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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-4-25, Page 6CV.114
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# tr #1 # # I CONETH FROM ABONT spurge. 'You oely have to Present _
cfri4t. ot 'rotir c;wtt wolr., gaore say? A 'To go to heaven, think '
whet that isi To go to Christ. IN.ho
,....tb,au. H-dwarda preached Chriat T IS DISABLED.
I tt I . the 40,yere4t. Itrxnnewt ever penned, died that I nuelit live! Ob, %ler:el:et i
ate Lerou lAtrites 14 i
. i CHRIST THR h404 -"T C_ONSFIC.000$ 'had Jehri Buoy pc ebed Christ in to de! 01)11t!iai..).1111)!toedic.itirt: .
HO ARAOTgft OF kil$TORVe r snietrlt: itellt;r-tr:r,ft :iv'clee'r a4.°111"4-17- : '
'11,...,0 As, 4.1
Cannot Recruit a Force For en
grave! Oh, wilat a glorious thing
hhtiStell' 1"r";14- 4P at'a'hks't the' sitie ire7hIcia.e..Z4lelogerrr",\I'iTtolliTzt nastarYa .
About (mturna For # !THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA
Sf the Pulpit and weS cuAt hie die,' OffenSiefe Movensent
* e°theurrie% ftwailleP116aellePtrigt: vWohiriald4 vtihtite tothillitT4:40141:ie,t.t'gilcIlltet:111:19'idsr holt.:Es:::nn 01 I 07111
# g Thet,totektes et vu . t iff t Start elf an, actor, OVerWhelMed hie 01 PRISONERS SINCE THURSDAY, .
i . 4,4 US It* Ma neditory, et wood heve hem u ate can live here after euch glories ash !
1 *Srat 'Minn Xf Ittee: nee te Re Won te fereat thing jt jenathan Edwaheh God hag manifested to my eoul,,, ..-.
# Vrk"Ol'enerent aaaRthlet4ouseheeseehbe had tried te write aod dieeen .geheett . ,rz•VVba't tlid the n -vis JenewaY see'?,_ ; The Hours .stse Ceptnred 1.40,000
fwvesa ox colow ,,ma401100 is hbh pilgrinVs prove" te the celee. I. cent eta eiesily die tie: elose my eyes -
OA -4W hal Cita' or John, Banyen has1 at-
tempted art egeitee tbe humau, will.
Iltighter tilmt the light. fresher
than. the fountaina, deeper than, the
seehe axe
the ge gospel themes. Seng
has ne melotly, flowers have int/
sWeetness. etinset sky has no eelor,
'compared wielz these glerieue
themee. These harvests of grace
sPrint uls qUicker than, We ca o sichle
them,. Xinelling •polPite with their
fire tuld terhitucing revolationg with
their Powez. lightieg dYlleg be
with their goy, they are the sweet-
est thought ter tbe poet, sad they
are the peoet thrilling illustrattba
or the orator, mod tam, offer. the
Meet intenen snene for the artiete
and they are te the antleassador ot
the. ow 841 eutbusimm. complete
pardon for the. direst guile. Sweet-
est comfort for ghaetliest agony,
Brightest hope for grimmest death.
Oneettleet renurrectiOn- for darkest
sepulcher. Oh, what a gospel to
preachi %riot over all M it. 1 -Tis
birth, Me sufferings. hie miracles, his
Parables, his sweat, his teere. his
hieed, atoneinent, hie inter -Me-
stere -what glorious themes! Do we
hercise faith? Chriet ia its object,
we. have love? It fetstene 011
eL ITave We fondnees for the
. Have we a hope of heaven?
tg, 1:g 14 Washington. April T,n thin
adeloth, satiny and fine, the Shirt cat e'reCh,°1-"nel>„-th Talmage sewed* tint
orn e444,,„ rh, 1.7.0=4,7.11,,,,„ecr rxt, rUrertfPoztei'lluag wth°erl4P.:rti4dre.itseignofrstrial
hero eften. This ix a ehren gore akirt. 01 Igo great fi4eiPltto and esPeeetethe
irlth dam At tile bettem. Along teXte JOriela 31.„ ..rta that cometh
19,0 ;dart le a $clt trimming of white fr_ona 4tVove alt eve all.`"-
tteatiterhotte cable cord in satin, The waist The most eoaspicuous character of
et white silk With warm!' 'ditch _Pier* hiStory ateps tette tenon the platform.
set along and nerrew silrer braid reit in, The finger w1,c14. 44,74040,1 wits.
tepor.tripte style, The itelt aed tbe tie At light, pointed dotra tO freeze
ttif IR,K* are of sneer galloon brahl with thh Betailehanl Sky wite only ratifte
meg eilrer Meeels. The eape is- tke cattOn of the finger of prOPhec.v, the
Mik torte!, het has no teitasaharT have Magee of genealogy, the Anger of
rest* et the Sante Materiel- Them ara mat% aye fingere pointhig
three. stiperDOSed -mpg* each baring the one dieeetiee, Cariet is the yet
z* ekitchlan, The hat Wena With toPPLIV aora a all time.. He ie the
Ts or Welt hotheltahh Wearied witb Ptak Vett huatatia, ile all music, the grace-
shIret chrysanthemums. A, Piece et fuze folest I' ' all I t th
lace is draped Acres:: the froat. trie m ecu p ure, swat,
ONSkttiSite atingliag of lighte and
bore jeet thought Viet perlilepe Selnn 040,,st 44 ,rai pmutne- the mat at
ntetltere WiStald iiket ktIOW wheh the ceenuexesh the dew; ht nit omho4e
tte- eine Are weazing end oeiug to weer,
tad fie X will give theta the IteoeUt of
Visit reeently reede hi the 'fere' beadquar-
into for children's things, Firstr n144t
SOT that for outdeor eultg for boy a and
glee under 'T thn RtiaSian bletiSe Snit
best liked of all, We le sere to MOO
alleW nhont every' six Year** And this
tilet Om for
U. But the sraoeth goods
ore much better liked than the rough see.
faged etage hereterere nsed. The binge
extends to the bottom since the goat is ail
in one, anti tha only dirisien b the belt.
This is rather loese end does net confine
the walat at U. It bar a large SW stout
buchic. Park green broadcloth is One a
tho prettiest of them ail eed is trimmed
more or leso richly with braid and leoPa
mulltoga of thick bek cord. Small girls
wear omits made. on ititr 1Mmer plan. The
Mouse is laid in box plaits f cora the yoke
to the bettom. held in by the belt.
rireases for little girio are, shorter, than
they hoe boon for sereml seasons. And
this is the natural reaction from the
Greenaway dresses, For girls OVer 8 the
frocks nre made to come below the hues.
parrayt slsuerit.L4or iN4rtevrbl air.9iboro 1(ei$
on,. hut the height wee not
efeeer„,„.ess re, hew „hehe, ,halh ,great eno.ugh. and there was Ps COM -
7 r;Var`i;sir'et;trrenned. stitch. Otte failure. And aftm all the
quite no fashionable aud useful for glants-rsaiah and PatA. Prophetic
as for the ewer,. Teo eat to an.ct apostolic giants; Ila.phael and
weer Ath such a suit should bi. white or hItchael Angelo, artistic giants: cher-
Oale blue. Plain tAfteta ribbon may be Olefin and eeraphful and archangel
reed grandeur and the peroration Ot
ell splendid language.
The Greek alphabet is made up of
letterS, And When Chrieb CM:Par-
ed 141113self to the first letter awl
tile at letter. the alpha iseal the.
oraega. ite appropriated to hinieelf
all th,e epleodore the,t yeti can spell
eveit With thee* two lettere mid Ali
the lettere between them. nan, the
alitha teed thei emega, the begiaitheg
and the cud, the first aud the laht,'
or, if you prefer the WOWS( At the
text, "above
It means after you have) piled up
all Alpine and Ilimalayan altitudes.
the glory Of Cleriet Weeild itaate, tO
!spread its wings and descend thou-
sand leagues to touch those sem-
mits, rAftka. A, high mountain of
Thessaly; Osser. e, high mountain,
and. Olympus+ a high nunottala„ lout,
azwthology tetis us when the giants
warred against the gods they piled
up these three umuntains and front
the top of them. proposed to scale
, anis et Anininowlon,an
.tnrn my bead in sleep. Before a. ;
few hours heve Pecshall staw, vettle eeet ereeees-eTweete Asere
Itfouet Zion with tho one hundred : nave Sateentlereel- Fear
and forty ad toter thoaeenci Ana CoosalMis Cohirsehri to the Llst
with the jest mem made perfeet, and,
we slain ascribe riches and honer and i •f War Ironer*.
glory and Majesty acid dominion un- London, April 25.--A despatch Le
to God aed tile Lamb," Dr. Taylor, • ft news agency here from Harrismith
Cottelemmel to, burn at the stake, on on Saturday, loaated Gen. Dewet
his way thither broke away from, the near Krooestad, and says he bas
guardsrisee and weet bouadinoe and few followers and i$ unable to re-
leeping and jumping toward the fire, eruit a sufficient force to make an
glad to go to Jesus an to die for offensive movement. There have
liim, Sir Charles Hare in his last been numerous atirrenders of sterre
mement hasi such rapturoue vision. , Mg Boers. "
that he cried, "Upward, ttpward, eP-
ward!" And so great was the pee -se t
Q t one of Christ"e disciples that he 1 rsoxit rttisemhzus•
pia hie Angers upoli the pulse irt 110,4,,* by, $110c, Thur4day„.
wrist and counted it and obser•
ved I
4. Twenty Surrender.
On baiting beate until lib life had
ended titre to begin in hea,velL llat 1 London, April 22,--erhe War Office
grander than that was the testimonh Jena received 4 deSPatch from Lord
the Werri-oat miseloaery, wheo in Retchmer reportiug thet since Aral
Mamartine dungeon he cried; "I 118 various Dettish commandere haVe i
aow readY to be coffered, arol the ' taken eighty,one prisoners, together ;
of my departure is at hand. I with 100.000 rounds of small ant -
ought the geed fight. I have munition anti many horses, cattle
ed my course. 1 have kept the and wagons. Lord Xitchetter ro-
, Henceforth there ia lAid up for ports heeo the am -redder of lave:10Y
own or righteousneea which mem smee teat doe.
in that day, end not to me
onlY, hut to an there. that love his
rch. It lo became* Ohriet -died appeghinhie tee yeu not see thet
ord, the righteous Judge.. will
Christ, is above all in dying alley:hie
Aliso Jeeue wet Mimi the
nd the forerunner.
Toward the last hour of our earth -
e royal robe ot Demetriug Was la residence we are speeding.. Whim x
vostly. so 'beautiful. tlhht atter 13-e Sea the spring blossoms scattered. 1
4 tmt flat no one °ret' dal -ell put say, "Another seaeori gone forever."
n, but this robe of Chriet. richer
that, the poorest And the wen- Whoa I cloSC the Bible on Nabbatli
night, I say, "Another Sebbath &L-
and the worst eller weer. pertede. 'Sheen I bury tt, friend, I
"O Ri4v." said Mar, yeare have! The, roebucks and the
tin, Luther Staupita, "my sins, lightnings run not so fast. From de -
Mer eine:" The faet thsit tate fie to deerele, from sky to shy,
brawny Comma student had found y go at a bound. There is a. place
Leethe Bible that bad mode lilut for us, whether Marked or not, where
ake, tend when be found liow you and will sleep the test sleep,
ugh Christ he was pardoned and and the men art now liviug who will
he wrote to a trivet' haring: with solemn tread, carry us to oti
over and on ue. great and resting place. Brighter than a. ben-
Netel, sinners saved by the greee of queting ball through which the lieit
04 You, seem- to leo oniti hirne feet of the dancers go up mid dem)
sinner, and you don't much eXe to the Melon] et trumpeters will be
tho sepulcher through Wiese ens the
holy light of heaven st,reameth. God.
Will watch you. Ile will send his an-
gels to guard your slumbering
ground until. at Christ's behest,
they shall roll away the stone.
So also Christ is above all In !wax-
en. The Bible distinctly says that
Christ is the chief theme of the Ce-
lestial ascription, all the thrones fee-
ing his throne, all the palms waved
before his face, all the crowns down,
at his feet, Cherubimto cheiublin
fl $11"unded grun rnnY elev. "Anotber earthly attraction
tore abound." gone forever." Whet nhilble tet the
sum oge te mercy of Cod, but, we who
edeFtial giants'quwe l'alte'd. io cittnh hove hem such very awful sinners
aren tre large and ezfairly
Seem ot the bets offered for email chile to the top of Christ's glory they praise his grace the more now that
loaded 'Might well all units in the Wertla et We havebeen. redeemed."' Gen it be
tilt° t"t' n•rld say. "Ira that catudit that ph are eo deetierately egotis-
freen tibeve ig above all. tierd that pea feel youreelt in irst
First, Christ Must he above all rate Spirituel trim and that front
• else In ottr preaching. Theft etre so root of the hat to the tip of the
Melly books on homiletic; scattered toe you axe gearless and ittiniaculitta
etroUgh the world that all torment Whet you need is a. looking glaSS,
,W well AR all clergymen have made and here it is hi the Bible. Poor
, up their minds what sermons ought end wretched and miserable and
to be. 'Met german is most effect- blind end naked front the erown,
,nUwitiviC meet pointedly put e forth the head to the sole of the foot, full
'1St as the pardon of all sin and of wounds and putrefying sores. No
tj correction of all evil, individual. health in us. Anti then take the
political, national. 'Mere is fact that Christ gathered up all the
• no reason. why we should ring the notes against is and paid them and
•!' ehdlessi Changes' on a, few pleirteest. then offeredhes the receipt.
Thero are those velto think Met if an And !row much we need hint in our
ealtorteMOn or a discourse have free sorrows! We are independent of eir-
Vent latentiott of juatification, sane- cunastancea if we have hie grace.
ttlicetion, covenant of works end 1Vity. he outdo Paul sing in the
covono.nt of grace that therefore it duugeon, end under that grace St.
must be profoundly evangelical. John front desolate Patinas heard
; while they are suspiefoue of a ds- the blast of the apocalyptic trump.
comae which presents the aline truth ets. After all Other candles ho.Ve shursvrerli's add the scom-ging through
. but under different phraseology. been snufred out this ie the light Which they Went, will say, "This is
Now, 1 say there is nothing in all that gets brighter and brighter unto the Jesus whom we preached at Core
the opulent realm of Anglo-Saxon- the perfect day, and after under the inth and In CappadoCia and at An -
or all the word treetsurea Uwe, hard hoofs of -calamity
all the Pools Jerusalem," Litele chill -
we inherited irom the Latin mud the of worldly enjoyment have been
tioch and at
. dreit clad in white will say, "This
Greek and the Indo-European but we trampled into deep luire at the foot is the Jesus who took us in his arms
Lave a right to Marshal it in relige of the eternal rock the Uhristain,
ious discussion. Christ sets the ex- from cups of granite, lily rimmed and blessed us and when the storms
a the world were too cold and loud
ample. His illustrations were front and vine covered, puts out the thirst
the grass, the flower, the spittle, of his soul.
-the salve, the barzynxit fowl, the Again, I remark that Christ Is
• crystals of salt, as well as from the above all in dying alleviations. 1
seas and the stars, and we do not have not any sympathy with the
propose in our Sunday school teach- morbidity abroad about our demise.
ing and. in our pulpit addreas to be The Emperor of Constantinople al--
, put on the limits. ranged that on the day of his coron-
: I knew that there is a. great deal ation the stoneratmon should come
; said in our day against words, as
• 'though. they were nothing. They
may be misused, but they have an
spRING SUIT FOR A, MISS, imperial power. They are the bridge
leith trimming. Few Bowers are seen, between soul and soul, between Al -
but one house is now manufacturing nighty God and the human race.
thousands of bats vrith field Bowers, and What did Gad write upon the tables,
these Will be seen about May or June. of stone? Words. What did Christ
or some occult reason leghern bats ha- utter on Moune Olivet? Words. Out
mensely large are considered just right of what did Christ strike the spark
for those children who are learning to for the intimination of the universe?
Walk. Stitched hats of linen, pique, Out of words. ."Let there be light,"
serge, silk and felt are offered for ev- and light Was. Of course thought is
4TYdaY wear. Babies have tiny caps of the cargo, and words are e only the
hand tucked mull and lace. Bonnets for ship, but hohr fast Would your Cargo
the 2 and 3 year olds are made of fancy
ad tha a tenet of
sDrinzi Z all gees :
toxleatins brea IPtuabodif.
pirit et serino. nue ia :
' In *Wale that maker swift ,
re too subtle and deep to bir-
il fait te the innermost
of •
AdirttAt Ot ela am et diners :
for wrision gave riee hp an entirely I
w etyle et dreeeing reade nemegary
., dougers ot a lone akire After
threurls torero' seasons ot trial
new a nearly it net %nit* per* „
tame that is pretty, safe nod mod- t
t. In eat TAIT hstiadSellettS IOW Snit
baling the skirt has hat three rows at
telting, ae it is now conceded that the
•them ehould at be to stiff. The heck
tbr skirt Is laid is very de. Cottle, se i
' at it becomes almost a dIridett eel,.
- a front le buttoned at each aide. Xo
ffiederskirt Is wore. but kniclerbeekere
Mid Lige buttoned beets are, Gaiter
Saly be worn,
With tbuo snit emcee:: a dainty plaid
silk waist belted in with* stout belt and
tigh at the Wolk (leer this Is one of
ttue letret abapes in Etens, with the front .
gie sirranged that It cloa be buttoned over I
the chart itz windy weather. The new
littj• Sap collar kends out at just the
etaASS MOT* Ilene Solt Orairld.
• mght angle, and Ole t'hick degekin gloves
100 at air of sabiatantialit3r to the whole
Stria The hat is er gcaY rengh straw,
with a bend of gray and silver castle
braid and silver spikes at the, ends. The
etaterial is t!Se snit is seal brown
ettivenettod serge, vreich la waterproof,
ny other material. however,' may be
jade actor thie model. The facing ef
e Mee eheel,-1 he witite, however, to
fileVo the pikenlier s.eteet.
tisfiltIltiCal Sariaft suit is or siiVet gray
Meer* Take a Trap,
East London, Cape Colony, Fre,
day, April 20,-A, traia laden with
ttIe and coal WAS eaptUred by the
Boers new' Monello, Cape Colony,
laet evening. The forward locorme.
Alva escaped and ran to Stoma/erg
and returned with troops, who found
the train on Ara A coupe. of nae _
ti -res were kille4. The trait' hands
had been stripped and then released,
ConnentIone of the Ilene s
London, April 24.---Arnong the'or-
dinary haeinbera of the military die
vieheit of the third elviSS of the (lona,
pardoes of the Bath, published in
The Gazette. are Col, 0, W, Drury,
At the Canaclien, Artillery. and Col.
V. Oeter, of the 1st Canadian
contingent. and Linut.-Cole. T. D. 11.
lila:nue of the Canadian Dragoone.
and S. B., Steele. of Stratheonies,
Allt111$11 OIIINA
textile and, Reldiere Defeated India ,
Trappssind HIlled Major molls:In-a
Pekin. Brig. -Gan. A. J. ih„ Bela,
commanding the ard Brigade of tbe
Indio Imperial Service troops in
Ohlua, Whet is now at Shan Hai
KWall, sent a company of Punjab In-
fantry to disperse a band of robbers
in, the neighborhood of Fu Ning. A
forces of "Boxers" and robbers, more
than 1,000 atrong, attacked the In-
dian troops, killing Major Browning
and ono 6epoy and wounding others.
seraphim to seraphim,. redeemed spire The company retreatial to Pu Nings
it to redeeraed spirit shall reelte the Reinforcements have been sent frona '
Sn'Stutir'son'easrotthnIeyhsig%rilailell.of !whiten, apparently, well armed -with mesa -let
Shan Hai Ihwan. The "Boxers" are
and in all the radiant sweep the rifles.
Most glorious object tvill be Jesus. - eteeneurlen Dailwar at -tucked.
Ilfyriatts gazing on the Sears of his London, April 22. -"Chinese rebels
suffering., in allenee first, afterward have again eattecked the Maachurian
martyre, all the purer for the /leaflet
breaking forth into acclamation. The athahhay,,. says the St. Petersburg
corregpondent of The Daily Tele -
through which they paesed, will say: grapte "They have destroyed 150
'This Jesus, for W•11()111 versts of the line, removed the rails ,
'The apostles, all the happier for the atid broken up. the rolling etocke j
get on without the chip/ What 3rou
Straw, with no end of chiffo-n and rieh
ribbon. I think this should be- called neecl, My friends, in. all your work,
the "chiffon age," so much of it is used. in your Suizday school class, ineyour
In the Russian blouse suits there are reformatory institutions, aad what
many made in cotton wash goods, such we all need is to enlarge our vocabu-
as chambeays, piques, linens, both white lary wben we come to speak about
ann colored, and in some -stuff that looks God and Christ aact heaven. We ride
like crash, but which is not named. a. few old words t•.,V death when. there
Plaids are seen, but more plain goods is such inimitable resew -ca. seemtoto be in use than plaids this season seseere employed 1.5,00d - clifferent.
except in the glean/ems. •words for dr-al:natio pur.156XeSe Milton,
Gaimpe dresses of the wash fabrics , 'en:iv:toyed s,00p different-, .Nerds edr,
are mueh in evidence in tbe mercerized , Po'etio purposes, Raids ''-0.1,1dtete eilf--
ginghams, linens, dotted piques and. ployed over 114000:--iliiinferrit verted:h
ducks and no end Of percale and other for legal piirpostes, - bitt, the zuhst• On
cottons. Dotted swisses trimmed with us have lose -thin 1,000 weds diat
lace will be favorites for warm days. . . we an managealess than 500,.. • and
MATE. LEROY: that makes us "so 'stupid. .
„ -.
When we cdine- tce set .forett the love
Secondhand Clot/Ong slarse. , of Christ, we are going to 'take .the
"„`Secoudhand Clothing,' is one way of tenderest phraseology, wherever we
putting it, and a common way," said e end it, and' if it has never been used
man accustomed to reading signs. "You in that dieection- before all the more
see it in that form oftener than in any shall we uSe d. When we come to
other. - speek �f the.grory of Christ, the con -
"AO then you come to the rattler high- etuther, :;hre are going to draw our
er flying sign from which the weed sec' sietiiles from triumphal arch and ora-
ondhand Is eliminated, the •clothing ',he: tbrio and evernthing greed and sty -
lag here deserib'ed Eta 'cast ofith Bat while pendOus., Tin& Preeeh navy have 1/3
that is a step up froze 'eecondhatedt yet - • flags by whice. they give signal), tint
, there ie a certain harshness abeet cast Off those 18 flags they cats put into 66, -
:that leavee ever that with something to
000 different combinations'. • Aral 1
he desired. „ . ' ' have te een• yort• that these stand -
The sornething, it seems to ma le at- _ • e „see , . _, e ,., „., . ._ ,
tdihed ih a °It'll- I bia4 Sullt seen, :which combined'. ' '' -fie't a v eet-e
one en a e .an az I i a
etTuS or bite cross may. D.. 1111;OCI AULD
and Scat" , .
reads, , :Vine. Discarded, ClOthitie Bought everlasting. And let me say to'young
/ ^
•"Now, there's a. sign that, it seem] to °le° who ar* atter awhile g°ing' to
me, shows thought and sense and shrewd- Preach Jes°,4. Chz!tst, Y:Ou Will._ !lave
aesa."-New York sine ' , - e -
the largest Iiissrtv-nuct unlimited re-,
brought us into this benettiful
plitce," The multitudes of .the be-
reft will say. "This is the Jesus who
comforted us when our heart broke."
Many who had wandered clear off
from, God and plunged into vaga-
bondism, but were saved by grace,
win say: "This is Jesus who pardon -
and consult with him about hie, ams, and he.brougbt its home- We
ed. us. We were lost on the mount-
, one elute after assrleele.he were guilty, and he einede white as
Would need. And Were are men who
are monomaniacal on the subject of snow. Mercy boundless, grace impar -
departure from ihis life by death, haaslIelerde.c"iteAdnhclisthpecnc,taalaitrerdettausgse
and the more Use)" think of ie
Moreover, they have killed nearly e.
weole detnehment of railway guards.
Troops ha,Ve beea sent from Amur
Province to the scene of attack." I
lie Invasion of $halt S.
Pekin, Friday, 8 Muram
Von Schwartzenstein, the German
Minister to China, in order to allay'
the exeltereent reigning here, and
doubtless abroad, has made a state-
ment. He declares that the expedi-
tier( under Gen. Von Lessel, now
proceeding westward from Pao Ting
Fe. does not contemplate the *invas-
ion of Shan SI,
Reformer ells the Autocrat of the Rue-
• slum a Thing or Two.
Vienna, April 22.-0ount Tolsted
arie has addressed a, remarkable letter to
and peculiar mercies, recited them as the Czar, telegrams from Ste Peters- •
less prepared are they to go.
This by solo, all, the voices will come to- burg report, coeregeotisly appealing
you, not worthy of um. • ,
is an unmanliness not worthy of gether in a great chorus which shall t�hint to remove existing Russian i '
God grant that when that , hour make the arches re-echo with the grievaece' s. In the letter Tolstoi l
comes you raay be at home! You eternal reVerberation of gladness anti writes! . GET BETTER"
want the hand of your kindr d ' peace and triumph. ' Why will you Aght with what you
covering your a with imperisli- . AYS:Dit .SLOCUE
can never subdue by force 'instead .of .
-able fame by treading the way of
Ever have Om?
Then wirattn't
;thing• about
lliern. You
_know how dark
everything 1 ook
and how younre about
ready to give up. Soinn-',
how, you can't throw off
the terrible depression.
• Aro things really so
attit ill? That's where
th e trouble is, Your
fferVe$,. arc beiiig poisoned
front the -impurities III
Y? ur bloini.
purilles the blood and
gives power and stability
to the fler(43. It makes
health and strength, antiv-
..ty and cheerfulness.
This is what "Ayer"
will do for you. It's the
oldest Sarsaparilla in the
/sod, the kind that was
old before other Sorsa,-
parillas were known,
This also accounts for
the saying, "One bottle
of Ayer's is vrorth three
bottles of the ordinary
stm %Wee. inntirts,
Melte the Daerfar,
the (tester
tre4r. TOUTrItiertceire prompt re
igr, without east Acleirme.
Da, .7. Ayr.% trren, i.
Mr. Foul Lariviere, Afeedowrille
Station, Pict= Co„ N.8., writes
as follows: "I shall always praise
Burdocik Blood Bittershathhe beet
rereedy for skin discs:as,
buesi suffering from salt rtheura
or Eczema, Ivr the past -aro years
and could not get -any rest freta
the terrible burning :and !Whine',
which was worse at right and pre-
vented me sleeping.
"Hearing of BMX. I thought
I would try it, and, after using one
bottle I was so much relieved that
I:continued, using it, taking six
bottles in ail, and am now come
pletely cured./
It is a blessing that there is
:SU& V, reliable re; .ly as B.B.B.
for these torturedesy and night
with terrible Ain diseeees and who
can get no reliet front teeir misery.
Apply it externally and it takes
out the Sret and /telt and aids in
the healing process.
Take it internally and it puri-
fies the blood of all those poisons
. which are the source of skin erup-
• B.B.B. Cures Eczema
a.nd all Burning,
Iiching Skin Diseases.
your hand. You want your -children. rn Edward X. was so anxious to go to
to eurround you. You want ehe the Holy Land that when he was.
light on your pillow from eyes that about to expire he bequeathed $160, -
have long reflected your love. You 000 to have his heart" after his de -
want the room still. You do not cease taken and deposited in the
want any curious strangers standing-. Holy Land, and his request was corn -
around watching yet- ' ' You want • plied with. But there are hund ode
your kindred from afar to hear your. to -day whoee hearts am already in,
last prayer. I think that this is the the holy land ofaheave, 'Where'. your
,wish of all of us. But is that all? treasures are, there are your hearts
:Can 'earthly' friends hold us when also. John lineyan, of whom 1 epoke
ithe 'billows of death come+ up to the
. at the opening of the discourse,
caught a glimpse of that place', and
gircl':1°?' Can bnins-n v°i-re ellarm UP - in his quaint way he said, "And 1
-'orenea•ven's g•ate? Can beaten hands
lisOt •ete through the narrows of
icip'ath into' heaVen's harbor? Can au
4eanhlY 'friendship .shield' UR fronts I lie
-arrows of death 'and in the hoer
'When . satan shall. practice upon 'es
his inferaal archery? No ' 0 0 !
-,Alas, pOor soul, if that is all!
Bettor die in the wilderness, Inc from
teee ' ehadow and fax from. founta in,
Ione, vulturea circling through the
ale waiting for Der body, • unknown
.to-zuen, • and te have no burial, if .
, only Ohrist -would say through- the
rsolitudes: -- "I will never leave thee.
. will-
justice? You protect injustice, sire.
"Peee theepeasant from the brutal
tyranny of • the officials; give • him.
equal rights with °Una ranks; do
away with the present police system,
which delnoralizos society, clegrathei
the empire azet brc.ieds spies and 'in-
formers. Do away with restraints on
education, so that the road to en-
lightenment may lie open to all.
Prbhibit no matt from having his
heard in my dream, and,- lo, the free belief, and let religioug' persectt-
bells of the city rang again for joy, tion cease.",
and as they opened the gates to let The letter has created a 'deep im-
in thenmen looked- Mises-them; • preesion• anthis warmly approved by
and, lo, the •city shone like the sun, -educated Russians.
and there were streets of gold, and
men walked on them, harps in their'
hands to MIT praises with all, and.
after that they .shnt, up the gates,
which when I hied Seen I wished rny-
eelf emong there te
oc his ire:1.1431ot, and
. r tr of Canada sro read!,
• Pillow of stone, a ladder woeld
soar Ileziren.Ward, 4tngels _coming and •constantlY
says that from July, 1895, it kept
active for more than four
thotigh eeeminglY so poor. .1,',,g,\--"1," nns'-isorasit nese. lee.
re, eas comparatively wealthy, ais Ise, no hate:eon a interthe it to you or ,..„4-••••.r. 6iPIC
1011:Stir regarding' ltro ni lts
Signor Matteueci, who 'ha's been eovered. It is supposed that he "1;' l'41tivY t<1`tIrt mnrve'rant nUratire pOipintteti :
11'as This Priest Mordered?
(let Rid of the Cough, tha
:iackirtg, the Spitting,,,,, '
the Wheezing.
Special Advantto.ew
A71 Offered by Dr. 'Slocum. to"' all
• ,. These Who Desire a SPositive-
„ r I nen t Care ot,,•Cons :snipe -
Sion in any Pernie'
reia an)1 e yon say, but how can we do it whet:.
Moritreal. April 22. -.-- Rev. Mr. ea •.yly ttaer ,nolhor
j,,T,..,eonlY, parish priest at St, Fenn.
041,1vr .1., et aS obti; jeo.n triQedultdwitheiat.
, reale ::::3tmir,:iliororrn all hinds ot1tIng
a viti_or;gviiocomr: _b• uvrrie!ai oasup tpsse: r d onennoinloL;
since that tit tEsit,t11"1”
in N
even, u.. tcion • ' e " You sl
has been dis-' st134Y of tis ure.-.7.°" and Lung ••
nev'41' 'Intend leille""h3us medics.] (3*
.never forea,ke tiht hee.'! From "siaulying, Vesuvius for mapy Yeaes, been inuedered; since. it is found has
ahat as to lease tho en/ •
t 0e11121 .3$ ern. •• Dr. Slocum 'reedy
golpg and acroei: 'o solitude and Years, the Ilow of lava ceasing in - lay test the Slocum sa aud Pidge fpr
notes pf heavenly minstreisy. crater was then over 600 feet. Last
the be' rrenness would ceme the evic-et SeOteraber, 1E499. The depth of -the Dent nuys norses.
Gordon Hall, Inc front home, dying April the lava rose .to Within 240Lol, Dr
in the door of a heathen tealehe feet 61 the top,' when a series of 'ex- 'nenotni-dlndl
,said, "Glory to thee, 0 Code what plosions within the crater began.•
in Ca nada, purchasing I
1 29•
- e FRE',R
-Golon I
reser, who are
You or your sick friends venture a: ?HEE courso,
lOrSes fax the, ?of Treatment' SlaridT T RT. A Iff
CROW to thiS CUM/64TO., Is4roited,1791/In fist. wi!etcti
did dYing 'Wilberforce, say, to hiS 80111e blocks of kura Were projected 1'4.° Government
'recnne 11'10 sit beside and 1,800 feet perpendicularly into tae idea, and tee
let us tail: of heavea. neve- en w air. One block weighed 30 tone,
what h a pp i noes s nee t T fouild and Sifen or 'Slat tee cc i est it na s th a t -
a vs 0 iep
did etvIng EfanualI it t°°k- 610,09° 11°rSeP°.1"1. to .! et e-erk.
3r have since is91,' glthig coPOsstie'illia;(‘-rnedOe'±sPirofes411tecliadroidiees'41.•r:n7n4
Queacg lick, When Irrlting fOr theta Mention tufa.
tniinjng and pronlatly sent
teel 300, and
seidoe'Edoeurit's free 'Mier la
She torenloiraoresoitse
ri *ill' Weise send 'tor sat4oles to