Exeter Times, 1901-3-21, Page 1IMXIM,01110,P TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR—NO. 3 t. ?„ON. (Yz. IY11DDLESKX GAZETTE atocet.earesememaramaamw.m.tr...............mmi.n.a.aom EX R, 01CT, (ANADA, THU liSDAY MORNING, MAROH 21, ipoi. 60M0 tO LIS !. Sap Pails, Sap Spiles Sap Kettles, Sap Pans, Milk Pans, Milk Pai s, Milk Peel at, eee Cream Cans. H. 'Bishop 0. •Oloaring Salo ot florso Blankobs. The balance of our stock of Horse Blankets will be sold at •cost. Also all lines of winter Boots and Shoes at and be- low C(S. Green Wood wanted in ex- change for Goods. R. H SWEET Successor to J. Treble. NOTI etarie Wocelesse Free Trials • Kflis ht's New Block Exeter. following subjects tangbt indL Y Book Kaolin rennianship, Shorthand, Inowritina, Gorrospondence, Etc„ Etc. tee. For Illustrated Circulars and other information, call or address Wm. Hy. O'Sullivan, Knight's New Block, Exeter. •••••••ISMIVIIII,EWMpalareWEINININ...011. The first trial of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will satisfy anyone that the lung healing virtue of the pine tree has now been made into an effective and convenient cough medicine. .Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfac- tion. `aeas„ Caea eeeeesagee CCZ= =5) Mame CT= CaiZ 9MM tg=1 aseitamt COD CC= C=Z) Ponassl Ca 4-, ce 44 b.° • 0 0 0 a) a woo 0 • 're 0 See Them. SMITH BROS.&'00. 4iENSALL GODEHICH S011 2. Mitchell --- BIM:VS.-Mies Dougherty has gone , to Toronto to pay her cousin, Miss / Thom, li, visit. -Robert Collie returned to Manitoba lase week, after visiting with friends for a couple of months. - Wm. Ryan has been gazetted census Icommissioner for Sauth Perth, so he will be busy for the next few menthe getting all the information togethele -Messrs.. A. BUrritt Se Co. he re- ceived a cheque for $2,50davfrom the Grand Trunk to cover the total loss of voneignment of yarn frorn the old • country,. which was destroyed by fire in an accident between Portland and Montreal a, couple a mouths ego. - Mrs, John Honey, of this town, is pre- paring to 'leave evith her family. for Manitoba in a couple of weeks to eoin her husband and eldest son at Grand View, where Mr. Honey- is carrying on a. successfid general store and bakery business.. Blake - - 13niers.-The matrimonial fever has been zaging around here lately, some of the victims heing William %Vaguer, to a lady near Guelph; Mr. Wm. Tough, of the Brownson line, to a Miss Laid- law, from near Blyth, and last but not least, Mr. John Johnston, of Blake, to Mrs. Seely Johnston, of the sameepla.ce. Mr. 11loses Oech, who has been visiting under the parental roof for the past few months, has returned to Alberta, N. W. T. -Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Miller left here ou Monday foe their new home at the Soo. -A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr, John Manson, sr„ on Friday evening lest, when about forty invited guests as- sembled and spent the evening in dancing and social chat, and returned home all having thoroughly enjoyed themselves. - Mrs. J. Johnston and Mrs. A Fee, who haye been visiting with their &stet-, Mrs. Ea. Boyes, left last week for their home in Dakota. Seaforth Bitenes.-Wm. Hogg, of McKillop, met with it very palnful accident on Wednesday, morning. While feeding the ( tine' niachine his hand was aod ;Akou ,ff at the wrist. - Fans Teempson tried at the residence of his s ster, Mrs. W. N. Oresswell, on Friday: morning, ageil seventy years and six. months. The funeral took place on Saturday last to the Harpur- hey cemetery. -Miss Gladys Hender- son wast home to about forty of her friends on Thursday evening. Danc- ing was the chief feature of amuse- ment. The Daly Orchestra supplied the music. Misses (Nara, Welsh and Craig, Goderich, were among the guests. -Mr. O'Sullivan left on Thurs- day for Exeter and Thedford.-George Reeves, who has been seriously ill with blood -poisoning, has sufficiently re- covered to be able to be out again. -A. Archibald, who lives just south of the towleis veryill at present. Mr. Archi- bald is one of' the pioneers of this dis- trict, having lived here for many years. His many friends hope to hear of his recovery. -Miss Carlyle, of Hen- salawas a visitor here last week. liensal I Cromarty J. D. (()OKE 41.4tiu with tierre.A! Prourifeett Barrister 1, Solicitor. Notary Public. Hensel). . , A.. Sellery, L. D. S., D. D,S.,,rioner Eradu- 1 3 '-' • ate of Toronto University, Dent ists. Teeth extracted without Pain or bad effects, °awe,' I in Pell)"14 Block, Hensel). At Znrieli everY 1 r ondaY.commenemir Ilfav3Oth, G. J.Sutherland, Notary Public, Convoyan- i cer, Comint,,siener Fire Insurance Agent, and , Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal thectunents ! carefully drawn at reasonable rates. ItOrtOY to loau on rei0 estate at low rates or 4atere5t,, ; Wilmot the Pot Mee, mensal' i Honsa Sonia. -T. J. Berry has dis- : Posed ef bus three-year-old shire still- . lion, " Blaisdon Colin," eo a gentleman ' foam Walkerton for the sum of $1,500., This animal was imported Ily Mr. !Berry last fall and is a promising colt. i DriAss RAND.- With commendable enterprise, J. B. MeDonell anti W. J. iMiller, on moodily last, passed around a subeeription list to eaise funds for , the purelutee of instruments for a, brass I band. In a few hours $2.10 were sub - !scribed, which when sum/Innen ted by !•5100 by the council will make a tidy in for the purpose. A band for ensall is now an :issued fact. As PanMenroa. -The managers of Cennel cherch met on Monday even- ing arid from a number of applicants selected 11 Bedford, of Stayner, as 1 precentor of the church at a salary of 5200 per year. Mr. Bedford sang last Sunday with much acceptance. He is a teacher of music and will be engaged ea leader of the new brass band. Bawaseesell Bedford, P, V, A.., of Stayner, condocted, the sebeeice _of praise in Carmel elturch last Sebbath. Mr, Bedford, is a Young man and is accomplished as a vocalist, a teacher of Voive culture and artistic whistilog. -.Wu'. McAllister, wife auel family, left laet week foe their new home In the Alberta district, where leite Mc- Allister has taken up a large section Of land. -Miss Aggie Buchanan is suffet- ing from the effects of la grippe, coupled with blood poisoning, and is at present in the London hospital. - Thomas 3. Pullman, of this village,was on Wednesday cf last week very hap- pily united in marriage in the city of London, to Miss Sarah LI. Currie, of that city. He returned home the end of the week with his bride, and has moved into one of Janie Petty's dwell- ings. -Mrs. Griffin, of Detroit, airs. Gowans, of Khania and Ma. G. Buchanan, of Zurich, have all been here during the past week, visiting their mother, Mrs. Buchanan, ar„ who continues in very ill Ilea:le-Mts. G. O. Petty, of Hensel!, for some time has been in attendance on her mother. Mrs. Thomas Diesdale, who for some weeks has been very poorly. We are Pleased to state that she is now im- proving. -The Hensell flouring nulls are running day and night. Their flohr is in great demand. Have just receiv- ed another 4000 bag order from one of their old customers. 'Have shipped ninteen cars since Feb. 1, 1001.-j. S. Oase has purchased it driving horse from Win. Northcott, of Hay town- ship, -.T. A. Williams, of Zurich, was in town on Tuesday. -H. S. D. Cook was in London on business, Tuesday. - D. McInnes, of Seaforth, was in town Tuesday. He intends settling down In Exeter. -G. 0, Petty has secured suf- ficient signatures to entitle his pro- jected hotel to it license. -D. 'Urquhart was this week issuing instructions to the subordinate census enumerators of South Huron.- Miss Isabella (look, who bas been visiting her father, Wm. Oook, returned to London this week. - R. Mellis,of Kippen, was in the village last week renewing acquaintances. - W. Ranson, who has been ill with la grippe, is again able to get around. - A number of young people drove to Hills Green one evening last week and spent a very pleasant time. -Wm. Chaproat, who WAS seriously ill last . week with la grippe, is, we are pleased to learn, again enjoying bettee health. -The Oddfellows of Hensel]. Lodge in- tend adding- to the furniture and mak- ing other improvements to the lodge room. -Mr. Somerville, of Weldon, was here part of 18,st week and this visieing his sister Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson. -Miss Alice Ryckman, of Chiselhurst, is visiting Miss Alice Oolwill, of Tucker - smith. -The recent thaw has greatly reduced the supply of snow. -Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stewart, of Exeter, were in the village on Monday. -Rev. D. Bre chatatu, of Lanark. conducted service in Oarmel church Sunday evening- last. He preached with much acceptance to a large congregation. The pastor oc- =pied the pulpit in the morning. -J. W. °lamella of Seaforth, was . in the village this week on business. -Miss Rose Youngblut left here Monday evening for Ayr to resume her situa- tion as milliner. -S. E. McDonell was in Goderich on Tuesalay.-Feenk Mar- shall has a real estate deal on the wing, which, if it materializes, will place Miss Steiith in possessionor one of the Marshall stores and 3. W. Ort - wain, of Seaforth, 'owner of the ether. -Rey. . Duneau Buchanan, of Lanark, spent the past week with his mother, Mrs. Win, Buchanan, who bas beet:lila but is now recovering. -Misses Dora Webber and Elsie Middleton were in Lucan on Sunday visiting friends. - Mr. and Mrs. Peter Munn received an invitation to, attend the wedding of Mr. Mtnan's niece, Miss Jessie, eldest daughter of John Mann of Edell Grove, who Was married on, Wednesday last to a gentleman of that place. -Mrs. W. Buchanan ,was in London this week, balled there owing to the serious illness of her daughter, .1111sS Aggie, who is suffering ham blood poisoning, super- induced by la grippe. --,Inspector Tom was in the village last week inspecting the school. The teachers, NV, .1. Mc- Kay, Miss Stevenson aud Miss Le Touzel were highly complimented up- on their efforts, the Inspector being wellpleascd with tlie work done. -We are pleased to learn that John Tor- rance, of Zurich, intends moving into the village if he can procure a suitable dwelling. -D, Urquhart was in Lon- don on Monday receiving instructions as to hie dutiell as census enunderator. Blame, aeir. and Mrs. L, Hamil- ton pleasantly entertained a number Of their wain.. friends friends one evening , last week. -John Leng, Pres. a Cromerty Y. P. Soriety was appoint- ed to represent the society, and pre- pare a paper for the roily on the 2fith Marcie to be held in the Methodist church, Huron road. -Hugh Norris; sr., purchased the old Norris home- stead, Saturday last by paying there - tore eteeo0.---t hae has engaged for A termr with R. Hoggarth. • Dublin Annanns.-Miss nnie Carlin, of Staffa, was a. visitor in town on Satur- day last. -Miss Lucy Evans is home from Detroit and leaves next week for California,. We wish her every success in her long journey. -Mr. and Mrs. James Davis are Very busy this week haying the paper hangers beautifying tbe interior of their fine residence. - Owen Hart met with a very pain- ful accident 011 Thursday last. While working he received a very distressing gash above the eye. The wound was dressed by Dr. Michell. -The 17th of March, the feast of lreland's patron saint, was quietly observed, but patri- otism ruled the hour and the Sham- rock played its part in the wearing of the green. -Harry Beale had the mis- fortune to be thrown nut of a cutter, and is suirering from the effects. -At five' o'clock Thursday afternoon a pre- tty house wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mrs. Frazer, when her eldest daughter became the wife of Mr. Wiltsey, of Walton. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. J. T. I Kerrin, of Mitchell. The wedding ' marche vitae skillfully played by Mrs. (Dr,) Mit:bell. After the reception the I happy young couple left for Walton ' where they will reside. TO OURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Ali druggists refundthe money if it fails to cure, E. W. Orove's signature is on each bottle. 1 Sodom Braees.-The wind on Sunday blew the rouf and gable end. out of the stalee belonging to Joseph Stacey. - The pitch holes on the Lake Road are so bad as to make teaming very difas enia-aare, Horny Isaac who fell some time ago spraining her wrist very had. ly is recovering. -Mr. Allan, the blind man, is holding cottage prayeraneet- ing mound herte-Jatnes Green, of Hay, was the guest of his brother Fred Green. on Saturday and Sunday last, Alex. Box, wile was ill, has recovered sufficiently as to be around again. Zurich --- BRIF;PS.-The sma's bank intend starting it brantai of the bank here -- Mrs, 0, Bossenberry left, on Monday for Cavalier, North Dakota, where ber husband now ise-John Winkeuwader, of near Dashwood, au I Miss Fannie Rennie were unitea in the hely needs of matrimony on Wednesday evening. They left on. Monday for Dakota, where they will settle, Their Many friends unite In washing them all hap- piness and prosperity, -Peter Koehler hes rented hie 154 acre farm to his son Oscar, and intends retiring from farm- g.- W. Schenk bas the brick and. stane on the grottud for the erection of a new house this summer,-Tbe Canto. Ile congregation ot this village has de- cided to build an addition to their elltirch this summer. They will expend in the neighborhood of S3.000 in fin- provemente.-Mr. Aaron Karcher has purchased his father's farm of 18a acres. BiddUlph Manna -Hugh& Toohey, proprietor of the livery and feed stable, ida,nitou, is on it visit et his father's on the Cedar Swamp line. -Wm. Thompson has sold two steers to Mr. Hasket for the sum of $100. -NN illiam Heury. Ryder has returned home after a visit through the Wester St t Robert: Donnelly has bought it hotel in Dentield.- While Messrs. lames , Donnelly and Harry Penny were deliveriug a bull to Lnean on Afonday,for William Thompson, Oth concession, when reaching Toohey's road the animal became unmanageable end turned upon them and with the •first lift took Mr. Donnelly out of one of his boots, while Mr. Penny was still clinging to the rope which was attach- ed to it ring in the animal's nose, which tore out and left him at the mercy of the maddened beast, which soon had him down and had it not been that the animal wits dehorned both men un- doubtedly would have been killed. However, both escaped with severe bruises. Their calls brought to their assistance Mr. Thos. Beuriett and by him and his dogs the animal was again put under control. Granton Bamps.- At the Stratford assizak the case of Patrick Maloney against Henry Rigney, assignee tg the estate of William Baynes and R. and J. Fox, bankers, of Lucan, was heard before Mr.. Justus Streea The action was brought to recover from Messrs. B. and 3. Fox the proceeds of certain wheat stored. in the warehouse of Wil- liam Baynes, at Granton, alleged to have •been received by Messrs. Fox, and by them applied on an indebted- ness of Baynes to them. The action as againstthe Messrs. For was dismiss- ed, and as against the assignee, the plaintiff and others, who had stored wheat with Baynes, were held entitled to share pro rata in the proceeds of the wheat in tbe storehouse at the date of the assignment. -Mr. David Baynes and family left for British Columbia on March lath. -Mr. Philip Mowbray is moving into the house formerly oc- cupied by the Baynes fareily.-A cele- bration was held on the evening' of March lath at ,the home of Mr. G. E. Murrey in tumor of his fiftieth birth- day. -Mr. Nelson Hodgson and james Forest ba.ye left for the North West. Centralia Briaars.-Some of the springbirds have made their appearance again, the robin being among the number. -Re- vival services are being conducted every night this week by Miss Wil- liams. There are large congregati ens and much good is being done.-The farmers in this vicinity are making preparations for making maple syrup. Luther Hicks left on Monday for the West, where he expects to make his future honee.-MissRosenburg. of Lon- don is visiting friends in this vicini y. '-The teachers of our public school re- quest that all pupils who are begin- ning school this spring be sent im- mediately at school opening, after Easter vacation-- A quartette of young men from Exeter spent Sunday at a residence not far from here. and during their sojourn, two pet cats of the house'being unaccustomed to strangers, beca,nie excited and played havoc with window curtains. flower pots, etc. Less noise next time boys. --A public concert is to be held in connection with our public school about tbe first week in April. It will be. held in the Centralia hell a first class programme is being prepared. The object of the concert is to procure a flag and flag pole for our school so that we may show forth our patriotism on special occasions. We desire to see all who are interested in our school to turn out and make the effort a success. See particunirs lel or, • Lumley. Smoot, REPORT.- The following is the correee report of S. S. No. 10, Us - borne, for the past two months, based on atieudance, detneanor and general proficieney :-P, S. D., Maggie Me - Queen ; Entrance, Clifford Wbittock, John Glenn, James Earl, Virda Cann, Senny Horton, Fred Suxurions,, Percy Passinore Sr. IV, Irene Wnitiocit, Alma Earl Jr. IV, Vera Glenn, George Glenn, Maggie Pessmore, Orvil Cann, James Vance, Pearl Horton ;Sr. HI, Edna Horton, mina Bell ; Sr, IL Maud Cane, Ruby Passmore, Maggie Bell .• Si'. Pt. 11, It ;bete. Passinore, Harold Glebe ; Si'. Pt, I. Fred Cole. M. E. FORD, Teaeber. HOsseldale 13atsFs.-Mr. and Mr.?. &Lefler'. berger visited friends in Strattord ir Sunday. -Rob Davis wheeled to Kirk - ton on Sunday. He reported wheeling good.- grate a number from here took in the I. 0, F. concert at Ruesel. dale on Tuesilig night, and report a good time, --John McNeil, ex M. P. Po is confined to his bed with abed case of blood -poisoning evith uo serious results, -Mr. and 0,1iss Thompson from Hiek- son, are the guests of Miss Faiphepala Cleeir,-Frank Melville has Bemired a. position as clerk at A. Beattie's & Co., St, Marys. -Sacrament of the Lord's Supper W0,0 observed at. Mt. Pleaeaut church on Sunday. -Rev. Green, of Holinesville, /ate pastor of Fullerton circuit, is down sick with a, bad attack of:annerrimation with very little hopes of recovery. Two weeks ago he assist. ed with the opening of Mt. Pleasaut Clandelocye EXM:Vit UMBER YARD. large stock ea Lernber-pine and hemleek, 170,ses feet of hemlock lunnier for barns, ete.., also shingles. laths and cedsr pests. Prices reeeenahle.-Lt Wrinala, Yard :East eideor st, Barans,-We regret to Iearre of the death of Mrs. Geo. Aitkins, of Moores- ville, who passed away. Wednesday, March lfith, Deceased had been ail- ing for some time until finally •death relieved her of her sufferings. The funeral took place to the Nursery cemeterye-Miss Della Harleton of this piece, visited a few days in Laudon township recently. McGillivraer BMW'. REPORT.—The following is it correct report of S. S. No I. based on attendance and work done by pupils.; Sr. IV. -Frank Farmer, Cora Webb, Leon Farintr, Willie Beyharii, Mary (Jurtin, Dreok McIlho.rgy, Joseph Far. over, Leo, Curtin. Jr. IV. --Joseph. Fraser, Irene Curtin, Frank Sr IIL-Loretta Glavin, .A.tigella Gla- vin, Philip O'Dwyer, Ida. Webb, Jr. IIL-Ileen Josie Glavin, Hugh O'Dwyer, Raymond O'Dwyer. II, - Herbert Hanlon. Part II. - James O'Dwyer, Clement Glavin, Martin O'Dwyer. Orand Bend muesee-Mr. Bossenbury has pine chased the fern) of Mr. Sam Grattou's in Klondike, .-?jr. Delbert Mollaa r visited friends in Anse, Craig. .1 wonder." -J, Clark has.. rented the eher,...h.e.,oettrz stmettervaie T. F. farm of Lewis ferattons for it term of held a very. successful concert at Fat.iyeaF8,-,EawA0 °in is able to be out laterLtoena,ar oeFsreidagrttl,uiglit last, with WHO amatter being laid up fax the past being the leading three inouths„--Ur. Hamilton hts got Retire. Proceeds amounting to aboot up a large stack of logs, and the time 520. of the mill is once more heittel.-Mr. Spackman was here a few days last week, making preparetions and me rangements for the coming camping" mon. ITe has rented a number of ottages. St. Marys tlaugss.-The South Perth Agricul- tural Society grain exhibition Thurs- day proved a. success in point of atten- dance, there being it large number of farmers in town, and although the number of entries was sraall-soine thirty or forty -it argues well for the success of the enterprise and for future exhibits of this kind. The principal rules governing entries were that the seed should be of the 1000 harvest and that the exhibitor was the grower of the sitme. All the seeds shown are said by the judges, J. D. Moore and Wm Whetstone, to he or a very perior quality. L. Ninmek was award- ed first prize for the following grains t Speei iie- *twat, small field pees. white on the hitters sisters, Airs. S. Pena alt and, Mrs, Manninge-Frank Brock is 1' •k oats, beans, timothy seed. engaged with John Morley, of Whalen. ZiOn. Barers.--Mr. P. Herlost it valu- able horse last week. The horse in some manner broke it leg and had to be kSlled ,-Mr. S. Peed lost a valuable w last week. -Mr. 5, Horne had a I horse sick with congestien of the lungs I but is now recovering, -Mrs. John I Brock,• who has been ill, is slowly re- l covering. -A timber from here attend- ed the Epworth League at Suushiee ana took part in the programme.- Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, of Fidiarton, called red clover seed, and Indian corn, and second prize for large peas, drowed berley, 2 -rowed barley and ensilage corn. 0. Baird, first prize for hug - proof peas. Jos Mountain was award- ed first prize for goose wheat, 0 -rowed barley, 2 -vowed barley, milling oats, large field pease, and buckwheat, and second prize for white oats, timothy, small field pease, bug -proof peal and beans. •The association will prove it great benefit to the farmers in the vicinity, for even at this first exhibit a. nntuber disposed of their seed and others exrhanged for different vae- leties.-The death occurred in London on Wednesday-. if Mrs. James Moyes. mother of Wm. Moyes, Collector of Gustoms.-E. Tretheway, operator at 1pareuts and friends in the village. It the G. T. It. Junction, has been re- lis some four years since Will spent any moved to Stratford for a week or so. - Mr. John Grant, who was reported in last week's Times as being seriously ill, died Sunday night. Kirkton Bnin.ts,-Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Shier, of Port Elgin, are visiting friends in the neighborhood for it week. -Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Prior, of Exeter. spent it few days of last week at the parson- age visiting Rev. Ball and fainily.- &fr. Alf. Blake returned to the village on. Tuesday last from North Bey, where he has been working during the winter. -Mr. W. R. Carr, has the as- sistance of a student from the Veter- inary College for it time as he is ex- ceedingly busy. -Mr. Wee Somerville, of Keewatin, is at present visiting his Cred i ton. BRIEES.-Our yillage fathers have purchased the lot formerly owned by John Dietz, and are now preparing plans and specifications for the erec- tion of a fire hall this spring. -The in- fant child of Mr. Thos. Trevethiek died last week. -Matthew 0. Chambers held an auction sale Thursday. -- Miss Mary Ann Beaver, of Detroit, returned holm last Monday. -Reads are in it bad conditionsneither good for sleighs or wheels. A. good warm rain would help things materially. -Miss Will- iams of Wyoming returned on Mon- day to her position as milliner with O. Zwicker. We welcome her back.- Remor says that H. Eilber M. P. P. has sworn vengeance on the Binder Twine Combine, and iutends to break it up and give the farmers cheap twine this year. -Quarterly meeting services were held in the Evangelical church on Saturday and Sunday last. Rey. Wing was present and conducted the services. Rev. Morlock of Dashwood preached on Saturday evening. These services vere well attended and proved interesting and profitable. --Aug. Heise and family have moved from the farm, into their elegant resi- dence in the village. -Matt. Chambers has disposed of his village property, to Henry Motz, sr., for a good sum of money. Matt. may move to Michigan in the spring. -Mrs. Jane Clark, relict of tile late William Clark, died at her residence here on Monday morning last after a sornevvhat lingering illness. She had been a great sufferer from rheumatism all her life, but took la grippe about A month ago which seriously effected her heave, and from which she never recovered. -She leaves to moarn her leas a family of grown ap children and a host of friends. Tbe remains were interred in the Exeter Cemetery, on Wednes- day af tern oon, -Re v. Jas. HusSer preached anniversary seryices at Mel- rose on Sunday last, His work here was supplied by locals. -Peter _Huff- man of the 4th ecu. ,is quite seriously we hope he may soon recover. -- The assessor is again on his rounds, he knows you keep a dog so never mind trying to hide him. -Matthew Mor - lock. sr has gone on a visit to his sons in Michigan, and Chicago. We wish him A safe journey-. James Edge, of Edge Rill, Ont., writes that Doan's Pills eured hun of backache arid kidney trouble. Tie only took ono bix aria th y him Try then, YN1 ht. ve (2:1,1 (2 he. time with us before and we are all pleased to see him. On his return he goes into Manitoba to take charge of it mill at Arden. -The I. 0 F. of our villagi . have an organizer laboring in their behalf, itt the person of Mr. JaP Wand, D. S. 0. R. He is an able m in this line and we bespeak for local court an increase of members If there ever was a specific for a y one complaint, then Carter's Lite Liver Pills are a specific for sick hea ache, and eyery woman should know this. Only one pill a dose. Try them. Jo Wum 87; NS THE.. arket 'Woo. A few days of winter yet d sefoteAptroklregdsutcoecrarrrwirinerr goodsWe have received a very choice of LADIES' UNDER SKIRTS in ali colors, with corded ruffle. d Wo keP always in stock a lerge rfleelected stock of FRESIt GROCER RS Full lines of IN. A and HARDWARE. Oysters Fresh Daily. All kinds of Farm Produce Clash. J P Ross, West McGillivray i. -Jos. R. AMOS is ver present. --James McUtven bas to his farm which he recently pure chased from Nevin Low. -hie Schrain returned to Michigan last week, fter it pleasant visit with hie pare ents and friends here. --Another oId pioneer bus goue from our midst in tbe person of Linwood Craven, who died on Tuesday last at his residence ne Brinsley. circumstances of bi death were very melancholy, as the funeral of his alanghter-iudaw, Um. Jno. Craven, was going to the elm= when he died. r-7=. A very pretty and quiet sv tiding , tcik place in. Winghane a. 'few weeks :tga, which when it became known t Kippenites, seemed rather a eurpriee many. The two pm:anent pertions who took part in this event were INIiss Jennie Saunders, only dalighter of r. JlovhAteSpoannsw tierzte.a of Stapurloeym,Isainngd. Young man aud evell-toelo fernier ox Bowman vine. After some three weeks a honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Osborne have now returned to the borne of her father, when the great secret was who all unite in wishin andegre. SVRS made known to tii‘many friends Osborne all the happin sealed 7.,:tai5o purity this world tan afford tildes; an trust that it will lie both liberal and kind. Mr. Osborne, who is ia pos- session ce a good farm and home at Bowneanyille, intents for the present renting it, and purposes becoming it citizen of this vicinity, he having taken full charge of the oversight or the fine farm of his father-in-law, Mr. Saun- ders, who purposes spending the re- mainder of his days in ease and leisure. TBSTIMONIAL_Jf_R013ERT BELL TO THE VALUE OF ENGLISH STOC1C FOOD. Mr. Bell says have two calves one a. month older than the other. The older one is running with it cow, tae younger is fed on skim milk and English Stock Food. They both get turnips and chop. The calf fed on _ skim milk and English Stock Food, is, I consider, doing much better than the other. his growing, thrivingand looking better. I consider English Stock Fond it most useful article for its uselvesatustendweokisurladherigshly re.commend -as ROBERT BELL, Township oi Usborne. rice 14 lbs. $1.00. tor Your money refunded if purchase unsatis ctory. 19 WE ARE THE FOR BUILDING- SUPPLIES HARDWARE GLASS PAINTS AND OILS CEMENTS (QUgENSTON AND PORTLAND.) PLASTER PARIS Sce. Anyfting and everything a new building require have. Our prices are right. Get them and save dollars. atatemala, momemmomaxasm. WE HAVE GfiED8TNUT, 8TOVE0 efIND EGG COAL. Our stock is large. We handle none but the best