HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-5-30, Page 8r,3
towart's Gash storo.
,5 0
May has been a big month for us in house furnishings. The
best we have ever had which means a good deal. At all times we
carry a full line of house furnishings For those who have not yet
purchased we think our stock would be interesting. We are sure
the values we offer will make it so.
Fancy stripe Hemp Carpets, good
Fancy stripe Hemp Carpets, extra
heavy Mc.
New patterns, good quality.. Union
rpete, 30 inches wide,. specie/ value
26 and a0e.
Extra super Union rpets.
medium and dark patterts, great
wearing quality 40e and 45e.
Special in all wool Carpets One
price only, to clear at 60c.
Extra, quality all wool Carpets wade
from scoured yarns. The kind that
stands the wear. Every yard guerene
teed. special 7.
Heavy quality, well made tapestry
arpt t,s new designs 50e.
We have just reeeived. some big
values in curtains. This cue line is ea
index of our stock. Fine Nottingham
Lace Curtalee, 33/4 yds long, light limey
effect, button hole edge. a superior
curtain and special at SI.25.
Finest quality tapestry Carpets,
beautiful colorings, new patterns in
Bluee, Fawns and Greens, the great
wearing qualities, 750 and 30e.
Our range of Brussels Carpets is far
the best we have ever shown. quality
the best and colorings and style the
newest-. $1.00
Extra quality Wilton Carpets, color.
lugs such as you can only get in the
finest grades of carpet. The richest
and finest carpets we have ever shown,
Oilcloths and Linoleenis, English
Meke.t pays to bey the hest. Eng,
Hat oilcloths L. 1 and 2 yds wide, Eng-
lish liuoleurae 2 and 4 yards wide,
Fine glimmer Well Papers, border
and ceiling to match, New and pretty
patterns, 5c per single roll.
Beautiful new Wall Paper stripes.
Floral designs and tints suitable for
any reein in the house, the best value
we have ever shown, Tee per roll.
Some lines we have repeated the third time this season. That
shows the selling qualities. We have just received another lot this
week in plain and fancies, blacks and blacks and whites.
4.::::++:+++++++:-44-f+++++++ For Marriage Licenses,
' Wedding Rings,
;Watches,. Clocks,
Spectacles, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
To Have
is what, the business men owes him -
It is this business policy of ours
which induces us to claim to be
often the cheapest and con-
equently always the best.
We have in stock everything in the
Stationery Line -newest in Note
Complete Line of
einglish -and German Demented
French China,
Limoge and Japanese Ware.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesclav of each week.
THURSDAI., MAY 30'res, 1001.
Boy wanted to learn the Hardsvar
1 WeareED,-Young girl to help witl
housework No washing or ironing
A,ddress Mrs, Owe piin, Albert-st
'bees wanted at once to learn dem
making. Apply to Miss Sweet, ove
post -office.
( Boer W.NTED.-A good, smart boy
business. Apply at this office.
.28117Y, Of Toronto; also for the PHCENIX 'IRE
NSURANCE COMPANY, of London, England;
kr,r.t.&vcc Issune.Non COMPANY, of Eng,
and .4`
Central //
/179A% / -
Much of your future success depend
upon the thorough preparation yoh
receive, therefore be careful when yott
are selecting a school. No two schools
are alike. The excellent reputation'
that our College enjoys, the large
patronage we receive, the splendid suc-
cess our students have in securing and
holding situations, indicates that our
school is one of the very best in the
Dominion. Write for our beautiful
catalogue in which you will find full
particulars concerning our College. If
you want the best in business education
you can get it here. Students can enter
at any time.
Prin cipal.
• Mr. and Mrs. W. Heam'
an ol Lon-
don, visited their son, W. J. Heanian,
on May I.
The town boys and school boys will
play a game of baseball on the sehoo
grounds on Friday, at 6.30 p. m. ever
body welccane.
W. S. Wilson and Ware Oliver, of
Grand Bend, leave for the Old Coun-
try to -day, via Allan Line. They were-,
ticketed by J. Spackman. Mr. Oliver?
is 70 and Mr. Wilson is 70.yeers of age;
last Mr. and Mrs. G. A. K. McLeod 1
with tam education, wanted to learn
the printing business. Apply at
TIMES office.
LOST. -In Exeter on 24th of May, a.
pocket book containing between $S
and $0. Finder will be suitably
awarded by leaving same at E. J.
Spackman's store.
GOLD OvrATN LOST. -A lady's long
gold chain, in Exeter. Has been miss-
ing for two months. Finder will be
suitably awarded by leaving same at
LOST.-Abont two weeks ago bet-
ween Kippen and Exeter, a large
rubber covering for an egg waggon,
with the name A. Q. Bobier painted
thereon. Finder will be rewarded by
returning seine to W, U. Levett &
Co., Exeter.
EXETER SALT Wonses Co. -Gentleman
you will please take notice that the
annual meeting of the Company will
he held Thursday, June the 6th, at the
hour of 3.00 p. m, Town Hall. T. B.
Mr s. Jas. Abbott, of London, is in
town and will speed a couple weeks
renewing acquaintances inown and
The Trustees of the Bethesda Metho-
dist church, by advertisement in
another column, ask for tenders for
the repairing and repainting of the
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton and children.
also Mr. and Mrs. Windsor, of Wood-
stock, spent several days last week the
guest of Mrs. and Miss Fowell. Mr.
and Mrs. Windsor remained over for a
longer visit. Mr. Thornton is presi-
dent of the Earn Organ Co. and Mr.
Windsor is tuner.
Dix Little Liver Pills, Dix Kidney
ills,Dix Nerve & Blood Pills, Dix Cold
fire Tablets, Dix Headache Cure,
Dix Compound Carbolic Ointment and
'Dix -Lung Syrup only need to be tried
in order to prove -that they are stan-
dard and reliable remedies. Sold by
C. Lutz.
Among those who spent the 24th of
May with friends here were the fol-
owieg:-Fred Hawkshaw, Chas. Bay -
eye Bert Ross, Bruce Dignan, Messrs
and Chas. Abbott, W. Harrison,
London; Meesrs L. and E. Follick,
t. Marys; Dan. O'Neil, Lucan; R.
Mott, Alymer; Miss Wood. London.
Mr. Shoemaker, proprietor of the
Huron hotel, Zurich, while assisting&r.
Mr. Merner, of the Metropolitan here,
n May 24th, fell through a trap
oor leading to the cellar injuring onen
f his lower limbe to such aextenb
hat he could not return home until
The proceedings of the Teachsre in.
titute appears on page O.
celebrated the IOth anniversary of •1
their weddinee A number of guests J
including Mrs. McLeod's brothers and
sieters and their wives and husbands; 5
as also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Earl, -were E
present, and a pleasant day was spent.
Six of Mrs. McLeod.'s brothers, the
Messrs. Chesney, weigh 1209 pounds,
while four 'of her sisters weigh 656. o
This is a good. aggregate weight. It d
• night also be stated that there has o
neer been a death in the Chesney t
-family. May Mr ancl • Mrs, MeLeod 5
le to (injoy manflutaore wedding an-
niversaries. a
ickard Co. C
00000.66041).$00.11404140Weeeen 04,0011100110011101113.0,01111901111110$6
Slintillus ang °MOOS
• fit Spe61d1 FriGes.
For the sake of 'ttynning business in this corner of our
store we will sell the 7`..,hr.ving lines for the next five days at
these special prices :
500 yards extra h. a'y unbleached, or grey sheeting or
factory cotton, very car and absolutely free from sizing, 36
inches wide, regular Sc per yard, special at 06c
250 yards grey s'ieeting, wide width, 75 inch good,
heavy 'weight, regular :.7 c:'' 2 5 c, special at 19c
11 Snap in shirt Waists.
5o sample shirt ,Ka'os ranging in price from 75c to $t.75,
choice of the lot ft)r
3eautiftil whit s°)irt wait -es from 75c to $3.5o.
We have a h; anthill stock of ladies' black and colored under-
skirts $ .A0, $1 51, 't 75, 2.25. $2.75 and $3,50.
131a61 Dress 600ds---_,in
We are showing a magnig,cent line of these goods and tzade
has been wonderfully gold in this department. Some of the speci-
als we are showing are z BLACK VICUNES, BLACK CORK
WARPS, ETC., ETC. We have them ranging in price from 50c
to $2 25.
We have just opened up a lot of summer novelties and would
be pleased to have you see them. You are welcome to visit our
show rooms at anytime. 4..
Latlics' arid
just opened up a beautiful assortment of infant's, children's and
ladies' new and stylish foo'wear. Prices range from 50 to $3.00.
Every pair a bargain.
"We want a, large quantity of butter and eggs and will
pay highest prices for same.
H.R. Pickard Co.
Direct Importers.
Mrs. (Dr.) Fry, of Dunnville, is visit. Wingham maces take place on June
ing Mrs. R. II. Sweet. 26 and 27
Mrs. O'Neil, of Lucan, is at, present Miss Mary Harrison was -visiting
visiting her sen B. S. O'Neil. friends in town.
Miss Kate ISIeFteul and Miss Hardy, J. II. Hyndinan left on Saturday for
visited friends in Seaforth, this week. British Columbia..
The 12th of July will he celebrated John Crooks, of Clinton, visited
in Luckuow, Brussels and St Marys. friends here on Friday.
Mr. Frank Willis and Miss Morgan, Mrs. Gilinour Smith, of Wingharn,
of Forest, visited at Mr. Jas, Willis' died last week, aged 54 years.
last veeek. Miss Alice Caldwell, of Fansville,
Miss B. Robinson, milliner of Ham- Visited Mrs, J. P. Rose this week.
burg, spent a few days with her par- The Exeter company of volunteers
ents here. • will tbis year comprise 25 members.
Miss Amy Johns was home from J. Johnston has sold. his bakery in
London, over Sunday, also Miss Edna Wingham and will leave that town.
McCallum. Miss Ethel Levett, of Parkhill, visit -
Miss S. Weekes returned to Guelph ed her brother, W. R. Levett, this
on Monday, after a short visit at her eveek.
home here, Clinton council will pay lot cents
Misses MaudGidley and Ida Taman, per foot for their granolithic side -
of Blyth, visited. Miss Mary Gidley, walks.
over Sunday. Frank Halls, of Chicago, is visiting
Miss Grigg leaves to -clay (Thursday), his father, James Halls, of Elimville,
for a visit with London and Wood- who is dangerously ill,
stock friends, • Chas. Southcobt of Toronto, was in
Joseph • Hodgins has moved his hem- town over Sunday. He left for Grand
ily to Elmira, where -he-has-purchased Bend to look after his property there.
a livery. business. The.Ocairt of Revision folethe assess -
Miss Ada Treble was home from ment roll of the Township of Hay, will
Dorchester, for the holiday, remainbe held at Zurich on Monday, June
ing over Sunday. 3rd.
Miss Cora Nowell will leave for Lon- Judge and Mrs. Masson, called at
don next week, where she will take Exeter one day last week. They have
a course in music. . been. taking a pleasure drive through
Mr..Jas. Bagshaw returned home on Huron Counter.
Tuesday, from Edmonton •where he The annual meeting of the South
has spent the past two months. Huron Farmers' Institute will be held
The Huron County Old Boys, Asso- in Hensall on Thursday, June 6th, at
ciation of Toronto has decided to r.:un one o'clock p. m. See advt. in another
an excursion to Clinton, on Saturday. ' column.
July 6. . A horse belonging to "Semi. Pass -
Miss Violet Reed, of Kincardine, moreeoti Usborne, made things' lively
for a few minutes on Mean st., Mon-
day. It kicked itself almost free of
the buggy.
eel Lutz's Imperial Hair Tonic:- Cures
Baldness, stops Falling Hair, relieves ••
Itching, removes Dandruff and is also
an. elegant dressing. for the hair.
formerly of London, is in that city
going under treatment for her eyes.
Miss Reed is known by many in
Live hogs touched the high water
mark on the Toronto market last
week, the highest price paid being $7.
25 per cwt. This is the highest price .Only 500 a bottle.
hogs have reached in many years. Invitations are out for the marriage
Mr. Albert T. Brown, of Sharon, of Mr. W. 0. Saylor, a popular young
and his sister Miss Ida, attended the gentlenian, of Sarnia, and Miss Jennie
funeral of their uncle, s Simon Miller Armstrong, of the Thames Road. The
sq. of Alymer, on Wednesday lase. happy event takes place on June 5th,
Dix Kidney Pills, Dix Little Liver The annual meeting of the South
ills, Dix Nerve and Blood Pills, Dix Huron Conservative Association (as
Lung Syrup, Dix Cold Cure Tablets, constituted for Provincial pureioses)
Dix Headache Powders, Dix Worm will beheld in Coxworth's Hall, Hen-
Lozengers and Dix Compound Car- ,sall, on Thursday, Tune 13th at 2
bolic Ointment only need to be given o'clock p. m., for the election of
a trial in order to prove that, they are officers and transaction of other ine-
atandard and reliable remedies. •portant business.
In the presence of only the immedi- The good :and chattelsf the let
ate relatives of the contracting perties ' W. B. Bagshaw,will be sold y public
on the afternoon of Victoria, Day, auction on the premises, in the ard
Miss Lillian Maud ("Daii3y") Dickson, concession of the township Of Stephen,
only daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. IV west of Centralia,) on Friday 31st
Dickson, and Clarence' Frank Sraith, May, at one O'clock p, m. Mrs. Bag -1
accountant of the American Exprepee shaw intends returning to her former,
OomPanY, Londoii, were quietly., .ed- home in cannington. j
ed, The bride was well-kne'vten in Mr. Chas. Verity of Brantford, call-,
Exeter, •ed on old friends in town, Wednesday.
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I . '
Are showing the greatest lines
of corsets they have ever handled.
Gromptorf foe Bost.
Have you seen tlw Erect''
Form, Style ELI tho inot;tt pei
feet fitting corset in the market to -day
price .$1.00. ObseTve the cut.
Now TorShirt Waists.
We art. told that we have the most stviish up-to-date
goods in town, prices ranging from 50e to $:1.2,5. Don't fait
to see ouri before inaliing your purchase
hill WAG oT Wks' liitoar Non o licttor.
w Rfi Fr EDR.3#----****-
Never had larger sales in these goods than this year.
ft Of%LL 80610ITED
flOUS8-618a11111fi ti1110.--as'ameger
You'll be wanting few new articles of furnitureto fill
up and change the appearance of things in general in and
around your houses. We have just the articles required,
and are .always ready to show goods. and see our
Bedroom Sets,
P rior Suites,
In fact anything and all things possible to he found in a
first-class furniture store.
• Funeral Directors.
Beverley it Huston,
TI -10 NEW syroipes
Dry Goods ....and.... Groceries.
The Spring Season is at hand, and you will always find season-
able goods at the New Store.
We call your attention to our stock of Lace Curtains, which
are all new and the very latest patterns in the trade -prices from
35c to $5.00 per pair.
The new oak finish, with brass or wood trimmings, complete
for 25c each.
See our Blind Shades at 4.5c. Art Muslins, Art Sateens and
Cretonnes-- all the very newest ; also a pretty range of Floor Oil
(2Ioths, nate Spreads and Table Covets. These goods are selling
readily and we have had to repeat several lines.
To the Ladies-.
Don't fail to see our new Spring Corsets. A very special line
of New Style, Short Waist D. & A. Corset t 50c. ; also the New
D. & A. Straight Front, Erect Form, Kid Fitting Corset at $1.00,
and many other lines from 5oc and upwards. A call solicited to in-
spect our stock.
Remember ou-r Groceries. They art-.. the best. we can buy -no
chedp adulterated goods at all. Highest prices paid for produce.
Mr. Georg Blatchford visited with
his father for a few day'e.
Miss. Morgan ofilLondon, visited with
her sister Mrs. John Treble. Exeter
Miss Yellow, of London, visited with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'yel-
Miss M. Waite and Miss Shiplye of
Sb. Thomas visited Mrs. 11. Reddy,
this week.
Miss McKenna; and Miss Lee of Luc -
an spent a few days of last week and
this with the latter's sister, Mrs. J.
Bland's Laxative Nerve and Tissue
ironic These pills are invaluable
in the treatment of Anemia, Chlorosia
General and nervous Debility Torpid
Liver, Loss of Appetite, Brain Vag,
Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestiott;
Melancholy Neuralgia, 'Vertigo, He ad -
Ache, etc. Fdr sale at ',Lutz's' Drug,
ore. 100 pills for n0c.
Mrs. Louie Towers or Arellinarne
visited with Mrs. James Moore of the
Thames Road for alew days.
Messrs. Frank Atkinson, D. H, At-
kinson, John Parker, AlalcohnillIcLean
and John Anderson, all of Wise, Craig,
left last night. by- O. P. R. colonist ex-
eursion for Terniscatningue. One of the
f party, D. A. Atkinson, was a member
4 (VB. Company, first contingent. -
,., John Hoclgins, of Bieldulpli toWnship,
will appear before Squire 3. 13. Smyth
joonhnSasttaimrdpaly.e, 013.o
.e tdhgeinssaims.ecitioawrgneselbbipy, _
with assulting him -bwe etriking him
over the head with tin: and of a whip-
Turkish Scalp Food prevents bald
ttess, stops falling hair, removes itch
ling and dandruff dandmnif,restores fat. ed and
griey hair to its natural color and vi- " .
ttality and is alee an excellent hair
dieessusg. Only SOii a bottle, at Lutes
•Drug etore.
, r