Exeter Times, 1901-4-11, Page 8T`ki 1 E1' t, 'fM STEWART'S Cash Store Prodi -ice, One Price Orly l X TER ....ANI].... Whfitt about house furnishings. Our stockiscomplete. We am/ready, ,yea anxious for your verdict. �� e think our s1iowii g of Carpets, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Curtains, Blinds and Wall Pa pens is just the best you'll see this season. Coale and tell us what you think of it. You know its nice to look through the new furnishings whether you're ready to buy or not. You are always welcome to study the new styles at the Big (`ash Store. $1.2.s the yard for very swell Wilton L uoleuitas 2 and 4 yards wide direct carpets, in soft green effects. Some- . from the makers to ourselves: that thing very rich. See them. means a► saving to you worth consider- $1.ilii the vtrd for your choice of the ing. a of out great leaders In lace cart.rins. We have others, but these are special. Yon should see them. They are direct from Walker in Nottingham. $$2.35 and..40 the pair fat new up- to-date tapestry curtains, in greens, w We tike pleasure in •aaunouncing that our stock of DryCoods,. D!ot% ng3 ii nee}a, Boots lad Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Wall Papers: rotelTci al l:ilnaisoff` House Furnishings is glow complete at both our Exeii'r ah,t! Jiensall Stores, and never before in our hi-t,wry have we been able to show midi `1 tu,: ,ht;livitutt range of goods as at present, \ ',' :t`'liit your trade and at alt times will be pleased to show von our sock, We are in iki;h:.e, spa l.ii l.it.ti of Fine 131a ck Dress Goods. best of Brussels carpets that we 75 have ever shown. "'Sew blue effects." e, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25 for 'soft grey tones,"deen rich green tints. +'very pretty fawn effects," and "the pasteil shading." Oh 1 they're lovely. :5Oc and 75c the yard for two very tial lines in' tapestry carpets. t blues, Terme, cardinals, fawns, and [rsiInes such as don't often come your pastell shades. They are just as pretty W. as can be and such good value. .n,- 71:14" YOU Peen oar wall papers Fut the y utt for our best extra super There is certainly something the mat - pure wool carpet. This is the tutu/ . ter with thea►s for they are Ding out t1a:aGlooksoat well, to t well, and hangs . in double quieic tune. Perhaps its the QrL to at, color to the very lase, 11 I rice that makes them move so quick. ►honey sRi iii}; ling, We can save Fo good none on tae, SOe, .l l,. and 45e the yard for a i u paper, Quality. value and assort - tine rause of new Union carpets, ' meat that's all. You'll like Them if you see them. t Don't forget oar dress goods, Yoga They're venue. i won't will you? Thes• ere just swell A. STI3WAR. T. lt..;.,s,...tl,.t+.- ::,.;:.::�meI For Marriage Licenses, g• THE MART„ •iiyt' the Best Coods • Snrinu nrinu ....._ 1 Thousands of Dollars' worth of new Spring Goods ready for inspection. Carling Bros. invite Their friends to see their new t importations. This is the mouth to buy staples. We have the best value in the trade, as we sell our Prints, 'White -Colored } Gin;lhams and Flannelettes at old prices. I ++++++++++++++++++++++i-H.I. 4vteleS ot•l+S• � ••« k•e• • ti'^+•'r l•'•r+3.3r '+ All Departments are Crowded With ,,._New Goods This onth. Carpets .Boots and Shoes 15oa yards n:'.t• Carinal; ,jest' (Exeter Store Only.) opened up. We have them in a Ladies' new Oxford. Tie Shoes Wools and Union at 25c. 35,c'; at $1, $1.25 and $1.5o. qoc, goc and 75c. :311 Mena' de- Ladies' pace and buttoned signs and colorings. Boots at $1, $1 25, $r 75 and $2, Also special va'Hies in Tapes -1 Mens new Bals and Congress try and ilrussell's Carpets. Wall Papers 10,000 Rolls of beautiful new Wall Coverings just passed into steep. We have them from 3e. to 40c ;ler roll, and as we pur- chased thein direct from the manufacturers, and have them all marked at close prices, you are sure of getting the best possible values here. Wedding Ritsgts, Watches, Oloelcs, Jcwctr-Y,t Spectacles, Etc ea.LI4 ON R. HICKS 'Watch Repairing a Specialty, entre! is watt the business man owes him- t c r /f! y ; r fshep self. ,...,: Cur .ams Good Nottingham Lace Cur- tains, 234 yds. long, tape bound. Great value, $oc. r1 great variety of Nottingham' Lace a:urtains in new designs, tape bound at 75; $1, $1.25, $1.95, $2.25, $3.25 and $3.75. Groceries +b44,44•l•4• ti -1 •++•l• • +? +i+++l•+1++ . 1•i. 4444+++++++4.14++++++++++++, New Dress Goods, New Prints, New Sh stings, New White Wear, New Ties, New Shirts, NOW Tweeds, New Hats -all in the newest shades and styles. , . WALL PAPER. gat 1 z5, '1 50, til 75 and $2 50, R Misses' and children's Shoes We never had a tenet selection We invitee )-our at lac, sac, 7 ac, $1 and $1: 2;5. speetion. The above lot are a special lino If • you want fair dealing, honest prices and no hum - 'just opened up which we Nought bugging,- go to at a bargain. 3 lbs. best selected Valencia Raisins 25c. Best Paris Whiting, per lb oic, STRATFCRD,IIONT. It is this business policy of ours One of Canada's largest and most which induces us to claim to be successful schools of Business Tru.' •ing. often the cheaipest and con -`.All old -established school and one that sequently always the beet. Fe have in steeleverything in the ti►ticrery Line—newest in Note 1P weer enjoys an excellent reputation for superior work. The present is a splen- did time to enter for a course of train- ing. Prepare now for the situations that will be open next fall. We as- sist many of our students to good positions. The large attendance that A. Complete Lirn.e of our school enjoys is positive proof Jardineres, that our work is highly appreciated. and German Decorated Oar students are our best advertise- Englishcnerits+ They know that our training Vases, is 'first-class acid they are telling others. French China, Write for Spring circular. Lirnoge and Japanese Ware. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. FANCY GOODS OF ALt.. DESCRIP- TIONS. The copy for changes must be left • not later than Tuesday noon. Casual JOHN 0 R 10 d advestisenrents accepted up to noon �'t Wecinesdav, of each. week. EXETER. --- o Herb Trevetbick has returned to r�tsT,-1xa'vc . (Manitoba. _ _ _ Wellington Johns spent a few days. E562,' last week in Jackson, Mich, , Mr. Wes. Huston visited friends in /igen for the Wasrzxx ASSURANCE COX Beanisville aver Sunday. Wavy, of Toronto; also for the Paw= Ems Mrs. John Blatchford and children r:strRaxce Co sraNY, of London, England; are visiting her mother in Lucan. dna zrav,ca Isues ice CORPaNY. of Eng Miss Lillie Anderson, of Centralia, is the guest of Miss Lillie Hill, London. Mrs. H Barnwell visited her mother in St. Marys last week. The aged lady has been very lil. Miss Holmes, daughter of Rev. Holmes, of Brussels, is spending a few days with her aunt,llMrs. (Dr.) Rollins. Wm. Bollen has returned to Clinton Additional locals nn 5th page. J and will take charge cf the L. H. B. Mr. A. Coffin spent part of this tanks at Clinton, Exeter and Denfield week with friends in Detroit. this summer. Mrs. R. H. Collins spent a few days Bruce Dignan left Tuesday morning of this week with Hensen friends. for London where be has accepted a Mr. Hilburn, of Paris, spent the position as shipping clerk with a Easter vacation with Miss.Westaway. wholesale firm. Mrs. R. H. O'Neil, will remain for a Chas. Rowe, who has been ill short visit with her son, Mr. B. S. 0'- for some time,and whose life was des - Neil. paired of, is able to leave his bed daily Mrs. Mawson, of Moray, is visiting and walk about the house. her parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Daun- Plant trees this spring along the cep streets. The cost will be small and the Mrs. Dan 0' Neil, and Mrs. R. H. 0'- trees will add greatly to the appear- ance and value of your property. Miss Maud jeckell. continues very weak as yet, the result of taking an overdose of the wrong medicine, as announced in the Times last week. Mrs. L. Thorne has sold her residence in Los Angeles, Oal., for the sum of $9000, a much lower sum than the building was worth. Mrs. Thorne will visit Exeter this summer. Rev. C. W. Brown spent the Easter holidays with bis father in . Toronto. Rev. G. H. Long, of E ippen, preached in Mr. Brown's pulpit in the morning, while Rev. Walden, of the Elimville. thircuit, preached in the evening. Some of the local census enumera box. ^'t ors are finding that their position is anything but a bed of roses, They are supposed to work only eight hours a. day, but a great many adventures can. he crammed into that time. Ten families a day is considered good work. The directors of the Exeter Union Burial ground would respectively re- quest that any person wishing to con- tribute to the fund for the improve• went of the cemetery, to hand their contribution to the following directors who will give you a receipt for the TO ADVERTISERS. CARLING BROS. 2 lbs re•cicaned Currants, 25c. . We have a beautiful stock of Best Clothes Pins, per doz ohc.ltrinrcned Millinery and are con - Royal Yeast Cakes, per box 3c i stantly adding novelties to our 5 pkgs Corn Starch far 25C. f well assorted stock Our Miss ToBBest canned Peas, Corn and Shaw will be pleased to see you estow 8c, at any time, and you can always Fine uncolored Japan Tea ase. rely* on getting the latest and J i 5 up•to date I Iiiliner} here. 6 lbs good ?runes for 25e 3 Bars good Toilet Soap c>ac. Green Rio Coffee, per lb toe. We have a splendid assort Best Shredded Cocoanut ache, ment of men's new, up-to-date 5 lbs good loose Starch 25c, lhard and soft felt Hats. Dress Goods! . Dress Goods 11 DressGoods11I Our stock of Dress Goods this season is the most complete ever shown in Exeter—every piece imported direct from. the manufacturers in Great Britain and Europe. Cork Screws, l;'runellas, Serges, 1ienriettas, Silk Mixes, Cords, Habit Cloths and Broad. Cloths take the lead, and we have them in all qualities and prices. If you have any n3tio-1 of purchasing a new Dress for Spring, you cannot af- ford to do so without first seeing our stock. Furniture + + Emporium The Economy Store Call and be l,onvinecd that thecabove statement is ear'l'eet, Many bargains still left in FANCY GOODS, also Parlor Sures, Bedroom Sets, Sideboards, Tables, Couches, etc., of the GIiXU Y Stock. Undertaking a Speeiaitl; THURSDAY. APRIL 11Ter, 1001. COOAL 'HAPPENINGS. Neil. of Lucan, were Easter visitors in town. Mr. Alex. McNevin, of Seaforth, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Speare over Sunday. M. S. Schell and wife,of Woodstock, visited his sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Milyard, over the holidays. Mrs. (Dr.) Holloway, of Wingbami,. was a guestthis week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh. Formalin for smut on grain with full directions. Sold by O. Lutz, drug - gig t, Exster, Price 75c a pound. For La Grippe, Influenza and Cold inithe Head, use Dix Cold Cure. For so,a at Lutz's Drug Store. Only 15e. a Exeter Fraternal lodges should huele, hire a band and go to Parkhill -iMhy 24th and win some of the big prizes for good looking fellows. Give them a brusla,itgys. Charles Cart has purchased from Mr. John Herbert the dwelling and property on Sanders street, Exeter, now occupied by Mr. Joseph Sutton, paying therefor $500. St. Thomas Canteen of Oddfeilows will be in Parkhill on May 24th. This drill corps is the best in America, hair- same : Bichard Coates,Arnthony Nevin, ung taken 1st at Rochester last year. Wm, Russell, David Jacques, W. D. Detroit, Port Huron, Brantford, Lon Weekes, R. E. Pickard, Chas. Snell,sr., don, Bay City, wilt try to beat this at Joseph Cobbledick, E. J. Spackman Park Hill, Prize 5150. and C. Lutz. Clothing We carry Shorey's cele- brated make One fea- ture peculiar to this firm's make is,thata written guar antee goes with every arti- cle bearing their name, and your money back if not satisfied after purchas. ing. We carry this firm's goods for the reason that we believe the::r to be the best goads made in Can- ada. Special values in men's Suits at $5 00, 6 5o, 7 5o, 5o, 10 00 and T 2 00— all cut in the latest designs and splendidly finished Men's odd Pants at 1 0o, r 50,1 75, and 2 00. Men's black Overalls with bib at 5oc and 1 oo. Boys' Brownie Overalls at 35c and 50c. Boys' and Youths' Suits at 1 75, 2 00, 3 0o and up. 1 1 15 1316 Sft6!fiLS ...A 5,3... Beverley & Huston, Remember the stand. OPERA HOUSE BLOOM io yards regular 13c Flannelette for 1 00, 17 yards regular Sc Grey Cotton for 1 00. Regular J5c black Cashmere Hose for 25c. Regular 17c German Indigo Prints for 12=4c. Regular 17c Fancy Satecns for 123ic. Men's regular t oo fancy Shirts 50c. Men's reg 6oc Under Shirts and Drawers *lc: Regular 35c Table Linen for 25c. Regular 95c Cotton Blankets per pair for 75c. Reg r 25 Cotton Blankets, large size, per pr. 95. 36 -inch wide American Prints per yard roc. Men's black sateen Shirts worth oo for 75c.=x - Heavy Indigo Blue Shirting, reg 15c for 12. All shades in Near Silk, regular 15c, for roc. boo yards Percaline Linings—all shades—worth 25c, for 15c. 2 4' aekagesfresh Carden Seeds 50.. Shirt Waists Ordered . Whitewear White goods will lead this sea- son. We expect a. large ship- ment of these in a few days. We made arrangements with the manufacturers to leave making up these garments to the latest time possible in order to give us the very latest ideas. Prices will be 75c, 1 00, 1 25, x75, 2 00 Clothing Ladies' Corset Covers, great value at 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c. Ladies' Drawers at 25c, 5os, 75c, r oo and 1 25. We make a specialty of this line and pride ourselves on the manner in which we trim and fin- is/1 all our ordered Suits. See our special Tweed Suit to order for $r2 00. See our special black Worsted Suit to order for $i8 00. • Ladies' Night Gowns at 75c, 1 00, 1 25 and r 50. Ladies' Skirts at 75c, 1 oo, i 25 and 1 5o. We Want 10,000 lbs. of Butter and 30,000 dozen of Eggs to be ,delivered during this month and will pay highest prices for same. We have a limited quantity of the New 1.i., owo Seed yields from 80.to 100 bushels, •er acre Oats -No Smut Pickard Direct importers, 1°®l EW STORE. Dry Goods ... and .. Groceries. Time and tide waiteth for no one. Spring will soon be here, and we are here to wait on everyone. In order to do so to the best advantage to our customers, we have made several changes in our store. Nearly all lines of Spring goods are in now . In staple Dry Goods we stand second to none. See our new Prints ; many have told us they are the prettiest they have seen, and the quality cannot be surpassed. DRESS GOODS This being a. season for black, we are making a specialty of Black Dress Goods. Perhaps our stock is not as large as some but it is well selected, and guaranteed to please you m both quality and style. GENTS' FURNISHINGS This department is complete, Our new Hats and Caps are now in—all the very latest. See our Summer Shirts at 50c, 75c and 95c—the most stylish goods in the trade. SPRING UNDERWEAR and HOSE A complete range in all lines.. READY.1Vli.ADE CLOTHING just receiyed a few specialplines in Men's Ready -Made Suits. See our two eaders at $4,75 and 58.50. Oar Groceries are new and fresh, all up-to-date and the best to be bad. Try our Man of War Tea—mixed and blacs—at 25o and 40c. Highest prices paid for Produce. A call solicited. FIRST STORE re01RTH Fs. O. Ed. Christie, Jr., spent Good Friday in London. •- Arthur Kemp, of Owe'u Sound, was home for the Easter vacation. Miss Ella Howard, last week attend- ed the wedding of Miss McTavish,' of ' erden. Harry Chesney, of. Seaforth, was : a visitor in town this week renewing he quaintenets. Mrs, Jewell, of Bowmariville,awho has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Nelson Cobhledick, returned home on Tuesday. Messrs. 13awdeu & McDonell, on Saturday disposed of a two-year-old Shire stallion, "Bank of 'Wales," to D. Drury,of Chatham a'finooking animafor1 $l and w700. He is ill make a large horse. His bone is flat and clean and his action perfect. The farmers of Chatham are to be complimented upon having secured so fine an animal. W. D. YEO. Will Eawkshate spent Good Friday in St. Marys. Monday being a bank holiday, the local banks were closed. W. J. Neaman spent Sunday and. Monday at his home in London. Oapt. Geo. Kemp, owing to illness, has resigned his position as bell-ringer., and Jas. Deni is has been a orated un his stead. PP Muss Adelaide Jeckell, a former tea- cher in our public school has been en- gaged as teachsr near Oxbow N: W. T., and left list week to take the posi- tion. Next Sunday Rev. R. Milyardwill preach twd special sermons in Main et. church. In the morninghe- will liver -the fourth of a seris of sermons on "The seven churches of Asia," tak- ing the theme of "Thyatira." In the evening the subject will be "Diminu- tive quartette.",