HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-3-28, Page 4TILE EXT ER T.LIAES The (Vie!sons Bankiiruro wlitBrEggx CaS A. TON. cs ,,,Cine,Rtereeeo ery eteelenael.a/aNa; use; . u to Accept Thi. with le Hoare' work Si Day, • reeld. up Capital Beeerverend Eread-Oaliee, $2,600.000 e2,050.000 reeL AMZS LLFag, \mato. ateesoete farmers ou tlaeir endorser at 7 per Money advaueed te g nem note with one or me gent. Per annum ExeterBruch Open every email day f es tea. m. to 3 lent saffouienTS, le re, ea, at 1 a m. arinet =tee interatit alloweaon deposits. WILSON & OARTeNG, ea D. anillneN, OOT-1041VILS. MANAGDR . 'We lonilar for March, 1901. Sulineeten. . at 3 10 17 2i1 11 18 25 12 10 26 Vir-UneernietAn".... .6 13 20 27 TuteneDAT. 7 14 21 2S 1 3 1522 29 SATIaleDAT....... a 9 16 23 36 I in RR 2S 1901 ITh MORAL. Soule Years ago a youun mace then a resident, of Stanley, realizing tha the habits he bad formed were not con- doeive to either his own welfare or the benefit of society, was induced to pre- sent, himself for membership in a tem- perance lodge which met weekly in Varna. When it came to that part, of the pledge wherein the candidate for says, "L solen.mly promise that 1 will not use, or vorchase for tile use of others, anyintoxicating liquor,s.' he objected to taking the latter part a Its Ile was quite willing to promise *eta abstinence for himse1f. but was afraid his business, at that time, would ahnost make treating a necessity, There WaS A hasty conference timelier the officials of the ledge at the unex- meted turn of affairs ; stunt' Were in favor arefusiug u) accept or admit the eandidate unless he tecbk tbe entire pledge ; others favored a compromise. The worthy. chief, a mon of judgment and expertence. and sQuiv others, thought it better to accept the candi- date •on the personal pronme anyhow, believing that it, might prove the young snan's safety, if nothing Mere,aui tho Candidate 'was initiated. lc proved to be tbe turning point in the young mart s life, -who WaS not iOng before he adopted, anti has since lived up to, the requoninents of the whole ',ledge:. The worthy chief, to whom cicdit is due for reclaiming this roan, is Mr. George *tewart4 well known as the clerk of Stanley for many years, and noW a business man of Clinton. and the in- dividual in question is Mr. John Sher- ritt, now M. P. for :•Torth Middlesex. „ $0,16.10.01 NOTES AND COMMENTS, ffer1,44010•11.1,1101* Warvviok Bros. & Butter's Press Started With Sad Result. 'Big Increase t'o. ithhCivil Service Z. timates-Atissioa students Xovito All aerates:eat area to attee Their 'karats, e Strug;lo 'War rreetlet4",4104 Cross Steamship alma Alta the Ilona Stemmata,: eQ. JOIX Per.Ces. The British civil service eSttee /Sailed Saturday show a totd of 423,00,1.20, au increAse of $12. Earl teatiogan, Lord, Lieutenaut of Irelettri, authorizes the statement that he will retein office for another yeer. Tete Rev. J. J. Stoneheuse ot the Loudon aissionary Society Ms been murdered by brigands 14 miles east of Tien Tsiu. Te Clinton Uouse, Reece, one ot the oldeet and best lenowe. hotels in Central New York, was destroyed by fire Saturday evertiog. 'Me Right Rev. John. Sweeney, D. D., Roman Catholic Bine° of St, Jobe, N. Re Diaeeee„ is seriously il froal a partial strolte of paralysis. Additional patients are constontly ' at the Sudbury IIospiatl r smallpox casee. vette total eturae be tM Provinee has 11057 risen to The towInul the hen, says the Paul- tey-Keeper, are tbe only live stock that pay cash dividends every day. But.% costs lees to begin with poultry than with cattle. With an incubator hundreds of pullets may be hatched at the same time. In ten months, or less, they will be giving returns. One does Dot have to wait two or three years or more for the producers to reach maturity. It is this advantage of rapid moltiplication of the stock that pats poultry -keeping within the ,each of all. 1 in a collision which occurred en the /lout ws•steas k,kt alontgontery, on, Saturday between two passenger one man was killed and. our were injured. Friends of Rabbi Joseph Moses of the. Temple Emanuel at Kingston, ICY,. were surprised on Saturday at hearing that be lied ioineti tle 1pts. pal Church. It is proposed to add $1,00,000.000 to the Ihnon Pacific 11.0.ilway Come paey"a eepitai •etoen, wbich would melte thw total cepitalieatioti nearly n00.000,000. The Students Orgetuisratiou Com- mittee •it St Peterebtarg has issued •rafl invitin,g all intelligent mem- bers of Russian stool'ety to join their 7 in the strue,erie "for freedom." iae alititia Itaparentent alanOuleeee it No. len, F. C. A.Dougles, arers Scotian formerly et rathoona's Beni -a nes died frets wounds reeeived lneeion on Feb. ?.`teint 'Polito' is reported to be malting preparations for quittieg Russia forever in disgest and de- spair, and his English friends am urn er hint to settle in that coun- try. The British soetmer City of Venice thence for Liverpool, ie eground in a dangerous poSition' on Chipbur Sands. V miles below Culentta, on the Rieesr Ileogbly. The passengers have been landed. John Machon, clerk of the Town- ship of Catiottevine. Norfolk Com- ty. Out., teed at his 'residence Vit. torio. Saturday morning, having held the position of townshia vier% for more than 40 years. There was a shocking suicide at St. Andrew's, in, B., on Sunday 1 • is • Gael's left to wonder what is the matter with the Boers that they should wish, in view of the present state of things, to dictate the terms of peace, as though they were the con- querors. Is it because, having had an isolated life, they are so ignorant of the usages of warfare, or is it natural, dogged stupidity and menacing eon- eeit-qualities that, had much to do with leading them to declare war in the first instance? To the Boer prison- ers in St, Helena and Ceylon the news that the war is to be continued will not be pleasant. It means prolonged exile, and to some death in a strange land. The physical comfort of their 1ot will be poor reccompence for the prisdafrs artmetyabout their friends , ab borad,ond their friends' anxiety abent theirene each day at the war adds to. • Times readers will remenehthe that during the lase election considerable was written and told from the plat- form, about H. H. Cook, being offered a seat in the senate upon his paving $10,000, to somebody, for it. Mr. Cook is a Liberal, and the Liberals having such appointments in their hands, the money must certainly be paid to the Liberals. The report was scooted by the Liberal press, and proof of the statement was called for. At that time investigation was inopportune mad impossible for any purpose. Re- cently the Senate passed a motion that Mr. Cook's charges be investi- gated. Now the Liberal press protests and do nob want an investigation, fearing no doubt staitling develop- ments. The 'investigation, however, will take plaza very- soon, when the public will know whether Mr. Cook is a prevaricator or the Liberal 'manag- ers are guilty of the crime of selling public offices for party election funds Innocent men have nothing to fear. Cleveland, Ohio, Marcie 25.-4t the emefereace Friday betweeo the 1.40)34,„ important Events in Few Words ehoremeet's T.Jnion Ana tae dock men- eagers. the deadlock which existed on For Busy Readers. Tieursday wee bonen. At the cooler., WO the lengsberemen receded 'froM their detnands ater eeras a ton for The Elm. World's Eappeniags airefullT 111,10ading; Ore and a COmprOMtse was compnea" and age Into Hauao aaa effteted on the basis (4 centS. It Attractive shape roc me Header•s Wee decided that 12 hours should " eonstitute days work erom theo Oa' 1r4P"-ai 5°114 1191" .E.j°3-- . Opening of the season Until pept, lee melte ParagraPhs. ond from that (lent until the elose inieDeteSSIPIPP of nevigatiou 11 hours should be a Two tens of corundum aro now De- clare week. Twenty-five gents ea hour will be paid for overtime. The jug tilri4ed Qlltr daalr at °Walben°' wagoscae eee the enieeeees awe Mies Paid or Toremte Itas been, holsters and the ore shovellers will fasad, and Will be trolight home from Tontettanda. XX, be taken up some time soon. Tee Britith civil service estimates aaneenese„r„ aaseeanns. isetted Saturday show a. tOtO1 "X28,080,1e0, ea inerease 4788, - East Rotel-Isom Liberal Associa- , tion eeleeted Winton). Andersou of -°'0,1•'.X Cadegen,. Lord Lieutenant of Otonabee TowneetiP as their xepro, Xreland, anthoriges the statement seatative for the ceming election on, that he will retain office for another Sattardan. J. Ie. Stratton Tear' gave the agams of the Afteruoeu. The Studeet! Oerrg:nuiztielans °QM- _ West Durham Literels in COMMA* 1114 " a terseallt%7RQiwnIt4card4c7Ni°ew:11127kir cdo7" :iankca: i wtriat:r:rt:giejill't'eellerigef:etet:em7": bers of Russian society to joie their test nee riding in their interests at Queen Willielmina opened attors- day's session at the State Couecil of Ff ollAn.d, which installed the Prince Consort as a Mettelter. The Queen, was dreaSed• ite green plush, and the ill -ince wore the uniform of a reAr athadral. Tert Minnesota State Senate re- eensiderea and finally passed Sena. ter Chilton's bill proleiniting the marriage of insane, epilePtie eon idiotic persons aid requiring a mean cal Pertigezete of all app ants tor marriage licenses. ' THE Fl.rw ItUeoltee. The Clint= Ilouse, Ithaca, rem ei tie oldest and best known hotels kn Central New was destroyed by ere Saturday evenieff- Fire lerehe oot in the boiler reom of the Southern Printing. end Tahoe graphing Comperne Londoa. about re.40 thr4.40,3r morning. The upper portion ot the building was badlY gutted, The total loss will amount to between 0„000 and $7,000, At Afandlo, Ont.._ on Sunday ligletning strock on Kerr's farm, oe- cuPied by William Matthews, just north of the village. killing three valuable beings, two Cows and five Ms. A quantity of bey took fires. but the Wage was SO011 EPIDDWCS. Adnnal patients are constantly" the ensuing eleztion for the Frovio. Vount Tolstoi is reported to he g at the Sudbury Hosplatl vim Legielettere. -- 0 preparatione for quitting ear mentepoit CfiFt'S. rrh'D Vial 141.1.111' nqqiiure'ver ill' disgu5t "4 41e- Der in tee Province has new risen t el Areabisteep Lewis Dotter. 4 his English friends are leo. new I tan. Merely 2.-M the Bun ug liiui t4 5Qiilu iill that gwIla. '-'nite treasurer of the Canadian A that the Right Res'. John Travers s- pire 1-rotel last night it was eaid trkle x,ar.w. surgeolli en ,srur tue ecteta,tion fer theillroteetion et Ta, day berculosis at Ottawa, has received. Lewis. who bas been ill there for 6i,w.ce'_ecietli , in ..F,ac.T5 ,u'• 413. rm._• through Sir James Graun the ellel aeveral weeks is rauch improved. vl0.11 ill gn. of M. tee -LN° 455 Q .4"! a ei.000,, -being a doaaticea from Figaro the beliet which he recetveo F. el. Olergue Sault SW. nrarie. la it's duel with Count Boni de Coes ' ['Mem. -The editor's condition. is sip.0.4, trom Table ±$ey, 1.,eb. 3.?, .i,5 , eannii4N Alertrio Cars, Satisfactory A. steward ot the Britisie troopeitip Mr. George Johnson, the, Dominion Great damoge to shinninv Itmo 8uffe"--Ig froM the Plague, and hae tatistician, has eempiled prim in. nonnece "13'3e a. severe 1)eell isQl4ted' TweutY Per5Qnss wbo tereetieg figures about the electric had bee o In contact with, him. have rensavola, Fla.. ea Saturday railways of Canada. During Ow year been pieced under observation at ending Perember 81st. 1899. the 682 raft. The weld's velocity rang - utiles of trace. were so used. that tbe total number of tulles rue by cars as .V.016.817. The number of passengers carried woe over one hundred and four mil- lions, neinely. 104.033.650. This is efeual to cerating every meta woman and tizilla in the Dominion twenty • Last week Marlton's employees, Goderieh, gathered in the workshop the islan21 to warm themselves round the Ere. At the time there were a few of the men loosening some --nalcum, some was put on the stove to vvarm, when suddenly it caught fire. It was soon discovered that some nine • bales of oakum that were on the raf- ters bad caught and this fact caused general rub from the buiIdng R, Kerr started at once to carry out the burning bales, and one was so much on fire that his hands were badly burna ed, and his hair, eye -brows and mus- tache very roueh singed. •At one lishers, Toronto, met a terrible death time it looltecl.as if the building would on Saturday afternoon while dis- be deStroved, but the removal of the charging his duties. Tie was under bales enabled a few men to snow the the big press when the machinery • fire under. • - • was started, and One of the large re - James Edge, of Edge Hill, Ont..writos that Iris skull was frIctured in several volving bars struck him on the head. DOIM'S Pills cured Inin of backache and kidney trouble. He only took one box and they cured hito. Try them if you have backache. morning; C apt. James tork.e, or - merle" a prominent shipbuilder. fas- tened a piece of iron to his neck and jumped •over the wharf. George, Cheveyes, who shot end killed Town Marshal. J ohn Norris of Pocahontas, Ark., ethile Norris was periorming official duty. was taken from jail by a mob of 250 'nen Sat- urday night and hanged. The Paris surgeons on Saturday succeeded in extracting from the right thigh of M. de Rodays of The Figaro the bullet which, he received In his duel with Count Boni de Cas- tellane. The editor's eoudition is satisfactory. Great damage to shipping was done by a severe southeast cyclone at Pensacola, Fla-, on Saturday morning. The wind's velocity rang- ing from 48 to 54. miles a.n hour, with gusts of extreme velocity of 70 miles an hour. The Minnesota, State Senate re- considered and finally passed Sena- tor Chilton's bill prohibiting the marriage of ineano, epileptic and idiotic persons and requiring a ineda toe certificate of all applicants for marriage licenses. Fire broke out in the boiler room of the Southern Printing and Litho- graphing Company, London, about 3.40 Sunday morning. The upper portion of the building was badly gutted. The total loss will amount to between $6,000 and S7,000. A strike of stablemen was inaug- urated at Newmarket. England, on. Saturday. Some 700 men are af- fected. A. large influx of unemploy- ed has begun, and there is some fear places, and death was almost instan- so of disorder. A number of special taneous. An inquest will be held, constables have been sworn in.CRIME -A.1%13 CRIDINALs. Darker Denies Guilt. It is annouoced that the Red Cross lino and the Booth Steamship Co., Jacob Dearborn of Clinton, Me., which have each been running a murdered his three children on to iniileage run and the passen. tarried .how that for each mile 11144, eleetries carried 3e paeserte teetered with the previous year 'lumber of passengers carried in- reased nearlei tle millions. and tho umber of utiles ruu by ever a mil- li. Tee passengers carried per ile run increased from ea to dis The rtumber of transfers given in To - route was over 10e millions. These ere not included in the tete of pas- sengers carried. The amount of paid-up capital in- ested electric railways is $21- 700,000. The steam railways ita 1800 car- rled 1.6,16%101 passengers, running a, train mileage of 25,202,850, thus making an average of eleven and one -halt passengers per mile. The eleetrie ears traveled over four and one-third million more miles than the passeuger and. intend trains with having stolen e2.5 worth of em- Vora tt par a s ro o o peen ysts. Friends of Rabbi Joseph Moses of of the steam railways. Together the broidery front a departmental store over 120,000,000 passengers, and in that city, committed suicide in the the Temple Emanuel at Kingston, N.Y., were surprised on Saturday at steam an.d electric railways carried jail on Sunday by straztgling herself the proportion was about 13 by with a bed -cover. She was afraid hearing that he had joined the Eli's - steam to 87 by electricity. to face the disgrace of appearing copal Church. the Police Court on Monday. LABOR WORLD. lug from 48 to 5e miles an Itour, wait gusts ot extreme velocity of 70 xaileS L131 hour. It is annonoced that the Red Cross and the Booth Stearaship Co.. ici. have each leeen rurainin Southampton. England. TAU reiehlte. Capt. TheMne Edgar Willson, lie rerian of Tee' New Yoeir World. chien n Saturday of celebral hemorrhage t the age el years. inshiP servobetween New Yr le FehlaY morning Jolla T.. 'Vern% ports in North Brazil, have ° provincial detective at Sarnia, died hued. The two companies have . at tee residence of his motber eeu theue about 80 vessels. zu,lifa titan. Consumption was the • Is stated en reliable authority ". cauSe et death- Ile was 87 years azce„welwar, win, en the ezgpira,„, 1, John Manton, 'aerie of the TOM, - t. tile Grand Inane Ernet old. On of tee period ot mourning for ship of Carlotteville. Norfolk Conn. U Victoria, become engaged to Oat,. died at his residence lilt, to clerk I 1 for ungest da.ughter of the late tthoeriapoSsaittiuorldx Saturday tutooicrulugi,pli to Alfred of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. ; More than 4,0 year. *VICIOUS. ort 31LIN Or WAR. The bodY. of a well-dressed man Major Merritt bas obtained ver- ged about 60 years, was found 04 Mission to raise in Canada 600 'Thursday at Iteellester with his ' mounted men for South Africitu ser - throat cut Irma ear to ear. John MU, a Cincinnati traveler, 11 vice' 1-1° Will neulillttie 13" °Mcere' The Militia, Department comourices shot himself at a Buffalo hotel, and- that No. 186. F. C. A: Douglas, lett a note, snyinn, "Let the 141/6014 • 110Ward% Scouts, formeriy of take care of my body." Stratheons.'s Horse, has died from There was a sitoching suicide at ' wounds received in action on Fob, $t. Andrew's. N. B., on Sunday meriting; Capt. James Storke, for- la' merly a. prominent shipbuilder. fas- ItELXGIORS WORLD. Wiled a piece of iron to his luck and The Right Rev, John Sweeney, D. jumped over the whoxf. D., Rotnatt Catholic Bishop of St. Alice Summers of Toronto, charged john, N. B., Diocese, is seriously in A Whistling Tree. An European horticultural journal eays: "The Tsofar is the native name of the whistling tree. ,A. gum is obtained from it, known under the name of gedarei or seminar gum. It is an interesting tree. Dr. Schweira ferns says: 'As the wind blows MINN, SIUMBLINO-ROCK. Gen. Botha Expresses Strong Dislike to tien eovernor. General Ritelkoner Send* a Private Tele - pram to the Rollie Government Stat- ing' Why the Peace Terms were S'ot Accepted -German rresso Beclures That Dr. Chamberlain missed a Good Chance of Dnising Peace Illth Boors. liondoa, March 25.--colenial Sec- retary Chamberlain, in the House of Cell:WPM§ on Saturday. said spe- eifie obiectione had beeea made her Gen. liotha tq any qf the peao terms Offered by on. KitCheneta and Gen. Botha, had made no COUnter proposals. The only information le possession of the Government, out- side of that aublialied in the Papers, was Cents:Med in a, private toleffreen from General Zitchener saying Qu. Betba had a Arena abjection to Sir Alfeed Milner. • Only lle(ngees, London. March 2;1.. -The west de- spatches • from Bleenefontein show that the 200 Boers who were cap- tured near Teabanchu were refugees wlio surrendered voluntarily. They Were in bad plight, and had recent - been Bghting -under Gen, Dewet and Gen. Foutle. nerman niaroe§ Chamberlain, Berlin, Meech 25. -Severe press comments COntintle On tee seinect of General Botheie uegatietione as re- vealed by the documents submitted to the British. Porliantent. The opin- ion is unanimously expressed that Ur. Chamberlain AliSsed a good op, portunity fer restoring peace, his term rendering it impossible for the Boers to accept them. 'The Tage- blett says Great Britain is still in- staciently impressed with the dife- elate' of the South African situation, otherwiee she would make proposi- times acceptable for the Boers. Tho body of Charles Kent bas been A strike of stablemen was inaug- found in his house at Elkhorn, Mane mated at Newmarket, England, on via his brains blown out. He was Saturday. Some 700 men aro an the only son of William Kent of Nor- fetted. A large influx of unemploy- val, Ont., and bud only been there ed bas begun, and there is some fear since last sunnner. Ire lived on a rented farm southwest of the town. cooIndstittsobried:r. havoAbenentunsbweorrnotbsIpcial Parties Meta gone out to investi- a gate. across its branches it produces CASViLLTIES., MIS lliAtIonITY IS 11. sound analogous to a flute.' This` The official ret -urn of the result of the bye -election North Bruce Was enade by the returning officer at Taxa on Saturday. James Halliday, Con- servattive was officially declared elected by a. majority of 11. musical property, wonderful in a en a collision welch occurred on the tree, especially a gununy one, is due to the fact that the base of the prickles of the hirsute branches is perforated by a certain insect, wbiel sucks the gum out and transform all the thorns into little flutes. Hap- plIer we only see things of this kind in the south of Nubia." AnOther calamity. Connellsville, Pa., Mareh 26, -Yes- terday morning 28 men reported for duty and went into the pit of the Gates Mine (Fayette County). Of this number 16 were caught in the awful 'grip of the scorching breath of the fire damp, and singed and black- ened. As soon after the explosion as possible a force of men were put to the rescue. One by MC the burned bodies were brought up. Nine still lived, and these were brought to Connellsville and put in the Cottage State Hospital. WHAT TH E ENGINEER anti: Plant system at Montgomery, Ala., on Saturday between two passenger trains, one man was killed and four were injured. While coupling ears at Atli -tenets on I Go into "W htf"re Tvirreoe0sdGs r°;vh.ere grew* the big timber and get a lesson hov,7 te grow e. tree, There ereu_ Will find variety for one thing, the earth an - Ways. •cool ancl moist arcalnd the* 1 fraisng, 1:4rdenndecayingi al 1yuilecahveesd with tah. sence ot greedy, moisture abaOrbing, grasses, delaying wocni and leayen. ever encircliug the store of humus the soil, the most perfect con,servree tion of moisture peesiblez see all thiS a,nd then go end buy n tree of soeatt peddler, dig a round hole in a bitle grass sod or en Some Bun beaten I sterile hillside and plant your tree , and exPect the good Lard to DiakIt your tree grow. Know this,, tleat seccess with tree planting' alWayS lies along the line of following ea - twat cOnditione as closely as possi- ble. The Odor of Disease. A medical journal says: Dr. Moe cagey declares thet every doetoet sckeChlItlidterhioa, 4tbypi'Qieotoiti dfleavgner,°8° coulnesatts:ps-.' tion and even epilepsy, by the smelly as every one 118,S OSPeCiai odor, when disease is present. Thus in case of foetus, the Patient exhales tine odor of mice; in rheumatism. there is an odor of Acid that le very easily; recognized. In cases of pyemia the breath ts nanseeting in its small; la eeurVee too, there in a putrid calor* peritonitia the odor is like mtiete Ili Case et scrofula, like sour beer, In ordinary fever there is an eine moniacel odor. In intermittent fee ver the odor is like that or fresit baited bread. Among hysterical wo- men irest.there are many delightful odors, violet and. pineapple being most men. WANCK A stnernv TRAM fiverpenered the Retort et' A Con- l'CW Destined Vrir rrenete. Steaderton, Transvaal,'" Friday, March 23. -Four huudred Boers. un- der Boer Commander Buys, have wrecked a supply train north of Vlahluagte. They overpowered the escort, and carried oft several wagon loads of provisions. A convoy destined to join Gen. French's column bas been attacked between Bleed River and Seheeper's Nex, Transvaal Colony. The British. had QUO man kilted and threeevounde ed. The bridge at Blood River was • burned. Heavy Fighting on Friday. Cape Town, March 2e. --Sever lighting occurred Friday, Newell 22, between the British. and Boers et Her tobeestionteln, east of ICIericsdorp , • 'rite Plague at, COO Tetra. Cape' Town, nlareb. 2.A. -The ba- bonie plague continues to spread h.ere. There is an average of six fresh eases officially reported daily. elost of tbe victims are colored peo- ple. Thursday morning, Norman Andi- . son, a C. P. R. brakeman, had his ' England Thieks litissinti Mot. rigbt hand terribly crushed. It was Columbus, Ohio, March 1a6. -Baron Sound necessary to amputate several ; Eugene de Ifet.upiek, sard to be a re - fingers, presentative of the Czar in investi- A vast glacier slide from the Ross - gating oil fields of America and the boden Alps has destroyed Simplon American method of refining petrol - street in Berne. For a distance of curia declared in all interview yes- ; a mile and a quarter the forests have been swept' down, and the val- terday that Ehgland was supplying 1 the money with which the uprisings ley is filled with bloek ice. Two . 0/./:•••••••00••••• Better Outlook. et Mammas. Max•seilles, March 25. -The props - ed arbitration of the differences in- volved in the strike has led to a general mime:ate:at in the sitteatiOn. The measures of the police are now less strict. All troops have been re- moved from the streets and other public places, although retained un- der arms in barracks. Yesterday morning the street cars began running intermittently, and a tegular service on all lines is prom- ised. The strike of the bakers has not proved serious. Bread was deliver- ed to ell customers yesterday. persons. John F. Roadhouse,. a, porter in.! ingmen were incited the employ of Warwick Bros. & Rut- • ter, wholesale • stationers and pub- i 'Newspaper Men on Strike. . : • • among Russian students -and work - • Ushers, Toronto, met a terrible death Columbus, • Ohio, March 26. -The •on Saturday afternoon while o elise entire local staff employed on The charging his, duties. He was under Press -Post struck yesterday. The the big press when the machinery proprietor of the paper had been was started, and one of the large re- given until 9 o'clock to sign the volving bars struck him on the head. scale of the newly -formed News His skull was fractured in several Writers' Association, but failed to do Trenton, Ont. -Our JINE t -it 1- zon, 'Ir. 1.1. Goodeet, Beetileete• r the Elect.ric od e . I an a,filirlion that, vis • fa' tiCy thus; levee ftente en. were cemPeerli ; ' Acute Caorrh or ho sly wife became pex re.. a -,a1 a. most, blind. and her 1y ten tly and so sevef ely I L a, Oft Thursday with an ax. steamship service between New York The Rev. .7. J. Stonehouse of the and ports in North Brazil, have London Missionary Society has been combined. The two companies have murdered by brigands 14 miles east between them about ,80 vessels. • of Tien Tsin. Alice Summers of Toronto, charged mtg,ht, lose her rea,on 1 •, 0 i.'". ii Jody Bell, Li negro; 25 years old, n t l $25 w rth of em- • 11 b ell • ffe lad eoatee1.- e with havi g s o en o \vele a a t , Thurs- broidery from. et depaeamental store lathy, and e oil may belie, , Was lynched at Tervey, Miss., d in.that city, committed suicide in the intion was indeed seri,.ila. ),,,. „, day night, for allege robbery an jail on Sunday by strangling herself ti)r's tttedicine uaseiwilew cl• • ,1, assault. Another negro escaped, with a bed -cover. She was afraid thou h 50 shots were fired at him tua elute in acting, •-t, 1 ene Heasley's drug to ore lilt 1.4"). George Cheveyes, who shot and Catarrh leined) I, y f,,1; killed Town Marshal John Norris, of nils gi ,011 cola, r,„z,,, t, , A k , 1'1 Norris was my family inhale it, toji i„i; ,• performing. official, duty, was taken h te result 'WAS n from jail by a mob of 250 man Sat - 11 pound, •Sin 1) a pr.ce. urda.y night and hanged. Mrs. Lizzie Naramore, ol Cold - brook, Mass., While in a fit of in- sanity Thursday' afternoon, "killed her entire family of six children at her home, a iarm house, hail a mile from this village, and then tried to take her own life• , POLITICS-FoRBIGN. • The debate on the third eading of the • estimates in the German Dei ch - stag was ,closed on Thursday and the House Adjourned until April 16. New York State Governor Odell has sigriecl the hill taxing trust .com- panics 1 per cent. annually' on their capital stock surplus, and undivided profits. to face the disgrace of appea,rmg 22 -the Police Conrt on Monday. • The body of Charles Kent has been found in his house at Elkhorn, elan., with his brains blown out: Ile was the only son of William' Kent of Nor- val, Ont.., and had only been. there ti ,•eds only a, trial to be a ppreeiaa since last minter. He lived on a st me house wel neVer be without, it, rented farm. southWest of the town , o 11 le Le I , 81 00; small size, 25(' Parties have gone out to investi- , eiritggists. A trial 4ent for 10c. hy Poison Kingston, Canada John F. Roadhouse, a porter in or linriford, Coon- U. S. the employ of Warwick Bros. & Rat • - ter, who•lesale stationers and pub- 'William Oke, el' the I2th coneesetoe, of linlletteha,s sold bis farm, contain - log 100 acres, to William Knox, a pros perotts farnwer - of t he me loca lit v. Ties farm is well situated. ancl as Mi. Knox paid the sum of $5,500, we thiek lie as a cheap farm. places, an,c1 death vhis almost instan- TO OUILX A COLD IN ONE DAY. o':.....T.ulg'kgeisLtea,:xreatfia‘leid33t1Temn°1oQueuyIniifiV fTelbelet.ot'E''cuirkell, W Grove's signature ' at taneous. An inquest will be held 25 12.W.b tls, New York, March .26. - Thomas G. Barker, who shot the Rev. John leallex• at Arlington, N.. J., Feb. 3, was arraigned yesterday,afternoon in Judge Blair's court in Jersey City and pleaded not guilty. Bail was • e, datefixed for the trial. Britain's Credit Still Good. Lon cl on, ifarch 26. 'renders for Z2 '720 000 in treasury bills were , opened at the Bank of England yes- terday. The applieations totalled £5,787,000. • The. aVprage rate of allotments was 31,- per cent. A. Guilty Negro to Bo Hanged. Baltimore, Md., March 26. --Wiley Xirk, a negro, 19 years of age, was yesterday found guilty of felonious., assault upon Mrs. Barbara Green and :sentenced to be . hanged. •--Kirk confessed on the -witness: stand oto having committed the crime. Miss Paul Still missing. Buffett°, MarcW25.--Miss May Paul, 28 years old, who suddenly left her home in Toronto on March 16, was located in Buffalo Saturday, but she has again disappeared, and her sec- ond disappearance may have result- ed in a tragedy. Mrs. L,yons Went to the pence station and positively identified the muff lying on an un- frequented coal wharf as the pro- perty of her sister. The police are still seeming the city for the unfor- tunate woman, but it is feared their quest will be fruitless. Greenhouse Burned./ St. Thomas, March 26. -,Webster & Company greenhouses were gutted by fire yesterday morning, to the extent of $3,000. No insurance. Two barrels of goldfish werebaked. in the fire. • More Filipinos Surrender. Manila, March 25.a -In the Provisce of Cavite, four insurgent officers and 53 men, with 56 rifles, have surren- dered to Lieut. -Col. Frank D. Bald- win of the 4th United States Infan- try, aud one insurgent officer • and 12 men, with 16 rifles, to Col. Wal- ter S. Sehuyler- of the 46th Volun- teer Infantry. To Eight American Trusts. Edinburgh, March 25 --The '1 Scot- tish and North of England steel Makers are negotiating with the ob- ject of sustaining the present prices, with a view of competition with the American Steel Trust The Scotch steel makers claini to have full or- ders. Turkey Presse Bulgaria. Bulgaria: London, March 25. -"Turkey has addressed td Bulgariaa demand for the dissolution of ,the Macedonian Committee," says the Athens corre- ipondent af The Times. 'Elie demand collies at an., inopportune moment. and 'p1aces93ulgaria in a difficult po: site on . ' 111.3111, How to Pot Pp Wire Wonvos. Wire fences should be -straight from point to point. Corner postk should be tree trunks dug out with the lump or stump set in the ground not less than ee or n feet. Line PeSte sh9uld be driven so that if frost raises them they can be driven down past it. Should, be either 101 or 83 feet apart, with n. false post, between them; le inch staples are best. For trees. USO Mara railed on tree, fasten Will> on board. Sap corrodes rine and rots wire. TWO points are safer and cheaper than four points?. In atretching always begin on top wire. Never use more than one staple on line post. two on end, or better, ratcliet.-Foliest Moses. iu Farm and Mune. Te•fmeetememenewomeopme...e.......11.40 OldanaFado(lOarmonts Made to Look as Good as New By Use of DIAMOND DYE& Mrs. William Surgent, Pett olia. Ont., says : "'Your Diamond Dyes are the - best 1 have ever men end they have. done splendid Work for me. In 0 short time Diamond Dyes saved me ten dole lers. so 'that 1 think they deserve a, good word. My friends, to whom Xs have shown uty dyed goods, see that Ditunond Dees make old things look like new. The richest woman in our' town, after seeing my wink, bas be- come a user of your Dyes. 1 thank you. for such valuable money -savers as Diamond Dyes." Mrs. Thos. Hyndratun Qne , says: "1 have been ting Dia- mond Dyes for ninny years and find them most satisfaetory in renewing' the colors of my children's clothes. For brilliancy and fastness, Diamond Dyes - cannot be excelled." THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Luxe -Liver Pills are the ladiestfaverite medi, eine. They cure Congipation, Sick Beadache. Biliousness end Dil-Pelr-la without griping, purging or sickening - Two tons of corundum are now be- ing turned bet daily at Cumbermere.- , Capt. Moines Edgar Willson, • brarian of -The New York World, died - on Saturday of celebral hemorrhage at the age of 50' years. At Manilla, Ont. , ' on < Sunday lightning struck..on Kerr's farm, oc- cw w pied by winiam. Ala ttliews, just northof the village,killing three valuable horses, two cows and • live pigs. A quantity of hay took fire, butr the blaze was soon. extinguished., Children Cry for CASTOR IA The Price of Comfort lens worth -a good deal but costs you nothing extra when buying " Slater Shoes." A generous 'supply of coin• . fort goes with every pair. Made in such a multitude o€ shapes that your fit becomes an easy matter, in any color • you wish and leathers selected • from the highest grades. All "Slater Shoes" are Good- yearWeltedwhich means ripless solidity and uniform work- manship. Every pair endorsed by the makers with their trade mark on the soles -a slate frame with the price Se.oct or $3.eo. CATALOGUE FREE ossuessanatun. E.J. S PACK M AN, SOLE Ural, ACtriNT "