HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-4-25, Page 1TwENTy-Emmt YEAR -No. az,
H. Bishop k Son
Hardware, Etc,
F Sellern S., D. D. S.,/fouor Gratin-
BRIRra 0 S 't f T
leeoadaeecentreencine 'Vey 30th
lieneal I
Mite 11 ell
'Ate of Toronto linivereitY, Dentists. Teeth • aU ° nen/ S. A. Stewart waS TOrOnto
extracted withoatepain or bed effects. 011ice onto, Pas put:meanie the jewelry steex. week.
in Petty's Block, seensali. nerIch eeere from Mr. Alex. Oameroe, who intende
ihmamuttlazitgdr: Arioairy 1;111hil:':,ACacz •° ;going south for bie health. --Mrs. jam.
Seget$0.8.990901101tfeelg#10.014le .Warer Afarriacider s
111/1.1e34,n4. ; Graltam left for Torento this week to
Just Arrived
Car Portland Cerneut
Car Con Spring Wire
IBC ND 111336 SIIOR !
c, Barb and Plain Wire,
Woven Steel Wire Fence,
Poultry Netting, all sizes.
PriCeS Right.
• 4.„ mcnta;: e for the sununer.-4-Mr Euela
, carefully dnovn at reasonable rates. Money ° ph II b ght y
i to loan on real estate allow rates of interest' 1 maaalitc atereet Zoning eve tPhre°Pperetgg,
it)flIce at the Pest Office. Flowall
OF MRS. /31ICITANI.A.N. Mrs.„ 1 tate and at peenoccupied as a latun
Margaret Buchanan, relict of the late dry by Arr. Cameron for the low clgure
Alexander Buchanan, of Hensel!, died .'.°f *°5°.
en E ''d ing est, after a long
and disn-essing illness, which WAS clue Marys
to a. genera/ breakieg up of the system,
eoupled with hearte diseese.33-1"E"' TWY° Ynnng Men, Wiln
Pt:41118/14,o; Seotiat4 and the eldest it e Felice Court, Tbureela
ceased Wee, a native of near Callender, 1 Tent tbe IdglIt 14 g°41, aPPea'Pecl in
r of the late eeerge Auer Qr. and. enntromted 2 aud coste tQ „4 oe l'entive Herb Tea as a tonic
. ' I 1 cl404,epted. Carried,
after remaining there live or six years, been in towel this Week fooking over James Jeeltell leaves to -day (Thurs.,' On treasurer for same. James Murray We keel) alWaYa in otoele a lerge
. together with het. iete hnshanci ana the proposed siding, to be pu& xn for daY) for Montreal, where he has se,. 4 CO., $i.61) ; Wnt. Devi's, caretaking and well selectedstock of
a situation pe hie trade as north end 'lice hall, 83.25 ; Bishop ez
, settling
two of a family, emigreted to Canada,
Bret. in teio township or flellerry.--The Greed Trunk surveyors emTentt'r•
the aecommodation at the new atone „ cured
Son, gasoline. Aitk• t w. Weseatt $", 23. Fltri=311 GROCERIES,
I Vaughn, near Toronto. They then I are at work laying out the new line. Miss P II '
Mrs. Giclley street, has returee and eonorre,ed„
Minutes of previotis meeting read
Conned met pureuant adjoura,
41,8 tuent, All present.
ed from vieiting frienda in Michigan. A cemmunication from the G. T. R.
Mr. Campbell, of Collingwood, has i agent re electric light was read and
taken a Pn"lan in Oehtdekick & Snn'e „ laid over fee future consideration.
Mrs. iiirrie, Ealkvvill, Andrew street,
, A The matter of making a fixed
: assessment on their propmed building
her hotise.
is putting a brick foundation under was filed. Muir --Arrnstroug.---Tha,e
fence in front of his residence, Ane.
-Senn, Davidson is erecting a newe Snell 1,0 erect. poles and wires aloieg
t, the clerk notify Messrs. Tremain and
drew street. 1Vellington street to tne station
Flags huog from some of the build-, grounds. "'Carried.
Inge on Tuesday in honor of St. ewe owe tomer for t
Arrostroug-Levett -That %%pi. At-
. .'
George's day.
that7Place. She was married in the tQwn. creatmg a disturbance n oo puttee*: Only 20c a box at Evans ---Muir- That the following'
'Lutz's-Dr S
neer.) per week, 'befog the lowest, be
ering at,
•-)d 0011E417 at the age of t2, years, and Queen stre(1‘-- G" .r" °Itkials 114Te e.4 -accounts be pitssed and orders drawn
ue tore.
arket Depot
A. few clays of winter yet ancl We
want to reduce our winter goods be
fore Spring Stook arrivee.
We have received 0. very choice line
f •
I colors, with corded ruffle. New
moved to the Lowoshi of 17.1 , t
i where Mr. lettebanau took up lot 33 in
the 3rel concession, wbere they con-
tinued t I e sin i about 11 years
ago when they moved 'luta Ilensall to
Ienjoy 8, well-earned rest from their
active labors. The deceased was a lady
most highly respected by all who bad
enjoyed her acquaintance, befog, oe a
most kind and sociable disposition.
Sbe WAS quite 'aright and smart until a
very few weeks of bee decease, and
*NW attained the good old age of 83
f years. 6 tuouths and la dive. Mrs,
1 elizehanan leaves to mourn their loss,
Itontledge Veterinary Surgeon. Ali dee roue sons and four daughtere, The sons
dey.e-4soreoleabrtdIree"tntipltr-ma'tatelsnttriectedneleligit: lanigmAtliltenx.a,r raipf Niezkuerriseivi.thateGv:
I Ornate°.
-Thirty pair of Oxfords, in black tt d
tan, at tiOe and 7cle per pair.
• Teediee laced and button Shoes ne,
Boys' Oxfords at &leper pair.
All our old stock wilt he cleared out
at greatly reduced prices. Ask to see
them and get some keys for the Parlor
BRIEPS.-Mr. J. lealbfleish wit() had Pind"ean INel'auftn,2 Cs' T'AularlI e&nd
neeeerew, T T
wagtmtelener has
been engaged by flofftnaen tiles. es re ale rs f D
. neve Iv il4S
family to Str Word and gone into busi-
ness, for himself -Miss Rattle Bir
has again returned to her home in St
Pau) Mich., after visiting friends am
relatives in town. -Mr. Ale Sbettle
is still confinea to his bed. -Jos. Want
bold attended 0011ferellee in, Berlin las
week. -J. Hoffman bad been to Lon
don Tuesday on hnsinesea-Miss Clara
Weber, from Elmira, is visiting he
Iister Mrs, IIywieyand-Miss Young
blot from Hensall was in town Sat
irday...-Chas,Quenther is convalesce t
MaSiOne are building the foundatinon'
for the house. of D. Sehefferse-Owing
of ad.el mith. be dau
'II!. .P4 t tr
. find , o tte email ; Mr.
Blatchfosel. Osborne end Mrs. X.
k COMA, Of •The funeral
e cortege to the Rodgerville cemetery
1. on Monday .last wae very largely Mr
r tended, attesting to the esteem m
which the deceased was beld.
Buterrs.-Jatnes Taylor, who was
confined t.o bis room with a severe at -
t. tack' ot lagriope, is going arnund once
. t
1-10 SWEET
Treble's Old Stand
You oan get all kinds of bulltIlng
,matoriat now In Granton at
the very lowest prices. We
have a large stock on hand and
we have got to sell, so W you want
to get a bargain just give us a
call. We are selling x inch, Pine
Boards at $12.50 per M. Pine
Shingles at Sx.so per Ati .
.class Hemlock at $r4.00 per M.
Piles and piles of Cedar Posts on 0
:hand at 13 cents each.
Ofrice-ist door East of Odd- n
'fellows Block.
to the absence of Rev. elorlock last
Sunday the polpit was ably occupied
b Canner front Grand Bend. -
Tho infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Miller which died from a severe at -
lank. of cola was buried Wednesday in
Bronson Line eentetery, Much syne.
pathy is felt for the stricken parents
South Huron Licenses
At a meeting of the License Com-
missioners for South Huron, held at
tite village of Ilensall on the leth
of Apri1. the following persons were
granted licenses for the ensuing year:
Exeter -W. T, Aebeson, Wm.
Eawkshaw, Urials Cunningham, (left
over Wm. Andersan) for tavern. b'ex-
mer. Bros.., F. J. Knight, for sho
ownslun tTs borne.- josep
Stephens, Woodlunn, for tavern.
Township of Stephen. -W81. Moffett,
Geo. Grafton, Centralia.; Angled Hite
Crediton, (Wm. Fritz left aver); B.
untroingham, lehiva; Patrick Hall,
Mt. Oarniel; james Shaddocle, Corbett;
antes Hannan, Shipka; Joseph Bren-
er. Grand Bend; 0, L. Moser, Dash -
Township of 0. Shoemaker,
urichai. Foster, Zurich and Legeer.
t. Jneeple left over): Mre. Nicholson,
Mese noi gesinted.
Townsbip Air stankr.- Henry Sha -
r, Rippee; Fergie Martin, Varna.
eft over, Char les Wite /1, Brncefield)
Township of Tuckerstnith.-.T. tery. Efe was the youngest brother of
arrow, Brucefield, and Geo. Strong, Peter C. and Tohn S. Cameron of the
yle's corners. township of Statileye-Smith Bros. are
Village of Bayfield. -Mrs. E. Elliott, holding a clearing sale, having decided
rs. Pollick. (J. E. Morgan, six to leave Hensall. Mr. George Srnith,
onths) for tavern, • who has been managing the store here.
Village of Hensall.-GeorgeScott and will return to Goderich, where they
enry Cantileon, licenses were extend- conduct a large dry goods business.
three months to repair their hotels. They will also go extensively into the
own ot Sealorth.--Tavern, James manufacturing of ladies' garments
ick. Henderson & DeLacey, .Tames Frances Rae., whom we mentioned last
eir and Thomas Stephens. (Gripp week as having obtained a good situa-
ouse left over for repairs). Shop, I tion in Stuart, met with an accident to
dwa,rd Dawson, and L. 0. Jackson. his hand, which necessitated his re-
vealed the fire from spreete...e, turning home. He will be unable to
At 7 o'clock the fire was well tin 'resume work for some time. -john
control. /3uildings burned: Oaldwill, Tuckersinith, and his brother
Town Hall and fire slation and Wni. Oaldwill, of Hay township, were
appliances and fire station ba in London Thursday last to the for -
warehouse; Currier's stere aid b mer's son, Guy, ;who is ill in the hos-
E.: E. Gauirin & Co.'s hardware st pita), but who has since so much inl-
and warehouse; Charles llenau proved that he was able to come home
harness shop; Dr. 331eque's house; on Saturday. -Miss Mabel Fulton, who
Gioyette's barn. Dr. Chalmor's ho was home spending Easter vacation,
°Coupled by Dr. West , Was ba has returned to Detroit. -James Mur-
• ray was quite ill divine. the past vveek
damaged; no casiutleien.
with lagrippe, but is going aronnd
again. -Mrs. H. Arnold is visiting her
CO. Lays' Itosigitation.
father it London. --A breech of
London. Ont. April '2b -Col.
0 . S
"Ths situation in St. Clair River is
• ethicist unprecedented. The river is el
almost a solid mass of ice from Stag K
Island to Lake St. Clair. eThe ice
bridge above the rapids here is break- ee
ling up, lah„t vest fields are ceining in- m
to the river. The steamers Gordon
Campbell and Portland are still fast E
Above the rapids. ed
iMeGonigle and Miss Nellie Routled e i r. as., Teylor, IA trimming rasp.! svatered to the Metropolitan.
e weltered rtuothere andford, $3; Gee. leissett, ettli.
stroke of paralysis on Wednesday. be.' speritIP,,Ltir UnnieiP31
Sea.forth i leg the third. She is in a critical'
4 CO million
1,4evet -EVatid -mitt the assessment
leeeepe, Weeneeeey evening 'Miss Abnereldt Chicage3 whn IS, and that a cella of revision for Sallee
for strtet watering be 13c per foot,
the home of Mrs. Charles Rout/ego was :n„t,teeralleg 1120...erSit7 4,on, 4-rhee, he held oe May etle at 8 ()Mock, pen.
the scene of a double wedding. The
con trading parties were Ur, Robert T. rwa". I"IsoPeepaerL' 4alliWqrS", C4,1111.11q1. L.. • -That Main street lie
awl Mr. farleve and Miss Harriet berry busbete had the miefortune to Evans -Armstrong -That this ("ours -
Routledge, The intereeting ceremony let the knife slip, cutting his left nand adjourn to meet, rigaio :NV 4th,
wae performed by Rev. Mr, Sewers, of I badly necessitating. the putting in of 8 p.
Brucegeld, in the presence of ebout several stitches.
aeeenty.41,- gue9ts. The brides were
tt' Guo. 13xss.rrr, Clerk
carried large bouquets of spew drew. , will.preach (D. V.) in the Trivitt Me.
-Messrs. Harold Johnson awl . ,
A morieVeburen on Sunday neet. at both ,
Tbumpsuu left on Tuesday mornin ,, morning end evening services. All
for British 0:1urable. g 6are invited to attend.
Alex. T,evitt. chief of the Fire Dept. 'Inoue tterobr 4)tate ail.? oTteerinlilenretoar tlarbaenqelf:
RUSSeidatie of Walkeeville 'ind wif • M
Ite ..es. ---Rev. Peter Scott, preached funeral of the late Ws. Levitt
ljertnyn, of Wiartou, attended the time:tee-Rev. peter Seven who re.
his farewell sermon to his congrega- . Saturday last, nit eigned the pastora.e of Oromarty and
, Bey's chtirchee, W0,9 iFSt week :e -
tion at Roy n church on SundaX ,1,11St• l Mr, Henry Smith, who lives about sented with an address by each vongre-
Ile leaves on Wednesday -for ellesie/".lhalf a mile east of Gads 11111, went into gation, as areepeet of esteem, and an
where he will reside in the future,.. -7 his etable to do the usual cleaning appreciation of pastoral SerViCTS for
haye engaged two young men newlv
Messrs. Mark Clark, and Glee C4,"4, Thursday, when a bull which he owes eil years„....!ffr. and Mrs. Scott and
out from. Old London for the summer.
-There lute been very little seed sown number of places.
charged hint, tearing blot badly in a daughter, left on Weiluesde for P i -
tr 213 whAte costinnes and e Res-. G. II, Sage, B. A. B. D.,'
:RR Li4a YARD,
eare. ereLeuee.'i st. eeelekiit.)vg.le4AMOLAVdrAtt
Full lines of
Oysters Fresh Daily.
kinds of Farm Produce taken an
P Ross*
The following is the net reepecting
the use of Tobacco by minors .;
Majestee by and with the advice and
consent. of the Legislative Aesearthly of
the Province of Ontario, enacts as fol-
lows :eel. Any pereon wbo either
direetiv or indirect! eells I
7 or g ves, or
furnishes to the minor under elghteen
years of age, eigarettes, elgare, or tee
baece in any form, shall on summary
fiViatiOn tbereof before a justiee of
e peace be subject to a penalty of
t lees than SIO, or more than $50,
with or without costs of proeeeutiele,
41 to imprisonment, with or withoue
d labor, foe any term not exceed, -
4131( ehirey„ days, or to both flue with
r wtthout costs and imprisonment to
the said amount and to the said term.
Norman Cook, assisted by Ale Choa-
te.- n Thursday afternoon while glee:IZery tmeaneraiee for the paee was mentioned that Pfaff & Beek
agistrate. And in case of a
locelitv as the weather bas In the Dasbwood items last we k t•
ley, seliere they will in future reside. An the discretion of the convicting
week -It 11,1
ney, were removing a large globe of
colored acid and water from the show
window in Cook's bieyele show rooms,
the yeseel broke, eflowing the contents
to pour over the young men, burning
their clothes and bodies quite badly. -
Mr. and Mrs. Cowan, of IQntail,
were here Monday attending the fun-
eral of 11frs. A. 13uchannee sr., Arr$.
COMM'S mother ; AS were also Dr.
Buchanan end wife of Zurieb.-Ters
Wm. Gordon, of Brucelleld, Wile In the
village on Saturday forenoon, -The
license commissioners for South
Huron met here on Friday, and grant-
ed licenses for the county. The two
hotels here were given 3 months' per-
mit each, pending necessary repairs to
the Imildiugs. G. C. Petty's applicas
tion for a license for a projected third
hotel was not granted: his petition not
containing the required number of
names. This was an oversight on Mr.
Petty's part, as he misunderstood the
percentage of names necessary for a
new license. -Mrs. Griffin, of Detroit,
is visiting friends in the village, having
been called home to attend the funeral
of her mother, the late Mrs. A. Ba-
ebanan. - The members of Hensel!
lodge, No. 223, were honored
with an invitation from their sister
lodge in Seaforth to attend an 't At
Home" on Friday evening, celebrating
the anniversary of Fidelity lodge,
there. -A number from the village, on
Sunday afternoon, attended the funer-
al of the late A.. D. Cameron, barrister,
w o died in Brandon, Man. His re-
mains were interred in Baird's cenae-
Without regular action of the bowels. Laxa- "ur,
Liver Pills regulate the bowels, cure condi-
-nation dyspepsia, billionsness, sick headache E
_and all affeotions of the organs of digestion •
.Price 25 cents. All druggists.
1 -
• i
CD •
cb134, r.ktisj.
"l'‘ tort
it 00;
• riar-
D. Leys, M.P.P., states that' he
mailed to 'Premier Ross his rest
tion as member for this constiLuo
on account of the action taken,
the Government regarding the
ing of licenses for net fishing in
Thames, especially jo. reference.
th&t. part of the riyer below 0
riere Dam.. The 0010nel claims
he 1,:d secured a considerable re
Lion he number of these hoer
' but t at afterwards numbe
new once had been issued by the of, rheumatism during the past few
weeks, -Mrs. E. Sheffer has been
quite ill diving the .past week or so
withla grippe, but is new recovering
nicely. -We regret to learn that Mrs.
Andrew Johnston, of Willow Hall
Farm, London roed, is and has been
quite Richard Dining, who
was a resident of the village 23 years
ago, and who has not been here since
that time, was in the village last week.
-The masons are at work on the
walls of Mr. D. Stewart's dwelling,
which was destroyed by fire a short
time ago. -Mr. Wm, Cook and family
have moved out to Ohiselhurst
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the Money if it fails to cure,
25. Pr. W. Grove's signature ifeeitesejebottie.
Business Colleee ---to be opened in di
village. -Miss Rose, of the Agricultural
College, Guelph, on Saturday last gave
a lecture in connection with the
Ladies' Institute of South Huron re-
cently organized. The attendance was
not yery large, but the lecture was in-
teresting and instructive. --Miss Eva
Thomson has returned home from
visiting relatives and friends at White-
church. Brussels and other places.
-Mr. Wesley Whiteside has been
'suffering from a very severe attack
flaby reit !La" and Wits Kill
Dtific's tis, -ril 20'2-etOn Si
day last, 13111. 17 -month
baby of ,Mr. ' n C-ezi."r of ,
Lake, followed her, &ea ildiailICT
of the house tos the well, where a
of water was drawn. `.1rhe baby
mained • outside PlaYing aria*
short time went over to the web
looked down into The child
ped. and. fell and` her head Sti''
on the rock's on the side of the
she was killed before she tot‘clu,
preached at Mt. Pleasant on Sunday
. . u erson, of e tau; ' - a.: thef'W:2411theecorr ItTeeTelli)iralrionanawl-Vellool
one cord of wood in one hour anti
at village bad sawed and mild
half le should have read two c rd ' 6"lei"
well. changed pulpits with Rev. Mr. 1 In Iwo and ane "if hours.
last. --Ret. R. Hamilton, or Mother- L . . , , , 0 S i, eer. Daniel schtoiet. ono ce the
Andrews, tie Fullerton on Suede" 1
...... The convention of Liberals of west !le;tiltrglypaanstsiefairast.wlyttolenrsirieltflr Leyw Flosa.einn .-
Mrs, Wm. Priclham, is sedously ill at i Huron yesterday unaininously nomi- ing, the Nth just, ram. a lingering in.
present from congestion of the brain. inated J. T. Gal -14w K, C., for the seat ; nes% hoes eteth year. Deceased was
Sayfteld Ur. Game, was the only one pro -1
in the legieleture made vacant by
freeent dectsion of the court of appeel.
the ; born in Hessen Germany, and exilic to
Canada in the year 1314, settled in
13rows.-ntre" Bailey and Alberti t New Hamburg and counrienced the
/rename, leo tee weereee, hoe week, ;P°N.Iser(s1: Harry Sarasvell will hold a sale i he eves very successful. In 1810 he
1 inereltant tailoriug busineSSe in whieb
wbere they are engaged fishiug foirlef ber household effects aud real estate, was married to Catherine Young,
the setemete_eueert Woods bas en. in the early part of May, lend towards, which union. WaS blessed with eleven
gaged with Mr. Craig of, Goderich, to the end of the month will more te '' children, two of whom preceded bine
fish at South Bay, thie season.-Uiss Sydenhain, where she will join heart ' A despatch from Chicago announe-
Addle Rathwell, left for Toronto and hand with a former Exeterite and , es the death ia that city of Bishop
will reside in future.
after spending a, couple of melts ae
! J. ,T. Esher, aged '78 years. Bishop
her home here. -Mr, Dr, Woods and A very enjoyable n.usical and liter- ) Esber was the Seni0P Bieber)
wife, Dave Mciefaughton, aod wife, ary entertainment was given by the i Evangelical Church, having continu-
of the
Miss Annie Whidclon, and Rubbie, Endeavor of Caven .Preshyteriatt i ously occupied the episcopal afire
and A. E. Erwin, Attended the play, church on Tuesday evening. Mr. J. ee-, 4 since 1883. Ile ser -ed in the active
evening last. -Mr. Jas. McDonald left geed
Said Pasha, in Goderich, on Monday Stanbury accupied the chair, when a f ministry fence 1845 and was the
Which refresInnents were served.
programme was rendered, after . oldest minister in active service in
for Pt. Dover, last week to spend the i ids chureh. He was born in the pine
summer.--11fr. IL Drelarnann, our A cure for Dandruff.-Dandrnff is au i vines of Alsace In 1823„ corning to
popular tailor, was in Loreloce Mon- enemy of luxuriant hair., it makes thel A.merica when ninn years of age,„ and
day last, on Business. -Mr. 'Brandon, scalp unhealthy and causes the hair to ,1 Waa well known in this part el On -
traded his King Stanton colt to Mr. fall out. Littz's Imperial Hair Tonic ! tiall°` 4r
Jonathan Miller, of Goderich, for the keeps the scalp clean and healthy and + an
tretting stallion, Woodlawn, and will positively cures Dandruff. It feeds the pigs
j lieTckaarliiesare, rtormDr?geggsY a.trea.utililit, 15 calile, Pn
show the boys some speed now.- hair, stops it from falling out, makes 'filerdnecy Pilla, 4111 not relieve o:ccure. °a En
Allen McGee has- moved from thk the hair grow thick and beautiful,1 Used Inter:1111y EL:ward's Yellow Oil 'cures and
Goshen line, into the house lately, Lutes Imperial Hair Tonic is not 4 Sore Theme Roarseness, seciinse, Pala in 'tee use
ed gr - as c
occupied by Mr. John Watsou, in dye. Contains no lead or other poison4l, Fest'
town.-MaGlen Sellars, of Mich. is' Only 50c a bottle at Lutz's Drug- Ster4. 1 serearsaMtaZtraurill lAtellds=?, and-friet;
Tie), etet tiseci e,xternaille
visiting his sister here at present r.c
at Insects .. 1..
and costs being awarded, and of
e same not being upon conviction
forthwith paid, the justice may com-
mit the offender to the common goal,
there to be imprisoned for any term
Ilot exceeding thirty (lave, mtless the
fine anti costs are sooner paid.
In the spring the whole system is clogged u
with impurities accumulated during tee -
ter. Take Burdock Blood Bitters thia sinew
audited/1 purify the blood, making rich,
and red, and will give you strength and euergy.
This is to certify that I have used
English Stock Food, manufactured by
C. Lutz, Druggist, Exeter, for calves,
milch cows and pigs, and in all cases
have found it most satisfactory. The
calves baye grown fester and done
better than ever before; the mile)]
cows have improved in condition. The
flow of milk has increased 20 percent,
d is of greater richness ; the young
have done better on English Stock
ad than I ever knew them do before.
gird) Stock Food is a, rilOSt excellent
valuable article and should be
d by all stock raisers. Ie is cheap
()livered with other foods.
ce 14 lbs. S1.00.
who is very low in health'.
Trivia Memorial church, vehich was
he adjourned vestry meeting of the •
•LIF • Law Offices. Private Funds to Loan.
BRIEVS-On Thursday last at the
close of the prayer meeting, Rev. Mr.
Scott was presented with an address
and a purse from the Cromartybranch
of his congregation. Mr. Jas. Hill
read the address and Miss Currie pre-
sented the parse. He thanked them
for the token of their regard for him,
an related the steps that had resulted
in his entering the ministry. The meet-
ing was closed by all joining in that
well known sacred song, " God Be
With You Till We Meeb Again," and
the benediction by the pastor. He
preached his farewell sermon on
Sunday a large congregation and
quite a number from the neighboring
churches. He left on Wednesday with
his family for their new home in
Paisley. The Rev. Mr. McAuley, of
Mitchell, is appointed to preach in the
church vacant on Sunday, April 28th.
-Mr. D. McKellar and Malcolru La-
mont, who have been ill for some time
are now , slovviv improving - The
weather is now fine after the blizzard
Saturday. -- Word, has reached here
that Mr. Joseph Earubly, of Dublin,
formerly of Staffa, and well known
here, died Sunday night.
Barnes. -Thesnow storm on Satur-
day last and the continued rain since,
has delayed the seeding for a week,
although a good many of the farmers
had about Enished.--The Johns Bros.
have been quite busy the past week
cutting their. summer supply of wood
with the circular saw.- The masons
have completed the foundation of Mr.
Sohn Sleamon's new barn, which is to
be erected in the course of a few
weeks. - The census enumerator has
,xnede his calls and. completed his work
for another ten years.- Rev. Waddell
has sold his driver to Mr. Hanclford, of
Exeter, and has also purchased an-
other.-1Virs. John%ndrew is visiting
relatives and frietids at Constance and
Loudesboro.--Mr. Bert Andrew went
to Sea -forth on Saturday last and re-
turned with his brother Lewelln, who
will work for him this surnmer.-Mr.
B. Spicer lost a valuable colt on Taes-;
day night. It was ktbant ten days old.
on onday evening in the school
hall, was in every way satisfactory. ter Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory.
The financial statement, which the
auditors, Messrs. N. Dyer Hurdon and
Chas. Sanders, bad taken the trouble
te have printed for presentation,
showed elle finances to be in an en-
couraging condition. It was most
gratifying to the members of the
vestry to learn that through the faith-
ful efforts of the members of the Wo-
men's Guild the mortgage on the
Rectory had been reduced by one hun-
dred dollars, Great credit and 8prafse
is dee to the Guild for the splendid re -
!sults of their labours. After all the
'business bad been completed the mem-
) hers of the Guild entertained all who
were present to light refreshments.
Always avoid harsh purgative pills.
They first make you sick and then
leave you constipated. Carter's Little
Liver 'Pills regulate the bowels and
make you well. Dose, one pill.
On Thaesday afternoon at the resi-
dence of Mr. Chas. Turnbull, he Galt,
the marriage was celebrated of Miss
Mary E. 0. McIlwraith, youngest
daughter of Mrs. Andrew McIlwrilth,
to Dr. A. H. Nichol, of Listowel
of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Munnings
On Wednesday at noon the residence
o enc. , was the scene of a pretty
wedding their second daughter, Anoa.
1 look the best and wear the for all kinds of iron, tin roofs,
and L. Owen, of Ingersoll, being the lOngest.
contracting parties, ri engines, boilers, etc., etc.
nized ma Tuesday night, the follow -
Raman Lawn Tennis owe was or
ine are the officers. President, Rev. A/URA IL,
Henderson ; Secretary Treasurer, 13'
4. Sellery ; Executive committee, A perfect wall finish in twenteetleree beautiful tints
Messrs Babcock, Ferguson, Cook, Bon-
thoru andSmith
For the H01566tedfliffll spsoll.
The Jewel
for use
is good paint.
The Elephant
Ready Mixed
Paint and Ele-
phant 'White
Lead for Paint-
These Paints are guiranteed. Pure Lead and Oil.
. w ae,oar..etsarsmra.am,......,,,J .... ormNnassos,rennanacworoaa.E.E........-or cresav,.......str3.-..... •,
Messrs Shurly & Dietrich. of Galt,
have withdrawn the proposition* they STEP LADDERS
made some time ago to the Gellt Town
Comacil, and are now open. for induce- n all sizes and at prices away down .
ments to locate elsewhere. Galt may
enter, if it wishes, but on the same .-ragsrowx-scar........Kaw
terms as the • others. The industry
will go to the highest bidder. NEW GOODS PUT IN STOCK THIS WEEK.
The New, York hvening. Post Says a i Carload Portland Cement, Carload Queenston Cement, Carload
syndicate has been formed to teke 1 North's Patent Sewer Pipe, Washing Machines, Ch,urns, Poultry
over the business of several fire
ance companies. The conceen will e
leTetting and all kinds of Wire .
ultimately be capitalized at several
millions, the aim being to control the
stock of several conceens now in exis-
tence and continue their business on
the "community of interest' plan
in trade. -Toronto Saturday Night.