HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-5-30, Page 4111 ,
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A ,010 XNSURANCR STAKES.- __ _r ;". - I .
, ,
"PH"TERM, By PA,RL1A.AM,_N:,T, =_ I. "NV'yr ATTACKED if 4, conspiriter to Pe — ov
1. I . _- 11 .. fraud'' 'r . " I A Second Colabin 0, l anaeut; of Six.
I WO 934W%1At4yQ, Leaders lt.kddrass,a, ,
. , , nestititgr I r . Fraternal $aoletlee. I 'a
. ' U D' , Columns iA In Progress,
. &UPOR "Atal ' - - r2, 0, 00 Five PeoPle Killed and: F rty In.AXWOT Wall, Toronto Littla, New I chicagof. -May 27t-046 of' the, ,Now "Vork., MAY a7,- The , Trlb j" .
HeadQffipe,Xoitreal 0 . r j I ulke f
r 4,;%tter jka, Their $peecbqF#, ; . as -1
Others Seriousiy tnju Ic , A Sup6rlor, Force of Boors Were giamtost cOnsPirL%ci t > dufralld - in- I London correspondent, wiring ill
'"'8 " . surance companies vvr ,-a, ord.!(I I -Ws' Lord I Z;
I "A' 'LL'QEF_R'A('2 31AXAQ"r red. Toronto, May 28.-.T war. morning. sk <itchexxer's -b
I r GX , lio COxxser,V&_ Driven off on May 28rd. disclosed In tile 1)efeabauh cartse , 0 lefts. are now infrequent, d .,*
r I . 'gay. Not r$.L2,000, a --r IQLA I - - -
- as - Ixo In- aldell t$ 4re thrown by press il
: . JUMOY adymuced to go - ad farmers on th" , r UY4 meeting in xa ssoy Irall, last Saturd
I di" xx .
had bpe Cer. ,tmo IiV4tc '
, -[TWO STREET OARS OOL 'E, I night 'was not As largely attOaded A& CIlArges, bu
, j Q or move v4dwser At 7 per
I wt-1111()Oor 'Au"U'li W11! - j . LID r , , 'A oXPaCtad,, ll' utr it WAS A ,t '$(;.7,()00r were, ! 9'e, up guerilli warfAV ,
I t41417 AOt wanting in enthusiasm Ayed for, ;tut,%srdilig- to 14 , oil the , .
1111zeter 2r, j FIVE HOURS' ENGAGEMENT, the stake's pl ' u Ar "
%401t oj r, * n the Prosec rill , Which still flickering Irt South,
. 2 littoill A' Ing by .'u'dKr* rica, A, W
- r
* Open evexT lawful d.ri from 10 a. in. W 3 p. m; T40 Electries Were 1,401ug And; the lqajder of tile PaXty'r Mr. R.. . . I . . Tuley United the bj xxtt* r Of t be 1-11bli, r c, of s1X a . 9 _ and combined movcMeat
I . _. - for Swltou* L. Orden, And ,his R lltqxla:p t, Xr.- . . , IuAins is !A
ke J, progress foX, t1lo, Ar
I K&TU=AYS, 10 a.m. tt I p, In. I With Fully 190 Perrwrlts on Ao4rA B Hord, ,t. .d t pros,_,cuLtars,, and the alrea m '.
. r .k- V. .. Uqr,tk, wore r"ex . I . I
, yod with great OT$cOuts $tQrx.aeAa V Ay cele, 0104ra;Aco of the li:astcrn, Traixavaixt.
, j ArrasteA I bu brat ak -
. UrrOlit Imtes of interest aRoweA all, depwits. Both gotormen Were Amour M cilrdtalttk TA , . ed trial AOw t, es. on add d in- 4r,k(l . MY. ut ther
, ,Outh D;J%go% X Ajlw b
DXCXSG.N & 0ARLING, .N. D. IaURDO.N, j' to, ,. , There was, little now - OX 30trove, 9ft kbqjrpoloy in pjyo I a L,r a
tero-%t and greater importance. Tes.0 aPAr ., I,
Rilled4leartreuding SeeneSr.NeAr I'xiatter bx their sp;eChea, 411d 'W" . 0 jr,1110A and f,T knownp
, 3E(oars_:J1$. Bopl,A War ,Its are wot ,Yet _t
sIDLICU04US BXANAGXR' he order Of court, permit from largo captur "q
. '
- r. Oroe ' ,. i 17 Were Le# wounded gxk r till A I
Rreter. I)cc.j 2, th. T5. abutill, Wborer the Acvl : Sordol'k "qused .h maplf fox- m es of horses A
, , ,ja
,king 0, ,
I dent Ocourrefl. defili . Statements 0 -MwIe A Defen.bach. cattle. Two Beer forces are reporte(V
. _It4 Statement Of policy on ille f .
: _ r . Mo Vield-1300AX *a, charged with"being a, co--conspira,tor. 14 Q
ground Of la,clk of tinxet# Tile Audtr cer:KAII I r thi district- no under Both ,i
____ _ - .. s, . . u.
8 1 e r —for"May, 1901 , j Vd. And now dead, to be Admitted in, ovi- -near Carolina I
A , Albany. 1 1'. Y., May, 27.- 1 lcc Once, I ,,, And tho rather ill thQ
I r 414 rj xotwovQr, thoroughly enjoW '
j $VNX),&,T .......... 5 1g, 1j) go ' c,Vs racing for a. switch, V;btle rlm their 00ac,40a And were not slow -in London, May 4exxca, gives tile -State the desirW lea_ mountalits, near .*Af;xjuba,. Tile WaStcrlX
. I _
37, --The War Offtlee w ,,, sAid Assi oteSAttQr- and northern districts of the TrAAS-
_, o ji , ning in opposite directions At the expressWC thei Mr. Bor- received tile following from Lord ney QlseA, -11% will show ,, j
0 13 .r approval. 1017 .9t4nt St
TrEsDxr ......... rr ot4er ,&;
q that . L1 4re q]p* * , but remnants of De-
c 1.4 21 28 ,rate of 40 2nfles an hour cost av,6 4-04 *OkO with UIS usual 'Ploasaut Kitelieller, da,ted Pretoria. May 26, companies were Iraude . low
WiRDS-95DA-r. . . . I 8 15 292, 20 ,. lives Yesterday afternoon by a. ter- Manner A . he
, lid, ab a a "A superior force of Boers Made a. vidence is in d. W laiar'a and Meyer's commandos are
j , ;eAce of or toric I to bo do . -
. TaURS1)A-,r- - - — 2 ,9 ,.(; 2 8 So . rible, collision, while over 40 promi- display. W, Af,QAk, on tile OthQrr dotefinined Attack- oil 0. , r a Oul' Possession, and tile still lurkilrog alnorng the hills. Thiv
17 24 31 I, nelit, people, some fatally,, otbej$ I Convoy be- jury, ,And cour"ill hear it all," ( 1
, , ser- hand, Spoke WItl* tl,lat vigorous tween VqAtersdorp and p - . _ .)range River Colony is tolerably fred
8ATURID4Y ....... 4 11 IS 25 iously injured, filled the accident ClOqllellRo,'that Is so get _ otellefs The follo
. I leral amoilk troom. May 2 were driven find fraternal see r filers. but there is a froolt
i .4, but Wing Are the, Companies fro m. ra
:, __ - wards of the various hospitals with the 'public speake I . U 00, jeties in question concentration of guerillas in th6 ,
. —'- '---I-- r- , r rs of Quoboc, - j7, Our loss -was four ild A amolmt s of Policies:
-- the possibil I EqUit- Zuurberg pe Cololiy,;
4 __ ity of other deatha be- Whlti.xey, who -dealt it 0.4 Arto wounded. The convoy arrived in r district of 1 *04
"a, , fore, Morning. T . W h , l; able Life Insura.-OOD Co., 00 , ore smalt,
I r 1 , j he lobby of the local politics at some length, decW hi,s safety. , . ! r].O j
, I r ' 0'; Ain- Eight or m .., eoxtxmaxxdoi ;
_. ed I tual Life Insurance, O., $10,000, SI -1
violi postoffive is giled With dead and fealty to ar., Borden., with gr ,at onx- rought Five Uoum -1 ;ner as many Boer chiefs, are opor4
. , 4t fly 95 omen anti chil- phasio. Tho only decorat curity Life euld Trust Co.. $10,00; oting in o-
, ii)A$ were r ave Colottv, and Are sug,, I
; - -== ----:--:- = P dren looking for relatives and friends. V Couple qt 'Un, I London, May 27.-A despatch an , ,bsrj
, , -!on .To . _ from, Prudential Life 14sur ce, Co.. W,- cesaful chiefly in cluding Pursuit
, rn - —.7 ..: - -Z:7!7 '7=-77=T.=:;:--,,-,-,z;:;;;;--7 ,cgs And a,, large Kenhardt, 040 Qctlovy dated yes, 000 Xetropolitan Life X 411374ncO Co., mounted British coliumis. A ZrMSA
_ _; Surgeons Administering temporary re- m0ttO, "We W,61COM0 Our Leader$. .'t terday. says a. commando of Boers. $1%000; Now York . ,Vk to Insurailoo
. * TIUCWIUY 31AY 30TH. 1901 lief, and ambulances r.Wjag through The ground floor of Massey I falj w,xs. under tile Fre S Ate 0 - patrol is snapped lip once in a, whilil
. —r_-- r- - __._____ the City, takring 'he wounded , 'a , t OAMIandant ., $:10-000- d0OAdeut Order, Of but otherwise the Boers I -
, t 0 hOs- fairly well filled. the first gallery was xc ;Mpu*q
NOTES AND COMMR.NTS, l ey intimations of nearly full of ladies and tl CoaroY. were marching to Attack- "a tero, . , 4dian branch, $5,000; little. While tile warfare is tedjous ,
the most terrible electric line A - corts, but the top g goir eS Keph 1191its and Ledies of flonor, it is conducted without signs of ex,
. — id , eel , -ardt whexi they eacoxilltered &
.m , a.11ery wassmpty. p4trol of Border Scouts. who wore .1000
I . Tile report comes frolu " , , on the British side. va
. r Otta j of in this locality. The Cadet B4t4I!4n Baud played A entrenched At FArmstead,. Insurance obtained upon th
.wathat eut ever heard A$Peratjon
. laries The scene of the, accident was The Boors j a
.Ill assistant laspevtol, of penitent' j. . A se,lectioA Of Music botiVegn 7 and 5 lifik durance matches endurance.
, a 3 ast o'cl,"'k. Upon the platform wore attempted to atorm Farmsteaa. ond of,ltfario A. DQfolibacll
-, point "baut two uIllei out of
I is to he appointed ata &,%lary. of 84 ;k _, deceased. upon
60) , , the el)9400100111; lAsted Ave hours. The which were based the Indictments rc- IVAN= No NEW OAURV.
. % year. 7%is will be a r e 6Z Groic-libush,.on thej line, Of the Albany U U. er of the old and tr
. ic s largo ll j b led 110CM bad :15 I, Mad and left :L7 turned c1targing conspiracy to ae
spot for some good Grit to light upon. and Ifullsou. llailwa.y, a, just coax, ulembers of tile Conservative party wounde eli - Itioritzr 'Report to Presbytertau Gonerav
-$eafortb pleted road of tilt- third rail pattern. ih Toronto, together With Many V . d- Including Field Cornat fr, ad, nAmed. A M
I . Exposuor. 'a , ust . X. Tinger. Francis .
* , Tile point, where the, car., met on the it' JAU11011W. Oil the field, The British W-4YIand Bro n. lFrank 1-1. Smiley Atiactubly w4s;j Aeftctatl.
j r * a M servatives Iron 4W. erent Parts; of the 1had one wounded. and Marla, A. Defeabach as defend. Philadelphia, MAY 27. -The Presby-
. I r .single track was at A, Sharp curve, Province, Including tile members of t
, branto Xall says ;-11HOU G_'aud so fast were both running all , r ;1143, is as followw In IM
. rhe T DrItiah 019cor X1110 .dopendent Order oriall General Assembly yesterd
. d the U, xeCutiva Cormuittee of the Oil, r '
rr Pretoria, May *26. Tli em col% of Vorestors, CAUadlan brancii, 04- took another step toward revising.
W. Ross is going to'do. a little political So sudden the collision that tho mot- tario ConservAtive, Association, r a & ,' 161%
. seedi tialle Active in the Caroljlx t. (I triet, anco Co'. 0,000, t a COAfi)ssi011 of Faith by rejectilx
Ingtbis week, it being the grow.'eraiall. never had time to put on the, which meets 14 is 000, Life Tnwir .11
in thIle Of the year, and hopes an, bra4es before so*hbouud car No. :22 _ tile 0;4r to day, and there is continual s1drialshiog. A Icnigilts And Ladies, of Honor, SO,- the minority report which had beeix
r , for
alt'.1dailt ba"Zst of votes when the bad gone Almost clean through north- j fight occurred at Dullstroom. on My 000; totdl, $11.4000. . offered as a, substitute for the =Ar
, Canadian Team in the Aaev. Jority report. The vote was 271 to -
I election Coale$ round. He is loomug bound car No. 17. With human flesh 20. when P, largo force of Doers, at- Nystorloua Prescriptlops. -oil 4.
Montreal, Qua- X417 2S.- -AuOthez tacked the garrison. The British had Tile mysterious prescriptions. the
for a new fertilizer, those be has pile-, for a buffer. and hung oil the edge competitor ill the big all-round-ther. one The recommendation is as fol-
viousl used baving proven tob officer killed and two Men handiwork of Dr. VxigerA WMCII MISN loww
Ife will Spend a few days in W e fakes' of a 111911 bluff- 'with its l0ad Of world race has come to tile fro -at. wounded. Defoubtach had compounded for her- -13 --Nva recommend that A, com-
- estMid- six.rit.%ing, maimed hunigulty. 041) r
dlesex this week,." motorman Was pinned , u Tile, Canadian newspaper La Prolse 13ritish Anluttsh rail$. * xelf, are no
P "fai'll'st last night sent Out from Mantra w in the laboratory of 4 x1littee
the smashed front of the southboultd. 4 London. INTay ,27.-A despatch from wall-L*nOwri be Instructed to prepare 0,
car wl two Of its keMoSt reporters, Augusto 'S t an . , Chemist, who will, tO`d%Y brief .summary of the reformed faltll,,
j th. both legs se-yored, and kill- Mo. , dert,on. Tranavap
-NOW thilt the Doluillion members rion, and Lorenzo ,Prince, tQ make 2g 'J. dated may Mix the C110141cals .according to for- bearing the same relation to the Coa4.
113ve lucreAfCd their Indemnity, it OCT Instantly. MI.- tho other I i"t d . . says a dOtachment of tile Queen's mulas of tile prescriptioX. so. as to fession ,tvilich the .,;hortcr catechism
, w the circuit of thet g ,
' sm. RM
' will 1 e in order for tile members, 6fthe, but a few minutes;, rlobo,. They left XQuated Infantry Iald an ambush ascertain whother the drugs Called bears to tile larger catechi d
Ont;410 A-egi$l,%tUrQ to follow their F1411,1-1 1,20 Men. women And child,- last A'59'ht for NOW YOrL, VherQ` they near Amersfort. Commandant, joxl for certain, Iffe,,destroying properties
taiv, tile fast steamship, li ,%Js r IVI
Qwawple. Tbeiris even MQrer jl1stifift ron formed ,. huge. struggling. , I. bt,rt. the .magistrate and It party of in sufficleat formed on the general wrodol of tUd
quautities -VQ Cause deA .
. . ,th, consensus creed'prepared for tile Gen -
r tivn for tile inclv&, :e in the Oatari4; sitriewag pyra=id, mixed with helm, der Grosso to Crass the Atlan, burghQrs rOdO into the town and re- An illustration of the manner in
. Ch at lea,
st two of the consPIO4. Oral Assembly of 18.92. or the art-
- -lider and Attempted to escap;. tor of falth of the Presbyterial%%
alxtAdo of Canada. including to Mat- surr( N. whi,
I 11440111311T Ulan for all increase in the bl*04- detached portious of Ixum*,A t!". So far Qko are Ave competitor* jused the British demand that tho ,
I)Pwivlon. The Outarl in of Parb. The Jourrial And The Tile British thereupon fired upon selves l. Church of England. both of whicli
r o Evzsjons bodies and the wreckage of the cars. .3 under indictment handled the=. 'cles
'USUally list at least three raontils and Some Of the UIOWI slightly % shown by the fA6 t that to, the COM -
it !-.on rare oce,,4sjons that ti e jjo the men. extrioating thQms Injured of IrOrld Of NOW York, Chicago Amerl. them, wormiling, Commandant Jail. druggistq who filled the prescrelptions
. I'lVes from cau, San Prancisco Examinor. a . SS 1) Mittea*s report and submitted to the
MAUP-all Session exceed fi the quivering mass. bg an to t0-'01 London and one Berlin paper. Lk% b4th, was Assembly to be refOrred to the Cora-
ve, uwntbs, no bert and the Magistrate. ltelnforce at tile direction of 51i tqe
: wbile the pay of jtbe Donlinion melt 't d Pre 5 melits came to the aid Of U10 BOOM. induced to return the orIginals to Mitt
I a. NONE, out of tbo re. r en s of the sse I up the Canadfixit cc appointed.*'
bets is now nearly three times that of two cars, 'and almost everyone extri- And the British, were compelled to re- her. The apothecary Merely kept
tb(? provincial flaq in thl$ =na race, and ex- tire, with the loss of three prisonem. copteo. *"'Ith the consent of the Assembly, ,
members, Besides cAted in this Way was badly injured. pects that thoir missionaries will I
: thh,', HIODOallulou torm lasts for (i Tho .scenes were heartrending. The TOJoeWo 11rothar Callum. . the motion was changed so that the I I
I cais. whereas the Ontario term only few women and children who bad cs- carry Uxe Map,* Leaf to, victory. vote was taken on the question of %"-A
I Tast s for four years, ,qo th i . London. May 27.-A despatch from TAPS FROM THE WIRES: striking Out thO recommendation
.at the 1)O. caped injury and death, were hysterl-j. Q . . rmlas. Cape Town sam General Rundle — from the Majority report instead of
mil"1011 Nis feweP election contests Cal, and added their cries to the j Ottit 4t . a I ct to C. 1% It has captured TheroWs Mill, a strong accepting the Minority lvpOrt as a
a), Nshile the other. Shrieks of the dying and mutilated. - , a llailwa-y Position near Fouriesborg. substitute.
I tbauthe provinci, ,,,,.,l May 2S. -Th 13%tradition proceedings have ham.
calls on a repre sentative`s Purse are Men with brokon Arms and ' coull"Ittea of the Privy Council met in London for tile return t
uqually ja'W'9' - The Boers made All Att"Velc oil tile gunt
Now York of Bernard Adler. tiloo o Irelt, lit %',att-r,,r orave&
I , ;is numerous and exacting it, (11510cafed joints und bloody heads , this mdrxilng to etinsioer the rules, Cape. Arounted Rldws, at a Point near s Tw
the One c3seas in the otber. We do'aud ,faces. tried to -assist proposed by Su pected forger.
others who ,i the C- P- R- IT- 4V-' Bangor. The British had six Wound- .. Vort lVilliam, Ont.. WaY 27.-Wor4
not wisk to be, under,Aood as adVo. L' were moro helpless and tlli.*ro werr, , Burke, reltregenting tile nrothprhoods ed. Grand Trunk Rallway system US been received hero of thp suppos-
ating an increaFe in the Legislative'=aily, cases Of Philosophical bravery, , . The Boers derailed j). train yester- earnings. May IS to 21* 1901, ,,R515,- ed accidental drowning ot two mem
e, of Loconlotivo I.Inginot,.i.s. or I.Ocoalo_
indemnity, but we do say that, all With both motorman killed It was tive Fireniett, tilt* Vonductors, the dayv near Middleburg, Tile angina, 076; 1000, $512,648, increase, ,ql,- In Shobandowan. Lake, about :Lo( ,
things cobf,idered, a Dominion mem- hard to get at tho real causo, ot thai Traininen, and Railway q*raills 8pr- - driver
ber was more libexally remunerated ,,it, accident. but it iq prot:ty well doter- I viee,. appeared t o ol),joet oil thpit. lle- jured. was killed And the fireman in- 031. miles West of here, on the line of con.
$11011 , A. son of J. spexxcq Guelph. 0'eal- struction of the jowladiall Nortile I- f
.rn, .
O than a member of the Legiala- * m1nod t hat it was caused by till fLt- balf- Having sIllb4lot) the counnil- In Another skirmish, it b Itallway. on Tiatirsdtty Fred Urao.
till e is at $900, the present rate of p rather of donti lly shot his sister through, th
I in this aY tempt of tilt', southbound car to tee as to 10% ore(kntials Ito, war, lxsl _ polaUl"dant Be VI a
province - Seaforth Z-xli0Si- , reach a. second switch, Instead of oil b.V S'ir Louis Pavies it Ito 11 , ad nj _ ture4, . n lj(?QAX was cap- foot on SaturdaY. The injury Is not fallt, and another man ,Whose name is
tor. , waiting for tho northbound car At tified tilt. (I. 1 1. 11. of tile oblpeflonq'. I - Tro. I mrious. unknown, started across the lake, in
. I- the first siding. Tre're'plied that lie had liar, and *,11r: , , jlrItls1V 0aicer, U,1,1 for asou. Annie Western. the young giri who a. canoe accompanied by a. dog. yes -
RX -M. Ilk -t Hicice roonEcAsTs FOR The cars ,weigit 15 ton Illair strongly ndvi.sOd [%ill, to 111(, ,et LoAldon, Z Ixy 27. -The Chronicle rait away from her adopted mother's terday the dog returned to the camp,
j Jr -=-June will come in at the culmi. are the largest electric cars built tiv- coun.'arm". After talking over tile says It, learns that three British of& home in Blenholm, will return. A and acted Ill. a Peculiar manner. A
mating etages of a storm period wbich', but so frightful was the era, whol'. sitlullioll. III^ eortuni I tva flual- , Cora And about 100 non-colualigsionaU warrant is out for tha arrest search was begun and tile r4noo was
begins , six th j . of
the last days of Way. r, ull both cars were torn almost to splint- ly referred Mr. I;urlw to the 0. p. R, officoi*4 And Men, Who were sent back Fletcher, liar abductor. . found floating on tile lake. No Clow
I . Moon at extreme South declination an era. Both cars were 1111- I ,. frola South Africa, for -various mis- "Bare-Davil. Dick"has of the men has been, found and it is
the 2)ad will intensity electrical storms,' ad with Sunday Pleasuro-sockars lllgg '.tr,t n . r-oxto(l. deracanors; Are now ,in Portland pris- Thos. A. Edison Written supposed both Were drowned. I
I on A majority of the prisoners I at Llewellyn Park, __
but will cause a drift of atmospheric : returning train the newly opened re- Vergennes, Nrt-, MaY 28.-.' lklut.'- 'aPP*arently ordinary offenders, Are V. J.,, that he will kidnap his Yo
L, I lie vrenelt. V181torat Ottawa.
i tides from the north, and bring down creation grounds that tho. new rail- , Governor 31. A. Ailen. Vice-Presidont the, officers, it is said, wore c 'but, da,ughter unless lie gives up & good I Ottawa. May 27, -Ur. Olules Seig-,
onvicted S= 6f money. T110 P
over the country a marked Chill, eto Wa,V had just optned. Tho southbound And Director 'ArluOrs' N11- Of treasonably siding with the Boers. vestigating. . , olice axe in- frid,' Commissioner of the Govern
the _
CIO g I car left Albany, anti the accident oc- tional Bank, which recently suspend- , One of them is sufficiently 10fluential ment of France, Who is here discuSs-
cooler immediately after se ot Of tile I
the ,Storms. A return of storm con.' curred at 5 o'clock. The cars on the ad here, And J. NY. Xetchum, a re- to ,,procure the Suppression of the Tile body of Richard Stinson, a Ing trade arrangements with tile )Do-
ditiops will appeat on and tonching:' line were running at switch head- prestIntati've of the Legislature sroln names of all thre -a dis- former employo of Ivilliam, minion GOTOrninent. Paid a visit oir
the 4th to 6tb, showers resulting from I way,mi; that 1q, its a car reached ,,,.I this'place, were arrested Yesterday - cpjro e. Attempts t d Hardy.
j the fallinir barometer and blZber tem.- siding their Identity have hithe PUMP ealor, Woodstock, wmri found Saturday to the Geological Musourg
' I by United .83,tates officers, under In- -failed. on the lCarn farn% near that town and expressed his wonder at the vixj_
s. Rising bar_ wait until another one going in the
perature on those date, .4witch it was supposed to rto
ometerand cooler, fair weather will - oppo,. I dictmonts, charglog them with coin- Wr6olt Of Tantallon cattle. on Saturday. A Phial Of 'PO1hon' ietY and wealth of Canadix's mineral
qite direction Passed. The motor- I plicity with Cashier D. 0. Lewis IF, - Was in the man's pocket. and suicide rescturc0s , as there illustrated.
be the -natural order behind the dis- I man of the southboulid car reached wrecking the bank. . Cape " Town, MaY 2215. -The" Court is suspected. . . —
turbances of this period, lasting bro-, one of tile switches, but seeing no He,nr.y McGregor Hillad.
)thtothe'northbouncl car, clecided to take Treat Theta as Barbarian' ting the wreck- of tile Castle Line The remains of W. 0. Anslow'
gressively- from about the C of Enquiry which has been Investiga- - , edi- -NOW Glasgow, N. S., May 27.-
Sth. Ibe Vulcan storm period extend- chances and go on to the next, It O' steamship Ta:xitallon castle on Rob- tor of the Newcastle, N. B., Chron- lre;iiry ArcGrogor of this town, was''
ce Ouklx- ,ben .Island, some Weeks ago, made its icle, who disappeared four years ago killed in the railway yard on Satilf-
:fully into June solstice perturbations, CArs met,. acen that the two tom -sky, president of the Rusno-Chin- ;report yesterday. Capt. Travers *was il p, have been day night. H6 was struck -by a Iocb- -
ing from the 8Lh to the 13tb, leads - we,,, at 26 curve bet, Now York, May 2&-Priu
With a Mercury disturbance also cen- * ese Bank, speaking of the Chinese ' found in the thick woods aear South- Motive, no w
tral on the 12tb. MO011 is on the ceIr i TEtAGPDT IN. TORONTO. - ,found guilty of & grave error of west Miramichi. as 45 years of age, aifd .
, situation, In a, St. Petersburg d.--
' spatch to Tile Herald, says the p49wh6il7`he rart'into the dense tog in Powel Christian
estial equator on the Otb, and I , judgment in nWaxchoring hisvessel. .
this' , . a shipping clerk in the employ of the
I.,eing coincident with an annual crisis; A 18 -Tear Old Lad Arrested For Shoot- per course to have pursued..was to Paulsen, a 16- Nova Scotia CompAy's Works at-.
the strong currantif. The -captain was Year-old sailor, brbught to Boston, Trenton. A widow Anil two childre.n,
of electrical disturbances, tbunder-41 Inc Ifis sister Dead. retire at once after the legmtkins had c9lisured, but his"certificato was re- Mass., by the Whoon Line steamer su live.
storms, and much general and contin- I Toronto, May 27. -Ona of the sAd- been rescued. Tteat the diiinese Its . 0
uOus lightning will illuminatti the I dest tragddles recorded 1n Toronto barbarians. That would have brought 'turned to hbxi .' . I : I .. I Ohio -on Saturday, tells the. story — I I
evenings for days in succession. Frolm I for a. long tirae Was enacted yester- the mandarin's to their knees. . .. . 31IN _. .?, that the gorwegian barque Elsie was ,. -VJre at Part Arthur.
Sunday the 9th to Wednesday the 12tt I day afternoon, at the home of Thom- j ___ . .. . . I - Off OaPe Sable on Tltursd Port Arthur, Ont., May 27. -At &.
apt Tills Week. ,,;uous, Exertion's For. Their nescue during the fog, and that the other 13 o'clock Saturday morixing fire wap,
Many electrical storms, with rain and as Ryan, shoemaker, 26 Leonaxd a,T(- j Will Acc Stren ' :- ::1_1 . j ay
Pekin, May , ' : ., iVe I r . a AV ithi) I ub,Avail. members of the crew welat d . ow I n with discovered . -,
_ -
possible violbrice, will most likely oc- i nue. when ()live Ryan, aged 11, was 27,1t seems pfoctUabie, * . . I nvent at Port
Cur. The annual June showers may 1 shot and aIMO-qt instantly kiJlPd by that Great Britain's proposition: London, May 217.--AlI,-hePi3 of sav- the disa,bled vessel. Arthur, It 'Was started in sorma I
be looked for from this time until th.-; her 16 -year-old brother, Thouias, limiting the* indemnity ing the 7 n 7- 1 manner in the basdment, and ran up-
end of the mon1h, but storms of wITO who is now under arrest at the . to be de- I *t on bed _i iners at ,the Another Negro Lynched. the chimney to the top flat, where.
. St. manded. from, Chtua. to 450,00o,00& I UnlveisalS eColliery has been aban- lVichitft, Kan.., May 27.-A special, the m t
,extent and dangerous intensity it a I Andrew's Alarket .,:;t4LtIOn, r ' taels v ill be agreed to by the , of the damage was dono.
r ,barged . chd of dolled, although. the work of. rescue. to The Eagle says that Bill Camp- The . as
quite likely. Showery, unsettled wea- I with the terrible crime of nlu.rdor th'a week- . .. coit,tiw! .;;. . . 1. . Siste- turned their attentioil.. .
ther is prAable. Warm weather will 1 and Will , I bell, a negra, was -lynched at Polid, to the pupils who live in the build -
prevail about the 16tb, with beavYl .be hold until' thorougli i _' - 1, ., A§ eablvd,Saturdo.y,an. explosion OC, Greek, Oklahoma, at 10 o'clock Sat- ing, and thes *
rfeln. storms. especially vestigation takes 0ace, to ,learn if Train Conductor Killed., , currad the morning of May 24: & . 0 NyOre all got Out ILL
') I - Xniveisal Colliery t the urday nigh -, by a inob of 300 per- 'order, and without the slightest con-.
along the At-, tile shooting wa-j accideptal, as, Arnprior, Out ," may 8, fr ames at S4ugheny;dds in sons, who broke d -own the jail, for fusiolt, .
1, lanticcoast. Same of the mostdecl-I claimed by th6 prisoner. Tile victim Aris of Ottaw con . ductor of I% Cr.pi- the Rhoudd& Valley. Aboiji -
ded storms of the month are prokalb ' 'Lr .L00 men ;the fatal shooting of Deputy Shorify 009: The loss will be about $9,-4 --A
I about Friday the 21st, to a' of the accident, died in fifteen minutes ada, Atlantic f-rJght, vtiLit k[Il0&,.tlli*,1. werre in tile Pit at the time of. ,th; 'George Smiih. .. .. I
I 25th. A fact against ,Tuesday tile' after the shot was fired witliout mak- afternoOn. at, Olksgo* athtiou, ab6iut *4qt6. Lack of air rendered rescue . I. . I - . I
I - tions w i,b 'be cAu- i -ing a -statement. The whole family be- efght miles rrfijm 1*.r13'.* . , -work.' 'most' aifticult. The explosion 1 I Hoth Legs I . I I A Civil Servant Drowneii.
the people, is that the rain i lie*ve tile . . Were nroken. . . lan,
shootind was accidental I . 01bo.a, Ont., May 2%.7--ptor :
storms duriog the Julae solstice come! I ,, . I . completely, wrecked the pit, and -only I
. .. I -7l. distressring a-ccidant odcurred y6s-- at I the foot of Joh ton s, eet yes-.
d the ,revolver at his sister for fun I !fii ' 111 la i6IIOIY work of searching .1 t,r
up from very utillsilal and unlooked 1 , ' ve b9dies,'Warm, recovered.
and the la d s story is that he point- NIsga,ra-onthehaIe6, Orit., May. 27. Nuge if's 6edy W" found in tTie laka...
. I - for quarterm of the ]leavens. I V . t- - terday afternoon during the progress , terdi6y niornin ns
I - ___-_.Iw I _g_ Deceased was !a thp-
" . I , r -civil service .t Ottawa and was oxx
'ise Lip from eastern dlrep ; fifth -of the band concert, given in the .
. IDI I. times they I ManY four tinies without accident, but the I I for, VOIC Iras , *61 - Mo` t t'j ble "' collier3 ,
, tions, where ordinarily they rise in; licad. time &lit, Vra., sbot through the Exeter Munrcipal Uou h6il. ., , , expf , ii)il.'i'ii:":*%W dias been cciatinu-
.. . I i . dell in To n a
the Nvest and Pass off to the east, I 1. I , "' ed Oapng the I"t 24; hours'tinIqr ex-. .To*n Paxk, by the Q. 0; It, band,' e holiday - - He had b ro t
As June comes to its close .a 0ouncil . . .in Thick Samuel .1-Tindle;, a lad i4bou at the r here -
4 - - - '-- . R i ceptidnal ,d1f`fi6dltioh:.,, 'k, I tces and came
. _% 00,A I't ..f evision .L,hC.:qn0i't " v , duting.,.-
. 'I. I . . -
reaction- ,, Two .14 ottmi i.,en Killed. ,for the assossluel)r. t-ollatj p,.W;l 11,kil. appaeoll. . . as -'16 , years - Ofd, was severely - the night,
ary period will bring low barometric - injured : .9'et'tiftg off the train ,, Init. .
I centers ill Galt, May 27.-I'Tatson aird. 17,d- kay 27th, I . . * t y - hopelesks, .as - no SIM -ds JTe and another lad Were- - amusijIg . 'I% few r Yards from tA6 sNp in which
I . . I .. I., mere heard from the I I
.. different Parts Of the don, seebionnien on the G. W. divis'- I 1 here heing iio np'peak 4g . It 118''L 'gr.pi , Passages under- themselves in'one of the sw . . 9 found. De- ,
were f`&Lally a l ssessnient 1b Nvas- VI1()v*,(1 j) I 1. but streritlo'us and heroic a-<-, rlsu,ddenly, when about 1:8 feet from . 43 years of age.
I country, ending in 'scattering show -1 ion of the G. T. R. hem y 1, it -iso . ilwa, And, his boody *as. aftetwardi
I . 'h ceaseU was ki& -
ers and electric storms in V&rious NV I - ertions N*6re made.,to reac th ound,. Hindle f on -exam- I
localities. ,.. I injured Friday afternoon about t1irce Levett Se('M dad hly J. A I xxtsii4jr,g t.11,jl ber Of . . 1 6 chain., tile.. gr L-11. -up I ll'qme was iii .K.i.ngston.
I . ses L tEe eiaombed miners, amd, Put, . .
. I - ---===-=. - , ; m"t's s0uth Of Chtlii, "tht ir hAndear tll('- "t -stilel)f, f'r the Y(' Ar 1901 N,t LIM end:to the -terrible aus Anation A was found that both leg% * British Ship . straud d. .
() '
I I . i being run into by the 3,25 p. m conflruled and L.h( votirt closed- 15-n-- Of war. b;,ken above the kuae. ,,,
, I A hom belonging to lVai, Adair. of train south- DuLh. are u=.arrEed, ." riOd. . I 0,41` those endurixg the agpny df wait4ng I .
I . .
I ., , I Op pe Reary, Va., may 27.__.M1d-.,
I A, I L - nobilila, from-
. .. . . h L for the recovery of the bodiei,- Tiimis Prelghterp 1jarn 8400 a jDay" ateaiiier
I I I . Turnbew% near Wingbam, was notic-i Nvatson dietl last night aboub . 5 0 . ' - . Dritikk
. I I ad on Sunday last to be not eating hi L -he:
. - I OuRdl 'net pfirsuamt to Ctui,n I . , in ait severe, 01, Victoria, 13. C., may, 9, 0haLrIerA01i, for Baltimore, has,. -. - .
. feed. .g regained Celia- 443. - a$ .occurre'd ii 16c, tile I " , ' 7-- -Steauxei
. a. O'clock, nevor haxiii disastcr whi
.1 . Nothing was done 1113 til'Monday sciousness. mentat-Town*.13;iu, May:277t1l. , All 0, . loye ' aw renderj ng Amur brings il ws tk&t B&vqgat, . stranded off this station, 'duVng a I
I . .
I I I -MOrniOg when the horse was driven to — , Pre-sent,except.J. Evans. . - - - , . .able ior medidents was d 'Ion dense f6g, Capt&in X Isort 1.1011ne q.
I I 11 Wingliam'And John L'"7ilgon, V, S, . L .%I);%ni5l1 (;0T mont Upheld. Minutes' -Of 'Previo , : .11, , L O.na ,t .. . d the . exPen,Sa to the pit Ims cOmmenci! - frol* Lcdct, Li bargo I .
. 'ex '"I . Lis meetin *88 0 'to D and Ove4v of th&'da,lte R,eftry
. . . 1, 'own4r15 'I i 2LWSOn,.- but Lake.r y Life _
arnina,cl it stnd to h , MIAlia; xia 27.-rrl,,, &lac -jo 9 t(p 1*4d And,confinii 1. . .. I be heavy.. ., " I _A111%rge, Was .
I ip found tha kot is surpri,ie hE k 11 . I I I I . d.. . .1 L 1. . I ! I still r-OAd ai4 likely to ren'iaia ss f4p Stablqn bGexded tile, ves,"l, WU4 the L-
, .. INIoved hy W.' H., -tevett, seconded . Of them two reeks. ve.steaxia a Jklft' L04' - The obipja Imi; itist. j, _ -
-se was roinus its tongne. tlie Seliatd. have restilted . ... I 111A. '-t O' bodi 4_ . olne 6 , , R " "
.. aPproxim- , rribi ' tilate I 4, have beeit recove -' , r-ga on May _1,7 for 3So6wsZ)1t, - all X'S I
L Upon re-in.,miag home Air. Adair foi atekY in. the J. 911, L I Davbi b' . . - V i iftboat
. " Ind return of 120, BlInisker- _11Y it, "hat, VA'fl , Iiiiin e in; at I
. hc [I_ecRt;s; '!.y,repa1t ,ed. ,at ., "Aiverdal Colll;r I ,
the anitinjili tongue in th.e feed box hi iali4ts and 30 men,lbers (Of tile Oppo- Structed to-do t 1 4 Cape HeftrP, keitA 0* ax d ,,battlt
. front Gf WrIft,d' the ))C, L - on - 01
. . I . . 0 .Q.-trigil in me niioftdai V*e L,14ey, b;ing! taken by 'the',ora,- rtf r'a, &n y- uninjured. *Tl I _ -
I , 7.,ddd, and-mainy with spatv'i. e,W41R. ca.m - - 'x
so vras stand- sillon. . Norbli End fizii bitj St d 6" - U . j ill (k Y&I7114 off Mhore. *0. is ft#p&r I
. ing. It- I ,r,,,,' t,,- . I L,!. . I I '(j".1.1"( d' - ". .L. _'Yol . ar L n I Aj t fe 0
1. I r - I 17-1m.t.the ft,) I o v 1 . '. 6 p, ap CU * . L am- ailo
. .
gue C, )e anwhtl The Suffrage for Women, Armstrong-Muir ,A,,,,Y. , ; . . la re ware' jc4 jauti I i, - 0 -P nt re"iw aboard. -
['3 RVIL)POsed t, , ob t "ft
I . I "ad gotLISio loll aught it, 1, . I L ing Accountw. 004. St Norar. . Tlj; INfa dr * at. i'6- 4 \1
. - _____ I be. pasbcd j*lAd (ovilers ' "' ' . Finders and at Si,&,W, *,x" , W&t I I I I - I- - I- I . .. . I
I 'Maly 2/r,-Af Orawn on TreRsure-l"f * - ' __LTy-j,_, t'd ,hVL,4 J&Lji -a xftoss,, '
. I
I., - I bole and iA% aV)4e&V0r1ng to free, itself ', (*r1sklaits, dmiwd- or sa;m f, , ' L _ L 'kjAj bdWj .. L . 1i I Im.- n*,*St6w Froffia. G. - 'h. L
I . Pulled ita t ,4aigjla 011t, L . Ih , if d' .V s,r/imp& hy: ;j- jx. tj .f 1xii,9q Horse, which, it.was fes"41, " W -0121d I.. etterfe, , .
I . . I t0femi, sba I Me- llfor regi .Rcuse, -1.11 mine _&r, Spell $75.40 ; J no Gi I i, .','32 00 n ,- ,oe it, G a -
I . . - rc.r.y lwett-y wOddit,4 . , . d*g ,roi I $Orvices a I elling wjnd(ui11C&rrie(J. I . I lfe de'lay theqin , Q - m1dr, oxit'." 14W 21r. -Utwxw
wlits solem- id , 1. I f tWe _ Icfihi4', .'ali-d ,of adiiiiratiot,' . j left D . Weamer cotwiehk ;h" - i4z; w-, '' '-' '
A ligIve P&gse(t tile 10-111 provi . o
I . V"8 1 co,itt.111tuival 4111.36age, far ZA(, t4 a,*Tsok, biitl6ka'.,jp. ' p ,j-; .i,",,, ., I I ta4gtt -IL AfoAffeOtft, 8_atV r4tj y I I
at "he'r0sialence of'.11r. atid Mrs, I . W., I I Ne-'dftlii%tr'y of th rcscda . -- . g IA,' Mft!.A "d . I
I nized AILAV -Levett-' That. this Cbtmcil ,, _ .. lWornin i" rtX*."b(#bw'
. I L I '' oymed by,. ZT. lupil*,#J 6 it, k yh;, . tii&A,J_T, R"'Itado .4
I.. . men. payirlg a, f ReaVe ", , .e - - -'ros- 1) ettt wrecked ut ,. V- 1 jx I,
I Geat-o q - i ,dP&edhL _ _.
I AP, girlaw '"Er i liourn to M" - fr+ Valdetibur ' "(k
; a L L Jmlor, Tbornpnrk, Kippe., t_._..,,&j, I il,g e to wo ,t: at call o' - A d
. _q
. v " I &*Atrm JA-btlinuft meftn(- I - - - ' ' " ' L'' I - fy . *tk,.., I . . , *7 jjjk ,L,. .
: : I '^ I I -, . , 4 . pauiida. on(% 1161d li es 6
1 - so,* &,oitte4 (. ,n;) ` J* , ' `rMJQFAt'i" ' - jje h' jl J agj* L ' '. I 4 ' ' I I 11
o I A A, SaYS, .as' a rf,,siq t of ,% fire. whicl,' , , - "' '", " f fl '16 ..
L ob ady Isda, whet-, thek". secor(I 44 64 at . . I rried. , I I f 1. ._ I a , . I I .19, I I 1,;qj,A,r.q , i ,,,, Xx
I L L . daugbtel . 6;,t1v%2j, ,U, vras ul jt , 4 OBO..., H., DissErr, olerk aftd tite . cara'(0,es IqP4, , , " L f
. & (I -, rqr,, ,,I,,- L I . 1, , .1.
L ., 0 J , . I I 11 . . I I
L , I . tj 06 1, 11 - I I'll , I "Pii --t I '. a .' ' bi 1, P 4, f, , -, .. I , I .
I . I I I . holy 1)am 4 of mfxt,i,iXuO,y t.,o Mr. S&II, '' ,.tiet (Vtoo) ilt ; ". I I , I , '' ir ` , , have bom nk . M'x V !!w*; I q
. ed in the : i 1 roCo oUt YeSt&(TL y i"110 -1_1 X_Jnann ki ;
I 1. , , L ne'l-2i 111,; i " ., '
' L" I "' 1' ' . 4, T Aq d, , i L -- — I .
: nel T)A*JR"*JJ,L & Vr. "r - , , 300N110 C,YO.L' ' I .. .... rl, I I I . L,.b &ge ,s'e` d" * - . . 11_ , I I.
I I I 1 . - , I 11 I I ..i,t.1!%g fr Igh , 4vtft- (c . s ", . WL , 'A ejhiv ft&. I . . I -
: l", I . in Populxryoun .2 , 't Z' 4 'witatly " 11 _ij 'k
, ri, ow, q0W*iVg prop6v . IST$: -77-:-7' 1 : , - t 6 1 zx ,,i i
, 66 *&4 Wlk(W: I pay tk* ! A bOttlo of 11ag , . " .. ' ' 'L, ' , I
I ... I 11 - 1, , . L". , j . ' ,
, a"" ( T 4-') O' 1 1!01111(011 176j4a, jeo I .yard'ti Y01ow 0V alibuld belgi. ' The,.tra;fr earktitlt, "00 per 4 . - Ata '- ?7 ..'Ut-w&,001 West , ,
, , every cvNMVAiktt a, . N, L 11 I ,
- : , - 1. .1 pen. I L , cil -tit ,is the mo.qt effective I I 1. ico XedgiPt- . .R TU I L" and D"a*jv, q. 13A, - - *4 , " _ " . , .. .
w%g $;q, Lf. " "' ' L "
, endizitg . lay 21 rj, . . M. t ;JL . 041IX4" _
1, , , . '*, ' remekly for Spra&j,'Brui-eg. Outs, s .i Jointa, . I I ,0 * ,Ter,e At a tat J=. _' L L
, . I lttf 0 -a . I _ZeAk& "S
. I I . I I I . . I I . L I .QtA0% @t,thomyUeles. Cramps in t. . . 00 same, alid 80 6 auiw -.- - , U, Mi S(vi;-V,;k Iia;A bqea k0a,*, L
I I I 1`1 . ( I L ContrIL he,1,60 W49V .1w, t", 5 ot the C P no I ;t 4,*4 'I,
& I . ,
. . I L L I . I . . 1. I I I atc _ I , L I -Idle ' t' y,e", $ry04,@o0 .. , I _1- ., 9" , , d I
I I . I L 'T 1 1 1 , . -it(, ax ft.6( &-*- ii( 1160hA_ _ I
I I I . I .1 I ''I I , I _. .1 I , , - .
I I I I I . 1 . I . I :1 I I I I I ' I 9.Q1164i .. ". . I I I I
I I I I I . - I 1. I . . I I I I L _ ' ' , L : I I I .1 . i., - , . ,.
. L L I . . L I . L .4 1 . I , . I
I I L I I I I . . I I . I I . I I . I L 1, I . . . . . I .. . I I I :1 . . I I . . I / .; . I I I . : . . L L I . . I . ,, I I I I . . . I . I .
I I L I . . I . I . I .., I L, ., . . I I L . I I I 1 . f L L 11 , . I .
I . . I . I I I I L I . I , . I. I .. . I I I L I I I L7 : I I L . L I I
,; , , . I L . r . . . I I . . 4L , .. L .. 11 .. I L L I I I . I I . I I . . I I I I I . I., : : L . I I I . .
I I I I . . . . I I L . L . . . . I L I I . . I . I . . L . . . I I I . I I L . I . I I I . . . : . . i 1. I L : I , . ., L I . , , I . L . . I I . 11 L ,L I . I " .' I I I 1, I I I .. 1
to ;.
I i
i .
ed aA
9 W I
y W
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, , I I I . I . i I . I L . . I I I I I L L . . . I I ,., . . . L I I I
, I i I . I I I I .1. 1. I .1 11 I I I . .. I I I 10 - , ! L L I I I I 11 I JI . , . I L I I I I
L 1. . 1. : L ' L ' . I . .1 . . I " , 1 4 i I I .
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