Exeter Times, 1901-4-11, Page 4he
Isc)ns Bank
ENT 1855;
me Cavite1
efeaa ofeee,Me trealP
Money advaeeed he goo
owe note witle tale or iner
eent.per Damara
Exeter Bx
farmers on theirn
endorser et 7 pert
°pea every lewful day ft., m 1a. m. to 3p.
SATURDAYS. la IP. to I p. zis.•
urreatretes at interest aUowedo11 dePeSits.
Dee. sulaNne
U. 8. Actin% Minister at Pekin
'Wires ''SignifiQatet News.
A, Battle Ou the 31auchuth4u .‘)rfler Be-
tween Several Siberian Begiments and.
a Chinese k'orge-Itelief Expressed
That War Between Japan and Bessie
Is Now a Matter of Butt a Vow' Days -
Jays Eager War the r
New York, April Se -The Journal
Friar the following, dated. Pekin,
4`Seeretary u $tate, Washington:
ndr for April, 1901. Ar)ri 6, 11
PI 4. • • • • .4. • 7 14 21 28 RUSSiall Xittister refuses to re -
1 8 ] 2 ive ofaeial copemuuleations frote
TATSDAT 2 ft 13 23 30 Chinese Commissioners, Squierset
,Enelwateter . 3 10 17 24
TinteneDeer...... 4 11 IS 25
5 12 10 20
gldieTeritDANe......, 6 13 20 27
13191dtlx ale census 4f
Is also II eivg taken. It
that there will be forty -
o population in the
" is also estimated thee
ng them amounts to
ad of the population.
expenditure compare
he eoet let king the census of
? In Canada the cost will be
4' 14
If northerly winds coetinue to pre-
vail St may take n, couple of weeks yet
for navigation nroperlv to open in the
St. Clair river. Thurday's Port Huron
Times eays " Lake Huron is full of
ice as far as can be eeenowl the winds
are driving these down into the St.
Clair river, threatening to form a great
bleckade. Even now the ice is jammed
beavily in the St. Clair river near
Algoriate and extends to the bottom."
The Public school chiltiten will in ail
probability be given a rather maple:le.
ant reminder et' the prevailing small
pox ecare this summer fey the Indi-
are that an edict for a general
vaceination of all the seholars will be
promillgated in a few day.. The !veal
Board of Health has hem nrged by Dr.
Bryce, of Toronto, the Provinvial
Medival Health Officer, to take some
soda rneasuree, and in turn has
a the Public School Beard that k is
advirzahle for all children to he Inman
lated. The suldeet will Ite discussed.
it is tecpected, at the regular monthly
meeting or the Public eeheol trustees.
A few weeks' grave may he given, how-
ever, as it :Tenni not nowise to post-
pone the compulsory vaccination of the
children until the summer holidays,so
as not to interrupt their studies which
are now approaching the climax of the
echolastic yea?-tbe annual exantina-
time. The School Board is expected
to VieW the matter in this light and act
* * 4
Anotber appeal has been entered at
Oegoode Hall in Knaggs v Colquhoun.
in Mitchell horse case. The defendant
asks for anew trial on the ground that
his Lordship Sir Wm. Meredith
charged the jury imfairly to him. The
question now arises, when will this
case end.? A.nd it is an unusually
pertinent question asked in tbe face of
the present Lew Reform Bill, says the
alrootIstoek Times. Knaggs v Coign-
honn stands alone, as an example of
the endless process of the law as it is
now constructed. 7.he first time this
case was tried the jury disagreed; the
second thaw, Knaggs obtained everdiet,
for $730. This verdict was appealed
against and a new trial granted on the
discovery of new evidence. The third
trial was postponed for the simple
reason it was not reacbed, there being
too many eases on the docket ahead of
it, The principals and all their wit-
nesses attended court and waited all
week -for nothing. They were sent
home to wait till the legal machinery
was ready for them. Their costs dur-
ing that week must have been heavy.
and they had to pay up, but whether
they looked pleasant or not is not on
record. The case was tried for the
fourth time at the last assizes before
Chief Justice Meredith and a jury'
see e.:Kreaggs won again, obtaining a
for $800.
A. distressing sight was presented at '
the window when Dr. McNeill, medical
health officer for London township, '
cat itY e t»e China.
near Aron, on con .16, last Thursday
morning. Cecil McRoberts, with lin; i
fate covered with thel confluent variety
of stnallpox, eatne to the window and ,
eo3d he had chicken pox, and not to be '
afraid, The whole family of five are
down with smallpox,and the oldest
girl is in Clinton suffering with the.
same disease. The doctor called at
the school and ascertained that the
MeRoberts children had been absent
since the 19th of Felearary. It ap-
pears that axle of the boys while going
with the bay pressers contracted the
dieease, and since then one by one bast
been ill with what was supposed
to he chicken pox, The health officer
was all day vaccinating and quarant-
ining neighbors and those who had ,
been exposed. The young man •who
bad recovered has been allover, even
to Granton, to get shaved, so that it is
difficult to any where it will end:
D idOM 11.1 rt's house '
The significance of the despatch
from the rained. States Aetillg Xini$4
ter at Pekin is that it foreshadows.
teelaratien of • war agaluse China.
Earlier .despatches anaounce a battle
am the Alanchuriau. frontier between.
peveral Siberiau regimouts and a_
Chinese force.
China's action in refusing inleehrel
deMands was ta.ken at the instance.
*et Japae and England. Despatches
irom Yokoliailia yesterday say tbeit
lapan's army and fleet are held PI
readiness to assist the Chinese ie.
Uririn.g the Reseiteas out of Mare
eberia. -
The general belief is that war bee
tween Japan awl Itlissitt, is340W a
Matter of but a few days,
Another Report of the. right.
Ber/in. April despatch to
'The Cologne Uezette from St, 'Peters.
burg says hard iightiug is reported
to have occurred between the First.
Second and 'llurci Rest Siberia.n Bide
Regiments and several thousands of
Vhieese troops, between Blobantsy
and in Mtn Ting. The Russians
10St, raptain and several men
ed, and a lietitenantecolonei, several
other officers and many men were
The CliMese lost heavily and e-
trea.tecl, with the llussiane pursumg
Tee dace ot the engagoeuent is pot
latent ;oiled.
Washington Is Perplexed.
Ili.osilifsgion, April Se -The Adenine
letratioa perplexesl over a cable
despeeeh Saiurilay frinti Mr.
$qciiern Lew in viactrge of the Am-
trican Legation In Pekin.
y g ag her in er-
claims to no Filed may 1,
Loudon, April B. -Official uotice
has been. issuet that chains for in-
ideinuities from Chiaa must 'be Mee.
with. the 33ritiali Minieter at Pekin,
Sir Erneet Me,son, Stow „ befere
May 1.
Earl Id Xs lierefut.
Pekin, April 7.-fr. Rocklin,
- United Statee Special Commissioner
in Pekin, had a long' interview yea-
terday with Li aluog Oheng, 'who
4atistied him that there in net likely
to be any farther important hitch in
the negotiittions for a, settlement he-
twc'en China and the esowes.
The Ministers generany feat- that
the preseuce in Pekin of a. consider-
able force of troops of various
aiorialities mig4t be a. SOUree of in-
ternationel friction. They are not
entirety pleased with the military
proposals of the generals, es they fail
to see the necessity for the deafen'''.
Goo of all *rte.
Everetetne, repos Treelike,
Loudon. April 8. --The Yokohama
correspondent of The Dajny nfaii,
wiring •esterday and dealing with
the attitude of ,Japan towards Rus-
sia's Chinese policy, says: “Shipping
corePaules 110,Ve been ordered to hold
their iFeSSelii id eeadiness •for trane-
port service- Cruisere eit the reeerVe
list hew been commissioned for a
tive serviee. All leave has been.
vaUeU and officers of the ferst reserve
have been, warned for service. There
is much popular exeitenient.
Taut Vas nisabled at St. 1eter3.1.31trth
St. Petereburg. April 7. ---The apop-
leetic seizure of Yang Yu, Chlue,se
Minieter to Russia, after his receat
iMerview with Violin Lemetlorff. the
Russian Foreign AV:linter, will proe
babiy necessitate is Witbdr.ANO•
from the post. Negotiations with
Chinese at St. Petersburg neve
ceased Mace his illne:*.
Russia Has the Support of the ruttea
' States In not' Ilegetait.
6. -The meeting of
Use gq.14,,r41. of the allied troops end
Count von WalderSee ibis morning
*ate of great interest and impor-
tance, though it was known before -
'het bad practically been de-
UdeU uPOU; still the meeting showed
eonclusively the attitude of the dif-
erent powers. The only diseentients
out the plan adepted tvere Gen.
heave. the American collimander,
lid Gen. Wogack, commander of the
aussian forces. who both thought
%tnt the number of points to be cc-
upled was exeessive. and also that
lie number of troops was too great.
he other generals were unanimous
la the opinion that nine points on
ihe railroad should be occupied be-
tween Pekin and Shan Hai ICwan.
with 0,000 men, exclusive of the
li,000 in Pekin. This will be a per-
manent measttre. while the reduction
of tlw present forces will be Made
aeeording to the wishes of the re-
4pective governments. The railway
Between Pao 'ring Fu and Pekin will
not be guarded, itnot being a line
Of eommunication with the sea. Gen-
eral teliaffee suggested that it was
only necessary to occupy two points
between Yang Main and Tien Tsin
atid three between Tien Tsin and
Shan Hal Kwan, with a total of
2,000 men, exclusive of those at Pe-
kin. It was not necessary, he said,
to have soldiers at Tong Ku, as
naval vessels were always there, and
also because the reliefs would al-
ways be passing backward and for-
General Wogack thought 1,000
inen would be sufficient for occupy-
ing Tien Tsin and Shan Hai Kwan.
The Views of the majority will be
presented to the Ministers for imme- •
Cate action, as the generals feel
that the acceptance ley the Claihene of
these terms, including the total de-
Struction of the forts at Shan Hai
;wan, Peita.ng, Pavu, Tong Ku, Pei
Tsan and Yang Taun Will mean come •
fTlete submission, when arrangenn-a' 9 I,
ought to be made for the w
of a majority of 4.1e forces from
nacos, etc., established nearly 50
years ago, have suspended payment.
This unfortunate state of affairs was
precipitated a fow days ago by the
Mrchants' 13 1- authoritie&4 issuin
er Diplomatic A -gents Instructed to a writ against Copp Bros, for the
State the Case. payment of $37,500 oil &Mend
If you are nervous or dyspeptic try ,
Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia
makes vele. nervous, and nervousness
Maireat-you dyspeptic '• either one ren-
ders you miserable and these little pills
cure both.
Take Laxative 13rorno Quinine Tablets. All
druggisfs refund the money if it fails to cure,
23. V. W. Grove's sigma tura is on each bottle. •i
tij aignottiro itt on every box of tho genuine
!zatve 3r0/110=Q11.12131130 T0,0103
zein,.tdy ,.‘tvres o oolt2 -hi 414141: clay al)`111 "t'ard
',UNRASY 1.1RS TUE ft4A)).ft ETC.
German Kaiser and Russian Czar as Seen
by Outsiders.
New York, April S. -The Sun'e
London correspondent says the Sitli-•
lion in Russia includes more wide-
spread unrest mid discontent, than
Juts oecurred in the Czar's dominione
for maw Years. The sternest meas -
of repression 1uv fualIv beea
adopted. If open revolt ensues the
army cannot be relied upon, as the
tank arid file sympathize with the
malcontents. The friends of Tolstoi
ore alarmed at his position. Tbe
1:11inistry would arrest him. but they
fear the peasants. whose champion
he is.
It ie feared that serious disturb-
ance,: will take place on April 144
Russian Easter.
'alto German, Halsor.
New York, April 7. --The papers
reiterate the alarraing reports con-
cerning the tottering of the Kaiser's
mind. he has, says il'he Journal,
ordered that all German children
memorize verses front the Bible. This
act has again made Europe fear that
there is much ground for believing
that he is mentally afflicted. The
World prints e. story of Mme. de
Thebes, the famous Parisian prophe-
tress, consulting the ICaiser. The Mix-
peror was told that the German Em-
pire wotild be disrupted, that Prus-
sia would rise against him, and
that he would die in England 23
years 'hence, exiled by Ids own peo-
ple. This is taken as a reason for
the Emperor's recent eccentricities.
Fearful Suffering of tito Wrecked Crow
or Nova Scotia. Barque.
London, April 8. -The Singapore
correspondent of The Daily Express
wires a ghastly story of cannibalism
at sea, brought to Singapore by two
survivors of lhe Nova Scotian
barque, Angela, wrecked six days'
sail from Manila, Oct. 23 last, The
correspondent says:
The survivors, Johnsen, a. Swede,
mi.nd Marticorme a Spaniard, assert
that the Angela struck a reef. Two
rafts were built, the smaller, bear-
ing five men, disappeared; the larg-
er, with twelve men, drifted for 40
days. The sailors ate barnacles and
setiweeds, and finally their boots. On
the twenty-fifth day two became in-
sane and killed themselves. On the
twenty-Sixt.li a rr".'n".11:11.1in kiiied
the mate with an ane, drank his
blood, and tried to eat. his braille
out, but was eeasreeten be tale others.
Cannibnjjsni otjnud Ujjtil only
Johnsen. and Marticornu remained,
Copp Bros'. Wobbles.
Hamilton, • April 8. -Copp Bros.,
Makers of SLOVes, implements, fur -
London, April 8,-A. despatch from
St. Petersburg says it is learned
from a trustworthy source that Rus-
sia's diplomatic agentsabroad were
instructed on April 3 to communi-
cate to the Governments to which
they are accredited an identical note,
in the Sitine terIns as that presented
by Count Cassini (the Russian 'Minis-
ter at Washington y to Secretary
Text of the Note.
The text, of the identical note, as it
appears from news which has come to .
hand, is as follows:
That in the present Oireumstances t spe-
cial itgreement in the lit -inch -MIA affair, in-.
stead of being an open testimonial of
friendly sentiments on„ the part of Russia
toward China, might entail vantous
cii1tes for the neighboring state. Rus.",i
does not in .any way insist upthl, the con-
s:lesion of such agreement, and. even aban-
dons all possible ueeotiatrees en this mat-
teT. Inasmuch ns the fropsvial 'Government'
ever adheres faithfully to its originol and
oft -repeated program, it will quietly await
the further coarse of events.
notes. Steps are also being taken in
the courts for the appointinent of a
receiver. W. Copp, president of the
company, said yesteeday he had
hopes of some settlement being arriv-
ed at, and thoutht that an arrange-
ment would be inade whereby the
business would be carried on as usu-
al.The firth gives eniployment to
about 120 hands. It has branches at
Toronto anti Winnipeg.
SPl?.,01A1, FROM, EINfiIii't),N. ()Ni'
Kni,.ts.toa ..... ...IL is io
annottace that it new 25 t-0,,1 ttt
(Thig 1.101 e it On, nidy
11 n1 1" ht. Irtild'f•W•iI
:Ilion to ett,t, ;Old
riolcklv. surely,
,rtitart fvt ji, Otitarrhoz-
o Hod
g -s .„11, c'e• ru:1 al tut, ficuti
r. ere 11, 1 y
i -o !,y
Tnint•. 1 Ak1.4t ati ut,
(lc 1 ot 1<1.
japan lteruse<1
LOndOn. April PX!,i" '1.11.1• of. 01,, l(t•nrl,
correspondent of The Sunday :Sips -
dal says it has ircoisriirrcl tbat , obi tt , • .
1ru'0111,1:: pro] ott, t0 Tivpan "l'‘ (-411t-'1' •
r•ri 1 .`r)re0;elf1 tO, . 't1i 1,y
ee1 r tae 10,
TEX PLATT aaneatponexT.
Cubans Wilt Xexiteexe0as;:e7t Nor neJac
etitutional coaventiort did not isget
ilitvana, April 9. --,-The Cuban, con-
, yesterday owning to the a.lSelice ef
Senor Capote, its president. La
'Luella, referring to the delay, sayst
"The convention is unwilling to ace
, eept or reject the Platt amendment,
1 Three propositions on, lines practical -
i IY the SoIne as the amendment, have
i been. rojeeted, but the couvention re-
/ inSeS. to diSQUSS the inaeority report
Iof the committee on relations. which
diemetrically opposed."
It is intimated by La lAteha that
the delegates aro afraid of Pablic
opiniou such as would be likely to
result IrCell decisive action on the
allialeneudl4;o4rtt- is being Masin to brbig
out the Conservative element at the
coming municipal elections. With
this end in view several changen
have been made in, the election law.
A new registration will be hold
throughout the island, beginning
April 10, and eliding Mee' 12, It is
proVided that representatives of the
three parties shall compose the re-
gistration boards, and there will be
new municipal boards of canvassers
ef nine members, three chosen from
Wit party. The ealuerity will have
e, representation of one-third in the
ayantainientos. 'he correctional
iudges will not be elected as fernieriy, but will be appointed by the
Leubet Laughs at Assassins,
London, ,April 9.-A despetch to
• The Evening -News from Paris, says
that the Preach detectives were pri-
vately informed of a projected, at-
tempt t9 assassinate President Lou -
het during his coming trip. Extraordinary preeautions have been tak-
en everywhereand the usual P`olice
protection. Las been doubled. Out-
sidere have been. exelucled from the
t railroad stations. Ten, tleousancl, sol,
I diers have been detailed to maintain
I order during the French President'
Istay at Nice, where stringent orders
have been issued to suppress rigor-
ously the slieletest hostile den1011,•
stration. President Lovbet is iaclin-
ed to laugh at the detectives' fears
that an attempt will be made upon
heS life,
Canadian Fressed Fiay.
Ottawa, April 0. ---Pour steemehips
have been chartered to sail from St.
John, N. 33., this inontle and four
next month, laden with hay for
South Africa. By the introduction of
a new system of pressing, the bulk of
a ion of hay has been reduced from
170 or 180 cubic feet, which was the
best that could be done a year ago,
to about 70 cubic feet. Incidentally
the introductioa of this improved inc.'
tllod '11 tend to stiulatc
Port of hay to Great Britapi,, as the
reduction of bulk by 2a timll
es wi
mean a large saving in freight. Only
hay compressed to at least L100 cubic
_Military. governor. An Protests and feet to the ton is homesaceepted for
appeataitt electioa eases, will be ea, Shipinelit to South Africa.
cided by the audienela instead of by
a.oelleMiesion. The 'Ramble Ponce Pay.
nn Arbor Piligno Case, London, April 9.--A despatch from
St, Petersburg to the Reeter
Detroit, Tele-
\pri1 speciel to The igram Company says the police at
Tribune trent An Harbor, Mich, Khark011 Int,Ve arrested 21 students
says; The univereity authorities re- for Meting at the rallrOad SWAM
fuse to Makelothwn the name of the 1 on the (*evasion of the dopartaro of
etuclent in the university hospital j Other stedeuts, who were isxpelltal for
With the mysterious disease eimnesed being coaneeted wttit prevunie disc .;
to be butanne plague, but it wee
earned lest night from medieal
student that the young BMW'S 214740.
is Charles B. hare of Pawnee City, A 13IG QUARTER'S WORTH. 1
Neb. he is a, sopliomore medico, Is always found in a bottle of Pol. n
and hes been teltiug special work, irt sou's Nerviline, tie. best ;toilet hold lin-1
bacteriology, and has been handling ' enent known, le cures rheumatism,
culture tubes. Dr. Novy said last neuralgia, toothitelte, heathy:he, sick -
night that the young man was con. eiteuach. in feet, is good for evety
ing out of the disease all right, but ; thing a liniment ought, to be good for.
refused to make a definite statement . :Mothees find it the settee, thing to 311131
as to itS neture. ou their thildien for sore t 11E04, cold
- ton the clieet, sprains and britiSHS.
Tito Gainstmeough. Portrait. N. ver he without Poleou'e Nerviline
,_ It will cure the pains and aches of the
London, April 0. -On his arrival stem entire eamilyethe relieve e ease amount
Loudon. Mr. Agnew belated over the, ue milrering every year.
reeovered meture to the clerks and
detective, who deposited it in a sate
statements to the effect that "Pat"! St. Marys
in the Wilco. Mr. Agnew says the
Sheedy had anything to do with the Braun.- There died in Motherwell
51('EditY'l Nis. Owen. eged 07 vears, 8
recovQ;y of the picture are mit true
, mond*. The deceaeed was well
known and i espected by her tunny
triende. She leaves to mourn her de -
I" ai Inre three children, viz.. Prof%
l`aVell. of Toronto, Mts, Gilbert Mc-
Fadden and Aire. Jos., McIntyre. --The
many trientle of John Walelt will ; ti-
nt it to hear of his eudden illness. Se-
rourdaY eVening he complained of a de-
feet In his eyesight and early Sundny
morning Dr. Smith was sent for.
!After examining the eyes he advised
1 that Dr. B. F. Buttier. of London, eye
specialist, be consulted. This was
,10no and Dr. Bottler arrived here
early Monday morning. It was then
discovered that some inflammatory
glanconni, a disease seldonnmet with,
was the cause of the loss of sight, \r.
VN alsh has been blind since early Sun-
day *nominee The disease leaves no
alternative but to net promptly. Mr.
Walsh left Tuesday morning for Tor-
onto where be will tuidergo a further
examination and if necessary an opera.
I mu.
and that he. Mr. Agnew, did not
pay any money in Ainerica. The bill
for the detective work in the United
States will be paid through Scot-
land Yawl. he testifies to the feet
that the picture is the original pit: -
Died. Aged 103 Years,
Ottawa, April 0. -Mr. %%owes
Carroll died at the residence of his
son, Thomas Carroll, jr., Bell's Cor-
ners, at the age of 105 years. Ile
was a. native of the County Galway,
Ireland, and came to Canada 00
years ago. Ho lived in the British
Empire under four Sovereigns, imam-
ly: George IIL, William IV., Queen
Victoria, and Edward VII. Ile saw
the close of the eighteenth century,
the entire run of the nineteenth and
the dawn of the twentieth.
Two Brothers Arrested.
Edinburgh, April 9. ---Robert and
Walter Pattison, who were managing
directors of the rattisons' whisky
limn, which failed in 1.898 with a. de-
ficiency of £80,000, were arrested
yesterday in connection with the
notation of a company. The arrests
promise to revive the sensation
wliiCh followed the failure of .the
whisky ;firm, which ruined a number
of sinall firms.
Flood Scare Subsiding,
Boston, April 9. --The flood scare
all over New England, due to rising
waters under the influence of nearly
live days of rain, has tattened out,
for late last, night the' reports indi-
cated that a change for the better
would come by daylight. The losses
will bo heavy.
Filipinos For U. 5. Navy,
New York, April 9.,-A special heath.
Washington to The rIerald says .6011).
natives of the Philippines will lea en-
listed for service ou b00-'1 the iorm-
er Spanisit gunbOats ancl•other small
vessels which are to be maintained
James Bsgshaw left on Monday of
last, week with a carload of horses for
tMr.aHandford to he delivered in Marti
James Cataphell who lins been si oil-
ing in London visited friends here On
vonday, and left Tuesday morning for
Buffalo, where he intends to remain
for some time.
Mr. T. AV. Hawkshaw, proprietor
See a number of years of the Com
engaged as travellei for Lire, Mc-
il al House, Exeter, and w bo re-
cently sold his business here, lies been
A11 etites of weak or hune back, back-
ache rheumatism, will find telief by
wearing one of Carter's Smart Wecd
and Belladonna Beckache Plasters,
Price 25 cents, Try them.
eagnitvionF.-- In ?Neter. on April itb,,
Isabella'Ilarding,belorcd wife of Christopher
Da skerrillo, aged SZ years.
excliisivelY in the Philippines. HIGH, PRESSURE DAYS.
The C2141. C011 t ibut es..
i•Tew York, April 9.-Cear Nicholas
II. Of Russia, it was announced yes-
terday, had given 2,000 rubles, or
81,000 toward the building fund of
the Syrian -Greek Orthodox Church
to. be erected in Warren street, near
Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn.
Alleged. Church Robber Caught.
Toronto, April 'O. -Peter Wheeler,
alleged to have robbed 19 churches
e in the last three -st,'ears, was
a •ght. by: 'cletectiveS in St. Simon's
h .r, h. In his pockets were found
' chisr 1 and a :large bunch- of as -
E Or LL d keys.
01 83 Birthday.
COPenliagen, April 9. -The 83rd
hir,.hclay of Xing Christian was cele -
bra ed yesterday everywhere in Den-
m,a-1,. The I% mg is in quite good
h, all h and received the congratula-
tions of many dignitaries.
Beginning of a IZeign.
Berlin, April 9. -To -day Grand
Duke Friedrich Franz IV. of Mecklen-
berg will attain his majority and be-
gin his reign in Schwerin with sol-
emn ceremonies- and festivities.
Died at' Easter Altar.
,Berlin,., April 9. -At Si. PatiVs
Church, in Augsburg Daaffa yes-
terday, the Rev. Simon Mueller fell
dead at the altar while pronouncing
the words "Christ is risen.!'
Alen tufd Women -alike have to work
incessantly with 1Wftin ;Ind hand to
hold their oWn nowadays.: Never
were the 'demands it business. the
wants of the faiily. 1 to re.qiiireineli
a society; more ntnnernas. The first
eiTect et the praiseworthy effort, to
keep up Willi all these things : is com-
monly Seen in a weakened or debi1i-7'
t ed cond i Lion of ' the nervons
system, which resulti in dyspepsia, de-
fective *intuition of both body and
brain, and in ext.' eine ceses in cone
plet e nervous prostration. It is clear
ly seen tbat what is needed is. what
,n 111 sustain:the system,'give vigor atel
tone to the nerves, and keep the di-,
. goetiVn and assindlative 'functions
?hearty and active. PEOIll VetS0110
knewletiga: we ean recotrimeed
11 nod's Sarsaparilla for this purpose.
' It ads on all the vital organs, builds
op the while systein,arid fits Mt 11
184ttltyls.wonie.n fee these hieheneesm e
..440 e
rousts, Colds,A3ronehitis. Hoarseness, Sore
.Taroar,'whoopine: Cough yield to the
• curative powerof Norway Pine Syrup, as it
contains2the lung -healing virtue of the pine
tree •
For Infants and Children.
'Pao fao•
is et
1,4.4„" every
Sixty iii5,000 Lashes Started One Mall
to Great Wealth.
There died recently in San Francisco
John Magee, one of the wealthiest resi-
dents of that city of millionaires, says
the New Yorle Press. John Magee's
immense fortune came originally as li
result of a floggleg whieli he received
ha San SOse, Guatemala, In 1874. In
that year Magee was a British cense--
lar agent in Sea Jose, He fell out
with the military commandee there,
QUO Celonel Gonzales. Gonzales threat-
ened and stormed, but Magee defied
him. Thereupon, the colonel took Ma-
gee from his coosulete, ignorbag the
protection of the Britisli flag, and or-
dered hula to be flogged for his con-
tumacy. Ile got 00 lashes on his bare
back and then was thrown loth prison,
A British man-of-war came steaming
foto the harbor of San Joe, and a
wrathful man was her commander,
He demanded that Magee be delivered
over M hine immediately under penalty
of blowing the 'Own sky high. Magee
was given up, but that did not close
the incident. 'Unless an apology for
the insult to the British flag Was made
immediately by the government of
Guatemala, the flag saluted and an in-
demnity paid to Magee the Brrtish, getv-
ernmeat threatened direful things.
Guatemala appealed to the United
States, but this country replied that
the Monroe doctrine diel not Protect-
tie Central Atuericen republics 1.. eoma
neittiug mil outrages as that perpe-
trated by Colonel Gonzales, and. Guate.
male was advised to comply with the
lust British demands, Tbereepee ene
government of Guatemala offered te
pay Magee 300,000, Sre0n0 for every
lash be had received. The apology aad
the salute of the British flag irefe else
Now, this amount efinnot be found
every day ta the treasury of 4 Central
American reeublie, and while the goo-
erameat of Guatemala might agree to
nay the sum the collecting ot It would
probably be delayed and attended with
trouble and complications. So Zragee
said to the Guatemalan government
that he really could not distress it
tinauclaily by accepting such a large
amount of motley, but would be eon -
tent to call It square for certain, con,
cessions -which would cost it nothing.
Magee got the COACOSS10133 at once, and
they included the right to establish a
bald.: in San lose and the building of
wharfs in that port. The government
Was so grateful to bira because be bad
not insisted On eash that he WAS Pro.
tected in his mouopoly every way, and
thus he laid the foundation ig his emir -
moue fortune.
London's Voturo Population.
What will the population ot London
be in 1050? This is tie mere question
of curiosity. it must shortly engage
parliament, for it is because the an.
swore given to it are so divergent that
London's water supply question Is so
complex. Each plan that is proposed
for !snaring to Londoners enough 'wa-
ter to drink and Inithii in is based on, a
calculation' of London's probable "popu-
lation 50 years Ilene., Royal commis.
stens and experts have put the figure
at anything from 15,000,000 to 50,000,-
000. Other autborlties denounce these
conjectures as absurd, and an increase
to 12,000,000 fs predicted as the more
likely inflation, A. city of that popula-
tion is sufficiently appalling to put one
In love witb the still more sober esti-
mate of Mr. Pryce Williems, who in a
paper read some years, ago before. the
Statistical society argued that a limit
Is placed on all sublunary things and
that the breaking point in London's
growth will be reached when her chil-
dren number 8,000,000, --London Chron-
McKinley's Mack Snit
A. suit of clothes made of blackivool-
en cloth which has never been through
the dye tub is probably the most re-
markable costume that President Mc-
Kinley has ever owned. That he can
wear it, as ono of a very few men who
have enough of tbe wool to make a suit
of clothes, is due to the courtesy of
George W. Peterson, who owns a flock
of 70"black sheep, the only really black
flock in the country. Mr. Peterson has
also given *Senator Platt a quantity of
the same elotb. No dye of any sort
was used, and the wool is as pure in
color and texture as when it came from
the sheep's backs.
As this is the only known instance
in which black cloth has been made
without dyeing the wool, President ale.
!Miley will be a. marked man when he
appears in his priceless suit of clothes.
Mr. Peterson, an amateur stock breed-
er, who has a farm at Austerlitz, N.
Y., raised bis black 'sheen at great ex-
pense and with much care. -Exchange.
Elephant Who _Earns His Board.
Janes ,Cahill of Roney'S Point is the
only person in West Virginiaeand prob-
ably in the United States who has In
regular use upon bis farm an elephant
which is used for farm work. With
the swayingbeast hitched up to a plow
he can turn more ground than any
pef his neighbors with a team of horses,
and wben it comes to hauling logs the
elephant will walk away with ease
with logs which tbe best teams of his
neighbors cannot move.
The elephant eats little More than a
horse and does many times the work
of one, is gentle and docile and causes
little youble, and Mr. Cahill is -more
than pleased with his experiment. Mr:
Cahill bought the elephant from a
strinded circus proprietor --Baltimore
Death is natural to a man, but slavery
unnatural, and tlie moment you strip a
man of his liberty- you strip him of all
his virtnes; you convert his heart into a
dark hole, in which all the vices conspire
against you.
You can take out a patent in I3e1giuni
for $25, in Prance for $50, in Rli$Sia for
The school report of S S. NO. 0, Us'-
borne, for the month of March is as.
follows: V -.--Linda Bunter, Dora Del -
bridge, Torie, Miners. Sr. IV -Robert
Wilcox, Ida Delbridge, Gertie Miller
Jr. IV -Mabel Sawyer, Cecil Cann -0, -
May Jones. Sr, Francis,
Elia Berryltill, Olive Ben hill. Pro-
motion from Sr. II to Jr. III -Total:
OlnrkS 610 PaSs mark 305 -Willie Ele
ford 548, 'Victor Sawyer 476, Vera
Swale 455, Vera Washburn 440, New-
ton Clarke 437, Almena Heywood 423,
Beatrice Wilcox 403, Olerenee Miners
338, George Coward 083, Clarence e
Fletcher 377, Addle Johns 370, Jaekson
Woods 340, Eddie Coward 320, Camila
1-leywood 300-F'romotion froth Pt,
to Pt, II -jack. Beason, Earl Johns,
Lilla Heywood, George Basso%
Beeryhill, Olarence Creery,
IL Teachers.
much sholi*,
finish as h looks out. r
sick, is clacked by i..
the Makerst price on ;
the TA -71-:
- 'Goodyear Tcliglo
"B, J. SPAOKIMAN, Sole Loyal Agept.
Buggies Buggies
J. F. Russell
wishes to announce to the publi
thatbe has for sale a large assortment
of VirsteCiass Boggles, including
The rigs are or the latest style, best
workmanship and perfect finish.
T.11911.10. ••••44
F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
ter, April Woe
Bilu from
Your How Dealcre
Our goods are the best
that money can buy. Our
prices are as low as the low-
est. Our terms are of the
most liberal kind.
We are one of yourselves.
These are good reasons
why we claim your patron..
We have always on hana
Pianos, Organs, Sewing Ma-
chines, Sewing Machine
Needles, Oils and Re pairs;
also Violins, Guitars, Mando-
lins, Banjos, Sheet and Book
Music, Song and Music
Folios, Music Teachers Sup-.
plies, etc.
A Call Solicited.,
Consumptives Need not
Leave Their Own Homes,
to be Cured.
The Slocum System'
01 Treatment is Offered you Abe-
solutely Free.
A Consideratiln n t to he overlookee
in .the trcatm.nt 1 c iunpsl es is the
exp.2rise in quest ef health. Sony f our-
me,n are now aavisin,,.. theit.}
p ifients to go long distal..:es 1 LLe hope-
thet change or air will do them gond. X,
A. of solemn nonsense is iSeing.sald. 4116
Iv( itcen, about change of climate, and ittP,
:•:,lucuce 'on the paiierft. “Stiet. to Lae-
tirudes9, says one. "Go the mote teins'a.,
4,1vs another. How is a poor vupi
sufferer with sore lunes, to clecee aeoess
mese different authorities ? 1h t t
oeople die of cense noel 0 in 1.‘ti tithaies,-,
nay recover front it t n, iI all C .5 1,,
U they are treated- p 11011 Tbe 110)
positive cure for the c' sic, is tc,.. kill 'di,.
germs that produce it. 1 las le as Cree-
plished under the SI ecurn t
treatment. The disease must ,e 1
;mg to feed. on. That is the p(mt ifee
underlying the Slocum system. You can.
ry it at your home.
You or your, sick friends can have a 1.1;E'Rc:ourre^'
Tredttnent: Simply write to TEE A. Etc< mir •
canine/a, co, Limited, 179 Ring St. Wet, Torso -
to, giving post °Mee and express °Moe address, and
the free medicine, (The Slocum Cure) wilt
PrOmPOY lent.
Whenwriting for them always mention tide-
Personsin Canada, seeing Blocsm'alree offer in
American papers will please amid for., earnoles to,
the Toronto 4aborator1ea,..