HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-4-25, Page 7THAT THE FAC SIMILE SIGNATURE: ,puip34. Ilitusal 141C4wIC- 7.44,tenennele,"7 Ateek.a efea- enparenee IS ON THE WRAPPER, 01' EVERY BOTTLE OB'4 GRIST FOR B/11,11S11. More finer Prlsortcy*, More Boer Onns,' SUPPiles• KITCHENER'S LATEST MESSAGE, The Coramander.in-Chieftn Afritus Tells What Has Been neeempushed by thr British Troops Sinelils Last Re- port—Itokharg 'Ti Feate— Another Boor Commander CourteS ' London April 23.—Lera NitchatlaT. ' 0, deS.Patvh to the War Office miner date of Pretoria, April 21, saes: . "Shave my last rePelt ti British . columns have vaptured e4 prisefg- ers, 248 rifles, some ammunition add wagons and carts. A. few men hale also surrenderee." Another Force Surrenders. Pretoria, April 2,2.—The force en- " der Commandant Bokburg, eomPeeed of 106 men, with wags and. rinte, has surrendered near eliddleberg, Transvaal, n Lege= Baiter Punished. Cape 'row, April 22.--34. Albert. ; Cartwright, the editor a The South Afrieen News, who was arrested, 1 lyebruary on a. tharge of seditious and defamatory libel, in having pub - 'Bawd. in Ids paper a statement that Lord Kitchener had eecretly instruct- ed his troops to take ao prisoneret has been convicted end eentelicee to one year's imprisonment. ApetfeTeiflCdY for CtpaStipa- lion., Sour Stozach,Dorthoee, VITorms,Convutsins,,Faverislx- va$s and LosS OF 611BER XacSienile nature of aStOrla le pat ir. . l•'dtloa ogIy, t end ia D03% ; liarytila to sU auyteing eta ce net nte es, pendia tiat it le "jute ea good" stud "e• ; lee e'er every eat-, p-zN" Irrk'icico that, ybn e tee i 04,niZt74.7/ tf WWI' CO OF WRAFpg. • is ea eresee "17 eneeste AIR R1FL R E tag tali til4cas pinknor theta I' *soh ilattpsononeoeuisisses log stutinaissios nous ockts. The ' • iforiiii pOliiiirtniskoths7004:44rivontancis141,plu oiogneria GM f plede,rtrUdriPloivaUlLigt;tt.suixhard4wakkritti;forvenrs4 Vest n*0 Oh bay oi4mowilltwoordIsnant4s.liolltitun.retarniltomeavrealIlitertallicesett Burr for velesur ioods to iliviikso ehist MM..* atelti *WPM nee, Toren* rit'raltl Fort 014 under eharge of mar - e Six iii011111:e additional ,..„;04yai 4Wing his father. has settled down to d' of prt:•:•lt hie ;it 1.11v rOn111,5* jail. He is 'said ie wi tiderfully cheerful end philoeoph rd, eeltieni making Low. Mr. William ;rime,. et' knee re- centiv met with a leul ne Hoe at the Bernard & Jamieson elanieg mill, °Lennon, in which be lest the tiret eecond lingers of the b It hetel. • Idren Cry for STO h u, r=0. .•10000. it A T C 1-1 Wogives inunimmiestost Use, rolislket Hislad 1Voich, Muni - van Lever Movement tor sollinc oily 2 thm. Flthazin or Sweet NA. 1 iicedstlheiti.othsre. En1iViet* atecontatassoploull.bahntrentsbc, loot hagrant verlotios (dell colors. c„o'Tou min .an this fine Vetch in ali artetiiserl by setting to work at taco, pellrams sivsetissinent tto Soma al tlio Serve. ilioin,reierntlie newly, and We gueresitee sure tienl• savour Winch at mire, Ve"xlie today. AS the seagull ro. vowels Worn. Seed Supply Co., Turouto ..„ -- „ , iliettniirdelailrAtnnillMili=%1=1217.11131; • ' 1 - r• . This season of the year when, coughs ' and colds are so prevalent, it would el le be advisable to keep a bottle of Dr. El .11! Woods Norway Phe Syrup in the i le house. Ili It inlays all iiniammation and irri„., All: talion of the breathing organs, and .1: 1 sures coughs and colds of yoring and qi bld more quickly and effeetuallythan ict any other remedy. Ai1,1 ;0 rs. Arthur Molaskey, 'Mite's 19 Point, (niece's Co., N.B., writes: Eli 'In the fall of 1899. I was taken ee, 1. down with a severe attack of La 1111 ;i t Grippe which left me with a bad il cough. I tried several remedies and could obtain no relief and was almost I ....., , in, despair of a cure when it friend le advised me to take Dr. Wood's Nor- ' way Pine Syrup. I took three bottles : 2,l'' all and it made a complete euro." 13 , ,411646121:11611taninitingaignMOUR Mal I . . . . . , More than on Woman SOLID GOLD W. shunts Imutitul 57114 Coldsan kith Frb, fer ohly stangto ir 1?esSon4atier.oneb.Untlt fury. tbsrnostfessrnittrarle• Soh of slisolors. itail lie !MS 11 attiortharnanantl wnwill r. want titleoves, Sollthorn,ro. Manilas:non* Ong this Wen strattollino 4,ranriont Mug vrlithosontyestostrenillypaeh, v4 insrelyntlino4box. Wrote 5.Thon•anoaforU. Shit tunlisiS short. 'Seed Sups•lx nes, Weillletiel CADA Shattered Nerves and Weakened System, THE AFTER EFFECTS OF LA GRIPPE, • Who has been cured of backache and kidney , trouble by the use of Doan's Pills has written us as follows : rs. Win. Bishop, Palmyra, Ont., wri tot I 'have used Doan's Pills for lame back and know • they are an excellent pill, as two boxes corn- . piletely cared me. Have You Had La Grippe? Did it Leave ally After Effects? If it did, read what Mr. F. j. Brophy, of M )qtre 1.1. Que., has to say of the god mitt, Irds Heart and Nerve Pills cliti eneonmernenee""nannin ----ntnnen Our Ottawa Letter to deal with it Montreal interests went Montreal made the porn; Qu - IMMIGRATION, bee, Quebeo ; lealifax. Helifax ; Ste John, St. Solna One %vents the Geier - Last week closed with a Doukhobor etan ttay canal beliteetmether wants . debate, in which Mr, Thiele Wilson t the St. Lawrence s,esteue and. Port, showenoip the vest eXpeilditlire On Ina 'migration and thet uncteeireble and in Colborne Berle -3;3i inipeoved. Ndlarge coinprehensive system 0t-tii be adopted every WAY IinsRtlefsetory return. At good for nothing but selling oranges, euless by a aon-political commission. Ithe I3ille Committee ys- e this moment 2,000 Italians, who are In Private . t e agencies tertlay there was en exhibitiou of emit have arrived.The cosof th- ; plex indecency. A man named Davis, in the United States alone is $37,800, a ceetraeter,, bad a btu eetvat „swot,. Tathae ofruigtlyttabiapsageoen, ean alts witahiosugtocianrgrenap. thar:euagahd„ Faittzv,ptatet,r.if;k was power developmeef. , ponding remelts. Thus in 1899 the num- ber of hatmgreett was 4043, eottieg the bill as none" bill, Whereupoil 4^ " tb $255,878,88. ; st 1900 48,697, .4,, Louis Devies tsvitted lum with being : 1 stutogtot. inert-meinhitetieg°,,arinteo, .interested. ibee and wantiug to exploit. positionmenof e Govern- ; 5t; increase in cost, $178,083.7e Eaeh - went. DtArcy Scott, sou of the Se' one of the therefore cost, the ee, lazyof state, is pretties the bit fpeetable sum of $1,170.25, They ought to be A 2 silver-huckled rista- Atilr"gb- FitzPatteek eceused Sir Louis Davie tvein crane immigrants at over me theu. etg time in nee sand dollars apiece. This is not the Illittee' III the 11"st' rile 31"Iniste" only way Sifton comes high, are Serapping the whole time. •OUR MINISTER OP .4.ORICHLTIIIIB. Tile Dundalk Herald chronieles tbie There VMS palefel evidence on Mon- note ineteneo of bravery. While , day that the Minister of Agricalture is playing on the bridge at Riverview, Coombe!) fee the job. Re commenced Pristine. Antoce, aged 14, and by saying there had been no -lack of Kerr, aged 12, fell 'into the Grand cold storage accommodation, and went River, which at this seesou of the on to explain how the tacit occurre& year is a large' rapid stream. .A. He admitted too that no arrangements number of boys playing nearby s ; bane yet been made for cold storaee the danger a the girls and all rim to e for fresh fish for the interior—and the give the alarm. except Perey and neeessity of this was strongly insisted Willie Markie, aged 14 and 17 on by Mr. Borden, leader of the op- spectively, wbo jumped into the river. position. It turned out that batter is and attempted to rescue the girls.. tbe chief proilizet shipped by cold stor- The river 13 very swift, at this point age. and the boys were unable te bring le girls ashore, and all went over the dam and through the replete. Tnk, brave boys never gave up, and when the calm waters at the foot of the niteheeer warns Traitors, Cape Town April 22.—Lord Kitch- ener has issued a proclamatiou to the effect that any resident in the martial law districts ot Cape Colony found in arms, inciting to fight, Rid- ing the enemy or endangering by ov- ert, et the British forees, w131 be tried by court-martial, and be liable to -the Most severe penalties, Such persons may be shot. Iteliers nor major xnealsou, London., Ont., April :Z3.—Yesterdey Mrs. Denison o Wolseley Barracks received a private cable despatch. from England, stating that her hus- band, Mujor Septinaus Denison. had been made a ComPaniolt of St., 3fich- COI and St. George for services ren- liered during the South African war.., MR. Le.wnT ILAS nEwurfasEn. osiUve35 Denies That Ho nloped. With His First Wife. 13tuniiton, Anril 23.—T. 3Terry Lawry, president, of the Lawry Packing Compenn, of whom reports 1 of various kinds beve been current for the past, 1.0 'Jaye, aud against -a- --e. aerinue writhave 1.1("ga jug- s-..elyler Cd by his business partneAo, - .. es 0o. of Chicago, Mrs. Lawry No. 2 and others returned to the city last night. Mr. Lawry refused to be interview- ed, but he has given a positive de- nial to the allegation thon his sec- ond wife made, namely, that he eloped with his first wife, Mrs. Tuc- kett-Lawry, who is now in San. Francisco. Air. Lawry intends to accept personal service of the writs, wItich the county judge a, few days ago granted permission to be served on his attorneys. It will be remembered that shortly after he left the city, Mrs. Lawry No. 2 entered suit for f.410,000 dam- ages against Mrs. Lawry No. 1 (his divorced wife), for alienation of his affections. -- fie •IXTrites: I had a. very severe attack of la grippe, which left me all run clown, vary nervous and extremely weak. I could not sleep at night and *as troubled with profuse per- spiration, which caused me much annoy- ance. Hearing of the good effects of NE, burn's Pills, I began taking them. Much to my gratification they braced me up, invigor- ated my whole system, and fnade me feel like a new man. I can recommend them to all suffering as I did. Mrs, J. T. Dagenms, liontreel, Que., writes: One year ago I sulfered tecribly with kidney trouble I consulted several physicians ancl used their prescriptions without success. I saw Doan' s Pills advertised, so procured a box and they made a complete oure. , Mrs. I, F. GriMth, Montague Bridge, P,B.I„ ,vorites: About six • Months .ago I suffered 'terribly tvith Weals toad hue c 'back. I took on box of Dondi's sae ant thanicfu4 to say that they curse nai aaftll ears tot lead any It anal" treible titsett6 SECU ITY. I ne Carter's Little Liver DV Jet Bear WwtrAture of .r,or Pac.Simile Wrapper Below. Very orannt ulna onnY ILO take as sugar. CAtTEKS,'F.: ILE vol RILIOURNEtt, it FOR:fa:AMR LIVER: 54 OR COIXSTIPATIO*, FOR SAIIIIW-$10111:, NO THE COMPLEXION 'eteiterensipiieruec, ilregetegfeliliA* StIMii:611,CK PIEM,ACHE. Walrus • • THE FLOOD HAS SUBSXDBD. Psttsburg aud Towns Above Are Out of Danger For the Present. Pittsburg, Pa. April 2S.—The flood is over. Notwithstanding the fact; that. early in the day there was every evidence of a renewal of the high water, the announcement can be made authoritatively that there is not the least danger of another rise at this Point nor above, for the pres- ent, but the towns on the Ohio Riv- er below here are not yet out of dan- ger, because of rains in the valley Sunday night and yesterday. All up- river points report: the yain and, snow having ceased and the rivers falling. Not So at Cincinnati. BNPORTATION OF DREWSED MEAT. Mr, McGowan, the member for Centre Wellington, pointed out that while Canada has practically nothing to show, the export of dressed beef from the United Stetes bad risen ream $1.0,382,0:it in 1801 to $23,540,185 in 1899, and rose to $241,04.830 in 1000. Bow is it as Mr. Borden, the leader of the op- position asked, our exports of (4mnd beef amount to practically nothing, while our exports of cattle are large? STCFEING, TUE CENSUS, Mr. Bennett called. attention to th • isatie(m)cEi.E ;Talc o other disease is so prevalent among' mem As Varier:tele,. As it interferes wit thenntrition of the sexual organs it produces emissions, loss of seruen tkrournt„ists urine, decay of tire 9r8a4s, pins in the loins* artAmg in the bacir, nervoltstlefft cics- POIMienc7, bannfainess, palpttatiOn of the/Least., constipation, and a comb sta,t4on titese results in complete Loso of Mar4bood, Thonsapds of young se' Aged men are trontded With StVietttre, If you. imvo reason to -believe on aro afflicted with 14 don't neglect it. It spin yen. Don't let doctors exp.ri nept o yon by cutting, stretching or tearing' it, Our New Seel hoot Trenaronefirt dissolves the stricture tissue bence it disappears and can neyer return,. W +AM Varicocele and Stricture without. operation or loss o-# time. The treausten taken at home privately. Send for our Free Illustrated Dr:44c on Ni'curloocc‘P$', Stric,etle0 n ad (fleet. ilsrIaralate0 It" .cv„tro or NO Pay. Q 1 e &Boi, c'e7,56,1 comPlainta affect these orgaus. fleece the pidneye are a great seuree of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the small of tbc hack, ternietcY 40 ot-iv“.11 fregtientlY, deposit in urine, coldness of hands or feet, ash -away feeling in line morning. Don't neglect your kidneys. Our New Mothod Trcott-n•inrit 'of; rrnaraoteed to cure any disease of I -L. ese *mane or no pay. • .e"--;-• No Names Ueed Vifitittotse WrEttorit Conteerat, O. W. Rowe, of Jackson, Mice., sayst--1 had earicocele in the seconda.ry stage nun two strictures of 8 years standing. was opsrated on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only got temporary relief. was tnally advised to Kn.!' .tihat„ clvimMeentiabri;eilcl Tverlizn:itclinisacprApetzt°rfedDrs.its irt weeks the stricture tissue vras removed in eight week. s and my sexual energy and vitantz setarned SO was a man in every respect. I recommend you doctors with my' whole heart," CO3F.,3 RUAllANTEER. NO CURE NO PAY. After.Treatv3". Before Tr (me 4 We, treAt and cam Nereogs Debility, Lost Manhood, Vericacele, Striatum, Syp large 02cet, Wcalc Parts, Genorreces. and Uenaturat laiscearzea. C.onst=tioe S're Ilootta Free. 'Write for Questien I,ist for Home Treatraent. Drs. Kenned 14a $1-1E1.,EY eSTTRitgogn.T,,ttlic, , pot and we oods be choice line rapida was ileac:lied they were able to take the periebiug girls ashot•e, nli were very much exhausted, but foe- Vie Society rerrot. tunately none are suffering, any evil "Doe Polly want a cracker?' effects fro el their dangerous adventure "Get matt .ive =ea reception walla The two young heroes were hronght up near a lake, and are perfeetly at and a, kialte4 almond."----Chleago Mat -- this deserves recognition, and an ord. home in the water. Such a deed as effort sbeald he made to secure the Humane Society medal for these boys. most rascally thing whteh has ever dm -a-- asking for the number of male resi- dents ' BO liEfILTH gyeced politics in a free country, A Aill ctRy a orcular sent round as a Census paper 10 dents in each, polling sub -division of 10 — peers and over, "two copies to be pre- A STORY op DEEP INTEREST TO pared for each sab-division and sent to — — the Liberal Candidate in the last pro- ALL WOMEN, 4 vincial election or to a candidate nom- ; inated for the next provincial elee- ' tion." The columns call for "politics" Relating the Sufferings of a Lady "religious denomination," and "re- r, Who Has Experienced the .Agonies marks." This circular is said to have i That Afflict so many of Her sex_ "GeodnesS, semi What are yen tio- originated with that man Preston who , „ , . ingr F t Opel ta n has been boveritig about here like a f 4 -455 -ed "magi) au ' 'a ) ''1 "Choppin de tree down ter git some vulture. The minister of agriculture , Without Benefit. it in the ptiblic.journals. But Blue the i Ipples." "But there aro no apples this time of denied knowledge of this until he saw i ,throughout Canade there are thou- sands and thousands of women who Mae year." Census Commissioner, and Preston ; have been in Conference, and in such a"There will be by de time I gits de , undergo daily paine—soinetimeS bor. matter the ittinister could wink hard. (tering on atIony -web as only W0D)11 free (Aleppo] down," --New Xorlt EMI' 0 te, 1.0616• Joh. • Cincinnati, Ohio, April 23.—The state of the rivet here at 6 o'clock last night was 81 feet, and rieing at the rate of two inches an hour. This will mean 58 feet at. 6 o'clock to- day, when trains will be shut out of the Grand Central Station. Owing to the inability of stet -Oilers to go ender the bridges, navigation on the Hirer is suspended. ' Soldiers 'Want Their Land. ' Toronto, April 23.—About fifty applications a day are received for the land grants to volunteers and veterans. .A. father and son. at St. Catharines, 1, the former a veteran of '66 and the latter a member of "0" Battery in South Africa, are among the applicants. Applications from those resident in. the United States are refesede A request for aa free pass tO the land granted received a negative. Col. Smith, sergeant -at - coins, Ottawa, is one. of the appli- cants. He is a veteran of '66. Major Jarvis Leaves For Yukon. Ottawa, • April 23.—Major A. 141.. JarVis, , commanded 1.1 S quad- ron,, Stra tLeonas, in South Africa, Who WaS mentioned in despatches for .distingtlished services ard. made a O. B., took the Winnipeg train yester- day an his way to the Yukon, "Where he assumes connnand of the N orth- west 'Mounted Police pests on the Dalton Teen. IntenfIlint BOSS CONIMINED , Val endure uncomplaining silence. lug jourum To such the story of Mrs. Frank The Ir.'ay Boss, the Ontario premier, -.13vans, of 33 Prontenac street, Nen'. , thought to make light of this was pro. real, wdl bring hope and joy, as it perly characterized by Bennett who , points the way to renewed health and quoted tbe montrem Witness a paper certain release from pain. Mrs. Evans supporting thegovernment, "If" says 1 sttys : "I feel that 1 °fight to say a tha Witness, a government treats such :gocal, word for Dr. Williams' Pink Pak, ; affairS RS Ns wee as a Trialiter of no con -lin the hope that my Oltper0 tenM31,110 sequence, it is certtdnly losing its luortil of benefit to swim other sufferiag wo." perception and .a1,11 soon forfeit the man, 1 ant now twenty-three 3 -ears of" conedence of right thinking people." age, and since my eleventh year 1 have The leaders of the opposition charged sufferei far more than my- share of the minister as responsible for this agony from the ailments that alio, circular. He had. admitted. his respell- my sex. At the age of sixteen the sibility for the Cote circular 'sent out trouble had grown so bad that I bad in Preuch marked "confidential" call- to nndergo an operation in theMont- ' mg for returns respecting Prench real general hospital. This did not, nationality and French families, and cure me and a little later I undet went the object of which clearly is to over anotheroperation. From this I received weight the returns and to increase the some benefit, but was not wholly cured unit in Quebec with the 'new a lower- and 1 con tin ued to suffer from pains in ing the representation from Ontario the abdomen and bilious headache. and the other English-speaking pro. few years later, having with my lms. vinces. After the House rose Mr. band removed to Halifax, I was again Fisher and his commissioner Mr. Blue suffering terribly and was taken to the got together and sent out telegrams general hospital where another opera - denouncing the 'circular which Premier tion was performed. This gave me re - Ross in the Ontario House said the lief for two or three months, and again Liberal pasty bad fathered. But be the old trouble came on, and I would did not withdraw Mr. Cote's circular suffer for days at a. time and nothing forced on him by Mr. Taxte, from seemed to relieve the pain. In Febru- whose office it was sent and franked, ary, 1899, I was again obliged to go to aud whicb is really more infamous the hospital and undeewent a fourth than the other. operation. Even this did not help me TRIUMPH OF TARTE. and as the chloroform administered diming the operation affected my heart, The elost remarkable thing during I would not permit a further operation, the week lies been the complete' and was taken home still a great suf- triumph of Tarte over Blair and the ferer. In 1899 1 was advised to try Dr. Globe. The Crow's Nest Pass syndi- Williams' Pink Pills, and decided to do cate wanted to get a bill through en- so. I have used the. pills for several abling them to .eecure for the Crow's months and have found. more relief Nest country further railvvay facilities. from them than from the four opelit- This was opposed by the C. P. R., tions which I passed. througb, and I whose views Me.. Tarte cleampioned. warmly recommend them to all wo- Blair, the Minister of Railways, was in men sufferiug from the ailments which favor of the Crow's Nest coal mag- afflict so many of nay sex." nates. But Tarte beat Jahn in bis own Writing under a later date tire: committee, and the cord people were Evans says: "I am glad to be able to obliged. to make concessions .satisfac- tell you that, not, only has the great iria tory to the C. P. R. before they could provement which Dr. Williams' Pink get their legislation through. The C. Pills effected in my condition con - P. R. must get all the coal it wants and at a reasonable price. Blair has been out of town—said to be ill—but how could he be in town ? To sit in that Railway Committee overridden? But Blair leas received even a more stunning 1310s4 by the revelation of his misconduct and brazen misstatements in connection with the Clergue con- tract, to which I .referred last week. He has not reappeared to try to put his railway estimates through. TABTE DECEIVING- PArtetAieserr. On the 5th of March Tarte came to Parliament and asked $10,000 to spend on improvements on the Seybold build- ing to fit it for census purposes. He then stated that he was to pay a rent of $3,500—"We have rented it for three years for $3,500 per year." It is so in the "Reves.ed" as well as in the "Thire- vised Hansard." The committee die vicled on the 5th of March and ,he got his $10,000,for this building. Would. he have got it had. he stated the rental ,500 Van on Strike. Columbus, Ohio, April 23. --Twen- ty-five hundred mine workers of the lower part of subedivisiori No, 5 of, Ohio and West Virginia struck yesterday-, owing• to a disagreement regard to the dead work system. Tit is feared the strike will spread to other districts. BUTTER DQESN'T COME. /MU Vrenre rierrONV COWS Retards' Proceas or Separation. Trotible with the butter at elaurning time ruity be eausedtqr the of far- row cows or those long in la:dation, suggests a, 'afIehigan dairyman la Na- tional Stockman. One thing noticeable in such eases Is that It usually is in small. herds that the trouble occurs. Where there are ten or more cows freshening, at differ- ent periods throughout the year we sel- dom have it, mid, while no one cause will be found in every instance, yet as a rule the difficulty can be traced to one or two cows, and these long in lac- tation. As is well kuown, as a covr advanees in her period of lactation the inilk be - tomes viscoui" and the cream globules are not so easily separated. It is some- times impossible to get butter to sepa- rate entirely from the buttermilk in the case of a farrow cow, as iaearly every farm butter maker can testify, for there are few who have net at some period had trouble of this kind in churning. Now, in a large herd there may be, as JO almost invariably true, one or more EMU cows, but the number of animals comparatively fresh so largely overlial- tunes that the quality of the milk is sufficiently equalized so that baneful results are not noticeable. In actual test it will be found that where the milk' of a farrow cow is pooled' with that from a number of fresh cows con- siderable loss results in churning, since 3seew RIR% DAIRY _S_AN,_TATIOiwitme u leanunesio and. Yenttu.o,v, Oirklided Xis tho Stable Ross. Good SaIlliRtliill drillitli414 stable floor, oue wattle ground - cement or close jointed wood.) water tigla, on which absorl be used and deodorizers as been o a Mr, la eracks and, crannies of t.71' 7141.,,nalea,l-- stop the fermentation of tielaanl,ity' of1 a_. t_e. floor by a perfect removal of t twae'iit.s1.- 4- en4040 1..z serious- and solids each. few hours, ; hter reQ°ontlittiDia4iraa'unieuntiratlssasoebittetriclorntelentionie MS" aoariari"ast other thing sanitation ndloemorrisit last „aweeka. ler uce Dior rill light In our stables, more stables on. the eouth sned. building so that the (Brett r— - " SUB spay fall direet upon a./ door, less dart., damp, oaurs13,y, Av,ra Ztb, g,eons for our stables. Suuf°"' germs. Sweep the stabIt'w almost instant destroyer 4:ience of tbe briva frequently, whitewash the linbaelt. Apra is, be , almyrecarpottonisd alina,vi ecrae‘t.liteae"sstslaibtiltierureicelitItaniatt to apPareat in ti,:‘ -'11.3. ald'Ergabielafircit., to abuutlauce awl in addition 4°lb atm:wheats have some rol ek ,Its well asieicane laen a. few loads of read du, , from some bank, or well eau/ and 'a an the on ramda‘, AP112181 eleaned use a levaa 1 or me tiaVegl'Ilc, iti bor, ' ters and beldnd the COW a 11erlWhatea at b t (;aat till 1: f ?dr MB. ABR.ktla.31 oclu.rackstsabalnetivie‘n,atiniabteodzia? STOINO:POOD. ;natter is overdone NU.VALIIII OP one nail, but in tbe so often. met win Certify that I have used much restrictionfek PoocIE, KmetaenruffaocrtueraeldvehZ tintilueesttbu rrbeena thal ng oge 35 .1.11,101slosigntr .s teaand : faster alt edlTicsmheese\ agraelatlinder: mutgv,nes/ C:TOV't.(1. in condition. The before ; tot' witch gas, which latter falaa, increased 20 pereent. the cow lies down 2t111 iichness ; the young. time she thus place follow sooner or la 100 er air stratum. Inj and should be this bad. air, and a slii-flisers. It is cheap blood follows, and raanyraher fonds. 41the trith. ult.. Arvid- years,t7trzenths, and Apra 21th. Aar on English Steel; new them do before d is a. most excellent Is affected also, as theatatom DE.,,,miN.G0 purifying of the lilooill). be, and sluggisb bloo __._ influences upon the ne ment of the one thait es To channe the a . sorts of shafts, C drafts have bee er 0 and some do 111 Li Shafts commence and carried up ten e the ridge of the stalg requires garden the sun's rays nudes other, part made of gal"- house cheaning and _hardware the butter from the latter comes so to be by far the Is t much more readily than the other. As any butter maker knows from experi- ence, a, new milk cow gives no trouble , n''''.!'""''''. I Itinii;') Mil 6 T 1108 tinued, but I am now perfectly well. when churning day comes. , I had. given up all hope when I began i Xn treating milk from a cow long in ' the tise of the pills, but they have re- , lactation it needs dilution in order stored me to such health as I have not ! more readily to set the fat globules at before known tor years. I feel so grate- liberty. The viscous, sticky nature of fel for what your medicine has done' for me that I gladly give you permis- , cows will do this, but water, hot or is, by n * SHRA:RS SW glIWER'' i it hinders the process. Milk from fresh sion th publish my letters in tlae I hope TA.CKS NA frele PAINTS * BRUSHES CARPET d* that other women will follow my ex -1 cola, will be found advantageous if this isease ample and find heseth and strengthane be lacking. One On -third to onrhalf in new happiness through the ese of Dr. bulk or even more will thin the milk Williams Pink Pills.' and assist la the subsequent process of. No discovery in medicine in modern• to severa tiop. When it comes to churn - times has proved. such a blessing women as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ing, it is sometimes a benefit to bring They act directly oia the bloc.,d and the cream before souring to a quite nerves, invigorate the body, regulate I high degree of heat, say 150 degrees, the functions end restore health and held it there 15 to 20 minutes, then cool strength to the exhausted patient to 70 degrees or 80 degrees and allow when every effort of the physician 40 ripen. The addition of a start& proves unavaeling. Other so-called froni a fresh cow in the form of fresh tonics are mere imitations of these pills , buttermilk or sour creana will some - and should be refused. The genuine I times be an assistance also. bear the full name, "Dr. Williams', Pik Pills foe Pale People" the Test Bottlers. , oa wrapper around each box. They are I n was not $3,500 but $6,500. On Tuesday sold. by all dealers in medicine or can i he °mild not explain this. For three be had post paid at 50 cents a bog 11:years rent of tbe Seybold building the six boxes for $2,50, by addressing the Government, as Mr. Taylor pointed Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - out Will pay 820,500 for which they could have piet up a building. In an- other case the Minister hes agreed to pay $3,000 for ten years for .a building he could buy for $12,000.' Mr. Cargill speaking as a business declared. ib was extraordinary to find the Minister pay- ing rentals of from eighteen to twenty per cent. on the amount the buildings cost. - TEANsPORTATION. Wednesday and Thersday were de- voted to the question of tranSpbrta- tion, the only seneible outeome of Which was the sugg,estion that there should be a non-political commission ville, Ont. The Venezuelan Government is try ing to negotilato a loan of $30,000,000 in New York. AST For Infants and Children. Tito fie- ilxntlo sigliaturo itl au overp sinappe. Babcock's test bottles are often incor- rect and when not accurate work great , injustice to those using them, espe- cially to patrons of creameries which pay for milk on the basis of amount of Matter fat furnishhe ed. Toriginal , style of bottle bas not been improved man 'on, d some of the newer patterns are neither safe nor economical; All glassware used it making the test Should be tested for accuracy by some htuomrisptetent person.—American Agricul- Mill: Cows Need quiet ENereise IS a good thing for the stock bull, but the mink cows need penee and Piet. in. the bub— It can ah a ' in the beginhing- is : you don't kr. it; you don't bc won't believ foors. ced to. u Don't be to it quick-- self and at 1 Take Sc--- Cod 44,1 j liCtla. tt tints. fully everliem" This' Oetene the ,beautiful ••siasssexisis.rts2nesair•iss.. wilatever be toldOK i". "Tit S WEEK. indows Screen Wire Cloth Pou !irs, lierbageum and Pruners.