HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-5-23, Page 8"7 r, ITHE EXETER TIMES Stowart's Gash toro. --Caf5h or Produce. One Price Only !c rills Linos at 6Jaarliiu rrlies.. We are this week offering some broken lots and ocld sizes at :greatly reduced prices. The odds and ends must be cleaned out no matter what the sacrifice hl prices, These values can not be re- peated, first comes, first choice. 22, pairs boys' tan Oxfords,sizes 11, 3o pairs ladies' kid Oxfords and toe to 5, good goods, and good styles, not slippers, broken sizes and odd lots, •nld goods but the ends of several dlf- regular price from 81.00 to $1.75, your ferent styles, worth from $1.00 to 51,35' choice white they last 68e the pair. fbe pair, your choice 68c. 18 pairs :1lisses polished calf Dong. Carpet and leather slippers, abou t 40 1 and tan Oxfords worth $L00 and 40 pairs,sizes 3and 4. worth 40 and 50e, .$1.25, They won't last long at thisclearin at 25e. price, your choice per pair 50e. g Two doz. print and pique blouses ' 13large ..size table covers, 2 ydsby lightly soiled. They only want wash- 24 yds,frwnged, This is a clearing line. ing. You eau have them for half The price was $1.50, take them now price, worth $1,00 for 50e. 1 for 81.00 each. 33 print wrappers sizes 32 to 42, a: few sizes. of e•mclr line. Oar prices `• 10 only double bed size white quilts have been $1,13, ill. r9, $4.00 and, n2.5. € slightly soiled, worth 'i1,50, now 98c, you can take your choice for 95c. NEW BLOUSES. NEW MUSLINS AND DIMITIES, We have just received this week 4 special lines of ladies' white blouses„ Which are by far the best value we .ver offered in white bionses. See therm and make your own conclusions, Flue lawn blouses, embroidery and insertion trimmed extra, special 900,. Fine hewn blouses, hemstitched and tucked, revers trimmed with lace, fauc- yoke and trimmed collar 5L00. We have just opened a large lot of plain and fancy tnuslins and dimities. They are the correct goods for stylish dresses, Plain dimities in black, white, grey and blue, extra fine and stylish goody, 20e. Fancy dimities and muslins stripes and Agaves, the up•ttr•date goods for blotnea and dresses in all the newest colorings. 100, 12c and liar. Specials in Black Goods. BLACK Mfr LINS, BLACK ORGANDIES, BLACK LAWNS, BLACK DE'\IITIES, BLACK GLEN.DINES. S'T`S'LiSki AND NEW. 20c' to 50c. J. A. STE3WART. { .ir c.,•.F,•a •+4+++ +++++4 .4d :1,.r, F THE HART. * t To Have ,,Best Goods is what the business man owes him- self. It is this business policy of ours which induces us to claim to be -often the ehesaperst and con- sequently always the best. We have in stock everything in the .Stationery Line—newest in Note Paper. 4. Complete bine of Jardineres, isrnglish and German Decorated Vases, French China, Limoge and Japanese Ware. j1 FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIP— TIONS. .JOHN GRIGG,'j ,EXET:E R. THURSDAY, MAY 23RD, 1901. Locals. Boy WANTED.—A good, smart boy with torr education, wanted to learn the printing business. Appjy a TLMES office. (AdclitionaI locals on 5th page) The June session of the Huron County council will open in Goderich •on Tuesday, June 4th. Where are you Going on the 24th? Do you really think you will have as . good a time as you think you will? Mr. W. Handford of Exeter, has pur- chased from Mr. Burgess of Mitchell, the photo outfit used by Mr. Jacqes, in Lucan. J, Spackman, agent for Allan Line`' Royal Mail steam -ships. Office, H. Spackman's harlware store.Exeter, or, Grand Bend Park, Grand Bend. The adjourned meeting of the Offi- cial Board of Main-st. Methodist ch. was held on Monday evening, when the business of the year was completed. The finances were found' satisfactory, all demands haying been duly adjust- -ed. • The Militia Department announces that applications for the Canadian general service medal for service dur- ing the Fenian raids of 1866 and 1870 and the Red River expedition of 1870, will not be entertained after the 1st 'July, 1901. Money order" offices have been es- tablished a `t Carlingford, Perth county; Farquhar".: and Jamestown county. Post office , Huron savings banks have beep. .opened at Atwood, Perth county, - and Thamesford, Oxford e ounty,• . ly Dix Little ' .:1 Liver .t Pills, Dix Kidn . c Pi11s,Dtx Nerve 8& Blood Pills Dix ey Cure ' Ta ble Cold a ts, Dig Headache , Cure, Dix Compound Carbolic T. Dix Luhg SyruponlyOinoment andTI need to be tried to in order to prove that they. are .scan-; 1' dard and reliable remedies. Sold C. Lutz. 1 by' 0 O Everything down inprice at R. Rowe's. N. W or Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watches,. Clocks, Jewelry,: Spectacles, Etc CALL Oil R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for oranges roust be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. _ APPRENTICES WANTED. --A.pprens; ss- making. Apply to Miss Sweet, ovee post -office. WASTun,—Good general servant. no washing or ironing. Good wages. Write, giving references and experi- ence to Mrs. Pope, 84' Ridout st., Lon- don. rices wanted at once to learn dr GOLn CHAIN LOST, —A lady's long gold chain, in Exeter. Has been miss- ing for two months. Finder will be suitably awarded by leaving same at TIMES OFFICE, To THE SHAREHOLDERS OE E EXETER SALT 'WORKS (3O.—GentlemLn you will the annual meet ng oflease kthe Companye notice will he held Thursday, June the 8th, at the;; hour of 3.00 p. m, Town Hall. T. B;i CARLING, Secy. B. Makins has purchased 1. Fitton's driver. g A. Hooper has rented his dwellin on Simcoe st. to Chas. Zuefle. Absolutely pare Baking Powder sold at Lutz's drug store in 10, 15 and 25c tins. John Snell last week purchased a handsome black driving horse from a gentleman in Sarnia.. Miss Eva, daughter of Rev. John. Collins, of Ancaster, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. W. Collins. Mrs. R. McCord and son, of Merton spent Sunday and Monday visiting their many friends in town. The Council have rescinded the, cig- arette by-law, in order,- very fairly, to give the dealers ' chance to dispose of their present stock. To -morrow (Friday) will be May 24th "Victoria, Day," The day will be cele- brated in Exeter by horse -racing, etc. for which liberal prizesaxeoffered. J. B. Martin, of Seaforth, was in town on Friday. Mr. Martin is farm.. ing near Seafortl}, and, ; his mane friends will he pleased to learn that he is succeeding well. On Monday, owing, to illness, Mis Irwin was unable to perform her dutie<. as teacher of the 8th division of dial Exeter Public School. She `was ;able to resume her charge on Tuesday. Rev. E. W Haut, a former rector of the Trivitt Memorial church, here, but who has recently been preaching in Lansing, Mich., has left the ministry, for reasons, particulars of which he has not yet made known, Rev. Mr. Hussar, of Crediton, has re eived au invitation from the Quarter - Hoard bf the Holmesville Methodist hurch, to become their pastor.' He as accepted: the call subject to the tationing Committee's ruling. Geo. Weekes and .Wife, of Water` n' w N. Y'. s e , nt t , he P latter "art,of ast week visitingghis hro fliers here. r. and Mrs. Weekes were called to ntario to attend the funeral of Mrs, eekes' father, died last' week in uelph. The R. Pic Exeter am• ardCo ¢ ensaIl. 111e 411680re s®®OOb800✓s4a `4'.OX73O ?WA4si Qsaro1113004118811111Halleafili We have just opened up Waists and Blouses. pl'ic; .i $3.50, We purchased -tll•'r11 and the styles are the latost your favor. a !beautiful line of ladies Shirt range all the way from 50e to direct from the manufacturers, and the prices are certainly ill 5 Some Special UIIGS Den's silk and wool shirts, regular $1.0o for Men's fast colored flannelette shirts, regular: hoc for Mens Balbriggan s';iris and drawers, silk striped, regular hoc for Men's black duck overalls with bib, special,regular75c for for 100o yards heavy `eight, 38 inches wide, fast colored print, a big assortment of patterns, the regular 12x;; for 200 yards fancy American muslins, all colors, warranted fast dye, lovely new patt•rrns. regularly worth 2oc for 3 lbs, finest seIecte, 4 a,lencia .misills for Best Paris whiting; per ib Best clothes pins per doz Best garden seeds 2 ;'ks for Pure Paris green, .'imported,) per lb • 1 CALLING nolti BIIOS. Are showin& the greatest lines of corsets they have ever handled, Grooeptoll's The B6s1. Have you seen the Erect Form, Style B., the most per- fect fitting corset in the market to -day price $1.00. Observe the cut. Sec OW TV Shirt Waists —.maw 40c W(' are told that we have the most stylish 500 goods 1x1 town prices ranging.), from 50c to $2,25. t0 see our before i)l1.O.inj your purchase ap-to-date Doll't fail m° Lino ol Ladies' -Willmar None Better 15c 25c pOlc Vic 05c 25c Well ?dflrs, 6rptts alld Gurtallis. WALL PAPERS. We have a mag ro.aceut assortment, in both low, medium and high priced goods. erica's range from 3 to 400 per roll, borders and ceilings to match, ,' can suit the most fastidious taste CURTAINS. We have thea.. i:, 'excellent values att5o; 750, $1.00, $1,25, $i. o, x.75, $2.o;,), 2 25, $2 75, $3.00, $3.50 and air. Each pair importe.-1 direct by us' from the mnanufacurers.P in 13ritain CRPETSA.. =.._ Hundreds of yaris of new carpets, lovely colorings, beautiful dest'ns and reasonable prices. Union and wool made carpets at 25c, 35c, 400, 5o; 75c per yard. All bargains, We Pay Highest Prices for Farm Produce. oe6o11N060111411111611ee10al1110100008 soSSiS*!l ,., .$.!111...! T H ER. Piekard Co; Direct importers. Sheep sheeting season is now a hand. Mitis Eliza Oke is visiting 'friends h Senferth, John Brawn is expected here from Brantford this week. to reside. The cyst pei• inmate of the Walker y ton jail last year was (1 cents per day, W. Page, who has been ill for some time «•ith rheumatism, is able tri get around again. .3 Manning tnnin•g has enlarged his but- cher shop, and improved the interior appearance. t- Get your furniture repaired at R. N. Rowe's. Be sure acid carne to'Exeter on th. i i'24tbDtane'1yW.. n ood'advertises ai, lost steer, in this issue, Mrs. A. Sheere is visiting bur son, Nt>lson, iu Petrolea. Willis Powell bus returned home from a short sojourn in Seafortb. Miss M. V. White is spending a few days with her brothers in Windsor. The Trustees of S. S. No. 5, Osborne, advertise inlanother column fortendera for repainting the school. The best place to buy yourfurniture t is at R N. Rowe's. Why ? Because the keeps thelargest and best stock. Misses Rusk, Robertson, Irwin and' Pringle teachers in our Public school • leave to -day for their respective homes to spend the holiday. Miss Maud Hicks, daughter of Robt. Hicks, jeweler, who has spent the past two years in Southern California with her aunt, Mrs. A. Hicks, returned home yesterday. Militia orders contain the following,: owing to the existence of smallpox in certain parts of the Dominion, none but individuals who have good vac- cination marks yr who cati show evi- der_ce of having had smallpox, will he permitted to conte into or remain in 'camp. A strict medical examination will be held on arrival of corps in camp. Officers commanding units will be held accountable for the return to their homes of individuals found nn vaccinated. NOTICE:—It will noticed that Tam TIMES this week is slightly smaller than usual The change in size is not to be permanent,' but .will only con- tinue until we receive our car load of the regular sized sheet from, the mills. Mrs. J. V. Crocker left on Friday to visit her son in Butf;alo, and also to see the ram -American. The Walt Huron Teachers' Associ- ation is holding a convent ion here this week. and the Teachers have possess- ion of the l owua June 4th to 15th are the days of the London camp this year. Just one week from next Tuesday the 33rd will be leaving for Locdon. Rev. H. W. McTavish, of Glencoe, reached two able sermons in James- treet church on Sunday, Rev. 0- W. Brown conducting services for Mr. Mc- Tavish. W. D. Yeo expects to move into his new premises in the Oddfellow's block about, the 1st June, the work of shelv- ing and erecting cauntarsbej,ng about completed. Chas. Rowe, who has been ill during the winter, and whose recovery was doubtful for same weeks, has recover- ed and irnprcr n health sufficiently to attend to his garden. Tenders are being asked for the con- veyance of His Majesty's mails between Exeter and St. Marys. The existing contract expires Ist July; next, and tenders must, be sent to the Depart- ment not later than.7th June. . Turkish Scalp Food prevents hairi- ness, stops falling hair, removes itch- ing and dandruff, restores faded and grey hair to its natural color and vi- tality and is also an excellent hair,¢ dressing.. Only 5Oc a bottle, at Lutz' ., Drug store. • Rev. Caen Richardson, M. A. of London'conducted services es in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday. He delivered two able and eloquent dis- courses -to goad audiences. Rev, Mr. Ten ` Eyck preached in TSt. John's church, near London;, • .Detective Ward of London went to Shipka, in Stephen township, Sinn and arrested Allen :McL'ean p who awaas wanted on a charge 'of assaulting Angus McDonald, a farmer of West Williams. ' McLean is ::a sailor, and lives during the winter and spring ; on a farm adjoining McDonald's, Mc- -Donald went to move back a line fence on the `1Sth, when McLean interfered and it is.said -drew. a: knife on McDon- ald and aiso•struckhim with a stick. McLean•' was, taken;,to :Parkhill where he was bailed 1 ed to • • appear on Thursday. s A Social, EVENT. From the River- side Free Press, we cull the follow - very r pleasant reception was held in the chapel of the . Metho- 4dist church under the charge of the Ladies' Aid Society, as a complemen- tary 'courtesy to Miss Maud Hicks, who was leavingfor her home in Ex- eter, Ontario. The chapel was -decor ate d with flags, flowers,. and fologe. During the evening several musical selections were rendered, which 'help- ed to make an enjoyable evening, Miss. Hicks who is always a favorite, playa -q ing aSonata by Hummel, in her usual`. charming manner. At the close of the program the guests were inyited' to re- fresh themselves with lunch. Miss, Hicks has' been in, Riverside a'. little` over two years, and has made man friends in social and musical circles: For; two years has served faithfully as organist of the Methodist church ,,.and inn an :w a s ,has been an a cquisition in '`musicaland soc 1 circles and in her sweet and friendly manner has won the hearts of all with whore she. came in contact. The best wishes of a host of friends go with her, and hope he may return at nodistant future. Never h;a.tl larger sales in these goods than this year OPLL 606101 -FED, CABLING BROS. FURNITURE EMPORIUM House Gleanin blme You'll be wanting a few new articles of furniture to 1111 up ,lux change the appearance of things in general In and around your houses. We havejust tlm articles required, and are always ready to show goods. Call and see our Bedroom Sets, Tables, Mattresses, Couches, Parlor Suifes, Springs In fact anything and all things possible to be found in a furniture furniture store, • Funeral Directors, OPE RA HOUSE BOOK. Beverley it Huston, THE NEW STORE Dry Goods ....and.... Groceries. The Spring Season is at hand, and you will always find season- able goods at the New Store. We call your attention to our stock of Lace Curtains, which are all new and the very latest patterns in the trade—prices from 35c to $5.00 per pair. - POLE The new oak finish, with brass or wood trimmings,, complete' for 25c each. See our Blind Shades at 45c. Art Muslins, Art Sateens and Cretonnes-, all the very newest; also a pretty range of Floor Oil taoths, V. rute Spreads and Table Covers. These goods are.selling- -- readily and we have had to repeat several lines: i To the Ladies Don't fail to see our new Spring Corsets. A very special line of New Style, Short 'Waist D. & A. Corset t 50c. ; also the New D. & A. Straight Front, Erect Form, Kid Fitting Corset at $1 .00, an many other lines from 5oc and upwards, A call solicited: to in- spect our stock. Remember our -Groceries. They ar,t the best we can buy—no cheap adulterated goods at all.' highest prices paid for produce. FIRST STORE NORTH, P. O. W. D. AUCTION SALE. -Auction Sale of millhZ , horse 'Reser •,a find !•'fere,., will'be offered for sale 9y public auc- tion on Friday, May .24th, 1901. at 11 n'cloek a. nit•, the following articles; : windmill, pump and fixtures, at the, Town Hall, a horse power and jack, also several good ladders, the property of the corporation. Sale at the Town Hall.' By. order of the council. JNo (GzLL, Auct., GEO. H. BISSETT, Clerk. Mr..(Dr .) Jamieson, of Durham' is a guest at the Manse. A. Q. Bobier has purchased a .h p and= Born ed;, ,iving horse from a farmer in' i1ay township is 'Mr.,. John.. ton an employe o ..the - Fdundr `'id'at„h' i Parkhill y, , is Koine in Farkhrlr nursing' sore'leg, Recently,while descending.from the top' of a bler, be ju►npedto;theground, striking in sueh ainanne; as to break:one,of the; small' boned in one of'his Iegs hear the ankle. J. E. Toni, Inspector, is in town; a1: tending the Teachers' convention. A match at basket ball ' was played' n the pihlic school grounds on Tues - ay evening between two teams :corn. osed of girls of the school, who style emselves "the Rugby's” . and Oxfords." After an exciting g9,ine e Rugby's won by 5 to .1.. Nelson `. obbledick acted as referee. `. ,The bind ;'played on the occasion. The' earl ' closing g move trent was successfully .inaugurated. in Listowel on :Monday ; evening, nearly al the stores closing profn ptly at six o'olock., -This isa. movementgreatly desired by the employes " our ofmerchants, 4 s, and .. with the exec riot_ of P ,Wedne.c Wednesday and Saturday evenings, ` would be very much, appreciated during the summer months, especially. R. N. Rowe has purchased a fine -hearse horse. ' Ile bas now one, of the best hearse teams in the County.