HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-3-28, Page 5T„W. ..P.., X B T .1,f, : e, .....r.m......sma•morras N MIDDLESEX p im At the late ineeIng of the South TIEN 18INInniinLE ON Alliiti 0I loyal message of sy patley was adopt- guun ecl a,nd ordered to besent through the 1/ Huron County Loya Oraeage Lodge a 9 9 Governor-General to the foot of the throne, This was done and Mr. Can - AR tlie News of interest to Times Reactors happening IR tine Gountios Huron Fakirs cleaned up 810 on a, loose deal with a Clinton man at Bay- Seld. • rita persons died io Bruce Co. last year and there were 12,11 births and 394. marriages. Mr. W. J. Stephenson, of St. Marys, has gone to Clinton to take the man- agement of the Electric Light Com- pany. It is said that 500 settlers a month will be settled along the line of the Algeroa Central Railway during the cornmg summer, A large number attended the fun. eral of the ate Mrs. W. L Pollock, of Corbett, who died on Friday and was buried on Sunday. Mr. &woes MeMurehle, of Blyth, has been appointed clerk of the Twelfth Division Court of Huron, vice W. Campbell. resigned. Wm Andrews 0 Hamiota whe has been on a visit with friends in this neighborhood for Genie months left on Tuesday for home. Morgan, son of the late J'olin Mor- gan, D. O. O. bas rented tbe River Home, Hayfield, for the earning stati- oner and will occupy it very shortly. liave no equal as a prompt and post- tive cure for w1. headache, bilious. suss, constipation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles, Carter's Little Liver Pills, Try them. On Thursday of last week three Goderich eoldiez s of the Halifax Regi - went arrived borne, having completed. their year's service et the Garrison City on the Atlantic coast. Do not. suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It. is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will yon Dose, one little pill. Small price. Small dose. Small pill. The many friends of Rev. Father McCabe, or Seaford), will be pleased to 1en that be is recovering meely from tbe injuries he recently received by falling on the slippery sidewalk, and hopes soon to be able to take his regu- lar work. :'18"1-t:4•1 The death of Mrs. jalm-McClinton, sr„ of Westfield took Place at her home on Frida.y, March laith, after a week's illness, from pneumonia. De- ceased leaves a devoted husband, rale sOU aral nine daughters. At a meeting held by the Presby- terian congregation of Hayfield for the purpose of extending a call to a minister; it was decided to ba.ye a few probationers occupy the pulpit before granting a call for the present. A q.utet marriage took place at the xesidenee of S. Ronnie, Zurich, on 'Wednesday night, Merch 13. 'when bis daughter, Fanny, was wedded to John Winkenweder, formerly of Stephen but, now of Dakota. The newly mar- red couple bave left for the West. The other day while a freight train 'was coming clown the terade east of Parkhill it, broke apart and one car left the track completely. The rear part of the train came against the iirst section, and as they were patent coupler they made the couple all right to proceed. The funeral of the late Mrs. Bennett, of I3Iytb, took plaice from her late resi. deuce last week, The remains were taken to the Union temetery to be laid at rest beside those of her life partner who died only a few days before. The bereaved family have the double sym- pathy of the cOttuan unity. On Thursday of last week, Mr Wm. Hogg, fourth snn of Mr. James 'Hogg, MeKillop, roc. t with a 'very serious and painful accent. Mr. Hogg was engaged in feet: g a straw cutter. Ile bad. a glove on lee hard and was push- ing the straw ir with the side of his hand. The glet e got caught by the • 15. Three vaiieties of fodder or ter of WeeeCecre. Viscciuxit Katsoura, rollers of the no:chine and before he silage eoru. to the commanders of fort. .to at - could belp him:el his hand was drawn T Al S teloe, secretary, received the followin ‘"e Russian DuPlititY the Cause of acknowledgement ,,- "In obedience ttii the Latest Overt Acts commands received from file Majesty the Meg, His Excellency the Governor General desires me to convey through Troops wee, seimaraw„ al Agreed Rue • you to the County Loyal Orange Lodge of South Huron Ills Majesty's; Russians suanieloy nett:rued and heartfelt thanks for the kind expres.; I-I:anted Flags AU Over the. Disputed, sion of sympathy embodied in your I orouno-Thee They Ratired-A S. letter which has been gratefully aesee r etersbure message to Loudon TInlee predated. hy His Majesty and the , . , Royal Family," . says Russ,. AS ill Arbitrate. a London, March 25. -The Sunday band of death cerried 0 another vie- Q„.„4 , Tien Tsin correspondeut tim, in the person of Mrs, Win. Gra. '"A''''a"'s On Tuesday inorninw the unerring ham Stanley. Rer illness was short says; "A new and unfortunate hitch. occurred M the Anglo -Russian arifl 'the end peaceful, The deceased, has siding dispute. After both parties Elm Brown. Was born in the township of Smith, Peterborough county, in the had witlxdrawlt aceerdietr. a"ra ea- inedentto' the disputed sspuo(rrnidY 11;leattatirtend- year 1841. Her parents and fa eight, three boys and five girls. moved west and settled in the township of flags over 0.11 the territory. They Wawanosh, the year 1855. She was afterwards again retired, leaving the married to Mr. Wm. Graham m Sep- flags flying." The Berlin correspondent of The ternber, 18131, and in 1871 moved to lot " 19, on the 3rd concession of Stanley, Sunday Special says: "'The pettle- where she lived till the time of her ;Agent of the siding dispute Was the death. trtlefamny of three boys and work of Count Von Waldersee, who three girls, awl husband have the interhirred at the speelatexequest et sympathy of the entire community in Emperor -William. the latter cousid- their sad. bereavement. • ering that the maintenance of friend - Andrew Cruickshank, the Winghaua ly relations between all the+ members man who shot at George Sanbinn of the international forces was clear - when the latter was in eanapeny with ly within the scope of Von Waldere young lady with whom Cruickshank s:T's duties as cornraander-in.chief,P was enamored, came before judge Roola Agrees to .Arbitretion. AlaSSOU at Goderich for eentence on Friday Inerrant march 15. R. van.. London, March 2:I. -According to stone, of "mug aro, who appeared in the St. Petersburg correepondent the prisoner's behalf submitted to His The Times. wiring Saturday. Count 110110r a petition signed oy a inese ti anestlorff, the Russian Minister et Voreign Affeirs, has agreed witli number of the people of Wingbarn, in- cluding Sanburn himself, asking that reat Britain to illgritt the TIM siding to the erhitree Cruickshank be allowed to go on sus- cin gailwaY pended seutence. Mr, Vaestane also tr 414 13t'tielDellt of COlillt -11911 made an earnest plea, for his client, "-l-domeo. who had hitherto borne ft good repu- tation. Judge Masson said thet the i RUSSIAN CRUISER OOREI. petition spoke volumes for the good' 01.1,••• nature of the people of Winghain, hut Xt Ie uenerted she 1I0 to rroeeed to JAI" aueso waters. the prisoner had comnaitted a very serious offence and be could ilat accede . philadeipilia., erneeh 20. -The Bus, to the wish of the petitioners. He sen- eihn Cruiser Variag sailed front this towed Cruickshank to three years in port yesterday afternoon, under cee the Kingseon penitentiary. The pris- ble Orders said to have been receive oner was taken to Kingston on the ed. Friday by captain vloilnir Bon, followieg Tuesday. frorn„ the Russian Governmeut, It is reported that the eablegram ordered hun to proceed at QUM to Japanese Mrs. Chas. Smith of Jitnes, Ohio, seaters. Captain Dein. would. not writes:I have used every remedy for confirm or deny this report. sick. headache could hear of for tbe . past fifteen years, but Carters Little Liyer pills did me more good than all tbe rest. RUSSIA STILL AGGRESSIVE, Been Malting 'Trouble In Corea WI Success. EXPERIMENTAL UNION FIELD London, Ilford). 20, -The disulissal TESTS FOR 1001. of Mr. McLeavy Brown from the post . of Director -General of Vorean Cus- Tlle members of the Ontario API tOttlb is regarded in London as an - cultural and Experimental Union are other score fir Russia. In 3.895 and pleased to state thiet Ler 1001, they are 4.e.ain in 1898. Russian. pressure was again prepared to thstributetuto every de exerted to procure his removal. In. Townehip of enteric, n?aterial for ex- the latter case he was only reinstat- periments with .fertilizers, fodder, ad after a British squadron had mov- crops, roots, groans, grasses, ed to Chemulpo. As recently as a. few clovers. Upwards Of three thousand RUSSIA. strongly oppos- Ontario Tamers conducted the co- laerlatubg ago attempt by Mr. Brown to 444•44•••••• operative experiments upon their own farms last year. LIST OP EXPERIMI3NTS 1901. I. Three varieties of oats. 2. Three varieties of six -rowed. bete - 1 ealse a, loan for the Corean Govern- ment to purchase shares in OP rail - Way from Seoul to rett San. As a eesult of her opposition die negotia,- tions for the loan failed. 4 3 Two- varieties of Hatless barlpy. The St. Petersburg correspondent 4. Spelt and two varieties of spring el The Daily Mail asserts that M. wheat, Pavia% Russian Minister at Seoul, 0. Two varieties of buckwheat, e has protested against Corea taking 0. Three varieties of field peas for foreigners into tbe Government ser - Northern Ontario, vice, with the exception of Russians, 7. Two varieties of hug -proof field and demanded the appointraent of peas. the latter, but Corea. seemed deter - 8. Cow peas and two varieties rained, with the help of the powers, of Soja or Japanese beans to defend her integrity. 0. Three varieties of husking corn. The Japanese Squadron Moving. 10. Three varieties of mangolds. 11. Two varieties of sugar beet for London, March 25.-"A Japanese stock feeding. equadron, Admiral Tsushima, come left Nagasaki Saturday for 12, Three varieties of Swedish tur- nutnding. nips. Corea," says the Yokohama corres- varieties pondent of The Daily Mail. "The 13. Kohl ROI and two of Fall turnips. . . general opinion here is that the sit- uation is serious. Urgent instruc- 14. Parsnips and two varietiee . of 1 -tions ha.ve beau issued by the Minis - into the knives and his fingers and band were slicet off to the wrist, The thing was doi e so quickly that he scarcely knew what had happeued until the machie e was stoped. A quiet and pretty hems wedding -.. was that du esidence of the bride's parents, Mr. fia..1 Mrs, joseph Wheat- ley, Victoria t: t., Clinton, on March 19, when theie daughter, .Elizabeth A., was joined in matrimony to J. J. Ward, of Varna, Rev, Dr. Gifford of- ficiating. Miss. Lottie, the bride's sis- ter, assisted rrs bridesnaaid, and Mr. Scotehmer, of Varna, performed the groomsman's part. They will make their future home in 'Varna. Among those from outside places who were firesent as guests were Miss May, of ExeCer,IViiss Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Jones,*clf Winchelsea. On Saturday last, Margaret Fergu- son, beloved wife of 'John Shepherd, Goderich ton eship, passed away at the old and respected age of 78 years and 1 month. She was a highly esteem- ed old lady, evil in it Was a p1ea4ure to know, and her husband loses a faith- ful and lpying wife, her family, a kind and wise. mother, and. her acquaint - emcee a true frieucl. She was of Scotch des.:41ate hiving been born in Edin- burgh in 1828e and came to Canada, to Toronto, where .she Was married 42 years ago. She and her husband theu /removed to Whitby township, where they lived 7 years, coming to Huron 83 years ago, residing on the base line.. The very many friends Whiell RP V. Josiah Greene, of Holmesville, Lie throughout the 1VIelhodist connection, will learn with regret of the illness through which he is passing ,but from which we are, indeed, pleased to say, he is now recovering. Mr. Greene is a true type of the Christian gentleman and during his long, service in the ministry has filled many important charges ased invariably did good work. It has been Mr. Greene's wish to take one more appointment, which would round out his seventieth year, and then retire from the active work. His present illness may, however, cause him to accept superannuation at an earlier date. Children Cry for PAST° RI A. 16. Three varieties of millet. tend a conference in Tokio', Vane eider questions of home defence. 18, 17. Three varieties of Sorghum. Grass peas and two varieties of "The war rumors are causing a faal vetches, in prices on the various bourses. The 19. Dwarf Essex rape and two va- feeling of the country is uneasy and rieties of kale. intensely anti -Russian, but the Cab - 20. Three varieties of Clover. that shows no indication of its pol- 21. Saitafoin. Lucerne ancl. Burnet. icy." 22. rive varieties of grasses. Germans Ousted Chinese Troops. 23. Three varieties of field behns. • Tien Tsin, • Mareli 24. -The Ger- 24. Three varieties of sweet corn. miens have ousted the Chinese Ira - 25. Fertilizers with corn. perial troops from the passes on the 26. Fertilizers with mangolds. 27. Growing potatoes on the level Chi Li -Shansi frontier, and intend summering in the vicinity of Shan and in hills. 28. Planting potatoes the same day Hai Kwan• and five days after being cut. - 29. Planting cut potatoes which "Making over" have not been coated over with land, A Corry woman, who could not af- plaster. ford a. new 85 hat, visited a millin- 80. Planting corn in Tows and in ery store, saw the late styles, went squares, (an excellent variety of early corn will be used.) Material for either number twenty- five or 'ember twenty-six experiment will be sent by express, and for each of the others it will be forwarded by of all the women metlie town:. Each person in Ontario who wishes to conduct an experiment and is will- ing to use great care and accuracy in the work and report the results of the test as soon as possible after harvest should select the exact experiment de- sired and apply for the same at an early, clate. The material will be for- warded in the order in which the applications are received until the limited supply is exhausted. it might be well for each applicant to make a second choice for fear the first could not. be geanted. C. A. ZAV1TZ, Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont. Guelph, 111 troll 16ttli, 1901. home, pounded her ,old hat ;or hall an hour wi1h a rolling pin, stuck a feather through the band and went to church the next Sunday the envy frrnet/111. ThiES signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Brbino.Quinine Tablets the remedy WO perm a collet's= one'llay T° BLACKSMITHS. A first-class Blacksmith Shop, well equipped, Nvith sett of public weigh scales in connection. First -Masa business guaranteed to right man. Terms moderate. Also farm to rent, 100 acres. Apply to L. MAOTADatistai, Exeter North, Hay • MAKET REPORTS, Wheat Futures in. Liverpool Slightly igtkor:t1.17:czo_871,:tdaatSio-uPLeeline LiTerpool, Marsh 26,.. -Wheat fu- tures yesterday closed unchanged to id per cental above Saturday's. elope, Chivago, March 26. -Wheat futures declined 4-e per bushel yesterday for the May delivery, mien visinzas sorrier. As compared wide aIre* ago, the yiseete eapply o weese Ln eauada and tile United States has decreased 410,000 bushels; that of. corn has laereased 514,004 bushels, and that of at hs increased 104,000 bushels. To recapitulate, the visible suPPlY erbeat is (*nada mut the Breed States. to- gether wita that afloat to Lstiropel is ot),894,000 bushels, egahist 93,924,000 bush- els a week age. and 45,049,000 bushels a year ago, nenterstzeo wsinAT mAnstierS. Following were the closing priees at important wheat centres yester- day; Cash. Marca. Mar. July. Chicago ...$.,.. $0 74% $0 757,f3,$.„„ New York •. • • 0 3053 0 30% Milwaukee 0 75% Sr. Louis .• .. 0 74:' 0 7314. Toledo 78%, ... Q701 078¼ Detroit, red - 0 70 0 80% 0 70% Detroit, white. 9 79 Ir../ . 44 • PP.. Duluth, No. 1 Northern ." 0 741/4, -., 0 70% 0 Thfe Duluth, No. a hard. 76% Mi4 • • • 4 4 n • • nneapod• s,No. 1 Northerrt.. .... 074¼ o75% BRITISH SIARRETS. Liverpool--Close-Wheat, spot firm; No.. 1 standard Cal.. ers 3%4 to OS 4d: No. red welter. Os 14 to fie 1%4; No. 1 Nerth- nem spring. Os 24 to Cts 4¼1; wheat to tures quiet; Mar, 6$ 070; July, 03 Spot corn steady; mixed Amerivaii, old, 4% to 4$ 0110; new, iiS 10fi1 to 33 114; Memos Quiet: May, as 101e1; July. 3a net; Sept.: 3$ 10Sia0. Flour, Won., lbs to 133 ed. feineon--Olese--Wheat, cargoee arrived oolfutpcoortsast fsallnesne ilett,stlfepwellrettt, t1;;Qwnalpt4inwg g at s llinct but fitready; cargeeti (about No. 1 Cal.. Iron, Feb., 29$ Iki,pMd; parcels No. 2hard Duluth, ateam, Apr11, 32$ Ott, paid, net, 014; vNaotra.l tr lieaflper.0t3 lng0,1Aa74e ,138,aso, erziane, Dat303 not active; Pareela nexeil Aineelette. eteatn. March, 1.8s DM, paid; (steam. March, les 0e. Pahl; not American mixed, 11/9 Cal, uevr. Victor, spot Mune 24s 04. Mark Lane-Foreigo wheat. quiet but stetulYt English steady, American and Danubian maize steady. American acme Wet, nitlt a smolt busluesa Engliab ara t an advance or OIL Autwerp-Close--Witeat, Riot steady; No. 2 red winter, lit Parls-Close--Wheat. steady; March, 1$t 50e; May and Aug., ltif 35e. Inoue, steady; March 234 OSe; May aue Aug. 24! One. TtmoNTo ST, LA 'S ItENOIS FOR OVER FIFTY Y.EARS AN OLD A NI, \ t1.1.-TATIt.D AIDDEL Y. -Mrs NVIDA1 *W'S S001 hitDr Syrup has )0011 used for over fifty ity millions of mothers for their oh ii.lrea while teething, with perfect success.. pi -tart keen' Vh6e" s tor 1)1,kitrie -11; oloaSant to thata-te. seold ly druggi-os eveey part of- the, world. 25 cents a bots le. Its value is incalculable. Be sure Dn(I ,k for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrtm anti take no other kind. For Oats. 'Wounds, Chilbliiris. Chapped Hands, itheumatisna,Stitf Joints, Borns, Scalds, Bites of Insects,. Orone, Coughs. Colds, Hag - yard's Yellow Olt Will be found. an excellent remedy. Priee 25 cents. All dealers. „L Arc you Nervous or eeplests? Have you Paint and Di7.74' Spells'? Aro you Short of Breath Is your System Rim DOWD 7 If so, use Milbare's Heart and Nerve Pills AST MA For Infants and Children. o fa°. siaillo stare of to en Winer* eeery Wheat, white. bush 09 to $.... " red, busb ..• ...• 0 GI; o• • s Life, busli.......071 . goose, bush 010,4 0 07 Peas, bush „,-. ... 0 CO ..• ; Rye, bush 052 082¼ Beans, Inlet 123 180 Beam: busk ... . . 047 ,..- Oats, bush . - ..... „0 341/4 Buckwheat, bush 0 53 .••• MONTREAL r1101)0C1t. Montreal, March 2.1. -Flour -Receipts, 2200 bbls; market quiet; patent sprnag. 5140 to $4.30; spring $3.80 to $4; straight roller, $3.30 to $3.50; extra, none; super- fine, none; strong bakers', $3.80 to $4; On- tario bags, $1.110 to 51.00. Wheat, No. 2 Manitoba hard, 8,9a to OW; corn. 480 to 5tial peae, 710 to 73e: oats, 32e to 33e; barley-, Me to 52e; rye, Die to 50e; buckwheat, We to 5Te; oatmeal, 51.00 to $1.70; cornmeal, 00e tO 51. Pork, 519.50 to 520.50; lard, 7c to afte; bacon, 12e to 14e; bums, 12c to 14e. Cheese, Oa to 10c; butter, townsbips 20e to 22e, western 3.se to 10e; eggs, 1.3t; to 15c. ntatins AND wow - Price llst revised daily by 11 T. Carter, tsstugeest:sor to John Itallann 85 East F.orit- Hides, No. 1 green $0 OR% to 5.... Hides, No. 2 green... . 0 05% ..,. Hides, No. 1 green steers0 07 Ilides, No. 2 green steers0 011 iIides, cured . 0 (rile .... rat roldus, No. 1 ........„ 0 07 0 03 Calfskins, No. 2 0 06 0 07 Deneons (dairies), each- • 0 0 ootil) Sheepskins, fresh 0 50 1 Tallow, rendered 0 05 0 0514 Wool, fleece. . 0 14 .. - Wool, nnwaslied, ileCce0 OS 0 MI Wool, pulled, super. . 0 17 0 18 Wool, pulled, extra 0 20 0 21 moserienen LIVE STOOK. Montreal, March 25. -The receipts of Hoe stock at the East End abattoir this morn- ing were 850 bead of eattle, .75 calves, 40 sheep and 30 lambs. The demand was good and prices steady. Cattle, Choice, sold at from 4e to 416e per lb., good sold els from 31/4c to 40 per lis.; lower mega& from 2c t� 3c per lb. Calves were sold from $2 to %"10 each. Sheep brought from 31/20 to 40 per Ib. Lambs were sold from 4%e toc per lb. Hogs brought Oe to 7e per lb. 4.7•C 'EAST BUFFALO CATTLE sTARRET.-.. East ROO°, March 25.--Catt1e-0ffe2: einxgsee,pt1700n icoltd.04% 0Zrukneciteslefanteraiellgyrasditesadoyf, cows and grerezt steers. Chel?? b4eber grades and exports sold ahem:\ 9teadY• Stockers, 10e to 15c; lower on the 1.'43.121111031 orptd Liver ilse sometimes reeponsible for difficult 41. 021, Mid Is, DYSPEPSIA* 417/b.all it le. I Whatheadache, dizziness, constipation. fa' What fits of despondency, 11 What fears ef inaegInery er1ls eeneetee Illitlathe distress after eettog, the sourness altthe Stet:each, the bad taste in the mouth, and so forth, to make the We of the sue - *Ter Scarcely worth living! Dyspepsia resulted from torpid liver in ,the case of Mrs. Jones, 2320 N. 121h St,, Philadelphia, Pa., who watta great sufferer. Her statement made in ber 77ttt year is that She was completely cured of it and 41), its attendant aches awl pains, as other have been, by a faithful use of 'Hood's Sarsaparilla That acts on Mr the digestive organs, 'cures dyspepsia, and give permanent vigor and tone to the whole system. Mr. Hugh M. Hamilton has removed from Hibbert to the feral on the 2nd noncession of Tueltersmith, which be recently purchased from Jr. Robert. McVi tt THE, BEST FRIEN D OF THE MOTHER, WIFE ANI) DAUGHTER, Pains' Celery Compound Tpe Great Spring Medicin That Restores Ailing Females to Perfect Health. •44•••••••••••••44 Mrs. fitlamsont Sag '1 Can Never Say Too Much in Favor of Paines' Celery Compound." MONEY TO LOAN. We lievennlimited private funds for invests :neat stpen fo.rin or village property at lowest rates of Interest. eacereeeeee4 WettieING -Pareter, ONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of private fundstO loan au farm mad vineeeeroperties atlew rates of interest. W. GLADMAN_ Barrister Main EL Exeter. 4:mm0AL aiIy. • OnL 1 . 1311,0 MI IN G M 1?.' . O.. • r. 5, oralausio vatic:Jai, utrsiay fiter.ear e nit:a e ta m oe. tae :0 Lahore., I DICKSON & CARLING, One of the oldest and best edited monthly magazines published in Aatt- erica, in a. recent leading article, de. climes that more than half the revenue of physicians is derived from the treat- ment of females, and. that, about one case in every hundred is correctly diagnosed, showing that cures are extreniely rare. The important knowledge gained by women of every age about Paine's Cel- ery Compound and the special and pe- culiar benefits it bestows on females suffering from ailments peculiar /to their sex, as well as from the eorin on ills of life, have made Paine's e ery Compound the most popular and trust- ed home medicine of the dayee. In spring time, when wounth's ner- vous strength is over work and dutieseind e constant de- ted- by home mends of social functions, It is then that Paine's Celery Cpaipound shows its invigoratirng andMtalizing effects, as the precliais medicine is used from day to cley. it 1 -ly banishes ner- 4* vousness, prostr , weakness de- bility, hinguon des Ondency, and the many nameless ilia that come to wo- men of all a'ges. Mril. R. "Adainabn, Head of Mill- stretunraiugs Co.; N. 13., says : "el-feil it a duty to briefly testify re - gar erg the value of Paine's Celery Cmf ouud . Since childhood I suffer- ed 1 om sick headaches, neuralgia. and corAtipaan. Had. attacks once a week which kept me confined to bed. Have been treated by a number of physicians without beneficial results. 1 procured site' bottles of Paine's Cel- ery Compound which was strongly recommended to me, and after a shoxt time I found that new life and. health haI 1oishedfor kinds, but Abp grade feeders. were te coming tt so ng . Two • steady. Offermgs I luded 20 loads of diiiirt ‘strkave passed and I haveenot had a cdas mostly ligh . weigh and calves. • Sheep and L bs-10ijhJ loa.C.s on sale; market full steady; handy native lamb's, $5.75 to $5.85; good to cholpe, $5.50 to 55.75; common to fair, • $5.75 to 55.80; clipped Iambs, $5 te $5.35. Sheep, yearlings, $5.10 to 55.30; -mettle's*: $4.85 to 55.20; heavy Western to handy Jultives, $4.85 to 55.25. All the offerings were sold, and the close wan full steady to firm. Nsw .,;xE S'A. 7'Lls. arA itisETS. New York,' March 25.-Beeves-Recelpts, 4122; than to 10e h'gber; steers, $4.50 to $5.30: eTtra, do.'$5.55; oxen. and stags, $4.55 to $4.80; bulls, $3.15 to $3.85; cows, $2.15 to $3.75. Cubles firm. Exports, 30 sheep. „ Calyee-Receipts, 4431; 5c lower; common to i.r.ine veuls, $4 to $7; tops, $7.25; little re2',ci. $3.00 to $3.75. Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 12,645; firm to 10c btglier; common to choice sheep, $4 to 87.25: common to choice Iambs, 53.00 to $0.2214; bucks. $3.50 to $3.75. Itt.g..-Rec:e.ptst, 8819; selling at 56.30 to $6.05 per 100 lbs. (iI;OAGO L VE srocie. Chicago, March 25,-Catt1e-ReceLpts, 21,- 000; good to prime steers, $5 to $6; poor to medium, $3.75 to $4.85; stockers and feed- ers steady, $2.75 to $465; cows, $2.65 to 84.50; cows, $2.70 to $4.35; heifers, $2.75 to $4.60; canners, $2 to $2.50; bulls strong, 59.80 to 54.35; calves steady., 84.50 to $6; Teaxs fed steers sold to -day at $4.50 to $5• Texas grass steers, 53.45 to $4; Texas bulls; 21401t 42.60 0St-o 11$3e.00751.nts, 30,000; mixed tsnd butch- ers', $5.80 to $6.0238; good to choice. heavy, $5.95 to $6.071/4; rough, heat's-, $5.80 to $5.00; bulk of stiles, $5.8738 to $5.95. Sheep -Receipts, 15,000; geed to choice wethers, $4.80 to $5; fair to choice, mixed, $4.50 to $4.80; Western sheep, 54.80 to 55; yearan,es, 54.75 to $5.10; hative lambs, 84.90 to $5.45; Western tenths:. $5.20 to $5.45. Exeter, MARCH 2710, 1901. Wheat per bushel ...... ' ... .23 to 63 Oats . . 27 to 27 Barley-. -.... .... ...36 to 37 Peas .... .. ... to 5 Re tter• „,... ..,... -15 to 15 Eggs 11 to 11 Turkeys . 8 to 8 Geese...... • ts • t • Chickens per 11 5 to 5 Ducks .... 7 to 5 Wool.... .... ...... . .. 16 to 16 Dried Apples.. .. - 5 to 7 Pork live weight - • 55.75 to 5.75 Mr. J. A. McDonnell., ef llensall was in town on Tuesday. ' rete rn of-A:GT..21d troubles. I can never say too much yor of Paine's Celery Compound." TICE TO CREDIT()'t-r)§ Of Alfred Shade, late of the Township of lia.y, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant, to Chap. 129, R. S. 0., 1897, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Alfred Shade, who died On the 3rd day of January, 1901, aro required to send or deliver on or before the 181 day of .April, 1901, to Joseph Snell, Esq„ Dash- wood, Ont., (for the Executrix), full particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. i And notice s hereby given that After the last mentioned date, the said Sixecutrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard ouly to the claims of Which notice shall have been given as aforesaid; and the said Executrix will not be responsible to any credi- tor,. of whose claim she shall not have received notme as aforesaid, for any part of the said Estate, J. 0 STANBURY, ExETEn, Solicitor for the Executrix. Dated atExeter the 9th day of March,1901. te.Gan. Barristers.Solicitors. Notaries. Oonveyencers, Conuteiesemere, Solicitors for the alolsons Rank, Rte. Money to lesan at lowest rates of interezt. OFFICE ;-44N ETURET. Ex=ft,„, T. IL VAULTS°, IT, 4 1,15. PiCESON F W. G-LADATAN (successor to Elliott madman) Baiter, Solicitor, llotaiy Conveyancers to, ytu loau ou Zuni andvillage Roller M. lis p,operties at Lowi est rates of nterest. ' Fen ,ng ',win Otfe fOr eels four differ- ept styles .1 wire fence, which will he sold t reasonable pricee. , Also a eunther of shares in the Canadian Cordage Meniffecturing Co, of Peterborough. , Wm. M. Blat61ilora exeter. Pitherlant. Imes Co. LT i ARE PREPE ,ft*\ TO PUROIIASE ELM, -----AND- LoTIMBElli OTHER sTANDIGNse; OR IN TUR .A.pply to E. Kessel, FoRum,04 Exbyno.ovr, Exeter OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER ley EINSMON, 1 D.% 44, DR. A.B. Ij,I D q D D Bauer Gra mkt* of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth ootracted without, or ad after effects. ()face teetee block. West eideof Exeter' 4.4•4•4•4.,444. 4.......4••••••••••e•en • ANWERSON. (I) 0- 8.1.-0 ) goner 'Graduate of the Torooto PAVOrSity. FiVid Royal CnIlege of Dental Surgeoea of Ontario. All bridge werk. Crowns, as d elate work done in the neatest II:risible winner. A. 1 At bernalesa amth esetic for painless extraction. Theetrictest attention glveo to the yreservet. II Carling's Meek. bloater.Ontario, on of the mooed teeth. Oilleet in Pielzson 0 St rice OR, TDE NEXT 10 DAYS. Farmer's Aftention,.,,A- We have procured a car load el TRQMAS PROSPHATE POWDER Which is the best fertilizer on the market. J Cobbledick & Son. .Twegos Tennent & ennent, rawriar,. 4wr, sts. Gra:bateIDe Ontario Veterirmi7 Col- ge. lEce,-trzie dc cr Sc nth cf Town MIL N 0 TICE TO CREDITORS Of John Bettschen, late of the Town- ship of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Chap. 129,15. S. 0., 1897, that all persons having 'claims against the estate of the said John Bettschen, who died on the 13th day of January, 1901, are required to send or deliver, on or before the 151 day of April, 1901, to Joseph Snell, Esq., Dash - .wood, Ont., (for the Adnunistratrix), full parti- culars of their claims and the natnre of the security (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby given that after the last mentioned date, the said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto, hav ing reference only to the claims of whicisnotice shall have been given as aforesaid, and the ss i d Administratmx.will not be responsible to any creditor, of whose claim she has not re ceivcd notice as aforesaid, for any part 02 1310 assets, of the said Estate. J. G. STA.NBTJRY, EXnTED, Solicitor for the Administratrix. Dated at Exeter, March 9th 1901. WATEItI,00 1%,11YRUA 3•11t1LoltNnitia'ilolti uNti li•ititctots 0, 3. READ OFFICE • WATERLOO, ONT 1 Lb Veiny:my leis been over 'rtrent v-si s tilts In a:teem:fel oiler :Lion in Western outtaio, end continues to Wet reagai est loss or dau nee by. bre. Itufldiint, 310tellateli8it eitt.1n et crust and ufl other desert Miens et ix.emable ',reverts.. liitatitiing insurers have at optical al lusin in eon the a retoluta Stew Coilita item. liumee the ‘stst tee years this compauy haa Mutt: 5, ,19i Wide., covering property to tiur ;um unt et .540,1,72,12.8; and paid in losses aloua S 170,1 00.0 0 , cow:fisting of Cash. In 3 0.1, Government Depositand the.unasses- Fed (mime Iskotts et: bend and in force. 3.51 .11 AI 1 -FN, M.D., President; o M. Tortoa icecfle r.aY g; t f1t;rjEf rXecti 1.1 leer. eland') iv' electlenray C. 114S. ,••1•111.10100.1.1....1.0- HOUSE AND LOT FOR RENT, Rouse and lot for rent in Exeter North. The house contains live rooms with summer kit. ellen, with good. hard and soft water. One acre of land and good orebard. Largo stable onpre- mises, Apply to Mu.s. :Wins MOMM, flay P O. pROPRETIES FOR SALE ". BY TENDER. In the Village of Exeter, Ont. Tenders sent be received by the undersigned up to the 1st. of of April, 1901, south half of lot No. 9. from Main to William st., known as Hainun's store prop- erty. No. 331,382 Elizabeth st., near MeCal- lum's tannery, No. 63,61, ts.5. Andrew et., No. 65 has a frame dwelling, '7 roonas, will take one third cash balance in payments at 5 per cent. For further particulars and terms ofstile apply to owner. The highest or any tender laot necessarily excepted. T. W, HAMLIN, Brookholm, P O., Ont. FARM FOR SArE. Lot 13, North Boundary, Stephen, containing 100 acres, about AO acres in cultivation, 8 acres in wheat, 3 acres bush, balance in grass. The ,tp,:slinutilydiofnegsoodgh d farm .is welrt foonao jaicelnaaamnsodeodfloiwulet: house, wined' with , 1 acre or goA "Tgreirvoinil grzotashed, binik , hog Ann. and offer la atir.n .1-`-uit-bearins trees. This is a first-class dairy fa' ing land and is in go .. sold cheap. The propriefok 4urthor partieu- r'h;.•igme otit the best farm- s condition and will be is desirous to sell on account of ill -health. For lars apply to owner on prereisei' sk. JACOB W URT Z, SareVm„.. r -es, A good Assortment ALSO REAITY PANTINGS AT COST. to clear these lines at once W. JOHNS, The Tailor W BROWNING'S ftt g )tpie headquarters For Dyspepsia, Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Ridney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Lotion. Try any of these preparations and you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. A, Full line of Patent Medicines all hand. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES WD .. art N1N,0-_. Dominion Laboratort 'rue Clothing NOTICE TO GREDITORO Of John Treble, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Merchant, deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 33 of Chapter 129 of the Re vised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, notice is hereby givdn that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of John Treble. late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Merchans, who died OD or about the Second day 'of March A D 1901 are on or before the 30(th day paid; Art of cea dre thei .A. D., 1901, to send by post, pre- I ssrs. Robert Nelson Treble and Lo man, Exeter P0., the Executors e their e".h?stilitieisitaammeesi ;ant oaf stulrtennenalieds, add!: - and dosed tions, the fullpartioulars of 'taints, a sta emont of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the day last stforesaid'rhe said Executors will proceed to distribute the aseets ot the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regarcl only to nth claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the anid ExecutorS will not be liable for tho said assets or any past thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been TO- oeived by them at the time of such distributioe. Dated at Exeter thisl2th ,day of March, A. D. 1901. DICItS011 tis CARLING, Solicitors for Executors. AM debts due the 0,13-0e0- Estate must be paid to the Executors thereof, on or before the 36th day ef April ICDA'Hts8s psi9e1. CARLING. Solicitors for Executors. -.---.4..._ Anyone troubled with Boils, Pimples,Rasties, what we can do for you, , Festering Sores, or any Chronic or Malignant Skin Disease, should. use Burdock Blood Bitters J. 11. Crieve. externally and take internally. It will cure where others fail. MERCHANT T.A11.0 • Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- dans and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices. Nice suits for 814 ir fancy worsted suiting. We ow big range at moderate prices ,ineaSecoryccha,lnadrgCeanaandai.wi7a w sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the est goods voa ocrefor singt I from $10 up. GIVE ITS A CALL and see ea;