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Cash Store
h or Produce.
One Urine Only,
We ready with all our new Spring Goods, and such a stock
such piles of new goods, new dress goods, new millinery, new spring
coats for the ladies, Misses and children, new prints, tnuslins and
ginghams, new carpets, ad cloths and linoleums, new lace and tap-
estry curt.ins, new wall papers, new spring overcoats for leen, new
suits for men and boys. Yes,, the most complete and up-to-date
stock of new goods that you'll find in the trade, and you're welcome
to come and study all the styles at The Big Cash Store as often as
you wish. Bring your friends with you, there is so much to
see that will interest you ..
living moving pictures, taken at Hyde
corner, showing this maguifieent
pageant it all its solemn granueur, in-
cludrng the main portion of the pro-
eession from Field Marshall , Earl
Roberts to the end. Together with
scenes from the South African war,the
great disaster at Galveston, Texas, the
celebrated Monte Myro Family: and a
score of others, inaking an extensive
programme, and a suitable blending of
refined humor, pathos and tragedy,
also music and illustrated songs, pre-
sented by Cox Bros, Opera House,
Exeter,Monday and Tuesday evenings,
April 1 and 2. Matinee Tuesday after -
10c. Plan at Lutz's Drug store. Our stock of `!'rimmed Millinery,
Lovely drew to back Spring Coats I Here's a snap direct from the makers
for girls, nicely trimmed and tailor in Great dritaun. Beautiful floral de -
made, R=are vislues $3.23, $3.54 and signs in Linoleusns four yards wide
$3.73. ' $2.25 and $2,40 the yard. These are
New nifty tailor made Spring Coatsthe best Liuoleuws we have have ever
for lir:diee, right up-to-date in. Fawns t offered -
and Rl;teks, $3.73, $1..3.3 altd. $5.00. Do von know that we are doing the
tee t
.A. great snap in lace curtains, two cvoipideh et tcii
why when you see our rIo� l
very xpecial h,trgauths that you shou14 , stock of new carpets, and then cash
Investigate at $1.00 mid $1,30 the pair.
land ane price in:al;,es it pcssib1e for us
We have tote of other big values in • to show you values such as yon alight
lace curtains, but otic specials at $1..00 l expect to fiud,
And $1.50 are money, savers. Asir. to i Yes, we are the wall paper house.
see thein , We have have the stock, we have the
Ladies" �,�ew levo:id Cloths, in all the iaas-sortmnent, we have the values. Not
new ebades and Black, Special values i one roll of trashy paper in our stock
at Girt„ 73e, $1.00 and $1.25. Just the We would like to show yon through
thing for your new spring suit. our new wall papers. They're lovely.
•, w :add+ +%s.+� l ...»s :a ;.;,+;•-;.:;°. i
To Have
the Best Goods
is what the business men owes him-
For Marriage Licenses,
noon, p.
4 Prices, 2 mac, 150, and
MOO 60.
New illery
Foliage. Plumes, 'l'ip, Trimmings, etc., is
Tem Cz MF T1+RX - We learn
the Directors of the Union Cemetery alid our Miss Shaw Will be pleased to See
C h ti i lens for the ro osed W willii) to leave the verdict ftS to S
devele esln antt` hope during the corn- and price with fill).
Ing season to accomplish mach work
along the lines Indicated .in their an-
nouncement. They have engaged Ma
Alworthy as caretakerby the year,
and inade other arrangements to im-
prove the systea of management.
During the past few mouths the Direc-
tors have received aid from various
sources, but it is hoped. that during
the balance of the year others inter-
ested will act liberally* in contribution,
and thus assist the good wort. now
wall begun, Municipal couneils also
should cousrcier it thew sacred duty to
assist in the beautifying of God's Acre.
DEATH os' MRs, Psrmnis.--'-The re-
mains of the late Mrs. Perkins, relict of
the tate Henry Perkins. were brought
here for interment front London on
Tuesday, The deceased was a native
of St. Ives, inglatd, rand came to this
uew land with her parents when about
eight years of age, when they settled
in Quebec Province. For many years
she, with her late Husband, lived on a
farm in Usborne township, after which
they retired, coming to Exeter to live.
Mr. Perkins pre -deceased her some
years ago. Some months ago Mrs.
Perkins went to Loudon Junction to
visit her son W. H., where she took
seriously ill, and notwithstanding ell
that" loving hands and medical skill
could do, her spirit took its.everlasting
flight on Sunday last. Deceased was
07 years of age. She leaves two sons,
of London Junction, J. N., of
Usborne, and a daughter, Mrs. How-
of Londoz
improvement o the he cemetery
woadirig Rings,
WEstct'acs,, Clock,
.I ewcl rY,a
Spectacles, '�..,"'`tc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Central ,-
It is this business policy of ours One of Canada's largest and most
which insisters us to elaini to bel successful schools of Business Training.
otters the cheapest and con-)An
old-established school and one than
sequently always tHo_best.
enjoys s an 1 .exThe reputationafor
superior work. The present is a splen
did time to enter for a course of train-
ing. Prepare now for the situations
that will be open next fall. We as-
sist many of our students to good
positions. The large attendance that
A Oor•r2plete Leine of our school enjoys is positive proof
that our work is highly appreciated.
Jardineres, Our students are our best advertise -
English and German Decorated ments. They know that our training
Vases, is first-class and they are telling others.
French China, Write for Spring circular.
Limoge and Japanese Ware. W. J. ELLIOTT,
-- ..... -.. -.°.,,.-..._ Principal).
have in stock. everything in the
Std ,;cry Line --newest in Note
Peeper --
PANY, of Toronto ; also for the Packs= FIRS
1`SB RANCE COMPANY, of London .n land ;
THURSDAY, MARCH 28es, 1901
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Flats, Flowers,
now complete,
you at any time.
tyle, assortment
Mrs, Geo. Weekes, of Watertown,
Y., is visiting the Misses Weekes.
Mr. M. Parkinson, of Toronto, is at
present yiaiting his sister, Miss Park-
Mr. E. H. Maas, of Seaforth, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Grigg on
Use Ball's British Seven Mixtures for
corks and: wounds on horses. Sold at
;Lutz's Drug Store.
Use Winan's Cough Balsam fer
oughs,Coids and Bronchitic Troubles.
Only 25c. a bottle at Lutz's Drug Store.
ClE'.N SEED GRAIN. -Peas, oats,
Marley, goose wheat and black barley
at Blssl;'rT's warehouse, Exeter.
'k` A number of our young people drover
to the residence of Mr. S. Passmore
Thames, Road and spent a pleasant
Geo, Bawden moved to Lucan Tues-
day, while D. IIet.nnes took possession
of the house recently purchased of
Mr. Bawden,
A. Nevins, Centralia, attended the
R. W. Grand Lodge of Ontario west,
held rut Stratford on Tuesday and
Wednesday of last week.
At the sale on Wednesday the cot-
tage on Simcoe street, property of the
late Thomas Parkinson, was purchased
by Miss M. Parkinson.
John Pedlar, of Sharon, from fifty
hens gathered, over fifty dozen of eggs
during the month of Feby., realizing
therefrom a profit exceeding that of
two dairy cows.
Furniture factories are being dis-
cussed for Brussels, Mildmay and
Teeswater. The furniture business
will be over done if every hamlet or-
ganizes a Furniture Co.
Miss Vera L. Scott, a little girl of
Ottawa, has won the prize offered by
The Epworth Era of Toronto for the
boy or girl under sixteen years of age
who answered most satisfactorily 20
questions in the Bible.
Park Hill is making big efforts to
have the largest demonstration on
May 21th that has taken place in Can-
ada. Large Committees are farmed to
carry everything to success. watch
this paper for particulars. J. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Morrison, of
Ohiselb• urst, visited friends in Mani-
tcba, after which they intend, to settle
down in Zion City, which is near
Chicago. Mr. Morrison is a firm be-
leiver in the Dowie doctrine, hence
his removal to Zion City.
Henry Smith, of the Springhurst
Stock Farm, Hay, near I
ettr -ed last Friday from
Chicago, where he
had been with 11 head of his Short-
horn cattle, which he had sold to
American buyers. They consisted of
cows and heifers and were an excep-
tionally fine lot and were either im-
ported or bred from imported stock.
They were purchased by R. R. Stoffel,
of Wisconsin, and George M. Woodey,
of Iowa. Both these gentlemen had
purchased animals from the Spring-
hurs't herd before, and they gave such
good satisfaction that they returned
for more.
Mi. George Dean, Stratford, cut
his throat with a razor last night and
came very close to the portals of the
life beyond. It is thought now, how-
ever, that he will recover. The boy is
partially blind and takes fits. For
this reason he has been kept to a
great extent in the house. Confine
meat and: his• sickness wore upon him
till he become tired of life. He threa-
tened to. kill himself, but his peremits
thought nothing of it. He went to''
bed last night and said his prayers.
A little later he got his fathers razor
and cut his throat.
o yield
andamaladies f'ahis type quickly
to the almost magical power of Ner-
viline, and if you suffer 'periodically
from any of these troubles, just 'keep
Nerviline at hand. A few drops in:
sweetened water will give almost in-
stant relief and in the course of half
Mrs. N. Dyer Hurdon has been on
the sick list.
Miss Flossie Jeckell is visiting
friends in Zurich.
Crows the harbingers of balmy
syring, have made their appearance.
Jno. Pedlar, of Sharon, had a brood
of chickens hatched out on March 20.
Miss Jackson, daughter of Rev.
George Jackson of London. leaves this
week for Calgary.
Miss Mary Young of London, has
charge of Mr. S. Brown's millinery de-
partment, Crediton.
The prospects are favorable for a
good maple syrup Reason; the supply
-- was very limited last year.
William Ketchen, of Brucefield, left b1r, Samuel, of Stephen, lost a very
last week for British Columbia. valuable horse Friday last, for which
Miss Leila Ross spent a few days of he was offered $150 recently.
this week' with friends in London. D McNevins, sr., of Dungannon is
Mrs. Wm. Hancock is spending a on a visiting tour to friends at Blyth,
few days with friends in Wingham. Seaforth, Exeter and other points.
Jas, Stanley, of Constance, has sold Rev. Dr. Gifford of Clinton, preach -
his entire stock of boots and shoes to ed in Main St. church on Sunday.
Mr. T. Andrews. Mr. Milyard preached in Clinton.
Miss Lille Johns left on Saturday for Mrs. C. R. VanEgmond has sold her
a two weeks' visit with friends in farm in Egmondyille, to Thomas Col -
Toronto and Aurora. bert for $3,000. The farm contains 50
Miss Hyttenrauch returned to Lon- acres.
don on Saturday, after a pleasant visit 1 There has been a drop in sugar
with Mrs, E. J. Spackman. )recently; now is the- time to buy it in
W. T. Westcott left last week for barrel lots. as it is not likely to go
Sarnia, where he has taken a position I lower.
;n a book and fancy goods store. 1 Isaac Witmer, of the Babylon line,
Rev. H. A. Thomas, of Lucan, will and Miss Callman, of the 14th conces-
preach in Trivitt Memorial church, sion, Hay, were united in marriage on
both morning and evening on Sunday Thursday.
next. The R• T. of T.'s visited the Far -
Malcolm. Millyard has severed his quhar Lodge No. 208 last evening and
connection with a St. Thomas firm and they initiated 14 members. They had
has secured a position in a wholesale a pleasant and enjoyable evening.
stationery house in Windsor. The R. T. of, T.'s will hold an at
Mr, David Murray, of Detroit, for- home in the lodge room on Monday
merly o f Hay,after a trial of things evening April lst. A good program is
in that city, has
come back and will being prepared and a good time is ex-,;
work with Mr. Walter Keddy this pected.
summer. he Mansion.:
Chas. Wilson, late. of t
will again take charge of Mr.
The quarterlyhoard of the' Kincar- Houseg ,,
Rev. John Spackniaii.' dining hall and;.
zlfne 'Methodist church has given.grocery at Grancl'eBend Park during
a"a ter Rigsby a unanimous invite- •gro y ,
g i y, comingseason.
tion to remain as pastor there for the: the •
i h on Saturday
f bird year.from Bawden and Mc
1'.announce to � est purchased
i s"v erne` wishes to
M x i oftheir celebrated Shire
the ladies of Exeter and vicinity that onell, clue
after Friday,March 29th. her I tallions. He is a light bay with four
Mi and t a face,and is
fetlocks and white
:..: Millinery' Parlors will be open with a nice
display of all new � nice. animal.
•'k'.< u11 and. complete p y
f P
man. from
young lateststyles 'in s ring millinery. On. Saturday a y
And letp^�,
Thursday even. -Grand Bend was summoned before J.
Mica t, a Howard the y a Goetz J..P. of Dashwood accused
- recipient of aa, K. CA.
hs some was made P i charge. The hearing of
handsome opal ring, by the Main St on a criminal g
nofher the case was' postponed till Wedges-
League, in appreciation
Epworth g , pp
organist for the. day but before then the :prosecution
Wearies -
faithful services"as g
League and Sunday School during the with -drew the charge. J. G. Stan -
past few years. bury appealed for the accused.
WleG dire slhowing a3n elegant
.hugeC of Paper' for this sea en's
trade. We have from the
cheapest to the highest: grade of
wall coverings. We shall be
� ) C)1
very pleased to show you our
purchasing Wall Papers.
1)1'11-1g `Srillg SflrillQ
Thousands of Dollars' worth of new Spring Goods read',
for inspection.
Carling Bros, invite their friends to see their new`
This is the month to buy staples. We have the best
value in the trade, as we sell our Prints, White -Colored
Ginghams and Flannelettes at old prices.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ e -r 144. k • •+3-a`'+-1^II'++++++4ee +++
All Departments are Crowded With
,New Goods This r1olnth
+i~+eti'l';lee+a+++i :'++§4+l+at++l++l"•: +ir+l+-telet 3 fee erel+ein etel lefetelee+l'+•l+-a°+ +r+II++P+ S+3a•ic-1.
e'' Dress Goods, New Prints, l ew-Shirt ngs, New
White Wear, New Ties, New Shirts, New Tweeds, New
Hats—all in tlhe newest shades and styles.
We never had a finer selection. We invite your in-
rices and no hum-
want fair dealing, honest :
If you g
bugging, go to
Just arrived a large consignment of Wool and. Union Carpets
direct from the factory ; beautiful colorings, new patterns and right
prices. Special at 250, 35c, 400 and 50c per yard.
New Dress Goods
We are having a great run on
new Corkscrew finish is a leader,
$1.25 per yard .
our new black Dress Goods. The
Ask to see them at 75c, ; i and
New Sateens
These goods were imported direct from Great Britain by us and
are especially good value. We have them in alt colorings and a
great variety of patterns, worth in the regular way 18c for I_34c.
ready to Wear Clothing
We have just opened up a very large consignment of new, up-
to-date Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing. They're
h Korey kind—every suit guaranteed. Your money back if not
atisfactory. .
\Te have a limited quantity of the New Ligowo
Seed Cats in stock.
Pickard ':; o.
Direct ilmporter:u.
3. Wood shipped a carload of fine
cattle to Toronto on Monday.
Miss Murray, of Wilton Grove, is
the guest of ells A Q Bobier.
For La Grippe, Influenza and Cold
in the Head, use Dix Cold Cure. For
sale at Lutz's Drug Store. Only 15e. a
Dr. A rd o g �k?ox. /,
+The dressmakers of Mrs. Southcott'S'
here one Wedatocia,y instructing the had a. sleighing party on Wednesday
census enumerators. Hooper,
evening out to Mr. Richard Coates',
Mr seenet Hooper, of Hay, reports and spent 0 pleasant evening.
having a Thursdayhu flock ]ofa wild geese A couple loads of young people drove
flying west on last. P
Formalin for smut on grain with o Creditou on Friday fright last and
full directions. Sold by C. Lutz, drug- were entertained at the home of Mr.
gist, Ex?ter. Price 75c a pound. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker.
`t;A11D of TxaNNs.-To the kind
people of Exeter please allow me this
opportunity of returning you my sin-
cere thanks for your kindness shown
to me in the loss of my horse, I re-
main, yours, Sam'. Baskerville.
Sex m[th
B1UEFS.-Mr. Bullen. of Exeter,
preached here on Sabbath last. -Jas.
McMahon, of Brooklyn, who has been
,visiting his parents, and their friends
in these parts for a few days, left for
that city on Wednesday. He has rent-
ed his farm here to Kellerman Bros.
of Dashwood, for a term of two years.
ensa 1
of H l
Miss I+
visited friends here on Saturday.
Furniture �
The Economy Store
Call and be convinced that the above statement is
i ers n of Ailsa Craig, was
An agent of a Good Roads Machinery
Company waited upon Tuckersmite
council recently to secure the sale of
a road crusher for the corporation.
The crusher he offers is a portable one
with elevator and screen attached,
weighing about 5,000 pounds, and
guaranteed to crush from 50 to 75
yards of stone per 10 hour day, being
driven by an ordinary threshing en-
gine. The cost of running the whole
outfit one day would be from $7 to $9,
and the cost of the crusher nearly $900.
The council deferred action.
Many bargains still left in FANCY GOODS, also
Parlor Suites, Bedroom Sets,
Tables, Couches, etc.,
of the GIDLEY Stock,
Ull�iertakin a speeialt,
Beverley & Huston,
Remember the stand.
Dry Goods ... and ... Groceries.
Time and tide waiteth for no one.
and we are here to wait on everyone.
In order to do so to the best advantage to our customers, we
have made several changes in our store' Nearly all lines of Spring
goods are in now. In staple Dry Goods we stand second to none.
See our new Prints ; many have told us they are the prettiest
they have seen, and the quality cannot be surpassed.
This being season for black, we are making a specialty of Black Dress
Goods. Perhaps our stock is not as large as some but it is well selecto d, and
guaranteed to please you in both quality and style. -
Spring will soon be here,
This department is complete. Our new Hats and Caps are now in -all the
our Summer Shirts at50c, c a 95c -the mors s re.
very latest. See'
75 $d 95 th t h .
Sh t t ,
moved o
onto the farm
' bTacl,
1purchasedfrom J y P
salt. -A number of the friends here l O�� �O i
visited Mr. W. H. Johnston and
Our goods are the'best
that money can buy. Our
prices are as low as the low-
est. Our terms are . of the
most liberal kind.
We are one of yourselves,
These are good reasons
why we claim your'patron-
We have always on hand
Organs, SewingMa-
Needles, Oils and Repa irs;
also Violins,Guitars, Mando-
lins; and'Book
)ins;: Banjos, S
Music, Song and Music
iMusic Teachers Sup-
Folios, -p
plies, etc.
oo�ds in the trade. a3
which he recently . its va
H. Mellick.-William Northcott has SPRING UNDERWEAR and HOSE
sold his driver to Joseph Case , f Hen- ®V�1Vrs A g
family of Stanley last week. -A
number of young folks gathered at
Mrs P. O'Bri.ne's et. Friday evening
last, and engaged in a social dance, a
good time is reported by all. --Wil
Barn Carrick held a successful wood-
bee on Friday last. -We are sorry to
note that Mr. and Mrs. John •Mc-
Mahon Sr. are both somewhat indis-
posed at present. We hope to see
them around again soon.
RENDLE-In Exeter, on the 26th inst., the
wife of Johnitendle of a son. lust. the wife ,
MMORLEY-In Exeter, on the 24th
of John Morley, of son.
1Pa LISP-FRAZER-In Dublin, March 13, by
1 J. T. Korrin, of Mitchell. Mary Jane
't of
nk Wil s
l• a acor, of Dahlia, t
o I'ra
> ,Ung. - e Vanse Har
hT� iaU:(ALD-FIEkZ.C1: lit th
riogton, Match 14, by Rev. A. G. McLachlin-
Jennie,,; eldest daughter of the late John Mc-
Donald, of Brooksalo, to Joseph Pierce, of
me of
Mr. and -Mrs. Donald Murray, Atwood, March
20, by Rey. P. A. MoJ.,eod,': B. D., Scott Hamil-
tod,:to Miss Minnie ¥clntyre, both , of Elnm,.
'inst. John:
iALLS-In Elimville, onahe 24th
Halls, aged 74 years.
PERKINS-At London Junction , on the 24th,
n ur the 'cure : is comp lete. ;Your inst., Charlotte Revell. ' relict of the late'
a ho
money back if you do not find it so. Henry Perkins. aged 67 yoara.
S ,
complete ran a in all lines.
Just receiyed a few special lines in Men's Ready -Made Sui, as peetniass• - wo
leaders at $4.75 and $8.50. •
`uta eeee
Our Groceries are new and fresh, all up-to-date and the best to be tied.
Try our Man of War Tea -mixed and blanc. -at 25c and 4Qc. Highest
prices paid for Produce. A call solicited.
Mr. John Lotz had a very narrow
escape while digging a . well on the
farm of Mr. Jos: Bast, near Wellesley.
Ile was down at the' bottom of the
well, 20 feet or so from the surface,
when he. saw the wall beginning to
cave in. He quickly stepped to the
opposite side of the well and sprang
into the bucket, which happened ° to
be down, and shouted to the men at
the windlass, who drew him above
the line of danger just as a huge me ss
fell to the bottom. It is thought he
would have been buried from four to
been hauled
he not feet"
sixdeep had
out jest in the nick of time.
An interesting • event took., place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bar-
ker, on Wednesday afternoon, March
13, when their : fifth daughter, Miss
Carrie, was married to Mr. NV. G. Gar
V. D, YEo.
butt, fourth son of Charles Garbutt,
Esq„ of I+ullerton. The occasion was
made pleasant by the presence of a
goodly number of the friends of both
parties. After a sumptous marriage
supper, the happy couple left for their
home in Fullerton, where the groom
has recently • purchased a farm in the
Gould section.
Mrs. John Lotve, of Downie,. fell and
broke her arm between the elbow and
A subscriber -makes coin Taints to
the Trines about the habit . of the
I church officialseif the several churches
lin the to n locki
w ❑g the church gates
I every day incepting Sunday. $e'
I claims dial the . gates and sheds
should be at the disposal of church
adherents ae ;all times, that :they
.might stall their horses there for
'. ,
few moments 5,t a,ny. time.