Exeter Times, 1901-4-11, Page 7IFN BING Eli 31 11 REB[i ZOLA, itEGA,INS RANK. " aNkuNs mill FRENcH ohz;:rrotL‘0,1:oneley,.idof • • Bestoration of His Cross Is Line to et cent Amnesty Decree. Zoaji •Heed Of Another Serihne Revolt 'beFenarritto4reld..iito9h.i-s raEnillkilOef the Legion of Honor, of which h Which Alarrris China. was deprived, at the time a: his sen - a s: e.. " 6 "/ f.1 i eroud to be associate(' eg So elo' tie with a regimentwhic , has ab ...y served under my cone-. " Distinguish Themselves by a wand, and which rendered eo excel,. of lent an account of tself in Solith M. VVild Buffalo -Bill Attenle. - : dea.A" CANADIAN YETERINABIA( the R. C. A. In tenee in connection with, his chain pionship of Captain. )reyus a sell, "'With a Well -Drilled and Weil -Armed tenh" , itinay be remembered, pacalree of 11,000 Troops Re Threat- compelled hire to seek refuge in Eng,' elm to Overthrow the Exist1ng Dy.. land to escape inaprisonneent. Ilis restoration to the Legion .0t nastY-141. Rung Chang Thinke It Is a Honor is consequent 'upon the de.- Isinfr-Unoftlelal chinamen Deplore cree of pninesty passed, by the Legis- trettineeiiaess or Movement. lataire reeentlY, and he has just re- ceived from, the council of the order Pekin, April rumors which official notice of the restoration, Of lave been, eurrent during the past his cross, days a the outbreak of a rebel- The ex -Prisoner of Devil's Island headed by Gen. 'rung Fu Siaa had quarreled so bitterly with Col, Pacquert, who sacrificed his brilliant ormerly commander of the North, 2)4iii-to,, career to champion his •arrilY.), in the Province of Mon- causand with Maitre Laboreewho golia., and Shen Si, have been. abso- so eloquently defended him at tee lautely authenticated. court-martial cif Rennes, being ehot Li /clung Chang and Prince Ching for his pains, that they are no lopg fave received information on tiSc er on speaking terms with him. leject, which, though indefinite, steel Corporation Takes Issue. ;till proves that the court is still Chicago, April 9. -The Post yester- .S6rious1y alarmed. day says: For the first time ihU. Gen Tung Fu Sian, according t -° S. Steel Corporation has indica.teel Pit accounts,. was about 150 miles. its position in the Inarine engineerS' rom the court with 11,000 regular strike yesterday by a, elear-cut intie °°Ps'aU stIPP°sed to be dev°te,C1 ;to the Ma.rine Engiiiteera"- Aline. The euurt has allout tue. Itenevoleut Aseociation thet it weld -a-1130 fillillber of soldiers at. Sian Ftli• notconstder auy demands upon th AAA it is probable that tbe troops of Part of the Engineers' Union, ilia Tung Fa Sian are better drilled mid it 'better armed, s boats be taken out of the leek Carriers' Association. If the eme • The Charge Proved TOQ Draeb. Poi* th Beer Farmers -Gen, P1.012011 Rae complished Valuable Results -Barth ers Bare Gen, Botha an IQ tirnatan!,--af Lkoes Not Aecep Kitchener's Terms They NTill Durban, Natal, April 7.-Detaila which are arriving here a Genera Freneh's successful operetta= in the Eastern Transvaal show that M. one e gagereent the Canachars charged, a Boer position in Buffalo Bill style., firing as they galloped along. The 13oers were in a position where the' could not have been, flanked and where it wa$ alMost imPossible to dislodge them, but by the forward charge of the Canadians they were forced to yield. Scores of Boers with their lam- ilies have surrendered at Mehnoth, Zululand and others ere following ; their example at different places. 1 The people coming in say they have f never heard of the British prods -me- t tions in respect to those who surrene a vier,. and, turthernaore, that they 0 ba.ve been niisled in regard to the t e • will De Sent to F.ngland te respect Cat- • tic, For shipment to S - Washington, ',Apra 8. --As a result - of negotiations between Secretary ot t Agriculture Wilson and the Canadian Minister a Agrietualture, an agree- ment has been reached between the two Administrations, by which Can- ada is to have a iirst-elass ereterina,r- ian stationed in England to test for tuberculosis all. Dritih scattle shipped to this country via Canada, without teste at the border by American ex- perts. The Department at liTashing- ton would not agree to this. Secre- tary Wilson said, however, that if Canada would send to England an agent who 011Ould have sufneient pert knowledge of tile SUblect, the United States would admit cattle upon his certineate 'Utast the coati° had been testea and fouud free cif tuberculosis. This was agree(' to by the Canadian Minister. Wliat Li Thinks. ployes of the Steel Corporatioe de- . It is believed that the efongolien sire to take up any grievances they tpbellion was brought eleout through wolild be respectfully received and agents of Prince Tuan and Gen. the grievanees taken. under considera: ; lrung re aim era /lung, meals. tion. The right of ter he Enginee , hiplcs there are about 5,000 regular Union to say whether the boats he - feeope in Mongolia, aud inclines to longing to the steel trust ehould he 1 0 belief that they have not joined enrolled in the Lake Carriers' Aksele the rebellion. He does not think dation or not, was flatly disclaimed ' ,out is in any dauger, and inks the object of Prince Tuan What Caused the Prop. to was last reported at Wing Hsu Syracuse, N. Y. April 2. - Tfte ith 10,000 men. prepared to resist State engineers who have been heves- 4r:est, having been tlisgriceti and tigating the Jaraes Street Canal 4411e4 by Imperial edict), and Gen. bridge disaster in this city Satire Tung Fu Slat, is to create a divere day evening, have about come to the on of interest in order to force un- conclusion that the accident WAS Onditional protection of themselves. mused by blowholes in the iron a Itaw, to nee Forel:meta the ceatre truss. Some furtber in- Vuoflielai vestigation. will be made before ft. Chluamen of intelligence formal report is rendered. Work on tegetel the rising as most unfortun- n. temportuy structure for the traffic 'fete at the present time to the inter 01 of China, and as possibly mean-, of the street will commence this limning. Of the 4.0 victims of the g the use of foreign troops to pro-, accident all but three are out of den - et even the court, itself. The Ministers of the powers do not ger, b.ink that tieY Present interference is ely. If the cevriasty should be The Danger Is Passed. Doer position. ine Treason Court. Cepe Town, April 7. -Bands ,of leoer invaders are still roviug about the Cradoek district of Cape Coloey. A suggestion has been Ilinde that a. speeial police force be raised for the purpose of attempting to capture or drive oat the Boers. Several bands have cencentratecl Spitzkop. It is believed that Commundauts Kritzenger and Scheepers ara enelea- i voring to combine their forces in the Murraysburg district, The Treason Ceurt, which is to meet at 13arldy Vest, will have te hear the cases of 104 alleged robot% e !wave, it would, to 11. certain St. john, N. 13., April 9. -The tent, delay the peace negotiations, danger from washeouts is over, but t they consider that a regime, not at Fredericton a. serious state of ound by traditions like those of Defilers exists. The, ice has started in he present court, would probably the river, and it went yesterday at e znuch easier to deal with even- the rate of seven miles an hour, eually. smashing the railroad bridge so bad - is .elbout Bankrupt. ly that the trains cannot cross. Sev- eral warehouses on the river front ; .Pekin, April 8. -According to ex- were also Carried away. Trains on 6et opinion. China would be able to the short lino can only run to St. ay from twenty to thirty million George, on account of tha wash -outs. ouncls sterling without crippling her „financial resources, while the run- " wits which the powers at present ' f eXiiand aggregate from eighty million Burlington, Vt., April 9. -Vermont oUnds to one hundred million .. a.s yet no serioue damage has been streams are tilled to their banks, but ounds, ' done. The only thing which preVents an overflow is the fact that the con- . BLOW TO RUSSIA. tiaued rain in the lowlands turned i to snow on higher hills and m.ount- - itandon Times sate the Setback Xs .611 eine) and unless the weather becomes . lee eroro Severe Because Japan warmer so that the immense botly of nee Most to siva snow melts rapidly, there is little danger, as the snow in the valleys London, April 9. -In a despatch to has all disappeared. , he Tilitee from Pekin, dated Se.tur- . ay, Dr. Morrison comments upon Sir G. X. Smith Dead. .. • blow to Russian prestige in Chi- a resulting from the check to Rus- London, April O. -The death of Sir George Murray Smith, the well- • ambitions regarding erete_ ,ehuria. 'This blow is all the more known. English publisher, was an- 4evere," , he says, ;because Japan, nounced here yesterday. Sir George evhom the Russians have affected to waS a member of the firm of Smith, Elder & Company, and published ereat with the utmost contempt, has had the largest share in dealing it. sonic of the first. editions of the works of William. Makepeace Thack- e'There is little doubt that Russia eray. He founded The Cornhill Maga- ;will renew the struggle in some Jeleape. It is a remarkable outburst zine in 1860. 1:if public feeling which has thus en- • 4,bleci China. to withstand Russia. Pictures Bring High Prices. ltell the appeals against the colleen- London, April 9. -In spite of the rtion concerning efa,nchuria, were ad- aspiring income tax, pictures appear, tessed to the Emperor. It is, there- to be selling well. It is reported re, difficult to believe that theE that Mortimer Mempes got £4,000 /zees Dowager has not been affected for his little sketches. _Another ar- e?3, the defeat of the policy of whicn tist has just parted with four p10- by henclunan, Li Hung • Chang, has tures for A1,800, a Bond street deal - burned. . er being the purchaser. • "aSe Emperor has stunraoned the .resident of the Board of Revetwe It Was a Norwegian Brig. ifrom Pekin to.prepare for the renewal Z[alifa,x,. April 9. -The vessel which eaf the. court. Probably this only was *wrecked at Point Aconi on Sat- icabans a removal to Kai Fong Fu, urday is the Norwegian brig Cur - in the Province of Hormel, which lew, from Liverpool for Sydney. The *mild bring the court into closer Curlew was out 15 days, and had a „bontact with the Yangtse viceroys. cargo of 5,620 bags of salt, valued at $2,500. The vessel is fast going Ontario's Librarians Meet. • to pieces. 'Vermont Streams Are 'Toronto, April 9. -At the Normal ;School yesterday afternoon about two dozen delegates assembled to organize a new, educational society, ' The • Ontario Library Association. ,Various corninittees were otp‘inted 14 -, re carry on• the preliminney business I. f the association. Then a constitu- , ion was drawn up. A. nureber of papers were read.' The aim of the society is 10 pro- mote the welfare cif i he libraries by, estimulating public interest in found- ing and improving- them, end in • se- Cpring legislation which will give im- .. proved results in library work. The Russell at ,Ottawa Ottawa, April 0, 2 a. ni,The Rose resell Theatre, generally admitted to • be amongst the most beautiful build- ings of. the kind in 'Canada; ha S been 'burning far, half an hour and is cer- tain to he a total loss. The Ruse trouse, immediately adjoining the 111c -etre, is in .imminent -cabs to other hotels. Workman Crushed to Death. • • Plattsburg, April 9. -Henry •Gon- yea, an employe of the dhateughay Ore and Iron Company, was almost instantly killed yesterday by being crushed between an ore car and the separator ,now building near here. Gonyea was a widower, aged GO yeare. Nephew of rt. L. Richardson Dead. Winnipeg, April 9. -Stewart Rich- ardson, a young man, aged 22, ne- • phew of R. L. Richardson, died here last night of typhoid after a linger- ing illness. The body will be taken • east by Mr. Richardson, for in- terment at Perth. " The relinlatleo or Wieeleec; • Winnipeg, April 9. -The elssessment ' Commissioner estimates the popula- tion of Winnipeg at 0,776. John Schofield pleaaecl guilty to a charge of bigamy, and was sentence to two years. Th guests re ha.stily removing in Another Combine Mooted. `Pittsburg, April 9..LA confer- , , bri,ce was held here yesterday by the ineeecnden ,furliace' operators for the liT of foi-ming a combine of all ts with a capitalization of CO. it is • Said the ecimbine sily 'threugh in a ilr,v Dr Cave I's Ill• Toronto, April 9. -.-There was not much change yesterday in the Con- dition 'of Rev.,,, Principal Caven of Knox College, who is seriously ill at his home in Spadina road. e Serious Fire in England. London, Aptil 9. -Fire' destroyed 25 houses in Hampshire this morn• . Lug, rendering 150 persons hoLno..ess. Tg rrAiris or 41.7mtAls=v3r, fluebee neeple Jiro the devernment Pier the nettIetteld. Quebec, April 7.-A. very irdluential deeutatien waited on Premier Pat- ent at the City Hall on Saturday, °afternoon. on the subject of tba Plaine of Abraham, and, after aa.ve iug discussed the conditions of the promise of mile of this historical property by the Ursuline Nuns to eta Government, they adopted a serie,s of strong resolutions, in which they declare that the citizens of Quebee are net satisfied with Hon, R. R. Dobell's attitude in the matter* that the price of s80,000 -represents only half of the real value of the property. They congaateda,ted the Ursulinea on the true spirit of pa- riotism that they are tuanif t _ Le II -latter, gill they cenclued5ecilne ran,"rum.Tuax een't etowera. preying the Federal authorities is a.ccept and sign the deed of sale. General reeneiee etareit teem Pre- •luctire of IteSults. • Pretoria, April 7. -The results of Gen. French's march are everywhere evident along the border line be- tween the Transvaal and Natal. Many Boers who escaped Gen. French's dragnet are now surrender- ing voluntarily, and it is said that all of there aro in a, bad plight, even • in their own bailiwicks. A rumor is in circulation here that the buegliers have given Cora- meaider-inechief Botha until April to accept Gen. Kitchener's terms of sun. render, and that if lib does not ac- cept on that date they will leave the commandoes and come in them- selves. A general surrender of the Boers is not expected here, however, until the northern mountainous districts of the Transvaal have been subdued. Dralts of the Constabulary ene caanped at Elandsfontein are being drilled daily. The garrison of Vlantfontein, com- posed of the Essexes and the Dublin Fusiliers, are in touch. daily with the Boers, who are attempting to cross the /ine. The commando of Lucas Meyer, which is made up of men from the Heidelberg district, is in the neigh- borhood of Verrunelsberg, on the Klip River. This conunando is care- ful, however, to avoid the camps of the Ilritieh and to loot unprotected places. A British column, which is marching on Harrisinith, will at, - tempt to break up Meyer's force. NEWS PROM Ki.ToliENER. Volunteer Companies Believed - Boers will right to Bitter End. London, April 8. -Lord Kitchener has informed the War Office that 18 volunteer companies, freed by reliefs, are coming home, and that aerange- ments are in progress for the speedy relief of further us appears to be endeavoring to meet the demand that fresh troops be sent to the front to replace the stale men. The Pretoria correspondent of The Morning Post, who warns his coun- trymen against hoping for an early termination of hostilities or believ- ing the stories that the Boers are tired of the tear, says: "It becomes daily more evident that the Boers intend to fight to a finish. Many are surrendering, but they are men of no standing. The real fighting men' are still in cprn- mand, and, although the recent suc- cessful British operations tend to bring the end nearer, it is evident that the I3oers must be completely crushed before a general surrender is probable." It is reported from Brussels that Jetting President Schalklanwer has removed the seat of, Government to Leydeselorp. According to a despatch to The Daily Mail from Hilversum, Mr. Kruger, who has just arrived there, has expressed an intention to go to the United States in June and to visit Washington, Chicago and Dos - "It is definitely ascertained," says a -despatch to The Times from Kroon- stad, dated Saturday, "thatGen. Dewet and Gen. 13otha mei at Vrede." Kruger in Retreat. Utrecht, April 8. -Mr, Kruger has started for Hilversum, 15 miles from, Amsterdam, where he will stay for some time. The burgomaster of Ut- recht and a big crowd bade him fare- well at the railroad station. • Ten Fresh Cases of Phtg,ne. Cape Town, April. 7. -During the last 48 hours, ten fresh cases of bu- bonic plague have, been officially re- ported. Of these, four are Europenas and the others colored persons. The corpse of a colored person who had died of the disease, was found to - Praise From Lord Roberts. Quebec, April 8. -Field Marshal Lord Roberts has accepteizi the hen- , maw) snvEngo 1fl xna cAn% Ed. Muchmore of Gananonue Fon Antler the Al heels. Brockville. Ont., April S. -Thee Weal a fatal accident at the station here Saturday afternoon, the victim of which was a young Gana - rogue luau, mailed Ed. Muchmore, Ire had been. working in the Canada Carriage Works here for a shore time, and was about to take the 5 o'clock train for Ge.nanoque to spend Easter with, his wife, who still lives at that place. Ile had procured his ticket, and was waiting about the platform. for the time of departure. When the train started he was some (listens° away, and raade a rush to got on board. He Caught, hold of the car platform, but lost his hold of it, and in a, raozuent was under wheels, which passed over his neck, severing the head from the body. He was 30 years of age. TROLLET PELL INTO CANAL. Through a Bridge Ilreaking-Porty Per- sons Wore Injured. Syracuse, N. Y., April 8. -While car on the old East Side suburban, line of the Syracuse Rapid Traneit Company was crossing James street bridge, over the Oswego Camel in, the heaet of the city late Saturday afternoon, the bridge suddenly gave way, dropping the car and its 50 passengers to the canal bed 30 feet below. Several persons who were crossing the bridge at the time, went down with the ear, while a horse and loaded wagon piled on top of the heap. About 40 persons were injured. It is not believed that any deaths will result. The Pacific Cable. Vancouver, R. C., April 8.- The R. M. S. Miowera, eaded for Austra- lia on. Friday, Amongst her passen- gers were W. R. Peake, of the firm. of • Clark, Torder & Taylor, the firm re- sponsible •for the schf.ltion route and landing pla,ces of the Pa- cific cable. Mr. Peake stated that' - had selected the landing Place for the cable on the west coast of Vancouver Island, and was neve en route for Brisbane, Queensland, to se- lect a landing place there, afterwards proceeding to Sydney, N. S. W., to join the steamship Britannia, which had been sent out to aid him in se- lecting suitable landing places, raid in the survey of the route from Queensland to New Zealand. The Monk's Own Turn Came suddeniy. London, April 8. -Father Souffle'', a monk of the Sacred Heart of Mont- martre, preaching in the cathedral at Nantes, on. death and eternity, con. - eluded by remarking that eke had preached Lenten sermons for the last 20 years in. many places, and notic- • ed ahnost invariably that within a week of his preaching someone am- • ong his hearers was called to his ac- count.. He rested a few moments af- ter the sermon, and then, approach- ing the chancel, fell on the flhg- stance, dead. Frenth Pelg Wrecked, Halifax, N•S., April 8. -An un- knovin French brig, painted white and coppered high up, went ashore near Point Aconi, C. D., during the gale Saturday morning and becange a total wreck. Four of the crew left her in a boat soon after she struck, and, after great hardships, owing to • the heavy gulf ice, managed to reach shore alive. The remainder of the crew, who remained on board, doubt- less perished. "doe" bowney .Gets the Call. • , Guelph, Ont., April, 8. --At the con- vention Of, South Wellington .Liberale Conservatives, held here Saturday afternoon S. P. Downey, editor " of The Herald, received a majority of the votes as caaclida.te for the On- tario Legislature. • The choice we,e then made unanimous.. 'Over 140 delegates were in attendance, and the entimsiasm reached a high r.)oint , Ottawa Letter • Ottawa, April Gth. The House rose for Easter recess on Wednesday, and certainly more than half the Session. is gone but nothing has been done, This Session will rank first among do-nOthing sessions. atalee leenoun. The Alien Labour Act ot 1397 has been on the whole a dead letter and the AmendIng Act which WAS corn- tuittee on Tuesday shows why the act bas been a dead letter. The Govern- ment did not put it in force. It could not be put in operation except by the Minister of Justice. Now it is propos- ed that the Attorney -General of the Province may give anybody his con- sent to action being taken or that the consent of a judge of th'e Court in which it is proposed to proceed enable any person to sue, the penalty to be not more than one thousand dot - Jars and not less tha,n, fifty dollats. It is perfectly clear that this amendment will not much improve the Act, be- cause in most parts of the Dominion only the &meteor Cknirt$ have jorie-` diction over matters invavipg a thous- and dollars, and private individuals will be afraid to incarheavy costs.. The Government was urged to make it t clear that a .prosecutor could take: action in au Inferior court, but they would not do this, preferring to leave it doubtful •and thus play into the hande of those they have catered to for the last three years. UVAICOgle RESOLUTION. On `the 7th of Iast month when a tespectiog the clause in the eon - tract with the P. R. providing for twenty years exemption from taxation , svas before the House. Sir WilfriC Laurier and Mr. Snort declared in the I strongest terms that it was their policy to get the (Tinton of the courts on the question, But the North-West Wm - rhea running their elections had positively stated that the exemption shonlel cease on the 15th of February last, that being twenty yeere from the date of the contract, Still when a bill was before the House affirming some. • thing like this they voted against it. In Order to let them. out they put up T.O. Davis, member for Saskatchewan, to move a resolution that the govern- ment should take steps to obtain the opinion of the Supreme Court as to the interpretation a the clause. The utter absurdit,y of this may be gathered from this, that there is already a sta- tute providing that in any case of the kind the Government can get the opinion of the Supreme Court, and that the Premier awl Mr. Sift on had. stated the policy of the Government a month ago. However, the farce was acted. on Tuesday, and the resolution passed. This resolution was an amendment to the motion of the Finance Minister to go into Committee of Supply. Tin Finance 'Minister's motion was there 11 yoa ever contracted any Blood Disease Yea ere never saftutdess tbevis poison.haeinert etadtnated front the system.. At thatea you see alarming symettottie, nutEve in aopee no serioee results wt./teepee-2 teave yen arty of tee tottotteog prepares? Sore throat, ulcers on the tongue or za the mouth, hair ant, ach- ingpatos itchiness of the skin, sores or blotches ort the body, eyes red and smart, dyspeptic stomach, sextral wealtnes&-indications of the secondary stage. Don't trust to iuek. Doa't rain your eystem with the old fog7 treatment-ntercury aud Potash -which only suppre.sses the symptoms for a tune only to break out agani when happy in domestic life. Don't let quacks experimeat en Toil, Our NEW NIETEOD TREATMENT lagearartteed, to cure yoa. Our guarantees nee backed by beak bonds tent tee disease V111 never return. Thensatuis ef patiente have been already cured by our NBW ,MBTll013 TRATMEN."1, for overZiyears, and no return of the disease. experiment, no ;tel -not a "patch, up," beta poi. eve care. The worst cases soncitea, ERV irsvv, M AO otar:- Firm sawrilon TREATMENT will cure roe, ar-e melte Iran of yea, lender its influence. the larale heaornes actilre• the blae,-4 sitariend setilat all pimples, bletclies one ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so ' st nervousness bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eves become bright, tlie face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, pitysical and sem, nal systems are invigorated; all drales cease -no more vital WaSte Ire= the system, Tee various orealie become natural and manly. You feel yourself 5.444 and know anaalage cannot be a faeure. vrq /revue all tee afaicted ccusultns cortgdeatl7 and free. of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob yog of year bard -earned dollars. WE WILE, PURE YOU OR NO PAY. Wo treat aild cure eienvotis DE131LITY, SEXIIALWZEIENESS,, SIGNS, SYPRII,IS, GriEET, STRICTINgE, VA itICOCBLE,XFONk.? and LADDER DIS44S4S, end all elleeasees paeulter 14teee auel wora'-',42•CAresazar4x, I Are you atectiese 1 -lave wittiest. hope? Are you conteeneetteg 11 rI 14 11-111 marriage? Ras your bleed been diseased? Have yea any weak- „sa. Our New Method 'Treatment will ezireTon. Cieteultatiee r PIO matter eteo rias treated YOti, write for an honest opinion Pree of Ckaree. barges reasenalate. Books freo.--v-w._ he Golden Monitor" lilinstratedl on Diseases of ea .*Diseases of Wolnea" "TkeWxges ee 49raxicocele• Strict= and delete' All seat Free sealed. NO medicine sent C., 0, D, ;lamas an boxes, or envekees. Everything Centkiential. ceQ5Iiort Ust and Cot of Treettrieni FREE ter Homo Ce. ADM EBY& KERGAN 14 HELBY DETROIT • 'It it' ft : eat parts of Canada, shoal, there. fore, ho much indebted to you yVir. W00.1 'Write me briefly upon the fob lowingpoints;_ 1. Jrceirtoot;oungromalkymogf roughage ra. xvill always have a warm regard for ,u ttton er. cows in win- your invaluable medicine.' Do not experiment with Oilier s ,a 2. Kind and gnantity of grain fed "Ilea to2lice -von are apt to 110 it iv ; Nyifintiver, ruylking cows in (a) summer, (b) waste 01 om'reY` "" Yon'' be3" aolse thaa before. You will ecot be expert - 3. Quantity of milk yielding per cow " Illebtillg when von hee yearly. Pink Tit.ey have proved their , 4. Da you trie pare -bred bulls P What volui' the wolld 41" Ft'n ten eelY breed ? upon it that wbat they blve done for ; 5. What use do you make of by pro- !it -Aims timS, for Yell,. If eent dnets ( whey. etc.), if you have any E('_,,031pet, get tue gontune Pals men Yede dal -eV; youuld tes et adrue to during 311071 °I an tosn3lairaPi el! ue'ler "rid Ilir"t th° Pr. Will4tW Med/eine Brockville. Ont, and tion with dairymen in different parts they maned Oust PAM. zit 5Et porenCs,aenaudvatilatindhettsabseptgg Tblatettonnel4y, fe4N; vents a 14:911: or 6aS;111"1;42'°251` weighing the milk. We would turn- , ish you with blanks •eitch month for keeping the records. It Canadian so el etr. dairymen are to raise the average ; The avenue avas extremely gay yea' yiela of their herds and ma,ke a profit foam, henet be hy first finding ont what I libel aaw lnot paying her keen and met in front of the Ash de Cash elub iming ,0•000, aeoet for the &arr. and spoke. Mrs. Watiburner wore pearl „ ! man, either the cow is no gooa or the gray. 11 dairymen is not reeding her properly. ; Miss de Munn and Miss Beryl (I; _you are really interested in the Munn were visiting the commercial dairy business and care to go into a agencies, inquiring as to the debts of co•operative test, tee mentioned above, hie 1 ebeuld he *need to send grace the Duke of Chesplaster. You ful Tho Misses de Munn wore all thelr titer nartienktrs re the sante. In any diamona. rase, 1 should like to hear front yon in . the aforementioned points. ,Yours i Mrs. Ltwelace'Lm. lace "cleis.° very .trnly. dog. Both were In half mourning J. H. GRISDALE, Agriculturist. Mr. Lovelace-Lovelace.-Detrolt Jour - The replies elicited by this letter were nal. of such a character as to indicate the advisability of making the matter !. more public. With such an end in • view the foregoing is given for public- atIktmis hoped that many of our dairy ' farmers may see the import:in ee arid necessity of keeping suCh recores are euggested, end that they may think it aavisable to join in this co-op- erative dairy herd record or test. • Any farmer interested may obtain 11111 particnlars by addressing "The Agricul turist, Experimental Farm , Ot- tawa." All letters so addressed are cerried post free. cr been, with a good healthv color good appetite and entire freedom. row the had uvula ate 0 MiSel able, on may be sure that 1 Mr. and Mrs. Corydon Watlimrner r ual cows are doing. If , ore negatived -the Gevernmene beat- en by a. motion they put up oue of thole friends to moye and all to play out a piece of humeorne degrading to Parliament, most discreditable to the Goverment, and insulting to the in telligence of the people. A STATES3141.NLIKE SUGGESTION. The same subject of the O. P. IL ex- emption was before the House aftet dinner of the same day when Mr. elaclean brought forward his motion to proylde that the twenty years' ex- emption should begin when the money subsidy wits paid, which roughly speaking, would have been in 85. This inotien was on the notice paper ahead of Davis' but the Government got the acting speaker of the House to impro- perly give DaVia precedence. Mr. Maclean of course only brought for- ward his motion for the purpose of dis- cussion because it would be alisinel to pass such a motion after the House bad decided that the Government must get the opinion of the Courts: Afr. I3orden, the leader of the Opposition, inade suggestion which was the only states- manlike thing about the whole pro- ceeding that what the Government professed to wish to do could be done nt once and thus relieve tbe blethers of the North-West as they professed to wish to relieve them. All the Govern- ment had to do was to bring in a Bill aud pass it in that Parliament, declar- ing that tbe exemption from taxation should cease on certain day and by . the same act provide for compensation . to the O. P. R., in case it should turn out that the Courts decide on a later period. The Governeuent would not accept the suggestion of the Leader of the Opposition, which was the only fruitful utterance in the whole discus- sion. A.ORICULTETRAL IMPLEMENT MEN'. "Yes, Mr. Speaker, those agricul- tural implement makers were friendly to the 'Government and they have been rewarded for their friendship." These words of Mr. Brock in the Budget de- bate should be pondered by every far- mer, STRIRF AT • VALLEYFIELD, On motion of Mr. Monk -the strike at Valleyfield and its incidentals came •ID for discussion. The •statements of r. Monk and his assurance that he would produce afada,vits, could leave no doubt that Mr. King„ the Deputy Minister of the Department of Labour, has been guilty of offensive partisan- ship, and that the riots will& occurred had been motived by Mr, Tarte and his friends. Mr. Tarte standing up and diverting attention from the rdal point furnished a good example of political THE KINGDOM OF THE COW ----- The attention of Canadian fat•rners itilefested in the development of Can- ada's greatest industrial' faeter, the dairy herd, is drawn to the following letter, recently sent out to a few feign- ers in each province of the Dominion : Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Dear Sir,--Yobr name has been handed to me as tho t Of a farmer who is particularly interested in the pro- duction of •milk, If 'is a well known fact that the great majority of dairy herds, if we may jedge by cash returns alone, are losing investments. It is, however, certain that this need not be the case if sufficent care and intellig- ence are exercised in selecting and feeding the cows intended for milk producers. So, in order to. work n lore effectively toward improvem en t . . along this line, 1 am deeirous of seem,- eee tear, .11fOritin. •Is to tes 1. ds of feedi followed i di r ngn cll.- her Tim Spring Feeling. NOT EXACTLYSICK-BUT NEITH- ER ARE YOU WELL, Close Oonfinernent Daring, the Winter Months Has Left You Weak, Easily Depressed and "Out, ofSorts." The words weak and depressed expresses the condition of thousaude of people in the spring time. It is one of nature's signs that humanity can- not undergo months of indoor life in badly ventilated buildings with im- punity. Sometimes yoa have a head- ache ; slight exercise fatigues you ; yoer appetite is variable; you are easily entated or depressed; perha.ps there are pimples or slight eruptions t'latiti- dicate theblood needseettention. What ever the symptoms may be it should he seen to at once,else you will fall an easy prey to graver disease. Do not ase a purgative in the hope that it will put you right. Any doctor will tell you that purgatives weaken, that they impair the action of the liver and cre- ate chronic cbristipation. A tonic is what is needed to help nature ,C.ght your battle for health, and there is only one el ways reliable. never-fathug tonic, and that is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills have no red blood, action. They make rieb, strengthen the tired. and laden nerves, and melee weak, depressed'," easily tired people, whether old or young, bright, active and strong. Among those who have provei the 'health- hringieff qualities of Dr. • Williams' Pink Pills is Miss Emilia Ohoput,* of Lake Talon, Ont. who says: can- not thank you. enotigh for the good I have derived through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills. hendstly b. lieee'that but for them I would now be in my grave. My health was com- pletely broken down. My face m white as chalk, and if I tua.de the least effort to do a.ny house work I would almost faint from the exertion, and my heart would beat violently so that I feared I would drop where I stood. was a great sufferer from headaches and dizziness as well, and my appetite was so poor that I could scarcely eat at all I tried several .medicines, hut they did not help me, and then. I de- cided to send for some of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill.. got, six boxes and before I esed them all T was as well as 1 - Embarrassing. Nearsighted Conductor -TW -6? -Neve York Evening Journal. Explanation,. "I hopes you'll 'sense me foh axini any question dat soun's said! Miss Migiul Brown, "but 1 would to know -what makes you walk so o' loose in de j'in.ts?' "It's my musical disposition," was the reply. "Dey runs de bands -so close together in a puheession dat yen% 'ble to be listenin to a quickstep an slowstep bof to once, an. tryin to keep step to sem simultaneous kind o' results In makin your ankles limber." -Wash- ington Star. ,4141.":•.:$01} • If you have neuralgia, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil wiU teed nerve that is cry- ing for ,food -it is hungry - and set your whole bocly going - again, in a way to satisfy nerve and brain from your usual food, That -is cure. .14 lf you are nervous and irri- table, you .may only need more fat t.o 'cushion your -np;I:ves-- you" aie probably thin -and Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will give you the fat, to be- gin with. • • Cure, so 'fa,r as it goes. Full cure is getting the fat, you need from usual food, a..n Scott's Emulsion -will help yo to that. if ,'ou have not tried it, send for free sample, Its agireahle taste will surprise yol. ' SCOTT & BOWZM, Chemist.% Toronto.