Exeter Times, 1901-4-11, Page 1trr TwENTY,EIGHT11 YEAR—NO. 35. It Bishop Irr IHiardware, Etc. H URON .(Y.4 MI DD E; X 8*-151VNIN-WILLIRM8' , Ofika. R01351,T801N4Z& 00.1 PURE M1XBD Wasiting Maohlnes, Wringers aild Onurns (1ST MAKERS, ) eeereteta cid Seectee A ri Earieeiti /4 4-.J'IL I I. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY AIORNING, APRI1., 11, 1901. ellen Too". FIRST-CLASS NO. 9 000KING STOVE SI2.50 H Bishop Hensel' _ nesv location. -The anniversary see- vicee in eontiection with the M. E. 'Pee A. Sellery, L. D. $, D. D. S„Monor (trade- Smoden' School _ were a decided succese. F .atearrerante Llniversity„ Dentists. Teeth On Good Friday evening the annual 1 in Petty's Block, Renaall. At Zurich. even, r " I I "R " I " entertainment was held. It eonsasted extracted without_paln or hal effects. 011ie° M d cin Ma 30th o a cantata onto et aster re. wee, by the school, and an address by Rev. G. .L eutheriaae, Notary Pubue, eonveyan. E. G. Powell. The house was filed to aer.CoattalsagnIr, Ft7e Ins'ir"" •Ag-nt•'' awl- overt-101%in v. Itev. Hassar occupied Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal nocuments ,, . . a ... It carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Meney • toe come. was a splendid enter- ioloan en real estete at iew inteset interest. e tainment. Collection at dom. *wady , $20.-00, • Cu Sunday Rev. E 0. Powell. 13als.ees.--,T. ./.. BerrY bas sold los a Datton,preatthed mornfug awl en-' elydesdale stallion to a Mr. Smith, for „ ing, and eddreesed a.. mese meeting shipment to elanitoba.-Mr. awl Mre-. " of the schnO1 in the al:Vet maw. Adot, 1 V. Coleman ere. in Seaforth Lbw week Hooper, a Hay, was oleo present. and , visiting, relatives and friende.--Miss gave a good address. Rey.. Powell 4 Goetz. of Sebriugville„ is visiting Miss gave us excellene services.. euti Lite. Vine Coolc.-The annual Vestry meet. • committee is ta be congratuleted on iing of St Paul's .chureli Was held on securing his presence. We will be . Monday evening. The several reports glad tobave him with us ago. -ire. I were read, which showed the llnances Bloomfield iiii Visiting; with friends in „. to be in a prosperous shape. The far. , Detroit and Loudon. -Miss Jamee, a : met. Wardens were re-elected.as .fol. London, is the ,nest of Miss Wiliillam lOWS ; G. 0. Petty Mid a. a outsell.- this week, a.titi Miss REtpley. of London, Miss Alice Oeldwill. epent Eaeter at N visiting with Miss Lewie. , her hoine in Hay. --41.1S FtottaiS Cox. i worth. a Loudon, spent Easter .witli her pnrents.-Mrs. ,Sellery, of gincare •Seaforth, . dine, is this week visiting her son, Dr. , Haters. - Mies Olive Langstnah, Sellery.--Service was held in the yeaegest.datightee of Mr. Ismer Lang - strati. ie. uerionsly Mat present.-5fra. , John Ronsforcl, of Clinton, was in town lest week. -On MOntivvvenit4, D. D. ' 0, M. Monme, !laid an official Yea to Britannia Lodge, No. 17e, A. id in A. 1 di. At. the elase of the meeting a sap- I per wa$ served its the Mattanie Hall Lloyd 0. flodglite is at present visiting lib grrandpareots and other MatiVes in Tharnesford.--Roy W. Scott. of .tho $.eaforth Electric Light eta, has gone to Barrie to epend .several weeks . with friends. -4t number of invitotions were Office at the Post °Mee, Hensel' Gr_a_nt_on Haires.-31r. john Leukin is. able tn. School will e.open on Monday next. ei mit, again. liaising come through his Miss Ida Meleells left, oo Monday for siekness tolerably A,. Eaton Seafentbs hes purebased a barber's outfit front 2i3e Finis= proPerty is advertised ele, James Crawford. Mr. E. purposes to open out a shop in Wocelbeno-Mr. W. D. Smuley gave a supper to the Granton Methodist, choir recently. church of England on Good Frid0Y. Special sermon by Rev. W. J. Do. herty.- Abner Arnold. barrister of Windsor, silent, the bolideya with SOil - fi=1,114..8Nrtt iat ri• Tr.#1:57;;Tf giyitt I• W tho A Parlor Suite ....To Be Giver*, Away Piee.. A. key wll be given with every Cash Purchase of $i Jao Harness, Boots and Shoes at our store, and when all the keys a distributed the one b.olding the lucky key wili get the PARLOR SUITE FREE Call and see the Suite and get a key, AE AIRING AND ORDERED WORK PROMPTLY A • TENDED TO NO11 pat week. -J. W. Ortweito of Sea. forth. has purchased the east store of the Marshall brick block. and will re. turn to Hewett to re-engage in the mercantile business. Miss Smith has moved into the store recently purchas- ed of the Marshall estate. -S. Pople. stone. of Exeter, wan in the village received by Mir, young people to 3, last week.-Janies Petty and his niece, dance held in the Opera how, Exeter, Miss Croysdale. were in London last on Rester Monday -evening:eked etweral weete-etrs, Min•ray, and daughter, catioles of weenie, went front here in 0.1'111110, wet' 18 Whig118118 18.8t response. The Imperial orf:hestra pro. ek. visiting Mrs. Murray's son, vited the minsie.--The fire alarm has st‘ho bas been ille-Miee Martha summoned the linemen out befit Toes- lilchrist, of London, was in the vile slay and Weinesilley evenings but it lege part of last week and thin-fite, proved to be both false alarms. Seem. 31aeartlinr and bride, of Aline Craig, ingly the Seaforth fire .0 'n rings any • visited friends here over Sunday,- old tiMO., &Mel Rennie, of Zurieb, was in the - - village on Saturday. -W. Colsvill end Centralia. wife visited James Beverley, Exeter, Ofl Sunday. --Misses Buchanan and Dawn op MR. EivivARR Srewa Doan, of Zurich, visited friends in the Deep regret wee felt among our people village on Good Friday. -James here on it becoming known that Mr. Mordie, who IS attending London been E. Stewart had departed this life. ft rteSs College. visited friends in Remelt WAS 0, real shock to all his friends, so this week.-Nelsou Reichert, who has few knew that. lie was so seriously ill. a situation in Port Huron, has been He has been in failing health for the home for a few days. -Miss Bell past two years, About two weeks pre. Lytiele one of the teachers of a public viens to his death he was taken ill with 801)001 id London. 18 V181Ung AIM V. lagrippe, after whichinflammation of A. INIcDonell.-Miss Vera 1)Itirdock the lungs set in, and after a week's ill - last week visited in Winghann -Miss nes s he was removed to Mee S. Me - Maggie Bell, teacher in the Blyth pub- Coy', at Centralia, where he received lic school spent Easter with her par- tbe best inedicel treatment. but he ents, 31r, and Mrs. Jae Bell. -Miss passed peacefully away on Friday at Twitchell, of Clinton, spent the past 11 o'clock a. itt. Deceased was born in vveek With her brother. R. J. Twitchell Rosemila,ncl Co., Tyrone, Ireland, and of this place. -Miss Nellie Bell, of Lon- came to this countryin Md. He tra. don, is home spending Easter with yelled around considerably in the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lames Bell. North West, after which lie bought - The entertainment given in the 50 acres of lend on the 2nd con. of Us. Methodist church on Good Friday borne. He was 45 years of age, but evening was fairly well attended. The was never married. He was a cousin .eiocutionist, Miss Fiore Kays, recited of Mrs, S. incOoy and Mr. A. Nevin. several selections in pleasing style, His other relatives ate all in the Old which called forth much applause. Country -his fether, three brothers Miss Akin, of Clinton sang a couple and four sisters. The funeral took of solos, while Mr. Yeo, of Olt. Forest, place on Sunday, March 81st. played on a trombone. The choir also assisted in their inimitable style,. -Geo Hayfield McEwen, M. P., spent the Easter vit. cation at home. -The merchants who Brianns.--Mrs. Sturgeon, of Kincar- rnn egg waggons are at ever at prices. dine, was the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Farmers are reaping the benellt,-Mrs. F. A. Edwards and Mrs. H. W Erwin, A. 'McKenzie was in Blyth recently re- the past week, and returned home on newing acquaintances. - Her many Tuesday last. ---Dan Spencer left for friends will be sorry to learn Dr the Owen Sound on Tuesday last to resume serious illness of Mtn. Geo. Oase, of the his position in the chair factory there, London road,daughter of B. Hoggarth, having been laid off duties through town. -Sohn Weistniller, who has illness.- H. Falconer left for Owen been ill the past few days is again able Sound on Wednesda,y to start work on to get around. -Ren. J. S. Henderson the Government Survey steamer, and wife were in London, on Monday. Hayfield. -- Chas. Ferguson left for --Miss McKay was in Tuckeremith the Windsor to start the season as fireman forepart of this week visiting her pee- on the Government cruiser, Petrel, ents.-Mrs. M. Elwood has returned which was laid up there during the home from Exeter. -Mr. Yeo, mer- winter. - John McLeod returned chant. of Mt. Forest, visited at the to town on Monday last from Musko- Cemniercial during Easter. -Mrs. E. ka, where he spent the winter. -- Sheffer is confined to her room with F. Gerrinhardt has fixed up the build - ate attack of la grippe. -Miss Beek is ing which was built for a skating rink visiting friends in St. Marys. -A num- and now has a bicycle livery and re- ber of the young folks attended the pair shop in Baker left for ball in Exeter on Monday evening, and Goderich last week where he has en - report having spent n, pleasant time.- gaged for the summer.- Miss Ada A meeting of the creditors of Robert Rouatt, who is attending the Conser- Patterson, Jr., was held on Monday vatory of Music in London, spent her evening. -Alex. Murdock, was seized Easter holidays at her home here. - with an attack of appendicitis last Miss Addie Rathwell and Miss Edna week, and was confined to his bed for Pallister returned home last week from some days. He is again convalescent, Toronto to spend Miele holidays. -Mr. and resumed his duties as census Chas. Biggest and Miss Wilsou, of enumerator on Tuesday. Owen Sound, spent twe weeke in town visiting the forther's parents, and • Crediton. turne•1 on Monday last. -john 'Watson , • moved on Tuesday to the farm he pur- BnIEFS.-Some farmers began seed- chased front Mr. Johnston, Sttuble line. ing on Monday and others will be -'Wm. McLennan had the misfortune dropping in line daily until it becomes to cut the end off one of his fingers at a general epidemic. A good warm Mr. Burrow's mill last week. -Spring rain would help wonderfully. -Easter has opened up andthe boys are on the has come and gone for another year. move to different parts. -John Morgan Many have been the changes in this is making arrangements to run the community since last Easter. -Rev. R. River hotel this season. -John Whid- A. Miller, of Parkhill, called on friends don, jr., Wrn. Whiddon, jr., and Alex. here on Sunday evening last while on McLeod of the Collegiate, Clinton, are his *ay to his old home :it Hensall.- spending their Easter holidays at their George Bloomfield left on Monday for homes. -Ed. Peck and jatues Dean Toronto where will . etteed the spent Sunday at the latter's home in Provincial Teachers' Convention, as Goderich.-Mrs. McPherson and Miss delegate from this district. --This is Eas- McPherson, of Norval, were guests at ter vacation. Teachers are away 'hav- Mr. John Fraser's last week. -Consider- ing a good tinie,and the children ave. re. able ice is 'floating around an Lake craiting and preparing . for another Huron making the weather cold and term of hard work at school. --.A. very backward.- Miss Shannon, of Geder- pleasant time was spent at the home of ich, visited at Mr..JOhe Falconer's last Thos. Trevethick on Tuesday afterweek.-Wm. Elliott has engaged with noon, when Miss Teeman had a guilt- the I14rd Bros. framing this season.- ing party before leaving for her borne. Miss Lottie Martin spent Sunday at -Matt. Chambers and family left On Porter's Hill. -Mrs. H. Dreprnan left last week for Holly Wond to visit her parents there. ' R. It SWEET. Weetes Free Knight's New Block Exeter. The following subjects taught indi- vidually Book Keeping, Fenmanship, Sliortfianci, Inewriting, 6orresoondenee. Etc., Etc. For Illustrated Circulars and other jnformation, call or address Wm. Hy. O'Sullivan, Knight's New Block, Exeter WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP. If you. take a Laxa-Liver Pill to -night before -retiring it win work white you sleep without a gripe or pain, curing Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, and make you I eel better in the morning. C/O Sodom BIEFS.---Qilite a number of Musk- rats are being caught along the Suable by our local trapeersa-Me. John Ten - hide is preparing to erect A. barn this surnmer.-Mie Samuel Stanlance had a number or men helping him to raise the mill and has commenced sewing. -Tinny Prouty is spending a few clays visiting her uncle, Jas. Green, of Hay. -Our teacher, Miss Ferguson, is spending ber Easter vacation with her parents m lifancbester.-.Toseph Green the president of the league, delivered bis inaogiwal address on Sunday even, - ng. -Win. Smith bas engaged to to work on a WM. in Usborne, the coming snminen-Frank Treibner had the tpisfortune to lose a foal, on Saturday. -The land around here is drying;rapidlv, and some are prepar- ing for spring work. Cromarty EXETER LUMSER, YAM). Largo stock of Lumber -.'i 3 and hemlock, 170" recta beintoca atm'. e for barns. etc., also shir,-;00. htth anil c Lir posts. Prices reasonable.-JASWII.LIS. trd ;East side of Altana,. BRIEFS.- The census enumerators are busy and are getting over their territory very slowly. -Miss Jessie Hamilton and Andrew Watson and son, of Motherwell. spent Sunday at Mr. In R. Hantilton's.-Mrs. Allan Me - Dougall„ of the 12th con., clied Sunday' morning. She had been ailing.for a. number of years. She leaves it hus- band, one son and two daughters to mourn the loss of it wife and mother, The funeral took place Wednesday, to Roy's cemetery. Deceased was a sip - ter of George McEwen, M. P.effeneall, -F. R. Hatnilton and son, George, left Monday for Galt where they are opening up it stock and. embarking in the retail boot and shoe business. F. R. Hamilton intends returning in a few days wattenti to his implement business.- Norman • llfeenzie spent last week amongst friends here and left on Saturday for a plaee near Chatham, where he is placed for the . summer in a mission station. Ca -1-1 • Lr1) . 2.. E W fY cA'a bA Imo ,FL = Fa° • C= 1X 415 =s) a, 8 cr.:3 ci Lucan Besnes.-Mr. C. Quigly spent Easter visiting his family. Mr. Quigly is working in London and the family will move there in a couple of weeks, -G. McCoemick is going his rounds taking the census of our village. -Master B. Horne, of the Forest City business college, spent Easter at his home. -Mr. R. Mobray intends having an addition put to his house very shortly. We understand Mr. J. Evans, of Exeter, m 44,040 On C) e C has the brick work. -The old maids of Trinity church are practising for a con - I's' at cert which is to be given in the near = mai . ', MIMI future. -Mr. R. St. Johns is in London. -Miss Maggie Hartford, stenographer ospoommio sj gro, for Lawyer agnate London, and Miss e, 41 Li5 w Mattie Wylie, of Dundas St., London, 0 spent Easter with Mrs. ft, Horne.- Z 8 — . Wes. Cole, of London, yisited his mother, Easter. -S. Doupe spent Fri- day in Toronto. -The smoke stack of MI5 Z • 're 0 thepower house took it tumble the Pe other day and went to pieces. -Mrs. 0 Jas. Andurrn is again confined to her .(#) in bed suffering from heart trouble. - fa, Mrs. Jas. Park is able to be Around again after being confined to the house foi some time. ' t=:Zi 91=1.1=1 SMITH BROS & As a sprinemedicine Burdock 13lood Bitters -SPRINGMEDIOINE. Os has no equal. It tones up the systeni and re moves nit impurities from the blood, and takes ENSA LI.. GODERICHaway dial tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Tuesday, for Michigan, where they will .make their home, he having secured it good position in a brickyard. Harry Motz .went also. -Mr. and Mrs. R. E. PUTNAM'S CORN EXTRACTOR. Walker. spent Easter with Rev. and Dosen't lay a mats up for a week but Mrs. Crompton, of Carlisle. -Mrs. Geo. quietly and surely goes on doing its Olarke, who has been dangerously 11 work. and nothing es known of the it improving slowly -Aubrey Baker operation till the corn is shelled, Pion - paid a flying visit to Hensall on Sun- ty of substitutes do this. Some of day. -Misses Mabel and Ina Hill, ' of them are dangerous, no danger from Clinton, spent the Easter vacation Putnam's except to the corn. At all with their aunt, Mrs. Rivers. -Wes. druggists - and Mrs. Kerr, of Clinton, spent Good Friday with friends here, And report Mrs. Monroe spent Easter bright prospects for business in their friends io rr'111r0V r!'": '11, I Stephen for sale in another column, R. L. Fanson has returned front vis. "og friencie in Detroit ond Feuton. Mr. and nine Dick gen. of London, isited Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Knigbt the past week. All the trainineri en the L. II, & B. G STAYBURY, D. A , EXETER. ON branch have had their wages increased about 85 a rtiontia Lew Mee. nrivete Feeds Le Ciente Weetaway of Brantford, SCHOOL REPORT. -The following ie spent a few aa,ys of tbis week with MS the list of promotions made in school , sheer eire,A. poteL No, 3, at the recent uniform, examine- ' G. A. Buessrell went, to Listowel last - Lion: Sr, 2noi j. 8o1.-Alfrediweek. where bp secured a lucrative pos.. Wnerth. Violet Woode, Sant Hicks.. ition with a merchant, Tommy Saudere. Earl Hoes Jr. 2nd; J. A. MsTaggart. teachera snare, to sr, 2nd-1alph Willis, Annie Hicks, lie home spending, va,eatioo with. his father P. nieTaggart. London road, elr. Nixon. organizer for che NV.. spent the pint. week in town, and. on Toestlay evening fullicAted nurri. Iiregry Treiliner. Pt. 2nel to Jr, 2M1 ietoe Sweet, Tommy Penhale, F.:itiPareons, Hiltia Preszeetots Vito nie Cooksou, May Sanders. Lillie pt. shertnan her tif centlidates to Membership. Willis..01adys Dearing. Ronny Sweet, 3tise Annie. Senders visiten her Eddie Treibner, G. Whittaker. 1110U -tee Mrs. Thos. Snell, al Victoria T. B. Hooper, Teacher. Hospital, London, who reeently tua- dement an operation and who, we are Zurch •••.••••• •-•cm• pleased to say is recovering rapidly. It is rennested that perente who in- RRIEFit.-John Torrance. who re. d starting their small children to mealy sold lus fem. moved his fend. to se oat efter the Easter holidays to ly Egnionaville this week. We re. in 44 OS ng T. an re. • t I el ef T eenti them the Met day so as to 'help °trance and family frenei OM` mhiste-P. Lae the teachere in the primary depart- .evB. and ft Alm Smith leClio. e a, One looking animal, -A branch of R. E. thebents will Maisons benwill be stacted here shortly.-Apother hardware store le about to be opened in the village ley a gentleman from Myth. - The 'Hay Council met on Monday. Dr. Lutz and T. Prior waited upon the council ask. Ing for it grant toward the Exeter UlliOn Cemetery. The matter was de- ferred uext meeting. -The Ha Fire Insurauee Co. met here this wee and tvansaeted considerable basiness, nt has Shire stallion home. it rw4115 "Pgararile e 858e8 PPOPMY. eee. Dasbw ood WORM - The flax marinfaeturer have finished business for the past season. -The Maceabee concert on Fri- day evening was not as largely attend- ed as it should have been. An excel. lent programme was rendered, -Ed. Beokenslaire has moved into Andrew Burk's residence. - Chas. Guenther, while assisting at sawing wood on Wednesday ou the feral of Sol. Mar. tin, met, with a serious accident. He was driving the engine. The sawyers by some means fed it stick of wood in- to the flywheel which broke. a piece of it flying with great force, strikin Guenther. breaking several ribs injuring his side and 14. -The far en are busy seeding. -A.. Shettler, sr continues ill. Dublin BRIEFS. -MiSS B7 -nn left towu on Thursday last to spend Easter at her 110180 Lucan -Miss King, of Mitchell, is this week the guest of Miss Minnie Baloney.-Everyano is glad to wel- come home for his Easter holidays Dr. McKenna from Toronto, -Master Greg. Klinkhammer, who has been in Stratford for the past week, harihg his eye treated, is doing well. -Quite a number of our young men have gone to Sault St. Marie, where they will epend the sununen-Pat Ryan sold a valuable horse, realizing a good price. -William Murray has been engaged to work on the railroad section for the surnmer.--Stephen Delaney, with his wife and &inns-, has moved to Mit- chell, where he will reside for the fut- ure. M_Ito_h el I BRIEFS. -The Atwood stage came in on wheels for the first time on Wed- nesday last and reports lots of snow in the north country en—Mrs, Andrew Hart is very serkiusiy ill this week, with little hope of recovery. She has been ill for a long period. -It was re- ported that James Goforth's little girl had died of diphtheria. The report is not true. -Some of our voting people attended the wedding of Mr. Brooks. of Manitoba, to Miss Etnant, dauzlater of Mrs. James Colguhoun, of Gowrie. The happy young couple will leave for Manitoba to reside in future. -Miss Alexia el ullieron will teach the primary department of the Public school for the summer. -Mr. Samuel Honey has returned from Port Hope, ,where he lived all winter. Although over 80 years oE age, be keeps quite smart. - Mr. Robert McKay, who has been in Mr, Cameron's jewelry stare for some time, left this week for Hamilton, where he has secured a good situation. le for their uew field it 'abet* tit Car- berry. Man., last week. Ur. Smith went on Montlev with a earl() iel of ef. frets and Mrs. Smith followed on Sat- urday from Toronto. ageompanied by Jamee L. !Slieldleton, who has been clerk. in J. E. Horefe drug store for 8(}'aueltee,lemee.-R lekerville, V* aged laden died on Saintly sa her Waite on Main t. Al h I •in i tealth atetWnIte )? r. le tV,A fli;i, t riously in:: abate-, two weel,. o. She had re4ielied the rine age of 82 years, and 'leaves her eged partner and two sons to mourn then. loss. .Mr. and Mrs. Baskerville. sr.1 formerly re- eided in Centralia, having moved to Exeter abeitt two vears ago. The young ba.chelors at, home which was held irt the Opera Mose Moncloy evening was a very enjoyable affair. Guests from Lendon Luean, Zurieh, Clinton. Seaforth and Bay. field aveepted the hoepie.dity of the young bachelors, to spend a pleasant evening about eighty being present. The Imperial orchestra. of Seaforth, supplied excellent, music', daring the veneig a.very dainty 1u1rh was serv- e On the whole much credit is due h young men for the very complete aogements fur the evening's enter- inment. At Motbertvell. in Perth county, on Sunday. 3Ira J. J. Caven, mother of Principal Canoe, ot Knox College, To. ronto, died at the adva.nced age of 07 years. Mre. Cavell W.tS of martyr covenanting stock and was born in Gal- loway, Scotland. August 1. 18(13. Af- ter her marriage to Mr. John Caven she emigrated to Canada in 18t7, set- tling in Waterloo county, where hex; husband became it school teacher They moved to Perth county in 1855, where 'Me. ('.wen died 21 years ago,. Deceased leaves two daughters an one son. Principal Caxen was too ill to attend the fiineral, which took place at St. Mary's Tuesday. After one week's trial it is more than ever evident that the census en- umerators will not be able to get through their duties within the allott- ed time, two weeks. The majority of the enumerators are not yet half through, and prOhably at least two weeks more will be required. The commissinners have in some cases ex perienced no little difficulty with the enumerators, some of whom appear be unable to understand their dude . Instructions have been received that future the ertuinerators are not, 1) question employers of labot- ot profe sional men as to their incomes. Onl wage-eiteners are to be qnestioned, th idea being to find out if possible th amouritS earned ey workers in differ ent lines of trade. Grand Bend ing his Easter holidays under the par- ental uHsian—ea-erzy7.0901:s Humes.- enberry, of Stratford ge, is spend - ental roof. -Ashton Mollard, of Grand Marais arrived home Tuesday and will spend a couple of weeks with his par- ents here. -Miss Lou Cunningham is spending her holidays at her home in Port Albert. -The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Farrel died on Sunday and was buried in the cemetery here on Monday. -Miss Puuchard is spending her holidays with her friends in Sea - forth. -Mrs. John Mollard left here on Thursday to yisit her sisters and brother of East Jordan, Mith.-Mise HaLtie Statton and Will Lovie were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony on Wednesday. The bride was assist- ed by her sister, Mary, while Joe Oliver supported the groom. Their many friends join with the correspon- dent in wishing them a life long happiness. -Mr. and .liers. John Sher. ritt entertained a number of their friends at their home' on Thursday evening last. Every person reports having spent a pleasant evening. - Robert Pollock has made arranve- ments to take in any number of cattle on his ranch this season at nioderate- ly low prices. 'Miss Batnett, who has been working tt,f'r 0.,:r.rnr‘ri:1' 01. '4,'t iji . • 1I1E},i Market .Dpot A few days of winter yet and we want to reduce .our winter goods be fore Spring Stock arrives, We have received a very choice Ji LADIES' 17NDER SKIRTS In all colors* with corded ruffle. New and stylish. We keep always in at le a lam and well selected stock of FRE.SH GROCERIES. 4 a ARDWA f Farm Produce taken 30 ROSS* YQUOaEt8t all kinds of bonding material now in. Grantorat LIITWORTflYS 1.11Magg WIRD At the very lowest prices. We ave a large stock on Iwnd and ve have got to sell, so if you want o get a bargain just give us a i call. We are selling t inch Pine Boards at Sia .50 per IX, Pine Shingles at $i.$0 per M. First- class Hemlock at $1.4.400 per Piles and piles of Cedar Posts on hand at 13 cents each. Office—rst door East of Odd - fellows Block. GUITWORTHY, C.I RANTON. We regret to announce the very serious illness of Mr. Wm. Bagsliaave teacber of Centralia, who, at the present time of writing, is very Iow- a victim of appendicitis. On Sunday an operation was performed by Drs. Wishart, of London, and. Browning of Exetez as the only means of saving his life. The patient, although very weak and low, is, we are pleased to state, somewhat, inaproved. Mr. Bag- shaw has many frieuds here as else- where, who hope for his speedy and alleittaiete recovery. To add to the (d- ig -dim eltieeetother Mrs. Wm. Bag. shuweineela 'eery low and is not able to be in attendance upon her son. They have the syrripathy of the whole community in their serious illness. .T. G. Stanbury was in Toronto the past week. TESTIMONIAL OF MR. HENRY GUENTHER TO TAB VALUE OF ENGLISH STOCK FOOD. This is to certify that I bare used English Stock Food, neanufaereared by C. Lutz, Druggist, Exeter, for it voting colt that was not thriving. He im- proved well under its use. I also had two young pigs that were scouring and losing condition. On feeding English Stock Food. they immediately recovered and are doing well. Hnxa GCB:4TIIER, Township of Hay 'ce 14 lbs. $1.00. zee Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. • ril Sped CURRY COMBS HORSE BRUSHES HORSE CLIPPERS (Clipper Special.) Regular $2,00, our price $1.50. The very best. 13=1101.11S192•10{rlit.3 GRASS SEEDERS 0 LITTLE GIANT AND FIDDLE 130W ....cacatlemarooe wocmitteirEM, STOVES AND RANGES 00AL OR WOOD COOKS $18.00 to $80.00 HAPPY THOUGHT RANGES. $80.00 to $48.00. • Now is the time to buy. is CROSS -CUT SAWS AND AXES Balance of stock at special prices to clean out. • WASHING MACHINES AND CHURNS A trial will convince you that we -have good malces. Yaltasmanagsnevcreas EillUILDE:.S1 HARDWARE MECHANIC'S TOOLS- --- 'PAINTS AND OILS CEMENTS AND PLASTER WV are always pleased to give, pieces. MOIFI*211VMMID. All sizes j.„ Our coal gives satisfaction. m stock. „• . -a_ ,