HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-5-30, Page 4111 , - 401 . r. m V ir"' .. . 'j. " _,_­-`""-")'­ I j . I I . " ­_ — I I ., I . I I " , ' r j I I I . I - ,-\ "Im"/ . r I I ol .1 I j .7 I . r ." I . . . . 177' 0 r , . wq , I j I . 11, . I , I . I ,j I r . . I I . , ­ , . . .. , ., ; — __, a.'' I— I _ j . j I r I .. . T :R IE E X -PtA rX E R T i X F1, 1 r .. 'r ' j I -----!— , . j -M-- I ___ __ I - r . . I r', ­ - J ­ ,, , Ir I ... I ____ . A ,010 XNSURANCR STAKES.- __ _r ;". - I . , , The Molsons Ba'nk ALBINY IN MOURNINCT BORDEN AND. MONKI., , I T1140 ,,Jr , _ XQUD KITO]WEINAR14i rLANS. "PH"TERM, By PA,RL1A.AM,_N:,T, =_ I. "NV'yr ATTACKED if 4, conspiriter to Pe — ov 1. I . _- 11 .. fraud'' 'r . " I A Second Colabin 0, l anaeut; of Six. I WO 934W%1At4yQ, Leaders lt.kddrass,a, , . , , nestititgr I r . Fraternal $aoletlee. I 'a . ' U D' , Columns iA In Progress, . &UPOR "Atal ' - - r2, 0, 00 Five PeoPle Killed and: F rty In.AXWOT Wall, Toronto Littla, New I chicagof. -May 27t-046 of' the, ,Now "Vork., MAY a7,- The , Trlb j" . HeadQffipe,Xoitreal 0 . r j I ulke f r 4,;%tter jka, Their $peecbqF#, ; . as -1 .- Others Seriousiy tnju Ic , A Sup6rlor, Force of Boors Were giamtost cOnsPirL%ci t > dufralld - in- I London correspondent, wiring ill '"'8 " . surance companies ­vvr ,-a, ord.!(I I -Ws' Lord I Z; I "A' 'LL'QEF_R'A('2 31AXAQ"r red. Toronto, May 28.-.T war. morning. sk <itchexxer's -b I r GX , lio COxxser,V&_ Driven off on May 28rd. disclosed In tile 1)efeabauh cartse , 0 lefts. are now infrequent, d .,* r I . 'gay. Not r$.L2,000, a --r IQLA I - - - - as - Ixo In- aldell t$ 4re thrown by press il : . JUMOY adymuced to go - ad farmers on th" , r UY4 meeting in xa ssoy Irall, last Saturd I di" xx . had bpe Cer. ,tmo IiV4tc ' , -[TWO STREET OARS OOL 'E, I night 'was not As largely attOaded A& CIlArges, bu , j Q or move v4dwser At 7 per I wt-1111()Oor 'Au"U'li W11! - j . LID r , , 'A oXPaCtad,, ll' utr it WAS A ,t '$(;.7,()00r were, ! 9'e, up guerilli warfAV , I t41417 AOt wanting in enthusiasm Ayed for, ;tut,%srdilig- to 14 , oil the , . r 1111zeter 2r, j FIVE HOURS' ENGAGEMENT, the stake's pl ' u Ar " %401t oj r, * n the Prosec rill , Which still flickering Irt South, . 2 littoill A' Ing by .'u'dKr* rica, A, W . - r * Open evexT lawful d.ri from 10 a. in. W 3 p. m; T40 Electries Were 1,401ug And; the lqajder of tile PaXty'r Mr. R.. . . I . . Tuley United the bj xxtt* r Of t be 1-11bli, r c, of s1X a . 9 _ and combined movcMeat I . _. - for Swltou* L. Orden, And ,his R lltqxla:p t, Xr.- . . , IuAins is !A ke J, progress foX, t1lo, Ar I K&TU=AYS, 10 a.m. tt I p, In. I With Fully 190 Perrwrlts on Ao4rA B Hord, ,t. .d t pros,_,cuLtars,, and the alrea m '. . r .k- V. .. Uqr,tk, wore r"ex . I . I , yod with great OT$cOuts $tQrx.aeAa V Ay cele, 0104ra;Aco of the li:astcrn, Traixavaixt. , j ArrasteA I bu brat ak - . UrrOlit Imtes of interest aRoweA all, depwits. Both gotormen Were Amour M cilrdtalttk TA , . ed trial AOw t, es. on add d in- 4r,k(l . MY. ut ther , ,Outh D;J%go% X Ajlw b DXCXSG.N & 0ARLING, .N. D. IaURDO.N, j' to, ,. , There was, little now - OX 30trove, 9ft kbqjrpoloy in pjyo I a L,r a , tero-%t and greater importance. Tes.0 aPAr ., I, Rilled4leartreuding SeeneSr.NeAr I'xiatter bx their sp;eChea, 411d 'W" . 0 jr,1110A and f,T knownp , 3E(oars_:J1$. Bopl,A War ,Its are wot ,Yet _t sIDLICU04US BXANAGXR' he order Of court, permit from largo captur "q . ' - r. Oroe ' ,. i 17 Were Le# wounded gxk r till A I Rreter. I)cc.j 2, th. T5. abutill, Wborer the Acvl : Sordol'k "qused .h maplf fox- m es of horses A , , ,ja ­ ,king 0, , I dent Ocourrefl. defili . Statements 0 -MwIe A Defen.bach. cattle. Two Beer forces are reporte(V . _It4 Statement Of policy on ille f . : _ r ­ ­ . Mo Vield-1300AX *a, charged with"being a, co--conspira,tor. 14 Q ground Of la,clk of tinxet# Tile Audtr cer:KAII I r thi district- no under Both ,i ____ _­ - .. s, . . u. 8 1 e r —for"May, 1901 , j Vd. And now dead, to be Admitted in, ovi- -near Carolina I A , Albany. 1 1'. Y., May, 27.- 1 lcc Once, I ,,, And tho rather ill thQ I r 414 rj xotwovQr, thoroughly enjoW ' j $VNX),&,T .......... 5 1g, 1j) go ' c,Vs racing for a. switch, V;btle rlm their 00ac,40a And were not slow -in London, May 4exxca, gives tile -State the desirW lea_ mountalits, near .*Af;xjuba,. Tile WaStcrlX . I _ 37, --The War Offtlee w ,,, sAid Assi oteS­AttQr- and northern districts of the TrAAS- _, o ji , ning in opposite directions At the expressWC thei Mr. Bor- received tile following from Lord ney QlseA, -11% will show ,, j 0 13 .r approval. 1017 .9t4nt St TrEsDxr ......... rr ot4er ,&; q that . L1 4re q]p* * , but remnants of De- c 1.4 21 28 ,rate of 40 2nfles an hour cost av,6 4-04 *OkO with UIS usual 'Ploasaut Kitelieller, da,ted Pretoria. May 26, companies were Iraude . low WiRDS-95DA-r. . . . I 8 15 292, 20 ,. lives Yesterday afternoon by a. ter- Manner A . he , lid, ab a a "A superior force of Boers Made a. vidence is in d. W laiar'a and Meyer's commandos are j , ;eAce of or toric I to bo do . - . TaURS1)A-,r- - - — 2 ,9 ,.(; 2 8 So . rible, collision, while over 40 promi- display. W, Af,QAk, on tile OthQrr dotefinined Attack- oil 0. , r a Oul' Possession, and tile still lurkilrog alnorng the hills. Thiv 17 24 31 I, nelit, people, some fatally,, otbej$ I Convoy be- jury, ,And cour"ill hear it all," ( 1 , , ser- hand, Spoke WItl* tl,lat vigorous tween VqAtersdorp and p - . _ .)range River Colony is tolerably fred 8ATURID4Y ....... 4 11 IS 25 iously injured, filled the accident ClOqllellRo,'that Is so get _ otellefs The follo . I leral amoilk troom. May 2 were driven find fraternal see r filers. but there is a froolt i .4, but Wing Are the, Companies fro m. ra :, __ - wards of the various hospitals with the 'public speake I . U 00, jeties in question concentration of guerillas in th6 , . —'- '---I-- r- ­ , r rs of Quoboc, - j7, Our loss -was four ild A amolmt s of Policies: -- the possibil ­ I EqUit- Zuurberg pe Cololiy,; 4 __ ity of other deatha be- Whlti.xey, who -dealt it 0.4 Arto wounded. The convoy arrived in r district of 1 *04 "a, , fore, Morning. T . W h , l; able Life Insura.-OOD Co., 00 , ore smalt, I r 1 , j he lobby of the local politics at some length, decW hi,s safety. ,­ . ! r].O j , I r ' 0'; Ain- Eight or m .., eoxtxmaxxdoi ; _. ed I tual Life Insurance, O., $10,000, SI -1 violi postoffive is giled With dead and fealty to ar., Borden., with gr ,at onx- rought Five Uoum -1 ;ner as many Boer chiefs, are opor4 . , 4t fly 95 omen anti chil- phasio. Tho only decorat curity Life euld Trust Co.. $10,00; oting in o- , ii)A$ were r ave Colottv, and Are sug,, I ; - -== ----:--:- = P dren looking for relatives and friends. V Couple qt 'Un, I London, May 27.-A despatch an , ,bsrj , , -!on .To . _ from, Prudential Life 14sur ce, Co.. W,- cesaful chiefly in cluding Pursuit , rn - —.7 ..: - -Z:7!7 '7=-77=T.=:;:--,,-,-,z;:;;;;--7 ,cgs And a,, large Kenhardt, 040 Qctlovy dated yes, 000 Xetropolitan Life X 411374ncO Co., mounted British coliumis. A ZrMSA _ _; Surgeons Administering temporary re- m0ttO, "We W,61COM0 Our Leader$. .'t terday. says a. commando of Boers. $1%000; Now York . ,Vk to Insurailoo . * TIUCWIUY 31AY 30TH. 1901 lief, and ambulances r.Wjag through The ground floor of Massey I falj w,xs. under tile Fre S Ate 0 - patrol is snapped lip once in a, whilil , . —r_-- r- - __._____ the City, takring 'he wounded , 'a , t OAMIandant ., $:10-000- d0OAdeut Order, Of but otherwise the Boers I - , t 0 hOs- fairly well filled. the first gallery was xc ;Mpu*q NOTES AND COMMR.NTS, l ey intimations of nearly full of ladies and tl CoaroY. were marching to Attack- "a tero, . , 4dian branch, $5,000; little. While tile warfare is tedjous , ._, the most terrible electric line A - corts, but the top g goir eS­ Keph 1191its and Ledies of flonor, it is conducted without signs of ex, . — id , eel , -ardt whexi they eacoxilltered & .m , a.11ery wassmpty. p4trol of Border Scouts. who wore .1000 I . Tile report comes frolu " , , on the British side. va . r Otta j of in this locality. The Cadet B4t4I!4n Baud played A entrenched At FArmstead,. Insurance obtained upon th .wathat eut ever heard A$Peratjon . laries The scene of the, accident was The Boors j a .Ill assistant laspevtol, of penitent' j. . A se,lectioA Of Music botiVegn 7 and 5 lifik durance matches endurance. , a 3 ast o'cl,"'k. Upon the platform wore attempted to atorm Farmsteaa. ond of,ltfario A. DQfolibacll -, point "baut two uIllei out of I is to he appointed ata &,%lary. of 84 ;k _, deceased. upon 60) , , the el)9400100111; lAsted Ave hours. The which were based the Indictments rc- IVAN= No NEW OAURV. . % year. 7%is will be a r e 6Z Groic-libush,.on thej line, Of the Albany U U. er of the old and tr . ic s largo ll j b led 110CM bad :15 I, Mad and left :L7 turned c1targing conspiracy to ae­ spot for some good Grit to light upon. and Ifullsou. llailwa.y, a, just coax, ulembers of tile Conservative party wounde eli - Itioritzr 'Report to Presbytertau Gonerav r -$eafortb pleted road of tilt- third rail pattern. ih Toronto, together With Many V . d- Including Field Cornat fr, ad, nAmed. A M I . Exposuor. 'a , ust . X. Tinger. Francis . W. * , Tile point, where the, car., met on the it' JAU11011W. Oil the field, The British W-4YIand Bro n. lFrank 1-1. Smiley Atiactubly w4s;j Aeftctatl. j r * a M servatives Iron 4W. erent Parts; of the 1had one wounded. and Marla, A. Defeabach as defend. Philadelphia, MAY 27. -The Presby- . I r .single track was at A, Sharp curve, Province, Including tile members of t , branto Xall says ;-11HOU G_'aud so fast were both running all , r ;1143, is as followw In IM . rhe T DrItiah 019cor X1110 .dopendent Order oriall General Assembly yesterd . d the U, xeCutiva Cormuittee of the Oil, r ' rr Pretoria, May *26. Tli em col% of Vorestors, CAUadlan brancii, 04- took another step toward revising. W. Ross is going to'do. a little political So sudden the collision that tho mot- tario ConservAtive, Association, r a & ,' 161% . seedi tialle Active in the Caroljlx t. (I triet, anco Co'. 0,000, t a COAfi)ssi011 of Faith by rejectilx Ingtbis week, it being the grow.'eraiall. never had time to put on the, which meets 14 is 000, Life Tnwir .11 , in thIle Of the year, and hopes an, bra4es before so*hbouud car No. :22 _ tile 0;4r to day, and there is continual s1drialshiog. A Icnigilts And Ladies, of Honor, SO,- the minority report which had beeix r , for I . alt'.1dailt ba"Zst of votes when the bad gone Almost clean through north- j fight occurred at Dullstroom. on My 000; totdl, $11.4000. . offered as a, substitute for the =Ar , Canadian Team in the Aaev. Jority report. The vote was 271 to - I election Coale$ round. He is loomug bound car No. 17. With human flesh 20. when P, largo force of Doers, at- Nystorloua Prescriptlops. -oil 4. Montreal, Qua- X417 2S.- -AuOthez tacked the garrison. The British had Tile mysterious prescriptions. the for a new fertilizer, those be has pile-, for a buffer. and hung oil the edge competitor ill the big all-round-ther. one The recommendation is as fol- viousl used baving proven tob officer killed and two Men handiwork of Dr. VxigerA WMCII MISN loww Ife will Spend a few days in W e fakes' of a 111911 bluff- 'with its l0ad Of world race has come to tile fro -at. wounded. Defoubtach had compounded for her- -13 --Nva recommend that A, com- - estMid- six.rit.%ing, maimed hunigulty. 041) r dlesex this week,." motorman Was pinned , u Tile, Canadian newspaper La Prolse 13ritish Anluttsh rail$. * xelf, are no P "fai'll'st last night sent Out from Mantra w in the laboratory of 4 x1littee the smashed front of the southboultd. 4 London. INTay ,27.-A despatch from wall-L*nOwri be Instructed to prepare 0, car wl two Of its keMoSt reporters, Augusto 'S t an . , Chemist, who will, tO`d%Y brief .summary of the reformed faltll,, j th. both legs se-yored, and kill- Mo. , dert,on. Tranavap -NOW thilt the Doluillion members rion, and Lorenzo ,Prince, tQ make 2g 'J. dated may Mix the C110141cals .according to for- bearing the same relation to the Coa4. 113ve lucreAfCd their Indemnity, it OCT Instantly. MI.- tho other I i"t d . . says a dOtachment of tile Queen's mulas of tile prescriptioX. so. as to fession ,tvilich the .,;hortcr catechism , w the circuit of thet g , ' sm. RM ' will 1 e in order for tile members, 6fthe, but a few minutes;, rlobo,. They left XQuated Infantry Iald an ambush ascertain whother the drugs Called bears to tile larger catechi d Ont;410 A-egi$l,%tUrQ to follow their F1411,1-1 1,20 Men. women And child,- last A'59'ht for NOW YOrL, VherQ` they near Amersfort. Commandant, joxl for certain, Iffe,,destroying properties taiv, tile fast steamship, li ,%Js r IVI Qwawple. Tbeiris even MQrer jl1stifift ron formed ,. huge. struggling. , I. bt,rt. the .magistrate and It party of in sufficleat formed on the general wrodol of tUd quautities -VQ Cause deA . . . ,th, consensus creed'prepared for tile Gen - j r tivn for tile inclv&, :e in the Oatari4; sitriewag pyra=id, mixed with helm, der Grosso to Crass the Atlan, burghQrs rOdO into the town and re- An illustration of the manner in . Ch at lea, st two of the consPIO4. Oral Assembly of 18.92. or the art- - -lider and Attempted to escap;. tor of falth of the Presbyterial%% alxtAdo of Canada. including to Mat- surr( N. whi, I 11440111311T Ulan for all increase in the bl*04- detached portious of Ixum*,A t!". So far Qko are Ave competitor* jused the British demand that tho , I)Pwivlon. The Outarl in of Parb. The Jourrial And The Tile British thereupon fired upon selves l. Church of England. both of whicli r o Evzsjons bodies and the wreckage of the cars. .3 under indictment handled the=. 'cles 'USUally list at least three raontils and Some Of the UIOWI slightly % shown by the fA6 t that to, the COM - it !-.on rare oce,,4sjons that ti e jjo the men. extrioating thQms Injured of IrOrld Of NOW York, Chicago Amerl. them, wormiling, Commandant Jail. druggistq who filled the prescrelptions . I'lVes from cau, San Prancisco Examinor. a . SS 1) Mittea*s report and submitted to the MAUP-all Session exceed fi the quivering mass. bg an to t0-'01 London and one Berlin paper. Lk% b4th, was Assembly to be refOrred to the Cora- ve, uwntbs, no bert and the Magistrate. ltelnforce at tile direction of 51i tqe : wbile the pay of jtbe Donlinion melt 't d Pre 5 melits came to the aid Of U10 BOOM. induced to return the orIginals to Mitt I a. NONE, out of tbo re. r en s of the sse I up the Canadfixit cc appointed.*' bets is now nearly three times that of two cars, 'and almost everyone extri- And the British, were compelled to re- her. The apothecary Merely kept tb(? provincial flaq in thl$ =na race, and ex- tire, with the loss of three prisonem. copteo. *"'Ith the consent of the Assembly, , members, Besides cAted in this Way was badly injured. pects that thoir missionaries will I : thh,', HIODOallulou torm lasts for (i Tho .scenes were heartrending. The TOJoeWo 11rothar Callum. . the motion was changed so that the I I I cais. whereas the Ontario term only few women and children who bad cs- carry Uxe Map,* Leaf to, victory. vote was taken on the question of %"-A I Tast s for four years, ,qo th i . London. May 27.-A despatch from TAPS FROM THE WIRES: striking Out thO recommendation .at the 1)O. caped injury and death, were hysterl-j. Q . . rmlas. Cape Town sam General Rundle — from the Majority report instead of mil"1011 Nis feweP election contests Cal, and added their cries to the j Ottit 4t . a I ct to C. 1% It has captured TheroWs Mill, a strong accepting the Minority lvpOrt as a a), Nshile the other. Shrieks of the dying and mutilated. - , a llailwa-y Position near Fouriesborg. substitute. I tbauthe provinci, ,,,,.,l May 2S. -Th 13%tradition proceedings have ham. calls on a repre sentative`s Purse are Men with brokon Arms and ' coull"Ittea of the Privy Council met in London for tile return t uqually ja'W'9' - The Boers made All Att"Velc oil tile gunt Now York of Bernard Adler. tiloo o Irelt, lit %',att-r,,r orave& I , ;is numerous and exacting it, (11510cafed joints und bloody heads , this mdrxilng to etinsioer the rules, Cape. Arounted Rldws, at a Point near s Tw the One c3seas in the otber. We do'aud ,faces. tried to -assist proposed by Su pected forger. others who ,i the C- P- R- IT- 4V-' Bangor. The British had six Wound- .. Vort lVilliam, Ont.. WaY 27.-Wor4 not wisk to be, under,Aood as adVo. L' were moro helpless and tlli.*ro werr, , Burke, reltregenting tile nrothprhoods ed. Grand Trunk Rallway system US been received hero of thp suppos- ating an increaFe in the Legislative'=aily, cases Of Philosophical bravery, , . The Boers derailed j). train yester- earnings. May IS to 21* 1901, ,,R515,- ed accidental drowning ot two mem e, of Loconlotivo I.Inginot,.i.s. or I.Ocoalo_ indemnity, but we do say that, all With both motorman killed It was tive Fireniett, tilt* Vonductors, the dayv near Middleburg, Tile angina, 076; 1000, $512,648, increase, ,ql,- In Shobandowan. Lake, about :Lo( , things cobf,idered, a Dominion mem- hard to get at tho real causo, ot thai Traininen, and Railway q*raills 8pr- - driver ber was more libexally remunerated ,,it, accident. but it iq prot:ty well doter- I viee,. appeared t o ol),joet oil thpit. lle- jured. was killed And the fireman in- 031. miles West of here, on the line of con. $11011 , A. son of J. spexxcq Guelph. 0'eal- struction of the jowladiall Nortile I- f .rn, . O than a member of the Legiala- * m1nod t hat it was caused by till fLt- balf- Having sIllb4lot) the counnil- In Another skirmish, it b Itallway. on Tiatirsdtty Fred Urao. till e is at $900, the present rate of p rather of donti lly shot his sister through, th I in this aY tempt of tilt', southbound car to tee as to 10% ore(kntials Ito, war, lxsl _ polaUl"dant Be VI a province - Seaforth Z-xli0Si- , reach a. second switch, Instead of oil b.V S'ir Louis Pavies it Ito 11 , ad nj _ ture4, . n lj(?QAX was cap- foot on SaturdaY. The injury Is not fallt, and another man ,Whose name is tor. , waiting for tho northbound car At tified tilt. (I. 1 1. 11. of tile oblpeflonq'. I - Tro. I mrious. unknown, started across the lake, in . I- the first siding. Tre're'plied that lie had liar, and *,11r: , , jlrItls1V 0aicer, U,1,1 for asou. Annie Western. the young giri who a. canoe accompanied by a. dog. yes - RX -M. Ilk -t Hicice roonEcAsTs FOR The cars ,weigit 15 ton Illair strongly ndvi.sOd [%ill, to 111(, ,et LoAldon, Z Ixy 27. -The Chronicle rait away from her adopted mother's terday the dog returned to the camp, j Jr -=-June will come in at the culmi. are the largest electric cars built tiv- coun.'arm". After talking over tile says It, learns that three British of& home in Blenholm, will return. A and acted Ill. a Peculiar manner. A mating etages of a storm period wbich', but so frightful was the era, whol'. sitlullioll. III^ eortuni I tva flual- , Cora And about 100 non-colualigsionaU warrant is out for tha arrest search was begun and tile r4noo was begins , six th j . of the last days of Way. r, ull both cars were torn almost to splint- ly referred Mr. I;urlw to the 0. p. R, officoi*4 And Men, Who were sent back Fletcher, liar abductor. . found floating on tile lake. No Clow I . Moon at extreme South declination an era. Both cars were 1111- I ,. frola South Africa, for -various mis- "Bare-Davil. Dick"has of the men has been, found and it is the 2)ad will intensity electrical storms,' ad with Sunday Pleasuro-sockars lllgg '.tr,t n . r-oxto(l. deracanors; Are now ,in Portland pris- Thos. A. Edison Written supposed both Were drowned. I I on A majority of the prisoners I at Llewellyn Park, __ but will cause a drift of atmospheric : returning train the newly opened re- Vergennes, Nrt-, MaY 28.-.' lklut.'- 'aPP*arently ordinary offenders, Are V. J.,, that he will kidnap his Yo L, I lie vrenelt. V181torat Ottawa. i tides from the north, and bring down creation grounds that tho. new rail- , Governor 31. A. Ailen. Vice-Presidont the, officers, it is said, wore c 'but, da,ughter unless lie gives up & good I Ottawa. May 27, -Ur. Olules Seig-, onvicted S= 6f money. T110 P over the country a marked Chill, eto Wa,V had just optned. Tho southbound And Director 'ArluOrs' N11- Of treasonably siding with the Boers. vestigating. . , olice axe in- frid,' Commissioner of the Govern the _ CIO g I car left Albany, anti the accident oc- tional Bank, which recently suspend- , One of them is sufficiently 10fluential ment of France, Who is here discuSs- cooler immediately after se ot Of tile I the ,Storms. A return of storm con.' curred at 5 o'clock. The cars on the ad here, And J. NY. Xetchum, a re- to ,,procure the Suppression of the Tile body of Richard Stinson, a Ing trade arrangements with tile )Do- ditiops will appeat on and tonching:' line were running at switch head- prestIntati've of the Legislature sroln names of all thre -a dis- former employo of Ivilliam, minion GOTOrninent. Paid a visit oir the 4th to 6tb, showers resulting from I way,mi; that 1q, its a car reached ,,,.I this'place, were arrested Yesterday - cpjro e. Attempts t d Hardy. j the fallinir barometer and blZber tem.- siding their Identity have hithe PUMP ealor, Woodstock, wmri found Saturday to the Geological Musourg ' I by United .83,tates officers, under In- -failed. on the lCarn farn% near that town and expressed his wonder at the vixj_ s. Rising bar_ wait until another one going in the perature on those date, .4witch it was supposed to rto ometerand cooler, fair weather will - oppo,. I dictmonts, charglog them with coin- Wr6olt Of Tantallon cattle. on Saturday. A Phial Of 'PO1hon' ietY and wealth of Canadix's mineral qite direction Passed. The motor- I plicity with Cashier D. 0. Lewis IF, - Was in the man's pocket. and suicide rescturc0s , as there illustrated. be the -natural order behind the dis- I man of the southboulid car reached wrecking the bank. . Cape " Town, MaY 2215. -The" Court is suspected. . . — turbances of this period, lasting bro-, one of tile switches, but seeing no He,nr.y McGregor Hillad. )thtothe'northbouncl car, clecided to take Treat Theta as Barbarian' ting the wreck- of tile Castle Line The remains of W. 0. Anslow' gressively- from about the C of Enquiry which has been Investiga- - , edi- -NOW Glasgow, N. S., May 27.- Sth. Ibe Vulcan storm period extend- chances and go on to the next, It O' steamship Ta:xitallon castle on Rob- tor of the Newcastle, N. B., Chron- lre;iiry ArcGrogor of this town, was'' ce Ouklx- ,ben .Island, some Weeks ago, made its icle, who disappeared four years ago killed in the railway yard on Satilf- :fully into June solstice perturbations, CArs met,. acen that the two tom -sky, president of the Rusno-Chin- ;report yesterday. Capt. Travers *was il p, have been day night. H6 was struck -by a Iocb- - ing from the 8Lh to the 13tb, leads - we,,, at 26 curve bet, Now York, May 2&-Priu With a Mercury disturbance also cen- * ese Bank, speaking of the Chinese ' found in the thick woods aear South- Motive, no w tral on the 12tb. MO011 is on the ceIr i TEtAGPDT IN. TORONTO. - ,found guilty of & grave error of west Miramichi. as 45 years of age, aifd . , situation, In a, St. Petersburg d.-- ' spatch to Tile Herald, says the p49­wh6il7`he rart'into the dense tog in Powel Christian estial equator on the Otb, and I , judgment in nWaxchoring hisvessel. . this' , . a shipping clerk in the employ of the I.,eing coincident with an annual crisis; A 18 -Tear Old Lad Arrested For Shoot- per course to have pursued..was to Paulsen, a 16- Nova Scotia CompAy's Works at-. the strong currantif. The -captain was Year-old sailor, brbught to Boston, Trenton. A widow Anil two childre.n, of electrical disturbances, tbunder-41 Inc Ifis sister Dead. retire at once after the legmtkins had c9lisured, but his"certificato was re- Mass., by the Whoon Line steamer su live. storms, and much general and contin- I Toronto, May 27. -Ona of the sAd- been rescued. Tteat the diiinese Its . 0 uOus lightning will illuminatti the I dest tragddles recorded 1n Toronto barbarians. That would have brought 'turned to hbxi .' . I : I .. I Ohio -on Saturday, tells the. story — I I ' evenings for days in succession. Frolm I for a. long tirae Was enacted yester- the mandarin's to their knees. . .. . 31IN _. .?, that the gorwegian barque Elsie was ,. -VJre at Part Arthur. I - - FORS ALL SUVFOUATXD , struck Sunday the 9th to Wednesday the 12tt I day afternoon, at the home of Thom- j ­___ . .. . . I - Off OaPe Sable on Tltursd Port Arthur, Ont., May 27. -At &. apt Tills Week. ,,;uous, Exertion's For. Their nescue during the fog, and that the other 13 o'clock Saturday morixing fire wap, Many electrical storms, with rain and as Ryan, shoemaker, 26 Leonaxd a,T(- j Will Acc Stren ' :- ::1_1 . j ay ' Pekin, May , ' : ., iVe I r . a AV ithi) I ub,Avail. members of the crew welat d . ow I n with discovered . -, _ - possible violbrice, will most likely oc- i nue. when ()live Ryan, aged 11, was 27,1t seems pfoctUabie, * ­ . . I nvent at Port Cur. The annual June showers may 1 shot and aIMO-qt instantly kiJlPd by that Great Britain's proposition: London, May 217.--AlI,-hePi3 of sav- the disa,bled vessel. Arthur, It 'Was started in sorma I be looked for from this time until th.-; her 16 -year-old brother, Thouias, limiting the* indemnity ing the 7 n 7- 1 manner in the basdment, and ran up- end of the mon1h, but storms of wITO who is now under arrest at the . to be de- I *t on bed _i iners at ,the Another Negro Lynched. the chimney to the top flat, where. . St. manded. from, Chtua. to 450,00o,00& I UnlveisalS eColliery has been aban- lVichitft, Kan.., May 27.-A special, the m t ,extent and dangerous intensity it a I Andrew's Alarket .,:;t4LtIOn, r ' taels v ill be agreed to by the , of the damage was dono. r ,barged . chd of dolled, although. the work of. rescue. to The Eagle says that Bill Camp- The . as quite likely. Showery, unsettled wea- I with the terrible crime of nlu.rdor th'a week- . .. coit,tiw! .;;. . . 1. . Siste- turned their attentioil.. . ther is prAable. Warm weather will 1 and Will , I bell, a negra, was -lynched at Polid, to the pupils who live in the build - prevail about the 16tb, with beavYl .be hold until' thorougli i _' - 1, ., A§ eablvd,Saturdo.y,an. explosion OC, Greek, Oklahoma, at 10 o'clock Sat- ing, and thes * rfeln. storms. especially vestigation takes 0ace, to ,learn if Train Conductor Killed., , currad the morning of May 24: & . 0 NyOre all got Out ILL ') I - Xniveisal Colliery t the urday nigh -, by a inob of 300 per- 'order, and without the slightest con-. along the At-, tile shooting wa-j accideptal, as, Arnprior, Out ," may 8, fr ames at S4ugheny;dds in sons, who broke d -own the jail, for fusiolt, . 1, lanticcoast. Same of the mostdecl-I claimed by th6 prisoner. Tile victim Aris of Ottaw con . ductor of I% Cr.pi- the Rhoudd& Valley. Aboiji - , ded storms of the month are prokalb ' 'Lr .L00 men ;the fatal shooting of Deputy Shorify 009: The loss will be about $9,-4 --A I about Friday the 21st, to a' of the accident, died in fifteen minutes ada, Atlantic f-rJght, vtiLit k[Il0&,.tlli*,1. werre in tile Pit at the time of. ,th; 'George Smiih. .. .. I I 25th. A fact against ,Tuesday tile' after the shot was fired witliout mak- afternoOn. at, Olksgo* athtiou, ab6iut *4qt6. Lack of air rendered rescue . I. . I - . I I - tions w i,b 'be cAu- i -ing a -statement. The whole family be- efght miles rrfijm 1*.r13'.* . , -work.' 'most' aifticult. The explosion 1 I Hoth Legs I . I I A Civil Servant Drowneii. the people, is that the rain i lie*ve tile . . Were nroken. . . lan, shootind was accidental I . 01bo.a, Ont., May 2%.7--ptor : storms duriog the Julae solstice come! I ,, . I . completely, wrecked the pit, and -only I I . .. I -7l. distressring a-ccidant odcurred y6s-- at I the foot of Joh ton s, eet yes-. d the ,revolver at his sister for fun I !fii ' 111 la i6IIOIY work of searching .1 t,r up from very utillsilal and unlooked 1 , ' ve b9dies,'Warm, recovered. and the la d s story is that he point- NIsga,ra-on­the­haIe6, Orit., May. 27. Nuge if's 6edy W" found in tTie laka... . I - for quarterm of the ]leavens. I V . t- - terday afternoon during the progress , terdi6y niornin ns I - ___-_.Iw I _g_ Deceased was !a thp- " . I , r -civil service .t Ottawa and was oxx 'ise Lip from eastern dlrep ; fifth -of the band concert, given in the . . IDI I. times they I ManY four tinies without accident, but the I I for, VOIC Iras , *61 - Mo` t t'j ble "' collier3 , , tions, where ordinarily they rise in; licad. time &lit, Vra., sbot through the Exeter Munrcipal Uou h6il. ., , , expf , ii)il.'i'ii:":*%W dias been cciatinu- .. . I i . dell in To n a the Nvest and Pass off to the east, I 1. I , ­ "' ed Oapng the I"t 24; hours'tinIqr ex-. .To*n Paxk, by the Q. 0; It, band,' e holiday - - He had b ro t As June comes to its close .a 0ouncil . . .in Thick Samuel .1-Tindle;, a lad i4bou at the r here - 4 - - - '-- . R i ceptidnal ,d1f`fi6dltioh:.,, 'k, I tces and came . _% 00,A I't ..f evision .L,hC.:qn0i't " v , duting.,.- . 'I. I . . - reaction- ,, Two .14 ottmi i.,en Killed. ,for the assossluel)r. t-ollatj p,.W;l 11,kil. appaeoll. . . as -'16 , years - Ofd, was severely - the night, ary period will bring low barometric - injured : .9'et'tiftg off the train ,, Init. . - I centers ill Galt, May 27.-I'Tatson aird. 17,d- kay 27th, I . . * t y - hopelesks, .as - no SIM -ds JTe and another lad Were- - amusijIg . 'I% few r Yards from tA6 sNp in which I . . I .. I., mere heard from the I I .. different Parts Of the don, seebionnien on the G. W. divis'- I 1 here heing iio­ np'peak 4g . It 118''L 'gr.pi , Passages under- themselves in'one of the sw . . 9 found. De- , were f`&Lally a l ssessnient 1b Nvas- VI1()v*,(1 j) I 1. but streritlo'us and heroic a-<-, rlsu,ddenly, when about 1:8 feet from . 43 years of age. I country, ending in 'scattering show -1 ion of the G. T. R. hem y 1, it -iso . ilwa, And, his boody *as. aftetwardi I . 'h ceaseU was ki& - ers and electric storms in V&rious NV I - ertions N*6re made.,to reac th ound,. Hindle f on -exam- I localities. ,.. I injured Friday afternoon about t1irce Levett Se('M dad hly J. A I xxtsii4jr,g t.11,jl ber Of . . 1 6 chain., tile.. gr L-11. -up I ll'qme was iii .K.i.ngston. I . ses L tEe eiaombed miners, amd, Put, . . ' . I -­ ---===-=. - , ; m"t's s0uth Of Chtlii, "tht ir hAndear tll('- "t -stilel)f, f'r the Y(' Ar 1901 N,t LIM end:to the -terrible aus Anation A was found that both leg% * British Ship . straud d. . () ' I I . i being run into by the 3,25 p. m conflruled and L.h( votirt closed- 15-n-- Of war. b;,ken above the kuae. ,,, , I A hom belonging to lVai, Adair. of train south- DuLh. are u=.arrEed, ." riOd. . I 0,41` those endurixg the agpny df wait4ng I . I . . I ­., , I Op pe Reary, Va., may 27.__.M1d-., I A, I L - nobilila, from- . .. . . h L for the recovery of the bodiei,- Tiimis Prelghterp 1jarn 8400 a jDay" ateaiiier I I I . Turnbew% near Wingbam, was notic-i Nvatson dietl last night aboub . 5 0 . ' - . Dritikk ' . I I ad on Sunday last to be not eating hi L -he: . - I OuRdl 'net pfirsuamt to Ctui,n I . , in ait severe, 01, Victoria, 13. C., may, 9, ­ 0haLrIerA01i, for Baltimore, has,. -. - . . feed. .g regained Celia- ­ 443. - a$ .occurre'd ii 16c, tile I " , ' 7-- -Steauxei . a. O'clock, nevor haxiii disastcr whi .1 . Nothing was done 1113 til'Monday sciousness. mentat-Town*.13;iu, May:277t1l. , All 0, . loye ' aw renderj ng Amur brings il ws tk&t B&vqgat, . stranded off this station, 'duVng a I I . . . I I I -MOrniOg when the horse was driven to — , Pre-sent,except.J. Evans. . - - - , . .able ior medidents was d 'Ion dense f6g, Capt&in X Isort 1.1011ne q. . . I I 11 Wingliam'And John L'"7ilgon, V, S, . L .%I);%ni5l1 (;0T mont Upheld. Minutes' -Of 'Previo , : .11, , L O.na ,t .. . d the . exPen,Sa to the pit Ims cOmmenci! - frol* Lcdct, Li bargo I . . 'ex '"I . Lis meetin *88 0 'to D and Ove4v of th&'da,lte R,eftry . . . 1, 'own4r15 'I i 2LWSOn,.- but Lake.r y Life _ arnina,cl it stnd to h , MIAlia; xia 27.-­rrl,,, &lac -jo 9 t(p 1*4d And,confinii 1. . .. I be heavy.. ., " I _A111%rge, Was . I ip found tha kot is surpri,ie hE k 11 . I I I I . d.. . .1 L 1. . I ! I still r-OAd ai4 likely to ren'iaia ss f4p Stablqn bGexded tile, ves,"l, WU4 the L- , .. INIoved hy W.' H., -tevett, seconded . Of them two reeks. ve.steaxia a Jklft' L04' - The obipja Imi; itist. j, _ - -se was roinus its tongne. tlie Seliatd. have restilted . ... I 111A. '-t O' bodi 4_ . olne 6 , , R " " . .. aPproxim- , rribi ' tilate I 4, have beeit recove -' , r-ga on May _1,7 for 3So6wsZ)1t, - all X'S I L Upon re-in.,miag home Air. Adair foi atekY in. the J. 911, L I Davbi b' . . - V i iftboat . " ­ Ind return of 120, BlInisker- _11Y it, "hat, VA'fl , Iiiiin e in; at I . hc [I_ecRt;s; '!.y,repa1t ,ed. ,at ., "Aiverdal Colll;r I , the anitinjili tongue in th.e feed box hi iali4ts and 30 men,lbers (Of tile Oppo- Structed to-do t 1 4 Cape HeftrP, keitA 0* ax d ,,battlt . front Gf WrIft,d' the ))C, L - on - 01 . . I . . 0 .Q.-trigil in me niioftdai V*e L,14ey, b;ing! taken by 'the',ora,- rtf r'a, &n y- uninjured. *Tl I _ - I , 7.,ddd, and-mainy with spatv'i. e,W41R. ca.m - - 'x so vras stand- sillon. . Norbli End fizii bitj St d 6" - U . j ill (k Y&I7114 off Mhore. *0. is ft#p&r ­ I . ing. It- I ,r,,,,' t,,- . I L,!. . I I '(j".1.1"( d' - ". .L. _'Yol . ar L n I Aj t fe 0 1. I r - I 17-1m.t.the ft,) I o v 1 . '. 6 p, ap CU * . L am- ailo . . gue C, )e anwhtl The Suffrage for Women, Armstrong-Muir ­ ,A,,,,Y. , ; . . la re ware' jc4 jauti I i, - 0 -P nt re"iw aboard. - ['3 RVIL)POsed t, , ob t "ft , I . I "ad gotLISio loll aught it, 1, . I L ing Accountw. 004. St Norar. . Tlj; INfa dr * at. i'6- 4 \1 . - _____ I be. pasbcd j*lAd (ovilers ' "' ' . Finders and at Si,&,W, *,x" , W&t I I I I - I- - I- I . .. . I I 'Maly 2/r,-Af Orawn on TreRsure-l"f * - ' __LTy-j,_, t'd ,hVL,4 J&Lji -a xftoss,, ' . I , I., - I bole and iA% aV)4e&V0r1ng to free, itself ', (*r1sklaits, dmiwd- or sa;m f, , ' L _ L 'kjAj bdWj .. L . 1i I Im.- n*,*St6w Froffia. G. - 'h. L I I . Pulled ita t ,4aigjla 011t, L . Ih , if d' .V s,r/imp& hy: ;j- jx. tj .f 1xii,9q Horse, which, it.was fes"41, " W -0121d I.. etterfe, , . I . . I t0femi, sba I Me- llfor regi .Rcuse, -1.11 mine _&r, Spell $75.40 ; J no Gi I i, .','32 00 n ,- ,oe it, G a - I . . - rc.r.y lwett-y wOddit,4 . , . d*g ,roi I $Orvices a I elling wjnd(ui11­C&rrie(J. I . ­ I lfe de'lay theqin , Q - m1dr, oxit'." 14W 21r. -Utwxw L wlits solem- id , 1. I f tWe _ Icfihi4', .'ali-d ,of adiiiiratiot,' . j left D . Weamer cotwiehk ;h" - i4z; w-, '' '-' ' A ligIve P&gse(t tile 10-111 provi . o I . V"8 1 co,itt.111tuival 4111.36age, far ZA(, t4 a,*Tsok, biitl6ka'.,jp. ' p ,j-; .i,",,, ., I I ta4gtt -IL AfoAffeOtft, 8_atV r4tj y I I at "he'r0sialence of'.11r. atid Mrs, I . W., I I Ne-'dftlii%tr'y of th rcscda . -- . g IA,' Mft!.A "d . I I nized AILAV -Levett-' That. this Cbtmcil ,, _ .. lWornin i" rtX*."b(#bw'­ . I L I '' oymed by,. ZT. lupil*,#J 6 it, k yh;, . tii&A,J_T, R"'Itado .4 I.. . men. payirlg a, f ReaVe ", , .e - - -'ros- 1) ettt wrecked ut ,. V- 1 jx I, I Geat-o q - i ,dP&edhL _ _. I AP, girlaw '"Er i liourn to M" - fr+ Valdetibur ' "(k ; a L L Jmlor, Tbornpnrk, Kippe., t_._..,,&j, I il,g e to wo ,t: at call o' - A d . _q _ . . v " I &*Atrm JA-btlinuft meftn(- I - - ­ - ' ' " ' L'' I - fy . *tk,.., I . ­ . , *7 jjjk ,L,. . : : I '^ I I -, . , 4 . pauiida. on(% 1161d li es 6 1 - so,* &,oitte4 (. ,n;) ` J* , '­ `rMJQFAt'i" ' - jje h' jl J agj* L ' '. I 4 ' ' I I 11 o I A A, SaYS, .as' a rf,,siq t of ,% fire. whicl,' , , - "' '", " f fl '16 .. L ob ady Isda, whet-, thek". secor(I 44 64 at . . I rried. , I I f 1. ._ I a , . I I .19, I I 1,;qj,A,r.q , i ,,,, Xx I L L . daugbtel . 6;,t1v%2j, ,U, vras ul jt , 4 OBO..., H., DissErr, olerk aftd tite . cara'(0,es IqP4, , , " L f . & (I -, rqr,, ,,I,,- L I . 1, , .1. L ., 0 J , . I I 11 . . I I _ L , I . tj 06 1, 11 - I I'll , I "Pii --t I '. a .' ' bi 1, P 4, f, , -, .. I , I . ' I . I I I . holy 1)am 4 of mfxt,i,iXuO,y t.,o Mr. S&II, '' ,.tiet (Vtoo) ilt ; ". I I , I , '' ir ` , , have bom nk . M'x V !!w*; I q . ed in the : i 1 roCo oUt YeSt&(TL y i"110 -1_1 X_Jnann ki ; I 1. , , L ne'l-2i 111,; i " ., ' ' L" I "' 1' ' . 4, ­ T Aq d, , i L -- — I . : nel T)A*JR"*JJ,L & Vr. "r - , , 300N110 C,YO.L' ' I .. .... rl, I I I . L,.b &ge ,s'e` d" * - . . 11_ , I I. I I I 1 . - , I 11 I I ..i,t.1!%g fr Igh , 4vtft- (c . s ", . WL , 'A ejhiv ft&. I . . I - : l", I . in Populxryoun .2 , 't Z' 4 'witatly " 11 _ij 'k , ri, ow, q0W*iVg prop6v . IST$: -77-:-7' 1 : , - t 6 1 zx ,,i i , 66 *&4 Wlk(W: I pay tk* ! A bOttlo of 11ag , . " .. ' ' 'L, ' , I I ... I 11 - 1, , . L". , j . ' , , a"" ( T 4-') O' 1 1!01111(011 176j4a, jeo I .yard'ti Y01ow 0V alibuld belgi. ' The,.tra;fr earktitlt, "00 per 4 . - Ata '- ?7 ..'Ut-w&,001 West , , , , every cvNMVAiktt a, . N, L 11 I , - : , - 1. .1 pen. I L , cil -tit ,is the mo.qt effective I I 1. ico XedgiPt- . .R TU I L" and D"a*jv, q. 13A, - - *4 , " _ " . , .. . w%g $;q, Lf. " "' ' L " , endizitg . lay 21 rj, . . M. t ;JL . 041IX4" _ 1, , , . '*, ' remekly for Spra&j,'Brui-eg. Outs, s .i Jointa, . I I ,0 * ,Ter,e At a tat J=. _' L L , . I lttf 0 -a . I _ZeAk& "S . I I . I I I . . I I . L I .QtA0% @t,thomyUeles. Cramps in t. . . 00 same, alid 80 6 auiw ­ -.- - , U, Mi S(vi;-V,;k Iia;A bqea k0a,*, L I I I 1`1 . ( I L ContrIL he,1,60 W49V .1w, t", 5 ot the C P no I ;t 4,*4 'I, .1w . . & I . , . . I L L I . I . . 1. I I I atc _ I , L I -Idle ' t' y,e", $ry04,@o0 .. , I _1- ., 9" , , d I I I . I L 'T 1 1 1 , . -it(, ax ft.6( &-*- ii( 1160hA_ _ I I I I . I .1 ­ I ''I I , I _. .1 I , , - . I I I I I . 1 . I . I :1 I I I I I ' I 9.Q1164i .. ". . I I I I I I I I I . - I 1. I . . I I I I L _ ' ' , L : I I I .1 . i., - , . ,. . L L I . . L I . L .4 1 . I , . I I I L I I I I . . I I . I I . I I . I L 1, I . . . . . I .. . I I I :1 . . I I . . I / .; . I I I . : . . L L I . . I . ,, I I I I . . . I . I . I I L I . . I . I . I .., I L, ., . . I I L . I I I 1 . f L L 11 , . I . I . . I . I I I I L I ­ . I , . I. I .. . I I I L I I I L7 : I I L . L I I ,; , , . I L . r . . . I I . . 4L , .. L .. 11 .. I L L I I I . I I . I I . . I I I I I . I., : : L . I I I . . I I I I . . . . I I L . L . . . . I L I I . . I . I . . L . . . I I I . I I L . I . I I I . . . : . . i 1. I L : I , . ., L I . , , I . L . . I I . 11 L ,L I . I " .' I I I 1, I I I .. 1 L .." to ;. I i I I I I i 1 I I I i i . . ed aA 9 W I y W y ,mp th enyd a .1 ter 11111. 'I , , I I I . I . i I . I L . . I I I I I L L . . . I I ,., . . . L I I I , I i I . I I I I .1. 1. I .1 11 I I I . .. I I I 10 - , ! L L I I I I 11 I JI . , . I L I I I I L 1. . 1. : L ' L ' . I . .1 . . I " , 1 4 i I I . - L I . I I . I . I I . I I I I . L, . I : . I I ' , L , , : , , ' I , , L , , , I , 7 ,." L I L I '' , ' I L" , L I I IL L I I . I I . . L I I i . I I I ., . , I . L L I I . I . I I I I , L . I p I – , , 1. 11 '. ; 'L , I 11 I I 1, . I I , I . I .. I I I , . . . I I I . I I I I . I I . .1 I I I : I . I . I I I . I . I I "I I . , I . I . . 4 . . I ­ I ' I I I I L I I I I L . I I I I , , . . ., I I I I . I I I . I : . I L . . L I I . . 1. I I L I , . I 11 I I I I L . I I . , ' , L L ' I I L I I I I I I I I I I . . 1, I L I L I I I I . ) , I I 4 1 , I I -L : L . I . I ., ,. L I . . I I I , L I . . L I I , I I 11 ;, . . I . . I I , I I . I - .1 I I L " I L: . I L , I I . " ", I . I I , : I , ,, I I I I I I I I 11 I . . . . . ­­ I .. I I I I . 11 I , I I 'L ' , L .1 I I L I I , I . L I . I . I L . . I L , I , ,L , I . I ,:L L L L I I . . I I , , , , , 1 4 1 1 1 1 _ , I ' , L, , - I - I I 1. _ _ I I I I 1, I LL , . I I I I L L I I L I I , ,, , , , , , , , , " _ L I . I " , " I , L , - __ ... L- , I I I ; ,.,!' ; ,. ,, ,i "i . , , , I I , I 1L. " L, ," " ' ' . i ' 4' 'I ' ' I , , , " , I ' . , r , , I – bh ­L I I , I . I - . i 11 . . I L . I r , I ,; ) . k " , , - 'L - , - . " ' , ' L , I ' , L . . f ' ' ­- ­­­­­,­ 1 .711*"' "k, " , , 40#4 , ,.' " 2':!!!::;! ' r' - L ' ' ' ,, ,:, , ­ " ; , ., I IWO ": ? ,WL . I I I I , J L L It I . I * , , , ' . ­ ,. , . , , , , , g ,,, I I , , — I ' ' ' ' L . , I ' ' 'L ; ; I .L , : ,: : L I I I I L , : , I I - L , , '110" , , _ -, ", , i , , 'L itiitiiiijj"". ,+ ,,;, , _,ff , _ _ 1. I I , , . . , I I : , 'L , , " ' ' L " 1 '74 - 21111 . .,t , 't , . I , L " 4' ' ' I L (, , , ! , '.. I e : . , , L ?4 . ": ,.,o , - , _1