Exeter Times, 1901-4-11, Page 5rt
, Robert Stelcb, of Hills Green, cornea
HURON mogiE8{1 PERTH sergoeodi hisonlatiye,sThos i as teacher in Zuricad Rugh .11
fill tile News ot interest to
Times Readers flap Rollin
in tileSe GOURtieS
Theideath of E. Etna's eldest son, of
Drysdale, took place on Friday last,
Dan McGillicuddy. a the Goclerich
ta'fa,, has been very ill with pneumonia.
Mr. John Clark, an old resident of
Mprris towpship, is dead at the age
0038 year.
County Clerk Lane,. of Goderich,
figures up 'Huron's population by the
various assessment returns to he 30,-
While cutting straw for P. Lamont,
at Volland's farm, near Zurich, young
Hildebrand had a narrow escape from
serious injury to his foot.
Miss Nellie Stewart, of the 3r1 con,
eession a Tuckersmith, has returned
from Longnaount, Colorado, where she
' has been spending the winter.
Mr. John H. McDougall, one of Sea,
fortlfs oldest and most respected re-
sidentss will in a few days remove
with his family to Dakota. where he
has two sons.
The wedding took place at Willis
•church, manse Clintolep 94 Wednesday,
by Rev Mr. Stewart, a join' Dunlvi
Goderiele township, and As Annie
Hosk, Rullett.
Last Saturday, Mr. Robertliuker, of
Centralia, attained the ripe age of St
year. Re and Mrs: Dorothy Hand.
ford, now visiting in Mitchell, were
born on the same day.
James Churchillt V, S., formerly of
qederich township, and now a Be.
was married an the 20th of
trcli tody a laAs= North Carolina,
Atoosejaw, N. W. T.
There died, near Constance, on Wed.
nesdey, April 3r6, an old resident of
Rullett, in the person of 0. T. Dale at
the age of 62 years. Mr. Dale was
widely known and universally respect.
A very had accident happened to X.
Rau, of Drysdale, recently, He went
to cut a sliver oft a, leaning tree, when
it flew back and stuck him on the up.
Pee lin, cutting it severely, hitt Joe i
mending fast.
A very pretty wedding took place at
the residence of the bride's father,
Isaac Erratte Stanley, on tWednesthey
hist, when his daughter, Miss 31inme,
Was united in tbe bonds of matrimony
Jo Robert Mcelinchey, both of the
'Goshen line,
On March 23 Mrs James Smillie, of
Grey paseed away, leaving a family of
live dituglitere and three sons. .rler
husband also survivee, The deceased
WM; a native of Ayrshire, Scot-
land and came to Canada in 1833, set-
tling with her husband in Grey in 1860.
Probably few farms have a, record
Audi as that nt the Handfeed home-
stead, in I he township of "Usborne
Pow occupied by Mr. 3"as. flandford.
It was eken up by the late Richard
Handford in the year 1831 add from
that thne to the present nob a single
ipseeees..4grebeastiteritluilivon, nor a funeral
ege lelt tbe premises.
• On Wednesday evening last, the
• members of the Goshen church, Stan.
• ley, assembled at the home of Alr, and
Mrs, McOlinchey, on the return of
• them honeymoon, and presented Mrs.
McOlinchey with a sideboard and ex-
tension table as a slight remembrance
of her services iis organist of the
Methodist -church.
Alexander Ross. a resident of Gerrie
died suddenly last Sundayafternoon
in his pew in the Pvesbyterian church.
Death Was clue 11, heart failure. e Mr.
Ross resided lo t: e township of Grey
up to two years ago, when he retired
from farm duties and took up his resi-
dence in Gerrie. Ile was in his 60th
year and leaves e .vidow and family.
Death again es ited Westfield on
Saturday inorni, last, and took for
its victim and ole • .•sident of the town-
ship, in the pers- of Mrs': Geo. Henry,
at the age of 7..". veers and 9 months.
Last fall she in, .went an operation
v-, for the removal ' flatheads from her
eyes, which pea - I such a strain on
her nerves th•- 'ie never fully re-
Sohn A. Oreie - •in, of Brussels, died
March 24. He •i• - a native of Tyrone,
Ireland, where ' • was born in 1834,
coming to Calvet., twelve years later.
In 1874 he beciu,... employed ,by the
• old Great Wes. ii Railway and dur-
ing the twenty years following filled
positions at Ha editon, Fergus, Blue -
vale, Mildmay, 1"-ussels and Palmer-
• ston, when he i e ired and made his
home in 13russele.
A sad accident happened at Edward
Etne's home St. Joseph, when his 3.
• year-old son met his death in a • very
painful manner. While the father
ikwas preparing to feed his pigs he left
some boiling water:in a large pail on
the floor, and the child happened to
fall in, and before taken out was al-
most scalded to death. All efforts to
restore the child oroved fruitless. AC -
ter two days' suffering of the intensest
agony the little fellow passed away.
A very pretty wedding was consum-
mated Wednesday morning at St.
James church, Goderich township
where Clara, eldest daughter of: John
Middleton, and Chas. L. Taylor, of
Morris, near Blyth, were united in the
bons 6f matrimony. The church was
tastefully decorated for the occasion.
The bride, who was given away by ber
father, was exquisitely attired, as was '
also the bridesmaid; Miss Annie Tastl.).
sister ofthe gtoone The grooinsmall
was Chas. 13. Middleton. They took
the 3 o'clock train for a honey moon
trip to eastern points.
An interesting event took place on
• Tuesday afternoon, April the `2nd,
when Mr. Samuel McBride, and Miss
Josephine Willett, of Ilay‘were united
in the holy bona' of matrimony. The
• bride was yerv beemningly attired in
a costume of fawn trimmed silk and
ribbon to match and carried a boquet
of cream roses,•she was assisted by the
groomsisters, Mary' Ann, who was
attired in blue, the groom was support-
ed by• his cousin- of Galt. After the
ceremony was performed, the couples
left for, tbe bid's home and sat down
to a splendid dinner prepared by the
r.and'Mrs..Mcl3ride have settled.
in their new home on the town line
where Mr. McBride recently bought a
of Stanley left on Monda,y for the
west; they go to Mooseje,w, where
they have accepted situations.
A case of smallpox has been found
In Clinton, Ont. Precautionary meas-
ures have been taken, the house quar-
antined, and everybody in the town
vaccinated. The schools have all been
3, W. Marquis has sold his fine
farm in Goderich township to F. Pick-
ard, who takes possession at once.
Mr. Marcell's tben bought Win,
Monk's, at Taylor's Corners, which be
will work,
Mr. Chas, Moss, well known as a
cattle dealer and farmer of St. Aug-
ustine, who has bought out the busi-
ness of Mrs. Baker, has been appoint,
ed postmaster. He is well qualified
for the position. and the public will
continue to bewell served.
Word was received there on Wed-
nesday of the death of Mr. Wm.
Brown, formerly a resident of Blyth,
but who was residing in Florida at
the time of his death. The de
ceased went south with the hopes that
a change would he a help to his disease
colasurnietion, but which proved hope-
less. His remains arrisTod on Friday
Word has been received of the death
of 31r. Richard Hamilton, one of
• Alorningtoree oldest, settlers. He paes-
ed away Sunday morning, after a
lingering illness. Ris wife preceded
him only a few weeks ago,
Principal Beckett, of the Listowel
Pnblie Schools, has resigned. his .posi.
tion Inc personal reasons, the resigria,
tion to take effect on June 30 next.
Re was appointed in succession to the
veteran principal, Alt'. Benjamin ROttla
At a meeting of the Trustee Board
of the $t, Marys Methothst church on
March 26. the following metal.= wa.5
unanimously adapted ; "That the
proposal to remodel the old parsonage
be abandoned ; that the old parsonage
be offered fer sale; that a committee
be appointed to CarlOraSS the congrega.
tion for subseriptions Inc a new parson-
age to be built on the lot adjoining the
school room,
Miss Fannie Rolston died at the
family residence, South Boundary,
Blanshard, en Tuesday, April 2. aged
26 years. Her father, the late David
Roister, of Blanshard, died about 8
years ago, and her mother, four broth,
ers and three sisters aro liring, The
brothers aro James, Joseph and John,
of filanshard, Robert, of itegina,
T.. and the sisters, Mrs, George Tate,
Nissouri, Mrs, R, Sampson, Pennsyl-
vania and Mrs. Oscar NiXon, of the ZT,
W. T. Miss Roulston was a member
of the St. Marys Methodist church,
We have to record tho death of an-
other old pioneer of McGillivray in the
person of Ur. James Allison, who died
on Satorday last. He was nearly 03
years of age, andone of the oldest men
in the township.
A well.to.do farmer in the township
of Biddulph recently bad a sick steer,
A hatcher from Luean WAS called, the
Animal botchered and meat sold by the
quarter. A number of people who par -
chased. and ate the =4 have ex..
perienced severe sickness through the
effects, and an investigation into the
case will prebahly follow.
Geo, iatnith, of tucan, left on Tues.
day for Calgary, N, W. Te where he
has secured employment in eonnection
with the 0. P. R. He is a young man
of genial manner and good ability and
will give a good account of himself in
the west, The evening before his de-
parture he was pleasantly stwprised by
a score of his friends who presented
him with a handsome token, accom.
panted by an addi ess.
SCHAFER-At Zurich, on the 1st Inst., the
wife Of John Sehafor, of a daughter.
ELLIOTT-WALTEItS.--At the Parsonage,
Clinton, on March 27, by Rev. G. A. Gifford,
Mr. John Elliott, 1Vingharn, to Miss Edith
Walters, daughter of the late Aram t Wal-
ters. of Exeter.
MCBRIDE-WILLERT.-On the 2nd inst., by
the Rev. Renderson, of Email. Mr. Samuel
McBride, jr. of Stanley. to Miss Josephine
Willer, of Bar -
ROSS -ADAMS. -At Springbank. Constance.
the residence of the bride's parents, Mar. 27.
by Rev. J. A. Ramilton. Wm. G. Ross, of
Hallett. to Missillande, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, A. T. Adams.
DUNDY-RESK -In Clinton, at Willis Church ,
manse, April 3, by Rev. .A.. Stewart. John
Dundy, of Goderich township, to Miss .Annie
}teak, of Mullett.
MULLETT-GA,RRETT.-In Brandon, Mani-
toba. Mar, 20, Miss Ettie Garrett. eldest
daughter of Mr. Joseph Garrett of Londes- -
bore, Ont., to Mr. Fred Mullett, fornterly of
PARKER -GOWER. -At the residence of the
bride's parents„en the 2nd day of April, 1901
by the Rev. J. Hiussar, Mr. Fred. W. Fevleor,
of London, to Miss. Mary B. Gower, of Crodl-
ton ,
DIED., .
RYDER- In Biddttlph, on April lst, Mrs. Dan,
Ryder, aged 62 years.
MCBRIEN-In Clinton, April 2, Martha, , Reid,
wife of William McBrien, aged 24.
GIBSON-In leaven.on Friday, March, 29, in-
fant daughter of Mr:and:lees. R. Gibson.
DALle.-In Hallett, near Constance, Apri1,3
Christopher Thomas Dale, aged 62 years, -
TOWERS -In Clinton, April 1st, L. McLean,
beloved wife Of Peter Towers. in her 79th
ROLSTON-In Btanshard, on April the 2nd.
Fannie Rolston, aged 26 years, 3 months and
19 days.
Otto -On Sunclay,.1ffaxch 31st, in the Tp. of Ray
near Zurich, Heinrich Otto, at the age of 76
years, 3 months and 16 days.
Winslow's Soothing 'Syrup has been used for
over fifty years by millions of nicithers for their'
otaldren while teething, With, perfect success.
1S soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al
paltr, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
flr • Dierrhoeit. 11 is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by droggiets in every pert of the world. 25
ernes ,,,•hottie. Its value is incalculable. Be
twee, 4411 3rtql; for Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup a,de no other kind.
The pul,iic are ' e Tie, cautioned against buy-
ing or negotialtu; f r a note made by Fred
Glanville, in favivr et' ; .'01 Toelker, date No.
$th,1900, for $35.00. •vren months. as the
same has been lost a a •norit stopped.
•JOB: Dashwood.
•• . (3•1)
.Fanson's brick block end dwelling,in Exeter,
for sale. The brick block is well situated, on
Main street, is 70x35 feet, three storeire, - and
.contains four stores, offices ad halls, all leased.
This is the best business stand in town. The
dwelling is brick of two storeys and contains 10
rooms, is admirably adapted for a boarding
house. The property must he disposed o1'.
Terms easy, apply to R. L Fanson, Exeter,
T.E1.11.) E,KETER
.s WIll GIN' BOTH UK 110111N?
E.awtit V
,tiswous. ---Among those
who spent the Easter vacation at their,'
home here were; Bert Ross, London, _
Will Mclianghlin, Brantford, Eva, Car- The Talk in Transvaal Quarters
ling, Hamilton, Bert (*Reward, Brant-
ford, Thos. Rankin, LOtid011( Mervyn in Elf/JSSSIS.
Huston, ParkliiIl, Edlia, McCallum,
London, Richard Creech, London
Thos. Hatter, London,
13sowrzneu,-On. Tuesday evening the
members of Tames St. Meth. Lenge,
in response to an invitation from the
Main St. League, assembled in the
sebool.roorn of the Main St. church
and spent a pleasant evening. Dr.
Anderson filled the chair. A very in-
teresting and profitable programme
was rendered consisting of solos, quar-
tettes, trios, etc-, also readings, essays
and quotations from the poet. The
entire 'programme was given by mem-
bers of the visiting leagne, after which
refreshments of coffee and cake were
distributed by the Alain St, League.
being asked for street watering front
Huron st. to north side of Town Hall
Why not devise some scheme for
watering Main st. from the Metropoli.
tan to the Mansion Hoese ? There is
aa much traffic north a the Town
Hall as south, and now that hydrant
have been placed at the street corners
the wet for an extendedservice shout
be sligite. Let us have some increase
benefit, front the waterworks No
only the citizeus residing along th
street would be bendlted, but the
majority who walk there would be
much comforted if the street were
watered. Make a, move in this ;natter
at once.
It xi said the Boer General 'MIR?. ekegly
Ileuew eace Negotiations -04e co..
waists, Who. May Be ltabels, Get a,
soyere warning, acto the Banishment
That Brobably Awaits Whose Who Aot
Against tho Constituted, ;Authorities.
• London, April 9. - "It is declared
in, Transvaal quarters in thie eity4e,
says the Brussels correspondent of
Theekforning Pest, "that Generel
Botha wai shortly renew the peas
Bard But Necessary.
Cape Town, April 8, -It is under-
etooci that The Gazette to-morrove,
will warn the colonists that acts of
rebellion after April 12 will not be
e tried under the speetal law of tb.6
last session, but by the old conoe
, law, ender which rebels ato punish-
able with death or any terms of im-
prisonment the court may desire to
.31r. Itbodes la Well Again,
London, April 9. -The Cape Town
correspondent of The Daile Mail
wires that Mr. Cecil Rhodes, who is
at Kimberley, is rioW in good health,
taxing recovered frern a, recent slight
eatormous wile Relief Band.
SMALL PON." -We learn 1 bat Mr.
MeRobert's farnilv in London town-
ship, were all afflieted with small pox,
thinking it to be chicken pox, No
attempt was therefore made to prevent
neighbors from going into the house
or the afflicted cbildren from coming
inecontace with, and infecting other
children, Now are there any lessons
in this, you, the people of Exeter and
the surrotinding country? We thipit
there are, Inethe first place, let eves y
man, woman and child, be vaccinated
at once, if it has'not already been ef
fected. Those of matured years who
were vaccinated in youth ought to
consalt their medical adviser as to the
advisabilitysof being vaccinated again.
We would advise the town council
and health officers to use their active
powers to prevene its appearance in
Exeter. The Public achool trustees
have been urging parents to have all
children vaccinated before being sent
to echool. We think the time is um
fully at hend when the trustees mmt
insist that no child be admitted to the
Public school without, satisfactory evi-
dence of vaccination, There may be
those in town who are too .poor or are
too careless tri have their children vac.
nese could, be attended to
immediately by the Health Depart-
ment and the trifling cost be paid out
of the public funds. The trouble is
coming near. Let us take all the pre-
caution wo can, and take it at once.
London. April 9. -It is announced
in answer to yaw inquiries which
bean made, that the to-
tal war relief funds subscribed ban
been S.;26,000,000, of which
000 remains. There heve been no
fewer than 83 funds.
Stabbing', Affray at St. Iritta.
St. Catharines, April 9.-A serious
and probably fetal stabbing affray
took piece here early Sunday morn-
ing. Frank. Whitten and John Ai -
burn, young men, both well known
erotical town, fought in the rear of
the Grand Opera 'louse. Whitten
drew a, knife and stabbed. Aeburn
- twice, first in the breast autl then
In the abdomen. Both wounds are
serious ones. The ambulance remove
ed Auburn to the hospital.
Ile was still alive yesterday morn-
ing, but his chalices for recovery
are verge slight. Minims was
promptly:se arrested and locked, up.
Dad blood had existed between these
two men for some time. Whitten is
married, while Auburn is single.
Both have pollee court records.
Auburn has been found guilty of
theft on more than one occasion, and
Whitten only escaped arrest a year
or two ago by getting out of town,
with the police after him, and re-
maining away for some inontes un-
til the charge against him was id-
mosnorgotten. lie is a son of Alt',
Thomas Whitton. janitor of the city
building, who is respected by every-
one and who has the sympathy of
the community in the disgrace his
wayward boy has broughtupon his
COHaticx ItisecnseEs.-The largest de-
livery of agricultural implements ever
made in Huron County, was that at
Exeter on the dth inst., by Wesley
Snell, the energetic agent for they above
companies at this place, Early in the
day large numbers of the stalwart
farmers from the surrounding country'
began to assemble in the town and by
mid -clay the streets were packed with
people, the hotels being heavily taxed
to 'accommodate Mr. Spell's patrons
and friends who had come to witness
the delivery. The two Companies de-
livering the machines eutertained their
customers and fiends to dinner at the
several hotels, after which all repaired
to the G. T. R. depot where 'over
seventy-fiye wagons were loaded with
machines of the Sylvester and Alctior-
mick make -the former's drills aud
cultivators and the latter's binder's,
mowers and rakes. At three o'clock
p. ne, all formed into line, headed by a
carriage in which were Messrs. George
Rowan and A. Manning, General
agents for the McCormick Oo., and Mr.
J. R. Sproule, General agent for Syl-
vester Bros'. Co. Then came the Exe-
ter Brass Band, followed by the pro-
cession of farmers' wagons, leaded
with machinese-a striking testimony
of the esteem in which these Compan-
ies' goods and their deservedly popular
agent aei
e held. Noticeable n the
crowd was A. S. Deavitt who acted as
Director of Ceremonies. He handled
the procession in a.niasterly manner.
The procession .after parading the
principal streets was formed into as
compact a body as possible when they
were photoeraphed by 3. Seeior, when
all departed for their 'different homes
well pleased with having taken part in
one of the hugest deliveries-ever•made
in Canada. .
•• Miss Shaw spent Good Friday with
friends in Wingham. .
Mr. Herb Pickard, of Brantford Col
egiate is holidaying with his friends -
here, .
Mr. Blaisdill has mofeclinto the
house recently vacated by Mr. A.
Mr. Ingoldby, of Branifte (1, visited.
his aunt, Mrs. Jas. Dignan, over -Sun-
day. .„ .
Mies Rogers, of Parkhill, was the
guest of Me and,Mrs. R. Rogers,, this
Miss Cora Cann has returned from
London, where she has been spending
the past few weeks.
The Board of Health have issued
their annual request to the citizens to
clean their back yards, etc.
Mr. Wm. 'Ilawkshaw, sr, mine host
of the Commercial hotellias been con-
fined -to his :room for some time with
la grippe. ,
'Thoreas Martyn, Who .was accident-
ally shot pn Good Friday in-Bowman-
ville while 'constructing a foot bridge
across a stream, died Saturday morn-
ing. He is the youngest SOR of Mi.John
B. Martyn, grocer, provision and hard-
ware merchant, and was a. very brighe
boy, in his 15th year. Be eves a nep-
hew of J. B. Martyn, of Exeter. His
bravery in walking over a qearter
mile after being shot ie soniething
wonderful,' as the charge shattered
three ribs, badly lacerated his liver,
and a portion of it entered one lung.
Shot by Accident.
Ottawa, April 9.-A mysterious
shooting ease occurred on Sussex
street yesterday morning. Miss Cole-
man, a young woman, was entering
Mellorran's dry goods store, when
a bullet, fired from somewhere in the
rear, grazed her face, The wound
Was not serious, but it bled pro-
fusely, and Miss Coleman was taken
to St. Luke's flospital. The police
have the bullet, and say it came
from a Lee -Enfield • rifle. The pre-
sumption is that a rifle was dis-
charged in a drunken frolic by some
one at the foot of Yeerit: street, and
that the bullet had spent its force
when it struck Miss Coleman.
• Old Welland Canal Dry.
St. .Catharines, April 9. -The wa-
ter. was let out of the old Welland
Canal yesterday for two weeks, dur-
ing which the spring repairs to the
canal and flumes will be done. Mr.
Joseph Battle has a largo force of
men. at work above Thorold
strengthening the bank of the new
canal between. it and the Wellaed
Railway track, and a solid' concrete
1 wall will be put in. The mills along
the old ditch are all shut down, ex-
cept a few, which Will be operated
by steam, while the water is out.
The water will be let in again in
two weeks and navigation will be
open on April 22.
nerdy to countess Tolstoi. •
Moscow, April 9.-Antonius, metro-
politan of St. Petersburg, has iesued
a reply. to Ceuntess Tolstoi's de-
fense of her husband. The ecclesiasti-
cal manifesto, in . rather tame lan-
guage, criticises the Countess' state-.
ments and attemOts to refute her in-
cisive and pugnacious protest against
the synod's ban. The metropolitan
concludes by saying: "God bless and
guard you, and pardon your hus-
Anti -Clerical Mobs in Spain.
Madrid, April 9. -Large and ex-
cited daiti-clorical meetings at Mal-
aga, Corunna and elsewhere have
pissed resolutions demanding that
the Government expel the religious
orders from Spain. At Corunna, the
manifestants paraded, shouting:
"Down with the Jesuits," and
"Down With the Convents." 'They
stoned the Jesuits' College and the
offices of the clerical newspapers.
Died of His Injuries.
• Ottawa, April 9.-Calixte Rivet,
who Was severely injured in the
collapse.' of a building on Albert
street • on Good k'''rititty, died last
night in' St. Luke's Hospital. • Riv-
et's eyesight was destroyed by lime,
and his left arm and leg fractured.
Azi inqu6st has been gaited.
Dean Ferrer 111.
London, April 9. -The Very Rev.
Frederick Farrel', Dean of Canter-
bury, whose condition has for the
last few days caused a nxiet:Y, had a
restless night, and yes terday morn-
ing showed no improve:,;ent.
What is commonly inherited is not
scrofula but tbe scrofulouis eisposition,
This is gerterany and chiefly ieclicatee by
cutaueous eruptions; sometimes by pate-
ness, nervousness and general debility,
The disease Affileted Mrs. K. T. Snyder*
ITnion St, Troy,, Ohio, when she was
eighteee years old, manifesting itself by a
bunch in her neck, which caused great pain,
Was lanced, tula became a running sore.
It afflicted the daughter of Um. 3, H.
Jones, Parker City, Ind., when 13 years old,
and developed so rapidly that ween she
was 18 she had eleven running sores on her
neck and ablaut her ears.
These sufferers were not benefited hy
professional treethiene but as they vohie-
tarily say, were completely cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Ties peculiar medicine positively cor-
rects the scrofulous dispositiou end radi-
rally and permanently cures the disease. I have a large amount of private funds to
Joan on farm and village properties atlow rates
• . of interest.
THE MARKETS. Berristerefein st. Exeter.
London, Huron and PrUCC,
GOING Nonew-
emiclon. depart.. ....
Centralia .. . ..
. • • • •
Wialgisam, depart
ClInten •
• Brueeteld .. . .
Kippen ... . . .
Rensall .
Centralia, ,
LondOn, arrive
-- .. 20
!1204:11:5783515i634.21.5540:00:. 3mt ceonoa; ao;:iya:nees: eciroot )1f:04;:gi :uhr cp
.. 8.13 4.67
1101..1180 68.8005 Also a number ot shares in Um
9 ae
9 58
0.50 6.25 Will be $01.4. rea6Orvit hie prices.
633 Fencing,‘,
will offer for sale four differ,
88:3456 55:1245
„,. 9.37 6.12
SN herlan lanes 00. crn
We eaveuulimitedprivate enids tor invest- t
merit noon ferlil or villaee property at lowest
rates of interest.
Wm. M. Biat6liTorn
$xete r.
F. W. GLA.Deee N
Decline in the Visible Supply pt Wheat.:
Transatlantic mortis Were Closid
on Easter Monday.
blonder Evening, April C.
•Transatlantic grain mid provision boards
were closed to -day (Easter Monday).
There was considerable activity at Chi-
cago to -day. s •
Tun VISIEX.x NI:2,m)%
s compared with a week ago, the vJaible
tin ply or wheat JU Canada and the Vetted
Strata has cleereased 850.000 bushels; that
of cam bas decreased 297.000 bushels, an
that of oats has. luereased 230.000 buShela.
rottoNro 97 , *nit • g.
Meet, white, busk 00 to
res, Wish -...., ow
11 goose., bush, 0 054 b 0°0
life, bush 0 72
Pons, btleb. 0 6,1
Rye, bush ........- 0 52 0 52%
Beane. busk .„ I no 1 40
Earley, bush 0 4al:',1 „
Oats. t 1. A. • SA 4.• 0 35 .....
BuckwIteat. bu 0 53.
Hay, haled, ear lots, un. .810 00 to $10 70
Straw, baled, ear lots, ton. 5 50 0 00
nutter. avry, 1b eons. 0 17 AVIS
nutter, largerolls .....- 0 153 "'0 10%
Butter, creamery, boxes,- 0 10 0 20
Butter, creamery. lb, roils. 0 e0 0 22
Butter, bake' tub,,,,..,,0 14 0 13
kigila, new lake doe., 0 13 0 14
(seeSeRoney. per lb.
zutt,,x0p.erpeir .... ... 000 :0007
I/m*1;s, per pair. .• ........
Chiekens, per pato -
Pressed hogs, car lota, per
Hides, No. tgreen
Rides, No. 2 green , 00 007
No. green steers007
Rides, No. 2 greeu steers, 0 00
Tildes, eared
Calfskin, No. 1 ...... 0 07 0 08
CalfsitIns, No, 2 0 00 0 07
Deacons (dairies), each," • 0 50 0
Sheepskins. freSh 0 00 1
Tam, Tendered .. . ... 0 Os 0 0434,
Wool, tieece, 0 14 ...,,
Wool, unwashed, fleece 0 08 0 00
Wool, pulled, super......, 017 018
Wool, pulled, extra 0 20 0 21.
Montreal, April 8. -The receipts of live
stock at the East Bed Abattolr this more -
Ing 700 head of cattle, 15e ealves, 50
sheep anti 50 lambs. The denutud wtut
good and prices firm.
Cattle, eliolce, sola et trout fite to w.e
per lb.; good sold at from 4e m 4V.le per
lb.; lower grade frogm 2e to al,Se per lb.
Calves were Sold from $2 to 33.0 each.
Sheep hi:Darla from 46 to 0e .' per lb.
Lambs Ivefa- a old from 4V.te t7'0c per lb.
Hogs brought from Cc to 7c per lb.
Hest Buffalo, April S. -Cattle -Fairly act -
(lye, with 160 loads on sale, including 1.7
loads or Canada eattle; ttt0Ckers and feed-
lers of desirable quality sold Se to 10e
higher; choice to extra heavy feeders 10e
to 15c higher; calves lower. The general,
close was full steady.
Sheep and Lambs -Good position, with 86
total sale; lambs choice to extra natives,
35,85 to 36; god to choice, $3.30 to 3170;
cupped lambs, 35.40 to 35.50. The xnarket
was stronger on sheep; choice to extra wool
sheep, 35.25 to 35.50; good to choice, 35 to
35.25; clipped sheep, 34.20 to $4.75, The
offerings were aaal cleaned up and the
elose was fun strong.
-Trees-Duli, with a. total of 00 loads on
sale; Yorkers sold at 36.15 to 36.20; MIXed
nudlunt and heavy sold 30.15 to 30.25, with
a few bunches at 36.30.
New York, April S. -Beeves -Receipts,
4453; trade fair; common steera lower;
bulls and cows steady; steers, $4.25 to
35.55; extra, 35.75 to $5.85; bulls, 33 to
34.15; cows, 32.10 to $4.25. Cables quoted
live cattle firm at 11%e to 1.214e dressed
weight; sheep steady at 18e to 14c; trunbs
15c .dressed weight. Shipments to -morrow,
850 cattle, 2430 sheep and 5600 quarters a
beef. .
°Alves -Receipts, 5777; demand fair, but
• prices 50e to 75e off, some sales 31 lower:
all sold except a few late arrivals; reels,
38.50 to 36.75; few choice, 37; tops, 37.25;
little calve, 33 to 33.50.
Sheep and • Lambs-Iteeelpfa, 12,745;
sheep steady; lambs steady to firm; sheep,
34 to 35; culls, common, clipped, 33.50;
lambs, • 85.50 to 30.30; choice, due, 36.35
to $6.37%; culls'$4.50; clipped lambs, 35
to 35.75; spring iambs, 33.50 each.
• Hogs-Alecelpts, 8928; steady to firm at
36.20 to 30.45; choice State hogs, 36,
Chicago, April 8. -Cattle -Receipts, 20, -
HO, Including 200 Texans,; good to prime
steers, 35 to $0.20; poor to medium, 33.90
to 34.60; stockers and feeders firm, 3113
to $4.75; cows, $2.00 to $4.60; helfers, 32.90
to 34,90; canners, 32.10 to 32.80; bulls,
32.75 to 34.75; calves steady, 34.75 to a0;
Texas fed steers, 34.25 to $5.85; Texaa
grass steers, 33.50 to 34; Texas bulls, 32.75
to 34.
Hogs-Recelpts, 18,000; mixed and hutch-
es's, 35.85 to 36.15; good to choice, heavas
$6 to 36.20; rough, heavy, 35.30 to 35.951
light, 35.75 to 36.07%; bulk of calm 35.95
to 36.12%.
Sheep-Recelpts, 22,000; good to choice
wothens, $4.35 to 35.10; do.„ export, 35.25;
fair to, choice mixed, 34.50 to 34,00; west -
cm. sheep, $4.85 to 35.10; do., export, 35:25;
yearling, 34.85 to 35.25; native lambs, 34.15
to $5.75; western lambs, inclu,ffing clipped,
35 to $5.40.
Exeter, APRIL 1(u,193L
Wheat per bushel
Chickens per lb
Dried Apples.
Pork live weight
04. to 05
.... 29 te 30
40 to 45
60 to 65
16 to 10
30 3» 10
8 to 8
. 5 to 5
5 to 5
7 to 7
16' to 17
5(0 6
575 to 35 75
The grbat paltecure. Used externally cures
rit eumatism„„ swellings, pains, bre ses, stiff-
ness, pain and soreuess of every description.
Internally used it cures croup colds, sore
ihrolt. hoarseness, asthma, bronchitis, quinsy,
o e. Price 23 cents, all druggists. •- •
in cases of Nervousness, Sleeplessness Weak -
nes, Brain Fag. Lack of Vitality, Nervous
T'roatration, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Tobacco.
Heart, Whiskey Nerves, General Debility,
etc„ use Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pill.
Doaa's Mertes- Pries act • on the kidneys,
b'aader, urinary organs only. They cure back-
ache, weak back, rhennimism, diabetes. con-
gestion, inflammation, gravel, Bright's ',disease
• and all other diseaee arising from wrong action
of the kidneys anclibladder.
H. RIVERS, hi. 13„ TORONTO tiNl
VERS1TY. 0,3/. Trinity triiiver
eity. Offi.ce-Croditon,
1 NV BROWNING N. D., 31.O.,
ti .1.. 8. Graduate Victoria universitY
(dice and residence. Dom imou Laboral
tczy, Exeter,.
LB 8 AL,
Barristers, eolicitore Notaries. ClonveyeneerS,
Connuissivners, Solicitors for theraolsom
Bank, Etc):
Money to Loan at lowest rates or interest, Farmer's Attention..
OFFICE STREET, EX=11, We luore procured a. car load of
.8, CARLING. 11. 11. DICKSON
Apply to
ExelTat. ONT.
Roller Mills.
Which is the beet fertilizer an the
(Suceeseor to Elliott & Glaclinan) market,
Barrister, Solicitor, Potaly J. Cobbleclick Sz Son.
Conveyancer, Etc.
Money to loan on Fevre and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest,
H. RINSeLeN. le .cie 8. AND
litoDR. A.R. EiNoMAN. b.
D. 8. D. El. S., Honor graduate
of Toronto University. Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after eilecte. Oflice in Fan.
San's block. West side of Male
street. Exeter'
Minor gradualeof the Toronto University
and Royal College ot 11canal Surgeons o
Ontario. All bridge work, Crowits, as d Mato
work donein tbeeeetest possible manner,. A
harmless avresthetie for painless extrection.
Tho strictest attention given to the _preserver,
on of the natural teeth. °Mee ill Dickson&
Carling's block.. Emetcr, Ontario.
At Oost Price
A good Assortment
AT Cosa%
We want to 'clear these lines at o eo
Tim Tetilor
1 ennent & ennent
Gmduete of the Ontario Verteentiry Col
ge• fleadQuarters For
Oirec-Ono cicor sr uth of Town Hall.
ict-tg tofe
ltStlLbllsuIe(I (11 1503.
11.14, conipnby lits been over Twenty -0141
3 tins suotessfel .operaion in Western
leitatio,mal continues to 133533 305 eldest loss or
dm] nee by Fire. Dui Idivers. Merchandise
al ni.t.Ittelories awl 1311 otlier descriptions of
li smaliie property. litteuiling insurers have
tlit erticu of him lagen the rreralum Note it
lath aysi
Ilurina I lie pest tenyeurs this company bas
na,( 2.7,01; roticios. carmine property to die
51(13 init 01 s$4107,807,2.14:081. 01071 erouliisitisitaill:soors act::
iti.:11P:711. :1:1ill'oret emetic beposi I and the unasses-
Fed 1 iv namii Notes tie hand and in force.
J.1 .1v si 3 ia, 31.M....1'resident; id al. T. vt.o
scertlary; i. 3 . II t'Uttlitt, inipotant CHAS.
BEI I, A gtnt for Exeter and vicinity.
House and lot for rent in Exeter North. The
house contains five rooms with summer kit.
chen, with good bard end soft water. One acre
of laud and good orchard. Large stable on pre-
mises. Apply to Mus. James MOORE, Ray P,
A firstsclass Blacksmith Shop, well equipped,
with sett of public weigh scales in connection.
First-class business guaranteed to right man.
Terms moderate. Also farm to rent. 100 acres.
Apply to L. REACTAGGART, Exeter North, Ray
In tho Village ot Exeter, Ont. Tenders will
be received by the undersigned up to the lat. of
of. April, 1901, south half of lot No- 9. from Main
to William st. , known as Hamlin's store prop-
erty. No. 381, 382 Elizabeth se, near letcCal-
lunes tannery, No. 63,334, o5, .A.ndrew st., No.
65 has it frame dwelling, 7 rooms, will take one
third cash balance in payments at 5 per cent.
For further particulars and terms of sale apply
to owner. The highest or any tender not
necessarily excepted.
Brookhohn, P. 0., Ont.
Lot 13, North Boundary, Stephen, containing
100 acres, about 40 acres in cultivation, 8 acres
in wheat, 3 acres bush, balance in grass. The
Perin is well fenced and tile dramod, with
plenty of good hard and soft water, convenient
to bnildings, good frame house, brick cellar, ,
;with woodshed, also good bank barn, driving
shed, hog pen and other buildings, There is
1 acre of good fruit -bearing trees. This is a
first-clase dairy farm, some of it the best farm-
ing land and is itt good condition and will be'
sold cheap. The proprietor is desirous to sell
on account of ill -health. For further particu-
lars apply to owner on preinises or by mail.
JACOB WURTZ, Saropta P. 0
Take notice that the municipal nommil of the
corporation cif the Village of Exeter intends to
construct a granolithic sidewalk on the west
side of Main St. from the north sideof Dr, Rol-
lin's office to the north side of the Metropolitan
hotel. Walk to be eight, feet in width from Dr.
Roliin's office to the south sideaof Cobblediok 8c
Son's mill property, and balance six feet rie
width, and to assess 60 X of the final cost there'
of upon the property abutting thereon and to
he benefitted thereby, and, that a statement
showing the lands liable to pay the said assess-
ment, and the names of the owners thereof, so
fir as they can be ascertained from the last re-
vised assessment roll, is now filed in the office
of the Clerk of the municipality, and is now
open for inspection. The estimated cost of the
work is 31500 ofwh?ch 407 is to be .provided out
of the general fundsolotbtrein. ButitscsuBT,
• earlitybierk.
Dated at Exeter the 4th daY of April, 1901.
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
"Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Remedy
Cough Mixture
Oholera and Diarrhoea ix -
Chilblain Lotion.
Try any of these preparations and
you will be astonished at, their wonder-
ful healing and curing properties.
.41. Full line of Patent Medicines on
Dominion Laboratorll•
Constantly pursues a man
it is easy enough of solution,
though when you are able to
avail yourself of our offer. We
are showing a fine range of
Black Worsted in twills. Vene-
tians and clays (bought before
the heavy advance in price
and selling at the old rl ices.
Nice suits for $14 in fancy
worsted suiting. We show ct.
big range at moderate prices
in Scotch and Canadian tweeds
we cary a large and well as-
sorted stock. Prices to suit
all. A large stock of the lat-
est goods • voa percfor singt
from $10 up.
GIVE -US A CALL and see
what we can do for you.
•J. H. Orieve.