. S., June 17.. -The southwestern portion of Cape I3reton ' is now to the for.. The Inverness Richmond Railway, whieh will even- tually tra.verse the whole length of I Inverness County, was opened on Saturday from Broad Cove* to Fort Hastings. Fifty-seven miles of the T041(1 are now in operation. The road eras eqnstructed by McKenzie ne Mann, Taken to Smallpox camp., Hamilton, Ont., June 17.-Mi3s nutty, 2811 Curoline street south, was taken from her home to the other aepartments of the railway, and it seemed impossible to forinulnte any scheme that would be workable. Nearly every man in the more important branches of the company's service Is a member of one or other of the railway brotherhoods or unions, and no friction has resulted or Is likely to result. The president, 0311.1 Mr. MeMeoll, 11 (much:son, had made this very plain to the Trackmen's Com- mittee, when they celled on him. From the Men's Side. Mr. &dm T. Wilson, president of the Brotherhotal of Railway Track:nen ' of America, said: "Our men have responded nobly'and 1 maer-say truthfully that every division of the Canadian raellic is taday swept clean of Its traeltmen, bridgcmen and track watelunen. Frani St. John, N.B., to Van- couver, B.C., our advices tell only one . • the star and cried, s "This is my would make the planetexy system • ' story. We luta not dared to hope that Opd," but the star disappeared, and and all the worlds which astronomy more than CO Or cent. of the boys would. Abraham said, . "No, that 'cannot go out taslay, for doubtless many of them reveals one universal wreck, bereft. i be my God." After awhile the moon have not yet reeelved the strike oi•der. h,,intsplicrus, dismantled S.sunsets We are extromety hopeful' of victory, and dead constellational debris of worlds' I rose, and Abraham said That"'o that befere n great while. . What power it naist be that keep, MY -God,' . but it set, and Abraliesni' 0 , the internal fires of our world im- again 'disappointed. After. awhile Between montreal and Ottawa titer is • II Quo. And We have all seen demon- strations of 0 otIts alinight nos. It Might have been Lar out at sett when in an equinoctial gale God showed what he could do with the waters. It might hew been in an August limn- derstoem in the mountains when 'God showed .witat he could do with the lightnings. It might ho.ve been in South America when God •showed what he •could do with the earth - all the facts, scenes aud occurrences of Asia, saying, "There 1.4 a, vein for f Ursa. to come as plainly beftwe the silver und place for the geld It as though they had already Dans- where they line it." And niter (51)101'- 1)11041 He could have built all the ing the heavens .as an astronomer material universe into one et odd ' and Clod in distant worlds and swung it te glorious mass and becoming acquainted with prioa through immensity, but behold his and Mazzaroth and Ann urus und no - wisdom in dividing up the grandeurs tieing the tides of the sea and the into innumerable worlds. rollieg inspired poet express.s hie incapacity SPItaiderS on all sides, diversity, ant- to understand such etidetwes of plitude, majesty, infinity! Worldal dont, and power and SOY:4: .".1.0. these Worlds! Meting in complete 1', 123. etre parts of ids wavs. But how line quakes. It might have, been among mire. Mightiest telescope oil one 1 tie a, portion is heard of him? But the Alps when Clod sbowed whet he hand and Most Powerful microseoPe I the thunder of his potter who ran could do with the avalanches. Our on the other, discoverinein the pla.n ! understand?" cheek was blanched, our breath stop- of God not otie imperfection. What i So every system of theologe• has ped, our pulses fluttered, our whole but divine wisdom could have plan- ! attempteel to describe mei define the ' beleg was terrorized, but eve had ned a human race and, before it ! divine attribute of love. Easy enough seen only an instance of divine starteCI, built for it a world like is it to define fatherly loVe, motherly strength. What eves the power 01 this; pouring waters to slake human love, conjugal love, fraternal love,, that storm compared with the power thirst and giving' soils capacity to sisterly love and love of country, but which holds all the oceans? What ' Produce such food and lifting such a. the love of God defres all vocabulary. was the power that shook the hills canopy of clouds embrolderOde with For many hundreds of years poets compared with the power that swings such sunlight and surrounding*. the hex() tried to sing it and painters the earth through all the centuries World with such wonders that all the haVe tried to sketch it and ministers and for 0,000 years and in a forma- scientists of the agcA have only be- of the gospel to Preach it anil mato tire and incomplete shape for hun- gun to unroll them? But it is °nit' tyrs ht. the fire and Christians on dreds of thousands of Years? What the millionth peal of that wisdom their deathbeds have eenolled it, and is that power that sustains our that has come to mortal apPrecia- we ean tell what it is like, but no world compared with. the power Um. Close next to every •discovery one has yet fully told wbat it is. which rolls through immensity the is a wonder that has not been dis- Men speak of the love of God as entire solar system and all the eon- covered. We see only one spechnen though. it were first felt between the stellations and galaxies and the uni- among 10,000 specimens. What we pointing of the Bethlehem star and verse? The mightiest intellect of know is overwhelmed by what we do man would give way if for a moment not know. What the botanist knows mthear. Pllotuitndniongi °LI othneg abillefaoirnexitlnialtlaeltlx-- there came upon it the full apprecia- about the flower is not more wonder- tion of what omnipotence is. What isted the love of God. ful than. the things he does not know about the flower. What the geologist thOisnlNyvogrlIdiin, pbsuets woifiatGoadn hour re it wewiilln you and I see and hear of divine strength are only "parts of his knows about the rucks is not more ways. But how *little a portion is amazing than the things which he bwoillwhhaesrle 11\0"111noir'sat fsr0ig0hitlinithanaul feel e' heard of hon! But the thunder of does not know about thean. The worlds that have been counted are when I now see you. IL will not be.: his, power who can understand?" We try to satisfy ourselves with with mortal eye that that we will be - saying, '`It is the natural law that , only a small regiment Of the arinies of light, the hosts of heaven, which hdoeladrisheidin, , but with the vision of a controls. things, gravitation is at i have never passt'd in review before spirit. Of af°11ratthveanquiriatuildlionPeargfeeesteodf work, cantripetal and centrifugal , mortal 'vision. What a God we havel forces respond to each other.", But 1 eternity to us the most tlailling hour A tradition says that Abrab.am of will lie Lhe first hour when we meet what is natural law? It is only : the Old Testament was when an in- him as he is. This may account for God's way of doing things. At every , it. is God's di- ; fent hidden in a cave because of the something you have all seen and may point in the univeme eat end contiouous power that con- persecution'. of .Nintrod. The first not have 'Understood. Have you not. : time the child came mit of the cav- noticed haws, that after death the old; rols and harmonizes and sustains. , . , , . i, : ern it was night, and he looked up at Christian looks young again or the - That power withdr w features resume the look of 20 or 80' years before? The weariness is gone - out of tele face; there is goniething - strikingly restful and placid; there i* a pleased look where before there' trea a ' disturbed. look: What bas . woought " the, change? I think • dying : Christian saW 0 cid: At thc..Ahd smallpox is olat ion hospital 1114111), , e, g .. ' n prisonecl-only here and. there spurt- , le Min rose.. an he said , Why, near the high-level bridge, late Sal- they will quit to -night. Between Megnatic .1„„ - • as.q.; trona a. Cotopaxi, el here is my God," but the attn. moment the soul left the body what granted. an increase to $1.50 per day, ' Itompeii and Hereolaneum into sop - a sa.om ; truly, urday evening. She had been slightly and St John, N.B., tee men are all out, 111 for a day or two with what the and they will remain out until they are bOli, or from a Vesuotus, putting ..' - • ., - - i went down, and Abraham waa sad- the soul saw left ite impreseion on dened . Not, 'until the God ofs, the the eountenamce: I think that is family supposed to be . chickenpox. whethet it be a a eek or a year." uleher, but for the most part. the in- Bible appeared to Abraham was he what gave that old Christian face &- Miss I.futty protests that she hasn't. . Mr. 'Wilson, who bad gone to Portland, ternal fires chained in their ca es of t* se' Is e ' an il d d I • f 1.1 r at ter death the radiant and tfitimph-. lis al i was so g e. , Maine, to attend a meeting of representa- . d ' tires from the other organised bodies oa rotk, an century after century on., that he was called "the Father of the ant look, , So with that departin.g • able o., . ,. L, 1. am o nu s , ai '111 111. - 1 thathe eo °glans. it is mai .sou , levoyage. " Al ' t •th 1 ' CI •• t' 1. .t1 of life - the Maine Central, was asked what t br611. ' 1 e oham r 1 ' t know of. Godes • wisdont is insigniff- has been lone* and rough and 'tea- . open the "door! What power to keep * smallpox, and is greatly annoyed at being removed fro= her home. pailway Accident nt 2sontreal. • le Pi m se • s• 1 Montreal, June 17.-A horrible and 0W&'ie certain of victory," he answered. the coreponinet parts of the air in cant compared with the wisdom. be- pestuous; challing sorrows haveagain, le to fill their ,places. Eighty so that all around* yond human comprehension. 'The hu- and again snowed down upon hint, Woman ilimged Herself ' I most likely fatal accident happened Out men are standing firm, and the emu- right ProPortthn. from Bostoa the world the nations may breath.. man race never has had and never and it is an At Sea. Many Montreal, June 17. --The wife of 1 to Sydney Jones, ex -workman, in the PanY P unmb Italians, •who were brought in health, the frosts and the heat Jeremie Beat:regard, one of the most Grand Trunk yard, Point St -Charles.. last luosday, threw down their shovels oe will have enough brain or heart no clouds have filled the sky. It le ap- ,. it i n cl a r e d . fr OM Working linivers n1 de- measure the wisdom of ,God. I- can prow:long 12 o cloelc, and the close He 'was caught by the legs in a cote- . seterday and returned hone They told - • i p I • , think of only authors who have Of life's day. Friends stand exound ' prominent farmers of Contre Color, • anolition WNW', aS saiah says, ` to . sarcea the ream., 1, few mi108 from catcher and hurled. under a freight me they had beee engaged to work, on an la 1 • expressed the exaot facts. The one and sotint the 'parting moments. The eke up tie isles as a, very little '' Montreal, 'onun itt ed suicide yester- car. Ms skull was crushed, and he extension. to be . beet, hut when they nr• ' - S V 1“011 ti depth clock strikes 12, and God breaks rived they found. their plates were on the e• wa, all , who says; , ie ,„ „ . stable. i.. e Was fa' not likely to live. d- thiria " What is. th t ower -0 i day by hausrine:'in aSh - sections which had been left by 011r askcs some one. It4s ePverythtingt tact? us. Witl - 1 ' •• i inn on out side the re- of the riches, beth. of the wisdom aeld through the clouds and shines upon - 61 yearn of age, and had 6.3-‘a, de- • ranged for some years. s' --.. - ilIore Royal Trees For Toronto. Irin_,' . •knotsliclge of God, how unseat -citable the featrates of the 'departing saint chiefs of all th ' e railway brotherhooss, the omnipotent God, we psaY d0f3, God, I' • • • " '.I • en, S f Ri teousn c, ' are his jtidgments and his ways past' until they are transfigured with the inclang out. lie (Ala auteer waS gloms of the tin Toronto, June 17. --The City Corm- "Telegrams have been sent to the " 0 '1, 1 God LI t,' t• gime once cc, ie symoa ne ic. , fe . t g i• a I -ties., It Y., June 17. -An un- I- n ont of the City Hall. The plant- between the Canadian Tactile and its track, And Whelk SVG flre shu b I,- ,. v o , 1 think he wrote it during a thtusder- tures of the old than, It is the shin- . unknown cripple Milled. • the scientist who composed inv text, That is what has so changed the fea,- a have decided to plant two trees nettifyieg them that trouble has 'oecurred ••1,1 1 hunr-in and IT ma n, ened28 years •h crippit I n be done Ny the paae enA nad,59,,skieg them to be governed tie- stades we eon 5ay (1 id wit oft ee ;len been selling court plaster Due ess of Arcirk. coramety. Frobisher's Inca: when the. sailor WAs abotit, the' clonds and dessribes the storm, for . the chapter says ranch 'ng of the Midnight Sun. i Detectives 0 0a, . 'sL ii .• ,c'ily,iwas •instant/y killed, ..Date Of coronation. otIdlat Nort-hBay'. i a, er:'31.1 beill d h•owr "ete' hL, eir e,h1 ip tremo.i: of t4e. eapth,'.5 u nd er tile e,.r eavc e'z' - 1 'ske:eilnn'in4&t l ec';'1'nt. if 01) Loibiv mangled -y iorh Bay le 18 -The theLion- Icundd hi cberga nth berationsWht aryoucloilg al train leee esterday iimr11Lend June 17 -It is said the men and brige neen of this division ss - eve, e111.,ef10rrhit Soalsoallsystems of gieologylin footeg up this ru n"n ing-ing f ors WodnesdaYJune 25118 Went out otisstrike here yesterday rto teuswh thees of his corolla4on, , wasetro'geACn11.'lt0 )1fy ll aaoiteniprene-ecountfehowista.ndS.orald4.41 13 no stitcetnt whatever oteniniee wo oad, eaao that is: '008'8 eepaerhtrthr be ,eVer:Ve '''Voit Mast 1ik listhenice!'! . ,