HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-4-25, Page 5Td HUROLMDLESEX,Pllilli Bit tlio News of inter68t to limos Iteadom flappoiling lU tho$o Gonotios Huron • e TIreenew flax Co.,of Zuriehi, have al- ready seeded oyer 100 acres of flax. Mal ee Beck? of Saltforci, expects fire ber iVection in West Huron over by ssrs. Ward Brothers. of - Luean, ba leased the Seafortle flax mill, and . wiltrun it this season. West Huron Conservatives will meet M Carlow on A.pril26 to seleet a candidate or the Legislature. C. Eilber teok Nelson Miller, an un- fOrtunate young man of the 14th, con., EV, to the London asylum on Wed- nesday. 11446400 It is reported in Thursday's Lon- don Free Press that H. L. Peine had Id his interest in the Richmond house to Cook Bros. a that ,eitee. Mr. Walter Riddell, died in Londe bozo on April 7 at the age of 70 yeare. 33(e once resided, in Hullett and was an eider a Burns' Presbyterian church. there. „ Master Frank Atom, son a Mrs. Akam, a Olintou, recently got vac- clnated end had the misfortune to get the arm injured at school, with the result that blood poisoning set in and lie is very low, Dee McDonald,U. P. is confined to biS room at the Russell Muse, Ottitiedi by: a lame az.ckle. The Doctor hail the Misfortune to get his foot struck by the hotel elevator, end it developed in.. an injury 80 painful as to lay him out for several days. An. old timer paid Varna a visit on Tuesday lira, in the person of Ma ;Yams Brophy, who kept hotel in Varna in 16a6, the time of the Russian war, He is quite smart yet, and. has been living In the township a McGil- livray for a, nunaber of years. Tire marriage of Miss Minnie Eddie Cecil Hicks, only daughter of Mrs. Ilicks, a Seafortle and gcand (laugh-, ter of Mrs. Knox. a Harpurhey. to Mr. J. J. Mervyn, one of Toronto's prosparous young businees in, took place in Seafortin on Wednestla,y, April 170, at 12 o'clock noon. Ed. Hopper, one of the oldest citi- zens, of Goderich, died on Monday after a very loug illness. The deeeas- nil Wag an old soldier, and bad been a, pensioner for over 30 years, and before be passed away he bad been awarded the Fenian Raid Medal for; his services in those days a trouble. On Tuesday, April 0, there died at sidenee on the town line between illop and Logan, Me. Hugh Dunn, brother of Mr. Patrick. Dim% of St. Marys. Mr. Dunn had the nr isfortune to lueare his knee a little oVer a year *go. Blood poisoning eventually set in and caused bis death. He was a 1 little over 63 years of age. A quiet wedding Was solemnized by the Rev. Wm. Stont, of Kirkton, on c the 10th inst., at the residence of Mrs. T. d . 4borne, between her aughtere Lizzie, and Mr. Wm. Maffiger. of Dashwood. Only ire, mediate friends were present, Mr. ' Natheniel Ogden suppprted the term ni, and bligs Madiger assisted the bride in the ceremony. g The remains of the late Thomas Sr, Irwin, formerly of the Huron road, el near Alm, were interred in the Veit- la.ndbank cemetery on Monday. Mr. I Irwin died in Hamilton, where be had '. been living for the past five years with in his sister. He lent only. been ill a ' coupnm le of days, 1 euoma being the , cause of death. Ire was 76 years of ' -lege and unnitize e. IN'ialnesdayeet high coon Rev. Rural :1 Dean Hodgine eerforened the core- e mony which ii , . Mr. Jack Mervyn, t of Toronto, ar ; I 'es Cecil Hicks of f . Harpurhey. i nd wife in the pre - seine of only . i intimate friends of tbe bride - .1 groom. The bride vvas costum.. e 14 pretty grey gown J ow And carried - ' .ver bouquet of roses. Blfeiwas attn. by Miss Ria Brine, .whit,e Mr. el, • • e.., brother ot the tecOnen, acted •,eest man. nev. R. M.,. ; the energetic pastor of tee .Meti, (lupus work of the farm and removTELEGRAPHIC PARAGRAPHS, ed to I Londesboro. Wingham's population, as per the I A-- Lot of News Netter, Culled rrom Dee assessor, is 2,192, an increase of nine. ago re xteraled pvatultes Received by Wire.. i - art In Mayor's Hill Park, Ottawa, the hie new National 11useum will be built. of It will have a frontage of 180 feet. nd id - 00 The many friends of Mr. Cameron, barrister, of Braeclon, Ma toba, who died on Sunday, of he failure, will be sorry to hear of death. The remaining members the family are Messrs. John a Peter Oanaeron, of Stanley; Mr. La law of Toronto,H eud Mrs. Geerge a ref Brecedeld. The late Mr. Canter pra.cticecl law in Hamilton prior to in to Braedon. r. Attstin, of Brussels, was ont go - raking up the garden on Friday aft 1 noon. ad after . gathering up t leaves, she set fire to the rubbish, some unaceouotablowa4 "'er cloth" 1 caught fire and in spite of her frant cries for help she was terribly born before the fiarnes were extiognisbe I The accident happened at two o'clo I on Friday and the unfortunate worn lived until .8 o'clock that evening. A that medical aid could do was done elleviate her sufferings, which we intense. .About half -past nine on 'Saturd night. as Mr. and Mrs. Mae. Dodd Mrs, Robert McElroy and Miss Ann Somerville, of MeKillop were retur ing from a eeighbor's residence, all when going along the 41,h concessio west of the school house, they heard wagon coming towards thera, at rapid rate. The nigirt was dark, ari not being able to see very well, the stepped to one side of the road to pe mit the vehicle to pass, just as the did so and as the wagon passed them a horse and buggy, which was also b ing driven at a rapid vete along ti side of the road, ran up against the and knocked Mr. Dodds and Mi Somerville down, passing vicar ove them. Mr. Dodd's arm wasserious' injured and be was otherwise bruise while Miss Somerville bad her elothin torn, although aside from the sever shock, she was not injured, but had miraculous escape. The hoard ot License Commiesioner for West Huron, net in Inspeeto Paishey's office. Clinton, on Tuesclea and considered the a,pplicp„tions, fo licenses, with the following resul Granted -Shop licenses, W, W, Sault Goderieln Tiros- Bell, Clinton. Hot licensee -Goderich- Thos, Tilt, Jon; than Miller, Geo. Buxton. Wm. Craig Ed. Swartz. Michael Farr, Clinton Joseph Rattenhory, J. J. bleCaughey Reuben Graham, Charles Mellon, Jos McGuire. Wingliam -Alfred Roe Mary Dinsley. John Cara John Sevartz Lionel Henson.--Blyth-Mrs. ;France Mason, Henry James. Hullett -Tiros Hill. Londeshoro. Alex. Robin son, Anburn. Ashfleld- W. T. Mona teney, Mrs. J. Ma -ought Dongannon Jas. McDonald and Alex. Young, Kin tail; R. J. H. DeLong, Port Alberre Colborne -N. G. Boggs, Carlow' Wm Glazier. Dunlop, Leut over for furthe consideration, Wm. Babbs, B. J &nit% Goderieln John McDonald Whitechure' . Refused, Charles Sym mons, John Hamilton. Saltford There were two applications for ahop and :32 for hotel licenses, and from 0 above it will be seen that the shop ieences were both granted. That o the applications for hotels, 27 wer granted, three held over for furtiZe onsid oration and two refused. Perth ' Owing to the nemerous eases ,c; numps, the doctor would not permi Cirkton school to commence till Mon day, April 22. Miss Edith L. Ball, of Kirkton, has one to St, Thoness, where she Will pend one year in the Alma Ladies (dirge, taking a graduating. course. More cases of sick headache, billious- iess, constipation, cen be cured in less inw, with less medicine, and for less nmey, by using Curt er's Little Liver 'ills, than by other means, 4. despatch says: Charlie Louie, a V incisor •Chinn:nen, who formerly ran laundry in Ohntham, died from in.e, uries received frethe bursting of an leetric globe in ('.0Lon, China. Is bis not the same (7har1ie who died a ew months ago in St. Marys. The other day at the Methodist par: sonage in ICirkton, hy the Rev. John Ball, bliss Annie May Kirk was united in hymen's bonds to Mr. R. H. Elliott. The bride was prettily attired in blue brocn.de, trimmed with white silk. The happy couple will reside in the village. After an illness of two months, Mr, John Schaefer, of • Sehastapol road, South Easthope, passed away April 12. ala Schaefer was hormin the township on the old homestead, where his bro- ther Leonard now lives, almost sixty- two years ago, and We had lived in the township all his life. , Kirk ton Epworth League has elect- ed these officers : Bon. presider, t , Rev. 'John Ball ; president, W. Dal nwell ; lst vice, Miss M. .L. Shier; 2nd vice, Miss M. L. Doupe ; 3rd vice, Miss M. Tufts ; secretary, Miss E. F. Marshall : treasurer, Mrs. E, Shier ; organist t Tufts ; assistant . oygnanst. Mrs. B. I loskin '. forward mevements secre- tary, E. A. Shier ; treasufer, S. A. Doupe ; librarian, P. H. Tufts, San Francisco papers tell of the• aood fortune that has befallen Mr, Hal Stephens. an actor. who married el isi Belle McPhee, ei foriner Stratford. lady. Mr. Stephens recently received, a communication 'from relatives in Cleveland; Ohio, stating that a suit, involving Millions of dollars" worth of property, and - rentals and profits accrued since 1880,amounting to $1,500- 000, has been decided in. favor of the plaintiffs, of. whom Mr; Stephens was one. church, Wingintin, bat! assed i. 1-11.0,000 mark on the substaiption ' ee new church, and refioatsa 1• o hear from yet." With a reliah eriort term subscrip- • tiou Ha, th. -.le of lot, corner-senne laying-, opeint,„: services' and a &un - ter of aubscatetions notyet entered, the prospects s ,r eovering the full amount are in . h'. The probableCost of the edifice w. eel complete will be in the neighborine el of $15,000. Rev. S. Acla son, svhe ministered , faithfully to the people of Kippen for upwards of 16 years, went out to Da- kota several weeks ago, and while there. preached 1 wo successive Sab- ths -in each of two congregations, and we are ple:aed to learn that he re- ceived a call from each of the congre- •gations, and le has accepted that from Pembina. Tl..- city of Pembina .is situated in tie. north-east 'corner Of 'Dakota, on tin- boundary line between ;Canada and the States. It is said to be • a very floririshine city, witha large • commercial trod( tt nd good high school • accommodation. The people of PM.' ina have so highly •appreciated Mr. Actiehen",s•manner, appearance and ability thaathey have promised bite a. stipend of '$1,100 a :year and a l'ree As tbe years follow; each other ;n rapid succession one link after anot e of the chain that joins the pre:anit, with the early and important history of this province is broken. Another of these links has been aavered;bylthe death, of Mr. Walter Riddell, which took place on Sunday morning, April • 'Rh, at his home in Londesboro, at the advanced age of over three-quarters df , a ,century. He was born near the own a' Perth, Lanark county, in 1825, - ents (Mr. and Mrs. Sallies Rid - &l1) having emigrated from Perth- shire, in Scotland, some years previous. He came west and took up land in Hullett township in 1851, and after- wards returned to his home, where he was married in 1E353 to Miss Illizabeth Foster, daughter of the late Ohistop- her Foster, Esq., near Smith's Falls, and the same year he establisbed his home onalot 14, On .tlae,13th 'concession of litillett; where he leered tined 7 yeare ago, when ha retieed fotth more ar- , Middlesex , , Wm, Bernard,. Of the Bernard House, London, has disposed of his fine team of chestnut Carriage mares to Mr. Wm. Read, Of Ltutittl, the price being in the neighbo rh end Of $500: FREE SAMPLES.ITREE SA.MF.LESI Sena for a free sample of. Catarr- ' h4hune, gna ran t eed to, cure .Ca- • tarrii, iironchitis, Asthma atei fecry Fever • In order that „ea -ay sufferer in Can- ada May test the 4.. -velleus eurative properties of 'as ,:'.1r)Z011f•we tnait free to any adee'ess, a twenty days trim% sufficient .orren to . cire. Enclose 10cefor postage and boxing. and address, Polscin '& Co., Kingston, Children cry for ASTC) R I The C. P. R. Is badding a train of especially equipped cars to convey I • the Duke and Duchess a York t el the Coast. The Prussian crop report shows the worst condition ever Icnowo. Winter I wheat is given at 8.9, as against ; 2.8 last year. One is perfect and I 4 very poor. James Stevenson of Dunnville was , arrested at Hamilton ort Monday on a charge of defrauding his employer, R. L Cerr, wliolesale butcher, out of 840. U)claing writes to the lion. E. J. Davis that plowing in the Rainy River District has beeu in progress since April 8, grass leeks fresh and stock of all kiwis are out in „the fields and bush grazing. By the breaking of the "Mountain drain" at Hamilton Sunday night, a, river was made of James street ? down to Main, and great stones, sidewalks. Me., were left where they should not be along the new water- way. The incline railway ear was buried under stone and debris. Soh• t• utrol Badly Iluffeted., Kingston, Ont., April 28. - The crehooner Suite' was very nearly lost, 1 In the big storm on Saturday. She was on. her way to Kingston with a. load of grain for II. Mooers, and 1 ousigned by Mr, Coffee Of Toronto. Near the Ducks she met with a tre- mendously beaver sea- Her 1210 -In mast, two jib -booms and main -boom were carried away, and she labored wry lieavily in the sea, not being Able to get in position. Near Co-. bourg she lost both her anchors, and, helpless, would have dashed against the pier there had it not been for the, life-saving crew. They attached a line to her, and with gavel difficulty drew her into shelter and safety. The cargo is badly deur, aged. Dr. Tanner. 3.1, r.. Dead, London, April 23. -Dr. D. IC. Tau- ner. wbo bad represented the Trish Ta.tioualists of the Middle Division of Cork County since 1885, died of consumption at Reading last night. aged 51 years. The deceased was born in 1850, awl educated at Paris, Winchester, ' Queen's College, Cork, Leipsie and Berlin Universities. lie was the son of Dr. Tanner of Cork. Ile gained numeroua degrees. Ile was 13.A., M. D. and M.Ch., Queen's University, Ireland: I4.R.q. .1., and Lan He was elected for Cork in 1885. The iontarau Tragedy. Tunisian, N. W. T., April 23. - Some fresh evidence was found yes- terclay in connection with the Bice late -Karr muider case. The police went out. to the scene of the tragedy and found ICarr's hat lying on tho ground on the spot wlwre bis head rested. It had a. small portion of the skull attached. From this it would appear as if the SeC0114 shot had been fired after the man had fallen, and at close quarters. Much sympathy is expressed for the family of the deceased. llotelkeeper round 5880.95. St. Thomas, Ont., April 23,-J. L. Buckborough, proprietor of the Moro House, Aylmer, has on several OCCar stalls missed money front his cash register, which has not been working well for some months. He took it apart yesterday and found a wad of bills, amounting in all to $880,55, packed under the money drawer, which had evidently been aecumulat- ing for a year or more. His Second Murder Trial. Ottawa, April 23. -At the Spring Assizes for the County of Carleton yesterday morning Emery Ceriesse was arraigned for the murtier of Joseph Laurencelle in a shanty on the old rifle range last winter. The prisoner was tried at the JarmarY Assizes, when the jury disagreed, so that this is his second trial. No new evidence was adduced by the Crown. Britain's Increase in Trade. London, April 23. -The annual statement of the trade of the United Kingdom shows total Imports and exports for 1000 to have been £877,448,917, against £814,570,- 241 for 1809. The imports were £523,0750.65, against £485,036,- 583. The exports for 1900 were £354,373,754, against £328,531,- 658 for the preceding year. Guilty of .?dauslaugliter. Ottawa, April 23. -The Rideau Range stabbing case was concluded M court last night. Louis Carrise, the old man who killed young Lau- rencelle in a quarrel, was convicted of manslaughter, with a recommen- dation, to mercy. Sentence was de-' fervid. Mails Robbed at Monoton. • Moncton, April 23. --There was a daring robbery of the mails at the postoffice last night. The robbers went through the molls which arriv- ed from St. John and Halifax, tak- ing registered letters and anything of value. • - • etit revesTeti enteeostatta Sims, It the Batted litotes Deplore wee against tue unteise Newark, N. 3., April 22.-1'n con- 1 formity with the actio. that le &Tad to he preetieally unaehrtous among firms in the same lam throughout the country, the two hie watch caee fac- tories of Newark; the Crescent and the Churyoleier-I/Vileox, informed their employes, at closing time •en Saturday night that when they re- turned ea Mondays they must come as noneuaion men, earl that unless.. they did so they would riot be al- lowed to go to work. The tyre factorits employ about 2$0 men each. and are innong the largest ie. the 'United States, There are about twelve in the country; It Is believed the local employes will, for a, time at least, stand by the union and strike. Fifty girls employed by the Ore - scent works have been on strike for about two weeks. Irving Smith, general manager of the Crescent works, says lie hes beest in communication with every tlfetch, vase menufacturer in the courday, and all bave agreed to oust the uniou,. except one concern, Which, has net been beard frora. 1114* te Kill the Weleae. Chatham, April 22. -In a fit of jealousy Andrew Beck tried to take the lire of Mrs. George, Ellison, on Park avenue, Friday reight. The. SOliPls have been living together for atone tin% altheligh, the Walnut's husband resides in the city. It ape peare that Beck met the WOMall on the street, and accused her a inteade Mg to desert iiina to return, to her husband. She denied it. but the Meta werked himself into PaStiripth and plunged the blade of a bi,ol.drairo late the right arm and breast of the WOIllane W110 nearly hied to death be-, fore the necessary 0.5910040 01TIVenti was arrested. Airs, Ellison, is suf- fering a. great deal of pain. bile it is thought that she will recover. Tee wounds are about three inches deep. Leber natter Pardened. Albauee April 22. --Governor Odell en anturday pardoned Williem Sherlock, who is serving a three months* sentence in the New York County penitentiary for crizninal libel. Sherlock is the cantor of The Dinionint, a, labor journal, which. during the striee among the print- ers of a daily newspaper of MAT York city, attacked *he foreman of the composing rooni of that paper. For the attack Sherlock was found guilty of criminal libel mod sent to prison. Provincial Appointments. Toronto. April 22. -These provin- cial appoietments are gazetted: W. AL Deck Kincardine to b reg steer for Bruce County; W. IT Harris or , Port Derry, John Knox of Attemod end. J. D. Falconbridge of Toronto, to be nota.rys public; IT. 'test. Han- over, to be bailiff for Grey County, and J. G. Watson of Ayr, to be bailiff for eraterloo County. Bair of the Itelttste Luau Placed, New York, April 22.-T1ie London correspondent of The Times says: The Bank of England has been au- thorized to receive application.: for V30,000,000 of the £60,000,000 is- sue of British consols, the balance having already beer. placed. The price or issue has been fl d zee b y tdte Britisk Treasury at 94' per cent. Bartender Dropped Bead. Stratford, Ont., April 22, -Thomas afaughan, bartender in the Hotel Albion, droppect dead while serving a, custtomer Saturday afternoon. The cause of death w -as heart failure. De. ceased was about 29 years of age, and recently came to the city front Toronto, where he worked in the Bodega. Coal Tax to Be Dropped. New York, April 22. -The Times' London correspondent says: One out- come of the forthcoming debate over the budget may bo confidently look- ed for. The export duty of coal will be dropped by the Governnient. It is not likely, however, that Sir Mich- ael Hicks -Beach's resignation will follow. • Earthquake at. rientaganet Plantagenet, Ont., Al :lel 22. -- Shortly before midnight Saturday night there was a Shock of earth- quake felt in this vicinity. The dis- turbance was only of about ten sec- onds' duration, but was very dis- tinct, having been observed by • al- most all residents. • Think Men Suieided. Vancouver,' Wash., April 22 Charles BroWn and E. A. Canby, president and cashier respectively for the First Natifnal Bank, conunitted suicide Saturday night tiro miles from here. • Their bodies were found yesterday morning. Death of E. 0. Conklin.* 0 Winnipeg, April 22.-E. G. Conk-, lin, ex -M. P. P.; one of the leading. •politteal lights in the city a few ' •years ago, died Saturday aft/en:molt. He had been ill for some weeks. Ha - was a life-long Liberal. Royai Tom -tate at Singapore. Singapore, April 21. -The Ophir arriv'ed 'here , a,t 0.30 thie morning Total Gas Explosion, and the, official landing of the Duke • St. Mary's, W. Va., Aprik, 23, - Six deaths were caused late last night by en explosion of gas in the Commercial • Hotel. The banding caught fire and is a total loss.- Bishop Stubbs Desd.- w. Ailliafn stubItrsil, 1321,33b.e-opRiogfhtox. fitorcdv: died yesterday morning. He was beizz juin. 21, 1825. His income was £5,000 a year, and D,ucitesb of 9prnwaii and -York and their park's' was made , at. 10.15 o'ciock. Clergymen Murdered in New asthma,. Sydney, Ns S., Apell 22.-Adveces reeeived <Iier 1,. om New Guinea say, that the natives •On ,FIer Rorer T8'. centlY neurdared Rev-. James Ma1- /110S and Rev: Oliver 'Womitins, .N*1%1 CLub /salter 1 usitnuia Tet Signall, 41. .Birit.(17; uest of flicl Ittral Torii 22 lledvere I-Ialifax, April 23. -,The steamer seilea,11 g dirtier Sattirda • Lusii:ania had not been, signalled up eeket, at the (x-rotea, lirdtrojacati., eumatism ; 10 other disease makes one feel so old.. It stiffens tbe Joints; produces Litheness, end maIcee every motion marque et is sometimes so bad As wbolly to disa- ble, and it should never be neglected. M. J. Melbmaiti, Vertical, Ont., 444 It atter a severe attece of ttie grip; e4re Battle Turner, Bolivar, Mo., bad a sie seeerely she could not lifk anything and could scarcely get up or down stairs; W. R. Shepard, Sandy Rook, Crime, was laid up with it. was eold even in July, and _could not dress einiself. ,Aceorcling to testimonials voluntnrily given, these sufferers were pernienently relleyed, as others bave been, by Hood's Scirsaparitict whjeh correctthe Acidity of the blood n winch rheumatism depends and lanilds up the whole system. .- 000513 PILLS cure constipation. Price 7.54entg, 44-4.44.4 BORN Hess -At Zurich on the Ittli Met, he wiro 01 Wm. vs Has. of a sop, MARRIED GRIEVFI-RUTI,EDGE.-At the tre-rielene‘ of the bride's faeber. Tueltersmith. 00 Apra 17, by iter. Arr. Sawers, Rrucelleld. Or. Jas. Grieve. to Miii.Ilarriett. third daushter of Mr. Chafes Iturellge. all of Tueleersinith. RTJTLEDGE-At the resitleneo or the bride's to her, Tuelieusittith on Artrit ntb. In' ittv. Sewer.; Or. Rubert Me- Genigle, to Miss Nelile. eldo.t daughter of fdr, Charles Rutledge.. a 1 of Tookersmith, tneautN0-11BilaVal--At the resident e of briele'aparents. on April nal. b Uev Mr. Clarke Mr Jas, Deeritet. sire or Mr, wee Deering, of Stephen to Mi -s Clara Relieve of Leaden Fitea WItIttIIT-1110,MSON.-Al Ib. reSidenvo er rive brides: fa th Iroulr., 5 ?VP:, Storterieh. NVe In. silty. April 17tb. 19E. by 114.4% Jr1I4 A- andeaten, 1.1. lsr.stik Wright. orto ttretford. Agceititingest daughter of Geo. W. Themion. OWEN-5117.NNINGS.-Ott Tueidat . A pi 11 lOtb 1901,55:lie bride's beme. rsfaeTer tio4erieh by 144iv Jae- A. AtAlerson, 13. a. Leonard Owen. el Ingeaolh 10 Mnio M, tleughter et Benjamin Mum -veal. DIED. evree1,-:0 Has field, on Sundax. April thh. 1%1.11 m Wild. aged si yeare LEI:tilt-in Keel er, on the 1Sth init.. Mutilate 61raftaa, 4Y410 01 William Levitt. Ea the age of 4i yoars. sera 9 month% liciaeleit.10 Gaierieb. en Ululate.. April 15Ih 1901. Edward If /Kier, aged. 70 yea-,.. 8 months and 15 des -s. 11 L1.1, -1.i Rayilekt. on NVerinerday,, April 191h. Amile 0131 beloved wits Orli. 11. Johristoll, aged years, MIT rra,HOLTZ.-• ki Datro: on the lath init.. rtni-ennah wife of Joieralt Cam. pail formerly of Zuhelt. at the age of t..% years end 7 utOntla. Tete fleecier., jester -r don't think that 40. Morra n widow feel, her g'rier as keenly as gen- tile Women do under the mune eirdume stances, Jimson-You don't? Tester -TO. Now, a Mormon widow bas the comfort of knowing sbe is not the only trldoir be the family.-Ohice State journal. !Tot For aer. "No, 'ntleed," said Miss Miami Brown, "1 vrouldn' go to no theater," "Virhy not" "4. gemman frieze" done tor mo diet play -was one er de kin' dat 'nd make yoh 'lair curl, an I has trouble suffi- cient *let tray nor." - The Lion Without. 'IMy lord," said the slave. "there la a lion witboutl" "Without 'card?" asked the oriental potentate. "Without his supper, I judge from his conversation," aninverell the slave, -Indianapolis Press. Hard Zn "Yes, I'm sorry for poor, dear Het. en. That horrid George said she must ilther glee hirci up or her Ioeely pug," "And eho had to glye up the dog?" "No; she gam up George, and puggie lied the next day."-Plek-Me-Up. Not Tet. "It is emphatically denied that the president of Mexico is ill," remarked the observant; boarder. "He is eeidently not ready to DIU vet" added the cross eyed boarder Free Speech and Paella/au The, Publican -Weil, all de states are panne laws ag'in prisefightin. Tbe Pugilist -Yes, an it's all wrong. Don't. de constitution give everybody de right of free speech?-1Caneas cuts Independent. e A Radiant Center. "Mrs. Chesty seems to' think she Is me of society's lights." • "She relies too much upon the efful- eence of her nose." -Cleveland Plain" Dealer. A. Domestics Orpluts. "Are you glad your pa i# in polities, jimmy?" "Oh, I don't mind pasoin In, but rare, she's gone in too." -Detroit Free Preis.. TENDER, CORNS; Sw,rutioet,Ini-eis,iii,c,cowinesco..rreallskpinnetls 11-;.neplyethd nain's Pa Tikes Corn and W:te t tractor, Tteusancls stify t1.7 it is certain, neje lee% and I remise •Bee are of evilatituti*effered .for, the • genuine "Pat an'eeeeeEeetee c tore Sure. ea re, hare.' ess. eAdr uggests.ew 'sent by mnil linen regtilit, of twer1 tk-Mre cents. N. C.. Plesori Co., Kagston, Out. y rat troublert \vitt, any kin'd of ICidney co mph isat give 1)uan's,P11.18 a trial. e;ter.'4P11.11, 21'211,19°1, uor tk.W1411. he 61 Bactuy „ , Peas: - Butter .... - Eggs • • • • Turkey: . Geese Chickens per 3:- Duelcs, Wool.. Dried Apples.. Pork live weight. CO to 65 . 13 to 13 .... 10 to 10 8 to 8 7 t,r, 16 to 17 u 66 .10. to :MK -0 U SE 011 RENT. Stet eel r A choice hricIr house uffrititeti OriX1Alecre 81., Exo'cr, con seining ample. atriums for oedlinery futsily, grer len and stable,',.. 60e,,Its•dry conveniences in connection.. every ;thing in gLekt condition. Pot flirt her partieulivrs, o,pply HOOPER, c LINTON. Or TYME8 coppice. London, Huron and BrUcC. Sethertand Gowe Otern- London. depart....... Centralia Exeter ... Bonsai' Pw • • ----- Druceflent Clinton --- - Winghare, elorice Seven- Winaham, departea. Olintou BOrat ••••,. rucetield Kippen .... . ... Repeal Feteter Centralia .. „,..„ houctoe. arrive... .. 4 . 8,15 Ztelggi.„. ,1 ARE PREPARED . 018 5.50 . 930 6,0 9.11 tele - 90 6.25 EL, ,.... Om 10.15 6 55 Pa, m. OTHER Ti Drm 11 gm, iTliBR STANDENTO OR Ilq Tat „ 2.4 540. ' LOGS, 9.37 OS Co4 LTD PURCRAS$ Apply ONEY TO LOAN. E. C kesset.-1 FOURSIAN, We have ueliceiteS private footle for invest- .. nt upon farm or Tillage property At lowest ates et leterest. piceesoN G CARLING. Exeter. riONEY TO LOAN. , I1 aere a large amount of private funds tO loan on farm and villageproperties et low Tates f of into est F, W. el els DMAN, Barrister Main Sa Exeter, --- mBPicee. s er Tali -Cy ir Willi" 'TY 'Y 44'4 LP' Ye:new. „ . • . r ewer eiry, rellee-Crediten. on AN .OWNM. L.,11 * P. h: P im dua 1.0 WIS. °Tkrsity tele* en. r,re.sule nee, A-PAOLI Xallpra.. Ivry, Exeter, D(CKSON & CARLING, Berristere. Solicitors. Notehes. Vonveymicers, Cormaist-it atm Volieitors for rbeeneeous Brink, Eta Step cy to Lome at lowest nit es of interest. OFFICE Ts -UAW STREET, EXETER, 3,0. CABLINO, 04. le 0. P1008014 FL W. GLADMAN Pi (Successor to Elliott, Je Gladtrian) Barrister, Solider, Notary Public, . conveyanQer, Etc. Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest. onIcE MAIN STREET EXETER D T - - T.T RUSSIAN. le D.8. AND 0 set* DR. A. R. RUSSIAN, L. D. S. le. D. S., Donor Ontaluate or Tomato I:nisei-41y. Deutist. 'lleeth extracted without pain or had after effects. (Mee In Fan. eyn'ablock. West elde al . Maio t., Exeter D.A. ARDERSON. (D. 9- .1.S DBISTTIST. - Honer Oraduateof the Toronto University. end Royal college of Dental Saracens of Meade. etll bridge work, Crows, al 0. Plate work' doneba the neatest possible manner. .& harmless amesthetie for painless extraction. 'Me strictest Attention given to the ereservat. ou of the natural teeth. Ofneelu Dickson & Veelleg's block. Exeter. Ontario. es. 'V LI IBINABY. - -a= - - 1 ennent & I ennent uswi,i1;...:,-,.., ..: - _ I Graduate 01 11)0 Ontario Vort-einary Col I go. Otree-Ont titer stuth 41 Town Ball. ... - - . -- •_e .. e e• - areer=e-sea----"-se -Pint wATEitLoo MUTUAL ae rpm 1 MSDBA NeP110, Bat ablIal, toi tui ttidtt. 7LAD OFFICE • IVA7'E111.00, oArr 3 Lis Company bra been ever Tweet C -Si el era, in successful niter dim in lrestera '1441131,54,110111111 111141 to inotruiteninst. lois a lam Pie by Ho.. building& Mereinewliss tlar 1.14:01orits 444441 all caller desert !aloe, s a s1.24.1 ii.promOR q. .114 telliliinsurers MITI 3 ( (111'411 el 11111114)I5e0 t he Premium Note ): 60.1'3s:tn... burn gr 1Ile p:ist tel, rcartt this cataitatty has ttt rt 1..7.i 91 Policies. covering property to the ilLtillvt 01 $40.672,u, 8: 31114i 1.0ill in tossesetens et eetats . A e 4 110,1 00.1. 0 , consiseirio of Oasa 11 I HI h GOYellitileht 1101,0,,11 and Uhl mimeses - ed 1 reit twit 1\ toes en/ band 00i1 in force. IA .11 AI 4 tr..:14.31.„ 1 iebilie, lit ; 0 241. TAYLOR centers,: S. 1.11 i ems, Irmj actor. MIAS. Phi L, A gt nt for Exettr end vicinitY- - . k4OTE LOST. 4 The public are hereby cautioned against buy. a or negotiating fora note made by Fred Murillo, in favor of John Voelker, riate Nov. b,1900, for 235.00, at eleven 01e4'„.08. as the ,me haS been lost and payment stepped. JOHN VONLICER, Dashwood. (3-0 r0 BLACKSMITHS. it .e.firseclass Blacksmith Shop, well equipped, Li ith sett of public weigh scales in connection. U1 int -class business guaranteed to right man. mos moderate. Also farm th rent, 'Moores. a pply to L. MACTAGGART, Exeter North, Hay 10. a I GCOD INV E TMENT. ti 4. T4 P. , for sale. The brick block is well situated, on Main street, is 70x55 feet, three storeys, and containe four stores. offices and halls, &incased. This is the best business stand in town. The dwelling is brick of two storeys and contains 10 rooms, ti admirably adapted for a hoarding* haute. The property muct be disposed of. Terms easy. apply. to 0. L. Fanson, Exeter, Ont. Exaerme.Olret, Exeter RolierHMilts• Farmer's Atfeetien,-.0 We have procured a Cat' load of THOMAS PHOSPHATE POWDER Which is the best fertilizer on thee market. J. Cobibiediok it Son. TWEEDS At :0 -est. Price. nu THE NEXT 15 DAYS, A good Assortment ALSO HEAVY P.ANTINGS AT COP. We want to dear these lines at once W. JOIHINS, Tho Talton, BROWNING1S Dicug b tote fleacioartors For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonle Stomach and Liver kills Iron Blood Pills Liver reed Kidney Pills Kidney Mixtrue &in LIM RP Di Nti Stileaparilla Cotigh 111 ixt u; e Cholera and Diarrhoea *3/-, Lure Chilblain Lotion. Try any of these preparations and you will he astonished at their wonder- ul healing and curing properties. A Full line of Patent Medicines on and. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL. BOOKS AND Sur-21213ES . W. BROWNING Dominion Laboratort THR ciothhig UEST1ON Constantly pursues a man is easy enough of solution, ough when you are able to ail yourself of our offer. We re showing a fine range of lack Worsted in twills, vene- ans and clays (bought before e heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show ct big range at moderate prices in Scocth and B Canadian tweeds 01.1),IrERNEDTRIE. S., FOR SALE we cary a large and well as It the Village of Exeter, Ont. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 1st, of of April. 1901, south hail of lot No. 9, from Main to William st., known as Hamlin's store prop- erty, No. 381,382 Euzabete sI., near 111cCal- 1unes tannery, No. 63,64, 65, Andrew st., No, 65 has a frame dwelling, 7 rooms, will take one third cash balance in payments at 5 per cent. For further particulars and terms of sale apply to owner. The highest or any tender not necesearily. excepted. T. W. HAMLIN, .13rookholm, Ont. N°17ICE. Take notice tbat the municipal eouneil or tbe coraoratiOn of theolVitihnio.cgesioeewEaxlekteorninotleonwesesto ct silinestorfulVitaian gtr.afilrom the north side of Dr, Bol' tin' office to the north side of the metropolitan hotel. Waike be eight feet in width from Dr. noliln's office to the eonth sidegor Cobbledick & Son's mill property, and balance six feet in width, and to assess 00 X of the ftna1 cost there- of upon the property abutting thereon and to be beneatted thereby, and that a statement showing the lends liable to pay the soad'assess- merit, and the names of the owners thereof so far as they050be ascertained from the last re- visedlessessment roll, is now filed in the office of the Clerk of the municipality, andel now open for -inspection. Th el estimated cost of the work Is 51500 ofivhich AO X, Is to be 'provided Out Tense general MedeGEO.teltle. BUIliseilit slEparr,r. 0jerk Dated at Exeter the 4th day of April, 1991. sorted stock. Prices tc suit all. A large stock of the lat- est goods voa oerefor singt from $10 up. GIVE US A CALL and see what we can do for you. J. H. Crieve. AIERCHA NT 'A AILOR, The late Mrs, Chisholm, whose death in Colborne township was noted last -week, was the eldest daughter 'Of the late James Young, Goderich Tp. She was born in Bram, Scotland, not far from Bahnoral Castle, our late Queen's beautiful Highland home, She WAS •married in Goderich Tp., 44 years ago, by the late Father Snider, who will be well remembered by the old residents of Goderich. She settled with her husband in Ashfleld, where ey remained for a few years, and moving from that place they came to. Colborne"; where they resided ever since.