HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-4-25, Page 4The Moision Bank cON 111E CANADA SIDE
k ,I,B„.,..yi).A1
reeeupCapital _
',entitle *2,604,000 I
- ea050,000
Read Offiee, 31 streal.
,GENERA.r., leferreeret
e advanced to glemilarraers on their
o with olio or me)ls endoxser at 7 per
eimain, WILL GIVE 101000 MEN WORK.
Exeter Branea
Open friterY 'lawful day/front Oa. in. to 3 p. in
. SATORDAY8, le a /.nii„ to I P.re.
Proposed New iron and Steel
Plant at Sault Ste. Marie.
torrentratee of interest
eter idee. 27t1s,
owed on deposits.
N. D. liURDON,
Et. mAn.idinn
ancia.r br AprU 19Q1,
7 14 21 28
3. s 4 4 29
Tuusu.ky 2 9 16 23 30
WlernelgSDA-5.e... 8 10 17 24
Trfuleenxr. „" 4 11 18 23
. 5 12 19 20
HAZatlenA-e.e 0 18 20 27
APRIL 25rn, 1001
Y� r Canada imp9rtecl some
0,000 of fresh goods. in addition
eoree $113,000,000 that paid duty.
e free goods came chiefly frou: the
wing cometriee, United ging-
, $11,3,t100,600; otber parts of the
tee, :$2.400,000; tnited States
M152,000; otbercountries, 85,0n0,1101e
It may pay.• us to let much of these
IL S. goods come in free, but ft would
Mem that a. Goverument with some
spunk about it woulkl find a lever
eomewhere about there to oblige
Waehingtou to show a degree of fair.
ness toward its best customers. Can-
ada. shonld be as intelligent M. Ril5Sia
or Austria on these subjects.
Ure$ of the revenue and expendi-
ture up to the end of March show the
forroer to have been 827,018,017, or 81,-
007,M more than fet the same nine
months of 16004000. The expenditure
bas been $28,G..e7,612, or 82,5713,0rel more
than trt the sante Unwed the preceding
Tear. There has also been expended
"QZ ta! account" a. sum a
48 or $811,220 mete than to the end
ofeblereh, IWO. Altogether there ha -
been Silent $3,12.0,0tel mote than the
first, nine months a and that
year was the one of greatest expendi-
ture in the country s itistory. That
long -threatened "next year" is evi-
dently upon us.
• *
The report a the Registratetieueval
of Ontario for last month shows au
&ermine' increase in the number of
deaths from consumption, which is set
down as a contagions disease, and
•eredded with nearly twice as many
deaths as all other contagious diseases
combined. The report for larch last
shows a total a 2.411, compared witb
2,480 in February, and 2,330 in March,
1000, The inereaee of 81 over Ina
yeateis even larger than it appears,
fo t represents reports from 87 per
of the population. compared with
per cent. last year. The death
from the principal:contagious diseases
3ast month were aS follows: -Scarla-
tina, 20; diphtheria., 40; measies,12;
whooping -cough, 0; tybhold, 21; con-
sumption, 188. Diphtheria shows a
large Increase oniy 31 deaths occurr-
ing in March :1000.
A newspaper man was; asked to
publish an article roasting a citizen.
"Certainly," he said to the caller.
"What shall I say" He was fur-
nished with an outline of what was
Wanted, and wrote an article that wite
a scorcher. "That's splendid," ex.
claimed the friend, deliehted when
the article was read to him. "That's
right4 that'll make his old hair crinkle!
"All right," said the editoe"let me see
what ate your initials?" "Good heav.
ens," said the citizen, "yeti are not go.
tog to.ign my name to that!" v
not?' asked the editor. "I wouldn't
have,anyone know I had anythine to
do with that. for the world. 1 camiut
afford to get into a scrap with my
neighbors.',The editor smiled bene-
volently and said, "Why should I mix
up in a scrap that does not concern
me? Why should you expect. lite to
assume the blame for the publication
of an article to which you are afraid
to sign your .own name?" The man
stapped bis paper and went away
e 4.
When .Mr. Kruger was reported to
say that if the British wanted to take
his country he would make them pay
• £100,009,000 for it, people laughed
pleasantly. But it was the laughter of
fools, aud is already crackling like
thorus under the pot of the ex -presi-
dent at The Hague. The facts are that
•'England has already spent on the
South African wife £140,000.000, and as
it is admitted that the war expenditure is at the rate of £6,000,000 a mon t' ,
and she will have to pay large sums
for compensation and assistance to
ruined farmers, that the total probable
cost will not be far short of $200,000,000.
This would he five times what the Cri-
mean war (gist England, and nearly a
third of t he debt incurred in the great
struggle with Napoleon. It is too late
now Lo ask whether South Africa is,
commercially or morally, worth this
• gigantic outlay. Time alone can show
whether or not we have again put our
money on the wroeg horse. Some
people think 'that, the "i'aretelse Valley
would have been a better investment,
but three powerful individuals. elr
Rhodes, Mr. Chamberlain and Sir Alf-
red Milner Beet° to have decided that,
the future of Great Britain lies in
Africa, -net in Asia, So let England
gRil herpeace and pay the hill.
Marvers Statement of the Arrasige-
ments Made at Detroit for a $60,000,-
040 Enterprise -Mr. ettergue Ras
Bromised That All the Row Ore
:Necessary Will Be
Detroit, April ate-Tlee Eyeuteg Newel
Says:Final arrangeneents were made at'
noon to -day at the itussell House to ttie
building 41' a steel and Iron plaut at the
"Sco" which wile employ ten usouseeal
men and be capitalizeii at fifty million
(loiters. It wilt be one er tile inest exten-
Sire In America and second only to tee
Camegle plant in l'ennsyrvanta. lt n
project Of more mageltude titan anyttileg
welch has been meutionea in eoneectiou
with the power canal. 5751. It tile neeee
of the Ineestors are realized It vvill haee
marked efIeet-on the steel and Iron market
the United States and Canada. Alfred
IL Harvey of Liverpool, Eng., accompan-
ied by Ids secretary, J. Freels ':Fray Ot
New Xorle, arrived Isere onsursaay. :later
have been very busy since thea sendinr; tele.
grains. The gentlemen imraealakete went
Into conference. and this after/loon Mr.
liarve.y .sald Everything is practleally
settled, and there is ne inmettee about
he building, Of the pleat.' The antmeing
01 the project has res0-A witii Mr. learvey,
who has eulisted amerisniu, eanneian
eaelleh capital of the ,lestrel amount. te
11 rested with tee ability at tnereue
eeeure the are, anti that sometime re-
pertea that they could get an the raw ina-
terial they wanted-.
"We heve the advent:ire of the latest
patents, and mutt or our hest machinery
has been ordered, and is either bulletin or
ready for shipment in sald Mr.
Uarvey. "We will have the most Corn -
;Sete plant in the worlfl, and from tee ore
whleh comes l0 IltS front the !..alte Superior
fatties we will turn ort Netting:1. rail%
structural and bridge iron and everything
Anislied and ready for use. The power
witlelt we rill get from the canatWilt
make a great saying In the cost or tee
prodnet, and we wilt also save tuaterianY
in shipping tite ore. as the eaut by water.
reresesliert. Vet ILIS WO \VW belle an et
our own doeks and unloading derricks
• 41e1 npparatue for tee speedY ;Ina
eeeneuaIeel handling of the ere. To show
•you the eest of Iron nee:, ne.41 only sae"
teat pipes brit:ghee .$22 a ton we van turn
out for ',Mere Is a pmpartlonal sav-
ing in all the wort we shall ile, andel liave
Shen% le reen who ellee advanced the
=men- thet Gee prothe will he very great.
A5 (1.10T15415S Projtfirt Vas takes Innen
Vane. Eerie -ever, we are so far advaneeti
that part of the mill will be running Inside
el six remake and the entire plant within
the year end a hall'. Then we shall em-
ploy ten thousand men at least. it Is our
Intention to have mills both In the Slates
and Camila. Ily thls means We receive a
bonus of $7 a ton from the canaelan Geese
ernment for all steel manuraeturect In the
Dominion. end this alone will pay a
dend on the capitalization. .Tleere are few
milts eanada. nearly all the Iron and
steel coming from the ntate.'
rluxonavrs or GOOD SORT,
Parisian and eambroman an the WAY
With Settlers For Collodi.
Montreal, April 20.-A Stat. -special
cable from London says:
Sir Robert Oillies* death, ewhich oc-
curred at Brighttui on Monday, at
the age of 82, is received with wide-
spreati regret among Anglo -Cana-
dians. He was the father of the
Canada Club, and the figurehead of
natuly Canadian social and financial
The Canadian emigration season
opened properly on Thursday, with
the sailing of the Parisian and
Cainbroman trial). Liverpool for Scot-
land. Among the Cambreman's emi-
grants are 65 people belonging to
the Self-Iielp Emigration Society,
under the conduct. of Rev. G. Thorne.
Theae emigrants paid an average of
ze5 out. of Ve passage moneY. The
youngest is three inonths old and
the eldest 43.
Students at St. Petersburg shot at
the Bishop of ICaluga recently, but
missed him.
News COMeN from A.ustralla of the
total destruction of the Canadian
Presbyterian mission buildings in
the New Hebrides Am the island of
Erromitnga, in a storm,
Harry Lake, aged 26, was found
dead on Friday alongside the Kings-
ton and Pembroke Railway track,
near Calbogie. While under the in-
fluence of liquor, it is supposed, he
fell down an embank/neut. He was
a river -driver.
Col. Steele, the commander•t4 the
Strathcona Horse, wh.o goes back to
Africa. with the next batch as second
in command of the South African
Constabulary, is coming back to To-
ronto on Monday for the Military
Tournament and Horse Show.
Professor Mounce Hutton, has been
offered the position of principal of
University College by the Ontario.
Government. Ire has not, yet ac-
cepted, although his ultimate decis-
ion will likely be in the affirmative.
His appointment is considered by
students and graduates as a step in
the line of progress. Professor Hut-
ton is a. graduate of Oxford Univer-
sity, is 47 years of age and has been
head of the Greek department at
Toronto UlliversiLY since 1887..
Herskovitz a Free -Man.
Windsor, Ont., April 20.--"I End
the prisoner not guilty, and he is
herewith •discharged." Such was
Judge Horne's decision rendered at
Sandwich yesterday in the .case of
pcorge W. Herskovitz of Toledo,
'charged with perjury in giving the'
age of his wife, When •the marriage
license was secured.
whe,e rie,eee Under Chief Boxer Gen- STRICKE_I -BY STORM,
.2`4000 Chniese 'Troops Are Massed at
erals--Itusijan Movements.
Around Pittsburg, Pa., Bain Fell
London, April 23, -According to a
despatch from St. Petersburg to The Encessantly For eo Hours;
• Daily Mail, •official information has •
bee; received that renewed military
activity is beginning in Manchurie. SOME, RESULTS OF THE STORM.
Chinese troops are strongly ene
trenched at three paintsi around
lefultelen. They are armed with good
Thousands of People Are in Distress, ens-
Mauser rifles, and have 80 Krupp •
guns. comfort Deigns Everywhere, and the
To the eastward of MuIrderz, neer Eallways and the isle areaufecter-
Turchausen, there are 12,000 men,
under the chief Boxer general, Li -
tense. To the northwest, near ICules,
'there ere 6,000 Chinese, under the
log Plants Have Sneered Appal-
" Bine Losses-Itivers on a
former C4overnor of Multden. To the ,
, . Rampage.
PittSbtirg*, Ph, April 22. --One of
eastward,. in Mongolia, and near the
In Shan Mountain, there are 9,000 the most widespread and disastrous
more, under the Chinese general, llian"ddss inbalyseeeiraRrip4erlyaileteitthiZ Eliesowe:
ern Ohio and Northem Virginia,
A.dmiral Alexieff has accordingly
organized an expedition, ureter Gen. Streams both great and small have
Zerpinsky, consisting of two regi- priassinTl. the Rood line end are still
meats and eve sotnias of Cossacks, a Pittsletu-g is in the centre of
16 guile and a body of -volunteers, to the eterniestricken destriet. and the
operate against the three points effects of the flood are eerobably
mentioued. Tile first movement was worst in its ininiediete vicinity. Rain
successfully carried out in the be_ has been falling incessently in and
X or many miles around Pittsburg for
ginning of April. Kuhn which is
250 kilometers from Milk:den, w 00 houre. and all precipitation re -
stormed. and the ex -Governor-- "of "rds are broken. West and north.
Ilitileden was taken Prisoner. In this et Pittsburg heavy falls of wet snow
action the Russians are reported. Up the Allegheny
had 13 luea . Valley reports come of two feet of
killed,. and four officers
wounded. The advance toward the
And 18 =eh ' snow on. the level at many places.
Turchausen position was then begun. This had the effect of breaking down
Owing to the departure of Inoat of teeelAerePeelleieewi,resmsenude ealePPellitngee rail -
Owing to
Russian troops
the latter city bee become very un-
fv°112 Alulcdeu, layed for hews or not arriving at
all. llailroed officiate cannot esti.
sale. Almost nightly Russian sera ; Mate the cost of repairs, but say it
tinels are found shot in the back. will be ne.exiee
The situation in Southern Manchuria than ever before in
the history of ra.ilroeds runniug in -
b disquieting, and another advance to Pittsburg. Tracks are torn up.
of Russian troops will be necosary bridges weakened and telegraph
in. the eerie, spring.
. wires and poles down in all three
tions. Six laudslides have occurred
THE NEW CON'SOLS, 1 on the Pan Handle between this city
Is 121atiranteell lonet the 434/#000.000 '1 anSdaStutredlymivnillighei thollsande of pee,
°Coven to zebue Has Been enbeerile- 1 pie were lying in the upper rooms of
ed *Ivo Times Over, their wateresoaked house, without
London. April 23. -It was estime ' heat, light or food. Where gas fuel is
°led in financial circles last even_ 'used, the pipe* are flooded and cut
lug that X30,000,000 of the new ' off, nod what coal there may be is
loan offered to the public 1158 fa_ under five or ten feet of water.
ready been cowrie] live timesf and Schc'envIlle is the helne ' "f the
the subseription list will probably = Pressed Steel Car Compauy. The
be closed to -day. * town is comparatively surrounded by
i ,
The premium on the new issue ''''`er* The w°rIcers and thvir f4"111""
went up 10 15-10 awl afterwards fell lies constitute a community of severe
to i per cent. at thousand people. If the flood
• I doe not quirkily stibside the emu -
880.000,400 TAKEN GT AelkIXICA, . patty store will be unable to Meet. the
Ten ellition Pounds of Om British Zeal*
rdeoonaland for food of a nufltittide after
Goes to "New Tork Firm. The efig manufacturing pleats in
New York, April 23. -The Evening this industrial eentre have suffered
Post says; "Fifty million dollars of severely. The cost of the repairs is
Great Britain's new loan has been a, small matter in comparison to the
placed in the 'United States. The Nee tlelay in fillieg the orders. Whitt ap-
tional City Bank, J. P. Morgan & peered to be reasonable guesses at
Co., Baring, Magoun Ce. Co., and the the losses are appalling in their hue
New York Life Insurance Go. am..•
mensity. The workers will lose their
prise the syndicate that has taken wages for a, week or more.
the loan. Anieriegn subscriptions ,
will probably aggregate much in ex- ' 0 - . el"'4"nd nef°"".
le maid Ohio April 22. -The
cess of the 850,000,000 arranged for, '''' v 1 ' . •
as the interest yield of the new Coe- fierce storm of wind and snow that
sols places the loan in the front raek swept over this city and Northern
Ohio throughout on Saturday grad -
of high-class Government invest- , „e.,
ments. IL eras announced yesterday ``1-
er subsided yesterday. it was
afterilOon that most of the loan had , followed last night by a fog so
bon placed by the syedicate.” , dense that it was almost impossible
i to see from one side of the street to
; the other. Not a siugle wire was
Bo. ent. notinirx;saetartee TIME,
• - 1 wotking on any direct. route be -
•i tween this city and Buffalo or Pitts -
lies Red fe Mr. Hymantintosidence, Lon-
don, Took Fire. ; burg last night. Trains on prac-
i tically all roads entering the city
London, Out., April 28. -AL 2 continue to arrive from one to three
o'clock Sunday morning the Piro Dee , hours behind schedule time. Traffic
pertinent ware called to the residence I on the city street car Tines continues
of C. S. Hyman, M. P., Grand eve- i to be badly crippled,
nue. They found a. bed -room in the j stoney Hain For 15 Hours.
upper part of the house in names. I Hamilton, April 22. -Rain has
Chemicals were used, and, after von -1- been falling steadily for the past, 15
siderable difficulty, the firemen nix- i hours, and most of the snow which
ceecled in extinguishing the lire.
' fell Saturday has disappeared. The
The bed -room had been occupied by I rain, while of great benefit to the
lion. lir. Borden, Minister of Militia, l
t farmers in the vicinity', has done eon -
who was the guest 01 Mr. 1131nan* I siderable damage in the City. Owing
The hon. gentleman was awakened to the overtaxing of sewers, cellar
to find his bed on fire. In the ex-
citement Dr. Borden lost his valuable •
.• have been flooded. and ltu•ge wash-
: outs occurred. in many streets.
gold watch, and it was subsequently t
found by the firemen, destroyed by I Lost Lif.bont and Bulwarks.
the fire. One -of the firemen picked , Port Dalhousie, April 22. -Capt.
up a roll of bills on the floor of the ! William Griffin of the steamer Mone -
bed -room, and another the hon. gen-' eagle, arrived yesterday from Os-
tleman's spectacles. The loss will be evegO and reports Saturday night's
considerable, as all the conteas of storm. as being the woi-st he ever en -
the elegantly furnished room. were countered on Lake Ontario. He lost
practically ruined. Dr. Borden escap- kis lifeboat and bulwarks and every -
ed injury. The supposed origin of the -thing on his decks was washed over -
fire was a Iamp -antra lace curtain. board.
To Form a. New Province.
Ottawa, April 23. -The Govern-
ment will 'shortly enter into confer-
ence with representatives •of the
Territorial Council at Regina,. look-
ing to the admission of the North-
west Territories 49 the status of a
province. 'Under date of March 21,
1901, Mr. Sifton, According to a re-
turn tabled in the House yesterday,
wrote Premier Haultain of the Ter-
ritories concerning the matter. If
a confreence be held it will take
place after the sessions of Parliament
and the Legislature.
Copyright Act Amendment.
Toronto, April '213. -The committee
appointed by the Wholesale Station-
ers' and Bookseller' Section of the
Board of Trade to wait on the Gov-
ernment an.d urge the adoption of
certain proposed amendments to the
Copyright Act, left fors Ottawa Ia.st
night: They will see lion. Sydney
Fisher, Minister of Agriculture, this
morning at 11 o'clock.
he Ash nti eneere.
Montreal, April 23. --The Elder -
Dempster Line agetts here yesterday
'received word that the S.S. Ashanti,
coal laden, from Newcastle-one'Tyne,
,April 7, bound for QUCbCC, was
ashore at Cape Blanc, a point abotxt
200 miles bebsw Quebec. The vessel
,will Probably be a total loss. The
Ashanti is e vessel of 2,200 tons
net, 3,400 tons gross.
Chinnung River at Flood Point,
Ehnira, N. Y., April 22. -The Che-
mung River was bankefall last night;
and the basements of the' stores in
Water street are filled with water,
which•,is being lowered by means of
sti am pumps aud the fire engines.
The railroad. trains are many hours
schedule time, Rain contem-
n. (I to fall all day until 6 o'clock
lae:t evening.
• oat 0 1he 1 ntercolcoiliii.
Moncton, N. B., April 22.7 -Tides
in tee Petitcodiac River during the
past few days have been very high,
and have . done a lot of damage to
the marshes. DerIces 'were broken
along the river, and the bank over -
flooded. There is a 280 -foot wash-
out on the T. C. R.; :itiat below Sack -
vine. The trains are delayed slight-
Water Reectileg ' at Pittshum, But Mil-
lions Have Been Lost-lteports
prom Elsewheic.
Pittsburg, Pa., .April 22. -- Pitts-
burg and Allegheny , 0.10 slowly
emerging from the nittptY flood. At
8 p. the • river's were recedieg
nearly a foot an hour. The'highest
point reached at Davis Island dam(
was 25.8 feet at 3 a.- which"
means 28 feet at the junction of the
interference with trafile is roughly es..
timated $1,00C1,000.
Iiig landslides occurred on tae
Pittsburg and Lake rie, the 13alta
more and Ohio, at Soho, on the Pan
Handle, on the South Side, the 136s -
seater sat several points, and the
Allegheny Valley near Franklin, Pa.
The slide at Sob,o was 100 eeee
long and it required 14 hours' work
to clear one track.
. The. submerged districts in Pitts-
burg and Alleghany are to -day a
scene of abject misery. • Cellars and
in some instancea the first floors of
stores ^' and, dwellings are covered
with water,- Where the- flood has
subsided it has 11t bebieti, a greasy
yellow sewn of two or three inches
deep. The reeinents spent all day
trying to restore their homes to
some degree of decency and eomfort.
The. damage to furniture. and build-
ings in Allegheny is estimated at
about $3,00,00Q. Xt. will take two
months of hot summer weather •tg
thoroughly dry out these honses. In
PittSburg the loss to residences and
stores and 'goods, and the cost of
cleaning up, will amount to about
Material For Toronto Damaged.
The Westinghouse Electric Cora-,
pally had two carloads of finished
material for 'Toronto, Canada, on
the tracks near Turtle Creek. Thoy
were caught in the flood and water
got into the cars. The less maY
reach 350,000.
People Driven to the eons.
Springfield, Afass, April 22. -The
dam at $Q miles west 91
here, gave way yesterday afterneon.
Several small houses were waelied
away and the people driven to the
hills. No lives were lost.
Ssorm Kirin lens Stopped Into the Way
of the eranagement,
Buffalo, N., Y., April 22. - The
_gates of the PaneAllierican Exposi-
tion grounds were elosea yesterday,
and every exailable man was put to
work to offset the effect. of the great
April snowstorm. of last week. The
damage to the buildings is slight and
can he quickly repaired, but the de-
lay in the landscupe work and the
building of railways is a severe block
to those who have been bending' ev-
ery energy to here the grounds in a.
thoroughly finished condition by May
1. It was intended to have this part
of the work so complete that it
would be possible to have a ceremon-
ial marking theeopening of the Ex-
position gattra. 'Up to last Thursday
everything pointed to the working
out of this program. The storm,
however, has put, a, different aspect
on matters,
Great Distress et Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, Ohio. April 22. - The
Ohio River reached 115 feet last
night, and passed the danger line of
50 feet before inidniglit. Reports
from up the river are of greet 'dis-
tress, owing to the snow, flood and
cob Weather. Rain and suow alter-
nated here all day yesterday. The
worst condition in the Ohio valley
is eow impending.
Mullah) Creek Overfloo ed.
Btiffala, N. April 22.-Buffelo
Creek overfloWN its banks last
nig/at and several streets in the low-
er part of South Buffalo are under
• Aerairs met at weeenne.
Wheeling, W. Va., April 22. - At
9 o'clock last night the river was 41
feet 4 inches and rising 2 inches an
hour. The top uciech was expected
in an hour or two, with less than 43
feet. This stage shuts Wheeling ene
larely out of outside communication
by rail, and only the big Cincinnati
liners are able to run now, and irate
residents along the river banks are
firing frequently at the boats be-
aause the swell from them la wash-
ing foundations away from their
houses. In Wheeling, Bellaire,
Bridgeport, Benwood, and Martin's
Nearly every manufacturing .estab-
entered_ by the water, most of the
families moving to upper floors.
Ferrysjien: oiunt t h 50 0 Wheeling-0ter icbteeins
shut down, eand cannot resume. until
A report from Marietta, Ohio, that
a number of people have been drown-
ed near that , pjace is without ;pen-
Changes- Made In Iletpeet of Some Execu-
tive ()facers.
• Montreal, April 22. -The changes
in the Canadian Pacific have been
accomplished. Tlic offices heretofore
held by Messrs. William Whyte and
Thomas Tait, as 'Managers, respect-
ively, of western and eastern lines,
with headquarters at Winnipeg and
Montreal, have been abolished. Mr.
Whyte will hereafter be known as as-
sistant to the president of the Cana-
dian Pacific, and Mr. Tait will • be
first Manager of transportation.
There have also been changes am-
ongst the general •superintendents.
Mr. James 0136rne will leave Winni-
peg and become general superintend-
ent at St. John, N.B., replacing Mr.
H. P. Timmerman, who goes to To-
ronto as general suPerintendent of
the Ontario and Quebec division.
yr. • Leonard. will* replace Mr.
O'Borne at Winnipeg, and Mr. C. W.
Spencer, general superintendent of
the eastern division, will have his
jurisdiction enlarged, practically tak-
ing in all lines south of the river.
C . A.R. mak,e co:erect'.
Ottawa, April 22.-esTlie Canada
A tlantic Railway has closed a con-
tra,ct with the LeSrlancb Line of
steattships to take. 500,000, bushels
es grain from Quebec. This grain
Allegbany and Monongahela' Ilivore. will be brought down from depot
The water i.emaii.,,ee etediee„ey until harbor and transferred at Hawks -
Wiry to the newly opened' Great
Northern road, on which it will be
forwarded, to Quebec. The old C. P.
R. •elevates.' will be used for loading
the yes,selS.
The U. S. War Department estimate 'Foreign not' Excluded Nov.abOU t . 3'a. am. , when i t began to
to eeatte -'ilved film.
is thae 20,000 Fill ines have been ken_ fail. • - , -re .
London, April - .-- nswering a weanipeg, April 23 -A Irian named Coneervative estimates of the total
ecl in the cempaigning that has gone que.stion iri the House f Com 0 s • deConnor, charged with carnally carnage in this district are between. •
to Rio the people are cennplaining of el W Office. . y c on -
that starvation bee been the chief me
on during the last tw° year6' In P.)1.- Yestei'daY, the Financial' Secretary 1'kt:towing 10 or 12 little girls' from $%,-000,000 anel $3,000.00(). Pifty 1
companiment of U. S. rule f f their is
land. "lei pr. -realism" et ould se e in t,
be the proper name. i.u- the le w orde
of things from elle sahrect people's
view i ciente
the macs of I/ to 12, was sentenced - t• iiousand Workers tire 'sulteri• n4'--frolli• LVl5a-t,luril„Open to Gnsp,..
firnied the .repcii•V'tkat. tho.. e.On- yester-day to 17..0' ye ars in the iNnrili'en- . enforced idleeess• • -e ete
tracts. now inaele eXclitded. the sup. Tee eetlefs would beef: ie -te .... • ". • r.,""" Montrea.1, 'April eoetmer
plying of foreign trieLtsIn tilO ese 1 -Jilin the, lash, onlY 1i 1er. •• • ese. 'Adele -al will On Wednesday trt 31noft..,
The lose' to tele' ranro.a.ds 04itering
all troops in' ;the _Un.ited King- _kill ilee„ as Lc, Ls a ateneeLee ,i,%tt: 1.3 . f a /. , begin her regular tripS !)etwees 'Dal- '
dein. -
. s ung !eel wee eeen ti 1(.0h,
• • • " 1
• pre:14:, brides, heave. snow Etna housie and Gaspe. ,Two Doors:South Town
Ezeter;Aprif1901. ' '
The annual report of the Minister of
gducation for 1900 has been issued.
These statistics refer to 1899, and may
be summarized as follows. ;
Number of public .5ehools. 5,654, an
increase of 07 ; Roman Catholic sep-
arate schools. 352, increase of 7 ; Pro-
testant seprate Schools, 8; kindergar-
tens, 110 ; night schools, B.
Total expenditure on Public schools,
$4,020,018 ; registered pupils, 429.227,
decrea,se ef '4500; average attend-
ance, 213,325, a decrease of 4,155.
Pepile In R. C. separate schools.
41,706, increase of 129,
Pupils in Protestant separate sehools
441, decrease of 478.
Percentage of average to total Atte?),
donee in Public schools, 57.
Teachers, men 2,612, woman 5,957,
toM1 8,509. .Average salary,
, malet
teachers $394, female teachers $204.
High sehools and collegiate inst.'.
tutee, 180 ; teachers therein, 568
pupils, 22,610, a decrease of 811 : tett
expenditure on high schools, 8722.239.
Total school registration, 471,023,
and average attendance 209,062, com-
pared with 478,104 and 203,451 respect-
ively in 1808.
While the total receipts have grown
the expenditure has also increased,
and the cost per pupil in the Pnblic
seitools was- $9.8 in 1899, co mpared
with $9,19 in 4898, and $3,07 in 1807.
Mr. Harcourt urges the establishment
of technical schools.
U� Glvea Veliew Distev refuter*
PH the Xeinilladee
• When the now boarder went into the
dining room and sat down, there *ma
only one other person at the table. The
new boarder had a kind heart and
thought be would be affable.
"1 Ogee you've boarded here for
some time,'" he said to the other man.
"Yes. Quito awhile."
"Raw la it? Any good?"
plaletstfQPnareatitteei,,fair. I have no eom
"Landlady treat you decent?"
eillle,hpeseltiliatitepae. 1 ought to"- And
tlie "MA uever wind, old Mau," said the
new boarder. 4Titat'e all right I'm
eo. But say, webby you never tried
attain her under the chin once in
awhile. That's the way to get on with
'ern. 1 never had a huullady that didn't
treat me AI yet. It's all In the way
you handle 'cm. Gall 'em 'sister' and
give 'cm soft, sweet, oozy talk about
their looks, That's the way to fetch
'ere. het 'IVO be for a
month right now 'without being asked
for a cant. Watch me nudge her when
she comes in. Before this time tomor-
row she'll be telling me her family his-
tory. Poor old girl: She looks as it
she'd had her troubles. Probably got
tied up to some JOhn Ilenry who was
about man enough to shoo alckens
out of the yard, and that's all. My
name's Hudson, Let's see, haven't
heard yours, have 11"
"N -no, believe not. But It (Unmet
binaantateit. I'm just the landItolfs
A Gentle ntepoTh7trek.
"It is a little annoyleg to have to get
up In the middle of the night and look
for heretics," std Mr. Meekton, "but
Henrietta same to enjoy having me do
"What would you do 11 you really
found a burglar?"
"Well, I'm so kind hearted that I'm
afraid 1 would be too lenient. 1 think
I'd open the door and tell him that if
be didn't get out quietly litextrietta
would come down and attend to hill
Weak, nervous or delicate men nnii women,
whei her overworked mentally *or physically,
will find nothing. to equel Milhurn'N Rein and
Nerve Pills for reStoringthoir bellih And build -
in up their syetem.
This signature is on every box of tho genuine
Laxative Bramo4iinine Tablets
the remedy that clues a cola In ono dal <
"A bad workman
quarrels wiih- his
A maker of tricky.
shoes, blames the. Re-
tailer,for over pricing
them,- at what they
look like.
responsilole price on.
"The Slater Shoe"
E. J. $ Agent.
Biggips Buggies
J. F. Russell
%.• ritiotitive to theepublie
tette he lets for Nide a large assortment
of First-Cla,s Xinggtes, theluding '
up-to-date. .
The rigs.are of the lateSe style: heat
may not be in sight, but one of the
biggest demonstrations ever held in
Western Ontario will take place at
Parkhill, May 24th5
Twelve large committees are n2eet.
Ing every night making arrangement '
to entertain everybody -young and
eld-awhole day and eight of please
ure. Fraternity will be one of the .
leading features of the day, All •
Societies will be largely represented*
Leading men from all parts of Oanada
will be present on behalf of the differ, ,---
ent Societies.. Uniformed Drill Corps,
Cantons, Eecanipments, Commandryee
pries for best turnouts, •bet drill,
ete.i etc. Athletic Games, Trials or •
Horsemanship, Lacrosse, Basel/ all,.
Football, Bicycle Ram, Trick Riding,.
etc., etc.
Parkhill Old Boys are corning homer
What a tiate we'll have! -
School ehildrea will have a big day,
In fact, all roads. are sloping toward
Parkhill, and 1 an instructed, on be.
half of the Mayor and citizens of Parke
hill to invite all the people of Exeter
and .surrounding country to spend May
2Ith in
Tlic town is yours for ope-
H 14a1,*gittotg,
„Sec'y „Citizens Coin.
"Viforking" The Newspaper;
It Is not serprIsiug that the manage,
nient of the Pan-American Fah, should
endeavor to get something for noth-
ing, but the way the newspapers of
Ontario are being played for suckers,
without apparently understanding the
game, is truly estonishiug. PratSice
ally all the money that the fair direct --
ors of Feniau 13uffalo are expending
for publieiey is being spent in the Uri-
ited States, because the Yaukee pub-
lisher is too astute to pull anyone's
cherries without getting paid (alt
time. The methods pursued with the
Canadian publisher are widely differ.
ent. For six menthe past the Ymakee
pressagency that supplies "plate" mate
Ler to scores of Canadian country
weeklies though its Toronto branch
has been loading up the coltunns of
nearly every local exchange that comes
into this oifice with free puffs of the
great Tin Pan. Tlic Canadian editors
who allow themselves to be worked
this way do not deserve to get any,
thing for the space which is their stuck
in trade. -Toronto Saturday Night.
On 'Wednesday• evening, the reef
dunce of II. E. Hawkins, of Port Al-
bert, was the scene of a quiet wedding',
when Miss Nellie, youngest (laughter
of Jas. Hawkins, became the better
half of Thos. A. Leigh, Sault Ste -
Marie, Canada. Bev, M.M. Ooldbergp
Dungannon, tied the evezeasting knot.
The happy couple leave ore -Tuesday
next for the groom'e.
It is our sad duty to chronicle the
death of Urs, Jos. Catapeau, sister of
Andrew Mittelholtz, 3. Mittelholtz ad
Airs, John B. l'oster, all of "Zurich.
The deeth occorred at Detroit, Mich.,
on Saturday, April 13th, and the re-
mains were brought from there on
Monday, the funeral taking place to,
Mount Carmel cemetery on Wednes-
day. The deceased was only 20 years
and 7 inonths old. Sl -e leaves a h us -
band and two SG1.S. the eldest being
only 7 years of tare, to mourn her
But it isn't the pee :done that is,
dreaded, just think of a loss of time.
and wages. Sprains 1, about number*
have been cured by rubbing Poison's.
Nerviline well into the pores of the.
skin surrounding the joint. No mat-
ter whether it is a sprained wrist, an-
kle, knee or back, just try Nerviline
on it, and see how quickly it will cure.
There is only one liniment that can be
depended upon to cure sprains, strains
and swellings, and that is Poison's;
Neril ine. Large bottle 25 cts.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been 1...rd for
over fifty years by tailllons of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al
pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy
for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world, 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable Bo
sure and ask for Yes Wieelow's, Soothing.
Syrup and take no other kind.
51111 fr011i
Your floffic Dcalcr
Our goods are the best
that money can buy. 'Our
• prices are as low as the low-
est: Our terms are of the
• most liberal kind.
We are one of yourselves.
These are good :reasons
why we claim your patron.
'Wehave always on hand,
• Pianos, Organs, Sewing Ma-
• chines, ' Sewing . Machine' '
'Needles, Oils and Repagrs;-.
also Violins, Guitars, Mando-
• lins, Banjos, Sheet and 1-iook
Music, Song and Music '
• Folios, Music Teachers Sup--
plies, etc.
A Call Solicited.
• '