Exeter Times, 1901-4-11, Page 3eeeeceee ee-eahereeeaaaeeeeeeeee ea e eaa
M4 you eseame a, thauTand quo, perfect eYe after the Waters Of death
THERISEN CHRIST. tiolo am hicompetent to answer have washed out the stains of tears
But, there are a great many things aud study. There you will see the
you believe that you are enable to PeMet haud after the knots •of toil
REV. DR. TALMAGE'S. SERMON FOR A explain. You waeld be a very fool- have been, untied from the lentickles.
GLORIOUS EASTER MORNING‘ is Anala to saY, "1 wenet believe Therh you will see the form erect and
saytaing a eana imderstandt, why. elastic after the letirdeils Ite,Ve one
putting down one kind of flower • off the shoulder -the very life of God
GIVES RUSSIAN SALUTATION. seed, comes there up this flower ea in the body. In this world the znost
this color? WhYePuttiag• clown
other flower seed, collies there up a
"area ellsen"--ifew the elleen More dower ,ol ti1i3 Color? Oleo flower
in, eraswbite, another detfree enother
efecemos te *rote et Tama
dower crimson. Why the differeace
Tlieleat"-A, rroPbocYof Oor Own. when the seeds look to be verY Much,
atesurreetion 'rue Werld's Groat alike --ere very much alike? Explain
Conquerorthese thiege. Explala that wart on '
the fluge:•. Explain the difference
tkreshington, APril7..-- The groat why the oak leaf is difiereut from .
Oheistiaa festival celebreted in all the leaf of the hickory. Tell me how
tem churches is the theme Of Da, the Lord Almighty can tern the
chariot of ids omnipotence on Et
traltuage's disceurse; I Corinthians rose leaf. Yoe ask me question.%
Xv, 20, "Now is, Christ risen !rola about, the resurrection I cannot eile
the dead arid become the first fruit .1 swer. 1 will ask you a tliousend ;
questions about everyday life you
of them that slept." that body which yeti. are -tcoget in
Ox this orious Easter morning, eaullpt ausl"r-
I find my strength in thie pease"... i the resurrectioa, it well be an im-•
;raid the music and the aowers, eAll who are in their graves sh°0.11 Portent body, These bodies are
giVe you Christian saltado net, pretard to wasting away. Somebody lms said
salutation„ come xtihja me forth,"
xa.0r4ingRuss1a mUg uossio4 the explanation. You .:PO 011tht as S°4;.S1 as wo begin to live wo
and eay: "Suppose a returned eats- Yegio to dit• Unless we keeP Pot--
impressive thing, the most exPresse
ive tbing, is the Inman face, but
that face is viled with the grief e of
a thousand years. But in the resur,
rection Meru that veil.will be takeil
away from. the teed, and the n.00ne
day sun, is dull and dim at stupid
compared with the °utile:ming- glories
of the countenances of the sexed.
When those faces of the' righteous.,
those resurrected faces, tura toweled
the gate or look up terfeeed the
throne, it will be like tOe dame:deg of
a new morning on the aosoev
ixe et er-
lesting day. 0 glorious, resurreeted
Bet I remark also, in regard to
the streets of 84. Petersbnrg hails eionsay dies in this city. whai ting tbe fuel into the furneee the fur -
him with the salutation, "Christ la was in China, his foot was axnputat- nace dies out. 'I'he blood vessels aro
canals taking the breedstutls to all
risea!" and is answered by his ed: he lived years after in England.
and there he heal an arm rouputatefit peas oath° system. We most be re -
friend in eellitation, "Re is risme
he is buried to -day in yowler ceplee emistructed holir by hour, day by
!and Ireland te thi.4 very day there foot come from China, will the area time trying to get their pry under
SleigneSs and death are all the
Neleecli." In Seine Parts of 1141gtalla tery. In the resurrection will the day"
ih the suPerstition, that ola Baatarf eolne from England and will the dif- 1'1' t''...3'Llent or to Push us °" th°
Mor.ning the sun dances in the heat-- ferent parts ef the body be reel:m-
embankineet of the grave. But,
.ens. And Well may 13re forgive StISII structed in the resurrection? how lee blessed be God, ia the restirreetioa
4. superstition, 'which illtistratea tOe that possuger. we will get a, body immortal,. l'Io
You, say that "the litimon body
changes every seven years. arid D3,, neuralgie twinge, no rheatnatie pang,
70 yours at age 0. min bus bad tea , no fluttering of the heart, no abort -
bodies. In the resurreetion which, ' ness ot breath, no ambulance, ne no
wini come up?"' You say: "A man will . pensurir, no hospital,
die and his body crumble into the. : °..zair' no sPeeta°1" to il'aPr°v° till)
dun vision, but health, immortal
1 t d d st be tali= a
to the life of the vegetable; an rot -
fent that the natural world seems tO Malaria in the aft, Teo •cough, no
syinPathize with the ealrittlel.
Hail, Easter inerningl Floweret.
Viowerst Of dem 4 -voice, on ot
them a -tongue, all of them full of
Issteech to-riaar. I bend over one of
th lilies and I lwar it say, 'Too,
Sider • the of the field, leoW
it,heY grOW; they not, neither de
They spin, yet Solomon in all lite
Ue , tenthat11
al may eat the vegetable;eat
tile In the reetirrection,
• health! 0 ye who have the echo
' and pains indescribable this morn-
ing, ye who are never well, ye who
g,lory WAS not arrayed like one of thet body, distranited in so many di,. aro IfiCerated with pleveicel is ;Os, Grace reminds the faithful of these.
body, free from all dieease. TM,-
eteins to whisper, "1 am, the rase of up?- 'lave you any Moro questione ae to the Crematory,
Sb.artm." -And then I Stand end of thi t 1 t k? C
s 8 y Q 0 as owe on aad • mortal! Immortal!
rcl to In speaking of the crematory, the
d in
Arohlaishoppf Montrealon Judge
Archibald's Judgment.
The nemee Catholie Frolete Issue* a
yet/neva, Concerning the oelatt Judg-
meat awl. leogretting Alse That the
Crematery lies Deer( reseed, ler
the Legielatureeeefgr, lereehesi Sas
Croriontlon lies Fere rrieees,
Montreal, April 8. ---Aa important
pastoral letter was rend here yester-
day in the Oetholic churelies from
Mgr. • Drucheei, brought forth by
Judge Archibeld.'s declaim in the
Delpit marriage ease, and also touch-
ing the recent legislative act peranit-
ting a crematory in Mount Royal.
Cemetery. His Grace says that the
church received from his divine found -
or tbe power and the right to re,
gulate all that cencerns Christian
marriage, and all the parliamentary
laws and all the decisioas et the,
courts of justice establishing divorce
must remain valueless in presence of
the divine words: "Let no Meet sena-
rate what God has joined together,”
Mgr. Druchesi further says: "Without
mitering- into an appreciation of the
judgment from a legal standpoint.
which. concerns the civil tribunale of
this country and the Emeire, we feel
it to be our duty to solemnly deelerfe
that it can in no way lessen or modi-
fy the obligations of Catholice,
whether in the external sphere or in
tho internal domaia of conscience,"
Iris Grace further dedaree that the
dinrch has already pronounced sen-
tence of exeommunication agaillet lte
IlleneherS who- presuree to contract
marriage before an heretical minister,
be it a question of two Catholics or
of a Protestant and Catholic. Ilia
these." I bend over a rose, and it reetiona how shell it be gathered let Tea tell yen; of :the resurrected severe permutes.
Wen.. From sidea there comes ask there itp et d t
r 88, 831., • I go further en say rega
the chorus of flowers, sayieg,
.dou so clothed thd grass of the
add which to -day is and. to-raorrow
ts east hate the oven, shall he not
ranch more clothe you, 0 ye of little
Hi Declares .teael pee Doer Inaopeatil.
enee Order„ Snyr, to 10,eur,
Peace Forever in South Africa-
IlaitS, April 6. -An interview with h
Mr. Kruger atapeaxs ea The Ma,titte
The former President pf the Tran..
fatale on the eo og his retirement to,
thlle coliatry, said at Utrecht;
"The British •Goverruneet, British.
telegreph end the British press al-
ways try to make this rnach"--and
he measured hie little flager-"look
like this rauctie'-and he extended
both arms. "I AM persuaded everY-
is going well out there precieee
Iy because our enemies contlitue to
dissimulate and travesty facts.
4'Agi regards Gen. Bothe'e negOtiea
tions, the. public IMONVS fr011a. the blue
book end by reading Gen. Botha's
last despatch that it, was the Britiele'
general who first. • made proposals,
Never did the Boer general refuse to
listen, We do not light, eXcePt for
Peaee, We are not conquerors, but,
although Gen. Botha listened to the
British proposals, he never uttered a
word of equivocation op the subject
of independence. Independence iv
the oily treasure We Cherish, even if
we haVe to sacrifice all others to
haye our natiopal independence.
"It te for that reason our citizen.%
forsook their farms, and sacrificed
their lives, end our women and
eltildren now suffer temporary servi-
tude in the enemy's camp.
"And, if the English were not
blind, if they coasidereti their own
iaterests well, if they were not hope-
lessly enslaved by error end injus-
tice, they would regognize -the inde-
pendenee we demenel. because: in the
hope of safeguarding it we shall be
ready to make any concessions and
sacrifices, and moreover it would aee
Mire leace forever in South Africa.,"
lifter Attempt Failed.
Pethi.lie, Orange River Colony,
April 4.. -(Thursday.) -•-•A force of
Boers. elide: Conneaut -taut. It-ritzilig-
er. attempted to re -cross into the
Orange River Colony to the west of
here. but felled.
11 t t h d Wh'elt OU are to et Archbislicm says: "Despite the emir-. Ited Cress, etedat to Muse. Ferrters.
swer them. 115.11 back upon the an- of several racm,-
nouucement of God's word, "'All who the reeurrection, it will be vigor- 4hgercrs andoppios!-trtn-
egia a rve counci lora. the
are in their graves shall come oils body. We walk now eight or
You have noticed, I suppose, la ' "t "less; 114tntadrwe"d aroellfadtsig"aeull ww: rterrnsptit (CAWraatheger-:ruetfetwalledeeelts cfti
. a
frOth?" reading the story ot the resurrection , aro exhausted; unarmed, we meet a cremation m CanadaFor us." dds
Flowers!. Flowers! Braid theta that almost every account of the ; wild beast, and we must run or nee Ills Grace, 'tho vote given br the
Vlowo-s! Strew them over the Bible giVeS the ides. that the -Maroc- v or clialle or dodge because we aro in- PinioritY of eur legislators Wast a
teristic of that day will be a grettt i collePetent to meet it; we toil eight real surprise, and it caused tla re-
ato the bride's hair. Flowers!
ot the resurrection. Flowers! Flow- , be very loud. but I knew it irm be wo aro treary. Uut in:the resurree. not tie sey that the introduction of
ers! Twist them into a. garland for very penetrating. In the mausoleum ' tion we are to have a beet,- that near- the praetico of eremation into our
Meer Lord Jesus on Easter morning. where silence has reigned a. thousand or gets tired. Is it not a, glorious Pity of Montreal is regrettable,"
gret," .A.nd further en. "we hesitete
graves of the dead, sweet. propliecir sound. I do not know that it will or ten hours energetically, and then
and "Glory be to the Father, and to years that voice must penetrate. In
the Son, and to the holy Ghost; es the coral cave of the deep that voice
was in the beginning, is now and
Wer shall be," The women came to
the Saviour's tomb, and they drop -
..i spices all around the tomb, and
those spices were the seed that be-
g ?
Plelli), Of erretiPntiOrt in heaVell, X
' • Dr tits • New York in the
must penetrate, -Millions of spirits ecotanee lias Mean Received From
pusiese ScaSOn 41 WO year at, no011-
Will COttle thrOlefell „the gates of eter- ''. Gilchrist, elortimer And Wiloon.
day is not so busy as heaven is all
nity, and. they will come to the
torabs of the earth, and they will will sail from. hIontreal for Englatill
for Other worlds. Victories to lae
the time. Grand projecta of mercy Ottawa, April 8. -The Disley team
Johannesburg, April 5.- -Lord Kit-
cheuer has personally presented the
Red Cross medal to Madame For-
riers bead of the Frent andaulaace
detachment. for her services to the
British wounded,
Muter Keep* AlImaneleg.
London, April 0. -Lord Kitelieue.r
reports as follows to the War Oilice:
"Col. Plumer has advanced 20 miles
beyond Nyistroom unopposed on tile
way toward Pietershurg."
According to the Pretoria COtTell-
pendent of The Daily Telegraph, the
Boers have, shifted their seat of Gov-
ernment from Piotersburg to a, point
as 1131103 northeast.
The /Alt of the Unemy'e Owes.
*imitating tlaoodaadRegata,
lko$Eozarla andl3owets a
SalltilleStOdntairtS neither
0 anfiNorplaint nor lvlinerai1/4
NQ'LIST.A33„c owic.
Xeseeef. grelee-Sigh4aFir="2
rem/4p eta-
„Alia Secs
Aperfect Remedy for COftSfipcle
gun. Sour Stoularh,DiarrIpM
qa aafl OF SLUR
TooSimite Signature ot
eastarla Up
:Itgt .gc;?4" an 17a O'll",;V: 4VV,7
,,r,144:, Olga Pri 14, it
. e
gatf to grow, and from them came , gave them to yon in corruption; stir- celebrated. The downfall of despo, on tlie Tunisian on juno 25. The Loudon, April 0. -Lord Kitchener,
cry, "Give us back our bodies; we
render them now in incorruption," tisin on earth, d. to bo announced, eligible =ragmen have until the reporting to the Wax Office the find -
all the flowers of this Easter morn,
ale two angels robed in white took hundreds of spirits hoVering about : Greet songs to be learned ansung. 25th inst. to accept places on the ing of an ;Abandoned and destroyed
hold of the stone at the Saviour's the fields of Gettysburg, 101" there the . Greet expeditionson te in SO Inc ate!) tenses have nomPont near VrYheid. Hays: "This C011101 home end sees my cot in tee hell
tomb. and they hurled it, with such bodies are burled. A hundred thous- ' scud forth his children. pi t t been received from Lieut. Gilehrist, accounts for all the enemy s guns
en y o to be in the southeastern dl- And bees alt around ernewhere
And I ain't there.
do but no fatigue If you are seated Guelph; Sergeant Mortimer, Royal known It 1 .11 b b
et ie P sorry e puntehtd mei
wrench Keeps. Moving,
Cape Town, A.eril 0. -Gen. French
continues to press the Boers at, Vry-
held. Transvaal Colony.
wsit Not Interfere.
Washington, April. 6. -Though the
State Department has been invoked
to effect the release of the steamship
Anglo -Australian. at New Orleans,
loaded with mules consigned to the
British Government in South Africa,
the sailing of which has been pre-
vented by en applicatioii for an bee
junction made by Boer sympathizers,
it decided not to interfere. The mat-
ter will be left to the courts to de-
Wilt o -o In a Hay Ship,
Ottawa, April 6. -There are still
in Ottawa eleven members of the
South African Constabulary, who
had to be left behind on account of
sickness. They are now convales-
cella and, having represented to the
nellitia authorities that they are
anxious to proceed to South Africa,
it has been deciKed to send them to
people will at ee Ina, the first, sheaf i caves of the earth. Silence on, the Cape TONV11 on the next staaaner,
of the resin ! i etion harvest. Ile, side of the mountain. Silence down.
shall have a body that never wear- Ottawa, April 8.-W. L. Griffith, which leaves St. John leden with
."the first frt ' e of them that *slept." 1 in the valleys and for out into the 0 blessed resurrection! Speak out, the Canadien Government Agent for hae.
Wales, who just completed a. tour "`"
Before I get t: rough this morning , se-.
e Silence. But in a moment, in eteevert iteCOIVOS 8,,LOO
sweet •floa-ers, beautiful flowers!.
X will walk through all the' cezna- 1
teries of the t' ad, through all the the twinkling of an eye, as the arch-
angel's trumpet comes pealing, roll- 1 While you tell of a rista Christ tell'
of the righteous who shall rise. May through Canada, left yesterday for
Portland, where he takes passage for
Stewart of Strathcona's Horse, who
Ottawa, April G. -Pte. Alex. W.
country gr ...wards, where your- i ing, crashing, across the mountain LiVeipool. When in the west, Mr.
*as recommended for the distinguish-
' tr shown
loved ones are buried, and I will 1 and sea, the earth will give ono ter- you this morning with 'an- Griffith made arrangements With
eileservice medal for gallan y
educk off te ee flowers, and I will . rific shudder, and the graves of the , God fill
I heard of a. father and son who some private concerns to accommo-
at' Machavie, has received $400 from
etrop a, sweet promise of the gespel-- : dead will heave like the waves of among others were shipwrecked at date a large number of the proper
the British War Office. Pte. Stewart
class of Wdlsh imraigrants by ad -
a rose of hope, a lily of joy -on ' the sea, and Ostend, Sebastopol and was wounded in action. at the above
sea. The father and son climbed va.ncing capital in the way of erect -
every tomb -the child's tomb, the ; Chalons will steak forth in the lurid point. He is a native of MeNab
husband's tomb, the wife's tomb, , air, and the drowned will come up into the rigging. The father heldon
ing dwellings and outbuildings on
Township, near Arnprior. His cam -
the father's grave, the mother's : and wring out their wet locks above but the son after awhile lost his hold the land, The advances' will only
rades speak highly of Stewart's
gea.ve. And while we celebrate the ' the billows, and all the land and. all ,
on the rigging and was dashed down.
rile father supposed he had a be made to such persons as have
bravery as displayed under a hot
-Gil° senie capital. It is expected that in
reinrrection of Christ we will at the ' the sea become one moving mass of hopelessly under the wave. The next
slime time celebrate the resurrection . life -all faces, all ages, all condi- this - way the immigration from &b-
eef all the good. "Cbriet, the first ' tions, gazing in One direction and Wales to Canada will be increased The etatifax Garrison.
day tbe father was brought ashore
from the rigging in an exhausted
wage -ea -eel, en'.-etenega
Ile--DarlIng, IOU you be my 1
She-Irave you a recommend
!rout yo dancee?---Ring.
&little Ferree Awful Titre -at.
wen% ewer live in Vila tense ee
Axel I'm er.ite away, 'way en seueretere
In tto darlz mei mate- tax
Or vernetbiee labeer ever S3W before
efigtt come end eet me up, Pied tliere
I be yea when
pe bee se little boy bell be
rare be punished met
And I'm grain to stun: eed not
Ever cat saytbing again ray.%
Arid wben I'm up with God mad got
Winge and coo IfWt at my ex and lie
foree down the hill that it crushed
in the door ot the world's sepuleher
4ml the stark a.nd the dead raust
eome forth.
I care not how labyrinthine the . York to Liverpool, at every few position is to be allowed at all
e-a.e......_, e-Litialssoietiln. or how -costly the %tree- miles where a steamer went. dotvn, cr.
Sometimes M. this world we fed WO taateS in all stages of the Queen's
thagus or leowever beautifully par- departed spirits coining bade, hover-'
terred the family grounds, we want In ewe the wave. There is where would like to have such a botly as aid St. George's competitions.
and, spirits coming to Greenwood, for k tauter the teees or life, it will not be Grenadiers, Toronto, anti Sergeant
there the bodies are buried, waiting • to rest, but to talk over with some Wilsen, 18rcl, Ottawa. This year
for the reunion of body and soul, t old comrade old times -the battles the Bisley matches begin on July 8
MI along the sea route trout New .
where you ion ht shoulder to should, anti dose on July 20. The prone
that There is so muck work to be
than all broken up by the Lord of the City of Boston perished, Found . .
done for Cbrist, there are so many
;the resurrection. They must cOme , at last. There is where the President tears. to be wiped away, there are "so
out. Father and mother -they must x perished. Steamer found, at last. many burdens to life, there is so
come out. Brother and sister-theY There is where the Central. America,
went down. Spirits hovering, litin- . much to be achieved for Christ, wo
inuet come out. Our darling child- 1
sometimes wisb that from tbe first
reel -they must come out. The eyes dreds of spirits hovering, waiting for of January to the last of December
that NVO closed with such trembling the reunion of body and soul. Out we could toil on without stopping to
'fingers must ohm again in the rade- on the prairie a spirit alights. There sleep or to take any recreation or to
once of that • mom. The arms we is where a, traveler died in the snow. rest or eves to talee food-, that eve
fended in dust must join ours In ea Crash goes Westminster Abbey, end could tail right on without stopping
, eatibraee of rennion. The voice that the poets and the orators •como forth;
a 2110111Pa in our work' of cousmend-
- Was hushed in our dwelling must be wonderful mingling of good and bad. ing Christ and heeven to all the pea -
returned, Oh, how long some of Crash go the Pyrainids of Egypt, and
you seem to lee waiting for the re- the monarchs come forth. „ pie. But NVO all get tired, It is a
Characteristic of the human body in
surrectionl And for these broken Who ran sketch the scene? I sup- this condition; we must get. tired,
hearts to -day I make a, soft, cool pose that one inoment before that Is it not's!, glorious thought that we
bandage out of lea.ster flowers. general rising there will be an entire are going tit! h'eve a body* that will
This morning I find. 'in the risen .1. silence, save as you hear the. grind- never grow weary? 0 glorious resell. -
rection., my text setting forth the , hoofs 9,f a proceSSion passing' into Ulla poor body of sin and fling it
Christ a prophecy of 01.11" ONV/11. resar- of Et, ‘vhee). or the. eta,f,ter of th,,,„
P rectiOn day! Gladly will I fling aside
reelltelle1C, VI.001>D1O.
The Flue Iron II --ridge Which Cost Se0,-
000 liess 'Been Carried. Away.
Montreal, April 8. -Advices from
Richmond, one of the principal teems
of Ufa Eastern Townsbips, about 100
miles from UOntreal, State that the
town has suffered from a big inunda-
tion. fru ice in the St. Francis Riv-
er, between Richmond and Melbourne
broke up yesterday and carried away
the fine iron bridge connecting the
two Places. The water then rose and
inundated the ratite portion of the
town. .The water is still rising, and
the people aro removing out of dan-
ger. The bridge cost $10,000. The
damage will be heavy.
iflea, that as Christ has risen, so his i; the Cemetery. Silence in all the into the tomb if tit the bidding X seeking., Welsh emeehreeelee.
fruits of them. that slept."' I upon one throne -the throne of resur- state eud laid on a bed in a. fisher- . -
bv several hundred. Ottawa, April 6. -Recruiting for
• the Halifax garrison is proceeding
If I should come to you and ask ' rection. who are in their graves . manes hut, and after many hours slowly, but there are now about 600
you for the names of the great con- ' shall coin° forth." Three Dr weed, One Saved.
Lima pa5sed he came to consciousness
querers of the world, you would say I "But," you say, "if this doctrine and saw lying beside him on the Portland, Me., April 13. -The two- men on the roll. The 1VIilitia De -
Alexander, Caesar, Philip, Napoleon or the resurrection is true, as „ pre- same bed his boy. • Oh, my friends, masted schooner Wendell Burpee, of partment is satisfied the regiracnt
I. Ah, you have forgotten to men- figured by this Easter mornieg, can what a glorious thing it will be if St. John, W. .,
et 33 went ashore off will hold its own. There are , few va-
1,1011 thane:me Of a. greater •conqueror . yOu tell us something about no re- we wake upeat last to find our loved eaten Elizabeth shortly before 1.2, cancies among the ofecers.
' -than all thesaaa, cruel, . ghastly con- surrected body?" I can. There aro ones beside us, eornineup from 'the o'cloCk yesterday noon, the captain, • ,
L. A. Animal. Meeting:.
que.ror. hIe rode on a black horse mysteries about that, but shall tell same plot in the graveyard, coming cook ands beim d
ono a or g ro
across Waterloo and Chalons and you three or four taings in regard to up in the same rnorning light -the fa,
Atleata., the bloody hoofs crushing
the resurrected body that are be- inor e f
In the first place, I remark in re- t 0 weep, never more to part, never London, April 8. --The Lanarkshire Temple Buildince, and was enidoubt-
flag , and he takes no prisoners. He
gard to your resurrected body, it more to die. strikes are apparently ended, the en- edly one oi the most successful in
digs a trench across the hemispheres
will be a glorious body. The body : May the Cod of peace that brought gine workers havieg agreed to re- the history.. of the association. The
and fills it with the carcasses of na-
We have now is a more skeleton of again from the dead our Lord Jesus, same work to -day. The miners will reports of the various conamittees
tdons. Fifty times would the World
what it, would have been if sin had that great' Shepherd of the sheep, in coieeecieence resume work also. shewed,tiee organization to be in a
have been depbpulated had not G od highly flourishing condition and the
•t ed and defaced it. Take the through the bleed of the everlasting The strike brought no gains to the "
prospects for the coming season show
indicated!). of keen competition
ievioery9 pp n hi honorf.
n all the vseriees districts for claam-
while the mate only was saved.
Toronto, April 6. -The annual
• meeting of the Canadian Lacrosse As -
an son a ive orever, the sedation. was held yesterdey In. the
. loved ones alive forever, never more Strike at an Einl.
the hearts of nations. It is the con- e •
yonu guessing and beyond mistake.
•queror, Death.. He carries a black
1 i onerations r. hy t inake you perfect in every
times would the wor lave .
made by an artist ' and chip good work, 1, . o ,
swung Melees through the air -no
here and chip • it there the associations, of this morning
xnan on the mountain, no man. on it
eine a chisel and batter and bruise transport our thoughts to the grand -
the, sea, an a,bandoned ship plowing
thretigh•e immensity. Again and
again has he done s oi
and the bennty would be gone. Well, saw an
nera.tions I -le is a monarch as d 1 1 en chip ed no man ca neunber," some of our
kept ma r. eg newg •
• be most exqu• isite sta tie that was ever covenant
o d his will and let
Toed Salisbncr ..t
Nice, April S. -Lord
arrived at Bea ul Yen.
Don la 1
Sal is bury has
TTe was but
little affected by the journey from
it e z•nd there and then stand it er assemblage before the throne. The
nci •. • t • hundred years one hundred and. forty and four thou -
{hi w •k with all ° • I d the " great multitude that
Well as a conqueror; his pala.ce a 1 tal,e hun'cul b° Y las 3e P 11
ge ,
his teunte.ine the tailing ! and battered and. brusied and dalliag- best friende among them, we after
tearsof a World. Bleased be God! ed with the storins of thousands of awhile to join the multitude. Glori-
1. the light of this Easter , morning
ears -the pia- i• al defects of other ous anticipation!
1 see the' prophecy that his sceptre generations cone . f,: down from goner_ , .._
ellen be bfoken, and his palace shall ation to gen.-eaten, -we inheriting Blest are the saints beloved Of God;
be demolished. The hoi.u.: is coming the infelicities of past generations. Washed are their robes in Jesus'
when all who are in their grave,. But in the Morning of the resurrec- I blood.
hall come forth. Christ risen, , we tion the 'body will be adorned atid Brighter Allan angels, lo, they shine,
shan ise. Jesus; ettie first awe, beautified according to the original Their wanders splendid and sublime,
of theee ,t hat slept." model. And there , is no such
Wow, aromui this doctrine of the efice between a gymnast and an eine- MY soul anticiPates the day,
enyeteras, you carte to -m a dluall'•‘1 Say win be a difference between our bed- ' awaY
the song, the palm, to bear,
fes as they are now and our resur- To aid
rec e o And bow, the chief of shutters, there.
I/ the bodies:.„of the 'dead -Lean
eaised,..now is this and hoier is that? tdf r s There you, will eee the
dated I'vretch in a 'lazaretto as there , W°u1CI srtrel'ch her wings and
resurrection there ate a, gre t •
Five men frora the pilot boat ger-
man .0elrichs, . No. 1, New York.
which was anchored ell Stapleton, S.
L, were swamped in a yawl -about
1,000 feet froin shore, on Saurday,
and one of them, john Syleeth was
iir oevned
The three -masted schooner IIyenea,
of Calais, Maine, bound to that port
from Perth Aniboy, went ashore at
Meet Gloueester, Mass.,at 3 o'01001i
Saturday morning, and tis a total
' wro`ck. Capt. 13. B, Dix of Wee!! Tea.
meet, Me., mid Steward Full,
4i1es,bq unknown, Were 'Will
The Ny.est Hastings Election.
Ottatia, April 6.--A writ will be
issued at canoe for azt election in Wpst
Hastings. Tb.e resignation of Mr.
Corhy has at last been received by
the Speaker, who has issued his wan -
rant for an election. Mk. Cortly *u
first elected. in 1888 arid has been
elected at every general election since
that time.
The wheelmen.
Torento, April 6. -The annual
meeting of the Canadian Wheelmen's
Association Was yield here erdeterday.
Theee was a fair attendance,' and A.
E, Walton was elected president. It
wee' decided to take up racing again.
Orom thin°.
Milburn's Pills
For Nervousness.
Ato Men I'm Mr awoy
And nearly maned and can hardly fitted
They might be tt big. bad Min COMO Meng O,M1
noel take mo off to route strange lead,
And tben. when the people teltl my pa
Dow cruvi he Was, I bet lie'd be
Tie., saddest person you ever taw
And sorry ho punished mei
And wben they Pad no little boy no more
lemma weted cry all day.
And when no little boy would opts tbe door
For pa at Male and my,
"Bello:" het
Thut'a when heed be
The saddest yet,.
And 1'11 stay this time, but be
B-lehlebetter quit punishin mei
-Chicago Tirneelirrehl,
Ohlidr,en Ory To; -
'4^ " Oulditingeetnith &ruby
ty Pinsat 1ft. a;et. Thes.n1yiIsPar:17.nisenelis
4a:11.14%4;n golel and enamel. well'
t..eneed and mill"' carded. three
rt. Therare enelispleneldValue au
1-11,1 wttbisadrertisementattflwa
w:11,ermad the Pine. Sell them.
wurti themener.andthisbeauti-
Nle,,AhlOolalthvwill hetientron
Bog. 10i 'Enceinte. Cam.
Sept. -Ali, ze0o.
The T. Milburn Co.. Limited,
'recent°, Ont.
Pear Sirs, -I wish to let you know of
the benefit I have derived by using your
I am a widow with a Caraily to Stlpporti
and have to work hard, which is very
trying on my nerves.
At night I was unable to sleep for how*
after going to bed, and it seemed as if
every nerve in my body was on the go.
I had a smothering, choking sensatien,
and had to seeing out of bed to catch, ray
Milburres Heart and Nerve Pills haye
done ma so much good that 1 can recotre
mend them highly to any person afIlicted
with heart and nerve troubles like I was.
Yours, with gratitude,
ontreal Grocer
in Trouble
With his Back and Kidneys,
but at last found relief
in Doan's Pills.
PIMP L ES, 28Attht:179::wruililteemse:under date of
Dear Sirs, -For ten years I suffered from
pains across my back, both sides and be-
tween my shoulders. In fact at times
was doubled up with pain, and aerate '
was highly colored. I save Doan's Pills
!leveraged, so procured four boxes and netist
say they have effected a complete cnre. 1
ewe my present good health to Doan's Pills
and cannot recommend them too highly to
any and all sufferiag from baokache eind
kidney troubles.
These Troublesome, Disfiguring
Blemishes can be Removed
by the all Powerful Blood
Blood Bitters.
The nasty little pimples that come
on the face and other parts of the
body are simply indications that
the blood is out of order and re-
quires purifying.
They are little irritating remind-
ers to you that you need a course of
treatment -with Burdock Blood Bit-
When B.B.B. makes your blood.
ptve then the pimples will vanish
and your skin become soft and clear.
Here is evidence worth consider-
Mrs. Morrice Retch, Bristol,
Carleton Co., N.B., writes: "1
take great pleasure in recommend-
ing Burdock Blood. Bititers to every
one troubled with pimples. I was
for years that I would break out
• with them at times on my face and
back. I tried all sorts of remedies,
including doctors' medicine, but
everything faited to cure me.
At last I heard of ,B.B.Bt and
thought 1 watild try it.
"When I had finished taking
two bottles I felt a great deal better,
so kept on using it until I had taken
in all six bOttlei„ It has completely
an,d permanently removocl every
pimple from my body and I never
felt better in my life than I o at
the present time:
I feel better this morning, tiaRuk
you. I took' a:14axa,-Liyer Pill last
night and it Vorkg1-,.1ike a char. -A -
headache and bilioau s are all
I've heard_ many ladies say they
vrouldu' t be withOnt Laxa-LiV,M7.
Pills. --they're such an easy pill to
take, do not gripe or sicken, ama
onre entstipatidn, dyspepsia, sour
gtopaach coated tongue bad breath
via al4,40:124,04 and liver ills,: